. 0 v-y v Ay r?7 II ; VOL. 32 BLOOMSBURG, PA THURSDAY. APRIL 22, 1897. NO. 10 OOUH0IL MTmQ' Charles Kulp Eleclod ConiUble. al meetini ftf the Town Council was held Thursday night. PreJdent Kocher, and all the mem bers, Gorrey, Richard, Rishton, Kelley, Hower and Supplee present. The first thing taken up was the nav for work ana naming on m streets, and on motion of Gorrey, seconded by Rishton, and unanimous- thm nrice was fixed at $3 lv c;u urn i f la day for a two horse team, $2 for Sc horse, and $i.as 1,aborer". Considerable time was taken up in the discussion 01 i" - Street Commissioner and the ex penditures on streets, sewers, &c. The financial condition of the Town was also talked over, after which a tax rate was proposed as follows : Oorrev. Rishton and Hower-9 "suplee, Richart and Kelly-10 m The rate will be voted upon at the next meeting OF INTEREST TO ODD rLL0W8. The Central Pennsylvania Odd Fel lows Association will hold the largest demonstration in its history on the twenty-sixth of this month in Mount Carmel, Pa. The local committee 1, ! , nvtnnclvj) nrenarations to MC i 1 1 a rw u 1 vaiviww t ' -1 " I . , receive the visitinz lodges. The van- aClVI ous mining operations wilt suspend StOCk work on that occasion ana me r;imnla Vinvp criven asnecial low rate of fare. The town will be handsome- 1 1 . .1 Tl. fllnurinrr nnmPfl ly uecuraieu. uc iuiiu""5 . Grand Lodge officers will be present :9c A Jf f prPflt StVlCS Amos II. Hall, Grand Master; w. - Gaylord Thomas, Deputy Grand Master; Samuel McKeever, Grand Warden t Esau Loomis, Grand Con ductor -R. H. Graham, Grand Mar shall ; James Montgomery, uranu Guardian; Warren H. Coggswell, r.rn. iiirh Priest of the Grand En campment. A large number of Can tons, Encampments ana suoorainate lodges from Schuylkill, Northumber 1 land, Lycoming, Montour, Columbia, Union, Tioga, snyaer, uaupinn, w- knn on1 Luzerne counties wm uc Shadow The Early Sun Casts the Longest - 1 l 1.. ImI " AMI The greatest good can be found in ar '5fe?,ffiylng. The Spring any pat- fuu'n no; ' are here. e&reeXoe3Wy. lliuugu uiu tern, any price. I Spring Values. in Men's suits in overplaids, greys, neat mixtures, black and blues, fully up to a regular $7.50 standard for Spring Overcoats. Qnmi snofial rare bargains for careful buyers, $6.50 and $7.50 coats tor $5.00 xt meeting. bon and L.uzerne counties w nictrlrt nohcemen tA ; the monster narade MOminailOlia r . icyicatuiw ... were asked for and the following Shamokin will send nearly a thousand 'First District Fred Eastman, Ed ward Searles, R. N. Lyons. Second District Frank Baum, W. S. Fleckenstine, Alfred Bowen, D. R. CTmrd'District-B. W. Hagenbuch, t r Stout, Wm. Lloyd, Chas. Culp, Fourth District Francis Drake, Teter Jones, A. Heroine, jo.... . Corbet. These special officers are to serve without compensation except the usual fee for making arrest. They ain to take turn about in serving Odd Fellows. BASE BALL. Men's and vouncr men's suits, new Spring patterns just 111. 30 styles of goods, including pver nAi mixtures, lieht brown tweeds, etc. The base ball situation here during ha not been of the most encouraging nature, and this state 01 affairs is due to ie fact that at the meeting of the Town Council Viplrt last Thursday night, and fullv intended lb rvao 1 . ' , , , . that some representative of the club would be present and ask that Ath letic Park be re-leased, the former . 1 : Tint the cranks are also to take turn auoui m ot.6 lease navmg "j,,.. , . from Saturday noon until midnight of were all disappointed, for when Thurs each week, for which they will be day night came, the men in whose mid il l S charge the matter was left, found it r V,.3.L - rhnrlM CuId. :cc;k1p to attend the meeting, and V P Baum and Francis Drake were consequently there was nothing ac named A vote was taken, resulting coraphshed in that line, and as the namea. avui fnnnma . f tv nark is the first "For CuId Kelly, Kisnton, ouw, have to wan --; Kocher tin.e we will be able, we hope to give The salary for Constable was fixed sorne interesting notes on the game. at $So per annum. . Arrangements wiu oe m - Building permits were asked for tw0 or three projectors of the sport and granted to Wesley Knorr for a w-lU be present at the next meeting of ana gramcu 'wilcnn for a r,,nri1 . when it is hoped the rfn hid nnn Til I. U liii xwv. - . $7.50 $5.00. Fine $10 and $12 coats, in greys, black and covert cloths, $7.50 PvtM finft covert coat with satin yoke, skeleton back, satin piped throughout, a splendid $15.00 lor $12.00 Six new patterns in imported ir,A rlnmestic cheviots, casi- meres, tweeds, etc. - Also, sack and cutaway. Ex tra fine clayworsted of positive $12.00 values, for $10.00 Children's Novelties. Brownie suits, with vestee front. Special val ue on lines of $5.00 Goods for $3-50. Reefers, Fauntleroys, etc. ' $1.48 AND UP TO $5.00 20 Junior Suits, made to sell at U and $5 ; ages 3 to 8. lhe 44oo grade 2.50, the 5.00 grade Mothers, here's a snap. We've about 50 all 'woo cUQie": An. -.tutu firmuic Mitv, SUUS, mrik" . and extra buttons, etc., are worth r..ii.. to 5 co. Friday ana 1 Lilly y j - . Saturday tt. ,1 r.,rvio new mica tu 1 tn ie. in all tne swell Scotch overplaids at 2.50 3.50, 4.00 ana Men's and Boy's Trimmings such as Neckwear, Shirts, Gloves, Canes, Umbrellas, cic. All the new spring siyica open. Special line ot smrts, sizes i. with attacnea wi lars and cuffs, others to be worn with white collars anu '"1 -great line at 50 cents. Finest grades, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 HAT5. Wo. oii vnnr snecial attention 4.., r Viat rlpnartment. carrying as many styles as any two stores in town, a cusau v' every hat you buy here. Extra good, new style men uCujr, r e Men's special Fedoras V3' . ... 'i.J about J 1. 00, six biiiiuco. The college nat i.w, i.ju auu 2 00. The sportsman, 6 shades, flat brim, 1. 00. Friday and Saturday, regular tnn tams oc. in all colors. 25c tarns 19c, in all colors Newest Spring Neckwear. Immense lines. Extra good China silk values in new pat terns, 15c, 2 for 25, others at 25 and 50 cts. , Fine silver mounted walking sticks, 50, 75 and 1.00. juat right for Easter wear. Boy's waists, tne mu uu friend kind, 25, 5?, 75. or aun dried or unlaundried Fauntleroy blouses, 50, 75, x- -25 ana 1.50. GIOOING'S. j- veranua. . , ... In addition to the bills read at the regular meeting last week, two more were presentea, one uom Wells for lumber $2.78 and the other from P. G. Miller for coal $4, all ot which except the Town Auditors bill, were ordered to De paiu. A petition was presented asking that proper side walks be put down along the Light Street road from o j .'pn Street. The same was referred to the Street Committee, they to see if maprity of property 1 . iht netition. and Owners nave a" r--- ' , have same certified to, and brought up for action at next meeting. Complaint was made as to the bad condition of the crossing from the Carpet Mill across to the P. & R R Street Committee also to look into this matter. . G. B. Martin entered a protest aeainst people dumping rotten apples and other filth near his home, re ferred to the Health officer, I. Hagen buch. No further business appearing meet ing adjourned to meet at call of the President or at regular time. 0HAELES B. MoHEURI- The announcement of the death of Charles B. Mcllenry, second son of Rohr McHenry, which occurred at Benton on Friday last was received with profound sorrow by the whole community. He was just in the prime f life beine about thirty-three years ffl(re. He was a man of winning . :-.,cr;n,ia and straightforward ways, wuu"'i 7 , ; oil Ki. rlp.alincrs. and his word was found no place in hU make un. and this characteristic wherever he went In politics he wus a strong democrat and was one of the leading men of his : t. -niinti. He was a kind and dutiful husband, and his death is . m,.i;,ri fin one. His wife, former- 1.. v.nmr has the sympathy iy juuxic iw". , . of all in her hour of trial. Beside, his wife, a small son, his father Rohr, and 1 .i,. TKn C . survive. The funeral took place on Monday .it or,,i was Urselv attended. a :i ro."r. nsistins of three BUCI-l! a , cars was run on the B. & S. railroad for the accommodation of those who attended the funeral from here. Do not forget the great lecture on the Cuban Question nexi evening in Normal Auditorium. me vuuui-11, r...v - - - park business will be carefully looked after. The National League season open ed on Monday, with a game between Philadelphia and Boston,, and the Phillies landed the victory, m-uic 3 There was not a bean eater crossed .u. i., rOit until the ninth inning, 111c uui"- --- .- and then they made five runs, lhe pitchers were, for the Phillies Orth, and Nichols for Boston. 1 ne iormer for the first eight innings was invinci ble The Phillies have a percentage at present of 1000. The season in ceneral will open to-day when the B . . 1 . 1..U ...111 rl whole twelve ciuu wm COMING EVENTS. fthe Presby 1UC JWUiig y 1 terian church will give a Lunch Supper in the Church manors on rniuj y,. from, K until 10. Lunch 15c. Ice cream and cake extra, Everybody invited. a ,,.mnic of anv oilier cir tertainments will be made under mis head without charge, by leaving word at this office. WEIGHING THE M1IL3. t ,vr.iion-i with an order of the Postmaster General, the mails at the Bloomsbnrg posiomce nave uci.-.. weighed during the thirty days ending on Tuesday. "u,fc that'll hoe h.en received 21779 wound?, an aerage of 726 pounds per day; and there has Deen senium. -. pounds, an average of. 474 Punas per day. MT. CARMEL MURDEEEES. The Mt. Carmel Item of Saturday says : 'Stephen Gore, Frank Baum, Ma chia Golia, William Ryeski and Will iam Gerkis, who are charged with the murder of Theopnoius uursm uu West Second street of this town on Coi9 the ifith of Tanuarv. will be put on trial for their lives at the com- ing sessions 01 tne way icuu ui uiu nal court. They have already been ;A-,aA fnr murder in the first degree k.. o anrl inrv anrt IJISiriCl Attorney Shipman win urge tneir cuuyluluu, h five criminals should De touna . ..;it on1 the death nenaitv entorcea, nlr rnnntv would be the centre of ww J . f . , rtfnntv. On account 01 tne past dilatoriness in punishing murder- ... . 1- - ..U of lYld n in this eouniv. tne rcaun ui trial will be watched with great inter est by our people. HOME WEDDINU- D xt TnVvhs nnblisher of the IV. 1'L . A " tJ "1 I Moiihtain Echo, at Shickshinny, ast 1 nilthl week, nresented his reaticrs m. 1 anniversarv edition, con- liiiuuauiuv - o,r,ir.T civteen naires ot careiuuv pre pared matter, together with numerous IllUatlUti"'" - on the publisher. Tt, W,r1enn Slrntiuel SaVS 1 "St, sronal Church of this city . ciwj a 1' " 7 ... -v l in 4 wprv flonrishinir condition, un m ... ------ . r. in mfninfTTner.niiecLiuu aiuuuuv sunuav iiiw. ..."b - - io trm. Th s was lifted to wipe on -.lri rtenr ana was mc UUl an " , . . single collection in the' history of the congregation. T.t :i Ww collector of taxes inauiamvi of Beaver township, was arrested last week on the charge of embezzlement, brought by Jessie Rittenhouse. A DOG SAVES 28 LIVES. Awakens a Sleeping Landlord, Who Arouses Guests in a Fire. At Tercptf Shore. 1 2 miles west of Williamsport, at an early hour Friday morning an English setter uug the lives of a score of persons. Land- . . . . T T . . t T . . 1 . 1 . lord Dunkle, ot tne noiei ui-, was awakened at a A. M., by his dog, whirh alwavs sleeps in his Dearoom, rubbing his nose on his face. The hotel was on tire, anuwc lYiiActa wprt awakened, but it was O r A.1 Ia. Hananc.iv fr crimp nl LIlClll lu us holr.eH tn the trrouna Wltn lauucio rhories Pamnhell. atred 60 vears, was r---, o - fn..r.i nn-nncrinns on tne noor. IUUI1U uiivvu..- loss will aggregate $2500. aiilPPEtta rEOM A- TEAMP'S HIDE. Williamsport 00UET HOUSE NEWS. What Has Occurred There Former Report. Since Our Physician Footgear. Wants Gruesome A very pretty home wedding was -...uhroted nt the home of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elder, at Mordansville, on Thursday last, when their datichter Margaret was married . sheen nf this town. The 1U V . 1 w..v( ceremony was witnessed by a few of the immediate friends of the con rotintr mrties. Thev drove to ti in ..wU.ir.r onI hnnrdt'il tlie 1 1 Ms PlUUlllUUif, "'v t . train for Philadeipma, tney arnvcu back in town yesterday, lhey expect to reside here. CONFIRMATION, Right Rev. Bishop Penick will visit St. Paul's church on Sunday. Aiay a, and administer the rite ot confirma tion at the morning service. Bishop Penick is a retired missionary Disnop having spent some years in Atnca. He comes in place 01 cisnuj xwuau.., who is prevented by illness. Some seventeen members of the I State Legislature visited the Asylum for the Insane at Danville on Friday for the purpose of investigating as to the necessity for additional room at that institution, in tne pany Senator Hummel and the following members of the House: Messrs. Herman, Connel, Smith, ' Kerr, Jen nings, Chrisman, Kerr, Seidel, Adams, Miller, Rhoades, Farr, Creasy, Riley, Welliver, Elatz and Dr. Marks. T A Whitmire. a Muncv shoe- XJ J mntrAt- Vine hn entraired DV Williamsport physician to make three pairs ot slippers irom imuwu "v.. The leather is from the leg of an un . . 1 Ml-J identified tramp, who was kuicu the railroad at Williamsport six months ago. The leather was prepared by a tanner in that city, and the strip whfin completed was over three feet long. On DeatV Brink. a r t.nncs Ann varus aoovc n iuii ui iiuuv- j the TJea linsr railroad in Mt. Carmel : :.. ,i, nffillinrr into a cave-in, 13 111 uyv o . - caused by an abandoned working of the Reliance colliery, me au.c .,, s-i'rMiirir .ind sixtv-five deep. iWCUl lVL - All the families have neen oruercu iu remove, but two will not go, claiming that they -paid rent to tne enu 01 ujc month. MARRIAGE LICENSES. I The following marriage licenses have been issued by went vy. n. Henrie, since those puonsnea ias.i 1. wees. , . . . Ta'mes M. Ruckle, ot tjerwic, iu Miss Mary Jiower, same yi. John England, 01 w uuui iuu, to Miss Rachel uxemiamci, i r cun nf ISloomSDUrc, iu m; Tartraret Elder, of Mordansville. 4 ? ... .. r ht;h,,;h tn T7 .1 . u.l ya nupr 111 1V1.111 V ii.v. w;c Ada Dell Kisner, same place VToiier nt Fine townsniu, iu ricaa xwi.w., - Miss Annie Pollick, of Madison town- shlP- . .. . numshin. to Miss Annie Monaghan, WI "'"I T7. nrt n, Catawissa, to Miss i' 1 CVl jJvviv j t i'vvIp TTartzell. same place. of Berwick, to Miss Annie Smith, same place. TRANSFER OF REAL ESTATE. The following transfers of real es tate have been recorded in the omce of C. B. Ent, register ana record, during the week. Sharlotta Alvaretta Musseiman, to Daniel H. Steadman, for tract of land in Benton township. S B. Martin, to Industrial Building and' Loan Association, for Jand in Catawissa. . , ..: Ttornhnrd. to Industrial Huildine and Loan Association land in Bloomsburg. Mer for land in Bloomsburg. 1VJ ' . . . 1 T7-. A C W. Neal, irustee anu i Clara Melick, for land jn Bloomsburg. SHERIFFS' SALES. At the Court House, on Monday, May 3rd, 1897, at 2 o'clock m. property of Joseph it. vanuerbucc and T. J. vanaersnce, uuuuuu." of Mary G. Vanderslice deceased, consisting of lot, dwelling house ana out buildings, situated on Fourth street in town of Bloomsburg. . At the Court House, May 3m ai o'clock P. M., property of C. A. Dodson, containing forty-eight acres of land, situated m uriarcreeK. town ship. At the Court House, baturaay aiay 8th, at a o'clock P. M. eleven acres of land situate in Benton lowns.uu, also twenty-two acres of land, dwell ing house and outDuuaings, m teu ton township,' and to be sold as the property of F. M. Masteuer ana nnu.c Masteller. E. h Brown has improved his pro- perty at Port NODie oy laying I pavement. Rev. Russell H. Conwell', President of Temple College, ot Philadelphia, will lecture in the Normal Auditorium, on next Monday evening, uissudjci-i, Cuba's Appeal to the United States is one that should strike a responsive chord in every liberty loving Ameri can heart. nr. Conwell has just recently re- i...o trnm a tour of the island ot lUlllWU HW'M - . Cuba and is full of facts, witn regaru to the condition of affairs there. The lecture course management is surely to be congratulated in securing so distinguisnea a icciuici u. vital a subject. The diagram is now open at Slate s book store. Admission reserved seat 35C . Marcaret T. Seybert, et ai. iu Hiram W. Bower, for tract of lana in Berwick James C. Brown, Ex. et. al. td Jesse t' 00 T7.;r and wife to Dorcas r Vellev. for tract of land in Briar- x. v,'v; 1 creek. . , w r V Qnonsler. to ateruni! m, t-x:i trrt of land m iiriar- iiuKauii I. 1. K.nc.1rt . T' 1 A T rrwCI Daniel Hartman, to wwuuu for tract of land in Benton townbinp. The attendance at St. Paul's church on Easter Sunday morning at 6.45 was very large. Every pew was oc cupied, and many sat in chairs at the end of the church. The music was as a whole the best eycr rendered m that church. The vested choir of twenty-four ladies, men and boys, sang with much spirit ana expression, auu the selections were ofajiigh order. F. Melick who kindly con- ' sented to sing the soprano solos, add ed muqh to the beauty of the music I by her beautiful rendition of the parts assiened her. An alt3 solo in the for i Te Ceum, by Miss Mary Harman, a h fr R P. Foulke. aad r tract ui u -- ; ri-:i: uniAmin. to Nehemiah Vitrhen. Trustee, for tract of lan J in Fishingcreek townsnip (Jharles jviannan ci - Manhart, Adm. Clara Edgar, et ai., iu Hirleman, for tract of land in Jackson township. - ... . Robert R. Hurtman and wife, to m T VArrar for land in Bloomsburg. Frank P. Vanderslice, to Mary A. a bass solo by Mr. Deforest Hummer , were all sung m a very suustau.r and effective mannef The organ did good service, having-Deen recenuy tuned, and it was handled by the . oreanist, Mr. i-has. r. emeu i ereat skill. The chancel was beauti- fullv decorated wun pauua u and the sermons at tne scmciui ad vices by the rector were able ana in- . i. .1 .. .1 T? L.,. fACtl structive. Aitogetner.tne r.asici val of 1897 was one of the most enjoy able in the history of the church- George Smith, one of the four robbers who bro'te into the Youn house on Center Street some time ibi summer, and stola. two watches, be side committing theit in jjerwiu. " other places, and who was sentenced to the Eastern reniienuaiy, w v leased from that institution last week. His accomplices were sent to the Huntingdon Reformatory. 1 i' 1 -it 1 1 V 1 !i it