DO THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Come mid See Us- Bring We can fit them Your Feet With You. with up to date shoes. We C. MeHMEY, Clarks Building, Main Street. THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. CANDIDATES' CARDS. FOR COUNTY TREASURER, SAMUEL SMITH, of Fishingcreek township. FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE South Side. WILLIAM S. FISHER of Main township. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, WILLIAM T. CREASY, South Side. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, A. P. YOUNG, of West Greenwood. FOR ASSOCUTE JUDGE, JAMES T. FOX, of Catawissa. FOR. PROTHONOTARY AND CLERK OF THE COURTS, G. M. QUICK, of Bloomsburg. for representative, (North Side) Wm. CHRISMAN, of Bloomsburg, FOR PROTHONOTARY AND CLERK OF THE COURTS. CHARLES M. TERWILLIGER, of Bloomsburg. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, CHARLES B. ENT, of Bloomsburg. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, THOMAS B. HANLY, of Bloomsburg. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, CHARLES REICHART, South Side. FOR PROTHONOTARY AND CLERK OF THE COURTS, WILLIAM H. HENRIE, of Catawissa Boro. FOR COUNTY TREASURER, G. S. FLECKENSTINE, of Orange Township. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JOHN N. GORDON, of Montour township. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, JOHN G. HARMAN, of Bloomsburg. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, W. A EVERT, of Bloomsburg. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, J. G. SWANK, South Side. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM H. FISHER, of Main Township. A Desirable Business Place For Sale, The large three story brick store building lately occupied by J. R. Schuyler & Co., as a hardware store for sale on reasonable terms by J. II. Maize Esq., Attorney. Office Lock ard building corner Main and Centre streets. tf. Real good property in Espy for sale cheap. It is a desirable residence, large lot, and plenty of fruit. Apply to J. II. Maize Esq. For Sale. A desirable house and lot. Corner lot about 50 x 80 feet, beautiful lo cation, all modern improvements will be sold at once. Cheap for cash, or part down and balance to suit the purchaser; or part in exchange for other property. For further informatioa call on S. D. Neyhard, Building, Loan and Real Estate Agent, over First National Bank, Bloomsburg, Fa. n-15-tf. For Sale. A corner cupboard; in quire of A. A. Drum Main Street, near B. & S. Rail Road. For a Shave or Hair Cut, For a cood and quick shave or hair cut, go to James Reilly's tonsorial room in Exchange tflock, nrst noor, next to Express Office. None but experienced workmen employed. 12-13-iyr. For Sale. A good young team. Good woikera and speedy travelers. Fearless of steam and right in all respects. Mahlon Sager, Orangeville, THE GREAT LECTURE, Our readers may not know Rev. S. Parkes Cadman of New York, who is to deliver his great lecture on "Abra ham Lincoln" in the Methodist taber nacle, Bloomsburg, Fa., Tuesday evening, May 1 2, but they can rely upon the following statements made by persons whom they do know. Rev. E. H. Yocum, D. D., Presiding Elder of the Danville District, writes Rev. B. C. Conner and says: "Amid the many splendid productions of the American platform, I regard Mr. Cad- man's "Abraham Lincoln" as one of the very best. No one who has the opportunity to hear it can afford to miss it. The people of Bloomsburg will be the wiser and better for this splendid intellectual and patriotic treat." Chaplain C. C. McCabe also writes: "It has been my privilege to hear the great lecture of Rev. S. Parkes Cad man on "Abraham Lincoln." It is a noble tribute of a patriotic American citizen of English birth to the greatest American that ever lived. The church ought to be crowded to hear the lec ture and if anybody fails to go, he will regret it after it is over." The following is from citizens well known in this vicinity : "One year ago last March, we, the undersigned, had the privilege and pleasure of hearing Mr. Cadman's great lecture on "Abraham Lincoln." We record it as our deliberate judgment that this is one of the most thoughtful, brilliant and eloquent lectures we have ever heard by any man on any subject. We are glad it is to be de livered in Bloomsburg, and feel confi dent that all who enjoy inspiring, pa triotic eloquence will be delighted with it as we were. L. N. Moyer. C. C. Peacock. J. C. Brown. W. R. Kocher. L. T. Sharpless. S. C. Creasy. B. C. Conner. The admission is only 35 cts. chil dren under 12 years 20 cts. No extra charge for reserved seats. Seats may be reserved at W. H. Slate's Book Store. Diagram opens Friday May 8th, 9:00 A. M. Inasmuch as no one claimed the body of George Kline, a boy aged about fifteen years, who was killed at Catawissa Thursday afternoon of last week, while attempting to board a coal train which was in motion, it was buried at Catawissa on Friday. We are informed that he was an orphan, The following letters are advertised May 5, 1896. Miss Alma Carrig, Miss Eva Faux, Mr. J. W. Indon, Mr. Sam M. Lloyd, Mr. Chas. Mc Coy. Will be sent to the dead letter office May 19, 1896. James H. Mercer, P. M. The residence of Theodore Smith on West Street is being improved, It has been newly weather boarded, and a concrete pavement laid in front. Beginning with this Saturday all the banks of the town will close at 12 o'clock noon. This will be con tinued until the 1st of November. Eugene Chrisman, of Fcrnville, is having a new building erected. It will be used by him as a weaving shop. The work is being done by C. W. Welliver. That iump In a nan'i stomach which makes him ir ritable and misera ble and unfit for bus- inesa or pleasure is caused by indiges tion. Indigestion, like charity, covers a multitude 01 sins. The trouble may be in stomach, liver, bowels. Wherever it is, it is caused by the presence 01 poison ous, refuse matter which Nature has been unable to rid herself of, unaid.d, In such cases, wise Ppeople send down a little health officer, personified by one of Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets, to search out the seat of trouble and remove the cause. One lit tle "Pellet" will remove a very big lump and act as a srentle laxative. Two " Pel lets" are a mild cathartic. A short "course" of " Pellets " will cure indiges tion permanently. It will cure constipa tion. After that, you can stop taking them. A good many pills act so vio lently as to derange the system, and in its disordered state, digestion will not go on without a continued use of the pills. That's the worst feature of most pills. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets never make slaves of their users. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets it's an easy name to remember. Don't let a J : : A 1 4n1V timi tntrt oimit. thing just as good." He makes more money on the "just as good" kind. That's why he would rather sell them. That's why you had better not take them. Whenever they are tried, they are al ways in favor, so a free sample package (4 to 7 doses) is 6ent to any one who asks. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, Buffalo, N. Y. William I less of Espy, an employee of Harman and Hassert's, had a fall from his bicycle while coming to work last Friday morning. His wrist was sprained. A mirror for your handle bar is the atest bicycle attachment. One of its uses will be to see if anything ugly in bloomers is pursuing you, and if so to avoid it. The home of Post Master Mercer has been brightened by the advent of a son. Mother and child are now doing well, and " Jim " is receiving the congratulations of his friends. Williamsport is to lose her wire buckle suspender plant which will be removed to New York. As the factory employs 200 hands this will be quite a loss to Williamsport. Information has been received an nouncing that Charles E. Kelchner has successfully passed his examina tion before the Pennsylvania Phar maceutical Examining Board. He is now a full fledged druggist. An ineffectual attempt to burglar ize the residence of Dr. Purman was made a few nights since. Entrance was effected through a second story window, but he was frightened off before he had secured any booty. The S. S. Association of Fishing creek Twp. will hold an Institute in St. James Reformed Church, Satur day afternoon and evening, May 16th. All interested in S. S. work are cordi ally invited to be present. There was a slight fire at the resi dence of I. L. Ra'.b on West Main street, Friday afternoon. The fire was discovered in a bed, which was consumed, as was also the carpet in the room. The origin of the fire is a mystery. Information has been received stating that Ranslow Boone and wife of St. Clair whilst out driving last Monday the team ran away and threw them out the carriage, from the effects of which Mr. Boone died, and Mrs. Boone was seriously injured. They have many friends in this sec tion who sympathize with the family in this misfortune. The man who paints his yard fence, cleans up his premises, whitewashes his barn and outhouse and keeps the weeds from growing on the sidewalks in front of his gate, is a greater bene factor to a town than the individual who spends his time on the street corners prating about the condition of his adopted home. It is thonght a bill will be present ed to to the Legislature next winter requiring railroads in Pennsylvania to j check bicycles as baggage, free of j charge. The success of this move ment in New York, Maryland and other neighboring states is stirring up the large army of wheelmen in the Keystone State. JONAS LONG'S SONS' WEEKLY CHATS. Wii.kes-Barre, Va., May 7, 1896. We usher In the month of May with a special reduction sale of Ladies' Coats and Capes. All tht magnificent stock now in our Cloak show room.mustbesold regardless of actual cost. It is needless to tell you that opportunities of this kind occur but rarely. Every gar ment is of this season's manu facture. Made of all the newest and best selected fabrics, are per fect in fit and style, and we are actuated to close them out at these prices, simply owing to our de termination never to carry over stocks from season to season. LADIES' CAPES Made over the most recent models, materi als richly assort ed, will be sold as follows: $3.98 Capes re duced to $2.87. $4 98 Capes re duced to $3.69. $6.98 Capes re duced to $4.98. $5.98 Capes re duced to $3.97. $9 98 Capes re duced to $7.23. $15.98 Capes reduced to $12.47. LADIES' COATS Includes the newest fabrics, cheviots, clay diagonals, serges, covert cloth, miltons, ladies' cloth, plain and fancy mixed, in fact every leading material now used in the construction 0 ladies' coats. $ 3.98 Coats reduced to $ 2.47 6.98 " " " 4.87 7.98 M " " 5.97 II.98 " " H 846 12.98 M H M I0j9 11 ' ' The Susquehanna Synod of the Lutheran Church is in session at Dan ville this week. There is in attend ance quite a number of ministers, with an equal number of delegates, besides a fair representation of clerical visitors. Pastors are present from Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Muncy, Milton, Mon- toursville, Turbotville, Lewisburg, Se linsgrove, Sunbury, Scranton, Wilkes Barre, Berwick, Espy, Bloomsburg and Northumberland. Rev. M. E. McLinn, of Virginia filled the pulpit of the Lutheran Church last Sunday morning and evening and by his eloquence captur ed the large audience which filled the spacious room to the doors. He is a man of rare ability, and would be a competent successor to Rev. Heil man. He is an ardent supporter of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion and at the meeting Sunday after noon gave them a talk which was well received by the men present. Should he be elected to fill the vacancy we are satisfied that he would prove a valuable man. UONIIEMATION AT ST, PAGL'S. On Thursday evening of last week Rt. Rev. N. S Rulison, Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, administered the rite of confirmation to a class of twenty three persons. One or two more who had intended to be confirm ed, were prevented by illness. The Bishop preached an excellent sermon, and there was a large congregation present. CHILDREN REEFERS, Those that were $1.25 now 88c ' " " $3.98 " $2.97 duction will be made on all ready made suits and seper ate skirts. Do you know that we have in stock, Sewing Machines, made expressly for us, that we sell for $18.46.? Price seems small but we warrant them to be perfect in every detail, if you paid $60.00 you couldn't obtain a more satis factoty Sewing Machine; high arm, highly polished, hard wood stand and cover, easy running, all the attachments. There are now in use over 1000 of these machines in the Wyoming Valley, and nothing but praise is heard from those who use them. Sent on receipt of price and express charges to any address. The Anthracite Bicycle, is the perfect wheel made in the oldest and largest factory in the world. Nothing but first class materials used in its construction. We war rant it at every point. It is the grandest wheel ever sold at any thing like our price. Have no hesitation in ordering it if you want a light weight, light running graceful, up to date wheel. Write1 for catalogue, it explains all. Men and Women's $59.00, Youth's and Misses' $45.00, Girls and Boys' $37.50. No need to pay $100.00 r 1 , . 1 . ior a wneei, now mat day 13 fast passing into oblivion. Bicycle foot pumps 69c. The largest Mail Order system house In Northeastern Penr.3yl. vania. All goods guaranteed, and reductions warranted to be actual the padding price system is never used by us. Cor. W. Market andPublic Square, SILVERWARE Gives brilliancy to the table. The finest China cannot compensate for the ab sence of the white metal. Our array of solid und plated ware strikes every one with a double force of pleasure and surprise. All are pleased to see so much they had not looked for, and sur prised to find so much that pleased them so highly. Silverware is the pride of the table, and the table is the pride of the family. use noining out j. il. Koys aupenor Silver Polish to clean your silverware. The finest and cheapest silver polish on the market. Price only' is cents per box. a. B, K0XS Successor to J. G. Wells, Dealer in Solid and the finest Plated Gold and Silver articles. Next door to Post-Office. BLOOMSBURG, PA THE New Store, New Goods, New Prices A store full of new goods that are bought to sell at prices the people can afford to pay. Your money back if you want it. Ladies' Spring Capes, Dress Goods, Mus lins, bheetings and Linens, Laces, Embroideries and Ribbons, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and Notions, Queensware, Japanese Goods, Hardware, Tinware and Fishing Tackle. These are some of the lines you will find in our store. Capes from 75c. to $5.00. Muslins bleached and unbleached, 5c, Oc, 7c, 8c. yd. Unbleached table linen, 50 in. wide, 25c. yd. Laces, ic. to 34c. yd. Embroidery, 4c. to 40c. yd. Ribbons, ic. to 29c. yd. Ladies' hose, 5c, 8c., 10c., 13c., 15c. to 42c. pair. Children's hose, 5c, 7c, 9c, 13c, 16c, 19c pair. Gent's half hose, 5c, 8c, 10c., 13c. and 17c pair. Handkerchiefs, 2c., 4c., 5c, 8c., loc., to 42c each. See our needle cases containing 5 papers of mixed needles and one dozen darning needles for 3c. Steel and amber hair pins, 5c, 7c, and 10c doicn. Aluminum hair pins, 8c., 16c, and 24c. dot. Wire hair brushes, 9c each. Hatchets, 10c and 31c. each. Saws, 28c. and 35c each. Saw files, 2c, 3c, 8c. and 24c each. BROADWAY CASH STORE, MOYER'S NEW BUILDING, Main Sf.9 Bloomsburg, Pa. T Tkvevhone Connection. Hath charms, etc.. sines the noet. MlKsir is nnt nn.v a rdoacitra Vi,f n mAn. cation as well. Put one of our pianos or organs in the house and you'll be surprised what a refining influence it has. The cost is insignificant between now ana me nonaays. we are ottering great inducements in pianos, organs, and sewing machines: Pianos from 5250 and upwards. Organs from $50 and upwards. World renown White sewing machines from $35 and upwards. Oueen Sewintr marhinpe tiro an ffannir of I, r . o " v.wiii nfc ' j uuuaia loan. sewing.machme for the money in the market to-day. i8o guuars, Danjos, vionns, narmonicas, and everything in the music line. Best sewine machine nepdlrc and n fnr alt courinff m t,,, O , w w. ... flvumg U,U1UC3( ICUIV and organs tuned and repaired. Also all makes of sewing machines repaired. J. SALTZEB, Sen'l. Agent, Main street below Market. BLOOMSBURG, PA THE NEW WOflAN AND TZEEIE OLD HVLA-ILT and all the rest of the family can be satisfactorily shod at Jones & Walter's Shoe Store. o Every day new goods are coming in. The very latest in footwear. The newest in colored leathers. High shoes and low shoes, and shoes of all sizes, and at just what you want to pay price. mm . mw mr