7 THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG. PA. Tonr te California tia Pennsylvania Railroad. In Southern California is found the realization of a dream of the ancient. Here are the " Golden Apples of the IIe9perides," ripening beneath a sky more beautiful than that of Rome, and in a climate more rerfect than that of Athens. Never in the wildest flights of his imagination did either Homer or Ilesiod ever conceive of a garden richer in verdant beauty, more productive of luscious fruit, or set amid more picturesque and lovely surroundings. Here the rose entwines the orange, and the snow-mantled peaks of the Sienas reflect the gold en glow of the evening twilight. The last ot the Pennsylvania Rail road tours to California will leave New York and Philadelphia March 37, stopping at Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Colorado Springs and the Garden of the Gods," and Salt Lake City. Tourists will travel by special train of Pullman palace cars going, and return on regular trains via any route within nine months. Regu lar one-way or round trip tickets will be issued for this tour in connection with a special ticket covering Pullman accommodations, meals, and other tour features going. The latter ticket will be sold at the following rates : From New York, Philadelphia, I Iar risburg, or Altoona, $60.00 j Pitts burg, $58.00. Apply to ticket agents, Tourist Agent, 1 196 Broadway, New York, or Geo. V. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Asent, Broad Street Sta tion, Philadelphia, statinct return route desired. 3-4-4t. All For a Cent. . "I should give up housekeeping or family keeping, I believe,", laughed a woman recently, "if it were not for the 'little penny store around the corner.' What did our mothers do without them, I wonder ? The personal peace of mind and the contentment of my small fry which I have pur chased with the outlay of a single cent are little short of colossal. I had to draw the line at the penny candy of the good natured German woman who presides over the treasures of the establishment and insist upon the children buying their occasional good ies at the drug store, where only two carmels or three marshmallows con stitute a penny's portion. It is a trial to pass their favorite, who gives a bac; full of sweets moje or less adulterated for the same money, but I am firm. "And there is so much else to at tract the coins that they are reconcil ed to the high class it so-little-for a cent' bonbons of the druggist. Twenty evenly cut squares of beautiful satiny paper in every color and tint for a pennyl That means 20 pins from my toilet cushion, an hour ol cutting and folding, and 20 beautiful pinwheels stuck on a board. A penny will buy besides a supply of lovely tissue paper a tin horn, a false face, a miniature rake, shovel, hoe or hatchet, a ladder, a dozen marbles, a top, a small ball, a hoop stick, a card of paper dolls or soldiers or sailors unlimited pos sibilities of occupation and interest for the small fingers and glorious respite for the mother. Take my ad vice and don't move into a neighbor hood that hasn't a 'penny store around the corner." New York Times. To prevent the hardening of the subcutaneous tissues of the scalp and the obliteration of the hair follicles, which cause baldness, use Hall's Hair Renewer. Old Virginia Taverns. Here in Virginia we have some famous hostelries. The old Raleigh tavern at Williamsburg lives in ro mance and history. It must have been well kept, for contemporaneous writers speak of it so very respectfully. They could not have written of it as they did had the proprietor furnished them with tough beefstakes or bad bread, or sent them to shabby cham bers, or hired a man with a kohinoor in his frilled shirt bosom to give them short answers to civil questions. Tavern was once the great name here. The Bell tavern, which preced ed the present St. Charles, was a fam ous place of resort when Byrd's tobac co warehouse stood on the opposite side of Main street, and it had a worthy contemporary in the Washing ton tavern, which is now the St. Claire. The Eagle tavern was of later date and was a grander house than the other two. In it Layfayette was en tertained in 1824. The Eagle stood on the south side of Mam Street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, and had an archway the port cochere of the present day into which the stage coaches drive and landed their passengers. v Fire destroyed it early in the forties and from the city's need for another good hotel the Exchange arose. The Exchange, the Ballard House, the Columbian Hotel, the Powhatan (Ford's) hotel, the Monumental (St. Claire) and the St. Charles and the Spotswood were all in operation here at one time. 'Richmond Dispatch. He Got the Information Peter Bunda, who has been married only two weeks, has left his wife. Bundy is a little man, and his wife weighs two hundred and forty pounds, and was the relict of the late Seth Potts. About ten days after marriage Bundy was surprised, on awakening in the morning, to find h s better-half sitting up in bed, crying as if her heart would break. Astonished, he asked the cause of her sorrow, but receiving no reply, he began to sur mise that there must be some secret on her mind which she withheld from him, and which was the cause of her anguish, so he remarked to Mrs. B. that as they were married she ought to tell him the cause of her grief, so that, if possible, he might lessen it. After considerable coaxing he elicited the following trom her : "Last night I dreamed I was sin gle, and as I walked through a well- lighted street I came to a shop where a sign in lront advertised husbands for sale. Thinking it curious, I en tered, and ranged along the wall on either side were men with prices aflixed to them such beautiful men some for one thousand dollars, some for five hundred dollars, and so on to one hundred and fifty dollars. And, as I had not that amount, I could not purchase." Thinking to console her, B. placed his arm lovingly around her, and asked : "And did you sec any men like me there?" "Oh, yes," she replied, "lots like you they weie tied up like asparagus, and sold for ten cents per bunch." Bundy got up, and went to ask his lawyer if he had sufficient ground for a divorce. The sooner you begin to fight the fire, the more easily it may be ex tinguished. The sooner you begin taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla tor your blood-disease, the easier will be the cure. In both cases, delay is danger ous, if not fatal. Be sure you get Ayer's and no other. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Ellas George, deceased. Tlie undersigned having been appointed audi, lor to distrilntle the fund in the hand of the accountant In the estate of Kline George deceits, ed to and among the parties entitled thereto ; will attend at his oineean Centre Street, llloomstiurrj, I'n., on Monday tlwMth day of March, A. I)., 1817, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, for the per formance of hie duties as such auditor ; when and where all persons having claims must pre. sent them duly authenticated for allowance, or be Jorever delximd from coining In on sold fund. H-1 MI. JUU.V U. tliEE.K, March 1, J97. 4 Auditor, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate or Ctirtstopher Raster, deceased. Xollce Is hereby given that 'he undersigned and- llttr, aiiflnted to distribute tlie funds tn the hanils if the administrator ot the estate of Chris topher Knster, deceased, toandumimgthe parties entitled thereto, will sit at his office in Vltrms- burg, on Saturday, April Wth, W.n, at 10 o'clock lit, jor tneiierjoriiuiiice oj tne amies or ins aiipolntment, when and wherm all parties having claims against said estate will present them for settlement properly authenticated or be foivver debatTed fi'om coming in jor a share of said fund. 11. A. M KIU.II s-ii-m. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Wright, deceased. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or. plum's Cour I of Columbia county ao distribute the sum In the hands of the Trustee to the persons eutl'led to the same, in the matter of the etale of William Wright, deceased, will meet the parties Interested for uie performance of his duties at his office In the toirn of Hloomsburg. on Saturday Srddoy of Aprll,im7, at Wo'clock a.m., when and xsnere ail persons are required to present from owning In for a share of the assets or fund. Mar. Win, 1V7. CUAHbttil U. HA MILKY, 3t. Audltut. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate ot Daniel Merlcle late of Hemlock Township, doceosed. Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin istration upon the estate ot the said decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to the suld estate are request ed to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to TUBODORR MEKtOI.K, Administrator. Bloomsburg, Pa. Friizs A Harman, Atty's. 8-4-at. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Mordt cat Millard, tato of Centre town ship, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on ttie estate of Mordecal Millard, late of Centre township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned administrator's, to whom all persons Oido'ited to saul estate are reguesled to make pamiwnls, and those haviny claims or de mands will make known tlie same without de lay to if- MILLA HU, " J.E.CRKASY, S-i-flt. Administrators. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Clinton W. Lewis, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ap pointed auditor to pass 11xw exceptions to the aivount and to make dlstrttxiilnn of the funds In the hands of the administrator in the estate of Clinton W. Lewis, deceased, to and among the parties entitled thereto, will sit at his office in liloomslmrg, on Moiulay, Aiirll hth, lsW, at ten o'clock a. m ,iir tlie purpose of his appointment, when and wltere all persons interested in said esta'e will appear and present their claims or lie forever thereafter deliarrtd from coming in for a share of said funds. II. A. MKILLIP, 8-U-In. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Caleb narton. late of the town of Hloomsburg, deceased, The undersigned auditor, apininled by the Or phans' Court of Columbia county, will sit at his oillceln Hloomsburg, on Saturday. Aprlt'ird, 18M7, n't 10 o'cm 11. fit., tn distribute balance in the hands ot Dr. II. W. McRevnolds and Thomas J. Barton, executors, as per Jlrst and partial ac count, when and wliere all persons having claims against said estate must appear and prove tlui same vn 00 uevw 1 eu ji vm ,7--rnir; .... .u,u fund. QIlANVUKlllllSa, s-i-ta. Auditor, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court of Columbia county. Pa, Estate of llannun J. unamne-ritii, wie m mint county, deceased. The undersigned auditor, apinlnted 111 said court to make distribution of lite balance remain ing in the haiiils of the administrator of said eslule, hereby gives nolies that lie wilt meet all parties interested for the purposes f his ap pointment at Ms office in Woomsburg. Vmtio., on Tuesday, March 80, A, D. 18117, at 10 oolwk a tit, inher wiM parties are ream-sled to , prove tlieir claims or lit debarred from partial, paling in tins distribution ''"J" '"!, Iv. m. Vlit K, 8 i-ta. Auditor. CHARTER "NOTICE. ttnHnn la hnmhr frlvon that. Art nnnllRfttton will bo made to thn Governor of the H'atoof Pennsylvania, on Monday March and 1HOT, by I,. II. Wolfo, B. H Klsenhart, Nathan Ylnifst, (. M. Timlin find C. W Miller, under thn act of Rfwnmhlv of tho commonwealth of Pennsyl vania entitled "An Ant to provide for the In corporation and regulation of certain Incorpor ations " approved April vttt.h, 1H74, and the sup. Filementfl thereto for tno cnarteroi an inM-nuru ncorporatlon to bo called the " Kloomsbunr Match company " tho character and object of which la thn manufacturing and aale of matches and the manufacturing of match ma chlncry from Iron, wood or other metal and for theao purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rlKht, bonenta, and privilege of laid Act of Anembly and Its supplement Feb 25.18OT. V. W. M1M.M, Solicitor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphan Cmtrt of Columbia rtmnty, "a. Estatt uf Andrew Fowler, late of said county, deceased. The undersigned auditor, appointed by said court to passuiton exception and make dtstrilm. Hon of tlie balance remaining In the liana of the rreculoraf the said estate, hereby gives notice that he will meet all parties interested, for the purposes of hie appointment at the office afC. B. .rnrtkM war... 41 th hnrnunh of Herwlck. Penna., on Mondau. March Win. A. D. 18OT. at 9 o'clock n m.. when nnl wliere mild narlles are reimtred to prove tltetr claim or be debarred from par- lict paling in lite aisirvnuxon w samjw. O. M .QUICK, S-lt-a. Auditor, SHERIFF'S SALE. OF VALUABLE- Real Estate By virtue of a certain writ of Levari Facias Is sued out ot the Court of common Pleas ot Col umbia County, to me directed, there will be ex posed to public sale at the Court House In the Town ot JUoomsburg.County of Columbia, State Of Pennsylvania, on SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1897, at 2 o'clock Id the afternoon, All that certain messuage, tenement or tract of la nd situate partly In cooper township, Mon tour County, Pennsylvania, and partly In Mon tour townsliln. Columbia county, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows! Beginning at a white oak stump on lino of lands of Peter Baylor and KU Baylor at corner of lands of Joremtnh Beaver; thence by lands of said Jeremiah Beaver south Si degrees west 1S5 1-10 perches to a stone; tUcnce 8 degrees 10 minutes east, 65 percht s to a stoue corner In lino of land of Frederick Block; thence by land of said Fred erick Block, north 8iy degrees west 55 perches to a black oak stump; thence by land of Ham. sey heirs south 8 degrees west 81 perches to a post; thenco by lands of Kamsey heirs and lands of Henry Sclirnm Tx degrees wcstlM MO perches to a stone corner; thence by land form. erly of Henry Uttenmlllcr, south. 1H degrees east 95 9-10 perches to a post; thence by lands of Jeremiah Snyder, north 75 degrees east B4 4-10 perches to a stone corner; thence by lunds of Jeremiah Snyder and M. 8. Rldgeway, south IB degrees, Bo minutes east B7 4-10 perches to maple sprout corner; thence by lands of Math' las Faust, north 7SK degrees east 101 B-lo per ches to a stone corner; thence south 17 1-2 de- rpMnn n.Dt 10 4.10 nnwlipfl fO A blACk O&k COril&r thence north 71 1-2 degrees east 43 perches to a 1 st one corner; thence south 18 degrees east 10 6-10 perches to a post aDd stono corner; thence by land of Henry Wertman, north 80.14 degrees east 67 6-10 perches to a stono corner of lands of Daniel cotner; thence north 18 degrees west a) 7-10 perches to a stone corner; thence north 81 degrees east, 21 5-10 perches to a stone corn er ot lands of John Elfert; thence north 3-)4 de grees east Ul 2-io perches along lands ot John Elfert, Peter Baylor and Ell Baylor to white oak corner, the place of beginning, containing 275 ACRES, and 44 perches of land strict measure, be the sume more or less. Together with the heredi taments and appurtenances. The said I. W. Wilms having, subsequent to tho making ot the mortgage under which the sale Is to be made sold portions of the above mentioned tract of land to different parties, the above described tract will be sold In parts cor responding with such sale made by said Wil ms, In the Inverse order of the dates of sales by suld Wllllts, except as to a balance of purchase money remaining unpaid upon a sale by Ar ticles of Agreemont to Bruce Ploch, and there fore tho order of sales, unless modified by an order of Court, will be as follows: 1st. Salo ot a portion of said land sold by said Wllllts to Lewis Thomas, bounded by lands of Mathias Appleman, nenry Wertman, Daniel Cotner, John Elfert, Peter and Ell Baylor and others, containing . 125 ACRES, and 84 perches more or less, situate partly in Cooper township, Montour bounty, and partly In Montour township, Columbia County, State ot Pennsylvania; on which are erected a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, frame bank barm, wagon shed, and has a spring near the house, with fruit trees, about 75 acres cleared land, being situate about halt way be tween Bloomsburg and Danville, and about one half mile from Grovanla. Knd. A portion of said land sold by said Wll llts under Articles of Agreement to Bruce Plouch, to the amount of the unpaid purchase money remaining unpaid to said Wllllts, situate partly la Montour township. 1 said County of Columbia, and partly In Cooper township, Mon tour County, Pennsylvania, containing about 84 ACRES ot land, upon whlcuare erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, bank barn, and wagon shed, and has a spring near the house; about 30 acres cleared land; bounded by lands ot Joseph Brebenzer, Charles Ploch, Henry Sohram and others. 8rd. Halo of a portion ot said land sold by said Wllllts to John II. Elfert, situate In Cooper township, Montour County, State of Pennsyl vania, bounded by land ot Henry Schram, Jere miah Snyder and others, containing about 35 ACRES, and 1 j porches, more or less, about elovon acres cleared. 4th. Sale of the above mentioned part sold by said Wllllts to Bruce Ploch, without refer ence to the amount ot purchase money remain ing unpaid. 6tU. sale of the portion sold by said Wllllts to Charles Ploch, situate In Moutour township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands ot the above mentioned purchasers and others, containing 30 ACRES, and 70 porches more or less, about 90 acres cleared. More particular description of the several parts will be given at the time of the sale, and the sale, la parts will be made until suftlclent proceeds may be realized for tho payment ot the moneys necessary to satisfy the Writ of Lav&rl Facias. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Isaiah W. Wllllts, the mort gager, with notice to Lewis Thomas, Kate P. Wllllts, John H. Elfert, Bruce PolcU, Fred Ploch and Charles Plocb, terra tenants. J. B. McIIENKY, Sheriff. Cbarlis G. Barkliy, Sheriffs OMce, Atty. for Plaintiff. Bloomsburg, Pa., Feb, V7 RECEIVER'S ACCOUNT, tn the matter of the I In the court of Com- Receiver of the Bloom.- mon lieaa of tUe ooun- burg flanking to. ty of i olumbla. Ill -.IIHIIJ. No. 8, Feb. T., 1897. Now March 1. 1HOT. B. F. Zarr. the Receiver appointed by aald court, having thl. day pre sented In Court hla flint account, and report as auch receiver: It la ordered that aald account and report be filed, and that notice of the tiling be given hy the Prothonotary for throe week. Dy aaveriiseiiieni, in mo vui.unin . Republican; and that a distribution statement be made under the direction of tho receiver, showing the prorata application ot the balance of moncTS shown by said account and report to the creditor, of the Bloomsburg Banking Com- fiany. wulcn dlstriDU'ion statement snuu u lied in the om.ee of the Prothonotary on or be fore the wth day of March, I8OT s and unless ex ceptions be filed to said account and report before the drat Monday of April, IRW, the aald account and report will be confirmed by tho Court : and also unless exceptions be filed to aald distribution statement before tho flrat Monday of April, lfw. tne same win on own-nrmt-d, and deoree made b the Court for the payment of tho money. In accordance there- Advertisement to ba by publication of till, order. BY THE COURT. certified from the rocoras tins nra any m March, 18H7. W. II. Hbnrib, SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of writ of levari facia, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Colunv bin county, Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the l.oun House in tfloomsliurg, l a., on SATURDAY, MARCH ao, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m., all that certain messuage tenement and piece of ground situate in the town of HloomshurB, county 01 coiumma anu state of l'cnusvlvanio. boumlcd and described to-wit : UcuJnnine at the northwest corner of Second and Iron streets, in the town of Bloomsburg aforesaid, thence northwardly along the west side of Iron street, eighty-six feet from southeast corner or store building as now located, and other land of Lucinda Scesholtz. thence westwardly and parallel with Second street aforesaid twenty-one and one-half feet to lot of Mrs. Daniel Kobbins, thence by the same southwardly along said lot eiuhty-six feet to Second street aforesaid, thenco eatwardly along said Second street twenty-one and one-half fect to the corner aforesaid, the place of beginning ; on which is erected a two-story FRAME STORE BUILDING, and frame addition. Seized, taken into execution at the suit of Lucinda Seesholta vs. Mathias L. Kline, and to be sold as the property of Mnthias L. Kline. J. IJ. McIIENKY. Gcyer, Freeze & Harman, Sheriff. Attorneys. 3-25-ts. . SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of writs of Fieri Facias, Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, state of Pennsylvania, and to me dl rected, there will bo exposed to public sale at the Court House In Bloomsburg, county and state aforesaid, on SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1897, at two o'clock p. m., the following real estate: All that certain niece, parcel or tract ot land 1 gituute in the town of Bloomsburg aforesaid. bounded and described ns follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the southeast corner of Fifth and Leonard streets; thenco along south side of Fifth street north sixty-four degrees, thirty minutes castifour hundred forty-nine and one-tenth feet to a stake on land of H. & B. R, K.; thence along samo south twenty-six degrees fifty minutes east, three hundred nlnety-nve feet to north side ot Sixth street; thence along same south sixty-tour degrees, thirty minutes west, four hundred Beventy-three and five tenth feet to east side of Leonard street ; thence along same north twenty-four degrees, west three hundred ninety-five teet to Fifth street, the place of beginning, containing four and eighteen-hundredth acres, whereon are erected a four-story brick INGRAIN CARPET MILL, a three-story brick engine, boiler and drying house, a large two-story brick weaving shed and a one story brick color shop for manufac ture ot tapestry carpets, a TWO-STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK BUILDING for the spinning of yarn, barn and outbuildings Seized, taken Into execution at the suits of C C. Peacock,' trustee, and James Magee 2nd trustee, vs. the Magee Carpet Works, and to be sold as the property ot the Magee Carpet Works. J. B. McHENUY, C. W. MiUBB, Atty. Sheriff. 8-4-ts. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OF VA1TJABLB- Real Estate. Pursuant to an order of the Orphan's Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned admin 1st ra tors ot William U. Yorgey deceased, will expose to salo the following described real estate. A FARM OF 40 ACRES, more or less, situated In Cleveland township, said county, two and one-halt miles east ot Bear Gap, on which Is erected a large stable and ground cellar. Bounded and described as ioi. lows: No. 1. On east by lands of Adam Dlmlck ; on tho north by land of Mrs. Lucas and Phoenls Thomas; on the west by lands of Elijah Thomas: on the south by Publlo Koad and lands of 8am- el Miller; containing forty acres more or less. Good BDrlnit ot water on the premises. Also a large, fine APPLE AND PEAR ORCHARD. Land In high state of cultivation, and Is along public road leading to Shamokla and Mt. Car- mel. about seven miles trom ootn towns. ALSO : Five acres of chestnut and rock oak timber in Cleveland township, bounded and described as follows : No. 8. On the east by lands ot Samuel Mllltr; on the west by lunds ot the same ; on the north by lands of Brit Bodlne; on the south by lands of John Kline. Said tract being situated along the foot ot "Little Mountain." Sale to bo held on the premises on SATURDAY, MARCH. 27th, 1897, at ton o'clock a. m. Conditions made known on day of sale. n. M. YOCUM, JOHN BUOPHY, Jkrleb St Ikbi.bk, Administrators. Attorneys. 8-4-ts. EXCHANGE HOTEL, 4 G. Snyder, Proprietor, (Opposite the Court House'' BLOOMSBURG, PA. Larire and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot nnd cold water, and all modern conveniences G. M. QUICK, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA Office over First National Bank. PROFESSIONAL CARDSJS- N. U. FUNK, ATTORHTT-T-LAW, Mrs. Enf s Badding, Court Horn sBmf, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTmtHrr-AT-LAW, Pott Ofic Bailding, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PAt C. W. MILLER, ATTOKHEY-AT-LA.W, Wirt's Bailding, sat float, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JonM a. yaiszs. job a. babmah FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first doorbolow Opera House GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, P.a. WM. H MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Peacock's building, Market Square. W. II. SNYDER, ATTORNEY-T-LAW, Office and floor Mrs. Ents building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, and float, BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. Y. WBITB. A. K. TOST WHITE & YOST ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW J Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, Attorney- -At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of and and Centre Streets, I-ia-'Q4 W. A. EVERT, Attorney-At-Law. 1 BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Office over Alexander A- Co. Wirt building. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. svortlce Llddlcot building, Locust avenue. JOHN M. CLA&K, ATTORXXY-AT-LAW AHT TUS riACK, Mojtf Bna. BaiUing, a4 1 BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. IL MAIZE, arroRincY-AT-LAW, dtsuiaj UAL ESTATX ACUTE. Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. FRANK. ZARR, ATTORMIYSATAAW, CUrkl Building, cor. Main an Ocatm 8U BLOOMSBURG, Pa. VCaa be consulted In Gcnaaa. W. H. RHAWN, ATTORTY-AT-LAW, Office, corner of Taird aarl CATAWISSA, PA. Di. J. C R UTTER, PHYSICIAW AMD SUXOKOM, Office, Norta Market Stoat, BLOOMSBUKQ. ts. J, S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN ANd'eURGKON. Office and residence, 410 Main St, 3-70-iy ILOOMSBURG, PA eriotAL Attbntiok to Disiasii ot Chiloim . H. BIERMAN, M. D. BOMffiOPATBI PHYSICIAN AND SUUQJWS offici hocus: Offloe A Resldenoe, 4th St, Until B a. u., 1 to I and 7 to 8 p. m. BLOOMSBUKQ, PA S. B. ARMENT, M. D. Office and Residence No. 18. West Fift 9t DISEASES OF TUB TBKOAT AND NOSJ SPECIALTY fS to 10 A.M. BL00M8BUB8 orricB hours. V a to ir.M 17 to 9 P. u. DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, -Bloomsburo, Pa.- Ofllce and residence In Prof. Wallerl B MARKET STREET TELEPHONE. HONORA A. ROBBINS, M. D., Office, West First Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. W Special attention given to the eye ant the fitting of glasses. Dr. F. W. REDEKER, PHY SICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Residence, Centre St., between ftk and 6th sts. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat a specialty. BLOOMSBURG, PA. 8 to 10 a m. OFFICI HOURS to 8 p. m. to 9 p. m. J. J. BROWN, M. D.,' Market Street Bloomsburo, Pa. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glasaea and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone ConnneUea DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work A SPECIALTY, Corner Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA Dr. W. H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main below Mark Bloomsburo, Pa. All styles of work done in a superior mannnt and all work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAJH. by the use of Gas, and free of charge wsm artificial teeth are inserted. "To be open all hours during the day. DR. C. S. VAN HORN; DENTIST. Office corner of East and Main street, no. posite Town Hall. . Office hours 8:30 to 12 a. m ; 2 to p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C, WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Hartman Represents twelve of the strongest Com Dan. les In the world, among which are : CASH TOTAL UBPLTM ... Dh. " AI. Penn'a.Pblla 400,000 8,fta5,l80 Queen, of N. Y. 500,000 SSiis West Chester, N. T. SOOdO. ,7fA,m fl,oou,nt 1,0X1, est 4H TH Buinim, fruutt o,uuu,uuu . 730,60 MM.IW OFFICB IM L W. HOKBLTT'I 8TOBB "Losses promptly adjusted and paid M. P. LUTZ & SOty (SUCCESSORS TO FREA8 BROWW) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS. N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Street, i Bloomsburo, Pa. o Represent Seventeen as good Compaa ies as there are in the World and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, MRI INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.j Merchants of Neww. N. J.; Clinton, N. Y. ; Peoples', N.Y.jReaS ing, Pa German American Ins. Co., Mew York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. I. 1 hese old corporations are well seaauood by age and fire tested, and have never rt had a loss settled by any court of law. Tkrti assets are all invested in solid securities. anJ liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted sad paid as soon as determined, by Christian Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Blooomu burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county shunt i patronize the agency where losses, if in ane settled and paid by one of tl -it citizens. CENTRAL HOTEL, B. Stohner, Prop. C F. Stohner, Assistant. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Hot and cold water, and all modern convenience. The hotel has been lately refurnished. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Hartzel, Prop. Petrr F. Reldy, Manager No. in West Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. SiTLarge and convenient sample rcoms,bath rooms, hot and cold water, and modern con venience. Bar stocked with best winit and liquor, rirst-cluss livery attached.