I l,j 11 3 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WINTERSTEEN TRIAL. CONCLUDED FROM PAOK 2. 01 INTTIEEST T0W0MEH. H6 HAILED PRINCE GEORGE. in the sum of $5000 with good secur ity, to pay them anything over and above the $1000, if at any time the stock would sell for more than that. I thought perhaps by buying all the stock I would then be able to stop the litigation. No sir, 1 never intimated that I would like to hit Mrs. Knorr in the head with an ax, no I never wrote Knorr a letter in Oct. '93, asking him to meet me at Espy, there is nothing in it. I was never with him m Espy, T never had a talk with him in regard tn lcillincr his mother, I did not meet him in Oct. '95, at 716 Cherry Street, Reading. I never called Waller a son- nf.a.h in his presence, or said Waller was harming him as much as he was me, I never knew mat he was stopping at Rupert, I did not pay his hotel bill at that place j from Feb'y. Ve un to the explosion, I may have given him $40 or $50, no sir he never came up trom .upen 10 racci mc, 1 never cave him $10 with which to buy a revolver, he never spoke about a revolver to me, 1 cenainiy couiu not have told him to leave Rupert be cause I never knew he was stopping there, I never knew that he had given his mother 'anything like powder or poison. No I never told him that the equity suit would have to be stop ped. Yes sir, I did say that to Mr. Wingert at his office in Reading, that 1 would buy the property which he had bought at Sheriffs sale, that I would do this as a tavor to Cliff. As to offering Cliff $10,000 to blow Waller up, it is an absolute falsehood I never told him where Armstrong's quairy was. never met him on the Light Street road ; no sir, I never slept with a woman by the name of Belle Bru- baker at Reading. I never told him thnt T would like to see Waller and his family blown to hell. I never show ed him a paper while in Reading con taining an account of the explosion, no. I never told him that I was sus- nccted forthe blowing up of the Waller house ; the first I knew of the explo sion was when I met W. B. Jury on the corner of Third and Market streets in Bloomsburg the morning of the explosion, yes sir, that was the first I knew of it. Yes sir, when in Reading some time after the explosion I think I did tell Knorr that Waller had hired a watchman to guard his house, this was a well known lact, everybody in Bloomsburg knew that he had hired a watchman. Now as to the letters which were addressed to Miss Mame Wilson, they were in answer to letters I from Knorr requesting me to send him money. (These letters were pub lished in last week's report.) He told me to address them to Miss Mame Wilson, that is why I did so. I did not stay at 716 Cherry St. every time I went to Reading, the only night I slept at 716 Cherry St. Reading was on the 1 8th of July, 1895. In answer to all the other allega tions made bv Knorr and SaUie Gast, witness denies them all and solemnly swears that they are all absolutely false. Court adjourned until Tuesday morning at 9:00 o'clock. Tuesday Morning. Court opened at 9:30. Examina tion of Winterstecn resumed. On June is, 1895, the receiver of the Bloomsburg Iron Co., sold a lot of railroad cars previously used tor hauling lime. I became the pur chaser of them, and hired two men to break them up so that I could sell the iron in them ; to break up the cars it was necessary to use dynamite, so I went to C. P. Arm strong and purchased the dynamite, have a receipted bill showing when I paid C. T. Armstrong for the ex plosive. August 27. 1895, four of us left Reading for a trip over the Never Sink Railroad. I never told Cliff Knorr that I would like to put a barrel of gun powder against Waller s house. Cross-examine. I slept at 716 Cherry Street, Reading, July 18, 1895 ; I met Jennie Hutchins 011 August 27, 1895 ; that is when we took the trip over the gravity road -, in July 28, '96, I took another trip over the gravity road, on this trip there were also four of us ; after coming back from the trip we went to a restaurant in Reading ; it was pro bably 10:30 o'clock when we got back ; the two women who were with us I think were sober ; they had been drinking some but not enoutrh to make them intoxicated. After leaving the restaurant I went to the station, they went home; the next time I was at 716 Cherry St. after this trip I think was on July 27, 1896. The receivers' sale took place the 16th of June, 1895; bought the dynamite three or four days be fore the sale; ouly bought dynamite once. The boy witness is mistaken when he says I bought dynamite more than once. Have no knowl- Mr. Waller's' beinsr out of town just before the explosion; have not been on his porch more than once in the last three years, end on that occasion I went to his house to serve a protest notice; when I went to tue House 1 inquired wuerc American women are notablv patriotic, and the societies of women organized with the object of foster ing the vital fact that Americans have a heritage of liberty, won by the blood of the founders of our country, which should be held sacred, are doing noble work that cannot be over-estimated. The ac count of the organization and pres ent status of the "National Society ot the Colonial Dames of America," for June, is a specially interesting paper, embellished with numerous portraits of the "Dames," which well repays reading. In the same number is a very handsomely illus trated, article on "Greece and the Cretans," which is of timely inter est. Margaret Sutton Briscoe con tributes one of her characteristic stories ; several noted New York clergymen give their views regard ing "The Responsibilities of Wealth and rower; and there are charm ing poems by Mary Ainge de Vcrc and IClla Iligginson. In "Society 1-ads are chronicled some notable novelties ; there is an illustrated paper on " Athletic Gaines for women and Girls, and excellent suirtrestions are furnished in "Sea sonable Ideas for Fairs anu bales; while all the departments are brim ming over with good things, the paper on "Toilet Hygiene," in Sanitarian, giving timely advice about the care of the complexion The fashions are, as usual, prac tical as well as modish, and twice the usual number of designs are furnished. The reliability of the Demorest patterns is a long estab lished fact. Everyone who will cut out this notice and forward it with ten cents to the address below, will receive a sample copy oiDemoresfs Magazine containing a Pattern Order which entitles the holder to any patterns illustrated in any number of the Magazine published during the last twelve months, at the uniform price of four cents each. Between thirty and forty patterns are usually illus tiated in one number, thus afford ing an almost unlimited variety to select from. Demorest 's is publish ed for $2 a year, by the Demorest Publishing Company, 110 Fifth av enue, New York. An Aiuotlonn In Predicament In Oreek Waters Got Royal Help. When rrince Oiorge of Greece wn In the United BtAtos to Attend me World's Fair Ills presence was hardly noticed, nud ho was not. compelled to run the Kuntlt of Chicago Interview ers. So It enme that perhaps the Prince's first experlonco with the Am . . erica n mettiou or acquiring kuow mii for diKseinlnntlon was afforded by nn American artist who attended the Olympic names to Illustrate an nrtlilo tor 11 New York magazine. On the day of the swimming con tests the nrtlst was unable to find the boat which he, together with a party ot friends, had chartered for the oc casion. The races took placo on the linrbor, about three miles from the city, and the artist, armed with camera and sketching tools, wandered about on the crowded shores until he bar gained successfully with two men for a boat. After paddling about for a time without seeing much chance of vlen-lne the races, ha made up Ms mind to board one of th larger ves sels with which the water wus crowded. Ho chose for bis piratical designs one of the largest and best Hp pearlug of nil the gayly decked t rail and made his wishes known to tn boatmen. Although he did not under stand one word of Greek, there wns no misunderstanding the fact that tliry forcibly remonstrated, nnd the more lie commanded the more emphatic he came their expostulations, lie finally overruled their objections and induced them to row within calling distance Of the big vessel. The artist hailed a man on deck in French, telling Mm who he was and what he wanted. The stranger answered In very good Etig lish, and after inviting the nttisi aboard, he brought a chair and ur ranged a place from which a good vlow of the start and finish could be had. Then he excused himself. The American va very busy Tor a while, but It gradually occurred to him that tho bonMio was on wus re celvlng a great deal of attention. Af tor It began to move every other vessel sainted. When tho races wore flu lshed and his host returned to the deck the artist learned that he had been received by Prince George ol Greece. He suffered a little cniisti-r-nation at the beginning, but the Prince rlM nnt nnivn.r to notice it nnd chatted cordlallv. while he showed his gn. about the vessel, finally posing bel'mc the camera. Tho artist was set ashon at his own request after a little trip nbout the bay. In the course of wh'.i tnicuinir liont was encountered, ami he had the plensuro of nodding to hi.' friends from tho deck of tho roya vaeht. of tha fetes following the immps. at which there were li'.auy Americans and, one of the young Am erieons regarded the Priuco with boy Ish awe. and gravely saluted ns he saw the Greeks salute. The Princo told him, tactfully, that he need not salute thus, "because you are an Am Much in Little Is especially true of riood's Tills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power In so small space. They Bre a whole meillelne KIodcK elicit, always reauy, ai- I ways efficient, always sat- IC ill O lsfactoryi prevent a cold III Sal or icvvr, euro mi iivur inn, sick headache, Jaundice, constlpatloti, etc. 2Sc. Tho only Pills to tako with Hood's Sarsaparllla. E. A. RAWLINGS. DKALKR IN All Kindt of Meat. Beef. Veal. Lamb, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Bacon, Tongues, Bologna, &c. Free Delivery to all parts of the town. CENTRE STREET, Pennsylvania Eailroad Time Table in effect May i. 8crant,on( H)lv Pltuton " " Wllkesbarre....lv plym'th Ferry" NanU.ioke " Mocanaqua " waDwauopen. " Nescopeck ..... ar Pottsvllie Hazleton Toinhlekon..., Fern Olen Hock Olcn..... Nescopeck .lv BLOOMSBURG, PA. QTTelephone connection. The Grain -0 Law Suit. Rochester, N. Y., May 24, 1897. The great $50,000 damage suit instituted by a Micingan cereal ZIZ m .-nr r? Company against the Genesee Pure RAILROAD TlaVLKi laDUEi hood Company is at an end. 1 ney Nescopeck lv Cieasy " Kopy Kerry..... " K. Moomsburg" Catawlssa ar1 Cat.awlfwa lv 8. Danville.... " Hunbury " settled it and took it out of court for the ridiculously small sum of $500, and, as a practical result, Grain-O is in greater demand than ever. The new plant, only just completed, is to be duplicated, so that not only the old friends of the delicious food drink, which completely takes the place of coffee, but the new friends it is making every day, can lie sup plied. The beverage which the children, as well as the adult may drink with benefit, will be furnish ed in unlimited quantities. Suits may come and suits may go, but Grain-0 goes on forever. N. Y. Mail and Express. DELAWARE,!, ACKAWANN A & WESTERN RAILROAD. ItLOOMSIIURO DIVISION, STATIONS. BAoT. A. If. P.M. A.M. P.M. Hunbury Lewlsburg ... Milton Wllllamsport. Lock Haven... Henovo ........ Kane..... .. Pile Terrors Swept Away. Dr. Agnew's Ointment stands at the head as a reliever, healer, ana sure cure tor Piles in all forms. One application will give comfcrt in a few minutes, and three to six days application ac cording to directions will cure chronic sosahtor cases. It relieves ail itching and burning skin diseases in a day. 35 cents. Sold by C. A. Kleim. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only one way to cure clearness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused Dy an lniiameu condition of the mucous lining of the K.nstachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed, you have a rumbling erlcnn."New York Sun sound or imperfect hearing, ana wnen church it is entirely closed deafness is the re- THE FLOOR OF A CHURCH. suit, and unless the inflamation can be I The source from which the nenign of tho taken out and this tube restorea 10 us normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mu cous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family fills are me uesi. NORTHUMBERLAND....- (lumtTon - Uliulapky.. Danville ...... CftlAWlKSft .... Kno"rt. IMoomsburg - Enpy . Llmo Kiltie Willow Grove Brluroreek liorwlok Beion llavpn Hick's Ferry.- HlitckHlilnuy Ilunlock'a.- NanUcoke - A von dalo. ........ -..... Plymouth Plymouth Junction.. KlnBwn........ Ilennett Forty Fort Wyomln? West ptttaton Susquehanna Ave Plttrtton nuryea Lackawanna Taylor HHIievue.. .......... " BUS tS8 60 7 08 7fW 7 m 7W1 f 80 7H4 7HH 7 48 1 M 8 00 s in 8 SO 837 8 82 8 8? 8 42 8 50 8 M 8 M 8 01 0 D10 BIS 0 19 0 21 9 32 9 87 , 8 41 1.60 10 0 II! 8 28 8 81 88 8 42 2 48 68 t"6 8 07 8 18 I 24 84 8 42 8 47 8 62 8 67 4 05 4 08 4 11 4 17 4 22 4 26 4 30 4 84 4 87 4 46 4 60 4 65 10 M 10 89 10 44 10 41) 11 12 1118 11 S3 l'i'49 U56 1205 12 18 12 23 12 26 12 40 A.M T M. 5 50 8 03 607 6 18 8 28 6 88 8 8M 8 49 8 52 S 6 7 00 7 08 7 12 7 10 T 86 7 40 7 64 T 8 8 08 8 07 8 12 8 18 8 19 8 2 8 30 8 88 8 89 8 44 8 48 8 67 9 i2 9 0" P. M Iir Haven, Hcdldfonte... Tyrone I'hlllpsburif. Clearfield... Piusburtf ... Hunbury llarrlsburg.. ...lv .ar k. V. 6 46 7 Orli A. M. I 7 80 f 7 38 7 4H 8 III 8 13 8 14 A. M. 6 00 7 1" 7 80 7 3N 1 43 8 07 A M. I 8 P4 8 83 t 8 48 8 4? g 66 8 66 9 14 9 35 A. M. I 9 46 10 16 in 10 11 on 11 69 A. M Philadelphia.. nr Baltimore.... Washington... Hunbury , ..lv Lpwlptown Jo ar Pittsburg- rjarrlsburg lv Pittsburg ar P. M 512 10 1 05' 2 15 4 23 6 OA 7 (lU A. M 9 60 til 80 P. M 8 00 8 10 4 10 A. M 10 05, P. M 18 05 7 00 A. M. t 11 45 P. M I 7 001 A. M ( 88 no 00 A. M 510 15 10 20 10 27 10 V 10 65 11 10 A. M 9 05 1 3T 1 25 1 84 1 40 A. M. 11 101 via Dock Olcn P. M. 12 20 1 20 12 3rt 1 On P. M. t 1 10 1 45 1 2 W 8 40 4 40 9 00 P. M 3 46 4 41 8 do: 9 09 11 80 P. M. i 1 66 8 20 P. M. I S3 I A CO I 7 15 P. M. 5 2 45 5 4 37 ill au P. M. 13 50 111 30 P. H. 5 2 2b t P. M. I tt m f 8 If 8 1 8 42 8 63 4 1'6 P. M. 12 f 6 2 in 2 28' 8 88 i f 2 45! 8 lr., r. m. I 4 05 4 16 f 4 2' 4 82 4 EM 4 if 4 67 S SO, P. M.I I 5 40 6 10 6 OH 7 00 8 00 9 00 p. K. 5 4 41 6 Ot P. M 8 ,0 f e 04 15 6 35 8 4T 7 00 P. M. 7 00 t 09 7 18 7 23 7 80 7 80 7 47 8 10 P. M. I 9 26 9 82 110 40 111 34 P. M. 8 30 510 10 A. K. I 4 00 Dally, except Sunday- UaUy. p. I 5 8U 7 10 P. M 111 I- 110 40 P. M. P. M. I 7 80 510 80 A. M. ? g (HI 9 6 "U t Fluii station STATIONS. 8CRAHTOK. Bellevue. Taylor Lackawanna l)u ryea PlttRtOD - Susquehanna Ave West l'lttston - Wyoming Forty Fort - Bennett Kingston . A.M. 6 00 r. os 6 10 6 18 H22 6 VH 6 32 6 35 6 40 6 45 6 48 6 64 12 48 P.M. WKST. A.M. P. M.P. M. 9 55 1 65 6 00 Pittsburg.. . Harrlsburg. ..lv 10 04 l'l 11 1014 1018 10 21 10 24 10 99 10 36 10 89 2 05 2 13 2 18 2 20 2 2.1 2 2T 9 82 9 89 9 45 Mayonnaise Dressing. Sometimes when a mayonnaise dressing beeins to curdle its evil course may be arrested by the slow I piy,outhTuMtibT.Z"r 6W 1043 250 ..... - t(" it ' 1 I mnmnllth.. . 7 IV I D1 addition ol vinegar. 11 tnis uoes not correct the tendency to separate, there is nothing to be done but to begin all over again, with the egg yolk, the salt, white pepper ana mustard, and add oil and vinegar or lemon mice in alternate drops until this new emulsion has thickened properly. Then the curdled may onnaise may be slowly combined with it and need not be wasted. If one is an adept in making this salad dressing (an ameteur can never take liberties with so delicate an opera tion), a rotary egg beater may be Plymouth, Avonuaio Nantlooke Huniock'g.... HlilckHlilnny., Hick's Ferry Beach Haven Berwick Brlnrcreok. ... Willow orovc. Lime Kldge.... Espy Bloomsburg.., Kupert Pal u WlafiA . Danville. o"J 'milaelfV .... Cameron A.M 7 09 714 7 20 7 81 7 44 7 64 8 00 8 08 8 10 814 8 21 8 2S 8X4 8 40 10 54 lion 1110 1123 1182 11 40 ii'sb 11 66 12 04 1212 1918 1923 12 87 1246 1 00 P. M 9 58 8 01 810 8 24 8 id 8 42 8 49 8 55 8 59 4 04 411 41T 4 23 429 44 4 49 4(4 5(8 6 10 6)7 6 21 8 94 6 M 8 31 6 36 6'44 653 7 00 707 T 12 7 SO T 36 7 41 75S 80C 8 11 81 82 830 6 31 8 41 85f 9H 921 Pittsburg lv Lewlstown Jo." Hunbury ar Waslitngt,on....lv Baltimore " Philadelphia..." HarrlRburg lv Hunbury.... ar P. M. I 8 10 A. M. 8 80 P. M 110 40 111 60 111 20 P. M. I 8 10 A. M I U 30 A. M. t 7 30! t 9 181 A. M. I 8 86 I 5 08 Pittsburg lv Clearfield " Plilllpsburg.. ." Tyrone " licllefonte " Lock Uaven...ar NOUTUUMBKHLAND.,.. .. connections at Ku pert with '"oh'n ...... un.n..ii mr Tnmnnend. TamamiA wmiamsport, sunfurr PottMlllj. etc M North uuiberland with P. & K. Dlv. P. 4 ; R. tor uri.hiv. t.nek Haven. Emporium Warrot. employed in the place of the usual corry and r , bcranton, 1'a. silver fork for mixing the ingredi ents. This will be found equally useful, and much more speedy in result. N. Y. Fost. Brie lv Kane " Kenoo " Lock llaven...." Wllllamsport.." Milton " Iwlsourc sunbury ar Bunbury lv 8. Danville " CatawlsHa. " B. Bloomsburg" Bspy Ferry " Creasy ...... Nescopeck ....arl P. M 1 00 4 on I 4 5ti 7 15 8 81 9 P. M I 8 25 7 10 10 45 11 84 A. M 8 25 4 1 4 30 The Greater Need. fM,A V Vork IferaU. which ably defended the gold stanaara during the last national campaign, editorially discusses tne - neeuoi institutions for furnishing mortgage credits for long terms.' The Herald Kpttr discuss the needs of giving this country a financial policy that would reduce the need of mort gages to a minimum. ' I have never had a day's sickness in my life," said a middle-aged man the other day. . " What a comfort it would be, sighs come poor invalid, " to be in his place for a year or two." Yet half of ih. invalids we see mieht be just as healthy as he, if they would only take proper care of themselves, eat proper food and digest it. . It's so strange that sucn simpic things are overlooked by those who want health. Food makes health. It makes strength and strength wards off sickness. The man who had never been sick was strong be- . 3- A1 V!a frrA cause he iwayi aiResicu ma CONTINUED ON PAGE 4. Star and Strlpei Caine, Tho orlelu of national fliigs would be a deep, unfatbomalily deep subject In most cases, but our Bag, tho stars nnd stripes, is so young In this old world tUftt It la possible to Ilml out a good deal about Its origin; soil, even as to ours, we can only guess bow In lU first form It eauio to be Just aa It was, but tuo guess In so well founded that it ought to satisfy Yankees seeking the source of the Yankee Hag. Tho first flan of tho United States of America was raised by Washington at Cambridge, Mnss., Jan. 2. 1770. . It consisted of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, with a blue field em blazoned with the crosses of St. George and St Andrew. The next year Congress substituted thlrteeu white stars for the crosses. Now In Northamptonshire, la England. In a vlllaco called Great Brington, Is nu old churcn containing tho tomb of ouo WnHhhio-ton,i ancestors. It VI J -.- fc v. a Is inscribed to tho memory of Law rwrnft Washington, who died in 1010, laikvluc behind him (this la on the tomb, mind you) eight sons nnd niuo daughters. Two of tucse sous emi grated to America, and from ouo of thorn descended our great man. Setr- .... iit t.t.nn c.iiiill.' nf thn eral 01 me viism"ii' ... j same generation aro burled here, and ttin Wnshluuton coat of arms is 011- gruvod on one, bearing au Inscription to "Eliz. Washington." who died in 102 Now, on this coat of arms ap pear three stars, with tho stripes or bars beneath them. No ono could seo It without being reminded of the "star spangled banner." Undoubtedly when wnahlucton was arranging to raise that tlag at Cambridge, and arranging tho ilug, too, he took tho Idea ot the stripes from bis own old coat of arms. Not wanting to make the new banner too porsounl. so to speak, ho kept lu the blue field and tho crosses, used in TtiHuti (Ins. but Couffress, when With the blood full of humors, the heated term is all the more oppressive. Give the system a thorough cleansing with Ayer s Sarsapanlla and a (lose or two of Ayer's Pills, and you will enjoy summer as never before in your life. Just try this for once, and you 11 nor repent it. KDloarean Elapbants. An elephant's digestive functions are very rapid, and the animal, therefore, requires dally a targe , der six nunoreo. poum Its wild state, the elephant feeds heart ly, but wnfltefully. It Is careful in selecting the lew wi : likes tor their bark or oUag- But It will tear don branches and leave hall S ihSE untouch. U will -trip off tn SOUTH. ABBIVB. m.ipm 11.40 6.30 11.85! 11.3J NORTH LIATI am 7.10 7.03 7.03 8.53 8.60 6.411 839 6.25 0.18 6.08 6.04 e.w 6. AH 6.63 5.43 5.40 11.23 11.811 11.10 11.01 10.5S 10. 6S 10.43 1040 l0.3t! 10. "5 10.82 I0.1 lo.ao! fi.20 d.l'J 5.5H 5.43 5.41 5.87 s. a; 5 24 5. SO 5.16 5.13 5.03 5.01 p.m. V.4U 8.3 S.Sf' S !0 S.15 2.001 1.3V 1.30 1.25 1.11V 18.36 12.30 12.S51 IS 10 12.06 11.60 l'S: STATIONS. BloouiHfm'j ' Main st. Irondslt-... Paper Mill. LKlit ht.. Orange vll'e. .. .rorRS ... ...Elinor's... .bMllwaler . ...tfenton.... ...Kdsonv..., Cole's Cr'k, .Nugarloaf.. ..LaubflRb.. ...Central.. .Jam. city. am a m p m p m LKAVi am pmlpm am 8 311 2 411 40 6.10 8.31 2.42 6.44 0.18 8.i 2.41 6.47 2.4? 6.60 8.25 S 44 2.54 0.5S 6.37 8.47 3.011 7.C; 6.50 S.66 3.10 7.10 7.10 D.lltl 3.20 7.90 7.35 3.26 7.24 7.41 l.13 3.30 T.S 3.00 0.2) 3.10 7.30 8.40 9.2(1 3.41 7.44 8.50 .2S 8.4? T.4-- 8.53 9.31 8. 52 7.52 0.00 0.85 8.67 7.57 W. 10 9.45 4.07 8.07 9 30 9.50 4.U 8.10 9.40 a m p m p m am ABKIVB Nescopoctr lv Rock olen ar Fern Olen Tomlilcken..... nav.loron ... roUBville . A. M t 6 2fi 5 4S e os v ft Hock GleD 8 07 A. M t 6 62 8 50 7 10 7 371 8 45 I 4 65 I 4 30 A. M I 8 05 i V 40 A. M 1 I 8 to: D10 00 A. M t 7 50 t 8 60 I 8 80 A. M til 41)1 1 10; A. M 1 3 au t a io 9 82 10 32 t 7 20 8 SO V 11 9 05 V 45 Nescopeck lv wapwaiiopeo.ar Mocanaqua.... NanucoKe " Plym'th Ferry " WUKOSDarre...." PlttstonCB H) ar scranton " a. v. t 8 07 8 1H 8 23 8 48j 18 53 9 05 A. M t 41 10 10! A. M I 0 65 10 1 10 8! 10 4: 110 4' 10 6(i 11 Hi A. M til 10 til 35 11 43 11 54 r. m 12 1 1 20 A, 111 10; 11 22 11 32 11 64 P. M 12 02 IS 10 P. M tlS 49 1 16 A. M t 6 30 10 2' 11 20 P. M tl2 40 1 27 1 15 1 65 P. M. t 2 0. 8 18 2 431 2 50 2 55 8 On 8 00 P. M t 3 20 8 82 3 42 4 021 4 10 4 16 P. M t 4 55 5 221 A. M i a to P. M. i 3 10 A. H t 8 00 P. M. t 8 15 t 5 10 A. M no 50 ma oo U2 25 P. M. t 8 65 t 6 35 A. M. 8 00 9 3.1 10 14 12 80 1 42 8 43 A. M. V. M. 13 00 4 00 4 59 4 47 5 25 P. M. t 5 43 6 OT 8 S4 6 83 t 6 40 6 60 P. . t 7 05 7 81 7 37 7 43 8 05 9 10 P, M. t 6 (0 7 09 7 21 7 42 t 7 62 8 00 P. M. t 8 88 9 03 HUMPHREYS' Nothing ha3 ever been produced to equal or compare with Humpliroys' Witch, HftZOl Oil as a curative and hwaiivo application. It has been bark from other trees and throw away uged40 yearg and always affords relief r.".t iVk nturnal animal, It selects and always gives sat s.acuon Its trees by the eense of touch and smell Its eonse ot smell is so delicate ,k.t n.iM nionViant can wind an enemy at a distance of one thousand yards, and the nerves of Its trunk are so sen sitive the smallest suostunce vau in covered and picked up by it proboscis. An elephant's palate is very delicate, and the animal is whimsical in select log r.rejectlng morsels of food. Sir Samuel Bakor, in his "Wild Beaets and Thier Ways," tolls ana- .l..ia. llln.iitra.UVft OI US wmiuo w - " - t Dally, except Sunday. I Dally, t Flag station. Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run on thrSuLTtralns between Hunbury. msport and Jrte, .between sunbury and mP", and wasningion aim uonw"- - burg ana ine wesi. For tu'tber Information apply j. a. 11 l iiuuiwi- Gen'l. Manager. to Ticket J.K.WOOD. oen. Vass, Act. 1. "-..mob Ptr f J nr hemorrhoids. External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding-Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT KHEUM, letters, ncuny. fever isnsttrs, and vou could be ome the same by ,t touls Ul the subject, was pleased to . i 1. ...-r.il I .. a. J a Knt- f- helping your Btornacn to woik ' follow tne oiu v as his. . Shaker Digestive Cordial will iOU!,ed to tho great general, who vy as ui ov, on,l make v.iu n.i,tinir for tliem, and substituted the nciu yuui oiwu.w.i mi.v. .- 4 i n strong and heauny dv rnasmg mc Sore and Chafed feet, Mings oi mscus. Three Sizes, asc, 5oc- nd Sold byDroiigUt..or Hot post-paid on rcoiptof prlw. HI MI'IIKKVH' BtU. CO., Ill H WUIUM St., York. WITCH HAZEL OIL fnnd vou eat make vou fat. , . , . , ... Druggists sell it. lriai uouie 10 cents. First bather "What makes the water so full of weeds ?" Second bather "I couuted eight widows in bathing this morning." Neglect of the hair often destroys its vitality and natural hue, and causes it to fall out Before it is too late, ap ply Hall's Hair Renewer, a sure remedy. beautiful stars for tho crosses that the redcoats carried. Charles Sumner took a deep inter in all these traces of the Washington family In England, aud ho onto naid, "Tho source of tho d. sign of tho American flag lies on the old floor of Brington Church." He hud a copy of tho coat of arms, niudo by a local mason, In native stoue.-Ohleago 1 ntur-Oceau. A Tight Hold. Miss Klttlsu-Wbat do you meun by saying that Miss Kosdlck bolds tier ago well? , .. Miss Koedieli-Sh uever sive) it away. New York Jeuraal. , , ,.v rVii,Ki-i- "This elephant wa rcu wuu plantains. The stems of the plamtalm were eplit and cut into transverse o tlons t-wo leet in length. Three-quarters of a pound of rice was placed with in each, tube of plantain etem. "One day, while the elephant was be ing fed, a lady offered the animal a mall, sweet biscuit. It was ttiken la the trunk and almost Immediately thrown on the ground. The mahout, or driver, thinking that the elephant had behaved rudely, pick ed up the biscuit and inserted It lu a parcel ot rice within a plantain stem. "This was placed In the elephant' ..k y at the very first crunch U Bhowed its dielike by spiting out the whole mesa. The email msciui u dteguated the animal, aoa ior minutes it tried by Its inserted trunk to rake out every atom from ite tongue and throat." i Powerful saline and other drastic purgatives should be strictly avoided, except in extreme cases. When an aperient is called for, take Ayer s Pills. They restore natural action by impart ing strength and tone to the bowels, and their use is always attended with good results. Philadelphia & Heading E'y in effect May 29, WW. TRAINS LK4.VB BLOOMSB0UO For New York, Philadelphia, Heamng Potts vllle, Tamaqua, weekday 11.45 a. m. For VUlllamsport, weekdays, 7.85 a. m., s.tu p. mFor Danville ana Milton, weekdays, 7.85 a. m., 8,iKor CatawUsa weekdays 7.35, 11.45 a. m., 18.20, 3 Fo5r Kup'erx ?ve"kdays7.S5, 11.45 a. m., 12.20, 3.80 "ForBaltlmore, Washington and the west via B. O. K. K.. throuBh trains leave Heading Tcr mlnal. PWladelpUla, 8.20, 7.J5, U.2 a. in., 88 7.21, p. m. Sundays 3.20 7.66 11.86 a. m.. 8.46, 7.27, p. m. Aadiumiui wn u.n -- Cllistnut street station, weekdays, 1.95, 641, 8 23 p. m. Sundays, 1.35, 828 p. ni. CATARRH A LOCAL Disease A Climatlo Affection Not Minn but a local remedy or clianireof climate will cure It. Get a well-known pharmaceutical rem edy, Ely's Cream Ealm It Is quickly Absorb, ed. Ulves Kellet at once. Opens and cli'UDSPB tne Nusal Passu nes. Allava liirhiliilliallnn Ilea 8 aim i-i iihcis u- nii-niuruno. Senses ot Taste and Smell. No cocaine. No Mercury, No luJurlouHdi iitf. Full "l.e M'c ; 1 rial Size itic. at lniL':,'lst orhy mail. KLY lUto'lU 15KS, ftb Warren sti-eet, ew oik. OUMT COLD N HEAD TRAINS FOK BLOOJttoUUKU Leave New York via Philadelphia 8.00 a m.,andvlaBastoL MO a. m. Leave Philadelphia lO.tw a. m. Leave Heading 11.66 a. m. L.ave potisville 12.80 p. in. Leave Tamaqua 1.27 a, m., w Leave Wllllamsyoit weekdays 10.20 a m. 4.S0 p mi.eaveCatawiBsawoekdays, 7.oo, 8.80 a. m.l.SO ' wave Rupert, weekdays, 7.08, 8.27. a. m., 11.58 1.87,8.40, e.KJ). ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave ruiladclrhla, Chestnut Ptreet wharf and south Street wharf for Atlantic ity. W-UATS-Kxpiean, 0.00, a. ui.,2.iio, (Satur days onlyt 1.S0) 2.00, 4.00, 4.S0, 5.00 p. m. AO. com. B.oo a. m.. 5.00, 8.3.Pxm; a.,,. BUNPAT KXpreSP. B.U" S oo a.m. ana 4.45 p. m. u, .va Leave Atlautlo City, depot, : Wm-nii Express, 7.iKl, 7.45, 8 00, a.m., 8 80, 5.80, p.m. Accom. 1.2.N 8 1ft a. m., 4.10 p. in. Bi'nbavh-Kx-nretw. 4.00. 5.80. 8 00 p. m. Aocomiuodiitlou, ..15 a.m., 4.15 p.m. Parlor oars on all express trains. littM Lung TrouMrt, pd.iuiy. (1 iHtrcMtng 'n-h R7ul III nd 1 noled for uiailin lures .hen .l c tr.'niuii'iii fil. xrv mull-or i.a ivliil nhoum iwn Who can thtn! nf tome lmul tiling to imtuul Get your job work Columbian office. done at the ? A r" KERBS' un.it BALSAM ClMnwf and b''ui;n the .hur.l l..n,.,tjH a. lnvuiiaul ctowvi. NKTer Tail to Hctor Grmjt Cuius KA)p diaeawi naif tKlUiif. MINDIRCORr9 The only tore Ouw for (J-10-ltr.Cl Wanted-Hn Idea Protect your lilwwj they mny lirlug yu wiu Writ JOHN W KlfJERUU KN CO.. Patent Attoi ney., Washington, V. c..tr their i.Su i-ruw oB audlUt ot two hundnd IutodiIoui wauttnl. I GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE i 1 ' 'i I ., It- Ml el. mm m (I: :-4 1 ' ' i4 1 ft ' ' I ' . . .hi lit. 'L-I'l r trfi i .r fit 111'