The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 30, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Highest of all in Leavening Power.
k MB . m W W I
JTnfwwI 0 Vwf Oflfryt f Btntrmtihurg, Pa.,
I M tftvnd clou nia(r, March 1, I8W.
About Peopl Tom Know.
: Chas. II. Fornwald went to Williamsport
1 to-dnjr.
'.' Miss Grace McAmll of Berwick li visiting
friends in this place.
F. P. IJillmyer of New York City spent
Sunday in this place.
Mrs. Joshua Fetterman entertained a
i number of her friends last Friday.
George Ilartzetl of Wernersville came here
to attend the funeral of his brother
J. M. Gidcling returned from his trip
to Rochester last Thursday evening.
Miss Clara Nesbit, of Plymouth, is visit
ing the Misses Krum on East Street.
C. II. Rcice and wife ate their Sunday
dinner with spates Welliver at liuck Horn
Mrs. Thomas Stout of Philadelphia, is
visiting her friend Mrs. James Magee 2nd
A. P. Kitchen was called to Harrisburg on
Saturday on business. 1 1 is son accompanied
Miss Elsie Thompson of Williamsport
spent bunday with her sister Mrs. W. A.
C. II. Creasv. is now filling th noaitinn
of engineer at the llcss Iron Mf'g Company's
Mrs. John IS. Hunt is confined to her
rooms at the Exchange Hotel by reason of
Rev. P. A. Ileilmnn is still confined to his
home, and will be unable to preach next
Ceo. E. Elwell Esq., proprietor of this
paper transacted business at I owanda last
I. G. Dcitriek moved to-day into the
house lately occupied by Camden Mears on
11 in street.
Miss Anna F. Williams, is visiting Miss
inrockmortun, at Jersey City Heights,
New Jersey.
I. X. Grier, and Charles Chalfant Esq.,
of Danville transacted business at this place
on Wednesday,
II. V. White Fsn.. rlinirmnn rf tVii atulif.
ing committee of State College went to that
piac; lasi vt eunesday.
E. II. Harrar is entertaining his mother
ana orotner at his residence on t ilth Street
The grandson was the attraction.
II. D. Manning transacted business at
januson iiy last Saturday in the interest of
me atnooi r urmsnmg company.
T. II. Mercer is mnltitirr vnlnnli. ,n,l .
tensive improvements to the real estate he
recently purchased on l hird street.
Wm. II. Crossley has moved in:o his new
Dunuuig on me Ligm street road, where he
is prepared to do all work in the bicycle line.
II. G. I louse 1 wrnl tn W.itiinrrnn Tl C
last Friday eveninir. tn unilpriTn Ma final
examination before becoming a member of
uie ponce lorce 01 that City.
S. D. Neyhard is making arrangements
to build a house on the lot he recently pur
chased from E. B. Tustin on Centre Street
tclow the 1). L. & W. Railroad.
Mr. Uriah Swengel, of Ilazleton, and
jwis iaa uarinoiomew, were married last
Week at the home rif the liriill. in T.wicVmrrr
Pa. Mr. Swenirel. ia a snn nf Rv ' I'rlwin
Swencel, who was a pastor of the Evangeli
sm v.uurcn at cignt street, some years ago.
Dr. E. Franklin Smith, who left Goshen
about two years ago, has received the ap
pointment of Examining Physician, Bureau
Med ial and Surgical Relief, O. D. P. (out
door Poor), . Bel levue Hospital. This ap
point nicnt was secured by competitive exam
ination according to Civil Service Rules in
wh!ch the doctor ranked first with a percent
age of 95. He is also one of the instructors
in operative surgery in Bellevue Hospital
Medical College and Assistant Surgeon N.
Y. Polyclinic Hospital. From Independ
ent Republican, Goshen, N. Y.. Jan. 21, '96.
sayr is o it is not for that is
just what three 10c. cakes of
SOAP costs.
F you take one cake it is 10c. but
11 you take three or 1 lt. of fine
toilet soaps, you only pay 25c.
THERE is nothing fancy about this
soap. Vou don't pay for a lot of
chromos or lace paper, You get
what you pay for; a pound of the
fines palm oil soap into which a pure
extract of witch hazel has been work
ed, which keeps the hand soft and
smooth. Then we have the same soap
which contains CUCUMBER CREAM
instead of witch hazel. This is thought
by some to be superior to any. We
will mix a box and give you some of
each. Try it this cold weather.
Opposite Fost Office.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
L. E. Whiiry is one of the busy men of
this town. His work is done in a careful,
conscientious manner and that is one of the
reasons of his success. He is now engpged
working 1000 tin stock boxes for the carpet
works and putting a tin roof on the house of
Mrs. Ureecc on West Mam street.
Mr. C. II. 7-ehnder. who for seventeen
years has been President of the Jackson &
Woodin Mfg. Co. has tendered his resigna
tion, and been elected rresidcntol the Dick
son Mfg. Company of Scrnnton, The latter
position commands a salary of $ao,cco per
Miss Martha Pcrninger, one of the success
ful teachers of the public schools of Cata
wissa, has resigned her position, and will
'accompany Dr. Elizabeth Reifsnyder on her
return to China, where she will have charge
of a school maintained in connection with
the Hospital.
Court next Monday.
A new house is being erected by
Frank Keller on Iron Street.
The electric light was turned on at
Catawissa Tuesday evening and prov
ed successful.
Some one has been cruel enough to
say that leap year has an extra day in
order to give the girls an additional
The appearance of the reside-ce of
W. L. White on Centre Street has
been improved by the removal of the
shade trees.
In accordance with a decision of
the Court Constables will be elected
in the town of Bloomsburg at the next
election to serve three years.
We are informed that the brick
layers and stcne masons international
Union No. 15 of this place disbanded
last week.
Owing to rapidly increasing orders
the Brass and I ube Works are obliged
to put on a night shift. The product
of their plant has a high standing in
the markets.
Christopher Columbus, not the
man who discovered America, but the
one who sold candy on Market Square
last winter is in jail at ounbury charg
ed with stealing leather at Shamokin.
Owing to the illness of the pastor
there were no preaching services in
the Lutheran Church last Sunday.
The other services were conducted as
The political world has been thrown
into a condition of turmoil and excite
ment by the report that an alliance
has been ratified between Russia and
The lots of E. B. Tustin near
the Athletic Park on Centre Street
are meeting with a ready sale. He
recently sold each to S. D. Neyhard,
A. N. Yost and Jacob Geisinger.
We noticed several large cars on
the D. L. and W. Rail road, a few
days since. They were loaded with
mine cars the product of the Blooms
burg Car Company.
The rooms formerly occupied by
Harvey Deitrick have been leased by
George Aurand & Son. It is said
the Deitrick license will bi transterred
to them. '
W. S. Fleckenstine, since he has
made his alterations, has one of the
finest and cleanest oyster and lunch
rooms in the town. It is a place
where you can take your lady friends,
and be assured of receiving prompt
and efficient service.
We have received numerous inquir
ies from parties if we knew where they
could rent a comfortable and conven
ient house. Parties having houses to
rent, and those desiring to secure a
home should let the fact be known
through the columns of the Colum
bian. In regard to the question as to who
shall be candidates for boro and
township offices, we would advise the
voters to find out who wants the n
and then give them to somebody else.
The man who seeks town office is
usually just the fellow who should not
have it.
Quite an excitement was caused
Wednesday morning about 2:30
o'clock by some one giving an alarm
of fire. In passing Moyer Bros, drug
store steam was noticed escaping,
and he mistook it for smoke, and
without investigating the matter gave
an alarm.
The County Auditors concluded
the work of examining the accounts
of the County Commissioners and
Treasurer last Tuesday. More time
was consumed in the work than usual,
but a more careful and complete
investigation and scrutiny was made
than heretofore. This course rwill
undoubtedly meet the approval of the
tax payers. , The statement will
appear in our next issue.
Julius Lindegren, the piano tuner,
is in town for a few days. Orders may
be left at Peacock & Cos hat d ware
Quite a delegation of the Knights
Templars of tnis place attended the
grand visitation of the Grand Com
rian Vy at Danville last Thursday
evening. Grand Commander Spencer
was in attendance.
The Adams Express company will
be located in the building of N. J.
Hendershott, on Main Street, adjoin
ing the entrance to the bottling estab
lishment of William Taylor, when C.
II. Kline takes possession.
Milton wants free delivery, and in
order tobe in condition to ask for it,
has added a little slice of Turbot town
ship to its borders. IIad it not done
so it would not now have the popula
tion requisite to demand free delivery.
The work at the Tapestry plant is
progressing very rapidly. Two ele
vators are being placed in the build
ing. A cement floor has been laid
in the sninninu Hennrtment whirh wa
... r o 1 -
done by the employees of O. B.
Doctor Salm will be unable to meet
his appointment at Bloomsburg Jan
uary 31, on account of illness, but
expects to be here at his next regular
appointment February a8, 1896 when
he will meet his patients at the Ex
change Hotel.
The Auditors of Bloom Poor Dis
trict held another session on Tuesday
but did not conclude their labors.
They adjourned to meet Monday
February 10, 1896, when they will
examine the accounts of the former
board from January to April 1895.
The reports of burglars are again
being circulated. Last week the family
of Walter Laubach was awakened on
two different nights by having some
one endeavoring to enter the house.
They were frightened oft before an
entrance'was affected.
Williamsport has a person who does
not object to being a candidate for
Mayor, and says if elected be will see
that the ordinances are enforced
Such an officer would be a novelty in
most boroughs in this State, Blooms
burg included.
During the past month we learned
more about the weight of hogs than
we ever expected to know. Now let
the butchers come to the rescue and
publish the weight of steers and sheep
killed each day. It would be equally
as interesting.
The Court on Tuesday morning
filed an opinion in which the license
of J. R. Fowler was granted and that
of J. L. Girton refused. It was not
the intention of the Court to make its
decision known until Monday, but in
some way the result leaked out, and
tne opinion was hied as above stated.
During the progress of the license
Court last Monday, the question as
to whether the Court had power to
issue a conditional license was raised
It has been held by Judge Hare of
the courts of Philadelphia that such
a license could be issued, and as the
question is of interest to mary of our
readers we publish the opinion.
The Democrats of Mt. Pleasant
township held their caucus in the
Canby school house last night and the
following nominations were made :
Judge of the Election, Frank Doll
man, Inspector, Hervy Kline and
Bradly Laycock, Constable, Boyd
Ikeler, Overseer of the Poor, Clinton
Crawford, Supervisors," W. W. Ikeler
and Amos Wanich, Auditor, W. A.
Kitchen. School Directors, T. A.
Kester and C. I. Thomas.
Rev. Heilman has been laid un for
ten days with a very severe attack o
catarrh of the stomach, and was no1
able to fill his pulpit last Sabbath
and many of the Lutheran people
were to be seen at the other churches.
There will be services next Sunday
morning as usual. It is expected
that one of the distinguished ministers
will remain over Sabbath and preach.
The beautiful service prepared for
C. E. Anniversary will be rendered in
the evening.
The New York World, thrice-a-week
edition, 18 pages a week, 156
papers a year. Is larger than any
weekly or semi-weekly paper published
and is the only important Democratic
"weekly" published in New York City.
Three times as large as the leading
Republican weekly of New York City.
It will be of especial advantage to
you during the Presidential campaign,
as it is published ever) other day,
except Sunday, and has all the fresh
ness and timeliness of a daily. It
combines all the news with a long
list of interesting departments, unique
features, cartoons and graphic illustra
tions, the latter being a specialty.
All these improvements have been
made without any increase in the
cost, which remains at one dollar per
We offer this unequaled newspaper
and the Columbian and Farm News
together one year for $1.7 J
The regular subscription price of
the three papers is $2.50.
Charles Reichart of Mainville nar
rowly escaped serious injury Tuesday
evening by a runaway accident. As
he was coming down the Normal
Hill the single tree broke and
the horses got away. One of the horses
was considerably bruised.
For Sale. First mortgage 6 per
cent coupon bonds on new Carpet
Mills. Security ample. Best equipped
mill in Country. Bonds in denomina
tions of $100 & $500 payable 1905.
Interest payable April and October
at First National Bank, Bloomsburg.
Good investment. Apply to James
Magee 2nd, Treasurer. 130 51.
HOOD'S FILLS rur Liver Ills,.
BUIouaneaa, Indigestion, Headache.
A pleasant laxative. All Drag glsta.
Which Should be Carefully Read by Every
One. Extraordinary Inducements
The best five cent scgar in the
town is "Taffy's Choice." It is sold
exclusively by Harry Wilson.
Fish O I All kinds at Armstrong's.
Look out for the cold wave. It is
coming. Gross has warm covering
for your feet. Women s rubbers 25c.
Misses rubbers 21c. Children s rub
bers 17 c.
Families supplied with oysters by
W. S. Fleckenstine.
The cheapest place in town to buy
sole and harness leather is at P.
Solleder & Co.
Fishl Fish Halibut steak, Black
Bass, Catfish, Smelts, Ciscoes and
Lobsters at J. D. Armstrong s.
The stock of china at the bazaar
of L. E. Whary is constantly being
replenished. Four lots have been
received since Christmas, including
Haviland, Limoges and Carlsbad
Sets and single pieces. In addition to
this they have added a full line of
glass ware.
C. B. Chrisman invites you to call
and see him in his new oyster parlor
on Main street, next door to Jacobs
bakery. Everything new, neat and
clean. Elegant service. Oysters
served in all styles.
Decorative Porcelains tor wedding
gifts. Selected specimens from the
most famous potteries in England
and the continent, at L. E. Whary s
China Bazaar, Main street, Blooms
burg, Pa.
Maurice River shell oysters at W.
S. Fleckenstine's by the dozen or
Lettuce, Beans, and Pineapples at
1. Lr. Deitrick s.
Good furniture at the price of
cheap, and no cheap furniture" at any
price. W. J. Corell & Co.
A love of a bonnet is sometimes
the cause of cross words in thefamilv
Ours are not so expensive as to cause
one hard word.
M. A. Watson.
You are respectfully invited to call
and inspect the large stock of china
ware which L. E. Whary has recently
received. The stock is larger and
more complete than before Christmas.
Last week of Big Special Sale on
candy at Deitrick's.
Parlor suits $50 up at W. J. Corel'
& Co.
Have you visited the new oyster
rooms of W. S. Fleckenstiner" Go
and see them. Good service, every
thing neat and clean.
Rocking chairs $1.50 to $50 at
W. J. Corell & Co.
Home dressed meat of all kinds
can always be found at Louis Lyons'
on Main street.
Oranges 20 and 40 cts. doz. Ba
nanas 20 and 25 cts. doz. at Deitrick's.
If you are a pipe smoker, you can
find just what you are looking for at
Harry Wilson s Market Square segar
store. The best brands of tobacco
and the sweetest pipes.
Try a can of Hopkins' Steamed
Hominy (Hulled Corn.) It is de
licious.. Full qt., 10c. 1
Ah I there is the rub : Rubbers at
almost your own price. Think of it,
Woman s 25c, Misses 21c, children s
17c and quality guaranteed all right
at Max Gross'.
Furniture at rock bottom prices at
W. T. Corell & Co. The larcest
stock in the county from which to
make your selection.
Bed room suits, 8 pieces from $20
to $100 at W. J. Corell & Co.
There is not much dancer in vour
catching cold as long as your feet are
dry. Max Gross can do the latter.
Women's rubbers 2 sc. Misses' rub.
bers 21c. Children's rubbers 17c.
At the upper Main street meat
market of Louis Lyons, you can find
a full line of fresh and smoked meats.
Goods delivered to all parts of the
We refer to our window of men's white shirts. All per
fectly made, cut full, reinforced back and front, linen boson!
and wristbands- No use sewing when you can buy such r
good shirt for so little money -rG-
Come and examine it. Sec if you could make it for the price.
All those dainty citings, just what you
want for muslin underwear and children's
dresses, etc., are now ready.
Fnll line of white goods of all kinds.
I-oiiR cloths for dresses and fine underwear.
Plain and plaid nainsooks.
Barred muslins, lawns,. &c.
We have a few of these popular goods that
we will close out at reduced price.
When we har all sizes they were $6.00,
$10.00, f 16.00, &c. Now they are $3.00.
$5.00 and $8.00. May be your size amongst
We are showing full lines of these goods
in all the popnlar shades and styles. Linen
laces, all kinds and widths. Cotton laces,
all kinds and widths.
Alt the good sorts. For good fitting gar
ments you must have good things. We have
Best kid cambrics, 5c. yd.
100 yd. best silks, 8c. sp.
Best skirt braid, 3c. sp.
Velveteen bindings in 4 and 5 yd. iengths.
Skirt wire, cable cord, cable bone for cord
ing, bone casings, beltings, dress shields,
placket closers, dress weights, dress steels of
all kinds, Peerless, electrio, E. R., Perfec
tion, Moscpiovitz, Janowitz bone, real whale
bones, sterling stays, linen ducks, collar
canvas, fibre chamois, sponge crepon, grass
cloth, canvasette, selicias and percalincs
all grades.
"C-l Li Ig-N
Jewelers, Opticians and Stationers,
Main St. simofthe Big Watch. BLOOMSBURG, PA.
I. W.
We Im Put h:x Capes,
at Prices.
Bloomsburg is the centre place to buygoods, but especial
ly at this season of the year great bargains are to be
had in all classes of goods to clear up stock. We
have opened up our new embroideries, laces, white
goods, and many other goods which reach out after
spring weather. Remnants of embroideries are in
boxes or hanging rll over the store at low prices.
The remants of cotton and wool goods are quite
numerous now since stock taking, a cut prices. A
few fine silk umbrellas at a low figure now. New
percales, new crepons, new organdies, and many
other new dress and shirt waist goods are in. We
are not crowding them upon customers, yet they are
selling. An early look is the best. Some will wait
until the weather crowds them, and then the select
patterns will have vanished. . 30 pieces of oil cloth
1 yds. wide, at 12c.
of our big SPECIAL SALH on
Next week they will be 20c, lb.,
the time to buy.
Fruits a nil Vegetable.
Lettuce, beans, pineapples, sweet potatoes, apples, oraD ges,
bananas, lemons, etc.
" Market Square
We are very busy just now in our
millinery department. Are turning
out some beautiful designs.
M. A. Watson.
The man who lies down on one of
our lounges gets the comfort he seeks.
Its looks invite repose, and at the
price we ask for it, comfort was never
cheaper than now.
W. J. Corell & Co.
Full lines of buttons. Now so popular for
trimmings those small brass buttons are here
again to-day. Buttons and buckles in tela
for dress trimmings.
Full line of edgings, bands, yokes, fronts
and ornaments. See the jet collars.
Full lines in all the leading styles at prices
to suit the times.
Full lines of muslins In all widths. Tick
ings, shirtings, prints new lines, denims,
ducks, &c. AH at lowest prioes. Yd. wide
Hill muslin, 7c yd. 20 yds. good muslin
for $ f.oo. Good cheviots at 8c yd.
Full lines. Ladies'' and children's fast
black hose, 5c pair. Ladies' seamless black
hose, 10c. pair. Ladies' douhle sole, high
spliced heel, regular made at 25c. pair.
Children's seamless double knee, heavy, sice
6 to 9 at 15c. pair; all sizes.
Full lines of mohairs, serges, armures,
&c, with a full line of "Priestley's" cele
brated black dress goods, veiling by the yard
and made ud. Black shawls, &c.
All the season's latest. They are best
grade, full one yard wide, and the pretties',
patterns. Some in Dresden- effects, suitable
for ladiess' waists and dresses, boy's waists,
men's shirts.
We show good lines of plaids for waists, .
dresses, &c. Also the small checks.
AH goods sold for cash.
make a specialty of fine watch,
clock, jewelry and optical re
pairing, and guarantee satisfac
tion. A printed guarantee with
every watch of which, the re
pairs amount to 50c. or more.
I m.
Coats, Sea?; Underwear, all
tfn kinds of candv at isc. Ib.
their regular price, so now is
Louis Lyons will sell you home
dressed beef at the following prices
Front quarters ic per pound. Ilind
quarters 6Jc per pound. In quantity
of 50 lbs. 8c per pound.
Trimmed hats and bonnets, felt
hats and fancy feathers r:ducedin
price at E. Baikley's, JJp'n $uCe
below Market.