N 1 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURO, PA. 1 i U KSTABLISHeVmSM. mt CColumMa gfmocrat, STABulUKD 1S)T. .CONSOLIDATED 1S. rUBUSUEO VERY THUKSUAY MOKN1NO t Hloomsburg, tJie county eat ol Columbia .CcuDtTi Tcnnsylvanla. UttO. K. KLWELL KOITOH. OEO. V. KUAN, FORIXAN. Tin: Inside the county. 11.00 a year in ad anco: ti.W If not paid lu advance outsldo the oounty, $i.a a year, strict ly in advance. 4 II communications sliould be addressed to TUB COLUMBIAN, Bloomsburg, Pa. THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1896. TOS PBESIDENT, WILLIAM J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. FOE VICE-PEESIDENT, ARTHUR SEWALL, of Maine. It must be about as much as Mr. McKinley can do to keep from making an occasional speech for free silver, just from force of habit. Hon. W. T. Creasy is the only Democratic candidate for Representa tive on the south side of the river. In oting at the delegate election the voters should mark one vote for him, and one vote for a north side candi date. This is in accordance with the long established custom of the party. It has been rumored for several days that a new deal has been made, and a new combination entered into. regarding the offices and politics of this county. According to these reports it seems that the deal stands about as follows : 'Will iam Krickbaum, Grant Herring and YV. H. Rhawn have got together, and Krickbaum is to be supported for commissioner, sind Henri for Pro thonotary. The rumors connect a number of other candidates with this deal, but the reports as to who they are are quite indefinite. It is reported that for the support of Krickbaum now, he will support Herring for Congress when he is a candidate in the future, and that he will also support Rhawn as a candi date for Judge two years hence. It is also reported that the attacks in the Sentinel against Herring and Rhawn, will cease. The foregoing are the reports as they are floating around. On the other hand, Senator Herring denies that he has any arrangement whatever with Krickbaum, and the latter pub lished a statement in the Daily of Wednesday denying that there was any deal with Herring and Rhawn. jji To the Democratic Voters of Columbia Oounty. ; !$ I belong to no political ring or 'J. combination. I stand aloof from ring ,;" stors and political tricksters, aryrSngn not help what either Kricklng a or ) what he calls the Bloomsburg8 Pfig are doing. I ask your support tor' the office of County Commissioner, for 5 the purpose, if elected, of serving the jj best interest of the tax-payers. John N. Gordon. , ttfi" Democratic Voters of Columbia v County, I hereby announce my withdrawal v as a candidate for the office of County -f Commissioner at the coming Demo l cratic delegate election. At the same I time I wish to thank my friends for ', their offers of support and assistance, f , J. G. Swank. Bloomsburg, Pa., July 28, 1896. Bloomsburg, Pa., July 27, 1896. To the Democratic voters of Columbia County : The report has been cir culated in some parts of the county that I have withdrawn from the fight for the nomination of District At torney. I wish to inform you that it is not true. I am a candidate for the same, subject to the rules of the Democratic Convention, to be held August 11, 1896. Thanking you be forehand, I am Youts respectfully, W. A. Evert. Mr. Buckalew will not be a candi date for nomination for Congress at ;the delegate election in this county; : but he informs us that he will in due ,;time take part in the general cam paign as usual. The Silver Party Convention. ' The Silver party's convention, held . at St. Louis simultaneously with that ' of the Populists, was composed almost Jxclusively of Republican silver adher , Jnts, and readily accepted the Chicago ; .icket and its entirety. As to ,,:he platforms oi the Populist and '( Silver conventions they resemble that .,' f the Chicago convention near enough ' n the silver question to answer every mrpose of the Free Silver advocates. '. The nomination of Bryan and Watson I vas endorsed. BRYAN NOMINATED. The ' Pops" Mam Him for President Despite His Refusal. The ropulist Convention, after four days of heat, turmoil and unlimited oratory, completed its labors last Sat urday afternoon and adjourned sine die. Notwithstanding the receipt of one or more telegrams from Mr. W. J. Bryan, declining to permit the use of his name on the ropulist ticket un less Mr. Arthur Sewall, his associate on the Chicago ticket, was also in dorsed, Mr. Bryan was put in formal nomination, as originally contemplated by General Weaver of Iowa, and sec onded by one or more spokesmen from every State and Territory, with about 10 exceptions, and on a ballot received 1042 votes against 321 for Colonel Norton of Chicago, who at the last moment was selected as the candidate of the unreconstructed " middle-of-the-road " element. It was the intention of this faction early in the morning to' place Eugene V. Debs in the nomination and thus to force the labor issue to the front, but Mr. Debs telegraphed declining to serve, and his telegram was respected. Strenuous efforts were made without avail by Ignatius Donnelly and others to obtain some kind of assurance that Mr. Bryan would accept the nomina tion and stand upon the platform. The permanent chairman, Senator Allen of Nebraska, admitted that he had received some kind of a telegram from Mr. Bryan, but he said he had paid no attention to it. He also said he had received one supposed to be from Governor Stone, but would not open it until he reached his home in Nebraska. Before adjourning, the convention adopted a resolution clothing the Na tional Committee with plenary powers to do anything and everything which the convention itself might have done if in session This, of course, would authorize it to take down the names of either Mr. Bryan or Mr. Watson, or both, if necessary, to construct an entirely new ticker. The National Committee was enlarged so as to con sist of three members from each State and Territory. But, naturally, tht power conferred upon this cumbrous body will eventually be lodged in an executive committee of more man ageable size. A noticeable feature of the last moments of the convention was the fact that, though the result of the ballot tor President was an nounced, it was not followed up by any declaration on the part of the Chair that Bryan had been duly chosen the candidate of the People's party for President of the United States. The convention separated in bad humor, many of the delegates openly denouncing the ticket as a "theatrical"' one. The Secretary of Agriculture says that $4,000,000 is annually spent in repairing Pennsylvania roads. The money is mainly thrown away, of course. The assertion is made that if it were spent in building permanent highways, the State paying one-third, the county one-third and the property owners one-third, such a yearly appro priation would result in the building each year of 3,000 miles of macadem or telford road 1 a feet wide. Makos life misery to thousands of people. It manifests itself in many different ways, like goitre, swellings, running sores, boils, salt rheum and pimples and other eruptions. Scarce ly a man is wholly free from it, in some form . It clings tenaciously until the last vestige of scrofulous poison is eradicated by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood Purifier. Thousands of voluntary testimonials tell of suffering from scrofula, often inherited and most tenacious, positive ly, perfectly and permanently cured by LHloodl's Sarsaparilla Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's. 1 1 , rtsu are the Beat after-dinner 1100(1 8 FlllS pills, aid digestion. 2M. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. KTATK OF ELVIXA WHITKXIOHT DBCD 'J'lie undersi'ned auditor anointed by tlit Or phans'' Court of Columbia rmuM , Pa., to milk distrltiutlon of thu balance lir thr hauiU of the Ksrrutar of the estate or Klvlna Whtteiiiuht. late of Pttliingrreek toimshtit, dee'd, will ( at the oflce of H. frank Zarr. llluoumtmro, J'a., on Sat' 1 1 Sefemiter ft, tbn, at 10 ociock a. in., trnen nun inhere all pnrttet Interettea will attend or be fortoer barred from any nhare In nald fund. H'. A. XykRT, T-aO-ru. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. tiltate nl Ritxrca Boyert, tale of I'mhiitfjireek t'Ariishiii, Culitnttita cuunli, der'd. 7'i'f ithderMoufd, an auditor ap)Klnted tin tht Oi'i'iuutx i om t uj Vdlitinfiui couniu lu make din. Irlmuinn 0.1 the fun a In tht hand of ilo.it 1 Mo th nru, in ulor or mild entitle, will Hit lit his oflhr. in l,lm innliurij, 'a., on Hutui iliw, Auyusfjli, lfc'.iii, fiMti oVm'A 11. 111., irhen and trhere all perrons hiirlng i liiiiim aijatnut mid ettale must apiiear Onit i'l-'t'.:' !' k.itn'; or be dr'ntri'ed from tli'Hiny In nn mid fund. II. A. McKJLLIP. S-'Mt. A uilltur. J. S. JOHN, M. ., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON. Oftire and r?ideroe, 410 Main St., 7-i-iy- BLOOMSBURG, PA EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Kstatu of Allen f'rl)hmer, 1nti of (Vnrre lownsiup, diseased. ary on tlie estate of Allen Hiirlllminpr, line of ra , deceased, have boen rnntrtl to .tnlin sucll hnnuT an1 James MicLlmtncr, re-UI.'Ms of Fonnilrrvtllp. ln. tn irlimn ..it to said estate are requited to ninke payment, " ' ' ir.1111 ui itrillHUUS Will U1AKO known t lie same without dolny. JOHM KMKI.T.HAMER, , JAVK8 8UKI.L1IAMKK, i-TO-flt. Exi-eutors, Koundryvlllo, !. NOTICE. Xotlrr In herrlm piri that an ailHcatlon trill be made to the Cmirl of Common l,leaofCnluii) bta countv, on the Urn Monday nf next term, at 10 o'l'dn-V In tht forenoon, under Art of A trembly ratified "An Act to tmntdefortheliuvrporatlon and regulation of certain corporatlont" approved Aprtlw, A. D. 1S74, and the mpprementf thereto, by rm- 77. tnnlth, Ira R. Mcllemy. H. I,. Mail man, x. O. Mc Henry and R. ApiUenwn, for tht charter of an intended corporation to be called " rirM Chrinilan Church of Benton," the charter and object of which is the mnnxn-t of the tmblte norhip of Alinlijhiy God accordlna to the con. ttitutton, cation, dlcipllw, doctrine, faith, gir emment and form of the Christian Church, which it hereby aoceae to and adoin, and for the purpose to hare, possess and emny all the rights, benefits and privilege conferred by Hie Art txf Assembly aforenald, and Itsnupplement. Bluomburg, Pa., WM. 11. SSYDKR, July S7, 18W. Solicitor. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS' NATIONAL BANK, AT BliOOMSnURf, TIIK STATE OF PKXXA. A T TUK CLOSK OF BVSIXKSS, JCLYU, 1890, HESOVKCEi). Loans and discounts Overdrafts, si-cured and unsoeurod . . V. H. Honrtstoswtfo (inflation.... Premiums on I'. S. liouds Ktooks, securlt les, etc Banking-house, furniture, and Ux tuivs Otlior real estate and mortgages owned ...7... Pue iroin National Hanks (not He serve Apents) rue from Slate Itanks and Hankers. Due from approved reserve stroma.. Cheeks and other cauli Items Notes of ot her National banks ... . Fractional paper currency, nickels aud cents. LA WFVL MOXSr JIKHKRVK IX BA Specie rvwi.ss I.eK'al-teniler notes H.t.Vtw V. S. Certificates of Deposit for legal tenders Hertemptton fund with V. S. Treas urer (.1 per cent, ot circulation).... 10?,418.N .41 M.nno.oo 5.-1H7.50 80,550.00 4,500.00 3.4WU0 AHJ.M 8.MM.H4 ),7.50 l.iiM.tO 15H.1S .VA', VIZ: 14,850.55 2,50.00 Total 210,644.67 LIABILITIES, Capital stoc k paid in surplus fund 5i.fO0.00 ln.O'jOiX) I n I: l,e .. . . . 1. t;..r? !a!tl cv 1 l.s.'s and Nallonal b.ttiK H 'toii o:f:i! i.iillna... Due to other National Henks Due to stsie iJauka aud Hankers.... Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding 5.K!.1? I H.BIIO.OO IS 4AI.4K i.orx.74 870.00 104,341.43 4K.V 70.00 Total mM.'j7 State of Pennsylvania,! County of Columbia, 88 I, A. H. Bi.oom, Cashier ot the above-named Dank, nosileicny ?v-iir Dm' lv above s't'e ment Is true to the best of my knowledge and "H!14 A A- ULOOM, Cashier. subscribed and sworn to befo re me thl.i -.'3rd day of July, 1KW. Jouh c. Kuttkk, Jr. . Notary Public. Cobbbct Attest : O. M. CKEVELINO.I N. V. FUNK, (niw.f PKTEK A. EVANS, f "I'OCtors. VtH. 8. llUYEH, J TO NOW FOR THE BIG SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE ! PAST RECORDS BROKEN. We propose to make this sale the greatest event of our history. Every dollar's worth of sur plus stock has been marked at prices to close it in a week. Cost, former value, and loss will not be considered. "VVe are bound to sell the goods. We mean just what we say and want you to regard every word as a cold fact. We consider it a wise loss and take it cheerfully. The sale will last iust one week, and it is a buying opportunity that none should miss. Silks First. Haven't much time for talk, nor space for full descriptions, but if you never bought silks before, you'll buy them now at these pi ices: Fancy Waist Silks, former prices, 39, 69 and 98 cents to $1.15 per yard. Sale price, 29, 56, 79 and 98c. per yard. . A Eress Goods Slumo. Might as well own up: We're over stocked on Dress Goods 1 We'll move them, though; see if we don't. It means a big loss, but it's got to be done. These prices would make the cottons blush. Fancy Worsted Suitings, regular, 1 2 cents. Sale price, 8$ cents. Fancy Worsted Suitings in Brown, Navy and Garnet, regular price, 18 cents. Sale price 14 cents. 36 inch colored cash meers, 19 cents yard. It Hits the Men's Goods. And hits them hard. All the sum muer lots fco nnder the knife: Outing Shirts, Suspenders, Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs and Laundried Shirts. Prices talk here with no uncertain sound. Mens 98c. Laundried Tercale Shirts, some with detached collars and cuffs, assorted styles and sizes, all at 75 cents each to close. Suspenders. sale prices, 8, 10, 13, 19c. per pair.1 Men's fancy silk neck scarfs, 42, 50 and 62 cts., lines all at 25c. each. Men's 4 ply solid linen standing collars, all sizes, 5 cents each; 6 for 25 cents. The Wash Goods Whirl. Want to sell every yard of wash goods in the stock. See if prices won't do it: Trinted Lawns, fast colors, 3 J, 3J and 5 cents. Dimities, Silkolettts, silk printed effects in washable goods, Remember that this Sale B SESO.ID'W-."" CZXSX - Merchant (& 111 SUITS FROM S18.00. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE- Real Estate. "Pursuant to an order Issued out of the O r phans' court of Columbia county, the under signed Administrator of Mary J. Vanhorn, lata ot Hemlock township, deceased, will expose to public sale on the premises in Hemlock town ship, Columbia county, Pa., two miles from Btickhorn, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 1, 1896, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following farm and tract of real estate: All that certain ploce, parcel and tract of land situate In the township ot Hemlock, coun ty of Columbia, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone comer standing at the side of the road leading from Jerseytown to Bloomsburg, thence along said road and lands of Hart, lino, north 1 degrees and three-fourths west sUty-nve perches to a black oak; thence north forty-three degrees and one-half east seventy onn porches to a pine; thence north thirty eight and one-halt degrees west one hundred and Ave perches to au oak; thence by land formerly owned by Frederick Fable, north forty-three and one-half degrees east twenty two perches to a chestnut oak; thence by land formerly owned by heirs of Frederick Helchatt, eighty-six perches to a post: thence by land formerly owned by Michael Whltenlght, south one and one quarter degrees east two hundred and twonty-ono perches and five-tenths to a pine; thenco by land formerly owned by Henry Bomboy, north elghty-ono and a quarter de grees west slxty-clglit perches to place of be ginning, containing 96 ACRES, t.r 1 :.' .! !..-! an I ilf'y-'wo p..-vJi.s, be the sitae, luoiG or it-K. There Is erected upon said tract of land two seta of farm buildings, consisting of TWO HOUSES and BARNS, all In good state of repair. There Is excellent, water on the premises and Is in close proximity to churches, school houses and stores. All personal property and grain In the ground is reserved. Purchaser to pay for deed. Trumh o- Sam Ten per centum of one fourth of the purchase moneV shall be paid at the striking down of the property; the one fourth less the ten per cent, at the confirma tion absolute, and the remaining three-fourths In one year after confirmation nisi, with Inter est from that date. n. W. SHADE, I Grant Hirrino, Atty. AdmlnUtrator. large line, all to go at 5 cents a yard, cost not considered. Best indigo blue Prints, price for the sale, 4c. yard. Sun Umbrellas. Its not a question of what they are worth, but what will sell them? They've got to go and go quick. Note the prices, then see if we are honest about it: 26 inch umbrellas, worth 50c.,' sale price, 42c. 26 inch Gloria umbrellas, worth $1, sale price, 80c. 26 inch Twill umbrellas, worth $1.50, sale price, 98c. House-Keeping Goods at Less thsn Mill Prices. It's only for a week, though. The pace is too hot for a longer period, so buy all you want. 2000 yards fine, yard wide, un bleached muslin, the kind you readily pay 6c. for. Price for this sale, 4c. yard. Special, yard wide, fine bleach ed muslin, 16 yards for $1. All Linen Crash Towels, good size, loc. each. Our regular $1.25 white bed spread, large size and extra heavy weight, price for this sale, 98c. each. Wide sheetings, bleached and un bleached, at 12J, it, 19c. yard. Udd Lots of Gloves. Seme kid, some silk, some lisle, but they've all got marching orders and share the great price pinch. Ladies' black cotton gloves, sale prices, 9, 13, 19c. per pair. Kid gloves, sale prices 50, 69 and 75c. pair. Ladies' black silk mitts, sale prices, 13, 19, 23c. pair The Summer Hosiery and Under wear Must Go. You can use them now, and wi don't want to winter them. Alsurd begins on SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1st, and will positively end cn SATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 8th. pi tgrtuiruLLi e u civil i nu R TOWHSEND, CORNER MAIN & MARKET Sts, I TROUSERS BLOOMSBURG, PA. I FROM S5.00. Its the Spirit That doca the business. The old fashioned droning way o keeping shop will not do for this end of the nineteenth century. No time of the year when the trading public can secure such bargain benefits as right now. Makers and agents are selling at most any reasonable sacri fice. The wide-awake merchant takes advantage of this for the benefit of his patrons. Strong Summer Dress Goods Argument. Special lot of these; the wind up of our summer dress goods offer some at about half early season's prices. If you want a nice cool wash dress, now is the time to get it. Dimities reduc ed from 12 J to 6c. Dimities, I.awns and Linens from to 12JC. Calicos, very best to be hau from 0 to 4c. More Laundried Waists Never tired of talking about them. Sharps the name on these, owned cheap, you get them cheap. That's our mode of doing business. Ladies' waists laundried, reduced frcm 75c. to 50c iWies' waists, unlaundricd, reduced from 50c. to 35c Men's Shirts. We put on sale to-day a lot of Men's shirts. They are alright in every re spect, and yet we make a price on them that is hard to beat. Come in and examine them. Men's laundried 95) BLOOMSBURG, PA. WE SHALL INDULGE In no spread-eagleism, no bombast, but give you a chronicle of money-saving facts that will throng the store with purchasers. There are bargains in this store at all times, but not such as these. Read the list to the end, cut out-from the advertisement, the items that interest you and compare the printed state ment with the actual merchandise offered. Money back on every dollar's worth that you purchase, if not as represented and satisfactory. is the word, when you compare the prices with the intrinsic worth of the goods. Ladies' Ribbed Vests, sale price, 4, 9, 13, 19c. each. Ladies' fast black seamless hose, with white feet, our regular 2 for 25c. line, during this sale ioc. pair. Children's seamless 'ribbed black hose, Hermsdorf dye, double knees, a 12&C article, at 9c. pair. Men's summer underwear, 17, 25 and 35c. per garment. Ladies' Capss. There'll be a merry time here: 50c will do a dollars worth in most cases, but we'd rather have the money than the goods. Cost is not considered here: Capes, 60, 98c, $1.50, $2.00 each. Staple Black Goods. Join the general price tumble. Its only for a week, and you'll appreciate the chance. 50 inch wide wale black storm 6erge good value at 69c yd, sale pri ce 48c. 38 inch fine black Henrietta, cheap at 50c. Sale price, 42c. A Eibbon Riot. Over stocked in certain lines. We know how to reduce them, though, and make it very satisfactory to you at the same time. All silk satin edge ribbon, No. 4, 2c. yd. No. 7, 5c. yd. No. 9, 6c. yd. No. 12, 8c. yd. Heavy black "satin ribbon, No. 16, worth 22c. yd. Sale price, 15c. Last Call cn Shirt Wai3ts. And its the loudest of the season Good Lye, profit ! All we want now is to see the stock cleaned out. Its about two waists for the pric of oni. iu me WHO n ikauh UNLT BY Su STOKE, DSloorcisTovLrg', Za. JkWB Hatter. Behind the Guns shirts from $1.00 to 85c. Men's unlaundricd shirts from 75c. to 50c. This is the best offer we ever made to you in this line. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Did you ever see the kind of under wear we are selling ? None of your slip shod, half put together stuff, but real well made articles out of good material. Groceries. Hot weather people don't want to eat. Have no appetite. Wc don't ask you to cook, but here is a chance to cat without cooking. Franco-American Food Co's. truffled game, 35c. R. &. R. Boned chicken and turkey. R. & R. potted chicken and turkey. Underwood's deviled ham. Pickled lambs' tongue, pickled clams, and pickles of all kinds. Large line, good styles and nice as sortment. Your choice during this sale at 39c. each. Come quickly be fore the assortment is broken. A Soap Slide. Soap cuts a wide swath in our civili zation. Like art and literature, it has a refining influence. Soap is a'so a powerful factor in politics. We shall sell during this sale any of our stand ard makes of toilet soap as follows: Cocoa Castile, 3 pieces for 5 cent?. Royal Navy, .1 milled soap, wrapped, 2C a cake. Buttermilk soap, 8c. box of 3 cakes. Muslin Underwear. Odd lots slightly soiled. Want to clear them out. Give you a pick of them at merely nominal prices: Night-Dresses, 50c. each. Drawers, .25 and sec. pair, Skirts, 50 and 98c. each, Chemises, 25, 50 and 75c. each, Corset Covers, 13, 24, 48c. each. Notion Ntggets Last. Noted in a line and every item pregnant with money saving meaning to you. Shell hair pins, 4c. a dozen. 200 yd. spool cotton, 2c. spool. Hair curlers, 2, 3 and 50. each. Kid hair crimpers, 3, 4 and 5c. doa. A!uminum hair pins, 2 for ic. Belts, all kind, 4, 9, ioc. and up. Swansdown toilet powder, 3c. box. Children's hose supporters, 4c. pair. Darning needles, 2c. paper of 25. Steel and bone crotchet hooks, 2c. ach. Silver plated thimble", it. each. Shoe laces, 2c. dozen. Velveteen skirt facine, 7c. piece. Eagle talon hook and eyes, 2c. carJ. J