THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. S OLT.O BOLD kl BUTTER, An important subject of conversa tion during the last few days is A case of flagrant deception and gross violation of law by a well known vender in our curb stone market that has just come to light. The infringement in question was nothing less than the act of selling oleomargarine as butter. The dis covery of the fraud came about in this way. A few days before Christ mas Officer Van Gilder purchased in market a pound of butter, which was represented as the creamery product, of Elias Williams, who liver with his father, D. D. Williams in Valley town- ; ship. As soon as Mrs. Van Gilder j began to make use of the butter she became suspicious that it was not the genuine article. To test the matter Chief Van Gilder boxed up a j specimen of the butter and forwarded it to the State Department at Harris- burg for analysis. On Tuesday last . James Terry, Deputy State Dairy and Food Commissioner, put in an ap pearance in Danville and hunted up Chief Van Gilder. Mrs. Van Gilder's i suspicions had been verified. The so- called butter had been subjected to an analysis by Dr. Henry LefTman, 7 Expert analyst. It was found to be pure oleo ; there was not an ounce of ;k milk in it. The Dairy and Food 0 Commissioner, accompanied by Oflicer ( Van Gilder drove out to the Williams t- farm. They did not find any of the oleo here although Williams did not t deny that he had been dealing in the article. The neighboiing farm of William Ashton was also visited, as he was suspected of being a sort of ! partner of Williams in the nefarious ; traffic he was carrying on with bogus 1 butter. Here the ollicers succeeded in finding a quantity of the oleo. ( Some important facts were here gathered that criminated both parlies. I The partnership between Ashton and Williams was acknowledged. Neither , was it denied that they sold the articlj an butter with the full knowledge that it was not genuine. Mrs. Ashton ex plained that they saw an advertise ment of butterine ; that they placed themselves in communication with the dealers of it and ordered a quantity of the stuff. She said they received the oleo from the cars at South Danville for la cents per pound, ad mitting thai they sold it iti Market as creamery butter for 22 cents per pound. They seemed to see the utter futility of setting up any defense and accepted the situation as gracefully as possible. Their only desire was to settle the case tin n and there. This Mr. Terry, the Dairy and Food Commissioner, informed them was impossible at that time. Later, when summoned for a hearing it would be their privilege to enter a nolocontendere and pay a fine, which to gether with the costs, he assured them would not be less than $100 a piece. Mr. Terry returned to Harrisburg on last Tuesday to come back to Dan j ville in the course of ten days, when f legal proceedings will be begun against the pei sons who so grossly defrauded f our unsuspecting citizens. Meanwhile the guilty parties in Valley two. are trembling in their boots, as much in 'dread of the exposure that is sure to. follow as of the actual punishment inflicted by the law. In addition to the fact that the article sold Chief Van Gilder was oleo represented as bufter, a pound in weight, it was found to be two ounces short. The quantity seeming small for a pound officer Van Guilder weighed it before taking it home. So that Williams may have to answer for the additional offense of giving short weight. Chief Van Guilder is entitled to credit for bringing about the exposure of the two fraudulent dealers. But for his timely discovery and the prompt and judicious course he took in sending the oleo to the State De partment our citizens might still be victims of the fraud practiced so I openly. The question naturally suggests it self to what extent may our citixens not have been imposed upon in the past, if not still the victims of dishon est venders. Citizens owe it to them selves that thev inquire more closely into the practices of dealers and as sure themselves that they are getting a pure, genuine and healthful article when they are paying for if WHAT IS OLEOMARGARINE ? In the manufacture of oleomarga rine a liquid oil is first produced made from animal fats, especially beef fats, by separating the greater portion of the solid fat by crystallization. Oleo, as generally understood is an artificial butter made by churning the oil as obtained above with more or less milk. Butterine is also a substance prepared fro n anim il fit with some other ingre lients intermixed, as an imitation of Lvitter. It would to bti farther removed from pure bnt- icr mn o.e.i, as ino utter is often rnVuifacture 1 int 1 a compound that is soui ai o lttcruu. In Pennsylvania it is an offense punishable with a heavy fine to manufacture or even to deal in either oleo or butterine. Danville Sun January 1W1, 1896. How's This ! We offor One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catanh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known l". J. Cheney lor the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations matte uy mcir iirm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, 1UICUO, u. Waldino, Kinnan& Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in tcrnally, acting directly upon the b'ood anu mucous surfaces oi the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all uruggisis. lestimonials tree. Hall's Family Pills are the best, im INGERSOLL MA? JOIN A OUTJROH, Ho Finds One With No Creed and it Suits Him. Robert G. Ingersoll, in his lecture on " Lincoln," at Ivalamozoo, Mich last week, created a sensation. In the middle of his discourse he spoke of his visit to the People's Church and said : " It is the grandest thing in your State, if not in the whole United states. II there were a similar church near my home I would join it, if its members would permit ma." This caused a stir, and when some ot his friends escorted him to the hotel they asked him if he was in earnest about the statement, and he is said to have replied that he was very much in earnest, and if oppor tunity was ever given him of joining such a church he would seize it quick ly. tin .1 n ... v nen ine colonel arrived he was taken to the People's Church, of which miss Garonne j. ifartlett is the pastor. This church is institutional in its plan, and has reception rooms for sorinl gatherings, libraries, rooms for study, a timing room, a kitchen and equip- merits 01 1111s Kind. It is unth-nami. national, and has no creed. I he members sav that while no nr. ganized effort has been made to get Colonel Ingersoll to join the church, they profess to believe that he will deliver no more agnostic lectures. MIS3 WILLAED'S NEW MOVE. Novel Plan lor the Extension o( "Temperance Work. Miss Frances E. Willard, as presi dent of the National Woman's Chiist ian Temperance Union, has appoint ed Mrs. Marion Baxter to the new office of financial secretary of that famous organization. The position has been created to raise $25,000 for mc cxieniion 01 temperance work. This, writes Margherita Arlina Hamm, is to be performed by at least ten national organizers, or as many as the money will allow. Mrs. Baxter has already a scheme on which she is busy, viz., the securing of a thousand friends of the cause who will con tribute $ 5 each. The thousand will be known as the first "advance guard." After the number is filled a second will be formed, and so on until five advance guards have been enrolled. In case the extension mets with general approval and the amount is easily raised it is probable that an at tempt will be made to raise other guards and still further extend the work. Miss Willard, who has been quite ill the past ten days at Lexing ton, Ky., is rapidly improving, and expects to resume her many duties this week. Saved a Lifa With Lemonade. J. II. Sistrunk of Lexington, ' Ky., has received a letter from Tudee T. n Rose of Curryville, Mo., stating that ne owea nis me to him. Several weeks ago Sistrunk saw in the news papers that Judge Rose had been at tacked with hiccoughs, and three doctors had been calfed and gave him up. Sistrunk wired the judge to use lemonade at intervals until relieved. The letter inclosed $1 to pay for the telegram. 4W 1 ' tSJJJJ u That Heritage nff rirh , 0 w. a fvsvr f IIU iUVVU many a life. For Throat and Lung affections It is invaluable. It never fails to cure Cough, Cold, Croup and Whooping-Cough. DR. BULL'S COUqtl SYRUP is the best. Price 35 cents, o Cam LAii&E'S PLUGS, The Craat Tobacco Antldote.tOo. Doalanor mall.A.C.Meytr . Co., Balto.,Md. Lippincott's Magiziue for February, 1006. The complete novel in the Febru ary issue of Lippincott's is "Ground swells," l)j the well-known writer, Mrs. Jeannclte II. Walworth. It is a tale of rather unusual length (for the Magazine), readable, hvelv. and "tin- to-date." The scene is in New York city, and the heroine is, or tries to be, a New Woman. "Fifteen." bv Mariorie Richardsnn. is the talc of a highminded cash-boy, supposed to be told by one of his comrades in the dry-goods store. nr. narvey u. Jiisiiore gives an interesting epitome of the furthest re searches of geology in a rapid sketch i "tne Jt'irst Davs of the World." 'The Aerial Monasteries of G reere ' are described by Charles Robinson. James Knapp Reeve writes of What Men Drink." E. S. F. cives some account of "Domestic Service on the Pacific Slope" and the difficult ies tncrcot. .T1 II ! 1 J 41 - . ... "i ne nna ana nis fictions" is a pleasant and suggestive paper by Elizabeth Fercuson Seat Frederie M. Bird points out certain "Paralvzers of Style," some of which are intended to nave a precisely opposite effect, while some are the result of mere carelessness. The poetry of the number is by 'oseph Wharton. Charles G. D. Rob erts, and Clinton Scollard. By far the best friend you have in town, if you are a good citizen, is your local newspaper. It is always ready and prompt in defending the interests of the town's people, tells of their improvements, of their prosperity and champions the cause of progress in and out of season. No doubt vou will see some things in it that vou do not like, but you have the privelege of helping yourself to that which you like, leaving the rest for your neighbors and friends. The man is not yet born who can edit and publish a paper that will please everybody, and how ever conscientious and upriVht an editor may be, he is bound to make more or less enemies if he adheres to the truth in publishing the news. Many items of legitimate local news that would prove of general interest are omitted through fear of engender ing needless animosities, but despite the greatest care in penning such as are inserted without an iota of inten tion of wounding the feelings of any one, ignorant and intolerant readers misconstrue them into personal thrusts. In fact the editor of a local paper has but one recourse, to hew to the line and let the chips fall where they may, for he is " blamed if he does and blamed if he don't. The Original One. Adam had slept too long. He felt sure of it as he stretched himself, yawned, and lose with a neavy sensation in his head and a lightness round his stomach, to take a turn about the garden. But, suddenly, he doubted whether he was yet awake. There, in front of him, was an ani mal he had never seen before. He thought it was an animal. But it was stranselv like himself, vet siranfelv i J o - J different. His surprise increased. For some moments he was speechless. I hen : " What are you ? he gasped. The unusal creature smiled. She nicked a loose hair off one of his shoulders, compared it with his wua, unkempt locks apd smiled again. 4 1 am the New Woman." she said. Life. More Oars Constructed. The record of car and locomotive construction for 1895 compares very lavorabiy with that of the previous year. All of the thirteen locomotive building companies in the United States, except one, turned out more locomotives in the past than in the previous year, the total number hav ing been 1,100, as against 605 in 1804. The freight cars built in 1 895 were 31,800, as compared with 17,029 in 1894. One of onr local horticultu rists is at work on a new scheme to increase the sum of human happiness. He is trying to cross the milkweed and the strawberry, so that people may raise strawDernes and cream together. A home without a good weelky newspaper is like a house without windows, you fail to see, hear or know anything, and that's just why you are poor and can t make anything. You shut out all light, knowledge and in telligence and then you die having done nothing. To nursing mothers. Dr. Pierce's Fovorite Prescription is a priceless boon, for it not only strengthens the moihcr, but also pro motes an aluindant secretion of nourishment for the child. Kor those about to become mothers, it. is even more Valuable for it lessons the perils and pains of childbirth and shortens labor. Of all dealers. Ovarian, fibroid and other tumors rurpil without resort to surgical operation. For pamphlet, testimonials and references send 10 cents (for postage) to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. The ten thousand miners who find employment in Clearfield mnntv mines worked JJ7 days in i89r, aia days in 1892, 186 days in 1893 and only 134 days in 1894. PROOF I3J0SIT.YE tiut ltdia e. nxr;i;.i.'3 , YEUETABLE COISPOIX') Is DnHy Curf Jluckflrtir-, IMzzlmvw, FHlnlxcs, IrrpjjnlarKy, tii ull To mato ConiplaliiU. 1 Cero-iAt. to or iAirr"miTti. Intclllsriit women no Inner doubt th valuo of Lydiix E. J'inkhrtm'n VfRefablo Compound. It speedily rrlloves irregu larity, suppressed or painful menstrua' tlons, weakness of the stomach, Indiges tion, bloating, leueorrhnta, womb trou ble, flooding, nervous prostration, head ache, guneral debility, etc. Symptoms of "Womb Troubles are dizzlneM, falntncss, extreme lassi tude, "don't care," and "want to b left alone" feelings, excitability, Irrita bility, nervomness, sleeplessness, flatu loney, melancholy, or the. " blues," and backache. - l.ydia E. 1'inkhamV Vege table Compound will rorrvct all this trouble as sura as the sua shines. That Hearing-Down Feeling1, causing pain, weight, and backache, Is Instantly relieved and permanently cured by Its use. Under all circumstances It acts In perfect harmony with the laws that, govern the. female system, Is as harmless as water. It Is wonderful for Kidney Complaint In either sex. Lydia K. I'lnklmm's Liver Pills work in unison with the Compound, and are a sure euro for constipation and sick headache. Mrs. I'lnklmm's Sanative Wash is frequently found of great value for local application. Correspondence is freely solicited by the I.vdla F. 1'ink liam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., and the strictest confidence assured. All tlrng scll.the rinkham remedies. The table Compound In three forms, uld, Pills, and Lozenges. u BjclWoiviia m 4- I touches the SPOT for PNEUMONIA. W-fi? when tyr added 10 ordinary , coffee makes a delicious , drink. 2c. package. Grocers can tell you why those who buy Seelig Kanee keep coming back for it Strange thougn now long it takes some people to try a new thing. I RESTORE LOST MANHOOD Young and middle-aged men who sulicr from error ol youth , loss of u 1 . u 1 1 1 u Imnnl.nru. a..m in.l u .l. L vwijr an j 11 1 1 1 1 u 1 van v. niuruuKmy ndpertnnncnlly cured by my new method of treatment. None other like It. immediate Improvement. Consultation and book free. Adl. DR. SMITH, Lock box 635, Phila. Pa. m zr.t ll-ii'4-ly -I'. Co. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with ZXtunrhxeVS' Witch XXazol Oil as a curative and healing application. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and miming; cracks or fissures ana fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. . It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Druggists, or Mut post-paid on reoaiptof prlott. Ill XPIIKKtS' HO. CO., Ill IISWIinaaM.,RswTarfe. WITCH HAZEL OIL Solentlflo American Agency for A CAVMTB. TRADE MtpirS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. to. ror inrnrmation ana rive jiamitHHic writn to MUNN at CO., bril ltHiuuwAV, New Yokk. OliU'st bureau for soourliiK puU'nts In Aiyrloa. Every patent taken uut by us la brought ix'fnre the public by untiuo tlven free of cliurtfe lu the) gtimtiiit mtxim Lanroat circulation of any n-lontlflc paper In the) world. Bnleuuldly Illustrated. No lut-lllKut man should be without It. Weekly. 3.0O yean Sl.noalxmoiiihs. Aitdiww, MUNN & CO Vvaunuiuta, S01 liruadway, Hw York City, READING kl Pennsylvania Railrcad. Time ThIiIc 111 cfTVcl May 19, '95. m tUiU;0A? SYSTEM In effect Mr y, 13 i-'95. TRAINS LBWK BI.OOMSUCHO for Now Torlt, PhllartBlphla, Kift11ntr Potts villa Tamomia vu. lfiav n m n . For W i;il:.niHporl, wcekdajs, 7.83 a.'m., 8.23 p. For Danville and Milton. wprkrtnr. 1 as a m Kor Ttttawlsfift workdnvs 1 P.. 11 M a i loon no a tt' t n ' 1 ' Kor Htlnert wnrkrtiiva? H.1 11 rjl a m loon a or n. i,er"i. ' ........ ,r, ,n. ror Hiuuinori', wssiiingrfon n1 th Wt via ii. v, n. it.. i.nriiiiKii iriiina ive Jtcsniuif cr mlnal, rhllartfi.Mii, 8.8,1, r.r.s, lt.iis. m., S.4 P. 111. O'11'inyn il.ttj, I U 11. Wl H, rtl , . p. m, Adrtl'lnnal (ruins from f and hPHtnut. strncr, statlnn, weekdays,, mj, may, ui. PU1IU1IJB, l.oa, cf p. III. TRAINS KOlt ULOOMnlll Rn Leave, Mew TorK via Philadelphia g.oo a IrfMive l lilladelplila lO.ono. m. Leavn Kondlnj; U.M) ft. m. Ltfave I'oUBviTle 1?.so p. m, 1 JlnvA Tnmnnlla 1 An a m Luava WIUInuiBMiit wetkdars 10.10 a it. a nn n. . .... r. Iave Catawlssa weekdays, 7.00, 8. SO a. m., 'tAv'e Hiipert, weekdays, 7.08, .7, . m., 18.0 Ol i V. t)U V.tOt FOR ATLANTIC CITT. TAAVA Thllai1elnhfa rhMtnitt L t ... - ' " ....... ii ii u i, i .-- TT lift I i sun wuin nircpi wnarr lor Aliatitln ( it. v. WEKK-nATR KxnreRN. o.nn a m no Jon on, p. m. Accommodation, g.oo a. m 4.80, ui. KiTwniTll'Tnrnaa O fin in on m AnAM.w.A - . ,. , .V...U in , AM.U1IIIUU. v.... ., v in at in. mm ."..i p. ill. hot lrr.lti),'. leave Atlantic rity, depot, corner; niiu nrKHimna AvenueH. WR1K.IUVH RvnrnHH 7 --a. Q nn ii m isn .30, p. m. Accommodation, 6.W, 8.13 a. m. i.-.i Nnnrlnv T?rnreao A nn f .m n m A tnnmmn am ion, t.ib a. m., 4. in p. in. l'arlor C ars on all Express trains. I. A. VKIOARI). C. O. VA-Kmrv. (ie.n'1 Suiierlntfiidcnt. Gen I Pass. Agt Hornnfon(: g H)lv I'lttstnn " W llkenhfirre.... I'l mill 1-erry il Mil I l.;(IK e " Moeai 8(1 a " Wapwalu pen. " ?e(.cope. k .. ar A. H. lv J J nr. t T 8') 7 4(1 01 8 II 8 l.'l Pottsvllle Ilnzlclon , 'leriihlct'eH.,. Fern UH n Hook Men .... Nem'opeek .lv lv Nescnpeck. i ipcy Knpv Kerry... . " jS. liloouihburir" ratawlsa ar ChIhwIskij lv Mverslikl.... fimbiiry a. h.i r. m i r. m.i 5 M' K HH.t t iii.Sui'y 110 00 1 8 00 fl Sill A. V in ir, 10 1 o 10 ft 11 1 A. H I A. M 9 00 t 9 (IS 7 Ml 11 (10 7 Kl, II VB r. M. 8 IT f 8 8 -J1.) 4i 8 r,7 4 18 r. m I in f o- A H: 4 6 14 7 8' 7 44 8 01 II 84 11 40 Punbtirv .. .lv Lcwicburg ... ar Milton w llllamsnort. Ix)ck Haven... Henovo Kudo Fnnbiirr narriabiirg... A. M.I A. M V 8 M II II A 9I!II Via f 48 Itoek 8 4? 8 to 8 W, 11 e 8 (Hen P. M 1 IN 1'i IF 111 8V 1 10 r. m 5 1 10, 8 04f 8 8 m t 1 S'l 4 Od P. M. ( 4 0 4 IT f 4 8T 4 8K 4 8 4 8K 4 R" A. M.I P. M, P. M I It Si I I ft') f G 41 10 2!l 10 S4 11 U U 10 P. M. 8 ON; 8 (1.1 8 (in 4 10 5 1S II IS, A. M.I P. M.I P. M . lv 5 4N I 1 M 8 ti .ar 11 80 f 8 so, 8 7 10 in R ( li 7 (10 (mi 9 I0i Hanimore.... Washington I P. M 4 40 f 4 4S 8 00 6 .1 ft 34 8 4j P. M.I P. M.I P. M, ! a wi t v:i ill l 8 in I IS'ilO 40 4 8 ill 7 80 A V I V M Sunbury Iv,l0 OS 8 x P. M. Tewiutown Joar is (, 4 V, MttBburg- ." j 8 10ill 8o Ilnrrlaburg lv Pittsburg ar! P. M i a so in 80 P. M. I 7 8 A. M. I 3 (Ml P. M. 6 44 S S3 f 04 08 8 If II e 8 7 (X P. M. i's'i 10 40 P. ar I 8 r 10 0 A. M I 4 3D l no T 40 P. X 11 7 1R SOUTH. 11. tk 8. K. K, NORTH ARRITR. lialiy, e xoepK-unimy. rally, f Kl' ii st.itmn. mill. io e.m n. s o an 1M s.a 0.KO ll.S-'ID.ll! U.a".iw 11. '0:8 Mi 11.0 S.4H 10.5". -S. 44 !0.fSA87; l0 4,s a-ji :0 3F '.'('! 11.S'S. 4(ln.'.'3!S.O:) 4 .ll.:0iS.(i(l n m ii in p in HA VI p.m li.4() If 3 J.8! S ill s. s 3.1 11 I.8-. 1.80 1.10 18.8.1 1 18.3U 8. US 18.WI I'.'.ni p in RTATinva IMoomitiu'g. r. & k. " Main t.. .Iron tin 1... .. Paper Mill. ..I.lglit t . Orai.Ri-vlre. .rorks ... ...Zaner's... tll:water . ...Kenton.... . . Kflrton'F. .. .cole's t'r'k. .Kugarionf.. ..I.HUhl.l'll . . .. ceutrHl... Ja.i.. Clt.. tlAVB iftm nm'Dm am ,H.80 8 4'l 40 CIO i.8ll.43 S.44 H.13 8.34 8.4ii.47 i 8.4,'iR.sO 8.88 S 44 8. .14 0.81 '".37 18.47 U.tM.T.t rrt.6l IN.ftH'3.10 T.'O 7.10 ;.(H 3.80:7 90 7.85 i'll'H.88?.81 7.41 , 13,3.80 7.80,8.00 .8ll8.40 7.811 8.10 II K(l 3 4V7.i4 8.S0 .8n!.H.4T:7.4S'H 53 P.3i3.S?l7.f,8 0.00 '(. I I ' -I.". , 7.0. 1. 1 II 1114.07, x.0Tl) SO U.f.Ujs.lC H. KI.U.IU a in p m p inn m AKKIVK P. U.I P. M Pittsburg lv I 7 o i 8 io, A. M.I A. H arrlsburg ar l 8 i0:l 3 30 Pittsburg. lv Iewlstown Jc." t,uiibury.M .. ar; B-ltlircire " Philadelphia..."! A. M ITftrrtsburz lv ! 3 8 Hunbury ar I S ON A. M t 7 8 t 9 88, P. M.' A. M. 10 4(ll .... 11 80ll 4 45! 11 80 I 4 80 lv Fine PHOTO- iRAPHS and CRAYONS at McKillip Bros., Bloomsbure. 1 1 , i ne oest are the cheapest. Erie Kane " Kcnr,a ' Loik llaven...." Wllllnmsport,." Mill on I-ewlsrmn? Sunbury ar Hunbury lv KIVHrslde ' Catawlssa. " B. Hlooinsburir" Espy Ferry " ireasy Ntscopcck P. M i 8 v. 7 05 10 S5 11 85 A. M 3 8." 4 18 4 36 Nesropeck lv Hook (ilen ar. Fern Olen Tomlilcken..... Hnzleton ....,. Pottsvllle . ... ST A For a short lime Ralph G, hillips, the photographer, is making one Jife size photo graph, value $5.00, and thirteen cabinet photographs all for $3.00. All work guaranteed. Ralph G. Phillips, Ground Floor Gallery, Opposite Central Ilote BLOOMSBURC, PA, 7-18-1 Nesconeclr It Aiocanaqua....." Nanllooke Flym'th Ferry " W'llkesbarre...." A. M t 5 8.1! S 4 6 OS Via Hock Ulen. 8 04 A. M t BS! A 611 j 7 10 7 84 8 46 A. M. t 8 04 8 18 8 Sis 8 46 8 54 9 Oil A. M. t 9 H-a I 10 05' A. M I 8 15 I 9 6ti t 7 15 8 H 9 10 9 Oil fe 38 I C-iaa'y .1 P. M A. M.I P. M. I 8 CO I 8 10 P. M I A. M . I t in I 8 30 A. M.I t 8 O il P M. t 8 00 t 6 A. M.I A. M. in 80 K 1 1 40 I 4 43 113 . ,t 4 80 P. M.I A. At. t 8 61 I 8 16 t ft 85 I 9 68 A. M 10 (X) in 88 10 4ll 10 4 no C8 11 01 11 11 A. M. 11 11 M 87 11 43i 11 54 P. M 18 15 1 lit A, M. Ill 11 11 88 11 38 11 ti P. M 18 08 18 10 P. M tia 40 1 i P. M t 108. 4 801 4 88 4 K 5 0' 8 10 P. M t ft 41 8 Us P M. I 8 86 7 05 lit 85 11 85 A. M. 8 85 4 U "i'iw P. M.I A. M. t ft 41,110 U 6 07 10 80 8 81, 1 10 48 6 33, 10 44 f 6 88 110 58 8 48 11 01 6 6 11 11 P. ft t 6 ra 7 88 7 !' 7 84 7 SSi 9 05 P. M.I A. Ml t 6H'11 11 7 10 7 88 7 44 7 f 8 8 00 P. M. t 8 38 9 Iti 11 89 11 8 11 64 P. at 15 00 18 ltf Plttstond 4 II) ar Scran ton " " t Dally, except Muuday. I Dally. 1 Flag station. Pullman Parlor and Sleenlnir rain run nn through trains between Sunbury, Wllllamfrport and Erie, between Hunbury and Philadelphia and Washington and between Uarrl&burg, Pitta' burg and Hie west. For further Information aoElv to Ticket. Agents. S M. PHEVOST. J. R. WOOD. Uen'l. Manager. Gen. Pass, Agt. ELY'S CREAM BALM is quickly absorbed Cleans the Nasal Tassages, Allays Tain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores. Restores the Sense of Taste and smell. IT WILL 0UBJB. A tart tele Is annlled Into each nostril and tn reglswred, f" its. ELY BKOTII EII8, 56 Warren :atarrh RAILROAD TIME TABLE DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. EAuT. NORTBVMBXBLAND....... .. 8 8ft 1.50 10 0 Cameron........ 8 40 ...... Chulaeky........ Danville 8 53 8 18 1 018 Catawlssa, ..................... 710 88 10 39 Rupert 717 181 10 44 Bloorasburg..... ........... 7 81 8 88 10 49 Kspy 7 83 8 43 .... Lime Kldge 7 40 8 50 Willow Grove 7 44 8 64 Brlarcreek... . 7 48 Berwlek 7 58 COLD lf HEAD ta HAIR BALSAM jrSJ Claaiuea anil bcsuuTiet Us hair. f Pnmutca a kwurianl frmwth. j-toT-h-J Mover Fail to Beatoro Gray aJsTuV-T Hair to Ita Vouthfiil Colo'. TJbf) - Cum scalp dinessos 1 hair talluuj. lTrs sjaj JOc.andtl.'XIat Pmanits beach Uaven...-.. ...., 804 Hick's Ferry 8 10 Sblckahlnuy ...... ... 8 80 tiuniock's.. ........ 8 30 Nanilooke...... 8 87 A voodale. ......... 341 Plymouth 8 45 Plymouth Junction 8 49 KlnK8'.on....... 8 54 Bennett ,..... . 8 68 Forty Fort .... 9 00 I H NDERCOnNoa Tha only sura Cure lur Corns. Htups all psin. iiiitnrsf eom tanlu Uia ImI. AUkat valktag aaay. Uvia. at bruulsu. Wyoming, West Plttston HusquehanDa Ave... Plltaton Dm yea .. , Lackawanna Taylor...... neuevue... HOBANTOM. mm Tblchnu a lUh Maaaosid Bftsi reNNYROYAL PILLS -u wrltfinui mma vnij Oennlnew J.At'. Safc. alwftya rulUblt), laoics tak UruMtn lor Vtchfr Mngluh Via-A morul Brand la Ktsd ud Gold nilaxllio ItioiM, tamlsd with bin ribbon. Tuks w other, knfu dawrou tttAttifiA. rlLrtiJ and imitation. At DruvnUla. or mtmA t. In lUmpi tat ptutloalftra, UiUuOQtU tul " ituT rr iiits," tn un$r, hy return hlohct4BrtJkiimiCMitlliiuH HuUMSr Imaal Vrwnlata. .- PUlaOak.' 1-iS-lUt- 8TAT10NS. 8CRANTON. Bellevue. 8 04 8 10 817 I 89 8 19 8 41 8 61 8 B8 4 (Ml 4 05 4 08 4 11 4 17 4 88 4 85 4 30 4 84 4 87 4 45 4 50 4 65 P.M. 11 18 11 18 l'i'33 li'49 U68 1805 13 18 18 83 13 26 18 40 P.M. ft 50 6 03 6 07 8 13 6 38 8 83 8 89 8 4S 8 68 8 58 7 00 7 Ort 7 13 7 19 7 85 7 47 7 64 7 68 8 03 8 07 8 18 8 18 8 19 8 ih S 30 8 83 8 89 8 44 8 48 8 57 9 (4 9 07 P. si. 18 48 P.M. WEST. A.M. P. M.P. M. 1 30 807 ail 844 kr For all Bilious and I'brvous Disiasbs. They purify the Blood and give IUalthv action to the entire system. Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE. CONSTIPATION and PIMPLEC. 7-is.iy BREAKFAST SUPPER, G?(ATEFUL-COMFCrTrN'C.. GOGOA BOM tNQ WATER CF! Mil " 1-0-4U 9 05 9 10 914 917 980 9 81 9 83 9 87 9 43 A.M A. M. 00 a 55 8 06 .... Taylor. 810 1004 1 40 8 17 Lackawanna e is 1011 1 48 6 84 Duryea 8 83 10 14 1 61 as Plttston 6.88 1018 1 68 6 88 BUHCiuehanna Ave........ 6 83 10 31 9 00 6 85 West I'ltlStOn u. 6 85 10 81 8 03 8 38 Wyoming. 6 40 10 89 8C8 6 43 Forty Fort,. 6 45 Bennett 8 48 10 S 8 18 6f0 Kingston' 6 64 1 0 89 1 88 6 5 Plymouth Junction 8 69 10 43 8 37 I'lymoutn 7 04 10 47 f 83 7 03 Avondale 7 09 8 88 7 07 Nantlcnke 7 14 1064 843 7 13 HUUIOCK'S 7 80 11 011 8 5(1 7 0 Hhlckshluny 7 81 11 10 8 01 7 85 HICK'S Ferry T44 11 83 8 17 7 47 Beach Haven M 7 49 1183 135 7 53 Berwlek 7 68 11 40 8 88 8 OC Brtarcreek . 8 08 8 40 ... vi mow urove. 8 10 11 wi 8 44 7. 8 14 11 58 8 50 81 8 31 13 04 8 58 6 81 8 34 1318 4 oft 8 30 8 84 18 18 4 13 8 88 8 411 19 33 4 18 8 41 8 65 1 3 37 4.S8 8 5t- 1 40 .... 9 06 18 46 4 11 iL 9 SO 1 00 6 06 9 35 A. M. P. M. P. M. P.M Lime Kldue.... aly Hloomnbtirg-. Hupert ...... CatiiwiHsa..., Danville , Cnulasky Cameron KOUTUUMBKHI.AND. Connections at Hunert with Philadelphia Betiding Hitltroud (or Tamanend, Tamaqu Uliamsp ort, Sunbury, PoHnvlil, etc A Northumberland with P. ft E. In v. p. K. ro Harrl-burtr. Lock Haven, imuorluni Warrea C'orry and Ki te. w. r, uallhtgad, (Jen. Man.. Scranton, l'a. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN