INTEMFERATE HABITS. Opinion as to When a Wan Comes ' Under .egal Gait. 1 udge Harry White, ot Indiana, while disposing of the license question the other day, defined what he con sidered a man of intemperate habits, and consequently a man who should be refused at the bar, in the following words : "To our mind, then, a man so given to the habit that he frequent ly goes to the bar for a drink, occas ionally gets under the influence, yields to the temptation ot getting liquor when offered, or excepts a treat whenever invited, leaves his employ ment in working hours to get a drink, spends his earnings for it while other responsibilities are neglected, feeds a growing appetite for liquor without any effort for control, is a person of intemperate habits ; and when those habits become known to the commun ity in general, or in the neighborhood where he lives, or among the people with whom he has intercourse, and see from time to time in the indul gence of these habits, he is under the ban of tne liquor law as a person of known 'intemperate habits.' " PROPOSED CHANGE OF PRESIDENT'S TERM. After the transaction of some routine business in the senate on Friday Mr. Hoar presented a joint resolution proposing that the follow ing articles be proposed to the legis latures of the several states as an amendment to the constitution of the United States : "The term of office of the president and of the Fifty sixth congress shall continne until the 30th day of April in the year 1899, at noon. The sena tors whose existing term would other wise expire on the fourth day of March, in the year 1899, 01 thereafter, shall continue in' Office until noon of the 30th day of April succeeding such expiration ; and the 30th day of April at noon shall thereafter be sub stituted for the 4th of March as the commencement and termination of the official term of the president, vice president, senators and representa tives in congress. The New Stamps. The bureau of engraving and prnt ing has made the changes 111 the color of postage stamps that were decided upon by the International Postal con gress last year, but the new stamps will not get into use for a month or so. It will be remembered that the congress decided that the one, two and five cent stamps of the United Statrs should conform in color with the itamps ol the same value of all couitries belonging to the postal unicn. This will make the one cent stanp green, the same tint as the old thrc cent stamp ; the two cent stamp remans vermillion, as it has been for sotm time, while the brown five cent stam> gives way to blue. These charres were made to expedite the handing of the international mail. JJRY LIST FOR FEBRUARY. GRAND JURORS. Wrier—Peter Kneght. Jcnton Twp— C. E. Albertson. • "-."riarereck—Lloyd Knorr. Bloom—Frank Cavanee, John B. Gruber, John Tracy. Conyngham—Michael Whynn. Greenwood—L. J. Buck, Jos. Ileacock. Jackson —J. F. Dcrr, Jasper Fritz, J. B. Richie. Main—Lloyd Kennedy. Montour—Arthur Roberts. Ml. Pleasant—Jos. Patterson. Orange—W. A. Lemon, A. B. Herring. Pine—Benj. Gordner, Wesley Baker, Benj. Applegate. Scott—ll. E. Hippensteel. Sugarloaf—H. J. Hess, Frank Getz, E. J. Drum. TRAVERSE JURORS—ITRST WEEK. Beaver—lLL. Miller. Benton—G. B. Crossley, Chas. F. Mann. Benton Twp—W. W. Hess. Berwick—O. H. Barnard, Jas. W. Evans, L. J. Fuller. 8100m —John Armstrong, Chas. A. Cox, Henry Hower, A. H. Kitchen, Matthew Mc- Reynolds, Geo. G. Sloan. Briarcreek J. P. Freas. Catawissa—D. E. Billig, Stephen Baldy, W. R. Long, W. H. Pf.ihler. Catawissa Twp.—James Keefer. Centraba—Morton Hanley, David E.Kel ler, C. G. Murphy. Centre—Sam Harman. Conyngham—Henry Whitaker. Fishingcreek— Jacob Hummel, G. W. Hess, Clarence Yost Franklin —Daniel Drum. Greenwood—Lloyd Yeager. Jackson—J. W. Knause. Main—Lloyd Dalious. Orange—Jeremiah ComstockJ. P. Ilouck, D. F. Mercian. Scott—Phillip Frits, Wm. Hummel TRAVERSE JURORS —SECOND WEEK. Benton Twp—A. A. Colley, John Lau bach, Ira J. Thomas. Berwick—Wm. Carey, C. 11. Fritz, H. M. Kirkendall. Bloom—Philip Crawford, Thos. Geddis, Edward Holmes, C. F. Stohner, W. B. Laubach. Briarcreek—J C. Spoonenberg. Catawissa -J. D. Bodine, T. P. Chering ton, J. F. Fisher, John Kline, Daniel S. Pcnsyl, J. K. Sharpless. Centralia—A. B. Fortner, Cleveland —Jacob Carol, Jacob E. John son, Simon I.eiby. . Conyngham—James Donner, J. C. Men singer. Fishingcreek—John W. Bogart, Amos Thresher, E. M. Laubach, Daniel McHenry. Hemlock—G. B. Hosier. Locust —M. L. Raup. Millviile—Thos. Wright. Mifflin—W. Hess. Mt. Pleasant—R. B. Seyfcert. Tine—Benj. Lee, Alem B. Johnscn, Scott—Wm. E. Grimes. SHERIFF'S SALE. By vt.tue of a writ of Fl. Fa Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to me directed there will bo exposed to public sale at the court house In Bloomsburg, Pa., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, I at 2 o'clock P. M., all that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate partly In ' Catawissa township and partly In Locust town ship, county of Columbia and state of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone In line of land late of llonry Hoffman and running thence by said line north 43a degrees east 68 perches to a white oak, thence south 7o degrees cast seven-tenth perches to a stone heap, thence south T2J4 degrees east 16 perches to a stone heap, thence south 83 degrees east 29 perches to a black oak, thence north I\% degrees east 44>4 perches to a stone heap, thence north 45 degrees easl 20 and seven-tenth perches to a post, thence by land ot Isaac breech and others south 40degrees east 75 porches to a post, thence south 22 degrees west 88 perches to a maple, thence south 9 degrees west 7 and seven-tenth perches to a stone heap, thence south 80 degrees west 20 perches to a stone, thence south 2J4 degrees west 23 perches to a stone, thence by land for merly of Samuel .'lears, Jr., south 53 degrees west 64 perches to a post, thence north 41 de grees west 93 perches to the placo of beginning, containing 74 ACRES AND 51 PFRCHES, neat measure, be tbe same more or less. It being tbe same premises which Moses Hower and Elizabeth his wife by their Indenture dated April 2, 1877, and recorded In the olllce for recording deeds, Ac., for the county of Columbia, In Deed Book No. 29, page 737, etc., grunted and conveyed to Heuben Klegel, whereon are erect ed a TWO STORY FRAME DWELL ING HOUSE, Bank Barn and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Jacob U. Vastlne vs. Reuben Klegel, and to be sold as the property of Keuben Klegel. Kuawn & Small, W. W. Black, Attorneys. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ ot Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court or Common Pleas of Columbia County, l*a, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In Bloomsburg on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898. at two o'clock lr. the afternoon, all that piece parcel and tract of land situate In Greenwood Township, county of Columbia and State of Pa., In the village of Eyersgrove and numbered In the general plan of said Town by Nos. eleven and twelve, and consisting of a portion of the division designated by the' No. 11" In the return 01 Inquest In the partition of the real estate ot Jacob Eyer, deceased, and bounded on the north by the public road leading from Eyersgrove to Jersoytown, on the east by public road leading from Bloomsburg to MUlvlUe. 011 the south by lot of Jackson Kobblns and on the west by an alley, upon which Is erected a FRAME HOTEL, BARN, and outbuildings. Being one hundred feet In • width and two hundred feet lu depth. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Joseph Deppcn vs. J. Itelnard and to be sold as the property of J. Itelnard. CiiKiSMAN, Atty. w. W. Black, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out of tbe Court of common Pleas of Columbia county, aud to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In Bloomsburg, Pa., ou MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m., all that certain tract of land situate In Koarlngcreek township, county of Columbia, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded ou the north by land of Jacob strausser, on the west by land of Solomon strausser, on the south by land of William Bllleg, and on the east by land of Conrad Houseman and William Yeager, containing about TWENTY ACRES, je the same, more or less, being the same tract ot land which John W. Hoffman, High Sheriff of Columbia County, by virtue of a writ Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia County, bearing date the 15th day of September 1877, against David K. Ilower,, sold as the pro perty of David K. Hower to Jacob It. Vastlne 1 and the said Jacob 11. Vastlne and wife, by deed dated the sth day of February 1881, conveyed to the said Bennevllle lthoads. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Jacob H. Vastlue vs. Bennevllle lthoads, and to be sold as the property of Bennevllle Khoads. W. W. BLACK, KB AWN & SMALL, Sheriff. Attorneys. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ ot Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court oi Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at tbe court house In Bloomsburg, Pa., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at 2 o'clock P. M., all that certain piece and parcel of land situate In the village of Light Street, county of Columbia and state of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows: Being two lots of ground situate on the west side of Main street In said village adjoining on the south a lot belonging to the heirs of Mary Koblns, on the north an alley, on the west an alley, and on the east Main street, one of said lots being 65 feet In width, and the other 65 feet ■ln width, and each extending to an alley on the west 160 teet, whereon are erected TWO DWELLING HOUSES, a Blacksmith Shop and Carriage Works. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of the Cosmopolitan Building & Loan Association vs. Benjamin W. Drake and Marietta Drake, and to be sold as the property of Benjamin W. Drake aDd Marietta Drake. HARMAN, Atty. W. W. BLACK, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of FL Fa. Issued out of the Court of common Pleas of Columbia county and to me directed there win be exposed to public sale at the court bouse In Bloomsburg, Pa., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at 2 o'clock P. M„ all that certain piece and parcel of land situate in the town of Berwick County ot Columbia and state ot Pennsylvania! bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a corner of Fourth and Walnut streets, running thence along said Walnut street 100 feet more or less, to lands of Miles Q. Smith, thence along said lands 49J4 feet to lot No. 12, thence along said lot 100 teet to Fourth street, and thence along Fourth street 49# feet to the place of beginning, whereon is erected a two-atory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Seized, taken Into exeoutlcn at the Buit of the Cosmopolitan Building & Loan Association vs. Harriet Albertson, and to be sold as the property ot Harriet Albertson. BARMAN, Atty. W. W. BLACK, Sheriff. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG. PA. SHERIFF S SALE. By virtue ot a writ or Levari Facias Issued out :of tlie court of Common Pleas of Columbia \ county, and to mo directed will be exposed to ; public sale at tbe Court Uouse In Bloomsburg, ! Pa., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at two o'clock p. m., all that tenement and lot of ground situate In the Town of Bloomsburg, County of Columbia, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as f llows, to-wlt: I Beginning at a point on the north side of Stxth street, corner ot lot of Anna E. Kahler, thence along Sixth street, north, sixty-four and one ; half degrees east, thirty feet to a post, thence 1 north twenty-live and one-half degrees west ■ sixty-one feet to a stake, thence north thirty one degrees west, one hundred and fifteen feet to Sterner's alley, thonce southwardly along said alley thirty-five feet, nine Inches to lot ot I Anna E. Kahler, thence along said lot south 1 thirty-one degrees east one hundred and ; seventy-one feet to Sixth street, the place of beginning, It being the same promises which C. i M. Crevellng by deed bearing date the 18th day i of March 1892, conveyed to Peter 11. Kehoe. Whereon Is erected a two and one-half story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and outbuildings. Bolted, taken In execution at the suit or Sallte Naylor vs. Peter 11. Kehoe, and to be sold as the property of Peter B. Kehoe. BUCKINGHAM, Atty. W. W. BLACK, Sheriff SATISFACTION OF A MORT GAGE. To the Honorable .Judges of the Court of Com ! men pleas of Columbia county. 'J'be petition ot christian L. Moore ot Benton. Columbia County, Pennsylvania, respectfully represents: That on the 20th day ot June, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, a cer tain mortgage was executed and delivered by him to Jno. C. lless and Leah, his wife, ot Wil low Creek township, Lee county, and state of I Illinois, on a messuage and tract of land situ ate In Sugarloaf township, Columbia county andstate 01 Pennsylvania, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: beginning at a post thence by land of William llerlinger south twenty-three degrees, west eighty-one perches and six-tenths to a post, thence by laud ot Joshua Brink south sixty-seven degrees east one hundred and tour perches and eight-tenths to stones, thence south three quarters ot a de gree, west llfty-slx perches to stones thence by ■ land of ttebecca Vandersllce, south eighty eight 1 and three-quarter degrees, east thlrty-tlve j perches and three-tenths to a post, thence by laud of George Moore north one and a half de- I gi ees, east one hundred and thirty- hie to a post, thenue by lands of Jno. Moore, north ! sixty-seven and a half degrees, west one huud red and eleven perches and three-tenths to the place of beginning containing seventy-two acres 1 forty-seveu and two-tenths perches of land | with allowances of six per cent for roads, to se. cure the payment of four certain bonds or writings obligatory dated the day and year u furcsaul conditioned tor. the payment unto the said Jno. c. lless and Leah, his wife, of two hundred und two dollars and eighty-eight cents ' us follows, to wit: one hundred dollars on the llrst day of July next ensuing the date hereof, thirty-two dollars and hfty cents on the llrst day of April, one thousand eight, hundred and ; sixty-one, thirty one dollars and thirty cents ■ on the llrst day of April A. 1). one thousand 1 eight hundred and sixty two with lawful Inter est 1 rum (heir dates, arid the fourth bond for I the payment ot thirty-nine dollars after the 1 death ot their mother Susanna Moore, with lu- I torest thereon which said mortgage is recorded | lu the office for the recording of ueeds In Col -1 1 uinbla county la mortgage book No. 4, pages 858 and 354 Ihe petition further represents , ! that judgement was confessed for the debt and .Interestoll toe three tlrst above mentioned 1 ; bonds as appears 01 record In the court of com mon pleas of i. olunibla county to No. 101 Sep tember term 1862, und that said Judgment was sal tilled on the said record for debt, Interest und cost, on the thirty.tlrst day ot August, A. 1). one tUnusaud eight hundred and sixty-three. The petition furl her represents that the said Susanna Moore, mentioned In said mortgage, died on about the 15th day of September A. D„ > l-83,and that the said bond of thirty-nine dollars with Interest thereon payable after the death of 1 1 Susanna Moore has been paid In full and the > said mortgagees above named are still the legal , holders theieof and have neglected to satisfy the same, he prays the court to make an order that noLlce 01 these facts may be given to the said Jno. c. lless and Leah lless his wife, or their executors, administrators, or assigns re -1 quiring them to appear at a time to be lixtd by t tue said court unci answer this petition, and If 1 the said mortgagees cannot be found, then to make such further order In reference > to publication of notice as Is required 1 by act of assembly In such case made aud provided, and after such notice given to order satisfaction to be entered on the record of 1 the said mortgage. Aud he will ever pray A C. CHRISTIAN L. MOORE. STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA, I „ Q ; COUNTY OK COLUMBIA, J SS f Christian L. Moore being duly sworn accord lng to law says that the facts set forth in the t above petition are true and correct to the best 1 of his knowledge and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Slth day of December, A. D. 1897. ; SAMUEL S. HARVEY, NOTARY PUBLIC. ' And now Dec. 27th, 1897, aftor reading said I petition and considering the facts therein, the , sheriff of Columbia county Is directed to serve a notice stating the facts set forth In said pe tition, on the parties or their legal representa [ tlves, It to be found In the county, and II the , parties aforesaid cannot be found In said county, then the sheriff shall give public no tice as aforesaid in one newspaper within said county once a week for four weeks successive ly prler to the next term of court requiring tbo said par' les to appear at said term aud answer the petition as atoresald. BY THE COURT. A true aDd correct copy. \V. 11. HENRIE, PKOTIIY. In accordance with the foregoing, the par ties named are required to appeur at the Court or Common Pleas, to be held at Bloomsburg, I'a, on Monday, February 7,1898, to unswer Bald potllton. J. B. McHENKY, 18 80 4t Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE —OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of au order, Issued out of tbe Or. phans' Court of Columbia county, Pa., tbe un dersigned, administrator of tbe estate of M m Rohrbacb, late eft Franklin township, will expose to public sale, on the premises of said decedent, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1898, a tl:80 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, situate In Franklin township, Col. umbla County, Pa, bounded and described as follows, to wit: PURPART NO. I.—Beginningatastonecorner of Samuel Shuler's land, In the middle of the pub lic road, leading from the Swamp School Uouso to ltoarlngcreek; thenco by land of Samuel Sbulcr, nortb66degrees, west I3andß-10perches to a post; tliencc by the same north 57 degrecß' west 7 and 5-to porches to a post; thenco by tbe somo north, 2 degrees, cast 9 and l-io perches to a stone: thence by the same north, 82J4 degrees' west 18 and 1-10 perches to a post; tbence by the same 34)4 degreos, west 18 and 6-10 perchos to a stone; thenco by the same north 9 degrees, west 8 and 8-10 perches to a stone; thenco by the same north 14 degrees, west 4 and 7-10 perchos to a stone; thence by tbo same, and across Big Hoarlngcreek, north 28 dogrees, east 8 perches to a stono, on the north bank ot said creek, and In Uno of Sylvester Bower's land; thonce down the creek, by the said Sylvester Bower's land north 51% degrees, west 14 and 8-lOperchos to a post; thence by the same north 65 degrees, west 9 and 5-10 perches to a post; thence by the same north 64 degrees, west 9 and 2-10 perches; thence by the same north 11 degrees, west in perches to a post; thenco by tbe same north 52 degrees, west u and 5-10 perches to a post; thence by the same north 88x degrees, west 16 and 6-10 perches to a post, In line dividing land of Syl vester Hower and L. D. Hohrbach; thence by land of the sold L. D. Kohrbacli, south #Ol4 do. groea, west 24 and 5-10 perches to a stone; thenco brttwMaom O (more or less) to a stone; tbence by the same south Si degrees, west 87)4 perches to a post, In line dividing land of L. D. liohrbach and Aaron Loreman; thence by the said Aaron Loreman south 70 degrees, east ft perches to a hemlock, on the west bank of the soul b branch of Roar ing Creek; thence by the said Aaron Loreman south 20 degrees, west 19 perches; thence by the same south 18 and o-io perches; thence by the same south 27 degrees, west 11 and 6-10 perches; thence by the same south 79)4 degrees, west 31 perches; thence by land of 8. D. Loreman and J. T. Ashworth south 1 degree, west 61 and r-to perches (more or less) to a stake In the middle of the public road, leading from Catawlssa to Elysburg; thence through the middle of said road south degrees, cast is perches; thence by the same north 88 degrees, east 8 porches; thence by the same north 81 degrees, east 8 perches; thence by the same north 65 degrees, east 6 perches; thence by the same north 80 degrees, cast 8 perches; thence by land of Peter H. Vought north 72 degrees, east 22 and 8-10 perches to a butternut tree; thence by the said Peter 11. vought south 66 degrees, east oo and 8-'0 perches to a post; thence by the same south 76>4 degrees, east C 5 perches to a chestnut nak; thence by the same and land of M'm. Artley north 1 degree, east 45 and 2-10 perches to the public school house lot; thence by the same north 89 degrees, west 8 perches; thence by the same north 1 degree, east 10 perches; thence by the same south 8u degrees, east 6 perches to line of Wm. Artley's land; by the same and land of D. A. Munson north 1 degree, cast 30 and 3-lo perches to the place of beginning, con taining 115 AND 4-10 ACRES, whereon are erected a good two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, large bank barn and other outbuildings. Good well of water, trult trees, and land In a blgb state ot cultivation. PURPART NO. 2.—situate In Franklin town ship, Cblumbla county, Pa., bounded and de scribed as folTows, to wit: Beginning at a stone corner of Christian Teltswortb's land, adjoining land of Francis Ely; thence by land of the said Francis Ely north 12 degrees, west 23 and 6-10 perches to a stone; thence by land of the same south ilYx degrees, east 8 and 9-10 perches to a post, near a small hemlock; thence by land of John Llewellyn nortn 2% degrees, east 96 perches to a stono (formerly a pine knot), In line of Peter 11. Vought's land; thence by land of tbo said Peter H. Vought north 86J4 degrees, west 52 and 1-10 perches to the west side of the South Branch of Roaring Creek, adjoining land ot David Keeder; thence up the west side the South Branch of Roaring Creek, at low water mark, Its various courses, 163 perches to a post also a corner of David Reeder's land; theuee by land of tbe said David lleeder south 4% degrees, west 16 and 2-10 porches to a post: tbence by the same south I!)!.( degrees, west 4 aud u-lo perches to a post, at the nortn side of the public road, leading from Elysburg to Bear Gap; tbence up said road south 73 degrees, east 19 and 3-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing ACRES strict measure. TERMS of SALE.—Ten per cent, of one fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down of the property; the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the continuation of sale; and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with Interest from confirms" tlon nisi. L. D. KOHKBACU, W. 11. SKYDBR, ATTY. ADM'H. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. Issued out of the Court of common Pleas of Columbia county Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the court Hoiise In Blooms burg, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1898, at 2 o'clock In tbo afternoon, all that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in the Township of Catawlssa, Columbia County, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des cribed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a mark on the fence, thence south sixteen and one-half degrees west, nine teen and one-half perches along paper mill to a chestnut; thence seuth twenty-live degrees west, eight perches to a stako; thence south nineteen degrees west, six and one-tenth perches to a stake; thence south forty-three degrees west, nine and one-halt perches to a corner of foundry lot land of George Hughes; thonce along said lot south seven and one-half degrees west, seventeen perches to a plne ; thenco south tlfty-flve and one-half degrees west, twelve and two-tenths perches to a post Inline of land of Jonathan Fortner; thence along said land of Jonathan Fortner south tlvo degrees west, thirty-three perches to a stono heap; thence along land of Moses Ilower and others south thirty-nine and one-halt degrees east, forty-three perches to & maple tree; thence along land ot Miles and Daniel Helwlg north sixty degrees east, one hundred and nineteen perches to a post; thence along land of same north nineteen degrees west, ninety perches to corner on public road; thenco along said road north eighty-one degrees east, thirteen perches; thence by same and a private road north eighty three degrees east, sixty-four perches to post In middle of a run; thenee down the middle of said run In Its various courses and windings along land of Solomon Helwlg thirty-eight perches to an aspen ash; thence along land of Henry llolllngshead north thlrty-flvo degrees west, twenty-flve perches to a stake; thenco along the line of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad south sixty-four and one-half degrees west, twenty-three perches to a stake; thence flfty-slx degrees west, twelve perches to a stake; thence south forty-eight degrees west, twelve perches to a stake; thence south forty five and one-half degrees west, thlrty-slx perches to a stake; thence southtfltty-three and three-quarter degrees west, fourteen perches to a stake; thenco south slxtv degrees west ten perches to a stake; thenco south slxty-tlve and one-half degrees west, thirteen and nine tenth perches to a mark on the fence, place of beginning, containing EIGHTY ACRES, be the same more or les3. The Bald parties 'of tbo llrst part, tbelr heirs and assigns, reserving tbo tight and privilege to enter the land pass ing on and along tbe northeast side of the pond erected to gather water for the Paper Mill, and tho right to keep and maintain a ditch for the purpose of conveying ofT the surface water that might flow Into tho aforesaid pond through the lower end ot tho garden at the dwelling house, then carry tbo same through the culvert under the Catawlssa Railroad. Tho land above des cribed being a portion of the same tract of land which M'llllam McKelvy by Indenture dated 7tb of December, 1872, conveyed to Charles \V. Mc- Kelvy, recorded In Deed Book "Z," page 382, et seq. which said portion was conveyed to the said I. W. McKelvy by John W. Hoffman, Sheriff of Columbia County, whereon are erected A DWELLING HOUSE, barn, and other outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution at the suit of Lloyd T. Rider vs. PhUlo Sldler, executor of Matthias Gingles, deceased, and to be sold as tbe prop erty ot Fhlllp Sldler, executor of Matthias Gin gles, deceased. FKBXZI, W. W. BLACK, HARK KM, SUerlff. EMEINT, Attn- Jan. n-BMx N. U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ent's Building, Court House Alky, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Post Office Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA; C. W. MILLER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Wirt's Building, 2ad flour, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOHN O, KHBXZK. JOHN G. HAHMAN FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first door below Opera House GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian building, 2nd flooc, BLOOMSBURG, P.H. WM. H MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Peacock's building, Market Square. W. H. SNYDER, ATTORNEY—VT-LAW, Office 2nd floor Mrs. Ents building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATrORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, FA. A. N. YOST, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Columbian Building, 2nd Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, — ATTORNEY-AT-LAW BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of and and Centre Streets, I-12-'94 W. A. EVERT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Office over Alexander & Co. Wirt building. G. M. QUICK, ATTORNFY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office over First National Bank. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. WOfflco Llddlcot building, Locust avenue. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Affi>]KZD Of THX rxacs, Mayer Bear. Brildreg, lad BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. IL MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, "*]TTII An REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Clark's Building, cor. Mais and Stv, BLOOMSBURG, A WCan be consulted in Gift— W. H. RHAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, corner of Third and Main glmrti. CATAWISSA, FA. DR. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Sir Ml, BLOOMSBURG, TA. J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St, 3-7Q-y' BLOOMSBURG, PA J. HOWARD PATTERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Second floor Columbian Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. BPICIAL ATTENTION TO DtsiAsaaor G'miMsn H. BIERMAN, M. D. HOMCEOPATUICrHYSICIAN AND BUKOJKMI OFFICE IIOCKB: Office & Keeldence, 4th St., Until R A. Ito 2 and 7to 8 p. lc. PLOOMSIURG, PA S. B. ARMENT, M. D. Office and Residence No. 18. West Fifth St D ISKASEB OF TDK THROAT AND NOSH SPECIALTY (8 to 10 A.M. BLOOMBBUHO OFFICE HOURS. <2 to 4 P. M. 17 to 9 P. M. • PA. DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office and residence In Prof. Waller's BOOM. * MARKET STREET TELEPHONE. HENRY W. CHAMPLIN, M. D. SURGEON AND GYNECOLOGIST. Office over Farmer's National Bank. Hours io to 12 A. M., 3 to 5 and 7t08P.1l Residence, Third St. West of Jefferson. TELEPHONE. DR. F. W. REDEKER, PHY SICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and St., between tth and Cth Sts. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat a specialty. BLOOMSBURG, PA. 18 to 10 a m. OFFICE HOURS: -( 1 to 8 p. m. (" to 9 p. m. J. J. BROWN, M.'D., Market Street. BLOOMSBURG, PA. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glasses and Artificial Eyes supplied Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Connenuoa DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work —A SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA, DR. W. H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main below Maitm BLOOMSBURG, PA. All styles of work done in a superior marnet, and all work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT FAIN, by the use of Gas, and free of charge when artificial teeth are inserted. WTo be open all hours during the day. DR. C. S. VAN HORN, —DENTIST.— Office corner of East and Main streets, ou posite Town Hall. Office hours 8:80 to 12 a. m ; 2 to 5 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Uartman i„?1 pr f? en,s twelvp of the strongest Oomnaa, lea In the world, among which are: CASH TOTAL SUurine Franklin of Pbila.. Penn a. Phlla 400,000 8,825,100 l uuS Queen, of N. Y. 500,000 8,588,915 1 SKS Westchester, N.Y. 300,(F0 1,753,807 iselrii N. America, I'hlia. 3,000,000 9,780,089 2,9ftCni OFFICI IN I. W. MOKRLTT'B STORE W"Losses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FHEAS BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS — o ■ ■■ N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Street*, BLOOMSBURG, PA. —o— Represent Seventeen as good Cotcpu ies as there are in the World and an losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, FJKK INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.; Merchants of Newaik, N. J.; Clinton, N. Y.; Peoples', N. Y.; Read ing, Pa ; German American Ins. Co., New York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York; Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, V. J. These old corporations are well 1 ■■mind by age and fire tested, and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Thefe assets are all invested in solid securitiea, and liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted mad paid as soon as determined, by Christian W. Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Rinnan' burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county shonld patronize the agency where losses, if aaw, are settled and paid by one of their own citizens. CENTRAL HOTEL, B. Stohner, Prop. C. F. Stoliner, Assistant BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Hot and cold water, and all modern convenience*. The hotel has been lately refurnished. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop. Peter F. Reldy.'Manaw No. 121 West Main Street, ' BLOOMSBURG, PA. WLarpe and conveaieat sample rooms hath rooms, hotard 00Id water, and irrdero con ven.ences Bar stocked with best wine and liquors. First-class livery attached. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN 7