The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 20, 1895, Special HOLIDAY Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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7.wt tfoliunbto Jicmccnt,
at Hlnomshurg, thn County sent of Columbia
county, rciiiisjlvnnlu.
OKO. R. ELWK1.L Kmtoh.
W. I,. KYKIil.Y, Local Kpitob.
OKU. C. KUAN, Kokkman.
Tin: Inside tlie county, 11.00 a yenrln ad-
umw! If not paid In advance Outside
too county, $1.25 a year, strictly In advance.
All communications should be addressed to
Dlooinsburg, I'a.
Again the season is at hand when
the world is reminded of the birth of
a Savior who is Christ, the Lord. It
is a joyous time especially for the little
folks who believe in bant a Claus, and
whn hancr tin their stockincs in the full
faith that the good old saint comes
down the chimney and fills them with
suuar dI urns and tovs. Kris Krinjle
; a tmnrl snirit who mmps to the
world once a year and brings joy to
the hearts ot all civilized nations. His
vkit is of the cotnins of the
Savior who brought with him " Peace
on earth, good will towards men."
The civincr of presents is in com-
menioration of the visit of the wise
men of old who saw the star in
the skips and hrnueht pifts of trold.
frankincense and myrrh to the mlant
- o c 1
While there is universal rejoicing
at the redemption of the world by the
birth of Jesus, there are many homes
among us that are darkened by a
cloud of sorrow in spite of this glad
season. A family tie is broken : there
is a vacant chair at the Christmas
table ; a loved one who greeted us
last year at this time, has been called
away, never again to meet us around
the family hearth. In one home a
child has been taken, in another a
parent, a husband or a wife, and to
those who have the consolation of
religion, it is a blessed thought that
redemption has come to the departed
through the blood
born at this time
of him who was
in Bethlehem of
As we expect to eat our Christmas
turkey and p'.um pudding, let us not
forget that many are not blessed with
this worlds goods, and that our
Christmas will be all the happier if
we can feel that we have made others
happy also. Give to the poor. See
that thev are supplied with a good
dinner, and as many other things as
you can afford to give. " He that
hath little should give little, and he
that hath plenty should give plenteous
ly," and then the usual salutation of
" Merry Christmas " will not be a
mere empty form.
The strength of the Republican
party is now and always has been be
cause they have leaders, bosses if you
please, and the rank and file follow
and obey them, and stand by them,
through thick and thin. A political
party cannot retain its supremacy
without leaders any mors than an
army can be victorious without gener
a is.
The weakness of the Democratic
party to-day lies in the fact that as
soon as men of ability have risen to
the position of leaders, they are de
nounced within the party by those
jealous of their ascendency, and thus
their influence is weakened, if not
destroyed, and factional strife and
personal enmity are engendered, re
suiting in party disruption and defeat.
The Democratic party is not dead.
and never will die. but it needs re
organization upon new lines. There
must be a few generals, more captains
and lieutenants, and a vast army of
privates; and the latter must recog
nize and sustain their leaders. As
long as every private wants to be a
general, there will be no better state
of things than we have now.
The question, what to do with the
large number of weary Willies who
nightly importune the police for
shelter is becoming a serious one,
and about baffles the ingenuity of the
Town officials. It has been the custom
to give them quarters in the station
bouse during the night, but they are
coming in such numbers, that the
place has become too small for their
accommodation. Sunday night lodg
ing was given to twelve and they were
turned loose on the streets Monday
morning to annoy and trouble our
citizens. To commit them to jail as
vagrants does not meet the case, as
there the County would be obliged to
feed them. Just what to do to pre
vent this is a problem that up to this
time remains unsolved. How would
it do to put them to work breaking
atone for the streets? It has been
said to have worked beneficially in
other places.
The Board of Pardons has refused
to recommend a pardon for John
Bardsley, the ex-city treasurer of
Philadelphia, who is now serving a
term of fifteen years in tne peniten-
tiarv. I
The Sullivan Wyoming judicial
contest cost $10,000.
Thos. T. Reed in his inaugural
speech as Speaker of the House, inti
mated that the Republican majority
in the lower branch of Congress will
make no effort during the present
session, to pass laws that might replen
ish the treasury of the government,
or relieve the stringency that exists in
the business world. In other words,
they will not attempt to make laws
for the benelit of the people, for tear
that business might revive during the
incumbency of a Democratic Presi
dent. And the flimsy excuse given
for this unpatriotic and unstatesmar..
like attitude, is that it would do no
cood to pass such bills, as the Pre si
dent would veto them anyway. The
same excuse that the boy cave for
not washing his face ; it would get
dirty again. The motive of this do-
nothing policy is the desire to keep
the country in a state of business
stagnation as much as possible, in the
hope that in the Presidential election
of next year the people will vote for
the Republican electors, and thus pro-
duce a change of administration and
put every orancn oi the government
in the hands of the Republican party
Now as ever, thev nut iartv ahead of
duty, and are willing to sacrifice the
puonc gooa 10 gain a political point
-But we take it that the people are
in no mood to be trifl.d with. They
have been told for the past two years,
by every Republican newspaper and
stump speaker in the land, that the
Democratic party is responsible for
whatever stagnation in business the
country nas su uereo, ami mat me .aw
- , J 1 . i 1 I
of supply and demand is a matter that
can be regulated by legislation. It it
be true that a political party can make
business slack, it must be equally true
that a political party can bring pros
perity. The Republican majority in
the House is over one hundred, and
they can pass any law they see fit
in that branch If it be true that they
possess all the brains of the country,
now is a good time for them to exer
cise that portion ot their anatomy,
and show the people what they can
do as prosperity makers. The fear of
the President's veto or the non con
currence of the benate will not excuse
their inaction. The treasury needs
money and the people want prosperity.
Let us see what a Republican House
of Representatives can do toward
The Olcott-Earle plan of reorgani
zation of the Philadelphia & Reading
Railroad Company and the Phila
delphia & Reading Coal and Iron
Company, which was issued last Mon
day proposes the following :
'The protection of the present
general mortgage, the reduction of
the fixed charges to a limit safely
within the net earning capacity of the
reorganized properties ; adequate pro
vision of cash working capital for fu
ture requirements ; the payment of
the floating debt, and provisions for
the existing car trust obligations; such
control of the reorganized system tin
til the earnings of the properties shall
have placed them in a satisfactory
financial position, as shall render ad
d tionally secure the new general
Having these objects in view a plan
has been prepared with the co opera
tion of Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co ,
and the committee has selected J. r,
Morgan & Co , of New York ; Drexel
ev: Co., of Philadelphia, and J, S. Mor
gan & Co , of London, as managers
Unless the acceptance of the plan
shall be so general as in the opinion
of the managers to obviate the necess
Uy of foreclosure, the properties of
the existing Reading companies will
be sold and successor companies will
be organized under the laws of
Pennsylvania : and the stocks and
securities of these successor compan
les win be vested in a new company,
formed or to be formed under the
laws of Pennsylvania or of some other
Stat;. In the nlan. it is stated, there
is no serious difficulty in the way of a
reorganization by foreclosure, and the
plan has been prepared on the as
sumption that foreclosure will proba
bly be necessary.
Chairman W. F. Harrity has issued
a call for a meeting of the Demo-
cratic National Committee, to be
held at the Arlington Hotel, Wash
ington, D. C, on Thursday, January
1 6th, 1896, at ii o'clock A. M., for
the purpose of fixing the time and
place for the meeting of the Demo
cratic National Convention of 1896,
and for the transaction of other
History ia Eight Words.
When so moving
a tale as the fol-
lowing can be told
in eight words,
there can be no reason
for being
Mary Ann,
Kitchen fire ;
Kerosene can,
Golden lyre.
it you take a county paoer, you
want the best one for the news. The
Columbian fills the bill in every par-
ticular, and you should include it
anions the papers vou take for 1806.
I n , - it c
mi. iidincr, mcniocr 01 uoneress
from Nebraska, proposes to pension
I prisoners of war.
Youth is the seed time and man
hood the harvest of life. "Whatso
ever a man soweth, that shall lie also
reap." This proverb applies to the
natural seed time and harvest equally
as well as it does to the moral and
spiritual seed time and harvest. Now
is the seed tune for the whole juvenile
world. They have ample opportunity
to sow bountifully, for their harvest
will come by and by yes, before
they are ready for it. Whatever they
sow, that shall they after a while,
reap. If they sow idleness and van
ity, they shall reap poverty and dis
appointment. If they sow light
literature, novels and fiction, they
shall reap a bountiful harvest of vain
imaginations. If they sow prevarica
tion and deception, they shall reap
falsehood and shame. If they sow
vice and malicious mischief, they
shall reap the whole catalogue of
crimes. If they sow truth, honesty,
fame and knowledge with all the
means in their power, they shall reap
all the honors
that the world can be
stow, which includes contentment,
happiness and prosperity. Nothing
can be truer tlian the proverb:
Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall
he also reap." J.
The vested choir of St. Paul's
VHUitll ia i tuaioii owi 11 . nut iiiuaiv.
qT christmas The program includes
the following
Te Deum A. W. March ant.
Jubilate .. W. Elliot
Anthem, Ulessed be the Lord
God, Williams.
Kyrie Kleison Gounod.
Gloria Tibi J'earce,
Sanctus Vincent
Gloria in Excelsis Tours
The anthem is a beautiful. selection,
and of a high order of music. A full
choir of twenty four voices' is expect
ed to participate. Services will be
held at 10.10 a. m. on Chris tra is
morning. All are welcome,
We are sorry to announce the serious
illness of Rush Zarr, Esq. He was
seized with appendicitis and it was
thought at one time that an operation
would be necessary. At the present
writing he is somewhat improved, but
not able to leave his room. His
many friends hope that his recovery
may be speedy and permanent,
Always at this time of year Clark
& Son's stoie is a pretty place and a
busy place. Their advertisement on
page 5 gives a few hints at their in
numerable lines of goods. You have
been there, of course, but if not, you
will not complete your Christmas
purchases without a visit to their ex
tensive store. '
There is no occasion to send away
from home for fine candies, when you
can get them just as good, and very
cheap, right here at home. Stop in at
I. G. Deitrick's, and you will find all
kind?, and at any price you want. He
also has nuts and fruit of all kinds.
Among the many beautiful windows
this week, that ot Hess Bros, jewelers,
displays extra ordinary taste in its ar
rangepient, and the costly goods ex
hibited, is but an index to the enor
mous stock they have provided for the
Holiday trade. The center of attrac
tion is a farm scene. A modern farm
house is shown with a beautiful lawn
surrounding it, in which a fountain is
in full operation. At the bank barn
there is a pump from which water is
flowing. One of the employees of
the farm is sawing wood, whilst
another is working at a grind stone.
These are all kept in motion by an
electric battery. At one of the win
dows the owner ot the premises is
surveying his possessions and at
another the wife is gazing at the
fashions. The barn yard is filled with
domestic animals and the whole is a
scene of contentment. In addition to
this the window contains Gold jewelry,
diamonds, and sterling - silverware.
The other window is filled with hand
some maniaure sets and other
Nervous and Weak
yUl broken down, unabl to Bleep, distress an4
Durnmg in my ttom&cn, smomarinj ana onoxing
pells this was my condition when I began to
take Hood's Sarsaparllla. I have taken S bofc
tlo and feel like amoibsr maa, can work
with ease, weigh over 200, and aiu cared. X
shall ever be ready to praise Hood's Sarsapa
tllla. J. L. GwsBiNOKit, New Grenada, Pa.
Hood's5 Cures
N. II. Be sure to got Hood's and only Hood's.
Mood's Pills oi endorsed by thousand
Sir. J. Z. Orimiinger
FROM S18.00.
The Columbia County Medical So
ciety, had its regular meeting at tne
Susquehanna Hotel, Catawissa, last
Tuesday afternoon. There was a large
attendance and a great deal of inter
est manifested. Dr. Brown of Blooms-
burg, read a paper on the dangers
resulting from malpractice, Dr. Bruner,
of the same place, one on abortion,
its causes and treatment, and one was
read by Dr. Kline of Catawissa on
Hypnotism. The next meeting will
be held at the Exchange hotel,
Bloomshurg, on the third Tuesday in
Holiday Excursion Tickets via Reading
Christmas Week is the great time
for a general home gathering of all
the family. The Reading Railroad,
to accommodate its patrons, and also
to stimulate travel during the Holidays
offers special inducements in the way
of fares over its lines.
Between all points on its lines
(except between Philadelphia and
Trenton proper) Special Excursion
Tickets will be sold December 21st .
to 25th inclusive, December 31st and j
January 1st, 1896. All good to re
turn until and including January 7th
1896. 1 he minimum rates for these
Special Tickets will be 25 cents for
adults and 13 cents for children.
For information as to rates and
arrangements with connecting rail
roads, consult Reading Railroad Tick
et Agents.
The water situation in Shamokin is
now more serious than it has been
for several months. There has been
no reserve in the Brush Valley Water
Company's dam since September, and
the present cold snap has frozen up
the springs in such a manner that
little or no water comes therefrom.
The collieries have been notified that
they can no longer be supplied, and
have again commenced to purify sul
phur water.
Excellent Skating,
Seldom has the ice been so hard
and smooth for skating, and every
afternoon after school, can be seen
a lot of red cheeked boys, and pretty
girls with their skates over their arm,
wending their way to the race, creek
or canal, to indulge in this excellent
Jacob Boice, who has been attend
ing the Mayville College, at Mayville,
Tenn., has, on account of sickness,
been obliged to suspend his studies.
He will act as colporteur for the
Chicago bible society in this section
of the State. He is a worthy young
man, and will render the society
valuable service.
W. H. Gilmore, alwavs take3 ad
vantage of the first opportunity for
filling his ice house. He is getting it
off the Iron Dale race. It is as clear
as a crystal and seven inches thick.
Gilly " never gets left.
Thomas Ferguson, who will be re
membered by many of our readers as
working for his brother W. G. during
the past summer is now working on a
railroad contract in Canada. When
that is completed, he will engage in
similar work in Central America.
For a Shave or Hair Out.
For a good and quick shave or hair
cut, go to James Keilly s tonsorial
room in Exchange Block, first floor,
next to Express Office. None but
experienced workmen employed.
in its season is a highly valuable
element. We don't want it all
the time, but there is one thing
we do want. It is
Last article is indispensible.
Then, why not get the best ?
Get it from a butcher that un
derstands his business depends
on his good meat.
Such a man is
air 1 l
OTP! All
;7i 1. 3.- . 19. .i.AV .
s 1
Wonderfully Successful in all Chronic Diseases and Diseases of the
All Eye Operations Successfully Performed.
The Most Successful and Scientific Treatment of all Jliseases and Weaknesses of Mankind.
The most widely and favorably known specialist in the United States. His long exer
ience, remarkable skill nod universal success in the lurest hospitals in the world enables
hin: to all CHRONIC, NKRVOUS, SKIN mid IlLOOD diseases upon the latest
scientific rinciples and entitles him to the full confidence of the afflicted everywhere.
IMl'OKTANT TO LA DIliS Dr. Salni, nfler years of experience, has discovered the
greatest cure known for all diseases peculiar to the sex. Female diseases positively cured
by a new method. The cure is effected by home treatment. lintiiely harmless and easily
applied. Consultation rree ami strictly Comuicnttal.
Dr. yalin operates su..cesslully nnd pain
lessly for squint eyes, pterygium, iridec
tomy, turning in or out of eye iashes or lids
closure of tear duct and all other eye opera
tions. Chronic sore eyes and granulated lids
quickly cured.
A certain and positive cure for the awful
effects of early vice and the numerous eviTs
that follow in its train.
I'rivatc blood nnd skin diseases speedily,
completely nnd permanent ly cured.
Nervous debility nnd sexual disorders
yield rapidly to his skillful treatment.
Syphilis, gonorrhea, gleet, spermatorrhea,
seminal weakness, lost manhood, night emis
sions, decayed faculties, female weakness
and all delicate disorders peculiar to either
sex, positively cuied, as well ns functional
disorders that result from youthful follies or
the excess of mature years.
Specialties Cntanh, skill diseases, sores,
pimples, scrofula, blood taints, eczema, can.
cer, piles and diseases of women quickly nnd
permanently Cured by the latest approved
treatment as pursued by leading specialists of
50c. HOOK FKER. ' I ho Medlcnl Advise-," containing nenrly 100 pages, a short history of nrl
vate diseases, advice to young nnd old, especially tliosa contemplating miirrluge, fully Must ru
ever come within jour reach. Tula hook will be
Kiilm M i hnv .t'J t il 11 I nil, ii
in,. uuv mi, i,-, uii)MutL- me oiiporiuiiuy 10
HthhkXAwINt IoNOk '1 Ilk L HINE. kuch person applying for medical treatment should
Rend or bring from n to 4 ounces of urine (that passed lira t lu the morning preferred) which will
receive a careful chemical and microscopical examination, and If requested a written analysis
will be given, l'ersotis ruined in health by unlearned pr ndeiu, who keep trilling with liiera.
mciiitn arter mum h, giving poisonous aud Injurious compounds, should upply immediately. le
Inys are dangerous. ' ."...
A Ondpfflll fnrPQ Perfected In
... ... treated. No
or express, Din. wnere nossiuie, personal consultation Is preferred, curable cases guurameed
respondniiee eoulldenUul. Treatment sent 1: o. 1). to any part of the U. 8 List
1 free. Ad.lress Dr. 8alm, 1'. O. box VtlJ, Columbus, O.
01 i jj iiuesuous
Send two S-ccnt stamps for book on chronic
The Episcopal Sunday School will
hold its Chiistmas festival on Thurs
day evening, the 26th inst.
When we insetted the notice last
week that ihe Bloomsburg Cycle works
had been sold to J. F. Wright we had
been so informed by Mr. Mears. Mr.
Wright however failed to comply with
the terms of sale, and it was sold to
S. E. Reynolds.
.nil your life. It Is annoying, and
not always safe. It will not cost much
to have your....
....I do It by a new niothod. No surg
erv, no detent Ion from business. You
will only need to make from four to
eight- weekly visits to my oltlce. Money
refunded If I fall to cure. Write for
tO B. Wubcgtoa Ct. WILIIO-imi.
By virtue of writs of Fi. Fa. and Vendex
issued out of the Court of Common I'leas,
and to me directed, there will be exposed at
Eublic sale at the Court House, in Blooms
uriz. Pa., on
at 2 o'clock p. m., all that certain piece or
parcel 01 iami situate 111 jaiKsun luwnsnip,
Columbia county, and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to-wit.
Hounded on the north by land of Harvey
Crevehng, on the east by land of Samuel II.
Shultz, on the south by land ot amei 11.
Shulrz, nnd on the west by land of John B.
Kile, containing
more or less, whereon are erected a
barn and out-buildines.
Seized, taken Into execution at the suits of
Iilnomshurg Agricultural and Iron Works,
and to the use of John A. Funston vs. John
L. Hess, and William 1'. rntz vs. ohn 1.
Hess, and to be sold as the properly of John
L. Hess.
J. B. McllF.NRV,
C. Cm. Barki-EY, Sheriff.
W. 11. Maoili, .
sW mW.4V fc
FROM S5.00.
, a ltd
Will 1)0 nt SnnliurT Central Tlotel, .Inn. t-s;Kob.
8ft; Mar. !!-'; April : May !M; June 17; July 1; Aug.
li; Kept. H: Oct. T; Nov. 4; Due. 1-3'.
Will b at Hlinmokln Hotrl, .Inn. S -30;
Feb. -J7; Wuroh W; April iKt; May SI; June 1H; July 18;
Aur. 18; N-pt. Ill; Oct, H; Nov. t; leo. 8 Ml.
Will be Ht, lllopinsburtt, BxelmnKO Hotel, Jan.
8 31; Keb. SHj Mureh ; April Vll; Miiy S. June 19;
Julv 17; Aug. 4; Sept- 11: Oct 9; Nov, tt: Dec. 4,
Vi lli be hi Danville. Montour Hotel, Jim. 4; Feb.
j ; Mnreli; April : Mny X3; June lit"; July 18;
AUtf. 15; Sept. Is!; Oct, Uj Nov. 7; Die. 5.
America nnd Kurope.
lleafness I cure 90 per cent, of all cases
cured in one treatment.
Discharging ears cured in every ca?c
Catarrh of the nose, bronchitis and lung
troubles, caused from catarrh, positively
A Sure Cure. The awful effects of early
vice, which biings organic weakness, destroy
ing both mind and body, with all its dread
ful ills, permanently cured.
Dr. Snlm addresses those who have im
paired themselves by improper indulgences
and solitary habils, which ruin both mind
and body, unfitting them for business, study,
society or marriage.
Married men or those entering on that
happy life, aware of physical debility quickly
We guarantee to cure nervous debility,
failing manhood, syphilis, varicocele, stric
ture, gleet, unnatural discharges, weak parts
and all kidney and bladder diseases.
Kpilepsy or fits positively cured by a new
method. Testimonials furnished.
ouiaiu one or me inom vulunhie books which
sent to anyone flee on application.
Address Dr.
o'd eases which have been neglected nr unskilfully
experiments or failures, l'artlea treated by mall
and private diseases free.
In (lit Orphans' Cnurt of Cnlumhia county.
Jiatate vf H 'ifffiim Millrr, tfeceowtf.
Tho auditor appointed by tho court to audit,
settle and adjust the tlist and Until account of
O. II. Kvert and Oeo. M. Kline, administrators
of William Miller, deceased, and to report dis
til ou tlou of the balunce In the hands of the ae
coun tunts, will meet the pnrtleB Interested for
the purpose of his appointment, ou Tuesday,
January 14th, lBini, at lu o'clock a. m., at his
onice In Bloomsburg, I'a., when and where all
(turtles In Interest must present and prove
their claims or bo debit-red from participating
lu the distribution of Bald fund.
IS-iO-lt. Auditor.
Estate ofj. U. Huhltizer, aee'd.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
Orphans' court of Columbia count j, on excep
tions and to make distribution the funds in
tho bauds of the accountants, will Ht at his
oflloe In Hlonmsburg, on Thursday, .lanusry tth
tow, ai. tu ociock a. m., lieu ana where an
persons liuvlnu claims aLMln-.t said eslste must
appear and prove the same or be debarred from
coming In on said fund.
U. H. MEl.LR K,
lU-iXMt. Auditor.
Real Estate
In pursuance ot an order Issued out of the
Orphmis' Court of Columbia county, the under
signed administrator of Pavld Acnenbacb.
late of Orange township, deceased, will expose
at public sale on the premises, two miles east
ot OrungevlUe, on
at 1 8) o'clock p. m., the following described
r'al estate to-wlti AH that oertulu piece or.
parcel ot land situate In Orange township,
aforesaid, and described as follows : Adjoining
lands of the estate of Jeremiah Hess, Daniel
Montgomery and William Achenbach, oontaln.
whereon are erected a two-story
Si x SO, with 14 z 1ft kitchen. Large bank barn
4K x ill, with Straw shed overbite entire yard.
Two wugou sheds, and a good orchard.
Also AT TU K SAM M TISI NI PLA' i a trnct
of land situate ne'r the bIiovh containing
BitiiiT iCKKS whereon are erected tuto-wobt
Vhamk iiot'SK. Hpleudld spring oi w itef and
good orchard.
Tkkms ok Kai.i. Ten per centum of onf
fourlh of the purchase mouey nbsll ba paid at
the striking down of the property, and the
reroaluder on the 1st day of April 18W), when
possession will be given.
Shtdih, Atty. Administrator.