3 COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURO, PA. . i i WASHINGTON. rrom onr Reirular Correspondent. Washington, April 9th, 1897. Hon. W. J. Bryan was fortunate enough to be in Washington this week to make an argument for the rcople of Nebraska in a railroad case bctore ic - ""i"-- This gave him an opportunity to par ticipate in the democratic jollification which has followed the news of the democratic victories in Ohio and in Chicago. Mr. Bryan told an im mense democratic meeting addressed in Alexandria, and at- DV w -- tended by many prominent demo crats from both branches of Congress that the grand cause was steadily marching on to victory, and closed his speecn Dy saying j more JefTersonian democracy in the United States to-day than there ever was before. More people seeking to make this government what it ought to be, and the crusade that was start ed will go on and on ; will gather strength as it goes, and will be instru mental in bringing to the people of this country blessings for generations rv rnme." The administration and King Hanna are especially sore over the unmistakable rebuke given them by the result of the Ohio elections. They try to make light of the matter by saying that only local issues were in- u,a tmt thev know better, and everybody else knows better 5 knows that the administration expected and worked for republican success, which it would have considered an endorse ment. Senator Jones, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, . wh le I am not at an ens- posed to attach too much local elections, 1 that the result in Ohio is largely to the dissatisfaction with the Nation al and State government ot the re publican party. There is no doubt in my mind, either, that the cause of bimetallism has made tremendous strides since last November, and I Koiipu thnt more has been accom- a higher professional plane, his ability as a lawyer and experience in tne patent branch especially fitting him for the task, and that after it has suc ceeded he will be" promoted to a higher place. MCKINLEY TO HI3 FRIENDS. Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that contains Mercury, as mercury will surely -destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damane they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,' contains no mcr- curv. and is taken internauy, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. im. Out Chrysanthemums, With a little care, cut chrysanthe mums will last fresh for days. It is exnert advice to plunce a bunch of 1 . them at once on bringing tnem into the house into a large pan ol tepid water, leaving them there for ten min utes. Then with a pair of scissors cut about a quarter of an inch ort Irom each stalk, holding it well umler the water while snipping it, so that it may draw in water and not air for its first nourishment. A roomy vase holding tilentv of water and that does not ' . , 11 nil Addraaa tTpon Hll Dprtnr Irom Canton to Wiwtilngtoii. . Standing upon the platform ot the roar coach of his train Preeldcnt-eleot McKlnley on tie morning of his de parture for Washington, addressed the thousands who had gathered to wish Kim farewell in those words: "My Neighbors and Friends and Fel low Citizens On the eve of departure to the seat of government, soon to as sumo the duties of an arduous reapo" nihility, as great aa can devolve upon any man, nothing could give me greater pleasure than this farewell greeting this evidence of your friendship and sympathy, your good will, and, 1 am sur, the prayers of all the people with whom I have lived so long, and whoee rnnfliienne and esteem are dearer to me than any other earthly honors. "To all of us the future Is a sealed book; but If I can, by official act, or administration, or utterance In any dogree add to the prosperity of our be loved country and the comfort and well being of our splendid citizenship, I will devote the beet and most unselfish efforts of my life. The assumption of the Chief Magistracy is of such grave Importance that partisanship cannot blind the Judgment or accept any other consideration but for the public good of all to every party and every section. "With thla thought uppermost in my mind, I reluctantly take leave of my friends and my neighbors, cherishing In my heart the sweetest memories of mv old home my home now, and, I trust, my home hereafter, so long as I live. ' I thank you and bid you all good-by." Of hymns his favorite Is that old Methodist composition: No Gripe When you take flood's rills. The bin, oM-fasn-loned, suRBr-coatcd pllln, which tear you nllto pieces, ore not In It with Hood's. Kaay to tako nioodh and easy to operate, Is true ot Hood's rills, which Are ItL) 1 1 fr up to date In every respect. 111 a Safe, certain and snro. All drtiKRlsts. Wc. C. I. Hood & Co., towcll, Mnss. The only Tills to tako with Hood's SarsapiirlUa. The Greek Revolution. rh importance taper to a point at the bottom should iKlieve beused. The water should be changed is UrgelyS and the flowers should he ke t out of a gas heated aimospnere 3 much as possible, putting them in a pure aired room for the night. New York Post. There Is a wldcnem In find's mercy Like the wldeness of the "en; There's a kindness In his Justice, Which Is more than Liberty. For the love of Ood Is broader Than the nienBure of man's mind, And the heart of the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind. . If our love were but more slmplo We should take Him at His word; And onr lives would be all sunshlno In the sweetness of our Lord. THE BIGGEST CAMERA. ,...,. . !,. tha Authenticity of the rlr Signature. The larpent camera lu the world has . . , e ... K.i Vio irorv Irvrir , f .nii in tlii livps of I l....n notiHt.ructetl for the purpose Ot 1 - . . 1 U.. 11 UA 1 . . i ir t-...!- 11 t K n,Ara I tlinf.'lnr nil thfi HllTD of events than was uune vj me Lincoln anujeu uavis. uum v..v. Lincoln in 1009, Lincoln and Jeff Davis- Malcolm Townsend has pointed out .he lives oi Both were miunaifrn methods." There is a little wrangle on be tween the administration and the re publican members of the Senate Fi nance committee. Mr. McKinley has been bringing pressue to bear upon them to report the tariff bill not later than the 19th of this montn, wnue thev insist that thev cannot get the bill in condition to report before May 3rd, if so soon. Humanity is the one power that is strong enough to luse all the discord ant elements which go to make up Pnnfrress into solidity in an effort to relieve suffering. The joint resolu tion appropriating $200,000 for the relief of the sufferers from the floods in the Mississippi River and its tri butaries and in the Red River of the North, which became a law this week, received the unanimous vote of Con gress. The Senate has been talking Cuban horn in Kentucky Davis in 1808. Both removed irom their native state in childhood, Davis nnlnn tn tVlA SOI ithwest. Lincoln to the northwest. In the Black Hawk war Davis was a second lieutenant of regulars, Lincoln a captain of volun teers. Both began their political careers at the same period, 1844, Davis being a presidential elector for Polk, Lincoln a presidential elector Clav. Both were elected to congress at about the same time, Davis in 1845, Lincoln in 1846. Lastly, in the same year and almost th same dav. thev were called upon to preside over the destinies ot their resnective eovernments, Davis as president of the Confederate states, Feb. 8, 1 86 1, and Lincoln as presi dent of the United States, March 4, ! 86 r .New York Press. the . . 1 1 belligerency again, and has aaopiea a resolution requesting the President to endeavor to save the life of Gen. Ririera. It would be difficult to find a more vigorous bit 6f dignified English than Senator Catiery s repiy to me K4U"' of the New Orleans Board of Trade, that he should vote for the republican tariff bill, as may be seen by the fol lowing extracts: When my politi cal views change so as to convince me that this great country, with its Mn mvsterv about it. When Shakers offered some time ago to give away a bottle of their Digestive Cordial to any one who might call at their New York office, there was a great rush and a great many people thought they were crazy. Subsequent events proved it to have been a very clever advertising trans actions, for aithougn tney gave aw thousands of bottles, it was in the end profitaDle i nearly every one that took a free bottle came back for more and paid for it with pleasure, saying they had derived Deuer results uwu iney throwing uo the signature on the Fair will hi Ran Francisco, so thnt Judge and Jury may determine by 11 minute examination of Its lotter whether or not the decumeut disposing of millions of dollars Is a forgery. The camera has been made by Theodore Kytka, a lwndwritlng expert of San Francisco. He was employed to investigate the pencil will the day on which it was Believing It to be a forgery. Charles Fair's attorneys, Knight & Haggerty, decided to take every possible means to establish Kytka's theory. So they built this camera. With It an exact reproduction ot auj writing can be made, magnified 3,600 This means thnt a letter one- twentieth of an Inch In height enn be accurately pictured fifteen feet tall. In this way, photographing one minute section after another, the pencil will could be reproduced so that each page would be 3,000 feet wide and 5,100 feet long. , tr Tvvtkn's studio was not large enough for this giant camera. it hns been built rooms. The telescopic pnrt, which Is made up of twelve sections, or bellows, each supplied with a little side-door en- trance, is tweniy-nvu iwi extended to Its full capacity- Tnl8 18 connected by a black rubber cloth with an adjoining room uscu as room. New York Journal. r.reer.e's active championship of the cause of the Cretan revolutionists, in the face of the opposition of the mmViined nowers of Europe, recalls that plucky little nation's fierce strug gle for her own independence from Turkish rule during the early portion of the present century. Indeed, as Prince George started for Cretan waters the other day with his flotilla of torpedo-boats, almost the last words Prime-Minister Delyannis said to him were : "Mav the spirit of the ereat Cana ris hover over your Highness and you! brave men. inspiring you to maintain nobly the traditions of the Hellenic navy I Here is probably what Delyannic had in mind : The Greece of to-day lacks the larger vessels of war fully as much as did the Greece of i8jo but at that earlier period she possess. ed a formidable weapon in the dread ful fireship, and under Canarsis s lead the enemy's naval power was almost destroyed by this primitive method ot attack. The fire-ship ot the past nas been supplanted by the torpedo-boat of the present, an engine ot war can ing into play almost the same quali ties as its predecessor piucK, smu, dash, and rapidity in handling. And Delyannis was therefore anticipating that the deeds of the early part of the century would be repeated at its close In a mode of warfare for which his countrymen are both by nature and temperament eminently fitted. The story of Greece's struggle for independence both by land and sea has formed the subject 01 many vol umes of prose and verse. Harper's Round Table. E. A. RAWLINGb. DKALER IN All Kinds of 3Zeat. Beef, Veal, Lamb. Mutton, 'ork, Hams, Bacon, Tongues, Bologna, &c. Free Delivery to all parts of the town. CENTRE STREET, BLOOMSBURC, PA. Pennsylvania Eailroad Time Table in effect Not, 13. '9 IfiTTelephone connection. RAILROAD TIME TABLE DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURO DIVISION.. STATIONS. NonTHtniBiai Cameron Dmiviue..... Catawlssa ...... Kupert HloomsDunt...-M...MM.... Espy Lime Kliltfe.-... willow C4rove Brlarcreen Berwick Beach Uaven........". UleK's Ferry Hlileksmniiy Hunlock'o. Nanilcolce........ Avnndale ...... Plvmnuttl.. Plymouth Junction., Klnifs'on Bennett - Forty Kort Wyoming - wont, pitxiiton Susquehanna Ave PIttHton Duryea Lackawanna.... Taylor Believue SCBAHTOK STATIONS. A.M. S8H EAsT. T.U. A.M. 1.50 10 09 6 50 7 0.1 rm 7 11 71 7 an 7 738 7 48 7M BOO 8 10 8 SO B W 3 St 6 87 8 40 8 Till 8 58 8f 0 01 0 06 10 91R V 10 9 34 9 Hi V ilT , 4i A.M 9 13 920 9 31 9 811 9 42 9 4H 9 it 10W 10 39 10 44 10 49 11 19 1118 s 01 8 07 8 18 (94 84 8 49 8 47 8 89 8 67 4 05 4 OS 4 11 4 17 4 99 4 25 4 80 4 84 4 87 4 45 4 50 .... 4 55 12 48 1183 1149 l'i"58 1905 1816 19 93 12 26 19 40 P.M. 8 50 (03 807 6 18 8 28 6 33 89 8 45 6 52 6 56 7 00 7 08 7 12 7 1H T 85 7 40 7 54 T 58 8 03 8 07 8 19 8 16 8 li 8 V. 8 80 8 88 A. M. ricrant,on(IB)lv Plttbton " " 7 03 A. M. Wllkesharre....lv 7 ao Plym tU Kerry" I T 3n Nantlooke 7 4- Mocanaqoa J Wapwallopen. " 8 1 Nescopeok r 94 A. M. Pottsviile. lv I ;o Hazleton 7 in Tnmhleken...." 7 80 Fern Oleo 7 8 KoukOien " 7 43 NeBCOpeck ar a u A M. Nescopeck lv 8 M ciBtwy ,! " Enpv Kerry " ' i . uioonisburg" 8 4. Catawlnga...... ar 8 85 CatawlsHft lv 8 55 H. Danville.... ' " sunbury 1" " A. M. Sunburv- . .Iv I 4 Lewlnburg ....ar JO 1 MUton 0 0 Wllllumsport. ." 110 Lock Haven." '9 0 Kenovo " Kane... " r m. Lork Haven... lv tlS 10 Bcllefonte ar 1 WJ Tyrone.. " pLlllpsUuru...." ( learllelrt " W IlttBbiirg " ' ro " A. M. sunbury lv J5 Harrtoburg ar il W P.. M. Philadelphia . ar 8 0 Baltimore " 8 0 Washington . " 4 0 A. M. Sunbury ........lv HO 05 tewlntown Jo ar 19 05 Plttflburg- " 7 00 I ' A. M. , HarTisburg lv 111 45 i Pittsburg srLli!2 A. M I 3H 110 W A. M 110 15 10 20 10 2T 10 45 W 55 11 K A. M. I 9 05 1 36 1 251 1 84 40 P. M.I I 9 2H f 8 60! P. M I B 15 f 8 21 3 !S 8 47 8 57 4 (H A. M 111 10 via Hock Olvn p. M. 13 18 19 18 19 84 12 5 P. M. I 1 OH' 1 45 1 SH 9 211 8 821 4 80 8 15 P. M. S3 45 4 44 6 00 8 9 9 0 11 30 I 1 55 I 8 90 P. M I :f I CO I 7 16 P. M. I 8 45 I 4 37 111 80 P. M 18 50 P. M I 1 r,o 3 m 8 M n 8 t 8 81 08 P. M I 4 0- 4 1 f 4 97 4 82 4 30 4 b 4 5? ft kO P. M. I 6 40 6 on1 7 on 8 00 9 00 P. M I 4 41 6 (IS P. M I 6 UO f 6 04 8 15 8 85 6 46 6 58 I 6 80 7 10 P. M, 111 If no 40 IPC Dally. P. M. I 7 80 A. M. 1 8 on! t Flag station s 44 8 48 8 57 9 119 9 0" M SCR ANTON HWHiim. .... Bellevuo. Taylor Lackawmna Duryea pirr.nlin Susquehunna Ave. West Plttston......... Wyomlnff. A.M. 6 00 6 05 6 10 618 6 22 98 6 3'i 85 6 40 6 45 48 P. M. P.M. P. WEST. . A.M. P.M.P. M. 9 55 155 8 00 Pittsburg.. ..lv Harrlsburg ar I 7 05 A. M. I 3 10 Pittsburg. .lv 10 04 10 11 1014 1018 10 21 10 24 10 99 9 05 213 816 9 20 9 23 3 27 8 82 8 10 8 17 6 21 6 94 6 98 6 31 8 86 i.ewlstown JC." Sunbury...-. ar Washington.. Baltimore , Philadelphia. .lv Forty Fort....... ....... nr:iii.v. - . Plymouth Junction 6rj vimniir.n M.... i"1 7 09 714 7 20 Who can fail to take advantage of this offer. Send 10 cents to us for a generous trial size or ask your druggist-. Ask for Elv's Cream Balm, the most positive catarrh cure. Full size 50 cents. ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. city. I suffered from catarrn 01 me worst kind ever since a boy, and I ' never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many ac quaintances have used it with excel lent results. Oscar Ostruro, 45 War ren Ave., Chicago, 111. A Knowing Dog." NIHHN 9 80 9 45 8 50 954 9 5? 8 03 810 8 94 8 S5 8 42 8 40 855 8 59 4 04 411 41T 4 23 4!9 41 4 40 ... 13 46 4 (4 111 1 00 6 ( 8 8 2! P M. P.M. P.M ...reenona ai Hupert with Philadelphia . .. a " ToTrmnpTifl. Tamaaua e.aSLD. "1l"unhV Pottsvllie. etc "At iinrri.-oure. lock uorry and Brio. W.T. HALLSTEAD, Oen. MaBj, HymoutD Avonnttiw... Nantlcoke., II (llliuvn ma Shlekshlnny ' " 754 800 8 116 8 10 814 8 21 8 2 8 84 8 40 8 65 Hlek'a Ferry.....-, Bench Haven-.... Berwick Brlarcreek Willow Grove.. Lime Kldge.... Espy moomsburg Hupert catawlssa ... Danville - C 11 musky - Cameron N'OUTUUMBBRLAND, 10 86 10 89 10 43 10 47 10 64 1100 11 10 1193 11 82 11 40 11 50 11 66 13 04 1312 19 18 13 23 12 37 6 44 658 7 Oil 707 T 12 720 7 85 7 47 751 80C Tii 81 63 8 8C 8 81 8 41 8 5f narrlsburg. lv sunbury ar Plttsbure lv Clearfield " Phlllpsburg.. Tyrone Hellefonte... Lock Haven... ar P. M 110 411 111 501 111 30 A. M. I 8 30! I 5 03 P. M. 1 a 10 A. M 1 a 80 A. M t 7 30 t 9 18 I 4 C5 I 4 80 A. M I 8 05 I 9 88 P. M. I 1 00i 4 Oil 4 5 7 15 8 81 9 SO 9 06 9 20 A.M. t K. D1V. P. & H. for Emporium wwei. Erie lv Kane Kenovo Lock Uaven... Wllllamsport. Milton 1 .ewlBOurit ...... sunbury ar sunbury lv 8. Danville......" Catawlssa, " B. BloomsDurg- Espy Kerry " creasy .. ...... Nescopeck ....ar P. M I 8 !5 7 05 10 85 11 95 A. M. 8 25 4 12 4 80 , Pa.. SOUTH. ABKIYI. pmip.m. B. & R NOKTH LIAVB Nescopeck lv HOCK Uien r Fern wen. ...... Tomhlcken In con In two dark t. M itc free, nusninff. en Vast icauiujj 7 1 " , I 1 v : :.: :.,..,.; r.nnii1tinn. needs than from anv other medicine protection against coumnw nau cvci mcu, Willi l)U JUIftWW'w M it resources. oppressed with debt, crushed by class distinctions, or tyrannous government, without the skill and inventive genius f nnr num neonle. I will hand in my resignation as being out of touch with democratic principles. I take it that Louisiana is democratic yet, notwith standing the temporary split in the democracy about finances, and the defection of the sugar planters to re nublicism. or rather to bounty'. The letter closes with this discription of the tariff bill : " It will blight the budding promise of increased export of American manufactures. It will r-Tinnl the exDort of out cereals, flour, fuel and raw material it will add enormously to the burden of the toiling masses of our people, it will create greater discontent where dis content is already threatening the pease and stability of society. And it viclates the cardinal, essential, rM-inrmles of democracy. I will not vote for it. I will vigorously oppose it." Fortunate is the appointee who gets the praise ot his political' opponents well as that of members of his own party, and they are as few as they are . fortunate. One of them is Mr. Ben jamin Butterworth, who has for the second time been appointed Commis sioner of Pateuts. Arthur first ap pointed him to the place. Inasmuch as Mr. Butterworth s aDimy vj higher position is unquestioned, it is believed that Mr. McKinley has put him in charge of the Patent Office for the special purpose ot correcting ex isting abuses in the practice of patent attorneys, and raising the practice to There is nothing so uniformly suc cessful in the treatment ot stomacu troubles as the Shaker Digestive Cor dial, and what is better than all, it relieves at once. Laxol, the new form of Castor Oil is so palatable that children lick the spoon clean. STRAY PARAGRAPHS. Coal bills will be lighter. A swell aftair the mumps. Spring fever germs are breeding. This month is the last for the oyster. A moving tale-"Could'nt pay the 16 Tramps are seldom seen at water ing places. . Some men are mean enough to take back their own words. The boy who is kept in school these days, strange to say is put out. The merchant may uitwic w employes, but his stenographer always takes him down. The Republican factional fight in Columbia County demonstrates that (r Urmrfs can cause a lot of un easiness, even though they don't win. Deafness of 1a Years Standing. Protracted Catarrh produces deaf ..,. mnv rases. Caut. Ben. Con- licoa in ! i.f nor, of Toronto, Canada, was deaf for 1 a years from Catarrh, all treat- to fo (.rl tf relieve. Ul. " Catarrhal Powder gave him rebel in T , 1 : .,aru chnrt while the on-- aay, ami , .w, . deafness left him entirely, xt w. as much for you. Sold by C. A. jueim. Time For Serlou Thought. Make time for serious thoughts. Le no day pass without some memory or lornn thinffs. Each morning as you rise remind yourselves that "God spake these words and said." Each evening as you He down to rest lex uou b an gels close the door ot your heart on thoughts of purity and peace. The soul that has never Uvea race w nice " -rternlty Is a vulgar soul. The life that has never learnt the high law of holi ness U a ruined ana a waawu . W. Farrar. Th Loaf W Condensed. Mlstress-Uld you ask for bread? nnmestlc Yes. mum. wh.t n. miserable little 0 my opinion, mum, Is uslu' condlnsed gave you; "Yes, mum; It's Hint that baker uilUc."-Dublin World PARIS SUGGESTION milk loaf they : C5r ftV A St. Bernard dog which lives near Boston proves a great comfort to a widow to whom he does not belong. Dogs usually confine their care to their own households, but this one, recognizing the unprotected state ot the widow, who lives alone, extends his services to her house. She is afraid of tramps who pass her house on the way to Boston. The farmer who owns the dog, therefore, when he sees a suspicious character coming up the road savs to his doe : "Tart, irrvover to Mrs. H's and sit on her piazza till the tramp gets by." Whereupon the dog runs over 10 Mrs. H 's, posts himself at the door, and if the .tramp comes up the walk stens forward and crowls at him. As . . . - , ....1 r the dog is a big one ana rainer iur bidding, though he has never been known to bite any one, the tramp in 99 cases out of 100 remembers that it is getting late, and that he hasn't any time to fool away along the road. When he is well out of sight, the dog returns home. The ddfc carries his gallantry to tne Wf . 1 4. Ik.t same lady to sucn an extent uii when she is visiting his master's house of an evening he always accompanies her home to the door ot her nouse New York Tribune. am 7.10 7.os 7.oa 6.53 8.50 .40 6 99 6. 6.1 6 0S 604 6.01! 5. 58 5.6!) 5.48 5.4U a.m. 11.40 11.35 11.84 11.23 11.9"' 11. '0 11.01 10.5B 10.f8 10.43 10 411 0 86 10.S5 10.32 '0.' 10.80 0.9H 6.94 6.20 6.19 6.09 5.69 5.48 5.44 5.37 5.97 5 99 5 80 5.'6 5.18 5.08 5.0(1 9.8 9.85 2.39 2 20 9.15 9.00 1 1.3V 1.80 1.25! 1.10 12.35 19.8111 rtations. iamipmlpmi BlOOIBBbu'lf. 8.3019 4i 41 " v. s. ". "Main st.. 8.36 ..Irondnle... Paper Mill .LlKlil orunKevll'e. .. .rorKS.... ...Zuner's... .bttllwater. ...nenton.... ...Kdsonv.... . Coie's C'r'k. a.iS .suirarloaf.. 12 20 ..Laubach.. 12.0s ...C'enUKl... 11.50 .Jaai. City.. 8 44! 8.47 S.5II 9.011 9.13 9.21 9.26 .2S 9.81 9.35 9.45 9.50 2.4V .4?l 2.54 3.WI 8.10; 8.20 1.25 3.30 8.401 3.41 3.4' 8. 5? I 8..V 6.47 K.50I .5S' 7.C! 7.101 7.20' 7.24 7. 7.80 1 7. 44 1 7.-4S 7.52 7.57 am am pm ptu LKAVB 4.07 H.07 1.1CI8.10 am p m p mam AHAI I a am 6.10 6.18 fl.25 6.87 6.50 7.10 7.85 7.4 H.00 8.40 8.50 H.63 9.00 9.10 9 80 9.40 nazleton ... Fottsvme . Nescopeck lv wapwaiiupeu.ai Mooanaqua....." I Nantlcoke ...... Plymth Ferry " Wllkosbarre...." Vrt HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SrECltlUS Tor Sorsai, Cattle, Sheep, nogs, nogs, AND POOLTBT. enn c FTer,Cone.ilonMnflBminatlon n n.Bol or 4Jrub, Worm. T.K.aalJOIIO Or JI Kidney UImudi. J..UItv" in u.tli. mm 50 doaetl. " iv.u.h..ii t are OH. l.UU Sold v,,nn,.,i.u, 7 t rvM r-iwxi Let Encland take care of her own starvincr subiects in India. The peo ple of the United States have enough tn no in alleviating me suucunu m own people in the flooded districts ot the southwest, ureat muam is present engaged in aiding to oppress the Christians in Crete and shows little disposition to relieve the dis tress of the people in India. Why should the United States trouble her self over the condition of a foreign nation when she has tens of thousands of people within her own dominions who are homeless and destitute 1-Ex. 17 jff- icy A. H t 95 6 41 6 06 Via Hock Olen 8 07 Plttston(S B) ar scranton A. M. t 69 6 50 7 10 7 87 8 45 A. t 8 07 8 18 8 2S 8 48 18 561 9 05 t 7 90 8 20 V 22 9 15 9 50 A. M. I 9 56 10 17 10 Zf 10 43 tlO 47 10 6rt 11 10 A. M t 9 41 10 10! A. U. tn 10 111 85 11 43 11 54 P. 19 15' 1 90 A, M 111 10 11 22 11 32 11 54 P. M 12 02 12 10 P. M. tl9 49 1 16 A. M I 8 CU p. M. I 8 10 A. X t 8 00 P. M. t 8 1 t 5 1 A. M 110 50 112 00 119 96 P. V. t 8 65 t 6 85 A. M. 18 00 9 31 10 14 19 80 1 42 9 48 A. M. t e b 10 96 P. M. 13 00 4 00 4 68 4 47 5 25 P. M. t 5 43 07 8 9 6 33 t 6 88 6 48 6 58 P. . t 8 fS T 99 7 97 7 14 7 58 9 OS P. M, t 4 08 4 20 4 4 63 5 01 6 10 P. M, t 5 54 8 91 P, M. t 8 68 7 09 7 21 7 49 t 7 89 8 00 P. H. t 8 89 9 03 t Dally, except Sunday. I Dally, t Flag station. and Arte, .between Sunbury and Philadelphia ana wasniDRion aim uci,nov- - . "n?."?-; nn nniT to Ticket r Or ii4tuo iaj iui i- A rntntfl IS. B. HUTCHINSON. Uen'l. Manager. J. B. WOOD, uen. rasa, Asrt. nTJUPHREYS E0KE0PATHI0 ft ft SPECIFIC No.dO V 1. ..uafiil nmedi lor and P.lUon.Jm ow-wo o CATARRH Couldn't Estimate its Value : Dr. Aunew's Cure for the Heait never fails. It relieves in 30 minutes, it cures. It is a beacon light to lead you back to health. W. II. Mussel- - I M. 11 . man, Ot ti. A. K. weisspori, u., Two bottles of Dr. Acnew's Cure for the Heart entirely cured me 01 palpitation and smothering spells. Its value cannot be estimated. I feel a new man." Sold by C. A. Kleim. A LOCAL Disease A Climatic Affection Nothing but a local remedy or change of. ell UllUO Will cuio iu piiarmaceutloal remedy, Ely's Cream calm It is quickly, ADsotd ed. OlvtM Itellct nl onc9. O pons nnd cleanBoa me i-ttsi ,nnii 1 iifhiiiiiiiatton COLD 'M HEAD Philadclpliia & Reading R'y la effect March 27,',1897. TBAINS LB AVE BLOOMSBtJKQ PorNewTork, Philadelphia, Readlns! Fotta vllle, Tamaqua, weekday 11.45 a. m. For WllUaniBport, weekdays, 7.35 a. m., 8.80 p. mFor Danville and Milton, weekday, 7.35 a. m., 8-Kor Catawlssa weekdays 7.85, 11.45 a. m., 19.20, "fot Kupert weekdayB7.35, 11.45 a, m., 19.80. S.S0 t;neBinui bh ",i,sr0. , 8 23 p. m. BunaajB, 1.00, o v TRAINS FOR BLOOMSBURO rxuve New TorR via Philadelphia 8.00 a m,. Yia Easton 9.10 a. m. ljeave ruiiauoiyuiw .v.ww. Leave Reading ll.frs a. m. Uiava Potisvllle 19.80 p. m. Letve wTuamsport woek'aaya 10.20 a m. 4.80 p miave Catawlssa weekdays, T.oo, 8.90 a, m. 1.80 1 Leave Rupert, weekdays, 7.08, 8.S7. a. m., 11.58 1.87,8.40, 6.23. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street whart and south street wharl 'J' Atlantic ouy. Wbm-davb ExprebB, 9M0, a. m.,2.00, (Satur da7s oniyT 8 00) 4!oo, 5.00 p. m. Accommoda tion, s.uu 1 a. m.. . 0.1a, in ...om Hunuat nxyrtw. v. SvemArntfe45CPlVy?depot.: WKKK-pAVS- Exoreas, 7.85, 9 00, a. m., m- 00! 6.30, 8 01) p. m. Aocommodtttlou, 7.15 a. in., 15 p. m. Parlor oars on all express trains. , Restores 1 lie uocaii Full Hlze 50U c,i fnra mnvof Tasker's Beautiful em,,, 'Oone Forever". The very latest O , . .;. .... Imtl.a Tvfll-frl n.nnnnnriM nv critics iu uc .. ar written. Price ao cts. At ei bum, v v. - md. stores .or sent upon receipt price by David J. Tasker, Bloomsburg T- tt. A a. Wanted-An Idea Who can thla' of aoroe lniil thine ui Datenl Protect your Idoam may tiring j GET YOUR JOB PRINTING ' DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFJCB