The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 30, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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(From our Hpeelnl Correspondent.)
Naples, Italy, Jan'y. 10, i8f.
We have returned soaked and dis
appointed from Vesuvius. Out clothes
and our tempers have been ruined ;
Cook, the excursion fiend, has fallen
in our estimation and Vesuvius is
simply beneath our notice. We went
to the crater in a rain that was suflici
tnt to have put out the volcano. We
faave jolted miles in a apringless
'.wagon, we have ridden suringless
jdonkeys, waded in ashes to our ankles,
and all this in the interest of pleasure.
, We left Naples about nine o'clock
in the morning under tiie supervision
Sof Cook and in one of Cook's wagons.
,The morning was not altogether
K promising' but hope springs eternal "
and we thought the day would proba
Ably be clear Naples was just begin
ning to really wake up for the day,
for the dolce jar niente of the people
begins by lying in bed in the morning.
,j, At jast we reached the open country
and while the clouds gathered over-.-'
head our spirits were kept up by a
jband of strolling musicians who walk-
ed along by the carriage anil sang
f "Santa Lucia" and other delightful
Italian songs, varying them occasion
ally with " Daisy Jkll " in honor of
i our nationality and seeming disappoint-
ed when we failed to look apprecia
j tive. We stopped at a little mountain
inn where our honest driver, who
probably shared profits with the pro
; prietor, told us we eould get the beat
wine in all Italy. At the next stop
we left the carriage and mounted
uwnnkjs J Muaa nil. lava UlltlS. i
!. this moment nature's feelings over
came her, and as if in anticipation of
the fate that awaited us, began to
Sweep. Everyone commented glee-
luiiy on the tact and we mounted the
diabolical bea?ts, as premier Olliver
said when the French started to
- "TJiarli,. ii i;..k 1. n wri
.;JJVWill nun "ft1" "CrtllS. v lien wc
it,- ....
jbaLiicu lliai spuL vu uur return we
had seen Vesuvius, but a strange
silence had fallen on all the parly,
'and those who found voice at all lilt
ed it in declaring that -hence forth
s their mission would be to dissuade
( others from the ascent of the volcano.
V'' An . incompatibility had sprung up
" between all the members of the cum
' !pany, and eyes that looked love at
the beginning of the trip were now
; singularly inexpressive behind straight
ened bangs, and under dripping hats.
Probably the donkeys were no
,'worse than other donkeys, but the
'road they had to travel was but a
" rough path and it seemed to me that
any self respecting donkey would not
jbave taken advantage of so many
rock in the road for purpose of stum-;-bling
as these innocent looking
animals did. The saddles were not
fastened securely and the guides, one
of whom accompanied each riiler ami
4 shouted dreadful throats tn tht .Inn.
j keys, were expected to hold the saddle
A on. When the donkey fell down, the
; I saddle slipped forward and cuffed the
I animal on the head. Wh?n he went
' up a hill it settled insecurely on his
ntail, and finally when the guide had
J grown tired of holding it on, it tumbled
, ,oflf altogether.
f, The rain at last began to pour and
't the wind rushed violently down the
I mountain. It was impossible to hold
f umbrellas, and cold, wet and dis
'S heartened the party reached the
I station of the funiculaire road that
4 leads up the steep yielding ashy cone
to within a few hundred yards of the
.. crater of the volcano.
V The only fire in the restaurant was
,' in the kitchen and the head-waiter,
who speaks five languages and proba-
ll YAv OetQ nhmit 4 a rvw.nlk ina.i.A.I
" C wv.. m 111 W 1 1 V 1 1 , II1V11CU
I us to warm ourselves, an invitation
iwe gladly accepted. When the world
had assumed a brighter hue through
the medium of an omelette and steak
wc sianeu up me mountain again.
The road is almost perpendicular and
one feels much more as if the ascent
were being made in an elevator than
on a rail track. It is called a funicu
laire, but is really a cable with double
tracks and the cars are balanced so
they pass each other midway of the
distance. On either side are the
great fields of lava and ashes, the
former of course, now cooled and in
the most fantastic shapes, in which, as
in clouds, one sees most clearly what
his fancy suggests. Perhaps it was
the influence of the donkey ride and
the weather, but it seemed to me
Dore's illustrations of Dante's " In
ferno " might have been photographs
of these formations.
At the top of the funiculaire we
were met by a new relay of guides
who took off their big coats and
wrapped them about the drenched
women in the party. Chairs carried
by four men were to be had for those
unable to walk to the crater. A guide
went ahead of each of us and th-ow-ing
a strap over his shoulder told us
to hold it tiht and lean back. Ones
sympathy lor the guide prevents him
leaning bark very far at first, but
la-er sympathy is lost in fatigue and
one resigns himself to being pulled
bodily up the hill through the deep
ashes. The crater was pointed out
to us and we were warned not to go
too close, but we saw nothing but a
place a little niore foggy than the
dense mist covering the mountain, we
saw the running lava which looked
temptingly warm, and the sulphur
which was a bright yellow and smell
ed like a match factory. Descending
the hill again to the funiculaire, the
ladies hung limply on the arms of the
guides anil regardless ot best shoes,
and silk under skirts suffered them
selves to be dragged through the fine,
grey ashes, too weary and wet to
At the lower station a stop of
several hours was made in anticipa
tion of a clearing up of the weather,
a hope that proved to be vain how
ever. During this time the registry
album, a large blank, book in which
tourists may find a place to relieve
their feelings, furnished us diversion.
We were called upon to be proud of
our erudite countrymen and women
when we found these inscriptions after
the big. black U. S. A." It must be
seen to be appreciated. Grand be
yond all description. I imagined it a
furnace fanned by a hot and raging
goddess to avenge her wrath."
Another had written : We should
have had it for Chicago" and still
another of less practical nature sum
med up the description of it in three
words : " Grand, gloomy and pecul
iar." A man who had a day like ours
for the ascent had written :
"The day is dark, and cold nnd dreary
The rain and misls arc never weary
It is too windy, chill and damp
Kor ouylii but to sniillle, cuss and stamp "
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarth that
can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Trops..
Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the b'ood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best, im
The deepest spouting well is at
sperenberg, in 1'iussia 4,104 feet
The deepest mine in the world is
in the silver region of Bohemia, 3,300
The most intense cold yet produced
artificially exceeded 400 degrees be
low zero.
The longest trestle bridge is over
Lake l'onchatrain, New Orleans,
twenty-two miles.
The smallest man was Chemah, a
Chinese dwatf, a little less than
twenty-two inches high.
The tallest monument composed of
a single stone is a Karnak, in Egypt,
10S feet 10 inches.
The largest theatrical building is
the Orand Opera ot Paris. It covers
three acres of ground.
The longest tunnel, including all
approaches, is that of Chemnitz, in
Hungary, 1, 27 miles.
The longest recorded hair growing
on a female head was 8 feet. The
longest recorded beard was twelve
The largest cast bronze statute in
the world is that of Peter the Great
at St. Petersburg. It weighs i,iog
The oldest University at present in
existence is Oxford, which claims to
have been founded by Alfred the
It is said that the largest crane in
the world is in the Krupp iron works.
It lifts and turns a weight of 150 tons.
It is said that the largest bar of
gold ever cast was sent to the bank
of California in 18S3. It weighed
51 1 J pounds,
The largest sponge ever sent to
market was from the Mediterranean.
It was ten feet in cirenmference and
three in diameter.
The most pertect echo in the world
is said to be that at Shipley in Sussex,
South England. It will repeat twenty
one syllables.
The modern Pain Annihilator, will positive!
cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains Bruises,
Cuts, Sores, Earache, Backache and all other
aches, SALVATION OIL is sold everywhere for
35 cents. Only the genuine willdqthejvork.
Chew l ANCE'S PLUGS, Tha Great Tobacco Antid jte.lOc. Dealors or iil,.'l.C.Mcj7.C.B4!!o.,Ktf.'
It Is a mire way to hnv dlsenm
among; the horrs when they must roll
upon slop ns drinking writer. They re
Oiilro tunc water the samr ns do othnl
nnlmalii. nnd wlion deprived of it wll
tint thrive.
When plants, ro?os, rte., nre nt i;l
c-IToctpd with mildew, sprlnkla the foil
nrrc with water, then dut on flour 01
milphur rpiltp thickly and allow It tc
ptand for a frw days, when It may ht
rinsed off, but Is to be renewed if neo
enenry. Fourteen Htrawberrles to the qunrt l
the Intent on record In small fruit cul
ture, rmide by a New Knuland woman,
who hrm a fruit ranch In Son Mleo,
and who Iihm achieved remarkable hiic
res In fruit culture through careful
cxperlmenta lion.
When watering plants or trees, re
member that a Ruperilclal j-prlnkllng
will start a growth of new rootl"ts neai
the durfnee of the ground which a hot
nun may kill enftlly. Put on sufficient
water to thoroughly ioak the ground
about the roots.
If Is estimated that 30,000,010 rosej
and carnations are sold bj
the N-w York -llorlsts every year, and
that the wholesale men get a profit ol
Jl, .",00,000 out of their business. Violet!
rank third In popularity, and the Illy ol
the valley runs a good fourth.
Onion sets intended for next wlntei
can tie easily kept in good condition by
pprtadlng them In thin layers on th
floor of the barn or garret. Should
they become frozen during the winter
do not disturb them, as handling them
Is detrimental. It does not Injure them
to freeze If not thawed very suddenly.
Home crops, such as potatoes, that
have been but slightly attacked by dls
ease mny communicate such disease to
the whole bin of potatoes should the
Fpores of the fungi be carried on the
tuber. For that reason 4U roots should
be free of dirt or washed clean before
storing them away for winter.
It Is more and more generally admit
ted that the fall Is the better time for
setting out fruit trees. Less pressure
of business enables nurserymen to get
them cut in better shape and to handle
them quicker, and the climate Is less
fickle. If to be heeled in do not leave
them exposed to frosts and drying
A writer In the Chicago Times-Herald
recently ndvoeuted preserving corn
in ulr-tlglit bins. He says, and truly,
that les t care Is tak- n of the coi n crop
than of any other grain the farmer
raises. He also holds and endeavors
to prove that no other grain is injured
more by exposure to storm and other
Farmers are disposed to defer until
Fprltiff much of the work that could bo
done before that season arrives. On
the opening of warmer weather all the
work must be hurried ami a dozen Jobs
seem to be ready for the farmer to pc r
form at the same time, which delays
planting to a later period than should
be the case.
The Bubsolllng idea was brought new
converts this year by the heavy rain
fall In Kansas. Instead of the subsoll
ed lands being washed away, the water
readily found the Immense reservoir
underneath, and the soli was not dis
turbed In Its place; In fact, there was
greater loss to lands plowed in the
usual wcy.
The objection to seeding down an or
chard to grass Is that it takes from the
noil the moisture needed by the irees,
and when allowed to grow close to the
trees seenis to choke them. Clover
clooH not have this effect, nor does it
usually make a rank growth under the
trees. It rather tends to retain mois
ture by its thade.
If you are feeding any stock with the
idea of making a profitable gain of
flesh, see to it that they are well pro
tected from storms and cold In the ap
proaching months of winter. You tan
not feed them profitably, otherwise.
Nothing in the whole system of stock
management has been more thoroughly
proved than this.
The garden is left for the last work
on the farm, and where weeds have
grown up they remain until they die
down and cover the ground, making
the garden an unsightly plot. By rak
ing over the garden and burning the
refuse not only will the ground be
cleared and many weed eeds destroy
ed, but the harboring places of insects
will also be removed.
Any time after the fruit has matured,
the grape leaves will part easily from
the stem without Injuring the bud,
which always lies at their base. It la
better to prune for winter xs soon as
possible after the grapes are gathered.
This will allow the vines to be thrown
from their trellis to the ground, where
the last year's buds for next year's
shoots will be much safer than on a
trellis exposed to the severest cld of
Tho seed largely Influences the yield.
'An Ohio farmer planted two kinds of
potatoes on soil of the same character,
and gave the several potatoes (only a
few being used for experiment) the
same treatment. From one lot he pro
cured fifteen pounds of tubers, of In
ferior quality, and from the other be
secured forty-live pounds, or three times
as much from one as the other. Theru
was no reason whatever for any differ
ence in the yields except that the seed
of the more prolific lot was better than
The KtefTer Tear.
Apparently the most valuable pears
for general culture that have been in
troduced for years are the Le Conte
and Kieffer. The Le Conte Is the
money-producing pear of the South,
bu; the Kieffer, which Is steadily gain
ing favor in the central and northern
markets, succeeds even north of the
cotton belt. As a late fall pear there
is no variety which gives such general
satisfaction, or such profitable and (sure
returns, in the Southern States It evi
dently ranks with the Concord grape
In point of popularity. It does very well
for preserving purposes, and its at
tractive yellow appearance has great
ly aided in creating an unprecedented
demand for it. The trees are early
bearers and produce from two to three
bushels of fruit the fourth year after
setting them in the orchard. V. M.
King, Virginia.
Saved from Ruin nnl Dosnnir Ijj tl;e
lluifly Ai l of a Nctod Viorian.
Cpwiai to 001 t urAfrnn.
from the an-
P BttirV ' " , culslie.1 heart
"TITS there anything more trul
e pathetic than the cr
?'',. for help-that ptas
'.:':;' from the ar
..Oft-T-7.3.k' v a beautiful
girl who sees
ahead only suf-
Vr?i I'Tlng and tin
? rt iccrainly?
Uut oh, what
, 3t Joy nnd clad-
TSJY "ess her young
MTJ.I 1 1 A r
1 , Jwf'v. n:iii '"ilia
y.tjt'r forth when she
iri-j-A: realizes mat, ner
tiVV-w.. drolcl enemy,
;V''-t'' warning iniui-
iH... . ence, isRonc, bun-
fcjjaTV Ished forever.
This sunshine and joy is
Bow the happy portion of Miss Florence
- of Ueaeon Street, Boston.
She often tells of her suffering from
the suppression of the menses. The pain
was exrrurlatlng. The doctors, Instead
of removing the causo of her ailment,
piled her each month with morphine to
prevent convulsions; but the trouble was
permitted to exist.
When bIio could endure ro mere,
firost ration was Imminent and future
lopeless, her family procured a bottle
of l.ydia E. 1'iitkhnm'x Vegetable Com
pound, which, surprising to all, rapidly
and permanently rured her.
In writing to Mrs. I'lnklmm, pouring
forth her pratltude and happiness, fuo
says: "Oh I that 1 could make every suf
fering womnn try your valuable medi
cine! llow tlicy would bless you! "
U h i 1 int v 1
Drives WTJS
m e.-i n.v r-i nt
1 Km&P
I Wp
y y can tell
you about
Only acaackagCTJ
Every man's wife
who has used this
coffee, knows a
grand, good drink
that will please her
husband and save
lOnly aca package. Grocers.
Young and ml JJIc-ni:ed men who
JiuMer irom error of y out Ii, loss of
vitality, Impotcncy, luminal weak
ness, elect, strictures, of
body and mind, can be thoroughly
and permanently cored by my r.ew
method of treatment. None other
tike It, Immediate Improvement.
Consultation and book free. Add.
DR. SMITH, Lock box 635, Phila. P:i.
1 1-22-1 y -P. & CO.
ft m m saam Mam m m.
For Eorsos, Cattle, Sheep, Sogs, Hcri
BOO Pate Rook on Treatment of Animal
uud Cuart beui tree.
crnits ( Fevers, Comrrm ions, Tnflnmmnt ton
A.A.i p-pIiihI iHcnimritin, Milk Fever.
Jl. It. r-i rn in m. l.uniencxn. It lie a in ul lam
'.'. Dixleiupi', Naanl liriiarKU.
.!. llul or 44rubf Worm.
K.K. nuuliK. Heaves, Pneumonia,
KF.Colia ar ripe. Bellyache.
(..(J. .WiMcarrlave. Hemorrhages.
rliuirr nul Klduey Dinenaoi,
1.1.--fcrupiive UiHenMe, Mange.
.K. liineuaea of Dig-eatiou, Jaralyala
Blugle Dottle (over 50 duscslb - - ,00
Stable Case, with Bpeclflro, Manual,
VV terluury Cure Oil and Mudluator, 87. OO
Jar Vajieriuarr Care Oil, 1.00
flolj by DrarirUtii mr prpld laywbM d la anr
anapllly recelpl or prk.
la un du ear. Tn oo'r aeoetnii remtdylor
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and PrMtratioa, from ovar-work or otbar eauBea.
$1 par vial, or ft viala and laraa vial powdar, for 5.
Suta hj llrurrlils, or Mini puatiiald. un ruclbt ol prlca.
UtariiHsis' mku. CO., in a us wuiuai u, s.wjora.
1-4 ' ak a Jjy
S m -V art-aa"
TRArto iiiairS.
For Information and frte HandtKxik wrlto to
MUNN CO., i61 Huoauwav, Naw VOKK.
Oldent burraii fnr aeourlng patimta In Amorlca.
F.vorv imtiMit taken out ly un in hrouirht bcfuru
tlie imiillu by a uuike ijlvuu tree of charge lu Uia
Lanrost clrpiilallon of any aclentlflo paper In th
World. SliltmiUdly lllutraUd. No luti lllKi'lil
uian ahnuld be wllluiut It. Weekly. :l.00a
Jeari I.Silslxmoiitlia. Acldresa, MUNV CO
'uuuiiUKiui, 861 llruadwuy, Kew Vork City,
Women who wish to
make money at home.
Address a postal to
CO., Cincinnati, Ohio.
i 1. ..1.1 ..!, K f .V,a
It IB ail UIU iiiaAiiu Liiai laiiuci .
In fartheBt from market who has noth. IJf ' 83.35 worth our goods sent abnolutely
tnp; to Bell. This may be, but Is he any, w to any nddrew. to introduce them,
worse oft when the common roads are' Powders, Soaps, Spices, Ac. Dror,
no bad that be cannot market hit a postal to Mack Mm. Co., Cincinnati, O
products? ' ,
Pennsylvania Eailrcad.
Time Table in cm ct 1W ay I9, '95.
In elTerl Mry, 12,
PnrNewYorlc, rtilladelphlit. Rending Potti
vllle, TnmnqiiA. weekday II FS n. m.
Fur V ininiiiKporl, weekday a, t.a5 a. m., 8.25 p.
For Danville and Milton, werkdayr, 7.35 A. m.,
& 1,
Kor fatnwlma weekrtnys 7.3.1, 11. SR a. m., 12.80, .1 . n. m
For Hupert weekdnys7.S5, 1 1 , r9 a. m., 12.20, 8.25
8.0n, (, p. ni.
For HHlMmore, Wnshlnton and the Weit vt
H. it. K , tnrnii(rn rralns ave Heading Ter
iiuiini, r-uiiuuuiuiiiM,, i ni, i.'jip, rn., n.40
7.27, p. m. SunrtvH 8 ' 1 r, n it. an a. m,
8.4, I 2", p m. AddHional iriilni from 94 and
chemniit, atreet, M.Atl"ii, wecklays, 1.35, 641,
o o (i. ui. ruruaya, cm p. ill.
Leave New Tork via Fblladelplila 8.00 A
m.. Him via namon h.iu a. m.
Leave I'hlladt-lpblH lO.Oiia. m.
Leave Heading M.r,o a. m.
Ivave Pot sviiie i.3 p. m.
Leave Tamanua I SO a. v..
Leave vVltlliitiisi.orl wefkdiijs 10 10 A m, 4.30 p
laTecatawissa weckdajs, 7.oo,8.20a. m. 1.80,
8.'.'7. a. 15.
Leave Hupert, weekdays, 7.08, 8.27, A. m., 12.08
1191 , a. 00, p.o.
leave Philadelphia. Cliofstnnt, "treet, wharf
ami iouin nirefi n niirr ror Ananill fit 7.
w KRI-DAYa KvnrexK. H.on. a, ui.. UIK). 4.00,
B.on, p. tn. Accommodation, 8.00 a. in,, 4.S0,
p. 111.
Ki'miat Fxnreqp. 8 nn. ip.oo a. m . Accommo.
datlnn, H no a. in. and 4.45 n. in.
het irulnp leave Atlantic Clly, depot, corner
Ai lain i? nun n th kiisiih a vrniies.
wsrit iiavH Kxrres. 7. B. lion. a. m. a so.
6.30, p. in. Accommodation, (I.'jO, 8.15 a. tn. 4.; 2
p. in.
8nnrtnT tfxn-eaa n. m. Acconitnn.
aanon, 7.15 a. tn., 4.15 p. m.
I'arior curs on all l-xpress trains.
tten'l isiiierlnii tilenu (len 1 I'ass. ARt
Hcranton(: t B)lv
I'lttKton "
w l! j 7 !i iio 1
A. w.i r. M i P. M.'
5 Hx t H 3s ! s 111 Canl'T
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R30 2 4' 1
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h. mitt. 10
P III Mill
McKillip Bros.,
1 ne oest are
the cheapest.
EE. f
For a short lime Ralph G
Phillips, the photographer, is
making one lite size photo
graph, value $5.00. and thirteen
cabinet photographs all for
All work guaranteed.
Ralph G. Phillips,
Gr ound Floor Oallerj'i Opposite Central Ilote
lSDXoilki.'ib tor all turout lmlamuiailuus and
for asthma. Con
sumptives will In
variably derive ben
efit from Its use, aa
If Qnivkiy abates
the cmiKli, renders
expectoration easy,
assisting nature In
ifHlorluv wasted
tissues. There Is a
large percentage ot
those who 8tipposo
their cases to bo
VV!5Ta5j consumption, who
WV" aro ouiy BiifferlDir
from a chronic cold or deep seated cough, often
atfitravated by catarrh. For catarrh use Ely's
Cream Halm. Moth remedies are pleasant to
me Cream Hutiu, 50n. per bottle: Pianola
Hiiisnm, 2:u. at lHUKIsts. In quuntlcs ot $2.&U
will deliver on receipt of amount.
SLY UlioTllEUti, to Warren St., New York.
ClMnwa aiuI bMuuTiei th halt;
lhxtinoief ft lnxurinnt (rrowth.
Never Fil to Ketor Ory
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Cun Mklp ri !' hair tfcUm(. !
p.arl nt ln:fg.lll
"h onlr fur Cu
trtlu Ui
Lire Cure tur Conn, ttltjpi all pin. i-
Orlc trial and Only Gmttlae.
arc, aJwv rcUaitU. laoils aak
I -rug pi it Cor CirJfMt Sngtuk JHa
vnmd Brand in Krd and tiAi BirtalUo1
vUlMiket, waid vlih biu rilihon. TL
tok. Vi'lnn othuF. Krfuat dana trout ruin tit if
IW tHRHIiriU miNWW aillKllll,araiHaiC
n ina rur ptriiouiar, mutuunial u 1
1 Itallef fur ,atllea.n m ltttr, by return
Sold Uy aU LvoaJ lruUM. ... riiUaUa.
ilV BaEu& y Q
For all Bilious and Nervous
DisaASKS. They purity tho
Ilooo and give Healthy
action to the cnlirc system.
Pottavllle. ...
1 fiinhli'krrj..
Fern (ilen...
Kork I. len ...
Neacopeck ...
NeacnpecK .,
i iepy '
Kp Ferrr. .. .
ii. liloonibburg'
f 7 Sill 10 2
7 40110 8
a oil io ft
8 11 II'
a ii i
A. M a. M
7 Ml 11 IT)
0 11 V!
7 3-l II M
1 44! II 40
8 Oil....
r. M. . M I F, X
8 17 5 A I 01 4 40
f 8 22 I S (hlf 4 4
8 2M ft 14 & 00
6 '18I
8 47
8 BT
4 l
5 21
5 32
A. M.
5 H St
8 88
f S 48
8 4V
(;alawlaa ar H lis
CntHWIxaa Iv H
HvprHide..... ' Kit
tuiibury " 9 85
A. M.
ill 11
P. M.
12 14
12 If
12 :i
1 CO
A. M.
Funhurv.. .lv,t m
I ewlsburg ... an 10 2n
Milton " I 10 4
vtlllliimaport.." II J .
Lock Haven... ." 12 10
Henovo v. u.
Kane ... "
A. M.
funbury Iv 4
Ilarrlbbiirg ar II 80
P. M .
Philadelphia .nr'5 8 ot)
Haltlmore " ' 8 In
Washington 4 3,
P. M
1 10
8 04
8 2.',
8 m
t 8 1
4 OH
P. M.
5 4 0-
4 17
f 4 27
4 82
4 l
2 I'M
2 Oil
8 I'll!
4 l'l
6 lftl
v i.v
M. If. M 41
n i.ii
7 DO
S fill
v 10
I ....... .
F. M.
6 4 .)
6 53
ffl " t
... 8 It
a t
7 ut
P. M.
....... i II 21
....... 10 40
lu or
P. M.I P. M,
0 13(11 1 .
I 7 30
I. M.I P. M.
Sunbtiry .lv io m t 2 25 ,
r. M.I
lewlptown Joar !12 on 4 2r
rittsbuig- ." .( 8 10 11 i ...,
P. M. P. M.
1 8 7 3'i
HarrlsbuiK Iv ,
Plttshiirff ar'.
Hiaiiy, except tund'ay. I'lilly. i Kli-ir hint Ion.
II 80 I 2 I'll'.
1 P. M
i7 in
P. M. P. M
Pittsburg It I 7 o il 8 in
A. M.I A. M.I
narrlsburff... .ar.l 2 .01 8 aul
rittsburg Iv
lewlstown Jc."
Sunbury... ar
Washington.... Iv
H .ltimore "
rtnrrhiire It
huubiiiy ar
Kane ,
Lxx k lluven....
A. 11.
t 7 8
t 9 18
P. M. A
10 401 ....
It SO I 4 45
11 2lil 4 Mil
A. M.I A. M.
II 3 8ill 8 1 !
I 5 (JSil U 5i
' Canl 7
A. M. P. M.
Ii 8 I'll I S 1 0
P. M 1 A. M .
I 8 Hi ! 3 39
Nunbury Iv
IflverslJe "
Cutawlsa '
K. Hloemsburg"
Espy Kerry. "
Creasy "
P. M
I 8 Ml
J 05
10 M
11 25
3 25
4 12
4 3A
Neaooperk Iv
rocK men ar
FerntJHn "
TomulcUtn "
Ilnzletnn "
Potlsvllle . '
Nesconeck 1
.uncanaqua "
Nantljoke .....,'
Plym'th Ferry"
Plttston(DSH) ar
Scrantou ' "
A. M.
t 2.1
5 4-
8 0
A. M
n fiti,
7 10
7 84
8 45
A. M
t 8 04
8 Hi
8 n
H 4ti
8 51
9 (ill.
10 051
t 7 15
a 1
9 in
9 no
9 88
A. M
t .0 00
10 4H
10 4"
no ta
11 01
11 11
A. M.
til 11
fll 37
11 43
11 b4
P. M.
12 15
1 21
A, M.
Ill 11
11 22
It 32
11 ri
P. M
12 U2
12 10
P. M
t!2 4!l
1 111
A. !.
t 8 0. I
P M.
t 3 wil
t 6 OUI
A. M. A. M.
It) Hi: I
1 40 I 4 45
12 2. I 4 30
P. M. I A. M.
t 8 f 8 15
t 6 85 1 tf io
t ft 80
10 2.'
11 2"
P. M.
4 00
4 fft
4 47
5 251
P M.
I 1 2S
1 0!:
M 85
11 25
A. M.
8 25
4 12
P. M.I A. M.
t S 4 , HO 01)
a (17, 10 2)
6 21 ; 10 42
6 83 10 43
f 6 38 110 52
8 48 11 01
ttt 11 11
t 8 61
7 22
7 27
7 14
7 5
9 05
P. M. P, M.I A. Ml
t I (8 t 6 f,8 111 if
4 2" 7 10 11 S
4 Sv 7 22 11 i
4 IS I 44 11 S
P. M
5 0. 7 P8 12 00
8 10 8 00 12 14
P. M. P. M
t 8 41 t 8 32
0- a 03
t Dally, except Sunday. I Dally, i Fbg siullon.
Pullman Parlor and sleenlne ( urn p. n on
thiouuli trains between Sunbury, Vi il;larnporC
and Krie, between sunbury and Phlli.deljlila
and WnshliiHtoQ and between Uurrlsbure, Pitta '
bursf and the west.
For timber Information nnnlv to Ticket
o. M. InftVusr, J.K.WOOD,
Oou'l. Jlanater. Gen. Pass, Agt.
A.M. P.M. A. K. r H.
Northumberland . .. 825 1.60 10 os a n
Cameron 6 40 01
CUula!-ky... 07
Danville .... e S.'l o )3 0 2A :l
atawisaa 7)0 2 2ft 1039 11 '.
Hupert 7 17 9 31 10 44 8 8)
nioom3ouri... 7 an 10 49 8 si
Espy 7 83 2 48 .... B 45
Llmeltlde 7 40 2 50 8 52
wiiiow urove 744 2 54 6 iw
Brlarcreeic 7 48 700
Berwick 7 58 8 04 11 12 7 Oti
Beach Uaven... .. st4 8 10 11 18 7 12
Hick's Ferry 8 10 8 17 ... tin
Khlckshlnuy ..... B20 ( 29 11 83 7 35
Ilunlock'a 8 30 8 9 7 47
NauUcoke . 8 37 841 11 49 7 M
Avondale 3 41 8 61 7 58
Plymouth 8 45 8 58 11 66 8 03
lymotun junction 8 49 400 s or
Kingston b M 4 05 12 05 8 12
Bennett.. .. . 8 M 4 08 8 16
Forty Fort 9 no 4 11 8 11
Wyoming 9 05 4 17'13 1fl 8 2i
West PlUston 9 10 4 22 8 30
hiisciuehanna Ave 9 14 4 25 12 23 t i
PHtslon 9 17 80 12 20 8 89
Duryea 9 20 4 34 ...... 8 44
Lackawanna 9 21 4 87 848
ay lor 932 445 in 40 8 57
Hellevue 9 87 4 60 9 i'9
BORANTON m 9 42 4 55 12 48 9 1)7
A. M P.M. P.M. F. M.
. M. A. M. P. M.P. M.
SCRANTON IS 00 9 65 1 80 6 07
Bellevue. ...,. 6 05
aylor. 6 10 10 04 1 40 8 17
Lackawtnua 18 lit 11 1 48 6 24
"uryea Baa 10 14 151 6 2s
lttston avs in in 1 r.A hhj
MUKquehanna Ave .., 6 82 10 21 210 6S5
West 1'ILlalou . 86 10 21 2 03 H3S
Wyoming 40 10 29 2 18 6 43
Forty Fort M.... 6 45
Bennett 48 10 811 8 18 8 "0
Kingston' M 10 8(1 t'ti 6 6
lymoniu junction 6 59 104:1 22;
Plymouth 704 1047 S2 ttl
Avondale 7 09 28;i 7 07
Nantlcoko 714 10 54 V 42 7 1J
Huiilock'a 7 20 lion 2 50 7 in
Hhlckshlnny T 81 11 10 8 01 7 85
Hlck'a Ferry I 44 11 22 8 17 7 47
Beach Haven 7 49 11 82 8 25 7M
Berwick 75s 1H0 8x8 8 OC
Brian-reek 8116 ' 8 40 .....
uilow urove 8 10 1150 344 j.
-line wiaiie 8 14 11 5rt 3 5n 8 1
Espy 8 21 12 04 8 58 2'
Bloomsburg'........ 8 2s 1212 4 U5 8 30
Hupert SS4 12 18 4 14 B:ik
Catawlssa 840 1223 4 is 841
anviue .. bm 1237 4 38 sv-
nulasky 411 ....
'amerou 9 05 12 411 4 m g k.
NOUTUUMKkHLANO 9 20 1 00 6 05 9 2S
A.M. P M. P. T.M
Connections at ltunert Willi l'lillndHlnliln
Reading Hnllioiid tor Tainaiuiid, TauiaQU
Vllllainsport, Minhury, Pollavllle, tto A
Norihuuiberland with P. & K. Inv. i. K. to
liarrl burg, Lock Haven. Kmnorlum Warrun
Corry and Itiie.
W. F, UALL8TEAD, Gen. Mall.,
Hcranton, Pa. .