THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. CITV SPARK0W3. J-Ike Va'vn I avi-ii w-lilrllnfr In i. rtit or nit'iinm wind. tli"y flutter down, lAmll I'll- weni-ylni? .lln uiij dust, I'l'.n the i." vcmi ius of the town. . M'i:ry FWlncr npnn tho f!H-trtf wires, JDorlillnir u. who orpnri below; They uosslp a.illy from the spires That plei-oe tlie imnsefs umber glow. Gav vatrnlion.l.-t. t wonder why You choose the town's tumultuous crow (Is, Vhen ye iwv wins to rl and fly To dnl.-Oevl ::'.ds and floating cloud9? .Ah! do ye never paue nnd dream Of tiny nest: nnd WoMsomed trees, That vrnd alicve some slindowy stream And murmur necreta to th breeze? JIn'l I your w!:is, I would not stay .'m!d the city's haccllntr ftrlfo; rn Urn 1 mlmy summer day I'd reek my childhood's peaceful Uf Antony K. Anderson. The Rescue of Henri l)e IHnvicr The old Canadian fort, Beau Rcjoul or Cumberland, aaji la now called is situated on the narrow Isthmus thai connects the provinces of New Bruns' wick and Nova Scotia, It was built bj the French, who made the first settle ments In this part of Canada. A regiment, ofllcered by enterprlS' Ing young aristocrats, was sent from France to hold It against all comers: and for nearly a hundred years battle. In some shape or other, raged almost incessantly around Its c&semated walls. French and English fought each other for its possession, while th Indians took a hand In the conflict whenever and wherever plunder or re venge could be obtained, and tortured, tomahawked and scalped alike settle! and soldier, French and English. On a mild day In early spring, about the year 1759. an Indian runner came out of the great forest that surround ed It, waving over his head a small, square, white packet, which proved to be a cry for help from the beleaguered fort at Lanlsburg, on the neighboring Island of Cape Breton. It was nobly responded to, and In a lew hours the runner was again cross ing the clearing before the fort, with of the gallant defenders of Beau Sejout at his back; but almost before the last of the column had disappeared Into the forest the Indian warwhoop rang through Its leafy shades. Scattering shots told that the ublqul tous savaKe was dogging the rescuing party, and great was the alarm and anxiety among the scanty force left behind, for young Henri de Blavler, the sixteen-year-old son of the com mandant, was in the forest, accompan ied only by Antoine Poirler, the hunt- er of the fort, and Joel Anderson, a 'New Engbnd hunter a no" traprter, whose wanderings lu search of peltry had brought him into the neighborhood a few days previous. In return for hospitable entertain ment, he had made himself exceeding ly useful, bringing In many a choice bit of game for the officers' mess that their less skillful hunters were unable to capture. The three had started shortly after daybreak In search of game,, and, as no Indians had been seen on the Isth mus for some time, they might be ne glecting the usual precautions. In tiny case, their situation was one of extreme peril, and Col. de Blavier Immediately organized a rescue party; tout, just as they were leaving, Ander son sprang out of the woods, followed by a flight of Indian arrows, and they waited to hear his report, which was toy no means encouraging. They had struck the trail of a moose almost under the walls of tho fort, and iollowed It together until it crossed some "bear signs," wIkd they separ ated, Henri and Antoine keeping on in pursuit of the moon, while Ander son went after the bear. About noon his experienced eye de tected indications that Indians were In the neighborhood, and he Immediately attempted to rejoin his companions; but finding that impossible, he next directed his energies to returning with the tidings. "The woods is just alive with them painted varmints. Colonel," ho contin ued. "It wouldn't do to venture in them with less than a regiment at your command, and even then it would be risky. Maybe Antoine and Henri have found cover, and been waiting for night to come in. It would be their only chance, anyhow; and if they ain't here soon I'll go out and tea if I can dis cover what's become of them. It's a case where one can do btter than fifty, if lie knows v, hut he's about." Ti;o obvio is jrood s?n3e of this re mark eorape'Jcu acquiescence, and while a signal ?.-,.s tolr? arranged by which Anderson could summon help, in cae of need, an n;v!oi !y came In to re port that Bor.ic".:-.:r;g k:iJ been delected crawling tiuo'js'.i te clearing. It proved to La Ai.'.o:r- with an arrow 3iicking in his shoulder and almost dead from fatisii ar--I loss of blood. While the sui'HrOu riro-ssed. bis wound lie told his story, which proved li many re3pe ;t.; :n b? r rr petition of An derson's, l.'ff, too, detected "In dian Eisns" very soon n.fter they sep arated, and immediately turned about to regain the fort; but while proceed ing as careuilly and cai;tiou3ly as pos sible they fell into an rnibush. Henri had been spirited from his r.ldo and into tbe forest almost before ho realized that they were attacked. He had managed to escape after kill ing two of his assailants and wounding a third, and had been lying for hours in the undergrowth, within sight of the fort, waiting for the friendly cover cf night to get under its guns. Ilia successful defense made young De Clavier's position one of the great est Causer. The scalp of so important a person as the son of the command ant wcu!d be considered a very fair ,et-o!f ar.ainst the Uvea of th twn who had !nl)ii, and If he were not al-j ready dead every precaution would be takea f:,?u!rui rescue or escape. I Nethir.g could be done until his posi tion was ascertained, and Anderson ; Immediately set off on this dangerous ' errand. Ciad in garments that even in broad daylight could scarcely have been dls ' riiigulflied from the undergrowth through which he must make his way,' ie crept through a low arched door in the most inaccessible part of the fort, "peclally designed for the use of the scouts, and in ft couple of hours he had located the Indian force. It consisted of nearly a hundred war riors, in full Wfir cofltume. They were encamped In what had once boon n clone quarry. The granite blocks of wnicn rort ucnu scjour was built were cut out of it, and in quarrying them tno workmen had cut through a great Mil of rock In such a way as to for an artificial precipice of great heigh At tne root of it sat poor Henri Blavler, with his legs bound tightly to gether, and a stalwart Indian guard lounging beside h'm. Some playfi savage had daubed his face with patch os of black paint, but no disfigure ment could disguise his pitiful condl tlon, as ho watched, with agonized ioa tures, the movements of a party young Indian braves, who were busily employed near him. A stout stake had been firmly driven Into the ground, and around this they were keeping up small fires, intendln evidently to girdle tho little knoll crowned with a path of red-hot coals Anderson took in the situation at glance. Henri was to be tied loosely to the stake, and, bare-footed, was t be baited around the track of glowln coals with fire-brands and blazing pine knots, and anything else handy tha could be utilized to agonize the human Ira me. To thus torture the son almost with In sight of his father's stronghold would be as much of bliss as a Mlcmac could hope to experience this side of the happy hunting-grounds. "Well," whispered the scout to him self, after a moment's contemplation of the careful preparations with which the occasion wns being honored, "a bullet would soon stop that work, and it shall be stopped that way if there ain't no other, but I wish I could bring rum off alive." liven wntie ne was speaking a pos siDie means or rescuing the boy oc curred to him. When out in search o game he always carried a strong piece of rope. In case he should kill more than he could carry home with him he would then have the moans of se curing the surplus In a tree, out of the reach of forest prowlers. He observed, too, that Henri's guard took such an Interest in the perpara tlons for Indian fun going on around the stake that he seemed wholly una oie to Keep away rrom it, and every once in a while would leave his charge for a few seconds, and saunter over to lend a hand at the fascinating job, A guard over the worn-out. helpless boy seemed Indeed wholly superfluous and no doubt the wisest in the camp would have considered it all-sufficient to merely keep an eye on him; and this was evidently his jailer's view of the situation, as his excursions to the spot where all the hilarity of tho camp was concentrated became more fre quent and his stays longer. There s Just one chance," muttered the old scout, as once more he com menced to creep through the bushes towards the brow of the precipice un der which the unfortunate Henri wns seated. In order to avoid tho Indinn scouts he was obliged to make a wide detour, ana wnen ne at last reached it, nnd cautiously peered over, Henri was still sitting at Its foot, and his guard, anx ious to nave the fun begin, was eager ly assisting in the horrible prepara' tlons for an aboriginal kind of amuse ment. They were almost complete, and ev ery one seemed intent on the finishing toucnes. It Ib now or never," thought Ander son, as he put his mouth against tho rock in such a way as to make It con duct his voice, and gave a pientle "S-s-t," Immediately following it bv ion t move, Henri. It s me, Ander i in going to sena you (town a rope, but don't move till you soo it swaying before your eyes." The hunter put tha end of the line over the cliff, nnd had let it down a foot or two, when the Indian guard suddenly bethought himself of his charge, and hurried over to where he sat. Henri bad the wit and s?lf-pns3essioa to look so utterly hopeless nnd terror stricken that a slnslo glance sufficed the savage, and he hurried back to the stake, now almost completely girdled by a track of glowing coa'.?. Down went the rope again; this time until It reached the eager grasp of the strong, young hands. It was .new and well-twisted; there was courage, muscle nnd intelligence at both ends of it, and luck was on the right side that day, or rather night, for no Indian looked their way until De Blavler was over the cliff. Once out of sight and they were safe, for even an Indian cannot follow a trail in the darkness. Before daybreak they were back In tho fort. Boundless thanks and valu able gifts were lavished on the brave scout by Us garrison, but be never recounted the story of tho rescue of young Henri de Blavier without regret-ting that he couldn't have stayed to see the disappointment among "them varmints when they found they'd got no use for them good live coals." Clara A. Harper. Why P'tip!e iire I; IrM-Unruled. Right-handedness, which is found to have existed in tho ripjority of man kind from the earliest times, Is traced by Dr. D. G. Brinton to the erect pos ture. The apes most resembling man aro ambidextrous, displaying no pre ference for either hand; but the erect posture opposes the powerful retarda tion of gravity to the distribution of the arterial blood above the level of the heart, and thus introduces a new distribution of force in the economy. The great arteries arising from the porta carry the blood in an apparently shorter course, and in less time, to the left brain than to the right. Its nutrition being therefore tho most abundant and its vitality the more ac tive, the right side of the body, which it controls, is more ready to respond to any nerve stimulus. A lrmt Wast. Probably one of the largest blusting operations ever performed in a quarry was carried out recently at Dlnorwic quarry, in Wales. Three and a half tons of Nobel's gelatine dynamite were exploded at once. It took two days and nights to put tho explosive in nlncA nnd when It wna firot cmviA (hi. sands of tons of bard granite were U,.I Excessive Originality. "Erh'in, Mr. Garrsnitth, " nnld the wealthy Jiiniiiif.ioturt r of l'uckrrslmm'g Follunld Fannaon For Peculiar People, turning around in his rovolvlng chair ns Ida testimonial writer entered tho room, "I have sent for you for tho purpura of calling your nttentlon to tho fact that, tho bona fldo testimonial which rem linvn been turning out of lato nro not exactly suited to our purpose." "But, Mr. Puekorslmni," replied tho talontcd young man mildly, "I have en deavored to carry out, tho Instruotious you gnvo mo a short tlino niro, to lnfiino origi nality, vim nnd sparklo Into tliem, to mako thorn entertaining as woll as instruct ivo, nnd" "It l.i truothntl so directed you, Mr, Ongsniith," interrupted Ms employer, uub in seems to me Hint you liavo carrle out my Instructions a trlflo too llternllv. There is such n tiling as bolng ociwlvoly original. j;or instance ' Tho manufacturer of Polluold Panocc; picked up a couplo of Kpcclnionsof the tal entcd young man's handiwork and road aloud, (is follows: "Dear doctor, I was oonstunt sufferer from nervous exhaustion for threo years. After UhIub a few bottle of your valuable remedy my inother-ln-luw uted, ana l lun Dow entirely cured." "Dear doctor, I was oursod with a wart on my neck, which I used for a collar but ton. Aftr taking two bottles of your o collent remedy I enn now button my trou sers on it." "I grant you that this style of lltorotnro sparklet with originality, but It Is a trlllo too II u de slccla for our use. In future, Mr, Gagsinlth, you will please boar constantly la mind that wo aro not publishing tho London Punch, but running a mnnufao tory for tho production of Puckeruhnin's Pellucid Panacea For Peculiar Pooplo. Tnar. is all, Mr. Uiftsmlth. Good davr Liver DBEs Mkc biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, Indigestion lire promptly cured by Hood's Tills. They do their work rUO easily and thoroughly. Bfc "11 Ilest after dinner pills. B I I I 25 cents. AH druuL-ifts. S 111 W Prepared by 0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass, The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsuparilla, HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 Cures Fever. 2 " Worms. 3 " Infants' Diseases. 4 " Diarrhea. 8 " Neuralgia. 0 Cures Headache. lO " Dyspepsia.- 1 1 " Delayed Periods, No. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. 14 " Skin Diseases. 18 Cures Rheumatism. 16 " Malaria. No. No. No. No. 20 " Whooping Cough 27 " Kidney Diseases, No. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases 77 " Colds and Grin. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt or price, zoo., or.5 for SI. Da. Humphreys Homeopathio Manttai, of Diseases Mailed Fiiee. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St., K. Y. ! Backache cured bv touching the Spot with Grocers can tell you why those who buy Soelig's keep coming buck for it. Strange though, liow long it takes people to try a new tiling. when used as an , admixture to (ordinary cof fee makes a i delicious drink. CHARLES NASH PURVIS, WILLIAM8PORT, PA., Collections, Loans, Invest ments, Sales Agent and Real Estate Private Banker. Deposits rcceivel sib! ict 1 0 I )m ft s nr Checks, from any part of the Woilil, money lorwarcieu to any plate ; Interest nt 3 per cent, allowed on deposits with us for one year or more ; nineiy days notice of with- awal must be civcu on all deposits. oO-o-lo-iy viiiKcrioxi. CATARRH IH'IV a nat llclf nf ii,h L ilm iHrert'u into IIik nunlr . Iti uw Klrottf otVfltA thnmiih thx nimn. I'm- a,rii Umv ilnii. a flii' ihftilu mv . frvi nl, (mi beurn ri 111 iiiti. CREAM BALM pens ana eleimseg i Nasi I l'uHH.ijjea, Hoy I'uln iiiid in. aiii!iiutln,)li:ul8Uie ires, rmiAors 'he einuranefrnmcni.iu - . . Hemorcs the Kenues LULU "N M til fl (If "(lulauiwtU,,,,,)! . ' sorbea and JivS, feller' at on." T eenu i'ltf 'SCiflSf Suteiitie'Sf ri I. cs Plover the Man' persons lake a variety of remedies and try many novel procedures to reduce their weight. We, do not refer to these. If you have been in fair health, with a normal amount of flesh, and yet have been losing weight of late, there is something wrong. If there is an inherited ten dency to weak lungs; if your cold hangs on, or if you are weak, without appetite, losing color, and easily exhausted ; mis loss 01 uesn is tne signal 01 distress, iieea it, promptly. of Cod-liyer Oil, with hypophosphites, conies to the rescue, because it supplies a peculiar food iu a pleasant and easily digested form. This oil has medicinal properties not found in any other fat ; while the hypophosphites have sustaining and life-giving properties of their own. Don't let yourself get thin. , . t to cl. and ti a bottU. SCOTT BOWNE, Chemliti, New York. B. F. Sharplkss, Pres. N. U. B LOO LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. Capital Stock, $30,000. Plotted property is in the coming business centre of the town. It includes also part of equal in desirability for residence purposes. CHOICE LOTS are offered at values that will be doubled in a short time. No such opportunity can be had elsewhere to make money. Lots secured on SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS Maps of the town and of plotted property furnished on ap- plication. Call upon or write to the Secretary, or J. S. "Woods, Sales Agent, or any member of the Board of Directors. BOARD OF B. F. SiiAKr-LEss; J, W. Neal, A. G. Briggs, Dn. H. "W. McReynolds, ALEXANDER BROTHERS & CO. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tolacco. Candies, Fruits and Nuts SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. ZPTsriT- Goods .a. Sscijiyr-sr. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Sole agents for the Henry Clay, Londrcs, Normal, Indian Princess Bloomsburp; Pa. Pricei Iow and x ux uic lintt anu uesr. stoves, tinware, rnnhno- cnnni nn 1 1 , ,,r cwiu general jou worK, go to w. W. Watts, on Iron street. Buildings heated bv steam, hot air nr hnt watPr Jn n cficC - j j - - u- kiuiiam tory manner. Sanitary Plumbing a specialty. 1 nave tne exclusive control water and hot air heaters lor eugea to De tne oest neater on teed. IRON STREET. SHOES We buy right and sell right. OUR SUCCESS IS BASED ON THIS FACT. Trt- rxri- A . .1 ! . 1, 1 j j vuwl uauiu- luis won us nosis ve are selling good shoes, so good you ought to see them. Drop in and we will make it nay you. Cohuer Iron axd Maix Sts. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF CARPET, MATTITO, or Olli CliOTII, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT 2nd Door above Court Ilouhc. A large lot of Window Curtains in stock. A6lCf0fe THE BKLET QNlIGtir AND GIVESfBEST UQHT IN THE signal Funk, Sec, C. II. Campbell, Treas MSBUR the factory district, and has no DIRECTORS. Dillox. Dn. I. W. Willits, N. I). Funk. Cut Chewing Tobacco following brands of Cigars' Samson, Silver Ash Good Woi'k. ... ' oi the Thatcher steam, hot this territory, which is acknowl the market. Al wnrfc- guaran- W. W. WATTS, Bloom sburg'i SHOES oi customers but we want more. W. H. Hoore. W6R15 AoiyTElY MFC Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at McKillip Bros., Bloomsburg. The best are. thecheapest. THE MAKKK'IVS. BI.OOMSnURO MARKETS COKRIUTID WIIILT. RITAIt, r 11 !,, Butter per lb $ Eggs per dozen ............ Lard per lb 7... , I lam per pound .18 .jj ' .08 3 .06 .07 .80 3 Pork, whole, per pound... ... Beef, quarter, per pound, . . . Wheat per bushel rat Rye " " Wheat flour per bbl . 50 00 Hay per ton i2 l0 i uiaiucs per uusnei, .30 So .20 i .10 .10 Turnips " Onions " " Sweet potatoes per peck Tallow per lb Shoulder " Side meat " ' "Hi 41 ,07 lined apples per lb 0j Dried cherries, pitted , Risnberrics Cow Hides per lb .1 Steer " I Calf Skin .80 75 Sheep pells i ptr uua, ....... ,jo Corn meal, cwt a co Uran, Chop ' Middlings " .90 .(JO .j0 .10 09 . .10 .08 Chickens per lb new. 11 old Turkeys 11 11 11 11 11 Ducks COAl. No. C, delivered a.6o " 4 and 5 " ,g. "6 at yard " 4 and s at yard. 3.60 Bring the Babies. INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS USED. Strictly first-class guaranteed photographs, crayons and copys nt reasonable prices. We use exclusively the Collolion Ar'stotype pa. pers, thus securing greater beauty of finish and permanency of results. CAI'WKLI, MARKET SQUARE GALLERY. ""'y- Over Ilartnmn's Store. The Leading Conienralon of America CRU Faultbm, Director. -.'r Pounded in 1853 by -"TwtrDVnU fsggm III. Send lor Prnipectia giving full information. f-1 Fhanic W. Hali, General Manager. Peirce 3tlnd Yew A representative American Busi ness School for both sexes, founded by Thomas May Peiuck, A. M, Ph. V. Couplea yntcinatle bail arm training with a practical, sound and useful English educa tion. It offers three full courses: Business, Shorthand and Type writing, English ; the whole con stituting an Ideal combination. Graduates are cheerfully assisted to positions. Both Day and Night Sessions are now running. Students received at any time. rllHl'B SCHOOL, (ll.SI t f kMtMl SC, Mbfe. B..r Blldi(. pxaxxxxxxxxjjjjjjxrax NEW DINING ROOHS. A I.Akri!' nml U...1I riii-.ilw..l .'i.ili.rr rrvim lias been opined br it idd V lliaivn on the second floor of his nK&R I AUAArU, r e s . taurnnt. Meals will be served at llie regular dinin? hotir fur ?rii nn.t tU,v mn also be obtained at any lime. The table will be sup plied with the delicacies of the season ami the service will be flt-tlass. Entrancs bv d-o: batwean En'tiurant an ITalfalora'g grocery st;ro. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COI.UMR'AV OFFICE TI' i....mon.l lima. PEHfWcm&L PILLS rc, Jwji fiLtbltf. lauh lruial lor Chi. Hitter 3 v.tuitilt in itM. J1 lih Umo rii.rwu. 'i':iki 1 In tBuii for iriloiilrs t-n.oulut nI " ltUef br ItilU,n Uur. y rnr - "Mil. "iUVU tfnl(maui"ia. I tUF" RaidTTTJi lT,wtw,lillso,',t',wfr'' WantBd-fln Idea Who cn think - alinlUsl III RKJX'V m''"r thing to itn r.t1Jt.7oap Www; ther may bring yu Writ lAukf llfil.nirDiihQki'i. n.t Vu..nt AtU)T Myt. Wublagtuu, D. C,, for their $I,BU prUO tun v iwu uuaurtu iutuiwu wwf