The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 22, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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, PA.
, - .. , . I
Mrs. Tames Dennis, a colored lady,
l residi ng on Fifth Street received a
back pension, amounting to $1800.
A large number of young people
I from town took in the Adelphia Base
Ball Club festival at r.spy Saturday
evening. Two hacks were kept on
the go until a late hour.
Absolutely. Pure.
roli'brMPd for lt RiriU lenvenlng
RtrrliKtli nnd tieftltliriiliH-m. Awuiffittie
fcicid iiirnlnst alum nnil all forms ot nrtul
tpriiMmi ci'innwn I" Hi'" clir.p brands.
"bloomsburg, pa.
r. Solleder & Co's., leather and
shoe finding house have just received
150 sides of Prime Oak and Hemlock
sole leathers at rock bottom prices
wholesale and retail. ?t.
The F. O. S. 0." A. excursion and
picnic to Mountain Park, near Wilkes-
Barre will be held Saturday. It will
be largely attended. The fare for the
round trip is $1.25
The only way to make a business
pay is to advertise, not once in a year,
but at all times. Keep your adver
tisement before the people, and you
are sure to be successful.
THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1897.
Kutrrea at thr I'n't Oflm at Btnrrmnburg, m,
" . . ......... ll.ili 1 1UVU
About People tou Know.
lias been
Mr M.irv Younc of Shamokin,
'isiling friends liere.
ti Iila Woods spent Sunday nt Dcrrs,
visiting her mother tnd grand-parents.
Mist Kindig of Lancaster is the guest of
Miss I.illa Sloan.
Mis Sadc Sloan, Morris Sloan and Mrs.
C. C. Kvans went to Ulock Island on Mon.
day to spend a few weeks.
Mis. C. 15. Mcllenry, and little son Rohr,
f Denton spent Saturday with friends in
S. llarmnn, who lias been spending a
An eleven pound boy is a recent
arrived at the home of Albert Raw
lngs on Third Street. The young
gentleman put in his appearance on
Sunday. What his name is we are
unable to say.
In order to be up to the times and
for the convenience of his customers,
Grier Quick, the popular young coal
dealer at the foot of Market Street,
has had a telephone placed in his
Delegate Election and County Convention
The Democratic voters of Columbia
County will meet at the several places
for holding the general election in their
respective districts on Saturday, Au
gust, 7th 1807, between the hours of
x and 7 o'clock P. M., and elect dele
gates to the County Convention and
vote instructions for the persons to be
nominated, subject to the rules of the
Democratic Party of this County.
The deleeates elected will meet at
the Court House in Bloomsburg on
Tuesday, August 10th, at 11 o'clock
a. m., and place in nomination one
person for Associate Judge and one
person for Sheriff, Jury Commissioner
and Coroner, and transact such
other business as may properly come
before the Convention.
Each election district in the County
is entitled to two delegates, except
Catawissa boro., Mifflin and Blooms
burs ud ward are entitled to three
delegates each.
John G. McIIenry, Chairman.
R. G. F. Kashinka, Secy.
We make such Bingnlarly low prices on Summer Dry Goods is fcecsm
we want to sell them, and that quickly. To us that is reason enough. Oar
advice is to take the bargains we offer and pay no heed to our ieceo3 or youil
get left.
Robert J. Force of Jamison City is
the inventor of a new churn that
seems to be a very excellent machine.
He is getting them ready for the
market now, and will soon have them
for sale.
returned home on Satur-
week at Loganinn,
Howard Jones of Williamsport, is spend
ing a couple days in town, visiting his
p.ircnts on East Street.
Mrs. A. B. llrown of New York, is visit
ing relatives and friends in town. She is ac
companied by her children.
Howard Furman spent n few days this
week visiting friends at Williamsport. lie
made the trip on his bicycle.
John Summer, after visiting his brother
Henry Summer 011 Sixth Street, has return,
eil to his home at Jersey City Heists.
I'aul Eycrly, who has been spending a two
week's vacation at Liverpool, and other
places, returned home on Friday evening.
Stephen Reice, Joe Townsend, Tom
Vanderslice, I. A. Snyder, Hart Pursell and
Carl lirown took in a dance held in DcWitt's
Vark at Danville, on Thursday night of Inst
Legal advertisements on page 7.
Celery plants, cheap at Jos. Garri
ion's, 5 th St.
The huckleberry season is here,
and the hills are lined with people,
gathering the fruit.
The barber shops of town will close
hereafter at eight o'clock every night
except Saturday.
Pastor Henry Varley, of London,
England, preached in the Presbyterian
Church Sunday morning.
The days in which trout may be
legally caunht are over for this year.
The season closed on Thursday of
iast week.
Harvey Mausteller of Hemlock
township was injured in a serious
manner while engaged hauling in hay
one day last week. He was unloading
a wagon with a large hay fork, when
the rafter on which was fastened the
pulley broke and struck him on the
Murderer's Words in a Machine.
Governor Hastings heard the words
of Peter Wassil, the convicted murder
er, who is sentenced to be hanged at
Wilkesbarre to day. On Monday the
condemned man talked into an Edison
ohonocranh. and the cylinder was
taken to Harnsburg so that the Gov
ernor miiiht listen to the statement.
Wassil accuses his brother-in-law of
the crime of which he was convicted.
He was much amused while talking
into the word-producing instrument
and smiled and snickered at the sound
of his own voice. He called it a
"queer machine" and was led away
by keepers in a happy mood.
Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim
As the swift years steal away.
Beautiful, willowy forms so slim
Lose fairness with every day.
But she still Is queen and bath charms to
Who wears youth's coronal bcautlfo!
Preserve Your Hair
and you preserve your youth.
"A woman is as old as she
looks," says the world. No
woman looks as old as she la
If her hair has preserved its
normal beauty. You can keep
hair from falling out, restoring
its normal color, or restore the
normal color to gray or faded
hair, by the use of
Ayer'S Hair Vigor.
The members of the Zion congrega
tion will hold a Lunch and Ice Cream
festival in E. M. Laubaugh's grove at
Forks, on the afternoon and evening
of Aug. 7th. All the delicacies ot the
season will be serveil, and a good time
is anticipated. The public is cordi
ally invited.
Many heated arguments have been
indulged in lately between the players
of the two east end teams of ball
tossers, the "Hot Stuffs" and the
"Warm Babies." The matters will
be settled this evening when the two
great clubs will line up to do battle
with each other.
Policeman Drake had his hands
full on East Fifth Street Monday
night. A crowd of boys and young
men who have been disturbing me
-..1 1 1...
peace tor some time were asKcu vy
the to cease swearing, our. 11
Huntington Valley Camp.
Campmeeting at the new and beauti
ful grove ot the Huntington Valley
Campmeeting Association, near Shick
shinny, opens Tuesday evening, Aug.
17, 1897, in charge of Rev. E. H.
Yocum, D. D., presiding elder of the
Danville district. Nearly all of the
ministers of the district will assist in
the services as well as other able
preachers. Wednesday, Aug. 18 will
be Epworth League day in charge of
Mr. E. S. Stackhouse, of Shickshinny.
Thursday August 19 will be Mission
ary day, the Woman's Home Mission
ary society under the direction of Mrs.
T. O. Clees, of Montandon, will have
the morning hours. In the afternoon
Mrs. Purdy, of Sunbury, will arrange
for the anniversary of the Woman's
Foreign Missionary Society. The
Sunday school will be superintended
by R. M. Tubbs, the secretary of the
association. Old Folks day will be in
charge of Rev. G. V. Savidge, of Town
Hill, and the Wyoming Conterence
Trio will sing. Tuesday Aug. 241"
will be communion day. Rev. Manley
S. Hard, D. D., assistant secretary of
the Board of Church extension will
preach the set mon. Rev. G. Murray
Handsome Organdies
That have been all season 17 cents
a yard now to go at 10c a yd.
Those that were 37 jc, now 25c ya.
Those that were 25c, now 20c yd.
Narrow Laces.
Thev tell us they are scarce we
know it, but we have new lines to day
Black Dress Goods.
All indications point that these goods
will be higher in the near future. Our
lines are complete at the lowest pre
vailing prices on the same.
Corset Exhibit.
We are making this week a Special
Exhibit of the celebrated R. & G.
Corsets. We carry full lines of these
Corsets in stock. Summer Corsets for
47c. Light and Cool.
Neckwear Flurry.
A Bia Fall in the price of Wash
String Neckties, regular 5 and 10c ea.
now they go 8 FOR 25 CTS.
Well, yes, we have those desirable
shades of Tan as well as Blacks for
Ladies and Children.
Children's 2 pair for 25c.
" 25c pair.
Ladies' 25c pair,
" 2 pair for 35c.
Ladies' Dress Skirts.
White Welt Skirts, $3x0 each.
Buff " " 3-S
Brocade Mohair Skirts, 1.50 "
Plain " "
Silk Brocade "
Closes Tuesday and
evenings at 6 o'clock during July
Ladies' Ribbed Vests.
This line, or part of it, has felt the
reducing of prices.
Ladies' 15c Vests, now 10c
" 25c " aoc
" 7c " " 5c.
" 50c " " 39a
Children's 22c Vests now 9 for 95a
Wash Dress Goods.
Clearing them up for the season.
Never before would your dimes go so
far in buying Summer Dress Materials.
We have cut the prices, they're way
down. You should not wait, but
come at once for good Selections.
Big, heavy, bleached, Turkish tow
els at the low price of 25c the pair.
See them.
We have them at the right prion,
right colors, right widths, bee our
24c Mone Tanetas, and 25c a yard
Fancy Ribbons.
Ladies' Hats & Flowers
Ladies' hats at the prices we now
offer them should move out rapidly.
You want a walking hat. We have
them, 40c each.
Shirt Waists.
Try it to-day. Don't wait till to
morrow. Here is an opportunity of
getting waists worth 1.75, 1.50,
and $1.00, FOR 79c. EACH.
Have had the sharp knife at work
on them cutting down the prices.
93c ones now 75c.
$2.75 " " 2'
1.90 " " 1.29.
I. w.
& on.
What must I give ? That's the question
Whv vou should buy now,' and why you should buy in
which may have kept your brain straining for Bloormhurer, the great center ot trade for Columbia County.
uuys. i,witui wuum -" - ,-""t
You should buy now because prices
of Summer uoods
nnlv made the crowd worse, and their
yells could be distinctly heard several K, , f Catawissa, wiU conduct
.1 1 T - . kirrVl tllYtA thiol - ... . r
unit. 1 t? it h lii nerr. 01
blocks away. It is high
nuisance is broken up.
ARTICLES. 1oln are h,Ehly )rlzed l)y 011
women, especially young housewives. We
have in the present display scores of elegant
novelties for domestic use. You can get a
Sterling Silver Sugar Spoon for $1.25
' Sifter " I.25
" Cream Ladle " 1.4
' ' Giavy " " 4-25
" Preserv. Spoon " 4 50
J doz. " " Tea Spoons " 3-75
and other articles in proportion. We handle
Gorham's silverware and JJorflinger's cut
glass exclusively.
X. IE.
The followinc letter are advertised
July 20, 1897. Miss Jennie Harmon,
Mr. James Miller, Miss Mary Ann
Williams. Will be sent to the dead
letter office Aug. 3, 1897.
James H. Mercer, P. M.
Everybody Say So.
. Cascnrets Candy Catlmrtlc, the most won
t Mul inedicul discovery of the age, pleas
ant ana refreshing to the taste, aci gentiy
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
eleatisinu the entire svntm, dispel colds,
euro headnctie, lever, linbltunl constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-dov; 10, &", fto cents. Bold ana
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
1 '
Commencing on Monday next, the
Bloomsburg Post Office will close
every evening at 7:30. This will give
plenty of time for distributing and
delivering the mails that reach the
office in the evening. The above
closing time is for every night in the
week except Saturday, when the
office will be open till 8 o'clock, the
present closing hour.
Look Out For Her-
We take the following from an ex
change :
" The public is warneu againsr. a
woman who has victimized many com
munities, she taiseiy ciaims wucu
calling on Baptists that she is a mem
ber of the Baptist church in Franklin,
Pa., and that she has been burnea out.
She gives the name of Snyder, or some
other of various aliases is large,
coarse, cross-eyed, with a tongue that
is more deceitful than it is giiD. one
is a fraud."
New Schedule for Oentral Pennsylvania.
Thf nr-hedule of the second half of
the season for the Central Pennsyl
vania League is as follows : July 20,
Shamokin, at Sunbury; Milton, at
Bloomsburg. July 21, Shamokin, at
Lock Haven; Bloomsburg, at Milton.
July 22, Milton, at Lock Haven ;
Shamokin. at Williamsport i Blooms
burg, at Sunbury, July 23, Shamokin,
Huntingdon, will interest and instruct
the children with his illustrated tains
at the children's hour. Rev. and
Mrs. P. P. Strawinski will have joint
supervision of the Epworth League
meetings for the young people. iur.
Z. S. Stevens will manage the board
ing house. The reunion of the Hunt
ington Valley veteran Association win
be held at the grove Saturday, Aug.
The Y. P. S. C. E., of the Presby
terian Church will hold a supper at
the church Friday July 24th from 5
tn in I .linen I scents. ice cream
and cake extra.
The Sunday afternoon meeting of
the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion was held at Oak Grove, and was
jvery largely attended. A pleasing
part of the meeting was tne music.
Several speakers from a distance who
are in attendance at tne iiiDie con
ference now coine on at the Normal
School were present and mai
dresses. The Grove will be used for
the Sunday afternoon meeting during
the remainder of the warm weather.
Buy in Bloomsburg for the reasons,
large stocks are kept, and the prices
are regulated by competition in trade.
We are facing the HOT part of the
season, and harvest bargains are on
our counters. Take a look at our
Thin Dress Goods REDUCED from
35c to 25c. From 15 and 18c to
From 12 to 10c.
Many short length patterns even
cheaper than the above named.
The White Duck Skirts look well,
and are pleasant in Hot Weather.
Over one hundred clerks, bookkeepers, delivering men and
boys, with others, will rejoice to be free at 6 0 clock for two
evenings in each week during July and August. (Tuesday
and Wednesday.)
on many articles
are cut below cost.
Take SHIRT WAISTS and see
former prices and now.
$1.75 and $1.50, now $1.25.
A few $1.50 and $1.25 " 1.00.
95c ones .75
75c " " .50-
39c " " .25.
The price of this Ink tells you about
our JOB lot of Ribbons. Were 16,
18, 25, 35c, now 10c. (Not all in our
stock, but a line of odd colors.)
9 9
The seventh annual Susquehanna
Lutheran Reunion, will be held at
Island Park opposite Sunbury to-day.
but easy, comfortable, stylish shoes.
Argument was heard at Wilkes
barre last week, in an effort to secure
a new trial for ex-Banker F. V. Kocka-
Services were held in urace That's what up-to-date men want. That's what we sell, and
either- Fittins f
An unknown man was run down our specialty, and we assure pertect comtort to every patron,
by a fast freight train at Scranton on We carry the largest stock of boots, shoes and rubbers in the
Friday and instantly killed. county, and all new and fresh and bright. Every size, every
MUntingaon S uurgess is aauiai a I
loan has vetoed an ordinance 1 8
authorizing it.
Thirteen year old David Good
man, of Philadelphia was arrested as
a vagrant at Wilkesbarre. 1 le wants
to go home.
The Daily News, a morning
Republican newspaper, published at
Riders of cheap jobbers' at Milton j Lock Haven, at Blooms
wheels always have this fear, burg ; Sunbury, at Williamsport. July
re i y. -i 1 ii Milton, at &namoKin; iock
If you don't have the money to J, , Bloomsburg , Sunbury, at
buy a brand new wheel, we can Williamsport. July 26, Bloomsburg, at
interest you iu SECOND HAND Sunburv; Williamsport, at Lock
Haven. July 27, liloomsDurg, at iock
Tlrjvpn. Mi ton. at bunourv : vu-
Wheels of celebrated make.
CLEVELAND wheel, used
but little, l(J() pattern racer $45.
new tires and wheels, in per
fect order, $65.00.
All Wheels in stock at Cost,
We carry nothing over.
Opposite P. 0. Pharmacist,
liamsport. at Shamokin. July 23,
Bloomsburg at Williamsport Lock
Haven, at Shamokin; Milton, at
Sunbury. July 29, Lock Haven, at
Milton: Shamokin, at Bloomsburg;
Sunbury, at Williamsport. July 30,
Sunbury, at Lock Haven; William
sport, at Milton ; Shamokin, at
Bloomsburc. Tulv 31. Milton, at Sun
bury, Bloomsburg, at Shamokin;
Lock Haven, at Williamsport.
of Spirits
so common in summer-time,
accompanied by loss of energy,
lack of thought-power, means
a deficient supply of nourish
ment The vital force is lost.
It isn't a question of muscle ana Alt00na) the organ 0f congressman
sinftw. but of resistance ana
endurance. At any age, but
especially In youth, it involves
the risk of lung disease. Loss
of flesh and a cough are threat
ening signs.
of Cod-liver Oil, with the hypo
phosphites, meets these cases
perfectly. It tones up, fattens
and strengthens.
In Scott's Emulsion the taste
of the oil Is fully disguised,
making it almost as palatable
as milk.
.-a . H all drucirUt.
Rr.o'rt Bow!, Mil. ChomiMi, Nw Vor.
hape, and prices not too high nor to low.
J. D. Hicks, suspended on Mon
Notices were posted Monday at
the Lance, No. 1 1 Colliery, at Ply
mouth, and No. 18 Colliery, at Wana
mie, stating that the collieries would
be shut down on July 22. The col
lieries are operated by the Lehigh &
Wilkesbarre Coal Company, inis
throws about 1000 men and boys out
of employment.
Roaring Creek farmers are hiring
farmers at socts- a a' board in
cluded. Because two fishermen kissed
her, a Shoemakersville woman furnish
ed information which led to the arrest
of seventeen moo for illegal fishing.
and bowels,
gripe. 10c.
stimulate liver, kidneys
Never sicken, weaken or
4 i-iy
1 .tgf-r.-im-'
Cereal Coffee Drinkers EEWAEE I
If you have been deceived and tried
one of the cheap bran substitutes now
on the market, claiming to be the
original and to have great tood value,
and you got a pound of poorly roasted
bran for your 25c, and a poor, weaK,
sickish drink (what can you expect
from bran), don't be discouraged but
try GRAIN-O. It is made from solid
erain. nicely browned, ana 1 pounds
for 25c. Grain-O takes the place of
coffee at the price. Get a package
of your grocer to day.
Huddersfield, England, with 100,.
000 population, owns and runs its
own gas, water and electric works and
street railways.
What do the 01iilclru Drink ?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
Grain O ? It is delicious and nourish
ing and takes the place of coffee. The
more Grain O you give the children
the more health you distribute through
their systems. Grain-0 is made of
pure grains, and tastes like choice
coffee but costs about J the price. An
grocers sell it. 15c aud 25c.
Send for a copy of Tasker's Beautiful
Song "Gone Forever". The very latest.
Pronounced by critics to be the pretti
est song ever written. Trice aocts. At
music stores ,or sent upon receipt ot
price by David J. Tasker, Bloomsburg,
Pa. , tf.