THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. 'til- Ti-' wi:J! lii A !-; A'lS DR. M,, SALM, Wonderfully Successful in all Chronic Diseases and Diseases of the EYE, EAR, THROAT, LUNGS AND .NASAL CATARRH. All Eye Operations Successfully Performed. IIS Ci'RKS AFTER OTHERS FAIL. The Most Successful and Scientific Treatment of all Diseases ami Weaknesses of Mankind The most widely and favorably known specialist in the United States. His lonu exuer ience, remarknble skill and universal success in the largest hospitals in the world enables him to treat all CHRONIC, NERVOUS, SKIN and BLOOD diseases upon the latest scientific principles anil entitles him to the full IMl'OKIANl 1U LA L)lt.i Dr. halm, alter years of experience, has discovered the greatest cure known for all diseases peculiar to the sex. Female diseases positively cured by a new method. The cure is effected by home treatment. Entirely harmless and easily . I ' 1...: i," i c. - r .... ' ' ammcu. vuusuiiiiiiuu r rce mm oincuy oii"Ucntial. Lir. naim operates sutcessiuuy ami pain lessly (or squint eyes, pterygium, iridec tomy, turning in or out of eye lashes or lids closure of tear duct and all other eye opera tions. Chronic sore eyes and granulated lids quickly cured. A certain and positive cure for the awful effects of early vice and the numerous evils that follow in its train. !:...- i.i 1 i .i: ,-, i iiviuc uiimiu uuu ami! uiscases spcculiy, completely and permanently cured. Nervous debility and sexual disorders yield rapidly to his skillful treatment. Syphilis, gonorrhea, gleet, spermatorrhea, seminal weakness, lost manhood, night emis sions, decayed faculties, female weakness and all delicate disorders peculiar to either sex, positively cuied, as well as functional disorders that result from youthful follies or the excess of mature years. Specialties Catarrh, skin discuses, sores, pimples, scrofula, blood taints, eczema, can. cer, piles and diseases of women quickly and permanently cured by the latest approved treatment as pursued by leading specialists of j twc. HOOK FRF. K. "The Medical Advise-," contalnlhg nearly 100 pages, a short history of nrl. ya e diseases, advice to young and old, especially t ho5 contemplating marriage, fully lllustru. i. i.u uui mil in improve me opportunity to ltolm7K O. box 7 ; tMumbuV U " 1 , . . . . V TIKl'HIXE. Each person applying for medical treatment should send or bring from to 4 ounces (if urine t hat passed llrat In the mornlmf preferred) "which will iiCViZ i.,.... I,V,,,,T ,..lJlr.xam,nilUHn'nnalr requested a written analysis .. ... B. ... ....... v. ., ii. ul,u u uiuiHrnt'ti ircieuciers, who keen mil ng with then RvS aredJSroia1.' K " pol80DOU8 ttnU Injurious compounds, should apply Immediately. " AAfOnderflll Cures P,rfPC,,01 0,' er which have been neglected or unsklUfully l vT! , ,, , treiit.-il. No experlmenlH or failures. Parties trealed by mall or express, but when? possible, personal consultut Ion Is preferred, rumble eases guaranteed ni i J,, T'I Tm counueniiiu. Treatment sent i: o. 1). to auy part ot iho U. 8. List CONSULTATION EREE AND Send two 2-cent atainps for book on chronic and To Protect the Babies, The department of agriculture at Harrisburg has received letters from many mothers asking for an investiga tion of the many adulterated and deleterious foods which are now sold as pure, harmless and nourishing for infants. Mr. Mooro, special agent of the department, has t-lso been inform ed by physicians, that much of the stuff sold as wholesome food for in fants did much to ruin the child for life, and created unnatural appetites for stimulants and opiates, which proved ruinous to the child. Physi cians have also told him stories of after effects of the use of some foods which can scarcely be credited. There are about fifty of these foods and milks on the market, and samples are now being secured in western Pennsylvania by Agent Moore. A Monumental Church, A project is on foot to erect the "National Monumental Church edi fice" at Osceola Mills, Clearfield county. It is the desire that every national and state official in the union shall contribute sufficient money to purchase a stone for the edifice no stone to cost more than five dollars. The stones will be procured in a quarry not far from Osceola Mills, and each contributor will have his name cut thereon. Sufficient contri butions have already been secured to cover the cost of the . roof and the inside work. ' A Ohump in the Ice Box. Sing a song of penitence, a fellow full of rye, four and twenty sgrpents dancing before his eye When his eye was opened he shouted for his life ; wasn't he a pretty chump to go before his wife. His hat was in the parlor underneath a chair, his boots were in the hall, his coat was on the stair. His trousers in the kitchen, his collar on the shelf, but he hadn't any notion where he was at himself. When the morn was breaking, some one heard him call, his head was in the ice box and that was the best of all. Use it in Time. Catarrh starts in the nasal passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat, and is in fact, the great enemy of the mucous membrane. Neglected colds in the head almost invariably precede ca tarrh, causing an excessive flow of mucus, and if the mucous discharge becomes interrupted the disagreeable results of catarrh will follow, such as bad breath, severe pain across fore- neat and aoout the eyes, a roaring and buzzing sound in the ears and oftentimes a very offensive discharge. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cuie for these troubles. snacB Will bo at Hunbury rentral Hotel, .Inn. l-2lt; Fob. SO; Mar. A; April : May June 17; July Ilk Aug. 14: Went. 9; Oct. 7; Nov. 4: Dec. H-8. Will beat Hhnmnkln Hotel, .tun. W; Feb. 7; March till; April 1; May SI; Juno 1H; July 111; Aur. 18; tcpt. 10; Oct. H; Nov. R; Deo. 8-Ml. will ho at Ulonmsbiirg, Exchange Hotel, .Inn. 8 ,11; Feb. 2X; Muri:h 27; April il; My Si: Juno 1H; July 17: Aug. Urgent. 11; I Hit ; Nov, 6: 1)00. 4, Will on at Danville.. Montour Hotel. Jan. 4; Feb. Mareli; April .; MaviM: Juno 20; July 1H; - in; epi. 12; Oct, iu; nov. v; ueo. o. confidence of the nfllictcd everywhere. America and Europe. Deafness I cure go per cent, of all cases cured in one treatment. Discharging ears cured in every cafe. atiirrn oi tne nose, iironcnttis and lung trouoies, caused irom catarrh, positively cureu. TO TUB YOUNO AND MIDIll.K-AOED MEN, A Sure Core. The awful effects of early vice, wnich brings organic weakness, destroy ing both mind and body, with all its dread fill ills, permanently cured. Dr. Salm addresses those who have 1m paired themselves by improper indulgences nnu solitary nauus, wnicn ruin notn mmu and body, unfitting them for business, study, society or marriage. Married men or those entering on that happy life, aware of physical debility quickly assistcu. We guarantee to cure nervous debility, failing manhood, syphilis, varicocele, stric ture, gleet, unnatural .discharges, weak parts and nil kidney and bladder diseases. Epilepsy or fits positively cured by a new method. Testimonials furnished. obtain ono of tho most valuable books which has 8Lm 10 any0" rree on Addresa lr. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. private diseases frep. Want More Wages. The Scranton Truth says that the " Delaware, Lackawanna & Western trainmen are to ask a general in crease ot wages during the present month, the request will be mad through-th.e.B.rotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. The General Grievance Committee of this organization, renre senting the main line and branches of the Delaware, Lackawanna it West ern Railroad, will meet in this city on luesday in annual session, when schedule of wages will be adopted an tne request placed belore the com pany " Pointers for the Bed Boom. Do not let the side of your bed ever be placed against a wall, but well out in the middle of the room and, where it is possible, the head to the north. Free circulation of air is absolutely necessary to health, and where this is not obtainable, head aches, bad dreams and other ailments are the result. Never close, th register ot your fireplace, and it you are too delicate to bear your window open at night, leave the door partly open, if possible. Present Day '' Hard Times." An exchange put it thus : Yes, indeed, these are hard times. We throw away our ashes and grease and buy soap. We grow weeds, buy vegetables and brooms. We catch five cent fish with a $4 rod. We build school houses and send our children off to be educated, and lastly we send our boys out with a $10 dog and $10 gun to hunt ten cent birds. G.A.R.COMMANDER as. S. Dean, Gen. Grant Post, Rondout, N. Y. CURED of DYSPEPSIA Commander Dean writes : " As Chief U. S. Mail Agent of the U. & 1. R. 1' good health, u indispensable. I found my self however all run down with Dyspepsia I doctored and doctored, but I crew worse, I suffered misery night and day, for fully two years. My case was pronounce incurable. I chanced to meet Dr. Kennedy about unit time, and -told him of my Con dition and he said, try a bottle of DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY take it morning, noon and night, and will cure you I took the medicine directed, but had r.o confidence in a cure is my case had been tried by so many, After ustnc it a week I be"an to feel bette and in a short while after that I was entirely cured. That terrible distress, everything I ate, breaking up sour in my throat had all coae and I have not had a moment's (lis comfort since. To-day there isn't a health, URORS FOR FEBRUARY TERM OF COURT. GRAND JURORS. tierwlrlc O. A., Hui kliiRham, Vt . II. Dennis, ohn II. Taylor, (. II. Wclllver. Iloom-KoOert Kiinyan, Aiueix oummern, Inwnnl W. watts. Ililniereek . Ferri. emivnuham Hindi Hreslln, Alfred Ketteroir, John .limes, John 1'ilee. I viiuniu Kaniuel rari.wriKiir. riitnn lmii Ikii'O Heuben Miuinan. UshliiKercek-.tosluli Coleman, I. W. KJjtar. Main .litaeph Hrelsch. Mimin-J f. Iletier, John Klrkcndall. Mnnimir W. K. Johnston. Kit, Pleasant .lohn wolf. Orange. Joseph Fleekenatlnc. I'lnn Wm. V. Hudiniin. Bcott O. C. Amnici man. TRAVERSE JURORS. FIRST WEEK, Horwlrk -Henry II. 1'Yantz. lilcmin Ilnrrv llrlitaln. William Ttodlne, D. A. rreasy. Stephen Knorr, James Miiiree. 1st., Harry Khnriea, :. 11. Hterllnir, A. II. Miction. Hoiilon .loaeph t ole, 1.1 mi Miles. Hilarereek Charles Harumn. C'nlnwISHil H S lri'lnI!Li'h. '. 11. I.lldwlir. CiiiuwlBNa two.-Jacob Fetlerolf, lMinlel I,on K"nleri:ir. nt rt; Kllsha Hinifrns. (iovelund Jonas liapp. I'nnvnirhtim Oeorizn Mehanm. KlHhliitrcreek-rrank Meyers, E. 8. Stoker, David Yost. Jackson nrlttnin Hess, Alex. Maln-W. 1'. Zaner. Miniln Ben). Pennvpaekcr, Hamuel Snyder, Montour I. K. Mourey. OraiiKe Kranels Ucrrlug. l'lne A. Bennett, ltnnrlnirereelf Mletinel Illll. Heott Charles creveiinif, William Ent, John K. Miller, John Turner. Huirarloaf W. M. Ilartman. SECOND WEEK. Rloom C. II. Albert, Daniel Bryfoifle, (I. O. Hnknr. (. W. I'nrrell. !. II. Campbell, J. II. Khrhart. C . It IIoubcI. John L. Kline, (I. A. 5li Kelvy. Heaver Daniel B. Troy. Benton Thomas Kdwards, C. D. Ikeler, W II. Unilth. (Jeortre Welllver. Berwick Josenh Cat terall, J. Harry iiess. Brlarereek William Ash. Clinton Broslus, Nathan Hitler. :atawlssa-J. F. Illuny, oeoriro nenmien. Catawlssa twp. J. W. Itlder, William Zlm merman. Centriilla I). I. Curran, wuuainoittins. Conynham linger inxnn. KtshlnKereek Nal han Smith. Hemlock ( harles Harris. Madison Jurtsnn Axe. Main David Mhiinian. MIMIn John Hustiieheek. Mt. Pleasant Henry Kline. Oraniro-J. tl. Knnrr. hinrai loaf o. 1J. Adleman. J. h. Pnnnlnirton, Peter It. Hhultz. LICENSE APPLICATION. Notice Is hereby Klven that tho following named person lias filed wttn tnoi'lerk or tno Court of Quarter Sessions of Columbia Co. his petition mr license, wnicn win o nresotiieci to said Court on baturduy, February 15, 1KM, at o clock a. in. William M. Kline, residence nenton noroiiirh bounded on the north by Centre street, east by land of Samuel hrlckbac m. south by Marku street, and west by land of Klwood Knouse said application being continued ou January mi, iNWi, dv saia court. Clerk's tiniee, ) O. M. ;i ICR, Blooiiisbuiv. I'a. y Clerk court ot January sM, ltwt. ) Quarter Sessions. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate. In pursuance of an order issued out of th Orphans' Court of Columbia county, th undersiened executors of A. J. Evans, lat of lilooinsburg, Columbia Co. Pa., deceased will expose at public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 96 at 2 o'clock p. m., all that certain lot of land situate in lilooinsburg, Columbia county, an State of Pennsylvania, bounded and dcscrtl ed as lollows, to-wit: lieginnmg at the in tcrsectior. of Iron and Second streets of the aforesaid town of llloomsburg, and running from thence by said Second street northeast wardly twenty-seven feet, one and one-half inches to line of lot of Sara1! E. Evans thence by the same south-eastwardly twi hundred fourteen fiet, six inches to Fine al ley j thence by said alley south -westwardly twenty-seven feet, one and one-half inches to said Iron street, thence along said Iron street norlh-westwardly two hundred an fourteen feet and six inches to the place of beginning, on which are erected a large three story BRICK BUILDING, fronting on Second, or Main street, and three FRAME BUILDINGS fronting on Iron street. Terms of Sale. Ten per centum of one fourth of the purchase money shall be pan at the striking down of the property; th one-fourth less the ten per cent, nt the con firmation absolute; and the remaining three fourths in one year after confirmation nisi. with interest from that date. ANDREW I.. FRITZ, ANDREW EVANS, Andrew L. Fritz, Atty. Executors, NOTICE. Xottce is hereby given that th Joltairlno ne. C'm.( ha Iwen filed in I he Cmtrt oj On 111 nun I'teas of Ci lumliia axmtij. and trill be preeenteil to the mid Court on the fimt Monday of Febru ary A. U. 1MM, mid mnjlrmctl nini, and unlets eyvvlluns are flled irtlhinjour days thtreafter, will lw uotijli'med absoluts. First and imrttal aceoitnt of John W. Evans, Committee of J. JS. Snyder, a lunatiu. (J. 31. qcrcK, Froth's, office. Frothy, liloomttiurii, Fa., Jan. 1, 1890. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Mourey, late of Mifflin tovmsliti), detvased. Notice Is hereby given that letters tCHtnmen tarr on the estate of .'ohn Mourey, lata of Miniln township, deceased, have been granted to Henry lletler, to whom all persons Indebted to suld estate., are reciusted to make payment, and those having claims or demands will muke known the same without delay. HENHY 11ETLEH, B. K. Zakr, Esq., Atty. Executor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Georae Mourey, dee'd. Tlie uadersUjned an auditor apHilnted tiu the Orphans' Court ofCotutnljia county to make dis tribution of the fund In the hands of the executor of suld estate, to and among the parties entitled thereto, will sit at his ojlit e in Jiloomsbui g on Saturday, February, WM, at 10 o'clock a. in. to lierrorm the duties of his aiiiointmeut, when and where alt jiersous having claims against said estate must a in 'ear and prove the same or be. for ever debarred from coming in uisjn said fund. JOllS U. UAIiMAS, 1-10-U. -1 uditor. DISSOLUTION NOIIC'E. Tlie partnership heretofore existing Mm'en C. It. White and J. W. Conner, (it orangevllie, . ir HiwM on the ith dag of January, lHliil, by mutual consent. The tiusiness wilt be conducted al tlu) old stand, in the same line by J. W. Con ner, u ho will collect nil accounts and pay all bills of tlie jtnn. C. n. WHITK, 1-!M(. J- V. COSSEll. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Estate of M'try C, Graver, tale of llloomsburg, deceased. Letters of administration upon ths aliove nm pit estate Inrclng been granted 10 i:u unaersignen, all iici suns having claims against the same trill present tltrm, for imymeut, duly authenticated, and those indebted thereto U'tll please make im mediate payment to l.iWf JOUS M. OA II tf A X, Wilkvs-JJarrtJ'a, SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry wrlis of Fl. Ka. Issued out of the Court, of Common Pleas of Columbia County and Stato of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public fmlo nt the Court House, In llloomsbiux, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1S96, atSo'clnrkp. m.,alllhe undivided rltfht, tlllo and Interest of Cllf'on O. Knorr, the defendant, n all tho following described tracts or pieces of roal estate: 1st. All that certain piece or parrel of land situate In thn township of Centre, County of ;otumbla, Penn'a., bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlts Bounded on tne noun ny lands of M. W. Jickson, on the past by lands Of Solomon Ilousekneclit and m. J. 1'reas, on he south by the susipiehanna river and on the west by laud of Isaac Cryder and M. V. JacL son, containing ONE HUNDHEI) AND EIGHTEEN ACHES of Land, more or less, whereon are erected a TWO STOKY DWKLI.INO HOUSE, bank barn, sheds and outbuilding. Skd. Also, at the game tlino and place, all the undivided right, title and Interest of Clifton C. Knorr, the defendant, to the following des cribed tract or piece of land: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Centre, County of Columbia, Penn'a., bound ed and described as follows, to-wit: Boundeil by lands of Jesse Hoffman, N. L. Campbell, 11. K. ttardner, and others, containing SIX ACUES, with appurtenances. 3bd. Also, at the same time and place, all tho undivided right, title and Interest of ClKlon C. KnoT, tho defendant. In tho following des cribed tract or pleco of land: All that certain piece or tract of land situate In the Town of BlooniHburg, County of Columbia, Penna bounded and described as follows, to-wlt Bounded on tho north by Fifth street, on the east by an alley, on the south by an alley, and on tho west by lot of Mrs. Susan Hombach, whereon are erected a largo TWO-STOltY BltlCK DWELLING HOUSE, stable and outbuildings, said lot being about ninety feet fronton Fifth street by about one hundred and nlnety-slx feet In depth, moro or less. th. Also, at tho samo time and place, all tl.o right, title and Interest of Clifton 0. Knorr, th:- def'idaiit, In tho following described tract or piece of land: All that certain lot or piece of land sltinto In tho Town of Bloomsburg, Coun ty of Columbia, Penn'a., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Bounded on tho north by an alley, on tho east by strawberry alley, on the south by Saventh street and on the west by lot of Oscar Drake, whereon Is erected a FHAME DWELLING HOUSE, said lot being feet on 7th street, and feet In depth. Seized taken Into execution at the suit ot Daniel H. Wlngerd vs. Clifton C. Knorr, and to bo sold as the property of Clifton C. Knorr. WHtTl&YOBT, J. B. McllENKY, Att'ys. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Plur. Fl. Fa. Issued out the Court of Common Heas of Columbia county Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, will be ex posed to public salo at the Court Houso In Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1896, at 2 o'clock p. m., all of the Interest of tho de. fundant, Phoebe E. Huline, Including her dower Interest and arrearages of same In tho follow lng roal estate to-wlt: All that certain pleco or parcel of land, situate In tho township of Benton, county of Columbia, and stnto of Penn sylvanla, bounded and described as follows, to- wit: Bounded on the north, south and west by lands of W. L. Cole, and east by lands of John Smith, containing 9 ACRES, moro or less, whereon are erected TWO DWELLINGS, a grist mill and water power, barn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Margaret Jones vs. Phoebe E Hulme, and to be sold as tho property of Phoebo E. Hulme. J. B. McllENKY, Sheriff. 11. R. Little, Attorney. NOTICE. Xottce Is hereb'i glren that the following no. counts have tjeen jtlid In the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, and trill tie presented to lut said Court on the Jlrst Monday of February A. It. 1H1M. and continued nisi, and unless exjvj). lions are Jtled iriiiun Jour days thereafter, will be conltrmed absolute: First and Jtiuil account ot John H". Evans, ad mlntttrator of Julius Iloft, late of the borough of uerticcti, deceased. Q. M. QUICK, Clerk's office, CierK O. C. litoomsbitrg, Pa., Jan. WM. NOTICE. Xottce is herei.y given that the following irrop. erty lately belonging to E. J. Kitchen of lllooms burg. Fa , has this day been sold to the Bickjord J- Huffman Co. of Mnsi'edon, X. Y: 8 luirses, 11 sets of harness, 8 buggies, delivery wagon, har roic, desks, 3 chairs, stool, letter file, hay baler and book case. DIVORCE NOTICE. ifm'iia Pursel by her twit friend John Rehm vs. Alexander A Pursel. In the Court of Comm m Pleas of Columbia county, Xo. 45, Sept. Term, WM. 7'o Alexander A. Jtirsel, respondent above nam ed. Whereas upon the petition or liliel of the said Emma Pursel atne named, a subiiiena tteing awarded by th Court or Common Pleas of said county, a tubiscna issued out of said Court, commanding you, the said Alexander A. Pursel to tie and appear at the next regular term of said Court to sluno cause, if any you have, why the said liliettant should not tie divorced from' the bonds ot malrlmonu which she has contracted with you agreeably to the prayer of the petitioner; and whereas, upon the return of the said suti piena, due pnsif was made that you could not lie found or served with the same in the bailiwick of the atuitfof said county; whereitiiou an alios suhptena was awarded by said Court command ing you to lie and appear at the then next regular tenu of until Court, to answer, Ac, as aforesaid to which tlu) same return was made by the Sher iff. You are therefore required to be awl apiiear on the first day of the regular term or said Court to tie held at Hloomsburg, for the said county, on the first Monday of February next A. V. lW'Jti fo answer the complaint aforesaid. Win. Chrisman, Ally. J, li. McllEXRY, l-8-8f. . Mieritf. WIDOW'S APPRAISEMENTS. The following Widow's Appraisements t?;il be presented to ilm Orphans' Court of Columbia county on the first Monday V Feiiruary- A. li IWiii, diirl confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are filed within four days trereafte wilt tie con firmed absolute: Samiuil Anderson est., 'Bloomsburg, Jlealty, 100.1X1. Christian Ernest est., Bloomsburg, Persoimlty, flKT.KS. Jeremiah Hess est,, lilooinsljwg, Irsimalty, :liI.OO. ChaiidleeR. Eves est., Madison tirp.. Realty, f.kKI IU Lloyd Harlg est., lloartngcreek twp I'erstmal ty, $IMM). s '. Krickbaum est., Btnton twji., I'ersoualty, $.1(10.00. John J. Burke est , Conyngham twp., Person alty, I5.75; Realty, fm.'Si. , William Walter, est., Locust twp.. Personally til. Clinton 11'. Lewis est., Jackson twp,, Personal ty tuVM. Clerk's office, G.M.QVICK, BloumsOui g, Fa., Jan. 6, WM, Clerk O, C. N. U. FUNK., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ent's Bnilding, Court Hous AI1T, BLOOMSBURG, FA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LA w, Feat Office Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, rA, C. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Wirt'f Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. John o. ramtzi. jobn 0. habmn FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., first door below Opera House GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, P.H. WM. 11 MAGILL, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Peacock's building, Market Square. W. II. SNYDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office and floor Mrs. Ents building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. THOMAS B. HANLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Peacock's Building, Market Sq. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. T. WDITI. A. N. TOST WHITE & YOST ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, 2nd Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, Attornev-At-Law. . BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of 2nd and Centre Streets, i-I2-'94 W. A. EVERT, Attorney-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Office ovor Alexander 4 Co. Wirt building. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. ivofflce Llddlcot building, Locust avenue. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORHEY-AT-LAW ANOJDSTJCE Of THE FEACX, II oyer Bros. Building So4 Hoot, BLOOMSBUKG, PA, J. H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MSU1AJH3 JJEB REAL ESTATE ACXKT, Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Claik't Building, cor. Main and Genia SU, BLOOMSBURG, Pa, CdCan be consulted in German. W. II. RHAWN, ' ATTORK EY-AT-LAW, Office, corner of Third and Main StxcoU, CATAWISSA, PA. J. B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, North side Main St,, below Markx BLOOMSBURG, PA. Dr. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. f ricuL Attbmtiow to Dibs as ss or Caitomt II. BIERMAN, M. D HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND BUKOKW officii iiocrb: Office & Residence, 4th St., Until a. m., 1 to S and 7 to 8 P. M. DLOOMSBUHO, PA S. B. ARMENT, M. D. O fllce and Residence No, 18. West Fiftk DISEASES OF TI1R TlIItOAT AND NOS1 SPECIALTY (S to 10 A. M i'lto 4 P. M. 17 toy P. M. 8 to 10 A.M. BLOOVHUUKQ orrici noritfl PA DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, -Bloomsburg, Pa.' Office and residence In Prof. Waller's Hoi MARKET STREET TELEPHONE. HONORA A. ROBBINS, M. Office, West First Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. !W Special attention given to the eye the fitting of glasses. Dr. F. W. REDEKER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Residence, Centre St., between tt and 9th Hts. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat a specialty. BLOOMSBURG, PA. 18 to 10 a.m. office hours: 1 to 8 p. m. U to li p. m. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. Bloomsburg, Pa THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glaae and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Connection DR. M. J. HESS, Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Cot lege. Office 2nd floor front, Lockard's Build ing, corner of Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Dentistry in all its branches, Work g anteed as represented. Ether and Ga s ministered or electric vibrator and Lo Anaesthetics used for the painless extraction of teeth free of charge when artificial teet are inserted Lockard's Building, 2nd floor, Corner Main and Centre. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Eulldlng, Main below U am Bloomsburg, Pa. All styles of work done In a superior manner, and all work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use of Gas, and free of charge aninciai teetn are inserted. WTo be open all hours during the day DR. C. S. VAN HORN, DENTIST.- Office corner of East and Main streets, ot posite Town Hall. Office hours 8:30 to 12a. m ; 2 to 5 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C, WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. P. ilartman Represents twelve of the strongest Comnea. tea In the world, among which are : " CASH TOTAL SFBrLBl . CAPITAL. ASHBTS. OTIS ALL Franklin of Phlla.. noo.onu $3,!H8,rs 11,000,90 Penn'a, Phlla 4x,nw) 8,8s,l80 MlfctM Queen, of N. Y. 500,000 8,M8,1S l,m,UM Wear Chester, N.Y. SOO.OeO 1,TM.307 4iiS,r N, America, Phlla. 8,000,000 S,T30,ti8 1364,781 OFPICI IN I. W. MCKILVT'S STOBI. BTLosses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ 8c SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FKEAS BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS. N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. o Represent Seventeen as good Compjuii ies as there are in the World and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.; Merchants of Newark, N. J.J Clinton, N. Y.;Peoples', N.Y.;Remd. hR. Pa ! German American Ins. Co., New York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well seasoned by age and fire tested, and have never ret had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in solid securities, mad liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted and paid as soon as determined, by Christian F. Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Bloosr burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county shoald patronize the agency where losses, if any, are settled and paid by one of their own citizens. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Jamks McCloskky Proprietor, (Opposite the Court IIouseN BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot and cold water, and all modem conveniences The Leading Conservatorjf oimmciZiQ Carl Faultbm, Director, """""ji'fflivl Founded ia im bf -T7r VRVP1 1 Send for Prospectus .Niai'2:ivln: full FfJ2--FAwic W. Hali. giving full infonnatioa. Frank W. Hali, General ManagSBi let man and my appetite is grand."