8 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Trip to Washington, Change of Time Dr. J. P. Welsh returned from Washington, I). C, on Saturday evening. He had been there making anangements for the party of students thai will visit Washington next week, lie secured accommodations at the Oxford Hotel on STfw York Avenue. This hoici is very centrally located and therefore can be conveniently reached from all points of interest. When he came to make out the itiner ary for each day, he discovered that the time originally set for renuinyng m Washington was too thort, and has arranged to spend an additional day. This will make it necessary to go on Monday December 14th, in stead of Tuesday. The train will kave Last Bloomsburg at 8,47 a. m. The entire cost of hotel and railroad expenses will be $u. 61 if one hun ted people go. If the number should be less tfian one hundred (which is not very likely) the cost will be $12.35. Tile money is to be paid in at tue wAoo' olhce beforehand, 1 .M , . . iu uuui tie number readies one hundred, 12.35 will be collected. If the number should reach one hundred thediffovnee will be refunded to each person. The party will take luncheon at whatever point during the day they nna themseives at luncheon time. Tht luncheon will be paid for by each iperson, so that the expenses may be Jwjt down as each may desire. Those who take the trip to Mt -tfernon, which has been arranged for Wednesday, will pay 60c extra. This includes round trip on the boat from Washington to Ml. Vernon with ad mission to the grounds and the ser vices of a guide while there. This amount need not be paid until after the party has reached Washington. Those who do not take the Mt. Ver non trip will be conducted to other points of interest in the city. Very little street car fare will be required, s each day's itinerary is ar ranged to economize walking, and the hotel is not far distant from any of the points of iaterest to be visited. The party will leave Washington for home on Friday morning about eleven o'clock, reaching East Blooms burg at 6:36 f. m. Each member of the party will re ceive, when he pays his money into the office, an lexeellent map of the city of Washington. It is the same map used by the delegates to the Christian Endeavor Convention last summer, aad is said to be the best map of the city that has ever been made. Enough maps have been secured without cost, to give each member one. Every arrangement has been made to give tJe young people a pleasant and profitable time. President Cleve land has consented to give them a special reception while they are in Washington. It may not be generally known that Miss Hastings, a former teacher in the Normal School, is a niece of President Cleveland, and that his eisier, Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, visited her niece while he was at the .Normal School. The points of interest to be visited include almost every department of the Government and many other objects and places of interest through out the city. Three full days will be , at the disposal of the party, suffi cient time to enable all to get the benefit of the trip without having it spoiled by too much haste. The special cars assigned to the party will be suitably decorated, and will have on their sides the name of the school. Those who expect to go should indicate their intentions as soon as possible as arrangements with the railroad company have to be made before the end ot the week. For a Bnaye or Hair Cut. For a good and quick shave or hair cut, go to James Reilly's tonsorial room in Exchange Block, first floor, next to Express Office. None but experienced workmen employed. 12-13-iyr. For Sale. A desirable house and lot. Corner lot about 50 x 80 feet, beautiful lo cation, all modern improvements; will be sold at once. Cheap for cash, or part down and balance to suit the parchaser; or part in exchange for other property. For further information call on S. D. Neyhard, Building, Loan and Real Estate Agent, over First National .Bank, Bloomsburg. Pa. 11-15 tf. A Desirable BusinesiTPlace For Bale. "The large three story brick store feaCding lately occupied by J. R. 4Wlvler & Co., as a hardware store for ta'.e on reasonable terms by J. 11. Maize Esq., Attorney. Office Lock ard builiing corner Main and Centre streets. tf. Real gGd property in Espy for sale cheap. tt is a desirable residence, large lot, and plenty of fruit. Apply to I. H Maize F.rq HOOI'8r7LLif rur Mver Ills, Biliousness, Imltgentton, Headache. fk pleasant laxative, Druggist. 3 THE BROADWAY . . , 3!IMB . , . Books, Dolls, Toys, Games, China, Glass, Silvor, Albums, Celluloid Goods, Stationery, Jewelry, A time when hearts expand and purse-strings loosen; when our greatest happiness is in making others happy. At no time in the round year is this store so attractive to you as now. Time, money and brains have been taxed in collecting this beautiful array of Christmas merchandise. Full preparation has been made to fit your gift giving needs. The Store has donned its holiday attire and bids you kindly welcome. Ilandker chiefs, Umbrellas, Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Aprons, Leather Goods, Furs, Nobby Neckwear, Fine Shirts &c., &c. Silks for Christmas. To combine use with ornament is wise economy. A length of silk for a waist is a most acceptable holiday gift Here are lots, all beauties, They re not expensive when you take style and quality into consideration. Trinted china silks on green, navy, Drown and cardinal, rich figures, 24c. yd. Colored brocades in a variety of colors and figures, 69c, yd. Changeable surahs, extra wide, 39c. yd. Satin rugs in lavender pink and blue, crepe effects very pretty, 65c. yd. Holiday Towels. Bought for the occasion. Heavy damask, or lunch, some with knotted frinee. some all white, some with rich hmvl. ers, and all reasonably cheap. Heavy bleached damask towels, 24 x 54 inches, knotted fringe, 39c. each. Heavy bleached damask towels, 21 x 42 inches, knotted fringe, 35c. each. Special values in linen towels, 4 to 95c. each. The Book Stock r n .. . . . . ... wmes m tor no smau snare 01 patronage just now. a worthy lot of literature t is fnr ;A and the prices at which we sell them are causing much wonderment. Books at dry goods profits are a our public. Note these specials: Standard poems Byron, Lowell, Milton, Moore, Goethe, Longfellow, Browning, Poe, Dante, Burns, Scott, Tennyson, and others, bound in silk cloth, 50c. each in padded morocco, $1.00 each. The Magic City, 200 photo engraving, 50c. ea. Webster's unabridged dictionary, 85c. each. Art photographs of the world, 400 illustrations, 98c each. to all tastes, revelation to Xmas. Glove Selling. We ve planned for this year as never before. Our kid glove stock is now at its best. Size ranee color ranee ityle range, and price range all as they should be, and your every desire in this important matter carefully catered to' Ladies cashmere gloves, 10c, 19c, 23c, 34c. pair. Full line of four button kid gloves in black, white and colors' 75c pair. Ladies mittens, 10c, 15c, 25c. to $1.00 pair. Children's mittens, 8c, ioc, r4C, to 25c pair ' Dolls, Toys, Games. Thousands of children can be made happy here at a verv small met. Manv iKa i;nA. ,;n k ua.. t fore another week, for this is purely a holiday outfit. The lots are priced to make a clean sween of them bv Christma, :. uooa time 10 choose now. tat t r wr t 1 1 ti ... ukjl,lo. uasnaoie goiis, natural nair ana eves. 16 in. loner. fisr. tarh R en ,a 1 jointed bodies, 14 in. long, 24c. ea. Zulu dolls, 10c. and 24c each. Esouimaux dolls, jic. earh TOYS. Malleable iron street car, 24c. each. Ideal railroad trai UAMfcb. Small card games, assorted kinds, each in box. ac. each. Th nice line of board and card games 8c. and 15c. each. Game of lotto. 24c. each. ' eyes and bair, for the train. Holiday Dress Goods. titvyav m-aiUW UC 11I4UC UlJ.ll A niCB UFCSS na.HP.rn Irt mrtthAr CIClAf Al- 1iii.-t- TTA.A t ! lots priced to tempt you: 50 inch navy blue storm serge, 20c. yd. 52 in. novelty suiting, dark green ground with red bourette figures, 25c. yd. 52 in. broad cloth in myrtle, navy and cardinal 60c. yd. 38 in. bright wod plaids, with satin Rfrinps cor. vrl. An in nnuoltu nloilc ar ,,A l 6 r"""! r , . j . t- f'"""! i igmcu UlittK Iliuiiair, ?C. Vu. Holiday Furnishings. These for the men folk. Ample preparation has been maA far ncm t tv,;. . . wear shirts, collars cuffs, suspenders, half hose, and the like. Will only quote you an item or twobut they"l do wit ness duty for fifty fullv as eood: Men's susnenHcrs fi,in;. ,t ' 1 c' .. uo w" - 1 1 fc ww.. w.v 1 .. 1 iti. iii eqc. nair. inpn tro ioc, lie. each. Laundned white shirts. 60c. each. Men's half hr in n.: r " ' 3 , , ... unuii auu wvui, an piiwcs irom 5c. IO 25c. pr A Bulletin of Xmas. Brevities. U MBRELLAS. II jou've an umbrella thought, depend upon it that here you will find its materialization. ?;iv gloria, 20 in. umbrellas, natural wooa nanciies, 95c. each. Union twills, 28 in. men's umbrellas $r.oo each. HANDKERCHIEFS. Hundreds of dozens of them to tit your every wish. Ladies' embroidered cambric hand kerchiels, good size, ioc. each. Ladies embroidered linen handkerchiefs, xqc. to nc. each. Men' hemctitrhoH cambric nanaicercmeis, gooa size, ioc. eacn. MOQUETTE RUGS. Beautiful patterns, 27 x 62 in. $1.98. nirrnB 4Ti?n rmwi rim, ml .anz-Am . n- r-.. j . , , .. . . m-.m v... v.r.. 0, .w. vivoiii auu lueiii ocis. ioc cdcu. LaKt inn irnir n 9 m m. each. Olive dishes, ioc. each. Salad dishes, 48c. 98c. each. Spoon holders, ioc. each. FANCY ARTICLES. To enumerate the great host of useful and ornamental things would require columns of a.&. uui lutj iv nn;inuii. in v.iunn.v, m wiiiuum, uii me cuuincrs, in me iixiures everywhere are these heart gladdeners, and you are cordially invited to come and take a peep at ihem, for they're just what jou are looking for, and here they'll cost you less thau elsewhere: a Glove boxes, 75c. to $1.69 ea. Toilet cates, 50c., 89c, $1 39, $1.98 to $2.75. Shaving sets, $1.00, $2 50 $2 7c to $3.25. Albums, 48c, 69c, f 1. 39, $2.50, $2.98, roker sets, $1.69 to $2.25. Work boxes, 50c, $1.00 to $169 Nut cracks and picks, $i.co, $!.6o set. Photo casrs, $1.50 to $2.50 ea. Glove and handkerchief boxes, $1.75, $2 75 Necktie boxes, 7SC ea. Silk handkerchief cases, 25c. to 98c. ea. Pin cushions, inc.. 48c. ea. Silk clove and nn,iir,.;' chief case, 59c. set. Jewel boxes, 50c, $1.00 to $2.75. Puff boxes, 39c. Trinket boxes, ioc. ea. Collar button boxes, 50c. Pin trays, 6c , ice , 19c, 30c. to 69c. each. Children's silver cups, 24c each. &e5tfully Submitted to the Ciyfti de Oqly by THE BROADWAY CASH STORE. Till GtS F ' BEAlJfl Abound on all sides of our establishment. Everywhere appropriate Gifts greet you. Larger, Grander and more varied than ever are the preparations we have made for the Joyous Holiday Season, and we hope to rciceve a visit from every Man. Woman and Child in this entire valley. Tremendous n gains await you in Gorham's and Whiting's Sterling Silver Toilet Articles in patent designs, which prevent them being mutated in cheap articles. a. B. wsm, 9 9 MM Mem . Foot Covers 9 o but easy, comfortable, stylish shoes. That's what up-to-date men want. That's what we sell, and we don't draw heavily on pocket books either. Fitting feet is our specialty, and we assure perfect comfort to every patron. We carry the largest stock of boots, shoes and rubbers 111 the county, and all new and fresh and bright. Every size, every shape, and prices not too high nor to low. SPECIAL BARGAINS -FOR- DECEMBER CASH SALE ! nPON our counters will be thrown, day alter day, new arrivals which, in prices will posi tively be bevond thf uhicnor nf rnmnpti- tion and comparison prices that will teach you in xne snenx iogic oTtrutntne cutterence between dealing with live and with dead men between &.C..SH ?nd the credit systembetween the RIGHT and the wrong way. BLOOMS3URG, PENN'A. Coal oil, Syrup, Best syrup, 5 lbs. good cakes, Plug tobacco, Smoking tobacco, Window glass, Putty, 3 Lamp globes, Teaspoons, Tablespoons, 2 foot rule, Best gun powder, Shot, Gun caps, Boy's suspenders, Men's suspenders, Men's socks, Misses' black hose, Ladies' vests, School bags, Shears, Rulers, Tablets, Pass books, Buttons, Men's work suits, Ladies' collars, Ladies gloves, Children's mittens, 2C. qt. ISC gal. 25c. gal. 25c. 4 to 8c. 4 to 7c. 3C lbs. for ioc. 3 to sc. ioc. set. 15c. set. 5c 25 c. lb. 6 to 8c. lb. 5 to 8c. 5 to ioc. 10 to 13c. 2 to ioc. 5 to 8c. 20 to 35c. 10 to 15c. 5 to 15c. ic. 1 to 5c. 1 to ioc. 1 to sc. 75C 3 to IOC 5 to 25c. 8 to 20c. Baby's shoes, Children's shoes, Misses' shoes, Ladies' shoes, Men's shoes. Boy's boots & shoes m a Men s boots. Ticking, Outing flannel, Table cloth, Table oil cloth, Blankets, Horse blankets, Cotton flannel, Toweling, Grain bags, Plates, Vegetable dishes, Sugar bowls, Pitchers, Tureens, Valises, Tubs, Brooms, Stove pipe, 5, Boilers, Stone pots, Butter pails, Lanterns, Knives and Forks, 10 to 25c 20 to 40C 25 to 50c. 75c to gi.oo 7t,c to 1.25. , 50c to $1.2$ HO to 2.00. 9 to i$c 5 to ioc 20 to 35c 12J to iSc 50c to $1.00. 90c to $i.o 5 to ioc. 5 to ioc 1 s to 20c 3 to 8c. 10 to 25c 10 to 35C IS to 35c 2$ to $oc, 30 to 90C 40 to 90C- 2 for 25c. 10. IS to 20c, 25 to 75c. Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. 40 to 75c set. All goods will be sold for cash or exchanged for eggs and poultry. SILJLS TOTJ1TG-, Light Street, Pa.