The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 24, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. Z
Vh. hay. they gone to-the little girl..
With natural manner and natural ourla,
Who lov. their dollle. and like the toy
aVnd talk of aometUlng beside theboy.7
little old women In plenty I And, '
Mature of manner and old of mind;
Little old flirt who talk of their "brant,"
&nd vie with each other ta stylish clothes.
Onse, In the beautiful long ago.
Borne dear little children used to know;
Girls who were merry as lambs at play,
A.nd laughed and rollicked the livelong day.
Where have they gone to? If yon aee
One of them anywhere, sond her to me.
I would give a medal of purest gold
To one of these dear little girls of old.
-Ella Wheeler Wllooz.
A Christmas Dell.
IwlDg wide! send forth your swelling notes,
weet bellsl
Onoe more 'tW Christmas-tide o'er all the
No silver throat so sweet a story tells;
The Christ was born the stars sang at bis
Celestial choir the anthem rolled along.
And angel hosts gave chorus to the song,
It would almost savor of sacrilege to
BsKlare that the Christmas tree has
grown tiresome, but occasionally there
are souls brave enough to say so. For
those who feel that way about It, a
telcome substitute Is found In the
hrlstmas bell, which Is made of three
or more hoops of graded site. These
hoops are wreathed and hung, the
smallest at the top, the next In size
Set below It and so on. go as to give
e effect of a suspended bell. The
ropes or cords by which the hoops are
Connected and hung, are wound with
green. At the top they are brought to
gether and fastened to a ring In the
celling. Such hoops may be bad of a
cooper are easy of adjustment and the
effect Is very pleasing. The same or
naments ur,ed to adorn the regulation
tree are displayed on the hoops, and
the glf'tg are attached by narrow rlb
bonr which are cut when tho pack-
'wi are removed. A Japanese lan
tern hung In the center of the bell is
filled with mottoes, bonbons, etc., and
when the glftn have all been distrib
uted a blow from a cane breaks the
paper sides of the lantern, and a
shower of sweets makes glad the
hearts of the wee folk of the party. If
the lantern Is filled with flowers, the
downpour Is equally pleasing and
rather daintier.
Joy of Hi Little One.
Christmas Is the day of the little
folks. To them the old customs are
not beginning to. lone attractiveness.
As long as Snnta Clous remembers to
drive his sleigh over the roofs aud Alls
the stockings at the chimney corner,
80 long us Christmas trees blottsonj
with marvelous fruit, and Father
Christmas with flowing beard and
deep-toned voice Is thero to take the
toys from the branches, so long Is the
iYnletlde season a magic one to the
children. Holidays and presents, par
ties and new drcssus, toys and can
dles, nuts, oranges, colored tapers and
waxen floors it Is fairyland come
anew, and the children love It.
A Palatable Menu With Recipes for the
Odd Dishes.
In homes where Christmas Is consid
ered the high and holy festival of tho
year all energies are directed towards
Its proper celebration. The house Is
redolent with the odor of pines;
wreaths are hung In the windows and
every outward and visible - sign Is
made to emphasize the nature of the
festival. The table Is In holiday trim
and the cooking savors of the general
rejoicing. Dishes that never appear at
any other time now find a place on the
menu. Holly and mistletoe are used
for the table decoration and many of
the dishes are wreathed with foliage.
The Christmas dinner has always Its
plum pudding crowned with a sprig of
holly. The following menu and
recipes may be of assistance:
Oyster oooktalls.
Salted almonds. Colery.
Cream of barley soup,
toasted crackers. Halibut ttmbales.
Potato balls with cream sauce.
Roast turkey with chestnut stuffing.
Cranberry Jelly.
Sweet potatoes. Cauliflower au gratia.
Roman punch
Broiled squab on fried mush.
Lettuce and radish salad,
Roquefort cheese. Wafors.
Mince pie. Pumpkin pie.
Frozen plum pudding.
Coffee. Bonbons.
Oyster cocktails are served In Ice
shells made for this purposo or In
large claret glasses. Pnt five small
oysters Into each glass. For one dozen
plates allow seven teaspoonfuls each
of prepared horse radish, tomato cat
sup and vinegar, ten tenspoonfuls of
lemon Juice and one of Tobasco sauce.
Thoroughly mix this dressing and put
an equal quantity Into each gluss.
Doth oysters and dressing should be
very cold.
To make the chestnut stuffing for
turkey, secure one quart of large
French chestnuts, shell them and cook
them in boiling water until the skins
are loosened. Remove the brown
skins and again put the nuts into boil
ing water and cook them until they
are tender. While the nuts are still
hot rub them through a very coarse
sieve or colander. Mix with the sifted
nuts a very few bread crumbs and two
tablespooKfuls of melted butter, and
season with salt and pepper. Make
the mixture moist with a little sweet
cream and fill the turkey, but do not
press the stuffing in closely; and the
bird Is ready to roast
Maudo I would like to look at some
Dealer Yes. Mis. What kind of a
sead do yon wantt
Manda-rm not particular. Only it
nust be of a material that will not
nuke him sick at the stomach.
I lu-irfl tho bellnon DJ
Tln lr o'., familiar ciroi ii7.
And wild ai.d wet
The word pepU
Of peac on rartfc, iood irl'J to nun!
"Whichis being closed out by the Trustee at ABSOLUTE COST, contains many rich and useful goods much
appreciated as holiday presents, which were bought for this winter's trade. This list will help you select,
but be on hand early to get the plums as they are all to bo closed out at once without reservo and at AB
$5.00, $G.75, $7.50, $10.00, $12.00, $13.00
$1.00, $5.00, $7.50, $9.00, $10.00, $12 00
$3.50, $4.75, $G.50, $7.50, $9.00 and $10.00.
90c, $1.25, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50.
Plain or with brass or pearl buttons, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75,
$3.25, $4.00. ABSOLUTE COST.
49c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50. Were
75c to $5.00. All at ABSOLUTE COST.
50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. ABSOLUTE COST.
Fleece lined, natural wool, camel's hair, Derby ribbed,
white fine merino, all weights, all colors, 50 and G5c. grades,
39c Extra fine medicated wools, fleece lined or wool Derby
ribbed, 59 and 79c. "Luzerne" Hygenia, highly recommend
ed by physicians everywhere, 79c or $1.00 and $1.25 for
$1.50 and $2.00 grades.
Buckskin, hogskin, horsehide, asbestal, (fire and water
proof) muleskin all the very best leathers lined or unlined,
19c, 39c, 50c. or 79c. All at absolute cost.
K. 0. E's at Benton.
Theta Castle No, 276 Knights of
the Golden Eagle, of this town went
to Benton by special train last Thurs
day night. The number who went
was probably about sixty, and all had
a delightful time. They arrived aj
Benton at eight o'clock, where they
were met by the Committee in charge
of the arrangements and conducted
to the hall. After conferring the
degrees on the applicants for member
ship, they were invited to H. A.
Kemp's, where all sat down to a
table laden with good things. After
all had done justice to the elegantly
prepared supper, and a vote of thanks
given to the Eagles of Benton for
their very kind treatment, all nud$
their way to the station, boarded the
train and arrived home at a.30, Fri
day morning feeling more thin re
paid for their trip.
Verdict for Ash Bros.
$3600 damages to the plaintiff, was
the verdict returned by the jury in
the case of Ash Bros. vs. the Berwick
Water Co., at the trial in Wilkesbarre
on Friday morning. The case which
was for damages for diversion of water
power, was removed to Wilkesbarre for
trial from the courts of Columbia
County. At the first trial in this
county, the jury gave a verdict for the
plaintiff of $6500, for damages, which
the court cut down to $4000.
The Water Company secured a
new trial and a change of venue,
which resulted as above stated
Earl Hess, one of Espy's most
popular young men, died last Satur
day morning from what is supposed
to have been internal hemorrhages.
For some time he had been troubled
with frequent bleeding of the nose,
which soon so seriously affected and
weakened him that he was compelled
to abandon his work at Dr. Redcker's
in this place, and return to his home
in Espy. He however, grew rapidly
worse, the bleedings being with him
almost constantly, and although every
available means were used to save
his l.fe, all were in vain. Funeral
services were held on Tuesday of this
week. He was in his 17th year.
Ashland expects to get a
Reading Depot. r
The following appeared in last
Wednesday's issue of the Post, pub
lished at Washington, D. C. :
" About the finest collection of
bright young faces that have bright
ened any Washington hotel for a long
time can be seen at the Oxford,
where over 150 young ladies and
gentlemen, students of the State
Normal School at Bloomsburg, Pa.,
are domiciled. They are under the
fatherly care ol Dr. J. P. Welsh,
President of the institution, and are
having a happy time inspecting the
sights of Washington.
The basket ball season will open
next Tuesday evening in the Normal
gymnasium, with a game between
Danville and W. H. Eyer's Blooms
burg team. Danville is said to have
a strong aggregation this year, and a
good game may be expected. The
Normal is having a vacation and the
accommodations for the down town
will be all the better. The diagram
will open at Slate's, where scats can
be reserved.
There will be services In St. Paul's
church on Christmas morning at ten
o'clock. The choir has been making
special preparation of a musical pro
gram, which will include Jackson's
Te Deum, a new Jubilate, and an
anthem "Blessed be the Lord God of
Israel," introducing the old hymn
"Adeste Fideles," with beautiful
effect The offertory will go to the
Christmas fund, and will be applied
to relief of the families of disabled
and deceased clergymen in the diocese.
Everett Warren, Esq., of Scranton,
was admitted to the bar of this county
last Thursday. He is one of the
counsel in the suit of Martha Case
against the D. L. & W. R. R. Co.
Owing to the fact that Mr. Scarlet,
one of the counsel for Mrs. Case, was
unable to get here, being engaged in
a trial at Wilkes Barre, this suit was
contipued, and all the jurors dis
charged for the week on Thursday.
Quite a number attended the
Poverty Social at the Carpet Mill, on
Friday night.
24, 1896.
HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Interesting and useful all at cost.
Blue, black and light covert, with cape, fine sweep, reg.
$4.00 grade, $2.50.
Elegant box coats, blue, black and light covert cloths, very
long, double breasted, velvet collar, regular $7.50 grade, $4.50.
Extra good grades cape mackintoshes, $1.00. fi!
Plain or silver mounted, enameled steel rod, tassel and
cover, $1.10, or $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $3.00 or $3.75.
Tlain or fancy border, Pongee, 19c. Finer grades, 39c
and 75c. Initial silk, fine quality, 39c.
39c, 75c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25.
Plain or silver mounted, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1,25, from
75c to $2.
Fine kid, G9c, or 79c, $1.00 and $1.25. Mocha, reindeer,
astrakan, lined or unlined same prices.
$4.50 and $8.50, from $7.50 and $12.00.
Night robes, plain or embroidered front, 45c, 59c, aud 79c.
Sweaters, plain, with large sailor collar, or turtle, maroon with
lemon stripe, black with orange stripe, blue with white stripe,
or all the plain colors, men or boys, 79c, $1.20, $1.50. Golf
hose, 39c, 59c, all sizes and colors. Neckwear bows, ties, im
perials, four-in-hands, 19c, 39c Children's tarns or skating
toques, 19c or 39c Fine suspenders, plain or fancy, 19c, 39c
and 59c- Trunks, valises, traveling bags, 75c to $20.00.1 White
and fancy shirts, 39c, G9c, 79c
At Lower Prices Than You Pay for Cheap Coods.
You will recognize the saving when you see
Our Splendid Overcoat for $3.03.
Well Hade Suits for $3.75.
Dressy Overcoats for $5.00.
Elegant Cheviot Suits for $5.00.
Sold in some stores for double the
the cost to make
Long Warm Storm Coats,
Solid Comfort From Chin to
Our elegant Rochester Overcoate are selling aa usual in great
numbers. No wonder. They are non-comparable for beauty k
of workmanship, elegance of fit and fineness of finish. Dollars
off of our low prices in these fine goods makes truth stronger
than fiction. ,i
B. Eawenberg
Elooa'o Best Clothiow,
NO. 52
Buy Christmas PRESENTS
Early Absolute- COST.
19c, 25c.
and 49c.
money. Bought at less than )
is the reason.
Glutting more l
Hatters and Furnishers.