The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 20, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. 33
The annual meeting of the
Columbia County Agricultural, Hoiti
cultural and Mechanical Association
for the purpose of electing officers for
the ensuing year and to transact any
other business which might come
before the meeting took place at the
Court House Saturday afternoon. It
was pretty largely attended by the
members from all over the county.
'1 he meeting was called to order
by President of the Society R. W.
Smith, of Mifflinville, and H. V.
White was chosen chairman.
In taking the chair Mr. White
spoke of the recent very successful
Farmer's Institute, and urged the
Society to take some action at this
time to identify its work with that of
the Farmer's Institute.
F. B. Hartman and Harry Barton
were elected Secretaries aud Prot.
G. E. Wilbur, Reading Clerk.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
Next in order was the calling of
the roll. The Chairman stated that
inasmuch as the Treasurer's report
was printed on a slip and distributed
among the members he asked that
the reading of it be dispensed, with
which was agreed to.
The salary question was then taken
up, and considerable time taken up in
its discussions. There were several
motions made, one to let them remain
tnc .me so. last yeat, another that
they be increased, while another was
made that the salary of the Secretary
be raised to S2OO a year, with the un
derstanding that lie pay for helpers.
There seemed to be a great division
of opinion on this subject. It was
finally decided that the salaries of the
Secretary and Treasurer be increased
$25 apiece, and the society pay for
their extra help.
There being no other questions for
discussion, the election of officers for
the ensuing year was taken up. It
was moved and seconded that where
there were no more nominations for
any oue office than said office requir
ed, that the Secretary be allowed to
cast the vote of the convention.
C. G. Barkley Esq. offered the
following resolution :
Resolved : As a general regula
tion of the Association that the Treas
urer of this Association be not held
liable personally by reason of loss of
the funds of the Association or injury
arising by reason of a suspension or
insolvency of a Bank, if the funds of
the Association be deposited in the
name of the Treasurer as Treasurer
of this Assqciation in a creditable
Bank of the town of Bloomsburg, the
Bank to be selected by the Execu
tive Committee.
Same was unanimously adopted.
Following are the officers elected :
President—R. W. Smith, Vice
Presidents—A. C. Creasy, J. T.
Reeder, C. E. Adams, Stephen Pettit.
Secretary—A. N. Yost, Treasurer—
J. C. Brown, Librarian—W. B. Allen,
Auditors—William Masters, J. B.
Belong, W. H. Snyder. Executive
Committee—F. P. Hagenbuch, I. B.
E. H. Sloan, Henry Deigh
miller, Thomas Mensch.
W. T. Creasy was elected to repre
sent the Society in work of the
Farmers' Institute.
Following is the report of the
treasurer :
To balftnrr from settlement Jan. l,
1897 $ 3883 26
" Aipount from tickets sola 6975 28
. Baggage room 18 70
" Grand stand 9jo oo
To Amount Score card privilege 25 oo
" " Horse entries 1770 oo
" " Suspensions and Ones 125 00
" " stand rents 1898.,.,$ 3500
" " " *' 189? 1290 25 1325 25
" " Ads In catalogue '96 117 00
" " " " '97 93 00 210 00
" " Bicycle meet as 18
" " Nat. Association entries. 24 10
" " nonds sold 410 00
•• Temporary loan 1500 00
" " Cyclone loss 120 00
" '• Annual dues 74 00
* 15971 04
By premiums paid $ 6277 96
Police 354 50
" Watchman, gate keeper, etc 159 37
""Water rent 4 10
" National Association dues 25 00
"Attraction .. B'OCO
" Postage, telegrams, etc 77 00
" Soliciting ads. (or catalogues 60 00
" Interest aud discount paid 1186 00
" Miscellaneous 29 80
" Auditors S 00
" Suspensions and lines forwarded to
National Associations 195 00
" Insurance paid 210 63
•• Electric light 70 00
".Stabling 70 25
" Judges and expenses. 189 56
" salaries officers 2 years 1400 00
" Music 218 54
" Assistants, Secretary and Treasurer 101 00
•' Expenses delegates State Collage... 8 50
" Supplies 14 18
" Printing and advertising 560 18
" Hay and straw 170 77
" Repairs and material (or same. .. 2191 28
Balance In Treasury 219152
*15971 04
The unpaid bills and premiums at
the settlement of January 14, 1897,
amounted, $5773-s< with a note of
SSOO discounted or a total of $6273.-
So. The cash in treasury was $3383 -
26. The excess of liabilities being
$2890.24 for the year 1896. The
bonded debt being $19,600 at that
date, or a totai indebtedness January
1, 1897, of $22,490.24.
The bonded debt January 1, 1898,
is $20,000 to which add a temporary
sum of $2,000 making a total of $22,-
000 ; to this should be added about
$105.00 interest and bills unpa'i,
making an indebtedness of $22, A 5.
After deducting cash in* treasury,
$ 2 )'9 r -5 2 ) 'h e actual indebtedness
January 1, is $19,913.48. This
indicates a reduction during the year
from the proceeds of the Fair of
1897 of $2576.76.
The production of "A Prisoner of
War," at the Opera House Thursday,
Friday and Saturday nights of last
week was worthy of the cast who
presented it. Although the patronage
was not up to what was expected yet
the young people had the satisfaction
of knowing that the piece was well
played and that everyone who attend
ed was highly pleased.
Miss Clara Turner, who took six
different characters, rendered each
and everyone in fine style, and in the
role of Jake Slack, was undoubtedly
the best boy impersonator that has
visited this town in a long time. She
is possessed of a sweet voice, and her
many songs were catching and well
Bert Miller, as Michael O'Honey,
and Old Muggins was simply great,
his witty sayings never failed to bring
down the house.
Of the other characters that were
taken by young people of town, f oo
much cannot be said ; they all took
their parts in professional style.
The tableaux "Defense of Old
Glory," "Oath of the Vendetta,"
"Dawn of Liberty," "Rock of Ages,"
and "Reunited Peace," at the end of
each act were beautiful beyond de
The play was for the benefit of the
Sons of Veterans, and while they
didn't get wealthy over it, yet they
cleared a little money.
Arrangements are being made for
a return engagement, and we bespeak
for t hem a big business.
One of the most shocking tragedies
ever heard of was brought to light in
New York City Tuesday morning
when the lifeless bodies of John H.
Matthews, his wife and two children
were found lying in their home at 426
Columbus Avenue. It appears from
evidences discovered about the house
that the terrible butchery had been
made ont and agreed to by the
parents some time previous. The
following note written by Mrs. Mat
thews was found on the table :
"Herman is - going to die, and I
am going with him and we are going
to take the darlings along."
Then the woman had written of her
illness, saying that she had been two
months in St. Luke's Hospital Jlast
summer and had an operation per
formed. She wrote : "I want my
little girl buried in a white casket,
and I want to be buried at highlands."
She also asked that her cousin pre
vent publicity of the tragedy.
Matthews had evidently followed
suit as another note signed by him
was found The man was in fairly
good financial circumstances had a
bank account of S9OO and the only
cause given is poor health as the note
refers : ,
"No healthy man or woman ever
commits suicide from poverty or busi
ness reverses. He is so healthy that
hope and activity are boiling rampant
within him.
"My wonder is that suicide is not
more common. It seems to me a
wonderful provision in nature that
one need not live when life is burden
On Saturday evening a large party
of our towns people gathered at the
home ot A. W. Jones on First Street
and at 6:30 covers had been laid for
forty persons when Mr. Jones and his
genial wife were invited to partake of
a bounteous repast to which all did
justice. The evening was pleasantly
spent, the guests returning to their
homes feeling that it was good to be
there. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have a
large circle of warm friends here, who
feel sorry to see them leave our town
and wish them success in their new
home at Wilkes-Barre.
Isaiah Hagenbuch was on Saturday
nominated by the Republicans as their
candidate for Poor director of Bloom
Poor District.
The Normal School gymnasium was
well filled last Thursday evening by
an audience composed of Bloomsburg's
best townspeople, a number of people
from a distance, and the many friends
of the students who took part in the
gymnastic exhibition.
This was the fifth annual exhibi
tion since the opening of the gym
nasium, and it was in every way a
An overture by the Normal School
orchestra, opened the evening's enter
tainment, and was immediately follow
ed by a grand march of about two
hundred and fifty-five students, repre
senting nearly all the members of the
different gymnasium classes. In this
march the little folks from the Model
School, bringing up the rear, called
forth considerable applause. The con
trasting suits of the different classes,
gave additional variety to the march.
The Junior grade of Model School
pupils gave the first exhibition of
practical work. The audience was
well pleased with this, especially with
the hopping and jumping exercises of
the little people, which caused con
siderable laughter.
Eight girls and twelve boys from
the Senior grade of the Model School
gave one of the most beautiful wand
drills of the evening. The airy white
dresses of the girls, and the combina
tion white and dark suits of the boys
made a pretty contrast to the wands
wound with red, white and blue. The
accompanying music to this drill was
The Star Spangle! Banner, sung by
the Normal School chorus class.
The horse work and other special
work on rings, parallel bars and hori
zontal bar by Messrs. Berry, Apple
man, Frederickson, Oplinger,Stephens
L. H. Dennis, Fred. Dennis, Hart,
Waltz, Shipe, Knauss, HoWarth and
Rarick, showed both skill and careful
Another special feature of the exhi
bition was the height jump of eleven
feet by Mr. H. E. Aldinger.
For the first time at these exhibi
tions, special work was given by ten
of the girls on parallel bars. This was
done with considerable skill.
An Indian club drill by fifty-five of
the Junior girls, and a wand drill by
thirty-six Junior boys, was followed by
an exhibition of broad sword and
single stick practice, given by Prof.
A. F. Kennedy, physical director of
the Y. M. C. A., Scran ton, and Mr.
Geo. Russ. Prof. Kennedy gave also
during the evening, cavalry sword
exercises, and cavalry pursueing
The largest drill of the evening was
a dumb bell chorus given by seventy
five of the Senior girls.
After an exhibition of fencing, by
Prol. Kennedy, Mr. Geo. Russ, and
Mr. Stuart Plumley, a fancy march
was given by eight ladies aild eight
gentlemen selected from the graduate
class. This was the most beautiful
thing on the program, and was repeat
ed in response to an enthusiastic
The extension drill by thirty-three
Senior boys was one of the most
picturesque, and perhaps the most
difficult drill given. This closed the
The work done by all of the students
did credit to the efficient training of
the director, Prof. A. K. Aldinger,
and his assistants, Miss Margaret
Bogenrief, and Mr. A. L. Smethers.
These annual exhibitions are not
only highly entertaining to those who
attend, but also show the good results
of regular and skillful physical train
ing. The last exhibition is especially
an evidence of the rapid growth of the
department of physical culture since
the opening of the Nor nal School
gymnasium six years ago.
Bit His Ear GIF.
Jack Spellman, and Eugene Strunk,
two woodsman who reside near Jami
son City, fought Saturday evening,
and as a result Strunk is minus one of
his ears. The two had been on bad
terms for some time, over one thing
and another. Saturday they both had
been drinking, and when they met a
fight was immediately started. Besides
losing his ear Strunk was badly bitten
in several other places'.
Ohango of Date,
The date fixed for the entertain
ment to be given by Miss Ada Benfay
in the Student's Lecture Course, was
February 7, but this date has been
changed to February 14th, in order
to avoid conflict with the Crary
Lecture course, which begins in the
Opera House on the evening of Feb
ruary 7.
When the Court House bell rang
at ten o'clock on Monday morning
the room was well filled with persons
interested in the proceedings of the
license court. All old applications
where there was no opposition were
Remonstrances had been filed in
three cases, viz. J. L. Girton and
W. S. Fleckenstine, new applicants
for hotel license, and J. R. Fowler,
applicant for restaurant license all of
Judge Ikeler and Associates Fox
and Kurtz were on the bench. The
Girton case was first called. B. F.
Zarr, C. C. Evans and G. M. Quick
Esqs. appeared as counsel for the
applicants, and Ex-Judge H. M.
Hinckley of Danville and R. R. John
Esq. represented the remonstrants.
The objection was that the license was
unnecessary. The witnesses called in
support of the application were J. L.
Girton, C. H. Sterner, J. M. DeWitt,
Levi Shoemaker and Thos. Chrisman,
who thoaght there was a necessity for
the hotel, on Main street near
Leonard. W. O. Holmes was Called
and said he believed that J. L. Girton
was a fit person to keep a hotel.
In opposition were called W. T.
Wayne, G. W. Correll, Jacob Brobst,
Benjamin Vinton, Frank Bomboy and
W. L. Lemon, who stated that there
was no necessity for the license.
J. R. Fowler's case was next called.
He was represented by Fred Ikeler
Esq. The objections were that Fow
ler is the manager of the Opera
House, and that there is an inside
passage between the restaurant and
the Opera House, and that the law
forbids a license to such a place. The
following witnesses were called by the
remonstrants: W. B. Cummings,
who had rented the Opera House of
F'owler on Jan. 2, ; J. R. Stout who
cut a doorway leading from the res
taurant to the Opera House : Jacob
StiDer who saw men go through the
doorway j Chas. Fornwald who saw
J. R. Fowler on the stage last Satur
day night giving instructions how to
shift scenery ; A. M. Wintersteen
who knew there was an entrance from
the saloon to the Opera House. J. R.
Fowler was called for cross-examina
tion by Judge Hinckley. He said he
got a license in Feb. 1896 ; was in
dicted Dec. 8, 1896 for selling
liquor on election day. On Dec.
7th the license was transferred to
John Gross. On Dec. 8, 1897 it
was transferred back to Fowler.
Door leading to Opera House was
nailed up about Jan. 4th. Man
agement of Opera House has been
leased to Harry Stees. Arguments
were made by Judge Hinckley and
Mr. Ikeler.
The case of W. S. Fleckenstine
was heard, the witnesses for the
license being W. S. Fleckenstine,
James DeWitt, Alfred Gross, C. P.
Girton, Stephen Hill, A. C. Hid
lay, William Wirt. In opposition
were called Geo. Whary, W. M.
Lemon, John Pifer, Chas. Rabb,
Jacob Brobst.
The court held the cases under
advisement, and a decision is look
ed for on Saturday, to which time
court adjourned.
A genuine revival of religion is
greatly needed both in and out of
the churches of Bloomsburg. Those
who love God and souls should earn
estly pray and labor that the unsaved
may be brought to accept Christ.
God's children of every name are ask
ed to pray for the revival of religion
now in progress in the Methodist
Church. The interest in these meet
ings is growing. Several have pro
fessed salvation and others are serious.
The meetings are held every night
commencing at 7:30 o'clock. The
public is cordially invited to attend.
Will Meet at Harrisburg.
The state board of agriculture, com
posed of representatives of every
county agricultural society in the state,
will hold its meeting in the supreme
court chamber on Wednesday, Jan
uary 26. Officers will be elected and
papers presented. State Secretary of
Agriculture Thomas J. Edge is secre
Fred R. Graeber, who it will be
remembered lost a leg and almost
froze to death on the fateful Sunday
evening of January 24, 1897 last,
when he and Miss Maud Gothie,
together with his team were swallowed
up in a cave-in on Bunker Hill, near
Shamokin, has settled his case with
the Mineral Railroad and Mining
Company, and received between
$14,000 and $16,000.
Our Great -
Stock Reducing Sale
Has had an effect. Never has there been a sale touching what
we have on hand at present. It's the unusual conditions —over-
stocked. No extra push would have carried off these surplus
goods. The onty way we knew was to make prices so low that
buyers could not turn away from them as we did. As near as we
can figure you are getting double for your money. Make no de
lay in attending this great sale. Come to-morrow, Saturday.
Men's Suits.
$ 6.00 Suits reduced to $ 3.50
8.00 " " " 4-95
10.00 and 12.00 Suits reduced to 6.75
15.00 Suits reduced to 9.50
18.00 " " " 11-75
20.00 " 14-75
Men's Overcoats & Ulsters.
7, 8, 9, and $lO Overcoats and Ulsters, $ 6.75
11, 12 and sl3 " " 9.75
19, 20, 21 and $22 " " 15-75
Boys' and Children's Department.
The price of every Suit, Overcoat, Ulster and Reefe* in the
house has been reduced for this great sale. Two garmt its for
almost the price of one is an offer that no economical mother can
afford to miss. Bring us your boys to-morrow if you want to
save money.
$5 Ulsters $3.85
6, 6.50, $7 Ulsters !.... 4.45
8 and $lO Ulsters 5.95
$3 Reefers $2.00
4 " 225
5 " 335
6 " 4-45
7 and $8 Reefers 5.00
Minister Scores Bis Congregation.
Tyrone Divine Makes Some Perlinent Re
marks Concerning Devotion to Society.
Rev. H. L. Jacobs, of the First
Methodist Episcopal Church, Tyrone,
has caused a sensation in bis congrega
tion. A successful revival is in progress
at the church. On Friday n'ght last
there was a society ball in town Ja
making his usual announcements to
the congregation Mr. Jacobs referred
to the revival meeting on the same
night as one of unusual interest and
spiritual power and which continued
until a late hour, it being about 10.20
before it finally closed.
He thought there should be no com
plaint as to the lateness of the hour,
"when some people dance until 4
o'clock in the morning," and contin
ued by saying that all, whether sitting
in the choir or the pews as members
of the church, who were at the social
function on Friday night, he desired
that they take a less prominent place
in the revival services in the future,
and if any members of the official
board of stewards, trustees or others
in prominent places were there he
hoped they would place their resig
nations in his hands at once.
It has not developed that anything
of this kind has been done as yet.
This summary action of the pastor has
created considerable town talk, and
he is generally commended.
The entertainment given by Mrs.
Duy's class of St. Paul's Sunday school
last Saturday evening, was a success
in every way. The gross receipts were
over thirty-one dollars. The Parish
House was well filled, though the
weather was inclement, and a pleasing
program was given, consisting of piano
solos by Miss Runyon, vocal solos by
Mrs. Melick and Mr. Harding, recita
tions by Fred Ikeler and H. A. Mc-
Killip, and a duet by two little tots,
Misses Armstrong and Vannatta.
Sherbet and cake were served by the
young ladies. The pictures were not
all sold, and ar desiring to purchase,
can do so by calling on Mrs. A. W.
Duy. They are pretty and very cheap
at the prices asked for them.
The usual sale at the Ladies' Ex
change in Clark's basement Saturday
$3 Suits reduced to $2.25
4 and 4.50 Suits reduced to ... 3.35
5 Suits reduced to 3.85
6 and 7 Suits reduced to 4.45
1.25, 1.50 and $1.75 Suits SI.OO
2, 2.25 and $2.50 Suits, 1.65
3, and $3.50 Suits, 2.35
4 and $4.50 Suits, 2.05
5, 6 and $7 Suits, ~85
8, 9 and $lO Suits,. 6 65
The Students' Lecture Course has
been fully arranged, and will open next
Monday night with the Mozart Sym
phony Club, a splendid musical organ
On January 29th Rev. Sam Jones,
the Evangelist, will lecture. This is
the first time the people of this sec
tion have had an opportunity to hear
him, and a large audience will be
On February 14th, Miss Ida Ben- i
fey, a talented elocutionist of Boston,
will appear. Her entertainment is
much like that given by Leland T.
Powers, so well-known and so popular
The course will close with George
R. Wendling on February 26th.. He
has been here several times, and never I
failed to give satisfaction.
A large number of course tickets
have already been sold, and the course . -
will prove a success. Seats can be
secured at Bidleman's Book Store.
Nicholas Kindt died at the home of
his son, G. F. Kindt, in Greenwood
township, on the 28th of December, ' <
aged eighty-five years. His son G. F.
and Mrs. Richard Kitchen are the i
only surviving children. Mr. Kindt A
was born in Germany, and came to
this county in 1836 and settled at
Rohrsburg, and followed blacksmith
ing for many years, and then bought 1
a farm, and spent the remainder of "
his life there. He was a man of bright
and cheerful disposition, a member of
the Presbyterian church, a staunch
Democrat, and a good citizen. He
was one of our oldest and most esteem
ed subscribers, and his occasional
visits to this office were always pleasant
ones. His last illness was of about
three week's duration, and he died I
leaving behind him the record of an
honest and upright man. 1
Mrs. P. R. Kocher died at her /4,
home at Fowlerville on Monday.
She had not been ill, and her death
was very unexpected. Her husband '
Prof. Kocher, was at one time Prir/-
cipal of the Bloomsburg Pulllic I
, Schools. The funeral was he d