The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 27, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. 33
A good story is told of a benevolent
lady whose home is not far away. She
neard of the illness of a poor but
worthy woman, and as is her custom
in many such cases, she visited the
invalid, and took her some delicacies,
and also some flowers, among the
latter a calla lily. Her kindness was
fully appreciated, and during the con
versation the invalid lady remarked
that she was passionately fond of
flowers, and especially so of lilies, and
she hoped that when she died some
one would be kind enough to send
four callas to, place upon her casket.
The visit ended and several weeks
passed by, and then the information
reached the benevolent lady that the
invalid was dead. Remembering the
request that had been made, the
former decided to comply therewith,
and going to her conservatory found
that there was but one calla in bloom.
But this did not change her purpose,
for there is a hot house in that town
and thither she wended her way, taking
with her the one lily. It was in mid
winter, and intensely cold, and before
she reached the hot-house the flower
was frozen and withered. This necessi
tated the purchase of four lilies instead
of three, for four there must be, prob
ably one for each corner of the casket.
She obtained them and then started
for the house of mourning on her
errand of love. Reaching the place
she solemnly approached the front
door, not observing the absence of
the usual crape badge of affliction,
and rang the bell and waited a few
moments, meanwhile thinking up
some words of consolation and sym
pathy. But she never was given an
opportunity to use them, for when the
door opened and she saw the sup
posed corpse standing before her,
alive and happy, she had the presence
of mind to simply deliver the flowers
without attempting any explanation,
and so perfect was her self-control
that she did not even upbraid the
woman for not being dead, nor ask
her a single question as to how it
happened that she was not really de
funct. She just came away, but ever
since then she has been quite careful
to ascertain the facts beyond the
shadow of a doubt, before sending any
flowers to a tuneral.
It is not always safe to talk unless
you know to whom you are talking. A
traveling man, an agent for—well, no
matter what, somebody might recog
nize him—was in town recently, and
was transacting some business with a
gentleman whose hired girl had been
out very late the night before. As
they were walking along one of the
principal residence streets, and were
just opposite a fine home, the agent
exclaimed, "There's a girl lives there
that I met last night. Had her out
until two o'clock this morning. I tell
you, she's a dandy." "What 1" said
the business man, "In that house ?
Why, I live there." And the girl was
bounced that day.
This is not a sermon on profanity;
it is only a plain, common-sense
talk on the subject from a business
point of view rather than from a
moral stand-point. Everybody
knows it is wrong morally, or at
least ought to know it. For years
the profanity of street corner loafers
has been an annoyance and nui
sance in this town. Gangs of young
men collect at different points on
the street, and the ears of every lady
who passes by, are assailed with
profane language of the worst kind.
Eittle or no effort has ever been
made to stop it. The law imposes
a penalty for every oath uttered,
but it lias never been enforced in
Bloomsburg. One example would
be a wholesome lesson. Efforts have
been made to stop selling cigars on
Sunday, and to prevent the increase
of liquor licenses, but this public
profanity goes 011 undiminished and
Swearing in-the presence of ladies
is a too common habit. Because the
ladies have not the courage to re
quest its discontinuance is no sign
that they like it. The truth is that
it is offensive to every woman of
respectability, and instead of being
inspired with admiration for the
"smartness" of the man who swears
in her presence, nine times out of
ten she is simply disgusted.
There are young men in every
town who scarcely ever utter a
sentence that does not contain one
or more oaths, according to the
length of the sentence. Some of
them are hunting for positions, and
•will continue to do so until they
learn to talk the English language
pure and simple, unembellished
with profanity. Most employers
do not want that kind of assistants
behind their counters or in their
offices. The habit is begun by boys
because they think it manly, and
they keep at it until it becomes so
fixed upon them that they do it un
consciously. Others do it because
they think it is ' 'smart,'' and seem
either not to know or not to care
that to most people it is very offen
sive. Sermons on the immorality of
swearing do not appear to do much
good, because they do not reach the
ears of the boys for whom they are
intended, but they do reach the
ears of parents who should see that I
their sons get the benefit of them.
Did you ever go to a concert and
have the misfortune to sit near a
couple who talked all the evening
so loud as to disturb every body
near them ? Of course you have.
We all have. Such people are to
be found in every community. Not
being able to appreciate good music
themselves, they prevent others
from enjoying it, by their senseless
chatter. When I pay for a seat at an
entertainment, I pay only for the
privilege of hearing and seeing it. I
do not pay to hear a young fellow
talk to his girl just behind me, nor
does that fellow pay for thq privilege
of annoying me by his talking.
This happened last Motiday even
ing at the Mozart Symphony Con
cert at the Normal. A young man,
who is old enough to know better,
persisted in conversing aloud with
the girl who sat next to him, despite
the glances of indignation that were
cast upon him by all those near
him. Now that their attention is
called to the matter, those who in
dulge in the practice, whether they
are students or "townies," will no
doubt cease it.
Taylor Brittain, Kenneth Fur
man and William Byrum, three
young boys of town, aged about
thirteen or fourteen, went to the
livery stable of A. C. Hidlay, Sat
urday afternoon, and hired a horse
aud rig and left town. Young Fur
man, Mr. Hidlay says, told him that
he was getting the rig for his father
who wanted to drive to Berwick.
It appears, however, that the elder
Furman knew nothing at all of it,
and, as soon as he was informed,
at once started to look the matter
up. Nobody saw the youngsters
leave, and it was a very difficult
matter to find out in what direction
they went.
Nothing further was heard of
them until Monday afternoon, when
it was learned that they had stopped
in Berwick, where they tried to dis
pose of the outfit for S9O. Their
effort to sell proved fruitless as they
could find no buyer. After driving
around the town for some time they
decided to leave the horse at Ber
wick and start out on foot. They
left there Monday some time and
have not been heard from since.
Mr. Furman went up on Monday
and brought the horse and buggy
It is claimed that the three boys
are members of some sort of a club,
of which one of them in the Treas
urer. They held a meeting Friday
night, at which a few dollars were
raised and handed over to the
Treasurer, and it is thought that
they started out to have a good time
with the funds.
Since the above was written it has
been learned that they spent Satur
day night at or near Register. They
drove to Berwick on Monday, where
the horse and buggy was taken away
from them. From here it appears
they crossed the river to Nescopeck.
Young Byrun returned home on
Tuesday. His companions he said
told him they were going to Phila-
I delphia.
The Mozart Symphony Concert at
the Normal last Monday night was a
rare musical treat. Nearly every seat
in the hall was occupied. The music
was of a high order and was skillfully
executed. Miss Marie Gumaer has a
contralto voice of very low range, and
she was repeatedly encored. The
solos on the Viola d' Amour, the
Viol dagamba, the Alpine echo 'torn,
and the Roman Triumphal trumpet
were novelties, and were greatly
Don't forget to go to the Opera
House tonight. The celebrated An
drews Opera Company, will render
the beautiful opera "Martha." The
company includes 40 people.
The Special Sale of Shoes inaugurated by GIDDING & CO. on
account of their purchase of the Jones & Walter store and stock,
will no doubt bring many buyers. This coming SATURDAY and
NEXT WEEK, to make the event doubly interesting, GIDDING &
CO., offer Special Bargains in their Clothing department
$7 overcoats and ulsters, $ 5.00
$8 " " " 6.50
$9 " 44 44 7.00
$lO 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 . 50
sl2 44 44 44 8.75
sls 44 44 44 10.50
.4 Boy's $5.00 Reefers, storm collar, 3.75 A
| 44 4.00 44 44 44 2.98 |
2.50 44 44 44 1.98
T Boy's 5.00 knee pant suits, 3.75 y
4. 00 4 4 4 4 44 _ 2.98
3.00 44 44 44 2.25
Boy's 50c. 44 4 4 39c.
Men's 50c. underwear, 39c.
44 1,00 44 75c.
• 4 50c. heavy caps, 35c.
All our Men's Heavy Caps, Cardigan Jackets, lined canvas Coats, etc. at absolute cost. In addition to these values we
offer special bargains in SHOES which we cannot enumerate here on account of lack of space and time. The values will be
exceptional, and we'd advise you to come SATURDAY, or any day NEXT WEEK, as some of the bargains can't last very
The series of Illustrated Travel
Talks to be given by Dr. and Mrs.
Crary, in the Opera House every even
ing during the week beginning Mon
day, February 7th, includes Paris and
the Alps ; England, Scotland and Ire
land ; Italy and Rome ; From Ocean
to Ocean ; Yosemite and the Yellow
stone ; The Sunny South and Cuba.
Each tour is illustrated with 150
colored views 20 feet square. The
Doctor and his wife are enthusiasts
in the work, and have spent thirteen
years in travel, and perfecting their
Here is what some of the news
papers have said about them :
Mrs. Crary's talks would have been
delightful without the views, and the
illustrations would have been a rare
treat if given in perfect silence, but
the combination came near to per
fection.—Urbana, (O.) limes- Citizen.
Her views are remarkable. They
are twenty feet square and as bright
as day.—Findley, (O.) Republican.'
Those who saw "Italy and Rome''
last night, most heartily voiced their
expression of admiration, and those
who have visited the old world say
the scenes are masterpieces ot repro
duction.—Danville, (Ills.) News.
She shows hundreds of the cleanest
cut views ever projected in this city, j
Her descriptions are very interesting,'
and her delivery so distinct that every
word is plainly heard in all parts of
the house.—Marion, (O.) Star. /'
The lectures have been largely at
tended and the descriptions and views
highly interesting.— Chisago Daily
The Crary's are endorsed by many
prominent people, including Gen. Lew
Wallace, author of Ben Hur j J. M.
Sturtevant, D. D. of Galesburg, 111.;
J. C. Hartzler, Superintendent of
Public Instruction of Ohio, and by
pastors of churches of every denomina
tion. Here is what two of them say:
The entertainment given by Mrs.
Kate Crary in the Simpson M. E.
Church, Chicago, gave great satis
faction to large audiences. The views
are all first-class and their presenta
tion equally fine.
REV. W. R. GOODWIN, Pastor.
The Tours exceeded our highest
expectations. They are very fine.
Our smallest audience was the first;
interest gained steadily, and all were
exceedingly pleased.
Pastor Baptist Church, Columbus, Ind.
These lectures will be given under
the auspices of St. Paul's Episcopal
Church, and the Opera House will be
used because the Parish House is too
small to hold paying audiences at the
low prices of admission. The hall
has been rented for the week, out
Twelve hundred people attended a
similar entertainment in the M. E.
Church recently, the admission being
a silver collection at the door. The
admission to these is virtually a silver
collection, course tickets for the six
lectures being sold at the rate of
cents a lecture, single admission 20
cents, children 10 cents. Course
tickets with reserved seats are for sale
at Bidleman's Book store.
It was a few minutes after eight
o'clock Monday night, when the
spirit of Mabel, the eleven year old
! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James D.
! Shaffer, took its flight to the great
beyond. She wvas a bright child |
■find greatly admired by all who
Kkiew her. She had been sick for
several months, during which time
her parents watched her with the
greatest care. The death is indeed
a sad one. The funeral will take
place from the house on Iron Street
this afternoon at three o'clock and
will be conducted by Rev. G- W.
Hemingway of the Presbyterian
Church. Interment will be made in
Rosemont Cemetery.
The wind blew a terrific gale Sun
day night, and did considerable dam
age to the Telephone Company's
It was an enthusiastic crowd of
democrats, that attended the meet
ing at the Town Hall Tuesday night,
the event being the annual caucus
to nominate candidates for the local
town offices.
It was just 7.30 when the meet
ing came to order. G- F. Quick was
made Chairman and W. B. Allen
and R. R. Zarr Secretaries.
For President of Council, William
Kramer was named without any
opposition. Some one in the room
mentioned W. R. Kocher's name,
but it was not considered on account
of Mr. Kocher being a prohibition
ist. William Taylor stated that no
one but democrats would be nomi
nated at this caucus.
For members of Council seven
persons were voted for, John Tracy
and Charles Ohl were appointed
tellers. Following is the number of
votes received by each man :
Daniel Butler 111, Geo. M. Lockard
81, John Howell 75, Henry Hower
64,Chas. Kunkles4, R - Carpenter
32, J. C. Hendershott 12. Butler,
Lockard and Howell having receiv
ed the largest number of votes were
declared the nominees.
For School Director Robt. R.
Little was nominated without op
William E. Knorr was nominat
ed for Assessor.
Judge of Election—C. B. Chris
! man.
Inspector—Charles Pensyl.
Assessor—F. C. Eyer.
Judge—John Welliver.
Inspector—Samuel Pugh.
Assessor—Chas. Sterner.
Judge—W. F. Stohner.
Inspector—Wm. Hassert.
Assessor —W. A. Evert.
Judge—C. B. Ohl.
Inspector —John Tracy.
Assessor—Peter Jones.
No further business, the Chair
man declared the caucus adjourned.
A Banquet Tendered Grant Herring at
the Exchange-
A banquet was tendered Internal
Revenue Collector Grant Herring at
the Exchange Hotel Saturday night,
by the Deputy Collectors and Gaugers
of this district.
The occasion was a most enjoyable
one, and long to be remembered by
all present.
Among those present were Collector
Grant Herring, R. B. Brundage,
Wilkesbarre; S. P. Fausold. Scranton;
W. S. Montogomery, Muncy; J. VV.
McDonald, Scranton ; Fred. Beers,
Scranton; A. C. Campbell, Wilkes
barre ; Alex. C. Shaw, Shickshinny ;
J. J. Bouer, Hazleton ; A. J. Brader,
Fowlersville; D. H. Steadman, Benton;
J. F. Ellis, Washingtonville ; F. L.
Magee, Mazeppa; John Mourey and
Robert Buckingham, Bloomsburg.
' At the conclusion of the banquet '
Deputy A. C. Campbell, of Wilkes- 1
barie, in a few well selected words, \
presented Mr. Herring, on behalf of I
the deputies and guagers, with a hand- *
some silver service. Collector Her- i
ring made a feeling response. J
The remainder of the evening I
taken up by short speeches and social
Peter Yorks, an employee of
Proctor & Company's mill above
Central, near the old Kile Hotel J ~
met with an accident on Monday >' %
that cost him his life. He was
tending spikes at a slide when he
was struck on the head by a jump
ing log. He was struck with terri
fic force and died before regaining
consciousness. He was about nine
teen years of age.
Last Sunday's issue of the Phila
delphia Inquirer , contained quite a
lengthy article describing the abili
ty of Harry Beckley, soil of W. D.
Beckley of this town, as an expert
bicycle rider. The article was illus
trated with three cuts reproduced
from photographs, taken while per
forming some of his most difficult
NO. 4