The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 25, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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No Presidentelect ban eve taken the
people Into his confidence while malt
log up his Cabinet with the exceeding
frankness that baa characterized Ma
jor McKlnley. Astute correspondent
bare sometime, by picking up blnti
here and there, managed to make
close guesses as to what the make-tip
would bo, but they bare rarely ob
tained Information from the Incoming
President himself. Gen. Grant war
the tnoHt nvhinx-llke of all of them.
Not a soul outside his most Intimate
circle knew whom he would appoint
until the names were sent to the Sen
ate. Grant commenced bis Presiden
cy by holding aloof from the politi
cians. At its close be had surrendered
to tliem altogether. His first Cabinet
was a surprlso to everybody. E. H
Washburne, Secretary of State; A. T,
Stewart, Secretary of the Treasury;
Adolpb H. Uorle, Secretary of th
Nary, were the chief wonders. They
were all confirmed Instantly, and then
it was discovered that Stewart was In
eligible because he was an importer.
Grant, tnstend of withdrawing lilt
nnme, sent In a request to Cougrest
that the statute making Mr. Stewart
Ineligible be suspended in his favor.
Of course the Senate would not con-
lent, and Stewart resigned.
( (Mentioned as Minister to Gnat Britain.)
There seems to be a great deal more
In the movement to create a new de
partment and a new Cabinet office!
than was nt first supposed. The La
bor people have been agitating
the scheme to create a Department ol
Labor, and now that there Is some
chance of a new department of Com
merce and Manufactures, they aro
willing to consolidate their talked-ol
department with this one and Ut It be
known as the Department of Com
merce, Labor and Manufactures. Th
The bill for the new department has
been .before the Senate about a year,
for It was introduced by Senator
Frye last March, It provides for a
Cabinet officer, wtth one nsslstant,
and the usual number of clerical as
sistants. The department Is to have
general Jurisdiction over the foreign
and Internal commerce of the coun
try, except in the collection of rev
enues and the administration of cus
toms and internal revenue laws. But
It will include all matters relating tc
manufacturing Industries In the Unit
ed States, and the extension of oui
foreign markets.
Another Interesting figure in Wash
ington life passed away yesterday,
when Dr. James P. Hamblcton died
He was a type of the class known the
world over as the "Majaus" and
"Jedges" of the capital city. Edu
cated far In advance of these who
In later years were his friends and
companions, and possessing, more
over, a but few of them do, both
blood and breeding, Dr. Ilambleton
was, none the less, for the past flf
teen years, a conspicuous and Inter
eating soldier in the army of dlsap
pointed politicians and office-seeker
who infest the hotel lobbies of Wash
ington and live altogether on tlx
memories of the past Intensely
scornful of the Interest and impor
t:.-ic of modern happenings, thoy do
light only In recounting the achieve
ments of themselves and their con
temporaries during and "jest aftah
the wab." After the war Dr. Ilam
bleton came to Washington to prose
cute a claim against the Government,
which he held as administrator of as
estate. He entered Government ser
vice and held office for several years
but the extreme bias of his opinions
and the fact that he never lost an op
portuBity of declaring bis continued
belief in and adherence to the prln
clples of secession finally lost him hit
place, and he never held another
with the exception of one day at
clerk to the Committee on Ways ane
Means. His claim was never al
lowed. t
An Interesting photograph has re
cently been taken In Washington ol
Mrs. Cleveland and the wlvos of tlx
Cabinet officers. It will be a niemcu
to of Mrs. Cleveland's last year ai
"first lady of the land." Miss John
son was the artist, and the picture
was taken In her studio. The gronj
was posed In one corner of the studio
Mrs. Cleveland was the central figure
At her right was Mrs. Oliicy with Mist
Herbert Just beyond. Mrs. Carlisle
Mrs. Harmon, and Mrs. Wilson ver
at Mrs. Cleveland's left Mrs. Laniont
Mrs. Francis, and Miss Morton stood
at the back. The ladles all wore the
gowns in which they appeared nt tin
New Year's reception at the Whit
House. After the group had been takei
Mrs. Cleveland posed for a per
trail of herself alone, the first she hui
bad taken in Washlngtou since 1.H04.
Ex-Secretary John W. Foster li
teaching a Bible class In the New Yorl
Avenue Presbyterian Church of Wash
lngton, which la attended by abou.
sixty people, Including several pulrili
The situation In Crete Is said to b
hopeless, it usually Is, when thaf
Turks get hold of It
icmunii jkiivi request ror s iu,ev
000,000 for Harvard Is evidence that W
V) -1 .4 1 M M A. A
costs much to inaks learning free.
Lady Henry Somerset has sent a wJ
Inan physician and two trained nursefl
to care for the Armenian refugees In
Bulgaria, C
A wave of antl-expectoratton onft
nances is sweeping over the country
in most cases, however, the enforce
ment of the same Is waived.
Illinois has two United States Sena4
tors, neither of whom can ride a blc
cle. Yet Illinois Is always vociferous
y declaring that she Is keeping poem
With the progress of the nation.
King Oscar has at least the satlsfne
tlon of knowing that the mention of
his name in connection with the nrb
tratlon treaty has made him known t
millions of people who never heard o:
hlni before.
Germany, by the last census, has 6!
270,001 Inhabitants, an Increase In five
years of 2.851,431. France's popula-'
tlon has Increased in the same time'
only 133,819, being now 38,228,009.
Thirty-five years ago the population ot
the two countries was nearly equal. '
The Queen of Denmark has shown
plenty of courage in her time. The
withered hand that she bears was due
to a mauling It received In youthful
days from a tame tiger whlcb at
tacked her. Though seriously hurt,
she realized the Importance of not
showing fear, and drew the animal
with her to a place where the palace
guards could shoot It.
Attention Is called In Chicago to the
fact that Illinois has never yet had a
native Governor and that Texas has
had but one. The present Governor of
New York Is a native of Maine. His
predecessor was a native of Vermont,
but all the other Governors of New
York for many years hnve been na
tives of the State, with the exception
of Gov. Dlx, who was a native of Now
Hampshire. , j
Queen Victoria's jubilee year prom
Ises to deserve its name for personal
reasons, If for no other. Her Majes
ty's health continues to be so good
tlmt she has promised to take part Id
a public function at Sheffield In May,
nnd the Prince of Wales is so far rid
of the debts which have been pressing
him for years that he is making large
investments in land. These are eo
couraglng tidings to open the mem
orable year. i
Professor Moses Colt Tyler, of Cor
nell, sold the other evening in a lec
ture that while Washington's reputa
tion as a soldier and a statesman wa
safe, he was in real danger from the
humorists of the future. This was
owing to the fact that Washington,
the real man, hnd never been very
well known, and Is now almost for
gotten, having been replaced In th
popular mind by a myth type almost
equally compounded of the heroic, the
priggish and the statuesque.
One of the largest silver medals dis
tributed by the Veitch Memorial Fund,
London, for distinguished servico tc
horticulture has this year been award
ed to Professor L. H. Bailey of Cor
noli University, Ithaca, "in recognition
of his efforts, by means of his lectin ej
and his writings, to place the cultlva
tlon of plants en a scientific basis; tc
promote the extension of bortiuultunn
education, and, by numerous trla'..'
nnd experiments, to Improve and run
der more productive plants grown foi
economic purposes."
A Michigan woman who dlscusset
the well-worn question why girls pre
fer shop and factory work to domestic
service says that the chief objection tu
tho latter is the loss of caste Involved
One girl who bad tried both means ol
livelihood Is quoted as saying: "I am
not one whit better now thau I was
when I worked as a servant, yet now
When I go out in Boclety, I meet peo
ple of refinement and am treated the
same as any one else. I board at a
nice place and am often Invited to!
spend the evening among people who
would never have given me a second
Chinco If I had remained a servant"
It 1ms been stated that a bank bur
clar can so heat tho walls of n a.nte
nnu iiu i-iui-ii ju vurruui us 10 uo auie
to get iiisldu without waiting more
than a few minutes. Curtain lalora
tory experiments lend some sanction
to such a notion, but electrical Jour
nals pooh-pooh It. It Is much easier tc
talk alot stealing electricity from
live trolley and lightning wires thun it
Is to do ll that Is, with safety. "Tho
Electrical Engineer," after polntlun
out some other difficulties In the way
of such operations, remarks that "meu
can take and have taken tho current
from supply mains, even more thau H
required for melting through safos,
though In numerous Instances the par
ties maintained perfect silence about
It over after."
the Chinese and Hit Method at Care
The trait of the Chinese which ta set
out by BTet Harte when he tells of Ah
Sin's peculiar euchre game is illustrated
by the story told by a recently arrived
tourist who. while In the Celestial Em
pire, did the big cities under the most
favorable auspices, meeting the repre
sentative merchants and officials. Hie
story thus runs:
In one of the great treaty ports there
Is a business men's club, where M
luncheon hour the representative mer
cantlle men. native and foreign, meet
They frequently play cards, and th
game which is most In favor Is "Nap:
One day there was a quintet party at
the game, when the stakes had gradu
allv risen until the thrifty sole Ori
ental the winning of the pot became
greater object than one of skill.
' Suddenly an Englishman with a smile
of grim satisfaction threw down bis
cards, reached for the pot and eadd, "I
go nap."
"Sorry." broke In the Chinee, "mle
deal; I got only (our cards."
There was a general laugh at the ex
Dense of the unfortunate, who thought
he 'had won. whiten was soon after re
pea ted. Another European had made
the customary announcement which
precedes reaching for the pot, when the
slant-eyed speculator again baulked
proceedings with the remark:
"Mledeal; I got six cards." '
A silence fell upon the players when
the cards were eh u (lied and passed
around turain. Solemnly the Chinese
propounded to each of his fellow-iplay-ers
the query, "Have you five cards?"
The answer was in the affirmative each
time, and when all bad replied the Ori
ental calmly remarked as be reached
for the chips:
"Then I go nap." ' " ,
The llest Thing to Do.
Mribel Mr. Jones, do you ever sing,
"After the Ball?"
Jones No. Go right to bed.
I'ald Too Much.
Caleb had three children John,
Mary and Jane. John is the oldest and
so the most inquiring. He had heard
that babies were bought from doctors,
and one day asked his mother about
"Mother, bow much did I cost?" he
As some reply bad to be made, his
mother said one thousand dollars. John
thought dt over for a moment, and
then asked:
"How much did you pay for Mary?"
"Fifteen hundred dollars."
"Why, she cost more than me."
"Yea; girls always cost more than
"What did you pay for Jane?" Jane
U a little self-willed tyrant.
"Jane cost two thousand dollars,"
said Mrs. Caleb, and John lapsed Into
deep thought la a few momenta he
"Mamma, I don't think Mary cost
too much, but you got stuck with Jane."
A Disputed Question.
How many apples did Adam and Eve
Some say Ere 8 and Adam 2 a total
of 10 only.
Now we figure the thing out far dif
ferent! v. Ere 8 and Adam 8 also
total, 16.
We think the above figures are en
tirely wrona. If Eve 8 and Adam 82,
certalnlv the total will be 90.
Scientific men. however, on the
strength of the theory that the antedi
luvians were a race of giants, reason
something like this Eve 81 and Adam
82 total, 163.
Wrong again. What could be clearer
than if Eve 81 and Adam 812, the total
was 893?
I believe the following to be the true
solution: Eve 814 Adam and Adam 8124
Eve 8.928.
Still another calculation Is as follows
If Eve 814 Adam, Adam 81242 oblige
lOve itotal. 82056.
An Ultimatum.
She Is an accomplished musician,
with classic tastes, and her husband
was greatly surprised when he came
home the other evening to find her In
dustriously playii.'g what even his un
susceptible ear recognized as dance mu
sic. "That's a departure for you, isn't It?"
be exclaimed.
"Yea," she answered wearily. "I
haven't done so much practicing in a
good while."
"Have you abandoned Wagner and
Liszt and your other former favor
ites?" "Not altogether. But the cook
doesn't like them. If I don't learn tc
play 'Wearing of the Green' by to
morrow morning, she'll leave," Wash
ington Star,
What Worried 11 lot.
Hoax What "e worrying jrou now?
' Joax My old uncle's at death's door.
"What does the doctor say?"
"That's what's worrying me most.
He said he would pull him through,
and I forgot to aak him which way."
Philadelphia Record.
A Point Ban Couldn't Understand.
She There Is one thine about poll,
tics I could never understand.
He What Is that?
She W-hv la that In malrln rnn a
ticket they always use a slate. Wouldn't 1
a sheet .of paper and a pea or pencil
be more convenient? Brooklyn Lift.
But Mm. Stropc's Heart Now no Longer Lags but
Throb Regularly.
From tht Ltadtr,
In a large, cotnmodleui house st No. 104
Huntington Street, Cleveland, Ohio, Hvm
Mrs. Emily A. Strops, widow of the late X. M.
Strop, and the Is the mother of young man
who hat been, sad it now ens of this city's
successful and cnergetlo pharmaciitt. Mrs.
Strope, who hat lately recovered from serious
cardlao difficulty, when questioned by a re
porter regarding her late illness, stated si
"Two years ago, I had my first experience
with Dr. Williams' Pink Fills. For a long
Jims I was troubled with an ailment which I
eared would eventually drive meeraiy unlets
1 rid myself of it It will aotind strange, no
doubt, to tome, hut my heart did not beat as it
should. Its action waa irregular. There
would be two pulsations, or perhaps three, and
then a sudden cessation. My heart teemed to
rest for the period of one or two beats, and
then resume its action. Sometimes such
lapses would not be to frequent as thnt, but
scarcely a day passed that they did not occur.
It felt as though something would ttrike the
heart with great force, and push it out of
place. Dunns' that period, whenever I lav
down to sleep or rest, my hands would become
perfectly nuuiD and helpless. I could feel the
temporary paralysis coming over them, but I
could do nothing which would prevent it. My
feet were affected in a like manner, and I had
considerable difficulty in walking when xurh a
snell had possession of me. Naturallv that
state of affairs completely upset my nerves, and
any one wnose nervous system Is well nlgb l
Keduoed Bates to Washington on Ac
count of the Inauguration via Penn
sylvania Railroad-
. For the benefit of those who desire
to attend the ceremonies incident to
the inauguration of President-elect
McKinley, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets to
Washington March i, a, 3, and 4,
valid to return from March 4 to 8, at
the following rates :
From Buffalo, $11.20; Rochester,
$11.00 5 Wallington, N. Y., $11,705
Newark, N. Y., $11.20 j Canandaigua,
$11.00 Penn Yan, $11.00 ; Watkins,
$11.00 ; Elmira, $10.75 Erie, $11.00:
Corry, $10.75 Warren, $10.75 1
Williamsport, $8.79 ; Wilkesbarre,
$9.40, and from all other stations on
the Pennsylvania system at reduced
This inauguration will be a most
interesting event, and will undoubted
ly attract a large number of people
from every section of the country.
The magnificent facilities of tne
Pennsylvania Railroad make this line
the favorite route to the national
capital at all times, and its enormous
equipment and splendid terminal ad
vantages at Washington make it
especially popular on such occasions.
Bad Times In Canada.
Times in Canada continue to grow
steadily worse, and failures are in
creasing. The statement of the
Canadian government lor the financial
year, ending June 30th last, shows an
actual deficit of about $5,000,000 and
a net debt of over $258,000,000.
1 he practice of charging many items
of expenditure to capital amount in
order to hide the real state of things
is meant to deceive the people here
and in England and to bolster up in
terests that are injuring the country.
It is a continuance of the system of
deception carried on all through the
years since confederation by the .Tory
party, and will work no good to the
Liberals. 1 he mining boom has led
people in some quarters to hope for
better things, but it is yet too early to
say what the result will be. So far it
has only benefited a few lucky claim
owners and the newspapers that have
inserted the booming advertisements.
I had a conversation with a man who
had just returned from a business trip
through Ontario. He had the "blues"
so badly that he recommends that the
whole country make an assignment.
Cor. New York Sun.
We would like to look into the
pleasant face of some one who has
never had any derangement of the
digestive organs, we see the drawn
and unhappy faces of dvsnentics in
every walk of life. It is our national
1 m a . .
disease, ana nearly all complaints
spring from this source. Remove the
stomach difficulty and the work is
Dyspeptics and pale, thin neonle
are literally starving, because they
con t digest their rood. Consumption
never develops in people of robust
and normal digestion. Correct the
wasting and loss of flesh and we cure
.1 .
me disease, uo this with lood.
The Shaker Digestive Cordial rnn.
tains already digested food and is a
digester of food at the same time. Its
effects are felt at once. Get a pamph
let of your druggist and learn about it.
Laxol is Castor Oil made as sweet
as honey by a new process. Children
like it.
Cleveland, Ohi.
shattered, can appreciate and understand tbe
misery, chiefly mental, which I endured. I
lost much sleep and rest, and often I was com
pelled from sheer exhaustion to sit down dur
ing the day to obtain some repose. Rut as
toon as I did to I felt that numb tensation
com over my hands and feet, end I rocked
violently in my chair to drive It away, but
frequently to no avail.
"Out day my ton, who was keeping a drug
store at the time, brought roe home tome of
Dr. Williams' i'lnk Tills for l'ale People
and advised me to take them for my heart
trouble. I did to and toon began to feel
better. I used the pillt about two months
and they certainly cured me, for now my
heart beats regularly and all numbueu list
disappeared and my circulation it in splendid
We print the above hoping Mrs. Strope's
experience may be beneficial to others who
may sudor from derangement of the heart.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain In a con
denied form nil the elements necessary to givo
new life and richness to the blood and re
store shattered nerves. They are also a spe
cific for troubles peculiar to females, tuch as
suppressions, irreguliirities and all forms of
weakness. In men they effect a radical Cure
in all cases arising frm mental worry, over
work or exceases of whatever nature. Pink
Pills are told in boxes (never in loose bulk)
at BOe, a box or six boxes for $.'.50, and may be
had of all druggists, or direct by mull irora
Dt. Williams' Medicine Company, i-kihenco.
Udy, N. Y.
General Wheeler's Hat
One of the most remarkable pieces
of headgear in the House is possessed
by General Wheeler of Confederate
fame, representing the eighth Alabama
district. It is not a derby, nor a
fedora, nor the broad rimmed black
covering that southern statesmen in
congress so much affect. The dash
ing old cavalry leader departs from all
congressional custom in the selection
of his top wear, which is an ordinary
black hat such as bovs in the countrv
generally select. He has his special
trademark in the way of creasing it?
There is no longitudinal furrow length
wise 111 this article of the general's ap
parel. It is creased round and round
to fit the shape of the head and to
rest closely upon the crown 5 also after
the fashion that country youth affect
when the new of a hat is worn off and
it has been out in the rain once or
twice to take the style out of it.
Washington Post.
That the blood should perform its
vital functions, it is absolutely nec
essary it should not only be pure but
rich in life-giving elements. These
results are best effected by the 11? e of
that well-known standard blood-pun-fier,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Be Out Her in Two.
She was nervous and scared as she
penetrated the city's purlieus A
freight train was being switched down
there, and a loud-voiced switchman
was giving instructions to another of
his craft. Switchmen have a language
all their own, which is incomprehensi
ble to the plain, everyday, non-railroading
citizen. Among other things
they call a train "her" and "she" just
as a sailor refers to a ship, and just as
she neared the switchman, this is what
he yelled : "Head her off, Jim j cut
her in two and send the head end up
here." She fled from the murderous
villain, and postponed her voyage
across the raging Mississippi. Mean
while the other switchman obeyed
orders. He cut the train in two and
sent the head end back. St. Louis
A Presidential Law Firm)
President Cleveland, Secretary of
State "Olney and Edwin F. Uhl, of
Grand Rapids, Mich., now Ambassa
dor at Berlin, will form a law partner
ship in New York. Mr. Uhl's son is
authority for the statement.
People who suffer from loss of ap
petite, indigestion, sour stomach, and
flatulence, find prompt relief in the
use of Ayer's Pills. As an after-dinner
pill, they are unequaled, causing
the digestive and excretory organs to
perform their functions as nature
Woman's Pains
by touching the Spot
Wanted-An Idea
Who eaa think
of some simple
m - v MllBM W USMOlr
Proteot your Ideasi tbey may brliu you wealth.
Write JdHM WWJDEKUDBN 0o!7ptent Mtot.
era. Wwulattoa, D. O.. for their l,8uu prise otter
ao4 lilt ot two hundred lurenltoua wauled
?Sa VV.
W;iT Mi,
McKillip Bros.,.
The best are
the cheapest.
ooaaicTio wiiilt. bitail raicn.
Butter per lb $ ,2t
Eggs per dozen ,g
Lard per lb , 08
Hani per pound tj
Pork, whole, per pound ,06
Beef, quarter, per pound .... l0y
Wheat per bushel. i,J0
Oats " " ,0
Rye " " 50
Wheat flour per bbl 5.10
Hay per ton u to $14
Potatoes per bushel, 35
Turnips " 15
Onions " " .50
Sweet potatoes per peck J0
Tallow per lb 4l
Shoulder " 10
Side meat " " 10
Vinegar, per qt 07
Dried apples per lb. ...... . . .05
Dried cherries, pitted u
Rispberries ,i
Cow Hides per lb 3 1
Steer " " 05
Calf Skin 80
Sheep pelts , 75
Shelled corn per bus ,50
Corn meal, cwt 1.50
Bran, " 90
Chop " 1.00
Middlings " .90
Chickens per lb new 10
" " "old 08
Turkeys " " ial
Geese " " 10
Ducks " 08
No. 6, delivered t.6o
" 4 and s " 3.85
" 6 at yard 1.35
" 4 and s at yard. 3.60
The leadlai Contenratonr of Aimrioi
Casl Fasltbm, Director. Tri.'lTlr
roandllaI8Hbr . Xd'Cwlr
I for PrnpsctM
giving lull information.
sank W.Hals, General Minaret.
A I.AKGE and well furnished dining room
has been owned bv ui DDV ITDIVn onthe
second floor of his "AMU AUttAfllJ, r e
taurant. Meals will be served at the regular
dining hours for 25c. end they can also be
obtained at any lime. The table will be sup
plied with the delicacies of the season and
the service will be first-clans.
Entrance by door between Bostauraat in
itAlfalera'i grocery store.
Collections, Loans, Invest
ments, Sales Agent and
Real Estate
Private Banker.
Deposits received subject to Drafts or
Checks, from any part of the World, money
forwarded to any place ; Interest at 3 per
cent, allowed on deposits with us for one
venr nr mora t nintv ttava i,ai!m nf with.
, W,V V.
drawal must be given on all interest-bearing
ucmumis. 90-9-10-17
Oaveata and Trade Mark obtained, and a
Patent business conducted tor MOBKUATI
BNT OFFICE. W hava no authairannlna. all
business direct, hence can transact patent bust
ness In less time and at Less Cost than those re
mote from Washington.
Bend raodm, drawing or photo, with desortp
tlon. We advise l( natentable or not. fraeof
obarge. Our (ee not due till patent la secured
a dook, -now to ootain rateiits," witn refer
enoes to actual clients In yoar Htate.Countr.
town seat tree. Address
C. A. SNOW con Washinsrton,;n. 0
(Opposite r. 8 Patent Office.)
Uiuf Trouble, pvbUlt. diArtitlnff sKomarii snd
alt 111. And la botd far making niratj whan U uUmC
femaJt 111, an
trtatm! fa I It.
Tery mother and invalid should limit.
CImbms and. tauilftM th bait
Mtt Tails to Butore Oryl
Cun tomip disMM
HU. u ,T. -van
routhftil Color.
mm. iTn TkiisW.
SOcmdSI u)l Drmniiu l-
Coras, fltoof all polo. Mokas vaUuaf smj. lob. etifcutfiH'
Distinguished Everywhere
for Dehoacy of Flavor, Supe-
Jior Qualify, and Nutritive
ropetiet. Specially grate
ul and oomfortlna to the
nervous and dyspeptic
Your Grocer and Drutgltl sell II. In
Half.Pound Tine only. Prepared by
JAMES EPFS a CO., Ltd., Homao
pathlc Chemlsli, London, England.