4 THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. ;olimtbinn. ESTABLISHED 1856. Ulttc Columbia 5cmorrat, STABi.imiEl) ISC CONSOLIDATED 1S9. PUBLISHED f'KUV THURSDAY MOUN'INU at rtloomsburg, the county wat ot Columbia County, rennsylvnnlft. .IKO. K. KLWELL Epitok. UKO. C. KOAU, FobbmaW Tim; tnnKtctnecoui.tr ti.OOareartn nd ranoe; 1.80 If not paid In aclvaiwo Outside the county, !. a year, strictly In advance. A 11 coinmunlcatlona should be addressed to TllK COLUMBIAN. Bloomsburg, Pa. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1897. The end of the Cuban war is ap parently tlrawing near. It is reported that Secretary Olney has notified Spain that unless she promptly proffers full local self government to Cuba she will face the immediate danger of a recognition of Cuban independence. Spain has at last concluded that all her efforts to suppress the insurrection are useless. Appreciating this fact which has been apparent to all nations for the past six months, Prime Minis ter Canovas has definitely accepted Secretary Olney's proffer of American intervention, as well as the terms which President Cleveland and Mr. Olney prescribed as the price for their interference and the use of their prerogatives in attempting to bring about a state of peace in Cuba. Mr. Olney submitted in full to Senor Canovas the terms for peace with Cuba, upon which the Administration was prepared to intervene and use its efforts to bring about a settlement be tween Spain and its colony. They provide for home rule in Cuba, by which Cuba is to govern herself ( col lect all taxes ; disburse all public money 5 Spain to be debarred from all share in the revenues of the island, and from all interference in elections. A money remuneration to Spain for this practical loss of the island is talk ed of. What will come of these negotiations remains to be seen. McKinly and Hobart Formally Elected. The electoral colleges of the differ ent states met in the state capitols on Monday and cast the vote for presi dent and vice president. The total vote cast resulted as follows : Mc Kinky 7,121,3421 Bryan 6,502,600; Palmer, 134,1315 Levering, 123.428; Matchett, 35,3061 Pcntley 13,535. The Bryan and Watson ticket received a total vote of 144,928. McKinley's plurality over Bryan was 614,742. Tho Valkoaburg 0,se Goes ( - ; The case against E. A. Van Val kenburg, of Wellsboro, has gone over until the March term of Court. A true bill was found against Van Val kenburg on Saturday by the Grand Jury, charging him with attempting to bribe Representative Weiss, of Easton, to vote lor John Wanamaker for United States Senator. Ho Ate Crow. Probably the most unique banquet that ever took place in Williamsport occurred at the City Hotel at that place on Monday niht, when Walter Shooter, proprietor hostelry, devoured the largest portion of a big crow in payment of an election bet, says the Gazette & in Net hi. After the banquet a reporter called on Mr. Shooter and asked him how it lasted, lie replied that it was like all other wild meat and did not taste so baa as one would suppose, it was the first time he had ever dined on Crow. nun hour mmmm$ 11101 Wlttlll Hiiii MMB Hatter. SUITS FROM S18.00. CORNER MAIN & MARKET St BLOOMSBURG PA. TROUSERS FROM G5.00. Miners Made Destitute. A sad state of affairs exists at Girardville and Centraha by reason of the abandonment and suspension of the different mines in the neighbor hood, and many of the families de pending on coal mining have scarcely enough to eat. To keep them alive, the storekeep ers had been supplying them up to a short time ago, but the time arrived when they were obliged to turn their attention in their own direction, and they found it impossible to keep up their benevolent work any further and thus distress falls upon hundreds. Revenue collector Grant Herring, has just completed his annual report of the receipts of this district, which embraces Centre county, for the year ending November 30, 1896. It shows the total revenues to have been $802,600. si, for which the amount of tax on beer furnished more than one- half, or $498,153.50. The net gains in the collections over 1895 was $57,45 8. 77 . Belle fente Watchman. OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE ALE Married. Harrison Franklin. At Town Hill, January 11th, 1897, by Rev. S. A. Crevelmg, Mr. John Harrison of Forks and Miss Vircie Pranklin of Fishingcteek, both of Columbia Co., Pa. We are throusrh stock taking, and in order to clear up our winter stocks in the different departments we hnvp ctnrted our Annual Clearance Sale. Great bar gains are here for every one. Don't fail to take ad vantage of them. Red MMag Fatal Flight of a Kunawiy Oar. Hour Agaimt Down Grade 1 CO a Miles an Trolley. TJNULE SAM AND JOHN BULL AT PEACE. President Cleveland sent the follow ing message to the Senate Monday afternoon transmitting the Anglo American general arbitration treaty : To the Senate I transmit here with a treaty fot the arbitration of all matters in difference between the United States and Great Britain. The provisions of the treaty are the result of long and patient deliberation and represent concessions made by each party for the sake of agreement upon the general scheme. Though the result reached may not meet the views of the advocates of immediate, unlimited and irrevo cable arbitration of all international controversies, it is nevertheless, con fidently believed that the treaty can not fail to be everywhere recognized as making a long step in the right direction and as embodying a practi cal, working plan by which disputes between the two countries will reach a peaceiul adjustment as matter of course and in ordinary routine. In the initiation of such an impor tant movement it must be expected that some of its features will assume a tentative character looking to a further advance and yet it is apparent that the treaty which has t een formu lated not only makes war between the parties to it a remote possibility but precludes those fears and rumors of war which of themselves too often assume the proportions of n national disaster. It is eminently fitting as well as fortunate that the attempt to accom plish results so beneficial should be initiated by the kindred peoples speaking the same tongue and joined together by all the ties of common traditions, common institutions and common aspirations. The experi ment of substituting civilized methods for brute force as the means of settling international questions of right will thus be tried under the happiest au spices. Its success ought not to be doubtful and the fact that its ultimate ensuing benefits are not likely to be limited to two countries immediately concerned should cause it to be pro moted all the more eagerly. The example set and the lesson furnished by the successful operation of this treaty are sure to be felt and taken to heart sooner or later by other nations and will thus mark the beginning of a new epoch in civiliza tion. Profoundly impressed as I am, thc.efoie, by the promise of trans cendent good which this treaty affords, I do not hesitate to accompany its transmission with an expression of my earnest hope that it may commend itself to the favorable consideration of the Senate. Grover Cleveland. A passenger car attached to a train on the w Ukes uarre & Northern rail road on Saturday, broke the coupling and ran back down a steep grade. At one time a speed of over 100 miles an hour was attained. The passen- ers became panic-stricken. At Luzerne borough the car struck 1 an electric car and forced it through dwelling house. Benjamin Leonard, a passenger was killed. Blood la absolutely essential to health. It is secured easily and naturally by taking Hood's Barsaparllla, but is im possible to get it from so-called " nerve tonics," and opiate compounds, ab surdly advertised as "blood puri fiers." They have temporary, sleeping effect, but do not CURE. To have pure Blood And good health, take Hood's Barsaparllla which has first, last, and all the time, been advertised as Just what it is the best medicine tor the blood ever pro We have divided what Coats we have left in 3 lota. They are rare bargains, all of them. A i mm H. T f ( S Lot No. l.Coats that we sola at $4 to inow .oo. Lot No. 2.-Coats that were $8 to $12, we otter at $5.95. Lot No. 3.Coats that sold from $12.50 to $18.00, go for $8.15. We want to reduce this stock to its proper size, and in doing so we know that the price is duced. Its success in curing Scrofula, jjie fcevnote. Kindly note them. Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration and That Tired Feeling, have made Forty Cento a Swear Word. That is What it Costs to Use Bad Languag in Nanticoke. Thomas Higgins, superintendent of the Peoples Railway, of Nanticoke, on Tuesday had John Cerva arrested for using profane language. He was given a hearing before Squire Gruver, adjudged guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of 40 cents for each oath, There were three different oaths, which amounted to $1.20 and costs, and in detault ot payment ne was committed to the county jail for thirty six hours at hard labor. KILLING DISEASED CATTLE- Active Work of Officials In Stamping Tuberculosis. Out ritteen neaa ot came, out 01 a herd of 25, belonging to Frank Chambers, near Parkersburg, were killed Monday morning in the presence of several hundred farmers. The cattle were affected with tuber culosis, and had been condemned by the State Veterinarian. All of the slaughtered animals 13 cows, a fat heifer and a bull were found to be badly affected with the disease, and the carcasses were buried in a large pit. Forty-two out of a herd of 64, near Newtown Square, have also been condemned, and will be slaught ered some time this week. A Great Oomio Paper Free- Don't put too much H trust in men who, . when they do a little act of kindness never forget to tell you about- it. There is only one true friend and that is he who, when he reaches the top of the ladder, 'does not forget you if you are at the bottom. Beginning next Sunday the 17th inst., the Philadelphia Sunday "Press will issue free with every copy of the paper " The Sunday Press Jester," a twelve-page comic supplement in colors. This is a new departure which is certain to prove unusually popular. " The Jester " will be printed on slow presses on fine quality super-calendered paper. It will have four pages in color by the most fam ous artists of the day, and will be similar in make-up and appearance to the best ten cent weeklies. The two center pages will contain an original song, charmingly set to music by Saftord Wators, entitled " America's Girl," daintily illustrated in colors by Charles Howard Johnson. 1 ne iront page is a colored comic cartoon by Hy Mayer, illustrating the pangs of thirst "produced by " S unday Closing "fl in Philadelphia upon a Kentucky Colonel. the back page is a card story. .cuenre une iricK, an amusing cartoon 111 colors, the other eight pages contain sketches by Archie Dunn, F. L. Durand, Chas. H. Johnson, Moore Smith, and many others; jokes, poems, etc., by James L. Ford, Harry Romaine,. C. E. Barnes, etc. The demand for "The Sunday Press Jester " i certain to be great. If you want to make 8ure of getting it, you had better order next Sunday's " Press " in advance. ' Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Pulfler. All dniftRlsts. U . 1.. .,nnn.nhla I1UOQ S rllla liable ami Denelicial. 2BC. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue ot sundry writs of Fieri Facias Is sued out of the Court of Common Ploos of Col umbla county. Pa., and to me directed, there will be exoosed to public sale at tlio Court House In Moouisburg on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1S97, at S o'clock p. m-i all that lot or piece of pround situate In the town of lUooinsburg, county of Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a post on Main or Second stroet of said town at corner of lot of Mrs. Henrietta Klnkcr, thence along Second street westwardly a distance of thirty-two feet to a post, thence by other land of Anna M. Loruh, lately lot of Lvl Cox, north wardly eighty feet to a post In other lands of AnnaM. Lorah; thence along said laud forty- one feet to a post In line of lotot Mrs. Henrietta lilnkcr aforesaid ; thence aloug the line of said ltlukur lot southwardly eighty feet to tUf place ot beginning ; containing three UiousnAiiuare feet be the same more or less, whereon Is erect- ed a two story and a half double FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Ai-so: all that certain lot or piece of ground situate In tho town of Bloomaburg, county ot Columbia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a corner ot Kallroad Bt rcet and an alley running from Knorr's blacksmith shop to Fishing creek: thence along aald alley north seventy-seven degrees east slxtj-tlvo feet to corner ot lot ot Mrs. John Rlnker: thence by tho same sown soventy-alx and tbroe-fourth degrees east feet to lot of Anna M. Lorah ; thence by the same south, thirteen degroes west forty-one feet toacornor: 1 hence by the same south wardly eighty feet to Second street of said town ; thence along the north side of Second street westwardly to the corner of ltallroad Iron street ; and thence along tho east side ot said Kallroad Iron streot northwardly to the corner of the alley aforesaid, the place of begin. nlug, whereon Is erected a largo throe story FRAME STORE BUILDING Blankets that sold for $3.00, now $2.45. Blankets that sold for $5.00, now $3.98. Blankets that sold for $6.5Q, now $5.40. In order to move our Underwear stock more rapidly, we will give a discount of TEN PER CENT, on all winter Underwear. - T nvr nnr sMrdr wfi find lots of nieces of Dress Goods which contain full dress patterns, some only skirt lengths, others less, but we have put a price on them all which will move them. i . i t7toot nrT in every instance less man rnwi wox. Another lot of those Dress Goods that were 45c. to $1.00 at 29c. the yard. Hill muslin, for January only, 6 l2c. the yard. Lancaster Gingham, for January only, 5c. the yard. ALE CONTINUES ALL OF JANUARY. PURSEL & HARMAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. OUR HOLIDAY STOCK and dwelling house attached, and a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUsE, and stable. Selzeed, taken Into execution at the suits of The Locust Mountain Bavlng and Loan Asso ciation vs. Jacob Loratt and Anna M. Lorah, and Levi cox and Sarah Eliza cox vs. Jacob Lorah and Auna M. Lorah and to be sold as tue prop erty of Anna M. Lorah. J. B. McUEXHV, L. 8. Wlntersrcen, atty. Sheriff. 1-14-ta. WIDOW'S APPRAISEMENTS. The MUi'Miig Will- tc'n Amrtltnt will nrnili(l to the Orphan' Vtmrt itA CuIu.iiWii imit.in. im in ilrnt MohiUiu uf FfWimril, iW nml miiHmwit utfi. unit uiilrtt tXifiitiuuH urn peti wuiitnfuurdaus tlttitafirr, will l vowiriii ed aimuute: Enliiln of John Lu'ifskU Inl of Pfew'mirt Umi. hii, dteil. Jtrsoiuittti, 7S.5; Healiu, titf.ai. KKUitf of Wlllmm SivrM, lulx f HiwmrooiJ twmsltip, drvd. JfrtuiuiUU, $1M.W; Iteattu, 100 CO. EMiilt of John 8. Patttrtum, Into of Grernieood (ciuuwilp, tltcrtmrd. Ueultu, !KK0O. KMiilenr Joint ilfllHiirv liitu nf llenton tmeit. iMp, (JecU fm uouull'j, ti'J.m; Hml V, i W W-W.U.HKSHIK, Cterk'f npiiv, VirrK, o. i. IllouiiisOury. in., Jan. 18, 1697. Is now ready for your inspec tion. The line is complete and in it you can find something for each member of the family. Games from 3 cent3 to $l.o. Toy Books 5 cents and upward. ANNUAL MEETING. . The annual uieetlnu of memb" Columbia County Agricultural. Hortlcultuial officers will hi Theld In tl.a Court llouje, Ulmans- burg, Pa., on Baiuruuy, jbuuu.j i". v" odo.Mtp.rn. A-Notary. $1.10 10 $71. Framed and unframed pic tures. Anv book published fur- nished at "Wanamaker prices. WILLIAM H. SLATE, EXSZmS HOTEL ELS. Hol Here . . Fool Covers 9 9 9 x but easy, comfortable, stylish shoes. That's what up-to-date men want. That'e what we sell, and we don't draw heavily on pocket books either. Fitting feet ia our specialty, and we assure perfect comfort to every patron. "We carry the largest stock of boots, 6hoes and rubbers in the county, and all new and fresh and bright. Every size, every shape, and prices not too high nor to low. EPP'S COCOA GRATEFUL COMFORTING niatlnEiitshed for Delicacy of Flavor, Oualltv. rraportms, nor Everywhere lavor. buoe- and Nutritive Specially Krate- ful and oomfortlng to the nervous and dyspeptic. Your Grocer and Druggist sell It. In Hall-Pound Tins only. Prepared by JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd., Homceo path'.c Chemists, London, England. BREAKFAST SITF-ER EPP'S COCOA AUDITOR'S NOTICE. KnUite of Michael Fettervlf, uceaed, 77. unariQnr1 auditor appointed to mnl'H dlHtribmion to tlw pavlin Iwnly muulrd tlmrelo (. tnilaiut In tlw haiuUof I). B. yeiuroir, aU mtnlDlrator of mud etutl', an appear lu hit third and Jlnal atvount, vill tt at hi atHcx on ThurHdau, February 4, 1HW7, bctteetn th hourt of 10 mid ll n. to perform tli dullei afliisap pointwent ; when nil jwrwiit luioimj claim agaimit mid etale thould appear, or be dtUtrrtd from any uluir in aald fund, j. b. nonmox. Auditor, ADMIMI3 TR VTR IX NOTICE. Untitle of Uewy Karl liens, lute of Soott UnrnMhip, Unvaiird. Notice it hert'iv Qtvrn that letter of admlut tratton on the eHuie of llnu y Karl Item, UH uf Scott totonthip, aecaed, ham (won granwa to Hit undtrmyiwd udniuilralrix, to wtam mil PW'ioh indebted to miuI tttate art reamUKt w make payment, and tluum liavtng ctaimtoritn munttt will make known the tame without dotay to illiS. MARY ASULH, l-U-5: AdminittratrU