The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 03, 1898, Page 8, Image 8
8 RIGHT IN IT. Yes, the sidewalks are bad enough, but the crossings are sufficient to take the sole right out ol any self-respecting shoe. Now we've prepared our soles to protect our customers' feet. We have a strong, warm, tight shoe that just revels in mud and slush—a shoe that will take you through the worst crossing in town and come up smiling every step. On sale at W.C. McKINNEY'S, Clark's Building. Main Street. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Sales. MARCH 16. Entire livery outfit of A. C. Hidlay, at his livery stable in Bloomsburg, consisting of horses, buggies, harness, etc. The blizzard of the last few days has caused great damage and played havoc in different sections of the country. Business in Philadelphia has been completely paralyzed, and miles of telephone and telegraph lines has been wrecked. New York has also suffered severely. Economy in street cleaning has been swept to the winds and instead of $o,ooo, which the city first hesitated to spend it is now estimated that the removal of the snow will cost the city between SBO,- aoo and SIOO,OOO owing to the great drifting. Everybody Says 80. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won t Irfnl medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dfspel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constip 'tion and biliousness. Please buy and try* box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25. 50 cents, Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Sale. A good square piano. Can be bought cheap. Inquire at this office, tf. For Bent. A fine brick residence on 3rd street, 13 rooms, steam heat with boiler in cellar, gas, range, bath room, hot and cold water, large lot, fruit trees &c. Possession given April Ist. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. tf. Mother Qiaj's Sweet Powders for Children, Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. THEY NEVER FAIL. At all druggists, asc. Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. A fine line of new styles in wed ding invitations just received at THE COLUMBIAN office. tf. L. T. Sharpless Co. Limited, have cabbage, celery, lettuce, onions, and potatoes. In the fruit line they have Malaga grapes, Concord and Catawba grapes, oranges, lemons and bananas. The Victoria brand of canned vege tables is among the finest in the market and the Silver Cord canned fruits of all kinds command a large trade. A complete line of fine groceries, pro visions, flour, canned meats, &c. can always be found on their shelves. WANTED.—A lot ranging from 25 to 30 acres with good building on. Ad dress P. O. Box 14, Light Street, Pa. 7-1-tf. To-night and To-isorrow Night, And each day and night durgng this week you can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to be the most raccessful remedy ever sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and Con sumption. Get a bottle TO-DAY and keep it always in the house, so you can check your cold at once. Price *3 and 50c. Sample bottle free. Lithographed bonds, stock certifi cates, and checks are furnished at THE COLUMBIAN office. tf. Give the Children a Drink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all gro cers and liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the finest cense but is free from all its injurious proper ie*. Grain O aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great bene fit. Costs about Jas much as coffee. 15 and 25c. 2 3 4'd Book Lost. • The person who borrowed Vol. 15, County Court Reports, from the office of Geo. E. Elwell, will confer a favor by returning the same at once. tf HOOD'B PILLS cure Liver Ills, 81.1-louaness, louaness, Indigestion, Headache, ■asy to take, easy tc operate. 20c. OOUBT HOUSE NEWS. What Has Occurred Thero Since Oa- Former Report. MARTIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license! have been issued by Clerk W. IT. Herrle, since those last published. Ambrose J. Seltzer, of Ringtown and Miss Emma L. Rhoads of Mill Grove. George A. Croll, of Berwick to Riioda I. Shearen, of Bel'efonte. W. A. Fritz of Sugarloaf township and Miss Annie Harvey of the same place. Michael I. Gerrity and Miss Jnlia Welsh, both of Conyngham township. Charles W. Breisch, of Main town ship, and Miss Lottie Krapp, of Roar ingcreek. TRANSFER OF REAL ESTATE. The following transfeis of real es tate have been recorded in the office . of C. B. Ent, register and recorder, during the week. Mary E. McHenry et. al. to 1 1 homas Edgar, for tract of land in 1 Eenton township. Samuel Rhone to William M. Appleman for tract of land in Benton township. M. E. Creasy to Ida Jury for land 111 Bloomsburg. William B. Taylor to Lil'ie M. Taylor for land in Bloomsburg. I. J. Hess, adm., to Rebecca S. Bason for tract of land in Centre township. James B. Fenstermacher et. al. to David Goodwin Klinetob, for tract of land in Foundry ville. D. Goodwin Klinetob and wife to S. Briltain Klinetob for tract of land in Briarcreek township. William M. Harmoney and wife to Charles E. Long for tract of land in Main township. Seth Hartman to Wil'iam Bitler, for tract of land in Main township. LEARN MOKE TRADES- It may sound just a little startling, but it is said to be true that more young men are learning trades in penitentiaries than outside of them, because the parents are trying to make clerks, doctors, lawyers, and even preachers out of material intended for blacksmiths, carpenters and other trades for mechanics. The trouble is that boys are too eager to avoid the labor of life, and too anxious to follow some calling that does not soil their hands. No one but the parent is responsible for this. Boys should be taught that there is more dignity in manual labor han in loafing, and more honor in toil than in independ ence. The farm and the shop olten yield more profit than the office or counter. ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for one purpose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one ot two ways. The first way is from im perfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treat ment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the blad der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or diseases, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience mani fested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hours; a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and ex traordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, and bladder remedy, is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention THE COLUMBIAN and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The pro prietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Programs for Christian Endeavor and Epworth League societies for sale at THE COLUMBIAN office, tf. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOM3BURG, PA* OOUET PROCEEDINGS- Coi ,r t convened Friday afternoon, with President Jadge Ikeler and Associates Kurtz 1 and Fox on the bench. In the matter of the hearing of Daniel P. Conner, counsel on both sides agreed to a private hearing. Petition of C. M. Creveling execu tor of Geo. W. Creveling, deceased, for order to enter satisfaction of mort gage of Eli Creveling to Thomas Creveling, Alfred Creveling and Geo. W. Creveling. Petition granted on payment of costs. In re-assigned estate of J. R. Fowler. Petition for appointment of appraisers presented. The following was handed down by the court in the matter of the J. R. Fowler license application: Now Jan 28, 1898, it appearing that tile applicant has since filing his petition for license made an assign ment of all his property for the bene fit of his creditors, and I being one of such creditors, I feel it my duty under the law to withdraw from the con sideration of the case. E. R. IKELER, P. J. A pet'tion was then handed in pray ing that the license be granted to C. B. Ent the assignee. The Associate Judges gave notice that the matter would be considered on Monday, and that all persons interested should be pi esent. MONDAY MORNING. When Court convened Judge Ikeler and Associate Fox were present. A letter was received from Associate Kurtz stating that owing to sickness he was compelled to remain at home. The matter of the petition of Isaiah Hagenbuch objecting to the filing of the nommation papers of B. F. Sharp less as a candidate for Poor Director was heard. The petitioner was represented by H. A. M'Killip and Mr. Sha.pless by J. B. Robison. The petitioner claimed this is a dis'.ici and not a township, hence the papers were not filed the required lime 21 days, according to law and ashed the nomination papers be decla r e 1 wholly void. Warren Eyer, C. C. Ammerman and Edward Ivey appointed viewers to widen the public road in Bloomsburg, between the western terminus of River Street and the County bridge at Rupert. Boyd Trescott, H. S. Fairman and Edward Flynn appointed viewers to ; ay out a public road in Bloomsbu <* from Fishingcreek to Sixth and W ;st streets. J. C. Brown, Alexander Kuouse f. ud Miles Smith appointed viewers to lay out a road in Scott tow -ship r• J. H. Creveling's. Thomas Gorrey and Wesley Know appointed appraisers in the assigned estate of J. R. Fowler. Now, January 31st, 1898, it : s ordered and directed that hereafter on motion courts and argument v.oar',s no tip staves shall be employed or paid. The court crier's services shall be sufficient. BY THE COURT. H. H. Rhoads objected to filing of nomination papers of Geo. W. Mille' as candidate for Poor Director. T. J. Vanderslice objected to filing of certificate of nomination of Isaiah Hagenbucn and H. M. Rhoads, as candidates for Poor Director. The trouble arising over the nomi nations of Poor Directors will be heard at 4 o'clock Thursday. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe, IOC. 4 1 iy Raw Beef f-r Oonsunptives. For a period ol more than a dozen years Toshua Hepford, a dry goods clerk residing on Spruce street, has eatcu raw meat, at least a pound and a half of it each day, for the sake of his health. By this strange dieting he lias developed from a consumptive young fe"ow into as robust a man as is to be found behind the counters of the big stcre in which he works. He apparently had not long to live when an experimenting doctor gave him the meat prescription. At first, as can well be imagined, it was distasteful to him, and it was especially so in his case because he had always been fastidious about his meals. He would have steaks cut up into fine hash and bolt it without looking. The treat ment soon made its' effect apparent, and as Hepford improved in bodily condition and spirits under the treat ment, he gained an appetite for chunks of uncooked flesh. 11l less than a year from the beginning it was a positive pleasure for him to devour it. He has on occasion eaten as much as five pounds in a day. Fat, however, he does not care about. Ordinarily he confines himself to eat ing beef, mutton aLd chicken, but in the height of winter he indulges in a little pork.— Philadelphia Record. CASTORIA THE KIHD YOD HAVE ALWAYfc BOUQHT i&i*. j signature BMi/A-M)fWlfflrTTHrM B PromotesDigfesGon,Cheerful- I neas and Ifest.Contains neither ■ SJ Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. ■ /TaT // fT/7 f M.. lOT NABCOTIC. I Xinj* of Old Ik-SAMVELEnVOm ■ .... J\mvhn SmJ- ■ ON THE Alx.lmnm * 1 P| W&L I WRAPPER Hinm'frU- 1 I J I OF EVERY ROTTI F ! Worms .Convulsions, Feveris- H UVF A A 4 • aess and Loss OF SLEEP. I ____ THE KIND FTEW YOHK. ■ YOD HAYE mcrwirwao. (ALWAYS BOUGHT. ULBBBFC THC CKWTAUW OOMMWV. WKW YOl|* KAISEB OONFEBBES. Charles O. Kaiser, convicted of the murder of his wife Emma Kaiser, near Norristown last September, has made a confession, in which he admitted having conspired with James A. Clemmer to commit the crime, but places all the blame for having fired the fatal shot on Clemmer, who is now in the county jail, at that place, awaiting trial for his alleged share in the crime. Lizzie DeKalb, the "woman in black" who is also under arrest charged with being implicated in the mmder, is, according to Kaiser's con fession, innocent of any knowledge of their puipose to kill Mrs. Kaiser. Kaiser in his confession says that he never had any intention of doing away with his wife until after he had heard that she was untrue to him. Previous to that time he says he had always loved her. As soon as he was told that she was untrue to him, he lost all love for her, and when after ward he met Clemmer in Philadelphia, he it was who tempted him to enter into a scheme to get rid of Mrs. Kaiser. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko Yonr Life Aw ay. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made well, strung, magnetic, lull of new iifeand vigor, tuko No-To-Buc, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000curcd. Buy No-To-Bac of your druggist, under guaruutee to cure, tilw or il.oO. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Bterl'ng ltomcdy Co., Chicago or New York. THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE On which our shoe-3 are built is merit. They must be good, we have them made EO. Not content with things as they are we go on making them better. Out of it comes the best Toot wear possible. FULL LINE OF HQSISEY and UHDBBWEAR W. H. floore. CORNER IRON AND MAIN STS. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE There's Lots of '£m- A newspaper may publish column after column in laudation of a man or firm and they think it is only a duty you owe to the public to commend them ; but print one line that can be construed as a reflection, and they are up on their high horse in a minute, and all the good things you have said count for naught, and yet a majority of people will claim that they like to see a paper tearless, independent and outspoken. A new lot of general warranty deeds just printed and for sale at this office. $50,000 W ate hUs. THE BROADWAY o Special Sale —OF— ENAMELED WARE. A NEW STOCK AT NEW PRICES. Ename'.sd steel dish panr 25 and 35c ea " " coffee pots 16, 22, 28c ca " " sarce pans, 10, 14, 19c ea " " preset .mg l:eulcs 12, 16, 22c " " drip pans, 25c ea " " 10 qt. buckets, 35c ea " " w.-"h bowls, 10, 12c ea " " covered buckets, 12, 15 20c e " " pie plates, 8c ea •' " cake plates, 6c ea Basting Spoons, Colandevs, Cups, Boilers, Pudd : ng pans, Dippers and many other items at very low prices. See them. A complete line of new embroider ies jisl opened. Embroidery rem nants in yard strips, at 25 and 50c per piece. All wool Ingrain Carpet Samples one yard square, 23c ea. New line of Framed Pictures at ai, 42, 45 and 69c ea. Japanese Wall Pockets, 15c ea. Covered tin buckets, a qt. 4c; 4 qt. 9c ; 6 qt. isc ea. Stove polishing mittensf, 10c ea. Marbles, 30 for ic. Valentines, 1, 3, 5, 10c each. Envelopes free. NEW LINES OP DECORATED CHINA AND TABLE GLASS WARE JUST OPENED. Respectfully Submitted to the Sash Trade Only by M BROADWAY CASE STORE, Moyer's New Building, Main Street, BLOQMSBURG. - $50,000 Watch Us. JONAS LONQ'S SONS' I WEEKLY CHAfS. P WILKES-BARRE, PA., February 3d, 1898. "Not cheap goods, but good ijoods cheap," is the motto of the ild reliable store. The reputation jf our house is made and wil! always be maintained. The point 1 which we [wish to make this week is that reliable goods such as wc >ell are much under market value at our unequalled low prices. Com pare our goods or samples and see now we lead in quality, assortment and price reductions. Interested? Who is'nt? The accumulation of left over dfnaif lots, broken assortment, odds and ends, remnants, etc., from our great clearing sale, together with rast quantities of new Spring goods that are daily coming to us, and marked at prices to insure quick selling, will be welcome news among thousands who have learned that they can depend upon us for supplying their needs better than any other store hereabouts. 1 1 REMNANT SALE / DRESS GOODS AND SILKS ' Lively interest will centre [this week in the odds and ends of dress lengths, waist lengths, skirt lengths, dress goods remnants from one yard to eight yards, and the variously cut pieces of silk rem nants, all bearing the stamp of the Jonas Long's Sons fashionable Fabrics at prices so much under the regular prices that will surely make lively selling. So be on hand for first choice. WASH FABRICS. Organdies, Boucle, Lappets in Stripe, Fancy Figures, Imported Dimities, entirely new goods, per yard I2^c. 100 pieces of French Organ dies, very sheer and showy, in all die latest patterns, also Plaids, jri nense assortment at per yard 25c. Fine French Ginghams, in all :he new Spring patterns, checks, stripes and plaids, the usual 25c. •cind at per yard 20c. LINENS. Fine half bleached Table Linen, all new and very pretty designs, regular value 65 cts., for this week, per yard, 49 cts. Fine Bleached Table Linen, two yards wide, the 89 ct. quality this week, per yard, 75 cents. GLOVES, THE POETRY OF DRESS. This week we offer an extra fine quality in Ladies' French Kid Gloves, four-button or hook, tan, brown, ox-blood and black, all the new shades, at the wonderful low price,, per pair 67 cents. Men's and Boys' Scotch Wool Gloves, also Men's Heavy Leather Work Gloves, fleece lined, also large lot of Ladies and Children's Fine Double and Single Wool Mittens, regular value, 25 cts. to 50 cts., to go this week to close them out at, per pair 17 cents. DOMESTICS. To make a final clearance in the Domestic Department, you will find upon sale in our main aisle an accumalation of short lengths, in Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, Percales, Outing Flannels, Sateens, Linings, etc. ; the aftermath of our great Clearing sale for the past few weeks, all of which will be sold this week at prices which are mere fractions of the cost Don't miss thia opportunity. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Ribbed Fleece Lined Vests and Pants, regular price, 25 cts., this week at 19 cts. Bargain extraordinary in Ladies' Natural |Wool Ribbed Vests and Pants, also pure white, never sold less than £I.OO and $ 1.25, per garment 49 cents. Odd lots of Ladies' Natural Wool Pants, regular price 98c., now 65c. Boys' Heavy Egyptian Cotton Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, regular price 25c., now 19c. . OUR MAGNIFICENT CAFE Is located upon the fifth floor. Two immense passenger eleva tors in constant service; meals served at all hours. The pleasant est place in the city to dine. Our g regular dinners at 25c. are ack- 1 nowledged to contain a menu most appetizing, well cooked ond neatly served. / Cor. W- Market and Public Square /