n-i ir nAl lltltniAM Dl nnkfCDI IDH OA HC IVI PI AAIl , Duuumouunui r -i . uujamt, iM ' . - . - H. . - ' - - 1 " i WASHINGTON. From our Uoicular Correspondent. Washington, Aug. 13, 1897. Is John Sherman losing his mind ? It certainly begins to look that way. He has had conversations one day with well known gentlemen, and the next day denied every word that he said to them. Mr. McKinley must have his doubts, as he has issued orders to State Department officials to see that Mr. Sherman does not get the country into some new foreign entanglement, and especially to keep him from meddling with the Cuban question which Mr. Day has from the first hail exclusive charge of. Mr. Sherman isn't such an old man his next birthday, if he lives, will be his seventy-fifth and :f his mind has really broken down it is probably be cause of the humiliation heaped upon him by the Hanna-McKinley-Day combine. The absurdity of allowing the Span ish minister to send officials of the Customs service off on all sorts ol wild goose filibuster chases was ac centuated this week when he had Customs officers seize a steamer at Bridgeport, Conn., that had on board a lot of ammunition belonging to the U. S. government, which was being moved under orders from the War Department. It would be funny, if the matter wasn't too serious to be joked about. A system of spying on the clerks in the Treasury Department has been put in force that is causing much dis satisfaction among those wno ueneve that men and women do not become slaves when they enter government employ. Mr. Benjamin Butterworth, Com missioner of Patents, has gone further than any of his predecessors have dared to go in regulating the practice before the U. S. Patent Office, in the new regulations he has issued provid ing the qualifications of patent solici tors. The evidence in tne nearings in the case of John Wedderburn & Co., who are under charges and are trying to show cause why they should not be disbarred, shows tnat Mr. Butterworth has not gone too far in those regulations. It has been shown by that evidence that of the more thAn 3,700 applications filed for patents by Wedderburn & Co. during the last two years, more than 8oo have been rejected as containing nothing patentable, and of the remain der only a few, probably not 200, have sufficient value to justify the expense of a patent. Notwithstanding these facts, the deluded applicants have in many instances been per suaded to apply for European patents, paying the attorney's fee in advance, and to pay John Wedderburn & Co. for advertising for sale worthless and fully anticipated inventions. It is learned that Minister Wood ford has been instructed to take his time m traveling to Madrid to an even greater extent than was con templated when he left Washington. It is stated that the administration prefers in the unsettled condition of affairs in Spain, since the assassina tion of the Spanish Prime Minister, that Mr. Taylor, our old Spanish Minister, who is presumed to be better posted on the condition of affairs than a new man would be, should continue for a while to repre sent the United States at Madrid. The fact is, the administration wants to see which way the Spanish cat is going to jump before showing its Cuban policy to the government of Spain. Boss Hanna's fight for election to the Senate is being aided by the ad ministration wherever possible. Mr. George P. Hamlett, of Ohio, who was recently made Chief of Post Office Inspectors, was given that place as a reward for what he is expected to do for Hanna. There are nearly 100 riost nfiVf. insner.tors. and the chief i ...WW '""l J t can order as many of them into one particular state as he may be pleased to have there. The programme is for Mr. Hamlett to keep enough mspec tors in Ohio to see that all the post masters in that state etve Hanna all the hpln thpv can. and any one of them who fails to meet expectations in that line will be likely to find that the insnectors will discover something wrong in the way he conducts his office. Of yes, of course, this is a civil service reform administration Kolufuon samnniomS in wlllCll it IS lnterested. Swallow Meets Hastings' Challenge. Rev. Dr. Swallow, has written an open letter to Governor Hastings in reply to his challenge to show fraud in the bill of $56,590,36 for the fitting up Grace Church for the use of the legislature after the destruction of the capitol. The doctor offers to furnish the affidavits of four responsible furniture dealers in Philadelphia that on one week's notice they would have furn ished desks for $12 that the state paid $25 for and others at $20 that the state paid $37.50 for. Also the affidavits of steam heat experts that they would have done the job as satisfactorily for $4,000 as the state did for $13,000. "Every intelligent man," Dr. Swal low adds, "who has examined it knows that repairs cost the state three prices and I know it would have cost $7 $.000 if I had not sounded the alarm last February. I am amazed Governor, that vou should call the attention of the people to the competi tive schedule of prices under which the church was fitted since its vicious character has been under discussion of the people for at least three months, I recommend your attempt to bind the legislative department of the state government to even compulsory honesty. But do not, I pray you neglect the executive department. $100 Euward, $100. The readers of this paper will b pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all iis stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken interna l)', acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much tan n in us curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. CURRENT FUN. ITe Clearly, we men have mom flnft- ly developed senses. She Yes, but less sanwtv rans Journal Amusftnt. Mr. Oabbwl ro von Irnow that ywl talk In your kIim-p, James? Mr. OnWx'l lo 17 nicn 1 Det yon Join In. London Fun. Woman." snld the lecturer, "Is pure pold." 'Yes,' luierrupted a tnovijrnuui mnn In ft rear neat; "money tiUksl" Puck. Have .vou ever noticed that most Imll tilnvoTs chew triini?" "Yex, except when they chew tne ratt with iho umpire." rhnndeljrfila Nreh American. Kettle Are we nny Wn to flvlckcne? ((rti,of courwe, not: wo'i-e people. Kei-tle Well, Uncle Harry nys papa wttH n mighty bnd epg when lie wae yo'unir. Brooklyn Lift. "The New York Vresu snrs that klss lnjf Is love's Worcestershire sauce." "I g'pose Unit's because a man hfia to sheer off en ha grots too Bauey." Cleveland Plain Dealar. Husband (xroaulnx) The rheumat ism In my leg In coming again. Wife (with Kympathy)r-Oh, I am sorry, John. I wruvtcd to do some shopping to-duy, and that is a euro sign of rain. Ixmdon Tlt-Ults. 'Gwrge, I four you are marrying ino Jut because uiy uucle left me a fortune." "No, uiy precious. I'd marry you Just the (satno If any other friend had left It to you." London Ttt-Blts. Ondd I remember When Gasscr, the famous orator, used to be one of the worst speakers you ever heard. Ikiotell How did ho ever get to bo so persuanlvely eloquent? Uadd Beggiug hired girls not to leave. New York Evening Journal. "Oh, the liM'iiu things," she sighed, "flint are dune behind a person 9 back!" Hhe might have been thinking of tho things that mankind does In deceit. But there nre othen. Notably her skirt and her shirtwaist weren't doing a tiling, roughly speak ing, but coining apart around there. letrolt Journal. Little five-year-old Jennie's mother had gone to church, leaving her mid her Ixvbf sister with Their graud iiother. After awhile grandma got weary and put the baby to bed. Thea he suggested that It would be nice If Jennie alo would retire. I -T dnnt want to Tot. tfiandma," said the Mttle girl. "Bat see how cicely mtK siMer nas gone to sleep," grandma urged. "Oh, well," replied MUs Jennie, "sho nln't old enough yet to realize that rt'a not dark! Cleveland leaaer. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to torment and putrlly In tho stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, insomnia, nurvuuniican, uuu, It not relieved, bilious fever 1(3 I I I or blood poisoning. Hood's III 3 x Ills nuiiiiiii.m .,.........., rouse tho liver, euro headneho, dizziness, con stitution, etc. Bl cents. Hold by nil dniKffists. Ttiu only l'llls to take with Hood's Harsaparuia. WE MANUFACTURE 1 in eg Pennsylvania Kailrc&cL Time Table m effect June o,'vj. Scran tomS B)lv Plttston " " From distilled Htornjfo rooms and mtered water, wo preserve butter. Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad for Mount Gretna farmers Encampment. From August 16 to 20, inclusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell, for the above occasion, round-trin tickets to Mount Gretna and return at rate of one fare for the round trt'A, from principal stattons be tween East Liberty and Bryn Mawr, on the Northern Central Railway north of and including Lutherville, and on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Division. Those tickets will be valid for return passage until August 13, inclusive. For information in regard to train service and specific rates application should be made to ticket agents. 8-I2-2t. uioats, green and dried rrults, lurs, car pets and woolen goods. COLD STORAGE & ARTIFICIAL ICE CO. 4-5'.i-3m niooinaburar, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE DELAWARE.LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. Wllkesbnrre... lv Plym'th Ferry " NautlvOko " Moi-.anaq'ia Wapwallopen. " Nescopeck ar Pottsvltle. ... tlnzleton TommcKen.. Vern Glen... Hock Glen... Nescopeuk... .lv HI.OOMSBURO DIVISION. STATIONS. A.M. I 1.60 10 06 Nescopeck lv (Jieafy " Kspv Ferry " K. UloomBburg" Catawlpsft ar Catawlcsa ..lv H. Danville.... " minbury " North csibkrland Cameron Cliulasky run vino .. CatawlsAa Ituoert.... Bloorasburg ....... Kspy LliueHlde Willow urove.... BrlurcreeK BerwlcK Beach Haven... Hlck'B Kerry. .... HblckHlilnuy HunlocK's. Nanileoke, AvondalB.. Plymout h A.M. 6 3d KAoT. r.H. A.M. 8 50 7 03 7:09 7 11 7 23 71 7H4 788 7 48 7 64 800 8 10 80 87 3 Si 8 3? Plymout U Junction 84a Kingston, 8 6" Eighty Per Cent, are Catarrh Subikcts. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will cure the worst of them. It has been tested a thousand times and never disappoints. It is pleasant to arplv, harmless, and gives such quick relief, One short puff will clear a cold from the head and prevent the possibility of contracting this nasty disease which taints about 80 per cent. of the whole American people. Sold by C. A. Kleim. Tba Viking Ship. t 13 s XI t m 8 43 i 48 ii 62 s'ot 8 07 8 18 124 84 8 42 8 47 8 62 8 67 4 OS 4 08 4 11 4 17 4 22 4 26 4 80 4 84 4 37 4 46 4 60 4 66 r.u. low 10 30 10 44 10 49 11 1!! 11 18 iis3 ll'i'i l'i'68 1805 13 IS 13 S3 12 20 12 40 r. f. 6 60 tOi 807 6 18 6 28 6 33 3D 43 6 ti 8 68 7 HO 7 OH 7 12 7 19 7 35 7 40 7 64 I S8 8 03 6 07 8 12 8 1A 8 16 8 if. 8 30 8 A3 8 39 8 44 8 48 8 57 9 el 9 0" r. m Sunburv-. . Lewlsburg ... Milton Wllllamsport. Lock Haven... Henovo Kane.... Lock Haven. ..lv Ilellefohte ar Tyrone " I'lilllpsburg...." Clearrteld " Pittsburg " Hunbtiry liurrlaburtf. .. 4. M.I k 0, A. M. ! 7 f I 38 7 ) I'll 8 8 il A. M i 8 00 7 ml 7 80 i 7 8 7 43 8 07 A. V V 88 flO Oil A. H 10 i: 10 21 in 27 10 4 l'l 66 11 10 A. M ! 9 (16 11 Xi 11 25 11 ;n 11 40 A M. 8 f4 8 83, t 8 431 8 4?j 8 65I 8 66 1 Q 11 9 85 DON'T GO TO KLONDIKE- Secretary Bliss has taken cogniz ance of the rush to the Klondyke gold fields and Alaska and has issued the following warning: " To whom it may concern : "In view of the information receiv ed at this department that 3,000 per sons with 2,000 tons ot baggage and freiuht are now waiting at the en trance to White Pass, in Alaska, tor an opportunity to cross the mountains to the Yukon river, and that many more are preparing to join them, I deem it proper to call the attention of all who contemplate making tnat inp to the exposure, privation, suffering and danger incident thereto at this advanced period of the season, even if they should succeed in crossing the mountains. To reach Dawson City, which is nvr the nass. 700 miles of difficult Navigation on the Yucon river, with nut adenuate means of transportation will still be before them, and it is flniihtful if the iourncy can be acconv ' . . 1 It... nlished before the river is cioseu vy ce-rM-'m "I .im moved to draw public notice to these conditions by the gravity of th n.issihle consequences to people ,1-triinpd in the mountainous wilder- VtWfcV.."-" . ness during five or six months ot an n,f,v nintrr where no reliet . can reach them, however great the need "U. Pi. CUSS, "Secretary of the Interior." Romo.! V,ta tn flraneers' Picnio at Williams' Grove via Pennsylvania Railroad For the accommodation of persons desirintr to attend this interesting pic nic and exhibition the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets on August at, 23, 24. 5 26 nnd ol rrnnd to return Until AllgUSt - !&"- " -. 10. inclusive, at rate of oncjtiie for the round trip, from principal stations between East Liberty and Hrvn Mawr on the Northern Central Railway north of and includin . Lutherville, ana on tne rnuaueipma and Erie Railroad Division. ' For information in regard to tram service and specific rates application should be made to ticket agents. 8-i2-3t. Acrer.l With Win. Tho elttzuns oi Guthrie, Ok., deter mined recently to present tneonis to throe young men wno nnu snowu bravry in rescuing people ounuu ui flood. A young -woman wno wa ttag wbierlpUons for this purpose came up t a group of several young men, urnong whom was Mcoarrney, one of the men for wnom xne motuus wore to be procured. "lloya, I'm collecting money to D.uy medals for McCartney, vwius ami Pratt. Will yon help? Yes," reinwl McCartney, witn a wink to hLs companions, "but, while I nm willing to hlp ru getting medals for Willis iuhI Piatt. I don't think Mc Cartney deserves one. ne uupiy reii Into the rlvor nad uaa to no neiyuu out" Well, between you nnl me, coa- tidentlnlly resixmuod the subscription tnker. "I ln't so either, but folks nre afraid he might feel hurt if he wan left out so they oounteU llm In." New York irlDune. . J. 1 Ho Wan Safe. Kustv Itufus "IMs liere paper says work 11I n't what kills men. wvni-v Wiiirir c8 "Dat a rigni, too, Taint a loaded guu what nhoots folks; 'taint pmt'ii what plfens or em, aiui tnlnt work what Kins eni. 11 ". kuowin' eiuugh to let tilings moue dat's wlint!" Truth. . 1 w An AdvnlitUKo. 'Mrs. Wellup fays she Is going to fpend a large Vrt or tm suuiiner ut home lu the cuy, suiu i". veiiroachfully. 'yes, replied nis cn- -" nfford It. Shu's so ncn nonouy nui Insinuate that snes omigeu 10. Washington Slur. SimnEN Deuhs on the Increase. People apparently well ana nappy to-dav. to-morrow are smcKcu uu.., ,,r,ri in mnetv-nine cases out of every hundred the heart is the cause. The king of heart remedies Dr. Agnews the Heart is within the reach Vuiv. . , of all, and if there are symptoms ui heart disorder it should de used with out delay. It relieves in 30 minuicb, and cures most chronic cases. Sold by C. A. kleim. "What Constitutes a Tax Day. The County Solicitor of Luzerne county has cleaned mat unu i .v. alien tax law the day (or which the ,raa rntt ta is to be paid means an nnrt of a day. If the unnatural ized laborer wcks only an hour three cents tax must be collected, ThuiiKl'tlra". "Arabella, dear." siild the weary mother, "I wlsii you wouui uu imilor." , , . 'Indeed, i ll not. i ernte to nsK Mien esuiuun j..- kiuiw I'm training ior a r"j Detroit Free l'ress. The New Yorker who failed to see the Viking during the few days that the nallant little vessel was lying or cruising in the waters of the harbor missed a sight that it would be almost worth while to go to Chicago to see, To those with a fair idea of what good boatbuilding requires the lines of the Viking are said to have been very satisfactory, and the soundness of their judgment is established by the achievement of the vessel in crossing the Atlantic against unfavorable winds. sound and safe as an ocean going steamer. But even to one with no claims to expert knowledge the vessel is verv beautiful. It is easy to see in her the jurisdiction of her chief officer's proud remark, when asked if she did not ship water over her open sides: "No. Her model is so per fect, her lines so fine" here he made a sweeping gesture with both hands, illustrating the lines "that she wishes all the time to be on top." But what impressed the ordinary observer is the courage of their con viction shown by the crew of a dozen modern Norsemen, who, persuaded that the original on which the Viking was modeled was seaworthy, and that what their ancestors had done they could do, took this little vessel, with out a deck, with a broad oar for a rudder, with a single mast and sail, with no room aboard to swing a ham mock, and barely sufficient to store the needed supplies, and sailed her over the course that they believed the ancient Norsemen had sailed with a like craft centuries before the discov er which all the world is celebrating at Chicago. That is a striking and splendid way of arguing a disputed question in hisjory. No one after this can say that the Norsemen could not have reached the shores of America on the vessels then known. Harper s Weekly. Bennett 8 58 Fnrt.v Fort 8 B" Wyoming.. . 9 01 West PIUBton 08 Buaqiiehunna Ave 10 I'lHnion VI Pin-yea Lackawanna 9 it Taylor iioin.viin V ! MfiRANTON 41 4 55 148 STATIONS. WEST. A.M. A.M. t. U.T. M. mcr anton 00 915 115 6 00 nu aDim o tn Taylor..... 1 10 04 LacKawsnna Duryea - 8 s ' ' HlttslOD " Vi' Sii9iuehnua Ave o m invli west riui,uu " Wyomtnif - " KortyFort M.. .... Hcnnett . y Kingston 4 108 Hiymouia juq-.huu Hlymoutti Jl'J 107 Avonauin Nantlcoke 7 14 1004 Hunlock a 1 11 shlfikshlnny 7 ol 11 10 II lck'g Ferry Boacb Haven .. - IM 11" B-rwtck " " w Brlarcreek - . 8' Willow firove.. 8 I" J 50 LlmeKlUtje 814 Jl 56 linpy 8'n i 04 moomsburg 8 S 12 is Kunert.. fM l 18 f'KtawKwa 8 41) iv D'invllle m Cnulasky Cameron '" H NOHTUDMBKKLANO... W 100 a. r. . connections ar, Ftinert with pntlnrieipnia ReadlDtr Hallroud tor Tamanend, Tamaqua, W Ullamsport, Sunnry, Pottsvlim, etc ai Nortnumrjeriana who r. a n. uii. -. Uarruburg, LocH Eaven, Emporium warren. Corry and Erie. Philadelphia, a r Baltimore.... Washington ... sunbury lv Lewlstown Jo ar Pittsburg- Harrlsbutg lv A. M. I 9 4S 10 1 in io! 11 Cm 11 Mt: A. M.I r: m. ill 10 1 OS 3 15! 4 vfcl, 5 0' r do I 50 i 111 80, P. M. t 8 00 8 10 4 in A. M. no 05 P. M. ia o.-,! s r do; A. M. I 11 45 P. M. T 001 A. M ill 10 via Keck (tlen p. M. 19 M 19 !!0 19 1 00 P. M. 1 I'll 1 45 1 at I 9 80 ! 3 40 4 40 9 00 P. M !3 45 4 44 6 OOl 8 901 9 09 11 SO r. m.i 1 55 5 8 90 P. M. I k I 6 10 1 7 16 P. M 5 9 45 ! 4 87 ill 8C P. M. JS 50 P. M. 1 4 n 4 21 t 4 8ii 4 S3 P. M 6 84 0 (H fl 09 o '! P. M. P. . I 5 87 8 80 6 .! S10 10 P. JI,! A. M. Ill l.-l i 4 30 I H 4.'l .... no i: Ill 30 Plttsbur? ar1 rWceKduys. Lally. I i US btalitu P. M. I V 8' A. M. a i), P. M. no to A. X. i 5 30 9 05 9 13 9 14 9 90 9 23 9 27 S82 9 89 V 16 9 51 M SM 8'l a 0 Sl'4 8 t.5 8 42 8 49 855 819 4 C4 4 :i 1 17 198 4 -t 41 4 9 4 4 1 18 p. m. r.t 10 817 21 6 .4 H -S tl HI 8 35 Jl b!.8 7 iT 7 19 7 7 :i5 7 11 7 i 8 C S'Vl 1 4 2 6 it 8 I' SSf 9 2! I'lttsburff.. . Harrtsburg. , .lv Pittsburg lv Lewistown Jc Sunbury... ar Waslilngton....lv Baltimore PtUladelpbla...' Harrlsburg lv Sunbury. ar I 4 US I 4 80 Plttsburir.... in ... .lv Clearflel Phlllpsburg Tyrone Urtllefonte.. Lock Uaven...ar W.F. HALLSTKAD, Gen. Man., Scranton, P Erie....... lv Kane Kenoo Lock Haven... WIUIamBport. Milton Lewlsbtirg Sunbury... ......ar a. SOTJTH.- ARRIVI. am a.m. pm p.m. 7.10 11.40 6.30 2.40 70S 11.85 8.2H 9.8 7.08 11.82 6.94 9.35 6.20 2. 32 .5S 11.93 6.12 S 90 8.50 11.90 fl.HH 9.15 6.41) 11.10 5.59 2.00 6.29 11.01 5.4H 1.31 6.25 10.59 5.44 1.80 6.1H 10.f 5.37 1.25 6 08 10.43 5.27 1.10 6.04 10 4(1 5 29 12.35 6.02 0 88 5.20 12.3H 6.58 l'l.m 5.16 12.25 5.53 10.32 5.18 1211) 5.43 10.23 5.03 12.0.1 5.40 10.20 5.00 11.50 am am pm pm B. & 8. R. R. STATIONS. Bloomsbu-g. ' r.iii. 11 Main St.. .TrondnlH... Paper Mill. Liunt ot . OranKevll'e. .. .rorRB ... ...Zanor's... Stillwater . ...Becton.... ...Kdson'r.... .Coie's cr'k. .hiiBarloat.. ..I.aubacb.. ...central... .Jajo. city.. -NORTH LIAV1 am pmtpm am 8.30 2 40 6 40 6.10 133 9.42 6.44 6.18 8.8 9.41 6.47 2.4T 6.60 6.25 8 44 2.54 6.5M 6.87 8.47 3.00 7.0? 6.60 R.Mt 3.10 7.10 7.10 9.06 8.20 7.20 7.85 9.H9 3.25 7.24 7.41 9.18 3.30 7.20 8.00 9.21 8.40 7.80 8.40 9.2 3.41 7.44 8.60 9.28 3.47 7.4S 8.58 9.31 8.5'.' 7.62 0.00 9.86 8.57 7.57 0.10 0.41 4.07 S.07 9.30 9.50 l.K 8.10 0.40 am p m p mam Sunbury lv 8. xianvuie Catawliwa. B. llloomfcburg1 Espy Ferry ' Creasy ...... 1 NescopecK ...ar ..lv . ar Fern Glen Tomlilcken " Nesconock.. Kock uien ITazleton ... Potuvllle . LKAVI Nescoreck lv wapwallopen. ur .Mocanaqua..., Naotlooke .... I Plym'th Ferry" wiikesoarre.... the p,., Sbvse. It stands to reason that Dr. Agnew's Liver Tills will crowd out of the market many of the naus- o timers. A better medicine CUiia " . . ii .1 Knr. h.ilf the urice is all the arcument needed to keep the demand what it has been Phenomenal 40 i. nts. Thev cure Sick tia.,inrh. Biliousness, and allay all cmnrh irritations. At all druggists Sold by C. A. Kleim. - -1 When bilious or costive, eat a Las. caret, candy catharic, cure guaranteed, A-1 I t Helping "' On. gho perfet'lly lovely club; l"'t H? He Are you 11 member 7 She No; only married women are .ll.rll.K. 1 1 . . . ,i .. tr, . Ilw-An! Wouia you iiiw n.nko Villi ellKlUlO IO IUUUllK!lnuiy IVnvsou's Weekly. Very Kaplil. 4.i7mh wimt I bear. Mr. Rarnestly, 1,... D,m r vuura at college Is a lrttlo ""- .... ! J 11 1.1 "A little rnt. ti'P1'11" " 11lu u,u dUnlalnfully, "Ho Holds tho au-ur ropiM-tl as a 100-yard sirlntor."-De- trolt 1'Vh in-ess. 1 1 if Khe Only Weri), Hniran-It Is a folue lot nv moukeys they do be uiutiu' v iuiiiumu-o .1 . 1.1 -IT,.f Klllll l .aii-Ufdad. If only Olrelaud wor ,,.'1, l Hrst brick av th' shindy would Uave been throwed long sinco. uiiolls. -Indian 1 -IJotrolt 1V..11 Ouulilloil. "What makes you think Smoothly Is .. i..,. tl lenmin ( "",.....,... ho 1 one of the most nnt- 1r.1l mid urtlxtlo Uurs I have ever lint the pleiiNure of uieetlug. i'vee l'lvus. A Kiltlll'lll Qll?tloll. H,,"No, I couldn't t?o to Kumpo this f..,ir heeuuse 1 had to have my plumb- ,, I.... .i.tim .il'ttf 'tli,, "Whwii UW3 your pluuibot HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS 600 PAGE BOOK MAILED FEEE. CONTENTS; Part I. Diseases of Horses. Part II. Diseases 01 oluc Part III. Diseases of Sheep. Part IV. Diseases of Hogs. Part V. Diseases of Dogs. Part VI. Diseases of Poultry. Same book in bettor binding du cm. marllllBTS' HBD. CO., Cor. WIlHMi 1 SO t IB n 00 7 10 110 00! I 7 20 A. U. t s m s is 8 So 8 48 t 8 W. 9 05 Plttton(I4H)ar scranton " A. V. til 10 11 85 11 11 M P. u. Ii 15 1 SO A, M. Ill 10 11 i'i 11 32 11 641 P. M 13 oa 18 10 P. M. I 3 00 5 Is 7 00 4 01 1 10 NIAGARA FALLS. Low Rate Excursions via ennsylvania Rail road. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will run a series of ten-day excur sions to Niagara Falls, leaving Phila- delnhia. Baltimore, and Washington on July 22, August 5 and 19, and September 4 and 16. An experienced tourist agent ana cnaperon accompany each excursion. Excursion tickets, good for return nassace on anv recuiar tram, cjh-iu- sive ot limited express trains, wiunn ten days, will be sold at $10 from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and all noints on the ueiaware iivi- sion : $0.70 from Lancaster ; $8.60 from Altoona and Harrisburg ; $8.25 from Wilkesbarre ( $S-8o from Wil liamsport and at proportionate rates from other points. A stop-over win ue .illnwpd at Buffalo. Rochester, and Watkins returning. A special train of Tullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each excursion. Vnr further information apply to nearest ticket acent, or address Geo W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger A T I O . Ct.li.tn ll-ila.1.1 Agent, uroau oncci oiauuu, .....v. phia. 7-i5-t- Gold mining companies are being organized all over the country to operate in Alaska. Our advice is, not to invest in any stock in these companies just yet. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration rrom over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopatmo op" No. 28, In use over w yearn, " auacessful remedy. $1 per vlal.or S vlalt and large iai powaer.ior m b. DrulU. or nut poitp.14 on recclui ol prtc HDarUBKH' "KB. CO., Cor. WlllUa JoIidSU., Sow Vori CATARRH Ask your Druggist for a generous IOCENT , . TRIALSIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor any otlierliilurloufidrujf. It Is quickly ADsorb- ed. (Ives Kollet at once. It opens and cleanses tlin Nasal I'HKsatfes. Allays Inilaiumatlon. HealB and Protects the Membrane. Ilestores t nn Senses ol TaHt e and smell t ull Slz jOc.j l rial bl.eli c. at DrinrtflHtaoi bymatl. ELV BKOTUKHS. Wai-reu Mreet, ow oik. t Weekdays. I Dally, t Flaj station. Pullman Parlor and Sleenlnc cars run on througU trains between sunbury, V llUamBrorl und Krle, between Sunbury and Philadelphia and W ashington and between Harrisburg, Fltts; burg and the west. , -,.., For turther lnrormatton apply to Tlcfcot Agents. J, U. HUTCHINSON. J. K. V WU, Gen'l. Manager. Gen. Pass, Agt. Philadelphia & Reading R'y In effect May Si, lsar. TRAINS LK4VE BLOOMSBUUG For New York, Philadelphia, Heading Potts- vllln, Tamaqua, weekdays H.4R a. m. For n llliamsporb, wceiiuaa, i.oa a, w., o.u y. "For Danville and Milton, weekdays, 7.85 a, in., 13.30. . , . - .. mnn VOt cacawissa weexuaj a (.00, 11. to a. iu., 8.80 5.00 .81, p. m. For Hupert weekdays7.33, 11.45 a. m., 1S.80, 3.30 6.00, 6.3.1. p. m. M . , B. O. K. K.. through trains leave Heading Ter. mlual, Palladelphla, s.-JO, T.f 5, li.au a. m., 8.46 7.SI, p. m. Sundays 8.20,- 7.8S U.Ctt a. in., 8.4, 7.47, p. m. Additional trains from 84 and Chestnut street siatiuu, weennuya, i.o, 6 i'i p. m. Sundays, l.iss, p. ui. TIUINS FOK BLOUMBBUKQ Leave New Tort via Philadelphia 8.00 a m., and via Bastoo v.io a. tu. Leave Philadelphia 10.0J 5u 31, Leave Heading ll.es a. it. Leave PottsvlTle ll.au p. m. Leuve Tamaqua 1.S.T a, o... Leave Wiuiamsport weekdays lo.uo a m, .su p Leave Catawlssa weekdays, T.oo.s.sua. m. l.su 8.30, B.1S. Leave Hupert, weekdays, 7.08, 8.27, a. m.( 11,56 1.87,4.40, B.li8. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. COLD N HEAD PARKEH'S HAIR BALSAM Nnvai Faile to Bptqre Ory Hair to lie Voutnrui uoior. " Vl,..anill""Bt """jSilil- 8-5-lt.d. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE Leave Philadelphia, chestnut Street wharf and South Street wharf tut Atlunt lc city. WBKK-DAYS Kxprecs, h.OH, H.nU, I(.S a. Tu, (Saturdays only, 1.80) iJO. .;.00, a.4U. 4-On, 4.30, 5.00, 5.w, 7.00 p. in. Accom. 3.00 a. iu., 5.:m, b.;w p- . ., bl'KUAtg ,.dU, a.uu, o du, u uu, iu.uu a.iii , p. m. Accom., 8 ik a. m., 4. i'i p. m. 1.0 F.xcur blon Train to foot ot Mlslss:ppl Ave., 7.00 a. m. dully. U'save Atianuc 1 tty, nepot, : KFK-nY Express (Moiul only G.43 a. m.),7."0, 7.45,i.iU, 00, lt'.15, 11 U0 a. IU., 8 SO. 110, .'i.SO, 7.31', W.80 p. 111. ACCOlll. 4 '.'.'i, 8 l.i a 111., .0.1 p. m M'NIUY Kxpress. 8.8', 4.011, fi.a. 1 He. H yii. ' i 7.:)U, 8 00, iu p. in. Accom., V.hiu.in , 5.C5 p. m. $1.00 Kxcurston Train rrom tool. ,if .Mmslasippl Ave. ouly, wuek-iluys, 11.00 p. n., Sundays U.u) p. ui. Parlor cars on nil express trains. Wanted-An Idea T7ho ean thtn' t'f to1UIU Kllup) tliliii: tonutml Protoot your Ideaii: ttier n.ay lrlK yu wuultl Write JOHN WKbDEHUVRN 4 Co., Patent Attm Deya. Wadklnguin, 1. o.,r r ttielr 1,n..' i.riti auj ltit of two UuourvJ kireutlvut wautud. m H laiir'-Vruth. .