Tfc THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. TEN ACRES FOR HIM. T.Ik erbout thli her. country "goln' ti ruin" -why. Ton tnlirht'. well My that the Lord's wj from the bend o' the big blue skyl If. stin the Mm. old oounlry tbe biggest one an' the beet; An' I'm wmm' tor Ub tea aore. an' trnr the Lord for the reatj Kerer no reaeon In lt-"foln' ter ruin I " eee Th sun climbs np from tbe bill an' syi "Good mornln' " ter yon an' nie. An' a eweet Qood night" when he's goln' tel the dream whar the ..adder stay An' eomethln' that sorter wblspers "I'll se you at break o' day I" Never no reaeon In It. I'm wlllln' fer take in) rhaaor; Ton'd better git out the eupper thing. tbt gala air oomin' Ur dance. ' Talk Jerbout "goln' ter ruin" w.'r. bapni from Esst ter West. An' I'm wlllln' tor take ten acres' an' trusi the Lord fer tb. reat I F. L. tan ton, In Chloago Tiroes-Herald. THE BANK MYSTERY. "I've come, Jud, to ask if you'L let we U'll rou wliat no one on cant don't know but Die; 'bout that hank mystery. "Yea, thnnk you, I will alt down. A fire frela good on a night like tills 'Tnln't often such, as I lutre a clianot at this kind of own fort nutl luxury. "What do I know about the baub mystery? Land sake, Judire, tlmt they opened tbe bank that day ter, years ago and found the bank vault broke Into and the safe blowed uj and not a dollar gone, I could bnv told It all. "You'll be find to listen? That'i good of you. I knowed you was a kind roan and a Just one; that's why I com to you. No, thnnk you, I don't smoke I put all that money, away for mt wife and children. "Yes, Judge, I started out In life a thief and a roblier. I prospered fairly in a small way and no ono didn't cnteh up with me for some time. Thee I joined a gang In for anything. 1 was in prison and out tliwa. the old etory, till I married and begun to have little ones. Then, Lord knows what helped tnc something did and for the sake of my wife and children 1 broke loose from everything and cam bore, where no one didn't kuow me, tc start over again. I had somo money and opened the restaurant Just oppo site tbe bank. "Then they come here, part of the Rang I'd belonged to. First I knowed of it was seeln' 'em In the restaurant 1 'spicloned they weren't here for no good, and It most took my breath awny. They knowed mo quick enough, too, and not bin' wouldn't da but I must Join 'em. I was the very man they wanted; I could help 'era and I was bound to 'em. 'Twos the biggest thing they'd undertaken yet the bank. They'd come on to exam ine tbe situation, knowing that Mr. Durkee, the new mill-owner, would make a big payment soon, and the money for it would be In the bank here. If there waren't anything else, that would be a big haul, a haul worth havin', and me beln' here, decided 'era. "I do think the devil brought oil tils friends and relations with him that night to tempt me. I forgot how to go to sleep, and Just couldn't stay In bed. I wonder I waru't lu tatters by mornln' with tbe devil tuggln' at me as he did and try in' to keei me out. of the room where my sleeptn' children lay. "Lord, It makes me creep and per spire all over now to think of it. "Yer see, them bank people come over to my place for lunch best part of the time, and they all knowed my little people, and tho mill people knowed 'em too. My oldest boy worked In the mill, and they'd been as kind as could be when he's sick, ehrlstmas time thcy's good to him, too, and there warn't a bank officer but bad remembered my little people, even to tbe watchman. Seemed like rob bing my own people, somehow. I's .bound not to Inform on the gang aud they's bound to rob thur bank; but I cursed 'om tn my heart for com in' Just when I was gettin' rid of the old life for good and all. Twns awful! "Well, Judge, you know how them rooms over the bank was rented to tart a new daily paper. I made 'em wear solemn aa ray name waru't t appear nowhere. I'd plan It all out and give 'era points nnd be on baud ai the last, but I had to be cautious. "They found out when the money was to tie paid and 'greed on tbe night before for the robbery. I had It all mapped out for 'em where and how they was to loosou up tho boards of tbe floor In their room above, so wc could break through aud lower our selves into the vault when the time come. Then yer seo we'd only have ' the safe to get Into and the great iron door between us aud the watchman. "Everything was ready, and we was pretty sure the money was paid. "We had planned so ns to linve the door of the safe ready to blow open when tho watchman went down eel lar to see to his fires. I knowed the time of night he did so, seeln' him of ten from my house across the way through the window of the bank: but to make sure wo stationed a man where he could give the signal at the piler time. With the watchman down stairs uud we shut tip In tun vault, with the solid masonry between us, 'twnrn't in the range of possibill ties for no human being to hear ub, '"Twus planned tlmt when we broke through the celling, roe and one of the others was to go down first with the lanterns and tools and get tho door ready for Jim tiroogau, the leader of tho gang, to coino, down and use the dynamite, and be on baud to take out tbe money. "Lord, but it waa Just tUo night for smell a pleco of work, aud after I hnd examined to we If ull was safe, know In' tho dangers better than the others, we broke through the floor and low ered the ladder, and there we wan- right In the tault. Twa well for mt I'd bit It right, for my life warn'? worth much If any o' my planuln failed to work. "Tom Dooton la a hurry went dowi first, and when I was half way dowi be started back, saying la a hoarst kind ef whisper: ' 'Who called mf " 'No one, you fool! said Jim. " Then,' be said, and he ran paw me on the ladder, 'some one Is dowi there. Twleet I beard some one say "Go back, go back." " 'We'll gag him,' said Jim, and m and hhn went down and turned oui lanterns round, look In' everywhere, but there warn't no one there. "'What't the matter with the fool? growled Jim, and wat book and tried to send him down again, but be Just wouldn't go, so Jim cursed him ant) cunc hlmwlf, and he and me begut to get the safe door ready to blow up "That's a thing that takes time a tic enre, Judge, but we went at it with a win and never a word. It was so stil; you could almost bear your heart beat when all of a sudden came a smoth cred cry like a woman's. We stopped work and looked at each other, Jliu'i face white and scared. " 'Lord, whnt was that?' be said. " 'I often hears 'em on the strcot like that,' said I. " 'That warn't on the street; It sounded close by,' said Jim, 'We could n't hear nothln' outside in this place,' " 'Nonsense,' said I, "don't you tiiakt a fool of yourself, too, aud spoil all,' and I went to work again. I could see how bis hand trembled for a while and then got steady again " 'That must have come through the THE HANK Mystery-Galley TWO. . room upstairs,' he said presently. 'Queer, tliough; It sounded so close.' "Then Ik worked on and there warn't notliln' more to be beard. Rest of the gang might all have been dead men for all the sound they made, aud we didn't say nothin'; and so the night went on. 'At lust we had It all ready, and were only waiting for the signal tc blow It up aud then money enough tc make us all rich. 'Talu't such as you t-ou roiillsie the excitement aud tut strain of such a moment. To know Iff all there, ready, and then to have to wait! It's easier wnlkin' over red bol coals. It's all right to go on and work, but to stay still and only breathe and listen gives a mau the shivers. 'Presently Jim caught my arm. ' 'Say, I thought I beard voices, did youV he whispered. ' 'The men upstairs.' I said. ' 'Sounded down here. Have youi pistol ready.' "I took my lautern and went round the vault again carefully, and then livid it up to examine the walls. ThoD I shook my bead. There warn't uo way we could hear no one. ' 'It's the queerest place I ever was In,' said Jim, 'and, by Jove, I'll be glud when we are out of It. Why don't that signal come? Suppose there's any hitch? I swear I hear voices again.' 'Just then camo the signal and Jim begau to apply the dynamite; but his- bands trembled so and his eyes looked wild and excited, his own wife would n't know him. ' 'The money! The money!' be whispered, 'we must have It now!' "We got out of the way Jusrwu time and then out came the door. ' 'The Inside door, quick,' said Jim, but the explosion had made that fall Inside, and we Just could lift it out. ' 'Have the bog ready,' said Jim, as be leaned forward to haul the great piles of bank uottss and silver we could see by the light of the lanterns. ' 'Hands oil, or you are a dead man!' 'It was a voice that would bava waked the dead. I dropped my bag and Jim drew bock bis hand and caught hold of ine with a grip like Iron, and be begun to slowly back to the ladder. " 'The combination Is all right: we have rueui now, they can't escape us.' "Wo wore half up the ladder when we ilea i-d the click, click of the lock, und as we drew tbe ladder after us we could lienr the rasping of the hinges of the iron door. " 'Fly, fly, for your lives; we are dis covered,' said Jim, as he went round to warn the meu; and lu the darkness. and in the wind and rain they went awcy nnd ain't never seen one of 'em since. I beard, (bough, as when they found there warn't no one there and the batik eople didn't know uothin' 'bout it till the next morning, they Just believed as tbe bank was haunted, sure. "Do I kuow what it was, Judge? There ain't no one else as does kuow, tlMt's sure. 'Talu't much after all. "Yor see, playln' round with my lit tie cues. I found as I could make 'em hear nil kinds of noises auywhere I wanted, and people crylu' and laughln', It was fuu for them and I often done It; ventriloquisu' I believe you call it: but thai night's the last time. Yer see none of tlie gang didn't know 'bout thnt, and I don't kecr ever to have 'em kuow It now. It taved the bunk with out my iuformiu', aud that's all 1 care for. "Oh, do. Judge, the bank don't owe me nothiu. I'm chllgod to you for listening. It kind of makes me feel easier. "No, no, thank you, I won't stay and take no luorp of your time. Dou't get up; I can And my way out. "What's that you say, Judge? You honor and tvspect me me? And the bank Lnud, Judge, twarn't me; 'twas my wife nnd children saved, tbe bank nnd I'm proud of 'em proud of em, Judge. Good night." Philadelphia Times. First Actor: "Do you know your part In tbe new play?" Becoud Actor: "Know U? Why If I stand oo my head U'll run out of my mouth." "MELLOWING" SMALL 8TATAURY. A Cheap and Simple Way to (tie. Hen Pieces the Ivory Tin, Nowadays when small casta of tbt great pieces of statuary are beginning to replace the hopelessly Inartistic bisque slieptierds and shepcrdessvs ol a decade or two ago, It Is a matter ol economy for the raistree of the hotiM to understand the art of "IvorUlng." The glaring wMte Venus of Milo which one may purchase from tbe bas ket of the peripatetic art dealer, maj be made softly mellow and beautiful at about one-tenth of the price ueces sary to buy ber already "mellowed.'' TIip medallion heads of tbe poets, mu sicians and conquerors . of tbe world with which aesthetically Intellectual young persons love to adorn theti rooms, are also much Improved by be ing subjected to the mellowing process Kesides the cast, the requirement, for the work are a cake of white soap, powdered raw tieuna and turpentine, with a large stock of patience, care and painstaking. The process with nil Its different, trying periods, require, about three days. The first experi ment should be made on either clw-nr. or damaged casts. Kill two large tins or basins with water. Then make the water very soapy by rubbing In it a cake of white soup. Use the contents of one of these vessels for bntblng your cast. After ward let It become thoroughly dry. Theu take the second basin, put into the soapy water enough powdered raw sk'una to color the water to a pale tint, and bathe the cast with the solution three times, allowing It to dry between each application. Tbe raw sienna is deceptive, and it Is bettor to give three washes nnd produce a gradual shade, than to use the wash but once, anif produce a too soihIht effect. The tint ing of raw sienna Is then put on with a brush. Next melt some beeswax on a stove or alove the gas, and thin It with turpentine. Pour this mixture over the cast, and the result of yout labors Is ready for a room with a dry atmosphere, where It should remain over night. The final touch Is that of polishing with a dry cloth or a bit of chamois. New York Sun. PARISIAN OMNIBUSES. There is No Crowding and Strap-hanging I'pon Theite Vehicles. On nil the streets of Taris one of the features most noticeable to a foreign er, perhaps, is tbe little omnibus sta tion so characteristic of Purls. The Parisian omnibus system, by the way, is an excellent oue when you under stand it. Hut you usually have to be put off a 'bus two or three times be fore you appreciate its merits. In time you discover that the vehicle stops regularly at little stations, where those who understand the system obtain bits of pasteboard bearing numbers in the precise order of their application for them, entitling them lu the same or der to the vacant seats lu the 'buses as they arrive. These little stations being not far apart, it is a matter of no dilllculty to obtain these numbers, and when tlmt Is doue the system se cures, as you see, a perfect applica tion of the rule, "First coiue, first served." For when the 'bus stops, Just opposite the little statiou, ou-oOl- cial comes out, and, standing behind It, culls off tho numbers In their or der, and the would-be passengers, as their numbers are called, take the va- cnut places. When all the vacancies nre filled Irtie 'bus drives ou, and those whose numbers come uext in order have, of course, the first cbanc-e at the vacancies on the tilling 'bus. Aud uow let me mention another feature of this omnibus system which I thiuk Is worthy of our notice. Each omnibus and each street car In Paris for the street car system is practically the same is built to seat a certaiu number of persons. That number Is Indicated upon the exterior of tbe ve hicle, aud when It is complete no more are twrinltled to enter under any cir cumstances. Clmutnuquan. An Opening for a Ginger-Peeler. A new machine la wanted In the West Indies in the ginger industry The export of ginger from Jamaica amounted last year to over $250,000, and the trade Is capable of considera ble expansion. The cleaning and pre paring of the ginger for the market, as uow performed by band, is a slow, primitive, tedious and wasteful pro cess. After tho roots are dug, they are washed, and tho outer skin is re moved by means of a small, sharp kulfe. resembling tbe blade of a pen knife. As tbe roots are very Irregu larly shaped, this process involves the loss of a large percentage of the root, which Is broken off or cut away lu re moving the skin. Tbe peellug of tho ginger is au Important matter In deter milling the market value of the pro duct. An expert can peel by band about oue hundredweight of uucured ginger in tbe course of a working day. for which be U paid (30 cculs. St Louis Globe Democrat. A Pleasant Custom. For piirtiupu a ctrnple of h uud rod mill's ulont; Uiu Michigan. Central Hull road thoro irevuihi lu hiiiuiuit tlm prtftty ctiHtoiu of preneiitlnif a Uowur to each wouinn traveling ou either of tbe two exprea. trains that pans over tbe road every day. Tho com puny lin expended rutioh tlrpe uud luoui-y in beautifying the lino of the road aud the trroundx of the statiou. with Kbrubs aud flowering plant., and these bavo grown and blopnoiiied bo plenti fully that enough of the flower are cut eaeb day to supply tbe means for Vccplng up the graceful favor. Stranger What Is that peculiar hum ming nol.e? Old Resident That', tho grass growr lug in tbe etreuU. Cleveland I'laln Dealer. Tho Precarious A PreisiRsnt Iowa Educator's" Painful Expsrltett'cs t litidjjy H!ra to a JProm lh Oatftlt, The 1. crinc. that dread disease that had suoh a run throughout this country thre. and four years since, leri many wno were pre viously ia robust health with shattered con stitutions and seemingly confirmed invalids. Prof. A. II. Nje, living at No. 2500 Oliv. Street, Cedar Falls, Iowa, was among tho number left by th. disease in a precarious condition, his nervous system shattered, 'and wito, a general osduht ot bis entire system ; na strength, feet and limb, badly swollen, in fact, h. was almost helpless. I'rof. Nr. is a native of New Vork Stat., havin. .om. west in 1S86 a healthy, robust man. He is .school teacher by profession, having served as coun ty superintendent of schools of this (Black Hawk) county, several terms, nnd he ha. the respect of all with whom he comes in con tact. His helpless condition called forth the sympathy of th. entire community. He tried the best medical skill procurable, and spent most of his ready means ia the vain endeavor to recover his health, and had about given op completely discouraged. He had stopped taking treatment, being fully convinced in his own mind that there was no help for him, and that h. would have to spend th. balance of his days as an invalid, a ournen to family enu menus, riome one who had heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. spoke to him about them and urged hisgiv in. them a trial. His poor success with eminent physicians made him skeptical and a. uaa ou tana in what was called proprie ANDY 23 SO CURtCOHSTIPATIOnLi 7.. rfff IRIftT 11TE7 V r.TTIITJI'iTJTCrn to cure anr raneof conntlnatlon. fasrsirts are theMesI Lsxs aDULU 1 LI I U U Jinan 1 LtiU t. ,rr rrip or erlne. hut rsme ens; nstarsl results. Ma ple and booklet free. Ad. KTKKI.lNfJ RKKKIIY I'd., Mnntresl. fun., or Vw York. tit. "He that works cessfully." 'tis very easy to clean house with SAPOLiO ASK FOR THE BKLET 0NHGiir.4ND Barn GIVES &EST UGHT IN THE VdRLB A.?Aft59LyTELySrE FOR SALE BY THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Birds Call The Doctor, HOMING riGEONS WILL BE MADE TO CARRY MESSAGES TO COUNTRY DOCTORS. Thanks, perhaps more than to any thing else, to the successful use of homing pigeons by the French gov ernment, both in military and naval maneuvers, there has been a general revival of interest in the subject of the possibilities of the utilization of these birds as a means of rapid com munication between points that are for various reasons unconnected by the usual means of communication. fThe Medical Record and several of its contemporaries are urging the great benefits that medical practition ers in sparsely settled districts may derive from a carrier pigeon service. The idea seems to have been success fully inaugurated by several medical men who have written of their experi ences. The plan is for the doctor who is expecting a call from a distant farm or hamlet beyond telephone or tele graphic service to carry one or more homing birds to the point, with in structions to release the feathered messenger when his services may be required. The possibilities of the homing pigeon have never been esti mated fully. Career of tbe Corset- Lato Designs In Stays Accord With the Decreet ol Science. Fashion and science have joined hands lately on the subject of women's waists, and, now that a belt may safe ly measure one, two or even three inches more than it did a few seasons Condition of Prof. fowtpspsr U&n. Ctdar toll, no tary medicine, and wotild tint listen tn thl. advice for some days. Th. frl.nd being per sistent, however, and having faith in tb. Pink Pills, would lot let up, until h. had finally prevailed upon tho sufferer to send for a box, which he reluctantly did, and aAcr receiving them decided to pi v. them a fair trial. Til. first box relieved him in a sur- ? rising manner) yet ha was not convinced bat it was th. medicine that helped him, but the weather which had turned pleasant, and did tint .end for a further supply until be was again about as bad as before taking the pills. Then h. concluded h. would mak. another trial, and took three boxes, and to day is nearly if cot quite as well as bofore the attack of la grippe. It is needless to state he cannot .ay too much for Dr. Wil liams' Tliik I'ills for Pale People, for people who havo been left In poor health from la grippe or any other cause. Any on. wishing to test the validity of this letter can writo Mr. Nye, No. 2W Olive Street, Cedar Falls, Iowa, and he will cheerfully recommend tha medicine, and .tut. his.condition before aud after usintr. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all th. clement, ncretwiry to give new life and riuh tioss to tho blood and restore shattered nerves. They nr. sold in boxes (never in loose form, by the docen or hundred) at 50 eents a boxy or six boxes for $2.50, aud may be hsdof sll drus pints or directly by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. . CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS easily works suc aeo. it looks as if tbe time honored corset was gradually being sent into semidisgrace. Many and various are the different patterns of waists offered to the woman whose health or whose advanced ideas urce a lareer waist, and. as a matter oi course, deeper breathing. But, although all these comnromises lie tween stays and no stays are winning wide favor, it does not follow bv anv means that the day of the corset, pure ana simple, is over. For the first time in its history the arguments acrainst it are fortified bv pleas for health rather than beauty, ana it may be that Us final doom h come. But the "ways of mankind are warious, but those of womankind wariouser," and no one can say, after we have had an era ot substantial women and unfettered bodies, wheth it will not be followed bv the irrenreSsi. ble corset in all its pristine stiffness. I'uladelpua Record. Twenty-six good things that are needed for a successful newspaper es tablishment, I'll herewith name you, my friends. If any of them are superfluous point them out, please. There are needed a good education, a good memory, a eood library, a good dictionary, a good knowledge of about seven languages, a good encyclopedia of names, a good church directory, a good postal guide, a good pair of scis sors, a goou sienograpner, a gooa type writer, seven wise men to decipher crooked marks, a good blue pencil, a good sized waste basket, a good com positor, a good copy holder, a good pressman, a good stock: of patience, and a good subscription list. . SUBSCRIBE FOR " " THE COLUMBIAN fate TTTT Fine PHOTO- GRAPHS and CRAYONS at McKillip Bros., Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. CoaaicTIP WIltLT. BltalLMICIC. Butter per lb $ 20 .10 07 .12 .06 .07 1 .00 30 .jo 4.80 to $14 .20 1.00 .20 4 .08 c6 .07 .05 .12 .12 3i 05 .80 75 .40 -5 Eggs per dozen Lard per lb , Ham per pound rork, whole, per pound Beef, quarter, per pound, . . . Wheat per bushel Oats " " Rye " " Wheat flour per bbl Hay per ton ia Potatoes per bushel Turnips " " Onions " " Sweet potatoes per peck Tallow per lb Shoulder " " Side meat " " Vinegar, per qt Dried apples per lb Dried cherries, pitted. , ..... Rsspbemes Cow Hides per lb Steer " " Calf Skin . . SheeD DcSts Shelled corn per bus Corn meal, cwt. Bran, " Chop " Middlings " 8S 1. 00 M .12 .08 .i.J .10 .08 75 & Chickens per lb new ..... . " " "old Turkeys " " Geese " " COAL. No. 6, delivered , 1.60 4 and 5 " 3.85 " 6 at yard 1.35 " 4 and 5 at yard. 3.60 Tin Leading Contcmlorr ot America Carl Fahltsm, Director, rounded 1 B laM by tTD' Mil -sf Rna Ik! C Yi 0 1 Send for Prospectus l-nnn full infnrmalinn. Frank W. Hals, General Msnater. NEW DINING ROOflS. A LAKGE and well furnished dining room has been opened bv n inn v ITDItin on the second flonr of his UAKKI AUn&fllJ, r e , . taurant. Meals will be served at the regular (lining hours fur 25c. and they can also be obtained at any lime. The table will be sup plied wilh the delicacies of the season and the service will be first-class. Entrance by dcor between Sustanrant an Ualfalera'j grocery store. PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, srd Talent business conducted tor MODK hAT OUK0FFI0K IS OPPOSITE TUB TJ. S. PAT HNT OFFU'K. We have no sub-agencies, all DUHlnesa direct, hence can transact patent bust nc8 in Ichs time aud at Leas cost tban those re mote from Washington. Bond model, drawing or photo, with tfescrlp Hon. We advise It patentable or not, tree of obarge. Our fee not due till patent Is aecured A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refer euces to actual clients In your bute.C'ounty, 0 town auutfree. Address C. A. SNOW ft CO,, Washington, D. C. (Opposite U. H Patent oojee.) WANTED. Active, enertfetlo mon to solicit oi dm s fur our nursery product a. Salary or commission. Address, Sums, lloiny A Oo., Geneva, N. y. Kst'd 1874. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. Snyder, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court House'' BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold waier, and all modern conveniences Wanted-An Idea vrh au think of soma sluiiil Hitus to psuuiu SfVli W".u!n',tiu' u' 0for their i.8u) urli oH aud list of Imq buuored lutwUubt wau(s4 Msteetsoasssjisjiasii mamas