The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 09, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    TL5 Hacci of Hatird-
The 72 races inhabiting the worlJ
communicate with each other in
3,004 different tongues, and confess
to about 1. 000 religions. The num
ber of men and women is very nearly
equal, the average longevity of both
lexcs being only 38 years, about ore
third of the population dying before
the age of 17. Moreover, according
to the most careful computation, only
one person in 100,000 of both sexes
attains the age of 100 years, and only
six to seven in 100 the age of Co.
The total population of the earth is
estimated at 1,200,000,000 sou's of
whom J2, die annuiily i. e.,
an average of 98,848 a day, 4,020 an
hour, 67 in a minute. The annual
number of births, on the other hand,
is estimated at 36,792,000 i. e, an
average of 100.800 a day, 4.200 an
hour, and 70 a minute.
Generally, taking the entire world,
married people live longer than
single, and those who have to work
hard for their living longer than those
who do not, while also the average
rate of longevity is higher among
civilized than uncivilized tares.
Further, people of large live
longer than those of small, but those
of middle size beat both.
Dr. Talraage as an txplorer,
Nearly two years ago Rev. )r. Tal
mage, the celebrated preacher and
lecturer, started on his now famous
tour of the world, for the purpose, as
he declared at the time, of studying
all the religious beliefs of the different
races of mankind, and if he could find
a better one than Christianity, em
bracing it. This was a startling dec
laration to begin with, and his discov
eries and revelations appear to be
none the less startling. Jn fact the
Doctor has added to his reputation as
the greatest living religious orator,
that of a famous explorer as well.
His discoveries and adventures arc
fully as interesting as those of Stanley
or Livingstone, and equally as valua
ble, because they relate to different
races of people and other parts of the
world, and throw a wonderful light
upon the most important subjects that
come within range of man's investiga
tion. His route led him first across the
continent from New York to San
Francisco, thence to Samoa and the
Sandwich Islands, the islands of the
Pacific, Australia, Borneo, India with
all its wonders and mysteries, Egypt
and up the Nile to the borders of
ancient Ethiopia, Syria, Palestine,
over St. Paul's Mediterranean Sea
voyage, Greece, Italy, Spain, Europe,
the British Isles, Russia, and across
the Atlantic to the place of starting.
Throughout this tremendous jour
ney he was accompanied by his sec
retary and well supplied with the most
approved photographic apparatus, by
which means he was enabled to de
scribe and photograph the people,
scenery, historical places, and other
subjects of universal interest at the
time and as he saw them. His new
book, giving an account of his travels,
adventures, investigations and discov
eries has just been published, under
the appropriate title of " The Earth
Girdled," and the author declares, in
an autograph letter to his publisher,
that he considers it the most vigorous
work of his life. It is illustrated with
over 400 photographic views, the most
curious and wonderful, doubtless, that
ever appeared in a book. Eight of
these photographs have been repro
duced in natural colors, which add
greatly to their interest and beauty.
"The Earth Girdled" will be circu
lated exclusively by means of canvass
ers, and it certainly affords an extra
ordinary opportunity to all who desire
paying employment. See publisher's
announcement in another column of
this paper. it.
Vaiitod Eis Money Bick.
The maddest man in the state re
sides in a neighboring city. One
evening last week lie attended a social
given at a private residence, and dur
ing the evening the ladies inaugurated
a hugging bee, the proceeds to go to
the chinch. Prices were graded ac
cording to the person hugged. For
instance, for hugging a young, inex
perienced girl, you had to give up ten
cents; married women brought fifteen
cents, and widows a quarter. Old
maids came two in a bunch for three
cents. Well, our friend was blind
folded and giving up fifteen cents said
he would take a married woman.
After he had hugged fifteen cents
worth, the bandage was removed from
his eyes, and lo 1 and behold, he had
been hugging his own wife. Then he
wanted his fifteen cents back.
An exchange says : "Don t (ret
mad if your visitor's name does not
appear in the personal column. Per
haps you did not tell the editor ; he'
no mind reader. Don't get mad if
your neighbor's doings are referred to
more frequently than your own. Your
neighbor uses his mouth. Your mod
esty may keep you in obscurity. A
newspaper man can't spend all the
time on the street and make thre
meals a day. It you know an item o
news hold us up and get it out of
your system."
She Pleads for the Life
Told that He has but
A Sturdy Wolverine Farmer, Welching 168 Pounds, Re
duced to a Here Skeleton In Four Short Months.
After Bein Turned from the Physician's
Door to Die, He Lives to Become His
Former Self. He Tells the Story.
From tht Democrat, Oaro, Mich.
" Fonrtcn rear 70," nald H. M. t'D-lT-wood,
wbo ban fur th part trt rr h'ld
tlie oflire of School director )n Piitriet No.
7. Indianfields township, and in well known
throughout the county, "m brother and I
movd into this conuty. 'Twai a wilder
o" then, and we io-atd in the pine, here
with nothing hut our handi to rarre out our
h m' s. It wits an uri'-qua) trtii'f.'le ; but
1. pil VA.I .nil Mvinrtmv . fl.., A -i rwl
two year i(o with inr forty a re nearly !
c!i-r of debt, I be ran to feel that the worxt I
trrn orr. In April of that spring I wi av
n-tinif in driving loir down the 'a Kiver, I
fif-n I wa t;ik :i with a lit'lit but ontatit I
pain in the Ir-ft i'l- h-lw the h'art. A i
davj paved the trouble itcreaw-d ; tuv appo. i
tite (11 away and I vi.itnd one of the lt
known nnd mot sii'-'-fs-lul r tor in ( aro,
the routitr H'-nt. I wa informed that I had
an inward" abr- and inut rea? work.
" It wax hard to quit work wh' ti I knew too
well thftt it only m'ant another mortpatre
on my little farm, but within a few day I
wa obliged to return to my home. The
nn-diuine furnished by the ilix-tor gave me
alitrht relief but I could dete-t no perma
nent benefit. My appetite wa$ gone; I
could not uleep, and each day found me
growing weaker. I next viited Ir. A. I..
Keeley, of Mayville, who, from the first, aid
that he had but hopes of benefiting me
u-id recommended that I go to a aanilarium.
With no money thi. I could not do, even
though it would save my life, and with
medicine that the doctor furnihed I re
turned to my home feeling that the last raT
of hor that I ever would be my former ceff
waa fast disappearing. Day. paused and I
w;u rapidly losing flesh. Ptirinr the awful
Months which I pae.l that .ummer and
I can never forget them I wn. reduced in
l!;h from weighing 1'iS pound to 110.
" Slowly the long d iy. and the awful nights
pae-l until anotner seven day. had been
added to the awful day. of torture; and still
no relief, and rny weight waa now 1-10
pounciA, nerve. Miatterea ami my aystem in a
deplorable condition. At Una
juncture my
wile bam tnat sometning must L done, and
with assistance I was taken to Mayville,
where Dr. Seeley was agaia eonsulted. After
making a thorough e -rami nation my wife
earnestly pleaded that he do something for
in'-. lie said that he could do nothing; re
lief might be found at a sanitarium, but
othcrwiso he would give me just one more
month to live. Sorrowfully she turned from
the physician's door, and what I considered
my last journey home was soon to be under
taken. I had read in the Caro Democrat of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
and the benefits many had received from
them, and with faith leas than tht 'grain of
mustard seed,' I asked her to step into the
drug store and secure a box. This she did,
nnd after a jolting rida over ft poor road we
finally reached home, tired, worn and in
sorrow. I took the first pills that night, and
left my wife sitting sorrowfully comparing
the flickering hopes of my Ilia with the faint
rays of light from my bedroom door, while I
thought only of what the doctor had said.
The forepart of the night I was restless as
usual, but, do you believe, during the latter
part of that very night I caught a nap, the
first sweet and resting sleep ( had enjoyed
for months. I continued the medicine the
next day, and the following night I slept,
yes sir; slept a greater portion of the night
"Oh, you can't imagine how brightly the
sun shone on our home before that week was
over, and how the faint rays of hope were
innnea into a name. sut my rather and
ninny of my neighbors shook their heads
and said: 'Simply something quieting about
those pills ; 'twill be back again, look nut
for the after effects.' But here are the after
eflecU," said Mr. Underwood standing erect.
Deemcr Beidleman, editor and pro
prietor of the Shickshinny Dcviojrat,
a candidate for County Commis
sioner of Luzerne county. He is we 1
known in this county, and has many
friends who wish him success in his
political venture. The follow ing is
his announcement as it appears in his
It T Yt f
e ueemcr iiemieman, it you ;
please are in it. Want the Demo-1
cratic nomination for County Commis
sioner, and will do all we can to set !
it. No time to bluff, and nothing
mean to say about the other fellows.
W hy the desire ? Pecause we believe
we could fill the bill, and there s a j
good salary attached we nee.l the i
salary. Any man who has the grit '
and pluck to publish a Democratic j
paper in a town like Shickshinny, is I
deserving. (Cries of here, here, and
continued applause from the gallery.)
line we must confess there are those
who say they are willing to bleed and
die for the Jacksonian party, we will
not. We simply want to draw breath
and salary. (Huz.ah from the bald-
eaded row.) Modestly, however, it
is the opinion of many that the edi- Jve minutes the Court was again do
torial "we" should be recognized for n'o business. If that wasn't dispatch
services rendered. The wc" thinks l vo business on up to date principles,
likewise. Durincr the uast a years the
Democrat has been true to its party,
and cheerfully, unfalteringly supported
its candidates. When they went down
we went down with them. From our
meagre Ftore the last crust was divided.
Outside the newspaper efforts, every
Democratic nominee will bear testi
mony of our readiness to accompany
them through the district and county,
and in performing such other alloted
work uncomplainingly, without any
reimbursement. Then, too, there
were the cold rooms, damp beds and
cold lunch.
Four years experience
ot this kind should fit a man for any-
thing, us have it. Many other
tnings, wise and otherwise, might be
smuoi us, out wemociesuyioruear,
MH.l Inn. .. . I I C. r - J 1
aim .wave uiai iur our jnenus ana
enemies 10 oiscuss. in conclusion,
we mean business. Thanks for vour
generous space and kind attention.
of Her Husband but
One Month to Live.
the picture or health and wr.ri.
pound. "I"rm the second dav afte
wrichinff ICS
my appetite came hack, and before I hsj
hni'bed the thir-1 box of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pule People I was able to do ray
chore, and before the fourth a finished I
was doing mv farm work. My cure was
complete nnd permam nt, nnd I have not
"n a i k day since nod you bet Dr. Wil
liam' Pink Pills for Pale People are as ling
! of gold at our hotie."
"Swear to the statements I have nilJe?
Why, certainly and with pleasure." nid
Mr. I'ndernnod, when the reporter sue-ges-el
t.'iat sotne people who wre not e.
j'tainted ui.h him rniuht be skeptical, and he
accompanied the reporter to a justice's,
whre tiie following acknowledgment was
tkn :
Stati. of Mk iii', t
Personally appeared before me, Tf. M. Tn.
derwood, who. under oath, de hired that the
statements made in the nl.ove interview tstrt
true and correct in every respect
Signed :
C. P. PFTFr.sHANS, Xolnry pulUf,
in and fur Tuscola County, Michigan.
Orson I.ivermorc, who was present at the
interview with Mr. 1'nderwo.ii, said : "Yes,
neighbor I'nderwood's cure Is considered
miracle by the people of this locality, ii:d
the story is told over and over again."
"Why," said Mr. Underwood, "if you
have any doubts aloiit the matter. Just call
on Samp. Wells, J. H. Weaver, Guy W il
son, Andrew Thompson, my father, T. K.
Underwood, or any of the dozen, of reliable
farmers in this fit ion ; they know all
alsiut it."
During the conversation vhich fdlrwed
afur the interview, the reporter learned that
Dr. Hendris. of Mayville. recommends Dr.
Williams' Piuk Pill for Pklu People in his
practice, and that Mrs. Thomas Anderon,
living but a few miles away, had received
marvelous help from them; also that John
Smith. Sr., living near Akron, this county,
an old gentleman eighty-nine years of ape,
who haT been a sufferer from bilious rheu
matism f.r years, hud been entirely cured by
their use. liut as night was approaching
the reporter could not pursue bis invit!;;u
tions further.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Tale People
are prepared by the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., of Schenectady, N. Y., a firm who--e
ability and reliability are unquestioned.
Pink "Pills are not looked upon as a putent
medicine, but as a prescription, having been
used as such for years ia general practice, nnd
their successful results in curing various afflic
tions made it imperative that they be prepared
in quantities to meet the demand of the public,
ana place them in reach of all. They are
an unfailing specific for such diseases as loco
motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitn.'
dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, ner
vous headache, the after effects of la grippe,
palpitation of the heart, psle and sallow com.
plexions, and the tired feeling resulting from
nervous prostration, all diseases resulting from
vitiated numors in the blood such as scrofula,
chronio erysipelas, etc. They ara also a
specific for troubles peculiar to females, such
as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms
of weakness. They build up the blood, and
restore the glow of health to pale and sallow
cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in
all cases arising from mental worry, over
work, or excesses of whatever nature.
Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never In loose
form by the dozen or hundred, and the ptiblio
are cautioned against numerous imitations
sold in this shape) ut 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all drug.
5 'sts, or direct by mail Loin Dr. WiUiosui'
edicine Company.
The Judge in Pottswille, the Lawyer in
Here is a telephone story which
illustrates the age of progress in which
we are living, says the Shamokin
Dispatch. Last week Charles II.
IJerger, Esq., sat in his office
in Harrisburg, when there came a
summons for him to attend a tele
phone call. He went to the 'phone.
At the other end of the line in Potts
ville was Judge Savidgc, who was
holding court there. It seems that
in iS3(j Judge Savidge had heard Mr.
Be,g..r argue a case in the Supreme
Court, in which he referred to a cer
tain case in support of his argument.
In a case on trial before him yester
day morning Judge Savidge wanted
t0 rcT t0 'hat case, but he could not
rcmemuer it. lie ordered a recess to
"e taken, went to the telephone,
cal'ea P Mr. lierger in Harrisburg,
asket' him for the name of the case
and where it could be found, which
1urmation was given him, and in
then we loose our guess.
It is wonderful to see how many
hours prompt people contrive to make
of a day. It is as if they picked up
the moments the dawdlers lost. And
if ever you find yourself where you
nave so many tilings pressing upon
you that you hardly know how to be
gin, let me tell you a secret take
U -I .1 f ... - . i
noiu oi me very nrst one tnat comes
to hand. You will find the rest will
all fall into line, and follow after like
a company of well drilled soldiers.
The Commissioners of Norlhamp-
ton county last week opened the bids
' for the purchase of a bond issue of
$100,000, the bonds to be $ioo each.
run lor 20 years and draw
4 per cent.
There were over forty bidders. The
entire lot was awarded to Sailor &
Steveson of Philadelphia at $104,063
Couldn't Understand Why tht Train Had
the Preference.
As though inviting death a young
and well dressed woman walked up
the Lehigh Valley Railroad tracks
between the Luke f idler colliery and
Lancaster Switch Saturday evening,
paying no attention to the train that
left here at 6:30 o'clock, and hich
was thundering up behind her. The
engineer blew the whistle and the
fireman rang the bell, but the woman
walked calmly on. When the engine
got within a few feet of her it was
stopped and the fireman getting off.
politely asked the woman to kindly
step from the track and let the train
pass, but fhe had no desire to get out
of harm's way and paid no attention
to him. The fireman then just as
gently and considerately as the deed
could be done pulled the contrary
one from the ties and then climbed
on the engine again. The train pro
ceeded, leaving an irate female behind.
She could not understand why the
train should have the right of way
when she wanted to utilize the track.
Shamokin IleraLl.
Dyspepsia for Years.
Littlestown, Pa., March 3, 1806.
My wife had dyspepsia for many years,
and at my suirestioi she decided to
try a bottle of '.''., Sarsaparilla,
which she took wiiii l'moJ results. I
owe lasting gratitude to Hood's Sar
saparilla. She has continued in good
neaith s.nce
taking it.'' Samuel II.
Hood's Pills cure biliousness, indi.
Hew Pension Eecision.
Aii' Secretary Rcyoolds Reverses a
Rjiing 0? the Last Administration.
Ruiings of the last administration
are reversed in a decision rendered
last week by Assistant Secretary of
the Interior Reynolds in .1 pension
case having a hearing favorable to a
large number of claims now on file.
The ruling holds that where a widow
and minor children under sixteen
years of age survive a soldier the
children may, after attaining the age
of sixteen, and where the death of the
mother occurs, thereafter, without
payment to her of any part of the
pension, apply in their own right and
receive the same pension as the father
would have been entitled to had he
been totally disabled. The pension
is to commence from the date of his
death and to continue until they re
spectively arrived at the age of six
teen years.
This holding entitles those whose
rights to apply did not accrue until
after they had passed their sixteenth
year, to be pensioned as though their
rignts naa accrued while under the
age of sixteen, as held by the depart
ment a year ago, and hence not sub
ject to any litigation.
Hofe It'll Prove True.
If the old fashioned weather proph
ets prove true, the coming summer
will see a most proline vield of fruit.
According to popular theory, if the
sun shines bright on St. Patrick s day,
as it did last time, there is invariablv
a large harvest of fruit in that locality,
and people who have watched and
noted the conditions in a period of
fifty years say it holds good. It is to
be hoped so, for a good fruit crop,
whatever else coes wronsr. usually
means a fair amount of prosperity.
A certain Elmira small bov. who is
as bad as he is smart, was in disgrace
last week and was sentenced to eat
his meals at a side table while the
family gathered around the accustom
ed board. It is the custom of the
family for the members to repeat in
turn Bible texts of there own selec
tion at the breakfast table. The first
time young America was called upon
after his exile, he piped out from his
place : " Thou preparest a table be
fore me in the presence of mine
enemies. He now sits at the lamily
table. Elmira Gazette.
Cured, Says A. J. Spencer, of
A. J. Spencer of Jackson, Tioi-a county.
fa., writes: " I fras troubled with kidney
and miliary complaint for a long time. My
family physician gave me various medicines
but they fuiled to help me. Dr. Kennedy's
ravonte Kcmedy was suggested to me and
I bought two bottles. Afler the first two or
three doses I could see it was helping me
Ilefore I had used the contents of the second
buttle I felt like a new man and I hyve en
joyed good health ever since."
has effected many cures after physicians had
given up hope. It restores the liver to a
healthy condition, and cures the worst cases
of constipation. It is a certain cure for all
diseases peculiar to females, and affords
great protection from attacks that originate
in change of life. It cures scrofula, salt
rheum, rheumatism, dyspepsia all kidney,
bladder and urinary diseases, gravel, diabetes
and liright's disease. In this last disease it
has cured where all else failed. All drug
gists, Ijsi.oo a bottle.
$ -few other tkcos3f
5 ounces for 10 cents. You
' may have " money to burn' but even
so, you needn't throw away 2 ounces
of good tobacco. For 5 cents you get
almost as much "Battle Ax" as you
do of other high grades for JO cents.
CARIPE T, Til AT TlitfCa ,
2nd Door above Oonrt House.
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
During the month of March the
State Department issued on unusually
large number of charters for thai time
of the year. The indications show
a revival of business and a firmer
confidence anions manufacturers, as
the greater number of charters, fully
fifteen per cent., were issued to manu
facturing concerns. Aside from those
issued in March, numbering seventy
hve, there are at least thirty other
applications on file, which have not
yet been granted because of protests
entered against them. Ninety licenses
were issued also to foreign corpora
tions allowing them to open branch
offices in this State.
touches the 5pot.
urocera cau tell
you why those
whobuy SEELIG'S
keep coming buck
for it. You can't
keep on selliun a
poor thing to the
. tame people.
saved by
using Seel-
ig'S because you
kcan buy cheup
"coffee and iul j
it delicious by a
Liuue oi una aauuxture.
For all Bilious and Nervous
Diseases. They purify tho
dlouu Rnu give iiw...iB
action to the entire eyBtcm. lil
young and middle-aged men who
gutter from error uf youth, lots ot
vitality, Impotency, seminal weak
ne, gleet, strict uren.w cal.nesii of
body and mind, can be thoroughly
nd permanently cared by my new
method ot treatment. Nunc other
Ike it, immediate Improvement.
Consultation and book tree. Add.
DR. SMITH, Lock box 635, lhi!a. Pa.
ll-i;!-ly.-l'. & Co.
rr .revTK
I VILiicSsv. With
McKillip Bros.,
The best are
the cheapest.
For a short time Ralph G.
Phillips, the photographer, is
making one life size photo
graph, value $5.00, and thirteen
cabinet photographs all for
All work guaranteed.
Ralph G. Phillips,
Ground Floor Gallery, Opposite Ccntrul note
jFtinsJific jytnwirat.
Ireoiit olmulntlon of any wlcntlnc paper 'n
world. tMil..ii.ll,ly No IuI' IMk-' U'
mail nhouKi Ihj wlihiiuc u wiit-. t:l.l&
yr; l.solx month A.l.lronn, MIAN ' CO
VvuLLiueiui, aei li roadway, Now York City;
ELY'S nNKOLA BALSAM Is n sura Hem'dy
coutrlis, eolUi). uoro throat and tor asi1"1!"..,
r'Vrr ...... tl. polOTllf
SfjWc'tvvZ& oral Ion easy-
ci&Iwmk Consumptires
L Mi2. if M ' 3 will iiivanu"' -
J ?rYl ? rive benertl from
of leu aKBiiiv"'"'
uatarrh. ur l
tarrh use Kly'g Cream flnlui. Ilotli weu1ll..
bol .tin; riueoln llalsuu., iu. Bold by '""Kf-'l"
t EU' UltoTUKUei, M Wurjen St., M-'W orlu
Jt Sclentlflo American
Agency forrffrA
For Information an l f n-i HnniliHMlc writ H
OMelit liurrait for securing liaU-ntM In AnuTl'lt.
Kvery 1'nt. nl Ukt n out hy u U lirouxlil bi'.""
the 1'ui.llu Ijy a uollco kl veil f reo of cbarsu 111 ua
I Iff.
IU li?52iS
i isjrr-iwr