" . ' ' . . . . I HIGH PRICED DOGS. MORE VALUABLE THAN HORSES NOW IN THR NORTHWEST. A Otl Dumanit for Thtim to limit Sup pile to th Gold Mlnnra In til Yukon County In Alaska. Boarding Houss Kapt tot thslr Sponlal Pnrpnae. Word comes from Taooma, Wash., tbot doss buv suddanly become more valuable than horses Id tbnt section cf tuc Northwast. This tUto of affairs results from the great and growing de mand for doga to ba used In buullut; ledges la tb Yukon country, Alaska. While thousands of horses for which their ownert cannot get $3 i head are roaming orer the plains of Eastern Washington and Oregon, good-aleed dogs are bring jtm from $13 to $80 each In the local market. At Jeneau their value Is double what It Is here, and ou the Yukon Ulver a good dog bring from $100 to $150. To the Yukon mi ner the dog ban become what the reindeer Is ro the Laplnnder and the puny to the cowboys of Texas nud Jltfilco a boast of service and a most valuable ouu. The sledgu dogs are too valuable not to be taken well care of where that Is possible. Their owners' first thought In this respect Is to obtalu pli'iuy of food 'or them. Their food consists principally of fish, usually salmon, taught In tbo Yukon Ulver by the imtlvcs. An ordinary dog will cue dully two iwunds of dried buIiiiod, which equals sevea pounds of fresh fish. At Forty Mile lust winter dried salmon sold at from 20 to 50 cents a pound, and bucou that was fit only for dogs to eat sold for 37 cents u Douud. lu some of the linger caiups n Hip Yukon don boarding houses nave been established, where the an imals are properly cared for at from SB to JJJ a tuouth, according to the season and the price of dog food. The native Yukon dog Is much tuoro valuable than the Importations from 1'uget Sound. The dogs must be ac climated In order to stand the sever ities of winter. It is found that dogs tuken from Montana and Dakota en dure the Yukon winters with loss suffering than those bred In the milder climate of I'uget Sound. Two splendid specimens of native Alaska dogs were brought here a few days ago. their owner finding It cheaper to pay their passage on tlie steauier than to have r" " "."r"n,rB,aTr, r litre 1UI BUI'L'tlVQ! uunuuiu -r-- co ., ,i, h..r rs imunds. The 1 1 .. ,nr ii7 nt Rircin ' City. Both anlmnls ore stout, wen proportioned and muscled, and bve exceptionally short nnd heavy necks. Their ears are short and lifted like those of the Eskimo dog. Their coats are dark, and the hair, while not close, Is smooth uud heavy enough to form a comfortable protection against the Arctic winters and the Yukon mos quitoes, by the side of which the fe rocity of the New Jersey variety pales Into luHlguiflcauce. A specially pre pared dog food made out of meal and coarse meat from the packing houses ts now being manufactured In the form of a cracker and seems likely to 'come Into general use. Buskskln moccasins are provided by many owners to keep the feet of the animals from being worn raw on the Ice and snow. They are about nine Inches long and made much after the puttern of a child's stocking. Pack saddles are also coming Into use this erring. These are so arranged that dogs can carry a weight of from 10 to 20 pounds besides drawing a sled. The saddlebags fall on either side, and straps are arranged to prevent tho pack from sliding forward or back ward. New York Sun. Tenon of Hot. Jenny Llnd's daughter, Mrs. Eay monil Maude, of London, has much of her mother's brilliancy of voice, but has always refused to cultivate It for the stage. "I suppose there was too much music at home," she explained to a friend. Mrs. Maude has three children, none of whom Is musical. Carmen Sylva has received the deco ration for Arts and Science from tho Emperor of Austria. She Is the first woman to win this title. The anniversaries of victories won Id the Crimean War are never forgot tlLi by Florence Nightingale, In spite of her 70 years aud her broken health. She alwa.yp remembers to send a mes sage to the veterans of the Crimea, and at Christmas timo she never fails to send some token of remombrauce to tee workers lu the Institution for trained nurses which she founded at St. Tucmas' Uosuitul not long after the close of the war. According to the London Court Journal, 1.1 Hung Chung has a most arduous tnsk before him. The story Is that the Chinese Emperor, being anxious to learn French, appointed the erstwhile possessor of the yellow Jacket as his tutor. Uut when he dis covered that his teacher had but emaueriug of the tongue, he ordained that LI be lucarceruted until he luuiiw Mrs. Nausea, Sr., mother of tho well known explorer. Dr. Nauseu, Is ac credited with having Inaugurated tho healthful pastime for women of tobog ganlng and gliding ou snowshoes. She was the first woman of Norway to become an enthusiast ulong this line, which has since become so popular In that country. Count Tolstoi's t-nth-uf Insm for chess Is unbounded, ami It Is wild that tho tables In bis bouse nro' nearly all luurked out as cbess-boards, aud even the dogs and other family pets huve received the names of eboss pieces, Book, Knlirbt, Pawn, and so forth. WASHINGTON. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, June 8th, 1897. Republicans pretend to pooh pooh Senator Morgan's deliberately made charge that the action of the House is unconstitutional and that Congress is not legally in session, but in reality it is worrying them no little. The mat ter has been discussed at a cabinet meeting and the Attorney General is preparing an opinion on the subject to be submitted to the Cabinet. The Senate has adopted a resolu tion, oft'ered by Senator Tillman, re questing the Judiciary Committee to report what legislation is necessary to enable the State of South Carolina to control the liquor traffic within its territory. The resolution is intended to meet the decision of the Federal Court that the present dispensary law of South Carolina is in conflict with the interstate commerce law. It looks now as though there would be no sugar investigation. Had a vote been taken on Senator Tillman's resolution when it was first offered it would have been adopted, but having conferred together, the Republican Senators have recovered their nerve and it is now announced that they will vote against the resolution. The following language wasn't ut tered by a Democratic member of the House, but by one of Washington's oldest ministers of the gospel, Dr. By ron Sunderland, at a mass meeting held under the auspices of the Worn ans1 National Cuban League, to ex press the grief and indignation of the American public at the atrocious mur der of an American nurse by the Spainards. Dr. Sunderland said : "The government of the United States seems to be recreant to its duty in this emergency. Look at the conduct of this Congress of ours. The House of Representatives, called together to take action on questions of vital mo ment to the welfare of our people, as well as of our suffering fellow -citizens in Cuba, adjourning from day to day. All business locked up securely, and the key carried in one man s pocket, Meanwhile, members of this body, in cahoots with half a dozen members of the British Parliament, with the Min isters of both powers acting as urn t I . Ires, regaling themselves at a game of chess 1 The committee rooms of tne nouse given over 10 carrying on I the snort." the sport Senator Tones of Arkansas doesn t believe in straddling any question. 1 Two Democratic Senators voted with the Republicans for a duty on onyx because of the existence of onyx quar ries in their states, and Senator Per kins said he was surprised that Senator ones did not do so in order to help evelop the large onyx deposits known to exist in Arkansas. Mr. Jones said in reply: "There is no justification for tariff taxation, except for the purposes of revenue, and I will not support an excessive tax, even for the benefit ot my people. Taxation for private ben efit is robber)', pure and simple. Terrv Simpson may not be able to cope with Speaker Reed, but he made Representative atone sorry ne inter rupted him to ask if there was any greater demand for the passage of a bankruptcy bill now titan tnere was during the last Congress, by replying : "Why certainly there is ; your prom ised prospeiity has not materialized, and the people now seek relief in bankruptcy courts." If the words of the Washington judge, who presided over the court that tried and acquitted tiavemeyer and Searles, the president and secre tary of the sugar trust, mean anything thev mean that the Senate committee had no legal authority to asic questions relating to the business of the sugar trust. If this is good law, the laws of the country cannot be too soon so amended as to give Congress the right to investigate the business ot the sugar trust, and of all other trusts, whenever there is occasion to do so in the inte-r est of the public. It is euiltv consciences wnicn nave ... , mused SDeaker Reed to be guarded by detectives, tor lear tnat someuouy u,ill An him bodilv iniurv as a result oi - - ... . 1. the public indignation at his methods of muzzling the House. He has re ceived threatening letters, out mey were written a man in Washington nierpltf to rause a sensation. There isn't the slichtest probability that any bodv will kill Mr. Reed or even hurt him. The people know that their remedy lies in the - ballot box, and thev will wait until the Congressional elections next year to apply it Secretary Gage lias let the tecret nut th.it Mr. McKinlev expects this session of Congress to give him au thoritv to appoint a currency commis sion. The House will, of course, do whatever Mr. McKinley wants it to do. provided that Mr. Reed's consent be obtained, but the silver Senators have not the slightest idea ot giving jur McKinley authority to pick a currency mm mission, but thev will insist that its members snail be selected by tn President, the Senate and the House, in order that the silver men may nav a fair representation thereon When bilious or costive, eat a Cas caret, candy catharic, cure guaranteed loc, a 5c. 4 1 -HE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG. PA. . g I Pennsylvania Railroad Summer Excursion Route Book. The Most Complere Publication of ill Kind. On June t the Passenger Depart ment of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company issued the 1897 edition of its Slimmer TCxctirs nil Kniite Honk, This work is designed to provide the public with short descriptive notes ofthe principal Summer re- sorts of Kastcrn America, with the routes for reaching them, and the rates of fare. There are over four 1 .... 1 a 1 A I'll hundred resorts in the lxok to which rates are quoted, and over fifteen hundred different routes or combi- nations of routes. It is compiled .. :t. i . t j i it with the utmost care, and altogether iu 1 Mn tiiMr hi dtA st -w A-t - i ...... . ' . j.t iiiv muni v.uniLFii,ic aim win fi vw 1 hensive handbook of Summer travel c tr oil.rcu lO Hie pumic. it .1 .1 1 . I its 210 pages are inclosed in a handsome and striking cover, in colors. Several maps prcscntinff the exact routes over which tickets are sold, are bound m the book. It isaiso proiusciy niustrateu wun nne half-tone cuts of scenery alonsr the lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad ... ' aiKl ClSeWllCre. I ny doubt as to where the Sum- mer should be passed will be dis- rllirl nftr-r n r.nrpfn pynm n.it nil of the contents of this publication On and after June i it may be procured at any Pennsylvania Rail road ticket office at the nominal price often cents, or, upon applica tion to the general office, Broad Street Station, by mail for twenty cents. 2t. Dover, N. II., Oct. 31, 1806 Messrs. Ely Bros. : The Balm reached me Safely and in so short a tune the effect 18 surprising. My son says the first application trave decided Bel thence by th0 ne north 14 degrees aomin relief. I have a shelf b filled with LTl " Catarrh Cures." To morrow the stove shall receive them ad Ely's (Jream Balm will reign supreme. Re spectfully. Mrs. Franklin Freeman. Cream Balm is kept by all drug- cists. Full size ?oc. 1 rial size 10 cents. We mail it. ELY BROS.. ;6 Warren St.. N. Y. City. Rivals for Fame. " I'm going to introduce a bill," declaiad the hrst legislator, pro hibiting any and all persons from going up m a balloon. 'That s where you snow your lack of statesmanship, sneered tne sprnnrl lptriulntor. " MV bill Will 1 -i ir .,...,:..1,U1 t. make it an offense punishable by line and imprisonment 10 iuu uui ui , , - r 1 1 . C I balloon, Detroit rree I ress. U day Hires 11 stands (ffr 1 ZTlMins4 ft tressing ef- ' i fects of the heat. ' HIRES Rootbeer cools the blood, tones the stom ach, invig' the body, satisfies the A delicious ling, temperance drink of the high est medicinal value. Iltdt only kr Till Ckulw I. Hint Co., FbU. A pMkftfft make, S gtllou. , 37-ltd AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Eslatt of WilHatn McKrlrv, late of tin Tmtn 0 liioumxuurg, uniru The umlevflan'i auditor, aiunitntetl ou the Or- plum' Cuurt of ColumMti county, to vwkt (lit- Vj;iiu uui-nlKlmi rxHviitor. nx shown hu lit iwcond nn'I thifrl (icinuiitH trill fit at Imtottlve In B.'ooihu buru mi nrlttitu. June ith. 7. ut twi o'c(n fc a. in., mViph unit where nil iieravn h iving claim aijninnt filt estate miint autieur "" wore tlte hi'mc, of tie aebarreA .town umj uliare of mid fund The report mill tie filed tit Court on tin flrtt UondiHitnAugiuil,WJi. ........ .1 . u. ru.mi 6-3-ta. Auditor, SPECIAL ELECTION. Nntteo la hereby crlven that according to an ordinance paused by tho Town t ouncll of tlie 'iv.urti i r Hum iisi iin h Buei'im eii tiun win on h,.iri ut. the regular Places of h ilillnir the iiiunl- nlnnl olnl Intiu 111 krIiI town, ou TiiHHday. J illy V . ..... .u r.. U ..n.l ! . nl uniH invi, oeiweeu ine inmm f.i ! nnu , . 111. ... rf.iv rnr ihn niirnnRn nf ohtalnlni the consent of the electors of suld town to Increase the Indent. eilneHS tnereor nrieen lumismuu miliars iwuwj .... ii.a f..i iiuimr ntirniifii'R. i.ilwil 1 1 vnr tlie einiHt ruction and extension of sewers from Third street, along Scott alley to Flshlngcreek, ana rr in rnirn nmni, u- im.mi erty of J. ltemn. to Kishlngcn-ek, finm "'est .i,-..ut iinu n Koiinh to ltllroud st reet, thence to Leonard: East Fifth stn-nl to Kast, and sur face drain on Catharine rrom boventn to renna. canal, not, exceeding 1 he biiiu of fmir thousand three hundred and twenty-live dollars, n iniHiinir and nialntal liurstreetaanddam- ages therefor not exceeding the sum ot seven thousand dollars. , , u u... ivuia. uimnlv fnr nnu vdnr from Aorll 1st, 1KH8, not exceeding 1 he sum of one thousaud two uuuaren aonam. . i.-. .,,.11,.., ,iil ilr,i nrntoctlnn for the year ending April 1ht 1Hh, not exceeding the sum of mi 1 orates fl fully M thirst. 55 .spark- )) one tnousanu live nuiuuvu uimni. 5. For eleetrlc lltflUH for streets and Town Hall for tbe year ending April 1st, not ex ceeding th sum of tlve hundred dollars 8. For salaries for year ending April 1st, IBM, not exceeding the sum ot four huudred aud seventy-ttve dollars. The lust assessed valuation of snld town was trt.im.'VW.OO. Tho amount of existing debt U 45,iWO (m, and the said Inorenso of $1.OOO.OD will be an increase of .0pervceut.Ko(,nEH) President of council. Attests Fbbkzb Quick, (secretary. --4t t ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUABLE- Real Estate. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned Trustee appointed by the said court to sen the real es- tateof John Appieman, late 01 i.emioua urn.- ,rIe.M wlu exp09e 10 pu'- hiukolu. x , juinu 17, 97, ot two o'clock p. m., nil that certain tract of land known as the "nickhornFnnn,"Hltuate In ""' l0?"' "'fl? : OI 1 eilDSjr I !, WUIIllt-U niiva uimnv.u , at . ntMi r maoie in ime to lnnd of isaa rursol, thence by land of eorKe Fullmer, north 74 degrees casti -io ponstoe. to a maple. oatiiTBM perrhesto a po nt In Hemlock creek, thence .... , rA Kiuiu !4 ursim c - oftK BUHin X argrees panv i. mu jjciuhcd iubi stone south 4 degrees 40 minutes west 32 mo ... nn a m nsrehex n n otnnB In line to lnnd OI 11 UK II U, I ii,,i .tlnl,. h ,h .nmn .niith devrecs ., ,,.,,, . nnt .omii am de- grees west 8-10 perches to a pout, thence by landof c:harles Unangst south flO degrees east I 81 " CTC.hl '? vll Zgll h,ona . nubll0 allny north m dolrees S4 minutes west m lft-ioo perches north .wde. grees cast is tu-ioo perches to a point in the Publlu roftd "a(llnB from n1001"8 to Jersey. town, thence along the same north 80K degrees oumnnrnhMln. .tnnp. t.hft Rnllt.heflAt. corner ot the hotel lot, thence around said lot the following coumes and distances south 57 do- 81 wl'8' ""-,uu vrvun uunu ueBiLto west 1 44-100 perches south (13 degrees 40 min utes west 8 &M00 perches to a stone, north Xi4 detsrees west a ro-ioo perches to a stone south na j degrees west 4 1-10O perches north S7 degrees west 9 78-100 perches north 63 degrees cast 10 3H-100 perches north s degrees east 6 41-100 perches and south 15 degrees 83 minutes, east Kxtpcrches to the aforesaid stone, tljence by other land or isaao u. rursei norm ov aegrees east 17 7-10 perches, thenco by the Mothodlst Episcopal Parsonage north 33x degrees west 9 5-10 perches to a fence post north M degrees 50 minutes east 5 44-100 perches to a post, theuCe by tho Methodlut Episcopal Church lot north II degrees 5 minutes east 5 sh-ioo perches to stone in line to still other lands of said Isaac O. l'ur land of Jacob Harris south 70 degrees 18 min utes west 55 7C-'0i) to a gum south 7S degrees 70 minutes went ai 2-10 perches north 54 degrees 40 minutes west a vki perches to a pitch pine north 63 degrees 40 minutes west 40 83-Ioo perches, tbance by other land ol the estate of the said John Appieman, south 13 degrees east 15 perch es to a post north hb degrees west to 8-t0 perch es to a post, and thence by land of Charle9 Hart- man and the said Isaac o. Fursel. south 14 de grees east 111 8-JO perches to tho place ot be ginning, containing 121 ACRES and 93 perches, strict measure, known as the llucktiorn Farm, on which are erected a two- story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, larao bank barn with slate roof, wagon shed and other out-buiuiings, tool house, straw shed, corn house, potato uouse, ouggy sued, ail painr. cd, being a part of the same property conveyed Vv . ' ','., 0iA " Ml U npiviunM Kfj a v ii pivuiuu hIa fatU(.r, by will recorded In the office for re- cording of deeds, 4c-, in Columbia county, in will book No. 3. page 8'JO, ate. The said real estate Is located In the village of Buckborn about three miles from Bloomsburg and Is one of the finest and best producing farms in this section ot the state. It is a good dairy farm with a flue stream of spring water passing through, nud Is well supplied with water the yenr nround. There Is about 100 acres of nearly level laud In a good state ot cultivation and the balauce is timber land. TEUMS OP BALE. Ten percent, of one-fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at the strik ing down of the property : the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the continuation ot sale, and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter, from confirmation nisi. WILLIAM Al'PLEMAN, H. W. API'LEMAN, W. S. MOY8K. Andrew L. Fritz, Trustees. Attorney. E-K-ts. J. 8. Williams, Auctioneer. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Thomae tlrttenrv, deceased. Sot tee t herehu gieen that lettrre testamentary on tlir estate of l huuws McHenrv. late of itramie townshU), aeceasefi, riare oeen grautea to John MuHeiiru ana ilaru Mvllenru, residents of said twenshlp. to whom alt iirrsims tndehted to said I estate are rejuesied to make payment, and those tuuHitij datum or armandt lent mates Known lite same wtthimt delay. JOIlS MCHKXRI , MARY MvUKXIH', fhiyder, AtlV. OrunuavilU), J'a. CHARTER NOTICR Notice Is hereby irlven that an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Friday the eleventh day ot June A. v., iwt, at two o'clock In the attpriioon of said day, by Peter Mauuuna. Oscar Alexander. John Miltra, Lesser AlexunUer and John K. Townsend, under the Act of Assembly entitled " an act 10 pro. vide for the Incorporation and regulation ot certain corporations" approved April Will, 1H71, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation, to be called The mooiusuurg Brewing company, inecnarac- ter and onjeer. or wnicn is uie manuiuciunng and browing of all kinds of malt liquors, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and prlvlloKes of suld Act 01 Assemoiy ana supplements tnereio OHANT BEHHINO, solicitors KUbT. BUCKINGHAM.) ""ItCttors. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. Estate of John H. Wolf, late of Jff Pleasant township, aeceasea. Sotlce Is hereby given that letter of adminis tration on the estatr of John H. Wolf, late of Ut. Pleasant township, deceased, have oeen granted 10 the undersioned administratrix, to whom alt persons inaemeit to said estate are reiursira iu tiiiiit jiairinetits, and those having claims or de uiiinds will make known the same without delau to LVUISA HO.r, Grant Herring, AIW. Administratrix. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Isaac A. DeWItt, late of Giwntroo tummnip, aeceasea. Sotlce ts herehii given that letters testamentary on tlie estate of Isaac A. IteWllt. late of Green- wood fnrnshlp, deceased, have tteen granted to A. SI. VeWllt,tf OrangevlUe, Pa, to whom all persons tndehted to said estate are retpiesled to make payment, and those having claims or de mands will make known iiu same witnom aetay. A. it. vewin, Kxectuor, WW8( Orangevllle, Pa For all Bilious and Naavous DiuASBi. They purify lha Blood and give Kbaltmv actios to lb entire sytem. Curs DYSPEPSIA. HEADACHE. CONSTIPATION and PIMPLES. 5-27 6m. mm ill OVtfQsU peg PROFESSIONAL CARDSX- N. U. FUNK, ATTORMCT-AT-LAW, lift. Ent s Building, Court IIotBM AlWy, BLOOMSBURG PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTOSMOtY-AT-LAW, Peot Offic) Baikling, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTOB.N KY-AT-LA W, Wirt's Building, laiBoct, BLOOltSBOKG, PA, , uiaIn.llia iu tin i. r nmmm mt .... FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. offices: Centre St., first door Below Opera House GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTO RNE Y-AT-LA W, Columbian Building, 2nd flooe, BLOOMSBURG, P.fc, WM. H MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Qfcce in peacock's buildine Market Square. W. H. SNYDER, ATTORNKY-VT-LAW, Office and floor Mrs. Ents building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R- LITTLE, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, 1 Colombian Building, 2nd floe BLOOMSBURG, FA. A. N. YOST, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. II. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, Attorney-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of and and Centre Streets, l-I2-'94 W. A. EVERT, Attorney-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Office over Alexander & Co. Wirt building, G. M. QUICK, ATTORNLY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office over First National Bank. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. rs-omce Ltddlcot building, Locust avenue. JOHN M. CLA1X, ATTOKiro-AT-LAW AI Of TEX PKACZ, Mojet Boa, BaiUiac, Ssii BLOOatSBQXG, TK J, H. MAIZE, ATTO RJTETS-iAT-LA W, DTSTTttTI AS (JtAL ESTAXX ACTHTC, Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOKSBOXiC PA. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORHTY-JlT-LAW, Clark's BoUdlo, cot. HaU aad, OatES StBat BLOOMSBURG, Pa. CTCan be consulted ia GersMUk e W.H.RHAWN, ATTOUtlY-AX-LAJtV OfBce, corner U Third aA CATAWrSSA, PA. Dr. J. C R UTTER, PHYSICIAM AMD SOtOSOH, OlBca, Nona Msrkat Stxast, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. S. JOHN, M. D., THYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St., 3-70-iy' BLOOMSBURG, PA BricuL Attsntio to Diriasrs or obildbm II. BIERMAN, M. D. DOM(EOI'ATnicrHY8ICIANAND 8TJKG10H orrica bocks: Offloe Residence, 4tb Bt, Until 9 A. M., J to 8 and 7 to 8 r. u. BIOOMSLCKO, PA S. B. ARMENT, M. D. Office and Residence No. 18. West Flitk St DISEASES OF 1VZ U'lAT M KOS1 SPECIALTY 8 to 10 A.M. BLOOM8BUKQ FA. orrtci nocm to 4 P. M. to 9 P. M. DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, -Eloomsburo, Pa.- Office and residence In Prof. Waller's Boas. MARKET STREET TELEPHONE. HENRY W. CHAMPLIN, M. D. 6UHOEON AND GYNECOLOGIST. Office over Farmer's National Bank. Hours to to ia A. M., 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M Residence, Third St. West of Jefferson. TEl.IrllONE. Dr. F. W. REDEKER, Vm SICIAN AND BCKGEON, Office and Residence, Centre St., between ttB and sth bt. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat a specialty. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (8 to 10 a. m. orrioi bocrs:Vi to 8 p.m. (7 to p. m. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. Bloomsburo, Pa. THE EVE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glasses and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Connection DR. M. J. HESS, J DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA, Dr. W. H, HOUSE, STJKGEON DENTIST, Office, Baftnn's Building, Main below Mart BLOOMSBURG, Pa. All styles of work done In a superior ana au work warranted as representee. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAUL by the use of Gas, and free of charge artificial teeth are inserted. WTo be open all hours during the day. DR. C." S. VAN HORN, DENTIST. Office corner of East and Main streets, op posite Town Hall. Office hours 8:30 to 18 a. m ; i to 5 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT., (Successor to B. F. Hartman Represents twelvn nf ttiA timnmat hmhu.. lea In tbe world, among which are: CASH TOTAL StTBTLM r 1 PTTI r laaiw mmm .ww Franklin of Phlla.. $MX),ooo s,ln6,5 Si.atfs.5a1 J-enn'a. Phlla 400,000 8,8i,iao l ilSS Queen, of N. Y.. . 600,000 8,M8,15 i.t!sn West Chester. N. V. snnmin i rnv - 'li'IS N. America, Phlla. 8,000,000 S,730,tS8V B,M4.TN OfFICS IN I. W. AfOElLTT'l ST0BS. WLosses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO PREA8 BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS. N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Streets, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. o Represent Seventeen as goodCompan. ics as mere are in tne woria and ail losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, FIRS INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.j Merchants of Newark, N. J.; Clinton. N. Y.: Peonies'. N V . ing, Pa 1 German American Ins. Co., Now York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New Yorki Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. a urn tuipurauuns are well seasooM by age and fire tested, and have never wst had a loss settled by any court of law. Tarit assets are all invested in solid securities, amd liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted m& paid as soon as determined, by Christian r. Knnpp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Bloosar burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county shoal patronize the agency where losses, if aay, pm oy one 01 their citizens. CENTRAL HOTEL, B. Stohner, Trop. C. F. Stohner, Assistant. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Ho and cold water, and all modern convenience. The hotel has been lately refurnished. CITY HOTEL, , W. A. Dartzel, Prop. Peter P. Reidy, Hansen No. 121 West Main Street, BLOOMSBURG,- PA. CfLarce anil convenient sample rooms, bath rooms, hot and cold water, and modern con veniences. Bar stocked with best wines and iquors. First-class livery attached. 1 ''.!h: