The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 06, 1898, Image 5

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    Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
DAY, JANUARY 6, 1898.
ht Post ojn* w at Bloornsburff, Pa*
matter, March I,IBBS.
1 OFFEBB FOB 1898-
ifrle to offer our subscribers
"inducements for advance
r or 1898.
UMBIAN, and New York
three times a week, $1.65.
4 and Philadelphia Weekly
and Demoresf s Maga
-1 75-
J and Farm News, 1.00
now, and get the benefit
duced rates. tf.
abscribei who has paid in
ir THE COLUMBIAN will be
with a handsome calendar
by mail. Every one who
ng December will also
receive one. Those who come first
|ill have several designs to select
Rum. tf.
gave this office
of Buffalo, New York, Sun-
of Newark, the
of one our
He in advance always
of Nebraska,
Columbia County.
Bendeitn vn,
inaile at
Monday. He a
a good
Buck one our
a office on
during the
returned to home at
of a few
Lloyd at
the wiih her
N. Kirkby,
returned to her home
after a few
if W. H. on
remain here her
a few weeks. Mr.
to Cortland on Satin day.
Parks of Benton township,
Wednesday, and had on his
China shoats, w.iich were
raised them from stock sent
by his son three years ago.
i-m T r" J
r- 0 t poa.niP^
M E S forn
fljkes, doz
Write it 1898.
Legal advertisements cn page 7.
Free mail delivery begins on Febru
ary tst.
E. J. Brown has opened a coal yard
at Oak Grove.
The first day of the new year pass
ed off very quietly in Bloomsburg.
Ikeler and Ikeler, attorneys, have
had a telephone placed in their office.
Bicycle agents with new 1898
models have made their appearance.
The Jolly Ten will hold a dance in
Enterline's Hall on the evening of
Monday January 17th.
Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the
finest liver and bowel regulator ever
made. i-iy
The Bloomsburg Wheelmen gave a
New Year's reception at their club
house on Fourth street on Saturday.
A $15,000 fire occurred at Milton
last Thursday, destroying one of the
buildings of the Milton Mfg. Co.
The First National Bank is present
ing its customers with handsome cal
endars for 1898.
Refreshments were served at Y. M.
C. A. hall on New Year's afternoon.
A general invitation was extended to
the men.
The annual M. E. Conference of
Central Pennsylvania will convene in
Danville on March 16th, in the Opera
House. Bishop Andrews will preside.
The Presbyterian Exchange Sale
will be held as usual on Saturday
morning, in Clark's basement on
Centre street.
Leases that will collect the rent for
the whole year if tenant leaves before
expiration of term, also notices to
quit, for sale at this office. tf.
The Farmers' Institute at the Court
House next Monday and Tuesday
should bring every man interested in
agriculture to Bloomsburg next week.
County auditors J. B. Yetter, W.
F. Stohner and H. J. Demott are ex
amining the accounts of the commis
sioners and county treasurer.
A very pleasant reception was held
on New Year's day and evening at
the Manse, by Dr. and Mrs. Heming
Did you notice the musical program
for the Farmers' Institute ? It is
splendid. Speakers are good. Every
body come.
Fred E. Drinker, who is employed
at the Inquirer office Philadelphia,
was in town this week. He intends
moving his family to the city.
The property of John W. Kramer
on West street is for sale. It will
be sold as a whole, or in separate
lots. This is a good chance to se
cure a desirable building lot.
An option has been secured tor
thirty-four acres of land between Wil
liamsport and Montoursville, to be
used as a fair ground for Williams
There are 100 applications for
liquor license, four more than last year.
Two of the new ones are in Blooms
burg, J. L. Girton and W. S. Fleck
"A Prisoner of War" a military
drama is being rehearsed by a com
pany of home talent and will be pre
sented in the Opera House in the
near future.
The Bloomsburg Wheelmen gave a
social to members and friends at their
club house on Fourth Street Friday
night. Good music was furnished
and the evening was pleasantly spent
playing various games.
Harry Humphrey and Miss Maud
Ritter, were married at the home of
the bride's parents on East Third
Street on Wednesday by Rev. H. H.
Douty, of Warrensville, Pa. The
ceremony was witnessed by only the
immediate friends.
At a meeting of the board of
County Commissioners held on
Tuesday, D. Z. Mensch was re
elected clerk for the ensuing year,
his salary to be the same as last
year. No other appointments were
The Commercial Hotel, corner of
Third and Oak Streets, Mt. Carmel
was destroyed by fire early Tuesday
morning. The hotel was crowded
with guests who barely escaped with
their lives, being forced to leave the
burning building in their night
If you have questions about farm
ing that are not ciear to you, write
them out and put them in the box at
the Institute. Men able and willing
to help you out will be in charge of
the boxes, and the more questions the
more information will be gained.
L. D. Kase, tax collector, an
nounces that five per cent will be add
ed to all taxes remaining unpaid on
and after January 20th, in Blooms
burg. Pay up, and save the penalty.
Come to the Farmers' Institute
next week. Bring your family. In
vite your neighbors to come. Seldom
is such excellent talent offered, and
no one should miss a single session. £
Thomas Butts was killed at Plains
last Thursday by a fall of rock in a
coal mine. His skull was fractured.
He was the father of Thomas H.
Butts, a member of the senior class
at the Normal.
The pavements have been very icy
the past week, and people have made
use of the middle of the road, it being
almost impossible to get along on the
Yes, I am going to the Institute
Monday and Tuesday. Why, the
music will be worth the trip and half
a dollar. But it is all free. Certainly
we will go to every session.
The Commissioner has recently is
sued an order that hereafter claims
for increase of pension will not be
considered within one year from the
last action—allowance or rejection.
William Walls, wife and daughter,
who moved here a short time ago
from lola, where he had been keeping
a hotel, left town to-day for Nebraska
where they will make their nome in
the future.
A dance was given at the Blooms
burg Club House on Thursday even
ing, by the members and their friends.
Wyle's orchestra of Danville furnished
the music. Twenty-seven couples
were present.
The Sunday school class of Mrs. A.
W. Duy will give an art exhibit and mus
ical in the Parish House on Saturday,
January 15, afternoon and evening.
Admission 10 cents. Proceeds will
be devoted to the organ fund.
Remember the Institute is for the
people. The State sends the workers
and the success of the meetings will
depend on how much you work them.
Let everybody come, and bring every
body else, and have a profitable and
pleasant time.
The representatives of the Uuited
Mine Workers held a long session at
Hazleton last week. Among the im
portant questions discussed was the
abolition of the company store. They
will present a solid front in this mat
ter, and will bring it before the next
Dr. Swallow's new daily "The Com
monwealth" was born at Harrisburg
and is a ne°t little six column paper.
The paper is expected to purify poli
tics in a campaign peculiar to itself
and to Dr. Swallow. It was born on
a Friday, and that's unlucky, but fate
may not be against a "good thing."
Rev. Sieber, of Lewisburg is con
ducting very successful evangelistic
services in the Lutheran Church.. He
addressed a good sized crowd in the
Opera House Sunday afternoon. The
meeting will be continued nightly dur
ing this week.
A fatal mine explosion occurred
at the Avondale mine operated by
the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Company, at Plymouth
yesterday, which cost three men
their lives and injured the fourth so
badly that he is not expected to
live. The names of the killed are
David Powell, aged twenty-eight,
married ; David F. Jones, aged
twenty-four, single ; John Jones,
aged twenty-four, single.
I Thin Blood !
* Where the blood loses its ! !
4 intense red—grows thin and ] \
<j> watery, as in anemia, there is ]
a constant feeling of exhaus- 11
4 tion, a lack of energy—vitality J |
$ and the spirits depressed.
| Scott's Emulsion ||
| of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- ]!
4 phosphites of Lime and Soda j j
<jj is peculiarly adapted to correct 1 1
this condition. The cod-liver ! '
4 oil, emulsified to in exquisite j j
jft fineness, enters tfc : blood direct ;
0) and feeds its evey corpuscle, !
4 restoring the natural color and ]
giving vitality to the whole ]
$ system. The hypophosphites \
$ reach the brain and nerve J
j centres and add their strength- 1
$ ening and beneficial effect. ' !
4 If the roses have left your | |
4 cheeks, if you are growing j 1
X thin and exhausted from over- < 1
4 work, or if age is beginning
* to tell, use SCOTT'S Emuf- ;
$ sion. < 1
® Be sure you ...t SCOTT'S Emulsion. 1 1
Jg All drugtis; jc*. and SI.OO. j[
ILSCOTT & BOW'NE, Cherr.ists, New York g L
Is without question the finest
Hand Camera
yet offered for
It is a plate camera, and
takes a picture 3i x 4i inches,
and is much cheaper to run
and easier to manipulate than
a film camera.
Do not fail to see it before
yoi> buy.
We carry r complete line of
Photo Supplies
for amateurs.
Notice is hereby given that the
Committeemen of the Townships of
North and South Sugarloaf, East and
West Greenwood, Millville Borough,
East and West Scott and the Town of
Bloomsburg comprising the Bloom
Poor District, will meet at the Central
Hotel in Bloomsburg on Saturday
January Bth, 1898, at 1 o'clock P. M.
for the purpose of nominating two
persons as Candidates for the office of
Directors of the Poor tor the said
Bloom Poor District.
County Chairman.
Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers
may be prevented by keeping the
blood pure and the system toned up
with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
In accordance with their usual cus
tom Cidding & Co. the clothiers and
outfitters have made decided price
reductions throughout their entire
lines of mens and boys suits—over
coats, storm coats and boys reefers.
This is done in order to reduce their
immense stock and clear up whatever
odd sizes have accumulated from this
seasons selling. The opportunity for
purchasing clothing of superior grade
at about their cost is here and our
readers will do well to carefully look
over Gidding and Co's. announcement
in another part of this paper—or still
better visit their store.
A five year old son of Rush Hess,
who resides on Seventh street, was
buried on Monday.
Mrs. Lewis Larish, a sister of
Judge J. T. Fox, died at her home in
Shickshinny on Saturday last.
James Johnston of Eyersgrove died
last Thursday, aged 69 years. He
formerly lived on the Jacob Eyer farm
near this town.
For having in his possession rabbits
and offering them for sale after the
15th of December, Cyrus Graybill
was arrested at Northumberland a
few days ago. At the hearing had
before a Justice of the Peace he was
discharged under section eleven of
the Act which says "persons may
have in their possession game provid
ing it was shot before the expiration
of the open season," which is Decem
ber 15. and also allows fifteen days'
grace within which to sell the game.
The prosecutor had to pay the costs.
The following letters are held at
the Bloomsburg, Post-Office, and
will be sent to the dead letter office
Jan 18, 1898:
Miss Jennie B. Hartman, Mrs.
Fietta Krum, Mr. Harry S. Riddell,
J. A. Rothaupt, Mrs. D. C. Shu
Cards—Mr. J. A. Olmstead.
Parcels —Mrs. O. T. Wein.
Great Music Offer.
Send us the names and addresses of
three or more performers on the piano
or organ together with ten cents in
silver or postage and we will mail you
isixteen pages full sheet music, consist*
ng of popular songs, waltzes, marches,
etc., arranged for the piano and organ.
tf Indianapolis, Ind.
Our lithograving printing is a new
thing and is pleasing our customers.
Call at the COLUMBIAN office and see
samples. jl J
We have decided to clear out maifl
lines of goods. We offer you * I
at prices that you can not match for the values we offer. ColH
and see the goods.
Several lotfc of these have been greatly reduced.
We have cut the prices greatly to close out the line.
At prices it will pay you to buy and keep till next
let alone the use of them now. Compare with any for
and price.
Fur Collarettes
at a big reduction from former prices .
Will close a lot of these goods very low
Get the prices reduced on them.
All Goods sold for Cash!
Tff. HAIIIM & M.l
Attention is called to this advertisement as the opening of our ; J
Fifteen day Special Sale.
s37*s° ones now $27.50.
10.00 ones now 7.50.
We have a line sent us for sale at
less than wholesale prices. They are
worth your looking. Also a lot of our
own very cheap; of a cheaper grade.
$lB 00 ones now $13.50.
15.00 " " 12.00* " " 10. CO.
10.00 " " 7,50.
Also a line of cheaper ones cut in
prices (see then); with children's and
misses as low as $1.19.
Heavy cloth for ladies' coats was
2.25 and $2.50, now $1.50 ; some as
low as 19c.
Don't come a month from now and expect the same goods and price!
for we will be just as strict on them as we are in closing store at 8 o'clodtTi
which we open to no person. J
_ 1 w. HARTMAW & SOW, ]
Christmas Christmas
Presents. Presents.,
The place to buy them is at
Who are now ready with the finest and largest stock we have
ever exhibited. We have
Solid Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and]
Nickle Watches ; *
Onyx v China, Porcelain, Plastic Marble,
Iron and Wood Clocks;
Solid Gold, Gold Filled, Nickle, Aluminum
and Steel Spectacles, which will be fitted by a
Graduate Optician and Doctor of refraction.
The very latest and newest decorations
Fine China and Royal Teplitj^^|M
Wood, Leather, Celluloid and Plush
ing and Dressing cases. Albums, Mirrors, Bibles
Pocketbooks, Folding Pocket Kodaks, Cameras,
Now is the time to buyvas the early
selection. Goods engraved rree.
Jewelers, Gpticiins and Stationers.
$6.50 ones now $5.00.
5.00 " " 4.00.
4.00 " • 3.25.
3.00 " " 2.25.
2-5° " " 1.75.
1.50 " " 1.15.
1.00 " " ,8e
•85 " '• 75-
A few left of the .45.
Single dress patterns and other <l(em|
goods all cut in prices. (See them.)
10 yds. turkey red calico, 35a
10 yds. unbleached muslin 35c.
(Only 20 yds. to one buyer.) 1
Children's furs, 25c set ■