3 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WASHINGTON. Mm our KKular correspondent. r1" ... ..!.. .il. .0. WASHINGTON, juiy iuui, io;. Another disgraceful chapter in the history of Congressional sugar scandals was written this wee' .. The thoroughly up-to-date brigands do not rob indi viduals upon the public highway j they stand in with those who corirol the making of a new tariff bill a.id i,i;! their advance information to make fortunes by speculating in the ..nV market. Bv civin-r it out that h t.iriff conference committee had agreed to a compromise sugar schedule w was more favorable to the sugar trust than the Dingley schedule sugar stock wa3 pushed up sufficiently hi.rh to nuke thousands of dollars for those who bought before the rise and cnM at the highest point, and there are good reasons for the belief that members of both branches of Congress were amone those who did so. A nrominent republican was asked when the tariff bill would get out of rnnference. and he replied disgusted lu ; "When its schedules can no long er be profitably worked on the stock market." It is remarkable how often the assertion is heard that the confer ence is being purposely prolonged for speculative purposes. Jerry Simpson had to smile when his resolution for the appointment of oWt committee of five to investi gate the sugar trust and its relations to Congressional legislation was re ferred to the Judiciary committee of the House, which has not been ap pointed yet. Probably the majority of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations seek to ease their consciences by such "hot-stuff" as the report made this week on the resolution directing the president to demand the release ot three Americans who are m Cuban prisons, having been captured on the steamer Competitor. They know the House wili not act on it. Senator Tillman never loses an op portunity to remind the country of the contempt he feels for the democracy of ex -President Cleveland. The latest occurred during the bebate which re sulted in the insertion by the Senate of a clause in the General Deficiency Appropriation bill limiting the cost of armor plate for naval vessels to $300 a tnn Senator Tillman referred to the remittinu of a fine that was im nosed unon the Carnegie Steel Co., hv the Secretary of the Navy, for furnishinfr bad armor, bv the Presi dent, when he was interrupted by Senator Allen who remarked : "And it was a democratic President who re mitted that fine." Mr. Tillman turn ed to the eentlema.i from Nebraska and said with studied politeness "Please don't leave out 'so-called membrane, from which the natives make water skins. The elephant elds large quantities of fat, used in cooking their sundried biltong, or d. ed strips of elephant's flesh, and also in the preparation of vegetables. THR PIANO O THE FUTURE. A' ican exp'orer of the Caucasian race agree that one part of the ele phant's carcass, when properly cooked, is a succulent dish that w;!l regale the most delicate taste. This part, very strangely, is the first joint of the leg below the knee, which ore would sup pose to be the toughest portion of the animal. To prepare the ioint, a hole three teet deep is dug in the earth, and the sides of it are baked hard by means of large live coals. Most of the coals are then taken out, a.id the ele phant s foot is placed i, t.ie rud oven. The hole is then filled with dirt, tightly packed, and a blazzing fire is built on top, which is kept re plenished for three hours. The foot 'j thus evenly baked, ana when done, instead of stronb, tough meat fibre, it is a gj'atinous consistency that may be eaten with a spoon. Public Opinion. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together and until the last f;w years was supposed to be incura ble. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, ana Dy con stantly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced, it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonlul. It acts directly on the blood aim mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. r.lertrl- Currrnt ftnbatltttted for the Old Invert and Hammer. No more hammer" la piano. The l(l-fnnhlonl oothod of pounding mil die out of wirK br the aid of a won- erftilly coroplloatpd nystctn of lover leys has been brand"d as a bnk num-:or. rr. Hlchard ElAema&n of Berlin has patoutHd a systin which dx nwny with the lovers outlrely. He call this auw appliance the electro-phonic pl no, Its distinctive principle ciiiMflttng In tho faet that the vibrations of tho ;hords nre not produced by hammers, lint by nn electric current sod by means of microphones acting as Inter rupters of the current. All the delicate and complex me ?hnnlsm of the old piano Is done away with. Tho little electrical devices are arranged on the crossplece extending ver tho strings. Upon this electric Qingnets are placed, wMtob only a hair's breadth from the strings. Pressing down the key sends the electric current Into tho corresponding slectro-mngnet. This attracts the me tallic string Imlow, but the microphone Interrupts the current and tberewitn the attraction. The string return to Its former place, and this continued attraction and Interruption of the cur rent Is cnrrled on. the number of vi brations being regulated by the pitch of the string. The high sounds produced by this method have a decided harp tone, and the lower and middle registers suggest tho 'cello or the organ. In reality, the Installation of this new system creates i new Instrument, so different are the iliialitles of sound produced by the now method and the old. Much in Little WE MANUFACTURE Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no mertl- jCZi fHfW. TST.lT'Ji Mn vpr nnntAlniMl no sreat curative power In I gV..' n 1 Mn,f;1 80 smull space. They are a whole medicine Mood chest, nlways reauy, ai- maw ways cniclont, always sat- ill G I lsfactoryi prevent a cold III O or fever, cure all liver Ills, sick headacho, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 2Bc. Tho only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllls. rani Pennsylvania Eailroad Time Table in effect Jane o,'91- . ccrarjtOD(t H)lv llttston " " From distilled and filtered water. In our storano rooms wo prewrvn uui.mti, (tsm uripu iruun, mm, wintesbftrre....lv plym'th Kerry" Nantleoke " Mocanaqua " WftDWrtiioDen. Nescopeck ar fnoHij,. irrfwn and pets and woolen ifoodH. Pnt.tmrMlfl. COLD STORAGE & ARTIFICIAL ICE CO. Tomnlcke'n... .lv 4-I9-3m niootnntourir, Pa. THEY FOUGHT A CATAMOUNT. Barry Pickers Escape With Torn Clothing and Many Hurts. Tames Hough and John B. Hanlon, of Free'and, had a desperate encounter with a catamount on Friday. They wee engiged in picking berries in Oley Swamp, and while llougn was stc oping to the ground the catamou .t snranir from a tree, alighting upon his back and imbedding its claws into his neck. Hanlon sprang to his companion s assistance with a club and struc t the animal a terrific blow, felling it to the ground. It again dashed upon the berry pickers. 1 ne young men maue a desperate struggle, and the beast was only subdued after having torn Hanlon s clothing almost to snreas and biting and scratching him in many places. His companion escap ed under similar conditions. Fern Olen Houk Glen Nescopeck ar RAILROAD TIME TABLE Nescopeck lv creapy Kspy Ferry.... TELAVARE,LACKA WANNA & b. moomsburtr U WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. Catawlssa ar Catawlssa lv 8. Danville... Hunbury Nostbcubiblamd......... . Cameron......... ..,,., UbulafcUy Dan vine. ..m.. . ......... Catawtesa Kupert.... Bloomaburg....M.M....M. . . RHDV Lime Rlde EAoT. A.M. r.M. A.M. 6 5 1.60 9 "ro" 7 03 roo 7 11 71a 780 10 OS Grove T W1110VV Brlarcreeic. BnrwicK ..... Beach Haven. ..... Hick's Kerry. Bhlckshlnuy Hunloek's. Nantleoke Avondale Plymouth Plymouth Junction. Kingston. ........ ....." ADOPTED THEIR OWN 80N. in L. A- W. MEET, PHlLAUtibf ilia- Half Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad, For the annual meet of the League of American Wheelmen at rrula- delnhia. Aueust 4 to 7, the Pennsyl- 1 , . vania Railroad company win sen special tickets from all points on its system to Philadelphia and return at rate of a single tare tor me rounu inp. No rate less than twenty-hve cents. Tickets will be sold and will be good going on August 3 and 4, and good to return until August 9, 1897, in clusive. 7-22-at. referrinc to the democracy of that President, as it hurts my feelings to hear him referred to as a Democratic President. As for his remitting the fine, I have never sought to fathom the mystery of how he tried to over ride law and decency by that action." The Senators do not enjoy being snubbed by Mr. McKinley any more than they did being snubbed by Mr. Cleveland, as they have very plainly shown in their private talk to each other since it became known that Mr. McKinley had decided not to furnish the Senate with the correspondence with Great Britain relating to the Seal fisheries, asked for in a Senate resolution unanimously adopted near it, months aeo. Copies of the mw aivvv "----- 0 The strentrth which comes to us from eating nourishing food is better than stimulation, because it is new strength. The health wliich belongs to a strong body, well nourished by proper rba Child wiu Stolen and lt to the Pw, nta for m Number of Yean. In 1870 a careluM norms deserted the perambulator la which she was wheel ing the two-year-old son of M. F. Brit- ton, at Montreal, Canada, wnue sne went for a short walk with a Boldler' sweetheart from the local English gar rison. When she returned her charge was gone. Tho family made every ef fort to recover tho little one, but with out avail. As has recently developed, It was stolen by a man named Myers In the hot. f Hccurinir a reward. After the crime was committed he beoamo so much alarmed that he never dared to claim money from the family, and the child reached the age of seven years under his care. In 1883 Myers died, and for a year ! his wife kept the boy with her. She was greatly troubled In her conscience and Anally resolved to devise some plan of returning the lad to his fam ily. She feared to go directly to them with her story, and by way of reach ing them secured employment as a do mestic In their household. ' The Urlttoos were without a child of their own, and when Mrs. Myers Miicirested that they adopt her "son," a brlirht lad of ten at the Ime, they read ily fell In with the plan. Mrs. Myers noon afterward left their employ kept up a desultory corresponaence with them for several years and final ly dropped out of sight. 1 In the meantime the Brlttons and It is not a remedy put up by any Tom, Dick or Harry 1 it is compound ed by expert pharmacists. Ely Bros, offer a 10 cent trial size. Ask your druggist. Full size Cream Balm 50 ce ts. We mail it. ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City. Since 1861 I have een a great sufferer from catarrh. I tried Ely's Cream Balm and to all appearances a cured. Terrible headaches from w'.ich I had long suffered are gone. W. J. Hitchcock, late Major U. S. Vol. and A. A. Gen., Buffalo, N. Y. 7 88 7 48 754 800 8 10 8 SO 8S7 3 IK 837 BU 8 Ml Bennett.. gj a UU 9 01 9m 910 9 15 919 9S1 9i 9 87 9 41 Forty Vort.. Wyoming West Plttaton Susquehanna Ave Plttaton Duryea Lackawanna Taylor ..... Bellevue. ...... UOBAMTOM - STATIONS. 8CR4NT0H. ..." Bollevue. Taylor... Lackawanna Duryea PlttBton Butjqtielianna Ave west 1-iiwluu Wyomlnjr Forty Fore. .. t IS i HI a 88 8 48 9 48 8 18 s'bi 8 07 8 18 I 84 84 8 48 8 47 8 88 8 87 4 08 4 08 4 11 4 17 4 88 4 88 4 SO 4 84 4 87 4 45 4 80 4 65 lO-JS 10 89 10 44 10 49 11 18 11 18 U83 1149 1156 1805 IS 18 19 l!8 18 86 19 40 A.M F. M, P.M. 8 50 8 01 807 8 13 6 88 8 88 6 89 6 45 6 68 6 6 7 00 7 Ort 7 18 7 19 7 35 7 40 7 54 7 58 8 03 8 07 8 18 8 16 8 19 8 K 8 30 8 83 8 89 8 44 8 48 8 57 9 IW 9 0" r. M Sunhurv LewlRburg ... Milton Wllllamspnrt. Lock Haven. Kenovo Kane.... Lock Haven. ..lv Ht'llcfonte ar Tyrone.. Phlllpsnurif... anafflcld..... l'lttsbunf A. M 7 3d f 7 38 7 4K 8 04 8 13 8 94 a. y I 6 00 7 1" 7 8 7 3' 7 43 8 07 A M I 8 I 8 83! f 8 48 8 47 8 85 8 55, 9 14 9 35 A. M. I 9 45 10 15 10 10 11 on 11 59 A. M. P, V. !13 10 1 05 8 15 4 93 5 OKI 7 (10 A. M. I 9 50 Rnnhurv .1V Harrlaburg an 111 80 Philadelphia. ar Baltimore.... Washington .. Bunbury lv Lewietown Jo ar Flttsonrir A.M. 6 00 6 05 6 10 618 6 88 88 8 38 6 36 6 40 6 45 19 43 r.M. WEST. a.m. r.M.r. m. 9 55 1 55 8 00 Harrlsburg.., PlttBburg., ..lv r. m 8 00 a 10 4 w A. M. 510 05 P. M 19 05 S 7 OU A. M 1 11 45 P. M. I 7 001 a. m r. M. i 9 3H I 8 9H 110 00 f 50 "i'. m. P. w- 10 15 I 8 1 1 10 Jl 18 83 10 i.T 8 M 111 45 8 58 10 55 4 01 11 10 4 11 A. M. P. V. 9 05 18 55 11 35 8 10 11 86 8H 11 34 8 87, It 40 f a 43' 10 1 A. M. P. M. 511 10 I 4 11; Via . 4 81 Kook f 4 30 Olen 4 33 P. M. 19 80 4 40 19 80 4 !9 18 i)S 4 57 1 00 8 80 p. M. r. m. I 1 10 I 5 84 1 45 6 OH I 3!l 6 08 9 80 8 53 3 40 7 57 4 40 8 5" g 00 P. M. 3 46 4 44 0 no 8 84 9 09 II 80 P. M. P. M. 1 55 1 B 87 1 a 80 6 ,V P. M. P. M. I 6 83 111 1 1 6 CO I 9 45 I 7 18 '10 &." P. M. 8 45 ......... 4 87 ill 30, 1 P. M. P. M. 18 50 1 7 ' I A. M. III 30 1 8 no P. M. I 4 41 8 OH P. M I 6 00 1 6 CK 6 17 6 87 6 47 7 00 P. M. t 8 00 5 50 6 10 6 1H 6 85 6 50 P. M. 7 00 7 09 7 18 7 83 7 80 7 80 7 47 8 10 P. M. I 9 85 "Tea 10 to 11 34 P. M. 8 30 410 10 A. M. I 4 80 P. M. no 80 A. M. t 5 30 t Weekdays, tally. 1 nag btatlou Bennett Kingston I' ly mouth Junction. Plymoutn Avondale....... Nant;coke.. 6 64 8 59 7 04 7 09 714 Hunioo.k'a I 2? A Story of a Princess, Shlckalilnny. Hick's Ferry... Beach Haven.. Berwick Brlarcreek Willow Urove. Lime Kldge.... Bapy.... Blootnaburg... HuDert .. ..... Oatawlssa correspondence have been prepared, but this week it was decided not to send it to the Senate, on the ground that it would be "incompatable with the public interests" to do so. As an additional reason for not complying with the respectful request of the Senate, officials say it was teared that nuhliratinn nf the correspondence makine the English mad. Probably the uniqueness of this excuse is expected to make up lor its lack of plain, everyday common sense. Meanwhile the administra tion has made public its instructions to Ambassador Hav. which charge the government of Great Britain with trickery. Republican Senators resorted to filibustering to break a quorum in order to prevent a vote on the Pacific Railroad resolution of Senator Harris, of Kans., which Senator Morgan de clares will save the people of this rmmtrv tm.noo.ooo. if adopted in time to nrevent the commutation of the scheme started during the last ad ministration to get possession of the road throueh an alleged reorganiza- t nrwl nil rrhase. not to mention wVat v '.11 be saved to other creditors .1(i tn KKvltholders. Republicans were afraid to kill the resolution by a direct vote, so they resorted to such mptl-mrls of doinu it as I VllllVllVMUlIb iv.- w4 rpfiiclncr tn vote, thus breaking ciuorum. Under the Senate Rules a "counted quorum" doesn't go. food (properly digested), is the only their supposedly adopted son removed I . m il. ...... XTAtw Vnflr and health that is lasting. The difference between Shaker Di gestive Cordial and other medicines is simply that it helps nature to make strength. It dees not proless to cure excent as that sickness is a result of weakness caused by food not properly digested. Shaker Digestive Cordial will re lieve the pangs of indigestion, and make thin, sick, weak people as wen as if their stomachs had never been out of order. Ttisa eentleaid to the digestion of nature's strength-maker, food. At druggists. Trial bottle, 10 cents. to a farm In northern New York, and afterward to another near Akron, a short time ago they received a letter from Mrs. Myers, in England, giving full particulars of the abduction of their child twenty-one years ago, and the method she adopted to return him to his own father and mother. rhU adelphla Hecord. , DOGS OF WAR IN REALITY Training Grant DiiriM o lra Boiainra from Hlcyeiea. An interesting story is told of Princess May. Accompanied by a chaperon, she was driving along a , , .1 I -na r tci auiet lane near mmmersmun, wucu 1 nanvuie.. H. J - ,ncmnnirr I COUlaBky, tney encowucieu woi.....v...b . (jamerou whose cart, loaded with fruit and vegetables, stood in the road while he was mercilessly beating a miseiauic, half starved donkey. The princess gently remonstrated with the man, but his only reply was oaihs and a shower ot vindictive b'ows on the poor beast's back. She ordered her footman to take the club . , him. on which the costermonger She shouted for a policeman and insisted that the tootman ana -mc wumau should both be arrested he for as sault and his mistress for "aiding and abetting " him. Tne officer, recognizing her, salut ed the princess, on which the terrified coster in utter contusion and fright Ml on his knees, crying : "Ave mercy, your nignness, jaa utvu 1 B-4l)10.8ol5.oui ood friend, an I've served him bad, but I'll never raise stick to him again if you'll let me off this time." " The man who will kneel to me will beat his donkey," said the dis gusted young lady. , , Tnlfintr nut her nocketbook she in sisted that the man should sell her 7 81 744 7 54 800 8 06 810 814 8 81 8 84 8 64 8 40 8 55 9 06 9 80 10 04 10 11 10 14 1018 10 81 10 84 10 89 10 86 10 89 10 41 10 47 10 54 11 0(1 11 10 1183 11 88 1140 1150 11 56 19 04 1218 1918 19 83 18 37 1846 1 00 A.M. P. 8 06 813 8 16 9 80 9 8) 887 9 88 9 89 9 46 9 50 9 54 9 59 809 810 8 84 815 8 48 8 49 8 55 8 59 404 411 411 4 83 489 4i 4 49 4 14 6C8 P. M 6 10 817 6 81 614 6 88 6 31 6 88 6 44 658 700 707 T 18 7 80 785 7 41 758 80C 8 11 81 89 8 3C 834 8 41 85? it 981 T.M Pittsburg.. . Harrlaburg. ,.lv Pittsburg.. ....lv Lewlstown Jo." Bunbury ar P. M. I 8 10 A. M. I 8 30 Washtngton....lv Baltimore " Philadelphia..." HarrlKnurg lv bunbury . ar P. M I 8 10: A. M 1 a si A. M. t 7 t 9 18 P. M 110 40 ill 50 111 80 A. M. I 8 35' 5 08 Plttaburg lv Clearlteld " Phlllpsburg.. ." Tyrone " Belletonte....." Lock Haven... ar NOHTBCMBgRLAHD Connections at Bupert with ...jl.. un.oii mr Tamanend. TamaQ.ua vVlTllanWor't' ,' Hunf ub "b " vrt h iiiTthArinnd with P. 8c E. Dlv. P. K. ror Harrlsburg, Look Eaven, Emporium Warrei. Corry and Erie. W. P. HALLSTEAD, Gen. Many Bcranton, Pa. Erie lv Kane.... ttenovn Lock Haven... W'iniamBport. Milton LewlBburg..... sunbury ar SOUTH. ARRIVf. a.m. pm 11.40 6.3U 11.85 0.86 11.88 , ft B. R. R ami 7.10 7.0s 7.08 6.53 8-50 6.40 6.89 6.85 6.13 8.08 6.04 6.08 6.58 6.53 6.43 5.411 11.83 11. 8 11.10 11.01 10.58 10.63 10.43 10 4 lo.as 10, 10.82 10.83 6.94 6.90 6.18 e.mt 5.59 5.48 5.44 5.8' 5.87 5 88 5.80 5J6 5.18 5.03 p.m. 9.3 9.35 8.88 9 80 9.16 8.00 1.85 1.30 1.85 1.10' 18.35 18.3" 18.85 19 90 18.05 11.50 RTATIONS. Bloomsbu'g. 1: s f. " Main St.. .lrondale... Paper Mill. LtKht Kt.. Oraugevll'e. .. , rorKs ... ...Zaner's... Ktillwater . ..Benton.... ...EdsonV.... .Cole's er ic, .sugarloat.. ..Laubacn.. ...Central... .Jam. City. ami 80 1.31 8.36 8 44 8.47 8.56 9.06 9.09 9.13 0.33 9.86 9.88 9.81 9.85 9.45 pm 9) 8.43 2.4 V 8.54 3.00 1 3.10 3. 8.96 3. 80! 8.40 8.4V 3.4 3.53 3.5' 4.07 NOKTH LIAVB am 6.10 9.50)4.11 pm 6 40 8.44 6.47 6.50 6.5 7.1i 7.10 7.90 7.81 8O1 7.8H 7.44 7.4S ,7.58 1 5: S.07I 8.10 6.18 6.85 6.87 6.50 10 7.85 ,7.4 .00 8.40 8.50 H.53 y.oo 9.10 9 80 19.40 sunbury lv 8. Danville.... ('RtftWlRHa B. uioomsDurg" Espy rerry.... Creasy Neecooeck ....ar P. M 51 001 4 OH 4 56 7 15 8 81 9 80 P. u I 8 95 7 Oft 10 35 11 8. A. M 1J 85 1 88 "T'SO I 4 65 I 4 A. M. I 8 05 I 9 40 A. M I 8 to 110 00 A. M, Nescopeck.... Rock Glen.... Fern Glen Tomhlcken... Hazleton ...... Pottsvllle . .. am am pm pm LIAVB a m p m p m am Nescopeck lv wapwallopen.ar Mocaaaqua...... Nantlcoke Ply m'th Ferry' wllkesbarre....' HtTMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with EftuaplueyS Witch Sazel Oil as a curative and HFAiivr. application. It has been A. M t 6 95 5 4S 6 OS via Hock Glen. 8 07 A. M t 6 58 6 5 7 10 7 8 45 I 7 80 8 80! 9 1M 9 06 9 45 A. M t 8 07 8 1H 8 9 8 48 18 56 9 06 PIMaton(S H) ar1 Bcranton A. M, t 9 41 10 101 A. M I 9 55 10 r 10 as 10 48 1 10 4' 10 56 11 111 A. M til 10' 11 85 11 43 11 54 P. M 19 1 1 80 A. 111 10 11 Si 11 82 11 64 P. M 18 08 18 10 P. M tl9 49 1 16 A. M t 7 60 t 9 5')1 t 8 30 A. M, til 401 1 10 A. M 1 8 ao t 8 10 9 33 10 30 A. M. t 8 8n 10 11 80 P. M tl8 401 1 S7 1 15 1 (5 P. M t 9 0 9 8. 8 40' 9 4lil 8 50 8 00 8 l: P. M 14 is 4 401 4 4i, 4 5 ') 5 Is 7 06 P. M t 8 13 3 S3 a si a ti 4 01 1 10 P. M. t 4 55i 6 8 A. M I 8 CO P. M. I 8 10 A. M t 8 00 P. M. t 8 15 t 6 10 A. M no 50 118 00 113 96 P. M. t 8 58 t 6 8V A. M. 18 00 9 81 10 14 18 30 1 48 3 48 P. M. . I 3 00 4 00 4 66 4 47 6 3 P. M. t 5 48 07 6 84 6 88 t 6 36 6 48 6 b'i r. m. t r 05 7 81 7 87 7 45 8 05 9 10 P. M. t 69 7 09 7 21 7 49 7 69 8 00 P. M. t 8 89 9 03 To let Ioobo tho dogs of war Is to be th(J miserabie animal, and ordered it . Q ars and aiways affords relic! veritable military manoeuvre, for fc tQ the k at Richmond, , . ' jves satisfaction. aw now being at the same time assuring the wretch- it Cures Ph.es or Hemorrhoids, External army to do aciuai ouue. - . , . h held ac. Internai Blind or Bleeding-itching ana tor this. Since INTERNATIONAL WOMAN'S GRESS- Important Meeting Brussels An international woman's congress will he held this summer at Brussels, from August 4 to 7 :i,i.. nf unmi'll. 1 WO o 1 .1.. mantmncn in a reauv uc mwi.w-- with the proposed con- the uountess cesses can connection in the first nlace. . , :.,...! in nnrlipnre ofllanclers nas ict-u.vu ----- io.,fiin(t memoeis ui mc An African lJolicaoy- Thp ilesh of an elephant is eaten in its entirety by several of the African tribes. A detail ot the process of bulchering the animals is not pleasant readinir. The tools used are the a. - ---0- ... 1. sejai and hatchets, i ne rougu uui skin is first removed in large sheets. Beneath this is a subcuticle, a pliable a dogs German i.iovole Is responsible ix.. 1... i.rfUvr, Int., tlw armies of Eu- ffn I ,u "ww.w..' I -,,. German officers nave been con sidering tne best method of securing It, and the result has been a decision to train dogs to drag bicycle riders from their wheels. The Great Dane bus been selected for the purpose, as his size and strength make him a powerful and effective an- under the tagonlst. At Berlin there are now a.uuo 01 these great dogs In tralmlng. Every h,.v tr the nast three months they have been taken to the parade ground Which Will be Held in Next Month. auspices of the Ligue Beige du Droit , ' Ttvs Rplrian League of wnman' RichtsV According to the published programme the conterences Klvenie8Bona to dtetlngulahlug .., i n witn uoiii ic 1 h a..rniHji ami Ausiriitu umiwiua material sue Madame Wyvekens anu.u and witn great m- two of Liccue, 1 A- T .. v I'MlPllTl. UI, IUI. , - - , gence discussed wun incm nctmna .at ssue. mere wcic 1 . .... , 1 f;-iilir nttf n- I ... . ,1 points whicn naa ncr ijaiii-" ------ 1 army omcers uenuv tion. The first, the securing of the the metbod.-New savings of a marned woman ,0 .r own benefit, and tne ouiw, - "b--of children born out ot wedlock upon their father's estate. urineruiu.c, tne mccuiivv from the French, Italian and Uusslan, for It Is necessary that they should discriminate between friend and foe. Then they are taught to rush upon a bicycle mounted euwny and dismount hliu. When It Is remembered that nearly all the armies of Europe have adopted the bicycle, the necessity of tho best method to lessen their erTectlvenews lated. and the German nave uw York Her ald. .1. . hlO iTlVPfl the Government to add the sum of Hot a 8ttrooiu on tho Suuoy Side. Kooms on tao south side of the ship as she crosses are the best That is the side that tho sun shines on, and It . tu loaa wnvn-tteaten iuvi,iiiiv - , 1 always bokiuo tYa fnnil for nOlU- I . . . . .v.. ..w.'u oiitwhmi nt . a 1 n cu 11 1 w . 1 1 11 iiiv . . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 r. 1 int. ii.ii 111. 111m a ...... .... n , UIIUI w inn the congress and to place a large the port open, If tho weather la hill at the disposal of the Ligue to toiorabie at all, ore, therefore, bettor, ho d its meeting in. A larje number 0a Ug ships there are staterooms X L I L from all parts of the world ou four ducks; the promonade deck. ? . Enounced their intention to from which one cn slip Into ttie open have announceu uicu airatouce: the saloo deck, where th take part in the proceedings. offlcw8 cabh)j( ' ' J' jj gijj moBt of the bad smdls; If the hair is falling out, or turning awk glvun entirely cray, requiring a stimulant with aad th. lowr deck. nrUhinff and coloring food, Hall s , tuy unless they t . ... .! n ..m 11 r. j VeLetable Sicilian nair jcuemv.. -1 WU8t, sunuuer. just the speci"c. ed coster that he would be held ac- rnnntahle for future abuses of any imol Vip miirht nurchase with the moiey he had received for this. Youth's Companion. A Magical Life Saver is Dr. Ag- new's Cure for the Heart. After years of pain and agony with distress ing heart disease, it gives relief in thirty minutes. Thos. retry, ot Ayi mer, Que., writes : " I had suffered for five years with a severe form of heart disease. I was unable to attend to husness. The slightest exertion p-oduced fatigue. Dr. Agnew's Cure tor the Heart gave me instant relief, four bottles entirely cured me." Sold by C. A. Kleim. a. A. R. EN0AMPMENT, BUFFALO. Half flatos via Pennsylvania Railroad. vnr the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Buffalo, August 23, the Pennsylvania R?:'roal Company will sell special tW-pts from all noints on its system to Buffalo and return at rate of a Bincrls fare for the round trip. These tickets will be sold and will be good -oing on August 21 to 23, and good to return not earlier than August 24 nor later than August 31, i97- 7-22-2L t Weekdays. I Dally, t Flag siauon. Pullman Parlor ana Sleeping mm run tnrSKft" between SunlSury, ai6port and Erto. between Bunbury and Philadelphia SSd Washington and between HarriBburg, Pins : bFWirtUerWtattormation apply to Ticket Agent J. B. HUTCHINSON. J. K. WOOD. GenU Manager. Gen. Pass. Aft. 1 ... 1 w uli;i uni, o , . - , B Ti pir-ira nr r issurcs aiiix wiumw. DlltlllllK, 1."- I RtcSaI Philadelphia & Reading & y Contraction urora ouri. .;i. ........ It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Itching Eruptions, It is In: Scurfy or Scald in eoect May so, 1HW. TRAINS LB WE BLOOMSBUHQ Sores. I...) Tt in Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or AKF.D OKHU" and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures OALT KHCUM, leucrs, oiuii, Eruptions, Chanped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore ups or mosinis, vunn ii i,u' 1 Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Siies, 25c, Soc. ana Sold byDniggliU,or Mat poitpwd on reoeiptofprlM. Hl'lPIIKKVS HKD. CO., Ill ""- VITC1I HAZEL OIL For New Torlt, Philadelphia, Readlnu vllle, Tamaqua, weeKflayj " or Ullttuioyui 11, niivv.-rfw, . POttl- a.so p. CATARRH "Wr Danville and Milton, weekdays, T.36 a. m., S.80. i.j..MiQit ,1 . m.. 12.20. Kor catawiBsa ireouj 8.30 5.00. 4.31, p. m. . m ,0 on .an Kor Kupert weeauaj'oi.oJi .- - s.oo, a.8S, p. . m. ,.k,, , h. WBut via nilial, Philadelphia, s.ao, T.. U.M a. m., 86 t.. -P-- ? ?.a A .m6 A and" S.4B. P. m Auuiuuuui 11 ....... -- --- tin p. m. Bunaayn, 1.00, o- v Ask your Druggist tor a geuurous 10 CENT TRIALSIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocalnp, mercury nor uuy oilier Injurious lirut. It is quicKiy a wwii u- ed. ...... (.lives liouei at ouue. 11 nnena and cleanHOS AUaynTunmS: COLD HtAO HealB and 1'rotectH the Membrane. W''1ores the "eiis"s 01 Taste and Smell i'ull sl. 50c; Trial size lOu. at UruvulHtH or by mull. KLY HUOTU Kits, Warreu si root, New York. TKAIN8 FOR BLOOMsBUHO, Leave New York via Ptl'.adelphia 8.00 m., and via Baston v.10 a. m, Leave ruuaaeipma iu.uo u- iu Leave Reading ll. 88 a. m Leave PotisviUe 19.30 p. m. Leave Tamaqua l.ST a. m.. Leave WllUamBport weekdays 10.20 a m, 4.30 p Leave Catawissa weekdays, T.oo,8.0a. m. 1.30 8..I0, Leave Rupert, weekdays, 7.0S, 1.37,8.40, .U3. . S.'.T, a. m., 11.56 HINDERCORNS Th.erlTmT.Cu'.fc i5,n M.k.K Wllkitil m.y. 1'. ! uruwiu. PARKER'S. Punvm Priceless Ruby coats and cinnamon flavor. Dr. Agnew Pills are household favorites Tmnurities leave the system. Th nerves are toned. The blood is nuri fied. The complexion in bright and ruddv. Headaches vanish and per fect health follows their use. 40 doses 10 cents. Sold by C. A. Kleim. HAIR BALSAM Cluniwl aul bemulim tin M P........M a lnzuriftlll Cruwth. Never Valla to Betor Orayl Hair to Its XDumiui v , r I Cuni mlp diKiaei A hlr luufr jKic.ena i DIIMBTIUE! 1. - 7-8-lt.d. SUliSCKIKli FOR THE COLUMBIAN ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, chestnut Htrert wharf and 8out u Btroet whurt lor Atlantic city. WKSK-nVB-Kxpiesa, 8.00. m.uo, 10 45 a. m. (Hatuidays only, 1.30) 8.00, S.ihi, 3.40, 4.i;, 4.30, S.oo, 6.40, 7.00 p. m. Aecom. b.OO a. m.. 6.30, .so P-BciiDAT8-T.30, 8.00, 8 30, 9.00, 10.00 a.m , 4.45 p. m. Aocoui., oo a. m., p. m. ii.uu excur sion Train to toot of Mississippi Ave., 7.C0 a. m. U'lAave Atlantlo City, depct, : wekk-lavs Express (Mondays ouly 6.15 v. ln.i.T.' O, 7.4J.K10, tlOO.10.lMl.OOH. Ul., 8 80,4 30, 6.3U, 7.30, H..30 p. rn. Acooiii. t -i 8 15 a m., 4.M p. m. bUNUivs Express. 8.3 , 4.00, ft.ui, o.ue, ..'. i w, o v, 9 30 p.m. Aocom., 7.la. m., m p. m. Sl.oo Kxcuinliiu Truln from foot ot Mississippi Ave. ouly, week-days, 6.00 p. m., fcundays 0.10 p. m. Parlor oara on all express trains. I Wanted-An Idea SSS Proteot your UV'aiii they may iinng you weuu WrlW JOHN T WBDDEKbURN CO.. Patent Alto. I ami lUt of lwi hundred IutcuUou wau(a.