The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 28, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Dnral nk 4he food
" ' wtaoloom and delicious.
Absolutely Purs
OYM. MUCINO .00111 CO., NIW oK.
THURSDAY, OCTOMiR 28, 1897..
Kiiterert nl thr Port. OJThv of lilixnnnlmrg,
fmund clan matter, Mnrvh 1, 1HH8.
Abcut Peoplo tou Know.
I". 1'. Rillmeyer of New York City, was
town on Saturday.
Mrs. C. H. Mcllcnry of Benton, apent
Sumlay with friends 111 town.
V. II. Cnppalo, collector for Colliers'
rulilithing House, of I'hilmlulpliia, calleil on
his subscribers in town on Saturday.
William I.. Manning of lirMiton, N. Y
spent Saturday in town.
Mrs. W. S. Rishton and son Myron, went
to I'lnladclphia on Monday.
Mrs. Clias. Vatson McKelvy is spending
this week in Philadelphia.
Dr A. 15. famison of Washington, D. C,
has been visiting in this section during the
past week.
Haiman Uncer, of Tolo, OA' Co.
Illinois, is visiting his sister Mrs. J. I., tlir-
ton, and 01 her relatives in town.
The little daughter of Dr. an 1 Mis. J. 1'.
Welsh, who has been very ill, we are glad to
note is improving, and is considered out of
Col. John Jameson and uimly kit on
Tues.lay for (Juakeriown. P 1., whs re they
will reside. 1 hey have IivcJ here since
1SS0, and iheii depannre is rc;relul I v
their many friends. Col. Jameson was mitr
es' cii with Co.lins Iiros. 111 t ie tonauuilu
uflhc N. & W. 11. laiir.ud, and had the con
tract alone lot the onsltuciion of the 11. & S.
Legal advertisements cn page 7.
Next Tuesday
Vote early, and
Democratic ticket.
is election day.
vote the whole
The wedding of A. Bruce Hartman
of this town and Miss Cora A.
Schloyer, will take place at the home
of the bride s parents at Berwick
John Ellis of the Broadway Store,
has accepted a position at Lehighton,
Ta. John has made many friends
during his stay here, and regret to see
him leave.
The vacant room next to Maier's
Clothing Store, will be occupied in
the near future bv T. F. Courser, of
Towanda. He intends opening a
Shoe Store.
The ballot is not at all complicated
this year. It is seven columns wide,
but there are only six names in the
longest columns. A mark in the circle
at the top of the second column will
vote the whole Democratic ticket,
and that is the way to vote.
Everybody ouyt 80.
Cswcnrntu Candir c-ithnrtle. the most won-
1 irful medical discovery of the atre, pleas-
tut and rerreshinfr to the tasio, act gently
nd positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
I'leaiiftinir thn nnt.ira vnt'tn. dlsnel coldl.
euro liciulnulio, fever, liubituul constipation
and bilioiiKness. Please buy nnd try a box
of C. C. C. to-dnv: 10, as, M) cents. Boldand
guaranteed to cure by ull druggists.
Perhaps when we fall asleep, but we
re not sleepy yet, so we beg to inform
Jin that we have a Quartette ok
ur .. . - ..!
"unders which we oiler you, ana
guarantee satisfaction or we will cheer
"my refund your money. Ihese are
the Wonders :
Headache Crackers,
Neuralgia Crackers,
"yspopsia Crackers.
Cold Crackers.
The Prica is a mero song, 10c.
They can only be bought of tbe
a wm mint
John Haley of Rupert, ami Miis
Mary Hcnncssy, of this town were
married in the Catholic Church by
Rev. McCann, at o o'clock Wednes
day morning.
John Kicfcr, aged about forty-five
years, died at his home on the Ken-
ben Shuman farm in Mainvllle last
waek. He formerly resided in Bloonis-
burg. The funeral services took
place on I rid ay, conducted by Rev.
13. C Conner.
Charles Johnson, who has been at
Lancaster for the past few months,
accumulating knowledge in the art of
watch making, returned home Satur
day and accepted a position with J.
l'. Koys. Mr. Johnson is a pains
taking, careful workman.
Mrs. Harrison Shaffer died at her
home on Poplar Street on Friday
evening of last week. The decsased
was thirty-five years old and had been
a sufferer for a lone time. A hus
band and two children survive,
Funeral took place Monday.
Negotiations have just been com
pleted whereby Gidding & Co. take
the shoe Store of Jones & Walter,
The change will take effect January
1st next. This will make Gidding &
Co., complete outfitters after that
The Ladies Exchange held in the
Centre Street Basement of H. J,
Clark's Store each Saturday morning
Irom nine to twelve will have for sale :
dressed chickens, sliced ham, salads,
besides all varieties of pies, cake?, etc.
An itemized announcement of their
Thankssjivinii Sale will appear later.
Regular preaching services in the
Lutheran Church by the pastor, next
Sabbath morning and evening at 10.30
, and 7 o clock. Live, practical, inter
esting themes discussed. In the morn
ing "The man of God'' in the evening
'Scenes in the Life of Paul.'' S. School
at 9 a. in. C. K. at 0 p. m. Every
body welcome and cordially invited.
The following letters are advertised
October 26th, 1S07. Mr. Billie
Bowers, Mrs. Fannie Conner, Mr.
Georue Lvera'd, P E. Flood, Mr.
II. E. Long, Mr. Alfred Miller, Mrs.
S. D. Titter, Mrs. Alice Snyuer,
Irving S. Wood (2), Mr. Jesse Hoi-
lincrshead. Will be sent to the dead
letter office November 0, 1807.
James H. Mercer, P. M.
Rev. Dr. William Bodine of the
Church of the Saviour, Thirty-eighth
Street above Chestnut, Philadelphia,
is being very strongly mentioned as a
candidate to succeed the late Bishop
Rulison, of the Diocese of Central
Pennsylvania, Episcopal Church. The
election will take place 111 bouth
Bethlehem on November oth. Several
other names are mentioned in connec
tion with the Bishopric.
In the absence ot Rev. D. N.
Khkby who was called away by the
death of his sister, services in St,
Paul's Church were conducted by
Mr. Bonus. Superintendent of the
Catawissa division of the P. & K.
railroad, on Sunday morning, and by
Mr. W. P. Meigs, Superintendent ot
the Bloomsburg Car Manufacturing
Co , in the evening. This is the first
time in many years that lay readers
have officiated at a Sunday service in
St. Paul's.
Opera House Ihursday evening
Nov. 4 The Alonzo Hatch Electro-
Photo Musical Company. It includes
the Animitoscope. The Mammoth
Trinopticon and The Wizard's Crown
ing invention. A talking and singing
machine. Among other pleasing and
instructive features of this wonderful
entertainment is the accompaniment
of music by a famous Tenor and
Italian Harpist descriptive of the
cenerv on the canvas. Let none
miss this rare and interesting perform
It is reported that the republican
candidate for Associate Judge is send
ing out circulars to members of clirter-
ent secret organizations, announcing
the fact that he is a member of such
societies, hoping thereby to secure
thrir vntps. Secret societies have
little to do with politics, but it anyone
is to be influenced by the fact, it may
as well be known that Alexander Xi.
Herring, the Democratic candidate
for Associate Judge, is a memoer
of the Masons, the P. O. S. of A., the
G. A. R. and the Columbia County
Veteran Association. '
Miss Augusta H. Gilmore, of the
Emerson School of Oratory, Boston,
Mass.. will give one of her charming
,;, '1' ; th Snndav School room of
'"" . 7 - .
u 1thnr kt F.nisconal Church.
Bloomsburg, Pa-, on Friday evening
r fkie Miss C, more's se ec
tions are in the best taste, and her
ji una "wwim
reciting most natural and entertaining.
it... ; m KiirVilu nnnreriated that
she is called and recalled to the largest
churches in the country. In connec-
liuu wini i-i "-'"" .. . j o
...:.u toi nvt Fnriav nierht
the Methodist choir will sing several
.im! The adm ssion to
uuuiiG owv-vt.v.. - .
this charming entertainment is tree,
but a silver offering will De taien at
the door,
Court Proceedings.
Court convened Saturday p
with all the Judges on the bench.
Samuel Neyhard, Jno. S. Mensr.h
and Clias. H. Bom boy appointed in
spector of bridge in Hemlock town
ship near Buckhorn.
Mordecai Fowler vs. Geo. K. Hess.
Rule granted to show cause why ap
peal should not be stricken off.
J. r. Hunsinger vs. M. A. Markle.
Rule granted to show cause why ap
peal should not be stricken off.
Oliver Kindt appointed inspector
of elections in Mt. Pleasant twp
C. C. Peacock, trustee, vs. Magee
Carpet works. Return of Sheriff is
directed to be amended.
Petition of T. T. Brower and W. D.
Beckley for order of further distribu
tion of funds of the Bloomsburg Iron
Co. Rule granted as prayed for,
T. R. Everett vs. S. H. Kessler,
Fi. Fa. Rule for interpleader having
been entered by the Sheriff by agree
ment of Counsel, rule to Interpleader
is made absolute and S. II. Kessler
the claimant is directed to give bond
in sum of $734-
In re petition of Lavma Dewitt tor
restoration to manace her own estate
and for discharge of Ehas Krebs,
Committee. Petition gra- 1.
Every lover of pure and wholesome
drama liberally interspersed with I
comedy, songs and dances throughout,
should not fail to see Agnes Wallace
Villa, in the greatest of all dramas in
"The World Against Her" at the
Opera House on next Friday evening
Oct. 29th. This play is regarded as
one ot the strongest now Deiore me
Enclish-speakinn public. It is full of
action all the incidents are stirring,
the language is vigorous, the charac
ter sketches are vivid and each climax
is ingeniously contrived and thor
oughly effective. The plot is decid
edly absorbing and, as worked out in
incidents, situations and dialogue ap-
peals strongly to the sympathies of
men and women alike, exciting the
purest emotions of human nature,
A large number of up to-date
specialties are introduced throughout
the five acts to give it a liberal quan
tum of fun.
Miss Vilto, regarded as one' of the
foremost of emotional actresses, who
aoDears as Madne Carlton, has the
support ot a strong company of 15
c ever artists. A clever feature in
this cast is Baby Cerrette but 3 years
of ae. A clever actress, also Little
Vashti in her picturesque dances.
Don't miss this intensely exciting
Death Trap For A
He Opon a
Plunder Worth
Door That
Fired a
With diamonds, rings, watches and
chains worth $2500 on his person
Thomas Oswald, of Baltimore, whom
the police branded as a notorious
crook, killed himself in the act of com
mitting a burglary at Etna, Pa., Satur
day night. He limmieu open the
door of Jacob Blumling's shoe store,
on Bridge street, and the opening ot
the door pulled a string that discharg
ed a gun loaded with buckshot and
set as a trap for just such an oc
casion. The victim received the entire
charge in his groin, and died soon
afterward without saying a word
about himself or his crime. A satchel
that he car.iea contained an assort
ment of skeleton keys and other be
longings of burglars.
A Republican circular says that the
state of Pennsylvania has not lost a
dollar, by reason of the default or mis
management of a state treasurer,
since 1840. What do the people know
as to what may have been lost by such
default or mismanagement since the
treasury has been in machine Repub
lican hands? Leading Republicans
openly allege that much of the treas
ury assets are traudulent ana worth
less, and nobody can get at the books.
Nobody ever will until the machine is
voted out.
The Republicans have assumed the
defensive. They are seeking to explain
the treasury steals. Their theory is
that a? the state grows the cost of run
ning it grows. But not, Messrs. Repub
licans, because of that growth. The
growth will not account for the differ
ence between $30,000,000, tne cost
of Pattison's first term, and $48,000,
000, the cost of Hastings' term.
It is an evidence of weakness that
the Republicans are lugging in the
tariff and the money question to save
Beacom, McCauley and the state ma-
I chine. iney aic even auucauuS
I .. . ... - ' 1:
piteously to the war veterans to aid
them in tneir uisuess. inc swic
- ! i
being Hoodea wun circulars contain-
I ing such appeals,
The Philadelphia "Record" is right
in declaring that a vote for any but
I the uemocratic cauuiumca ia a yuic
- - - - , . m,
tor tne nepuoucan maun ic.
and only cnance 01 rcueemmg mc
i - - , . e r , i 1-
treasury 01 me state um jch"""""
machine control is in Democratic suc
that "are not very robust need a I
warming, building and iat-iornung
1000 somning , -
or three months in the iauinai
. -..if-- rrAA. . I
nf CM-Uvtr Oil with Hvpopho
tttSfa r 1 im ana oai iudpuu
. - . O - f ' - -
' m m - 4 a. nrC
v vhAt tnev wanu aiicy
will thrive, grow strong ana k
wtl all winter on this splendid food
W " - t 4 4
tonic Nearly all ot them become
very fond of it. . ror adults wno
xte. ' not vcrv sirone,
course, of treatment with
the Emulsion for a couple
of months in the fall will
put them through the
winter in hrst-class eon-rj r
dition. Ask. yoof doctor riir PCS.
about th.
B. .ur. you grt SCOTT'S Emulsloiu that th.
an nd fish ire on the wrpjr.
All drugifljt i 50c. Mid i.oo.
SCOTT & BOWME, ChemUts, Nw York,
E.-. V-
That manv Silver-Platcd arti
cles, marked Quadruple Plate,
are not even a good Single
Plate ?
And Do You Know
That many Solid Silver articles
marked Sterling fall considera
ble short from being 925-1000
fine or real Sterling?
There is no
these marks.
We carry only the finest Gold
and Silver articles, made by the
most celebrated and reliaoie
manufacturers, and we guaran-
tee ever article we sell to be
just as represented.
Jewsler and Optician.
7ry tne COL U MB TAN a year.
Solid oak combination book case
and writing desk, fclass front, bevel
mirror at top, only $9.00 at the Leader
Department Store,
Wanted. A lot ranging Irom 25
to acres with cood building on. Ad
dress P. O. Box 14, Light Street, Pa.
Tabourettes, or Jardinier Stands, in
oak, malachite or mahogany finish, only
79c at the Leader Department store.
A new lot of general warranty
deeds just printed and for sale at thii
We have iust opened some wonder
ful values in LaJies' and Children's
Winter Wraps.
The Leader Department Store.
Competition defied in Bloomsburg.
Either in Make, Price, Fit, Quantity
or Quality of goods to select from of
clothing made to order at ready made
prices at Maier, Clothier, Tailor, Hat-
ter and Furnisher. 8-19-iat.
A choice lot cf umbrellas in blacks
and colors at the Leader Department
What do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
Grain O ? It is delicious and nourish
ing and takes the place of coffee. The
more Grain O you give the children
the more health you distribute through
their systems. Grain O is made of
pure grains, and tastes like choice
coffee but costs about J the price. AH
grocers sell it. 15c and 25c.
It will pay you to examine our new
line of all wool dress goods at 30c.
The Leader Department Store.
You should see our $15 sideboard.
The Leader Department Store.
HOOD'S PtL!.S euro Liver Ills, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache.
Easy to tako, easy to operato. 25c.
We are now showing in
most complete stock of Ladies''
Cloth Capes, Ladies Plush Capes,
Collarettes at the most popular prices. You cannot allord to
. .v. . ,ikB ir,, un A,
111103 lwjo cuv; 1 u i ui uuttia anu
I Coats.
Black Kersey Coat, fly front,
strap trimmed, lined all through
with heavy satin,
Special price, $io.oo.
Black Boucle Coat, fly front, i
silk lined, at $5.00.
Black Coat, fly front, all silk
lined, at $7.00.
Black Kersey Coat, yoke back
and iront, strap seams, a hand
some coat, $10.
in a the desirable furs. Here
j gpecjal one Qf wh0le Skin,
I 1 .
Astrachan silk lined, at $11.
Fur Collarettes.
A choice line of these goods
of the Dependable Kind, and
Newest Styles ; stylish beyond
a doubt, bee the Collarettes at
5.00, 7.00, 8.oo, 9.75, $13.00, etc.
Dress Trimmings.
This stock offers you all that
is new and correct in way ot
Trimmings. See them.
The farmers of this country, it is said, will have at least
two hundred million more dollars to spend than last year.
We shall look for our share by sell
ing them a handsome Fur Cape, Plush
Cape, Cloth Cape, or a neat fitting
Jacket, either in plain Black, Brown,
Blue, Green, &c Collarettes are
much worn by the young ladies; a new
line of them just opened.
Misses Coats at prices lower than
ever before.
Children's Coats are very neat and
tasty in style this season.
Call and examine all the above
mentioned articles.
When the mills are running we feel the effects, and there is,
we are glad to say, a marked improvement in that respect. The
farmer feels it with a rise in produce, the grocerymen feel it with
increased sale of eatables, and we are feeling it by the sale of
Coats, Capes, Dress Goods, &c.
has been remodeled.
as well as ordinary diseas
es that the Watch is sub
ject to will be treated in a
most skillful manner.
Optical work, and all kinds of Clock and Jewelry repairing
a Specialty at
Jewelers, Opticians and Stationers.
Mot M
but easy, comfortable, stylish shoes.
That's what up-to-date men want. That's what we sell, and
we don't draw heavily on pocket books either. Fitting feet is
our specialty, and we assure perfect comfort to every patron.
We carry the largest stock of boots, Bhoes and rubbers in the
county, and all new and fresh and bright, Every size, every
shape, and prices not too high nor to low.
s 1
this department the largest and
Coats, Misses Coats, Ladies'
Ladies Fur Capes and Fur
vxii'co. Xfxaiv 111c urauujut
Cloth Capes.
Are popular as ever, prices to
please all. Double Cloth Cape,
braid trimmed, storm collar,
at $2.00.
Black Wool Damasse Cloth
Cape, double box pleat, back
trimmed with jet and braid,
Thibet fur edged, at $5.00.
Kersey Cloth Cape, 175 inch
sweep, strap trimming of same
material 3 rows $11.00.
Plush Capes.
Right up to the times, correct
in every way. Plush Cape,
Thibet fur edging on collar ami
fronts, silk lined, $7.50.
Plush Capes, beaded anfi
braided, pretty pattern, big
sweep, fur trimmings, $9.00.
Dress Goods.
There never was a better time
for your dress goods buying
than now. Everything is in the
buyer's favor.
50 in. All Wool Suitings, 50c
a yard. Worth to-day 65c.
50 in. All Wool Serges, -50c
a yard. Worth to-day 60c, anc
lots of others equally as cheap.
Our display of dress patterns, draper!
upon our tables, are attracting buyers.
We show them tor your advantage
with trimmings to match.
In DressGoods, by the piece or yd,
you havft over 200 styles to select
from. 1 2 Jc to $1.50 yd.
The latest in Dress Trimmings are
now with us, for all kinds and colon
of dresses.
Have you seen our New Curtains in
Lace, Chenille, Derby, Madras, and
I Oil, with poles and fixtures.
Bloomsburg, Pa