THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOM3BURG, PA. IRISH SUI'linaTITIONS. ' Falrlcw and Wllihcrt Abound In Hie Minds of the lolo. All rurnl ri,;iuiiunitU'ri la thn old vrnrld nro super liil MiH, ui.d Ireland H tr excep tion t(i 1 l.o rule, writes n foreign corro- ; spotidcnt. Fnlrle.4 nro supposed to wield an uwful power over n pcn-nti's life. They um t:i!o lino, healthy lu.ldrs from their mother's nrms nnd leave nlikly weaklings In thulr place. They enn spirit a child ' uwny fruui Its fatlior for n crtnln length , of time nnd restnm Mm when It 1ohc ; their fnlry highnesses. They can steal wives from huViiimU unci parents from children, lie.xlilen working nil manner of mischief in minor matters, Hitch an turn ing new mlik Hour, prevent lug crenm from "coining," eausltiK illseasn nnd death limoiitf poultry and cnttln nnd a host of other ealimlties, for tho warding oil of which they have tinnicrriii clmrms. In tho little town (if liallinaslon lived a man, IiIh wife and an only child. Hy noma uuhaipy chance tho "good people" enst covetous eyos on the mother and horn her nway on a pray horse, nllmvliiR her to re turn at midnight for a short time to sua her hiitiy; This she. did regularly, tho husband taking It all as a matter of course ml asking no u,uestlons. Her hrolher, however, chanced to meet heron tho threshold one night, and by asking where sho was going broke the en chantment, and sho returned to tho world once more and lived, perhaps Is living still, to tell her story to the wondering neighbors gathered around tho glowing turf lire to smoko their pipes of peace. Tho liellef In spirits nnd spirit walking Is ust about as llrmly rooted; perhaps In deed uioro so. If n man Is unhappy nfter 'death, his relatives nro constantly remind ed of tho fact by his frequent appearances to them, nnd until they havo done their Tory utmost to perform tho duty which ho loft unfulfilled they aro llahlo to bo an noyed by his visitations, which, however, when It Is accomplished. Tho trans migration of spirits into tho IkhIIcs of ani mals is another article in a peasant's creed. Tho writer has known n servant maid who left a situation where sho-was happy and ooinfortithlu because on her way into town sho was obliged to pass a largo black re triever dog, which bIio vowed was pos sessed of an ovil spirit. Tho banshee Is believed in universally. It la tho spirit by which death is foretold. Its cry, which resembles tho howling of a dog in pain, but from which it can bo readily distinguished by a true born son of tho noil, is repented three nights in succes sion, and foreliodes certain death. It is said that tho spirit takes thn form of a lit tle whito robed woman with llaxoti hair, which she is busily engaged in combing while emitting her dUmitl death wall. Should a mortal approach her sho van ishes, but if ho attempts to touch her sho hurls her comb vindictively at him, and be falls a victim. Chicago Dispatch. THE FINICAL MAN. How lie Ordered Ills ltreakfast of the Knowing Wulter. A man nfllictod with tho dlseaso of fln Icklsm, an txaggcratlou of tho value of details, was giving his order for breakfast to a hotel waiter. Tho mun was finical in the extreme, and tho exactitude of his or der respect fully nmused tho waiter, who was somewhat of a judge of human na ture, inasmuch its ho bad served breakfast to many men. Breakfast time is In variably when you get down to tho bedrock of ii man's true disposition. It is loo early In tho day, and ho Is too close to nature It. --elf to havo put ou tho little disguising frills that he be gins to assume along about 11 o'clock. At all events, the waller understood anil took his order respect fully, even servilely, with out losing his own estimate of the man. Tho man bad n morning cough and sip ped ico water as ho gave his order. "Bring mo a pot of cotTeo," ho said. "And mind It mut bo but hot nnd strong, don't forget to havo it strong. And a sirloin steak, rare remember, havo it rare anil no fat. I can't bear tho sight of tut in tho morning." "Yessir, ycsslr. No fat," replied tho waiter. "And bring me some, dry toast, hot, mind ymi hot toast and have it mndo from stale bread. 1 don't want it toasted outside and soggy within. Now don't for get that." "No, Fir; all right, sir; not soygy In side, hii', " echoed I lie Walter. "And let's neel Yes, bring mo some fried o,-js. t're&h eggs, you know, ixt fectlv troeli, and I want them fried ou ono slue i.tiiy. Don't forget that." "Yessir; fried on one side. And which tddo," Kansas City trUiv. Kmu'.l Salary. In t, .rteer 1 hues Preshvterlnn oomrreira- tlons in tho north of Ireland were not, us a general thing, very liberal In tlieir pay ments to their ministers. In one such con crretrnttiin there was a well to do farmer. who cultivated several uere.-uif uroiind ami was tho owner of numerous llocks and herds. Thla m ni win (n tho habit of contrllmt lug two and sixpence u year toward tho support of bis church, und even that he paid with ii grudge. Ono year, when ho was asked for is, he grumbled 118 usuui, and finished by saying: "This preachlu ought to bo unoo' good, for it's unco' dear!" Even tho small sums that were promised wiirn hv mi means nlwavs nald. An an nual stipend of less than two und slxponco has been known to bo 13 years in uitcum. Tho following entry occurs in tho diary of ono of tho hard worked ministers, of those llllVR "Snirleil with thu treasurer of my con gregation for my annual stipend. Amount iiuilur 1(1. Providence bus cast my lot among a peculiar people; they promised me little, und they pay nioiuss. loum Companion, A Queen's Gentle Rebuke. Speaking of tho womuuly quulltlos of Qiioeh Victoria reminds mo of u good story told of some one I forget tho nunio fur tho moment who has tho hereditary right to wear his hat in tho presence of the sov crelgu. Availing himself of tho prlvllego in tho presence of the queen, her majesty quickly uotlced (ho Incident und quietly remarked that although a gentleman might have tho right to wear his hat in the presence of his queen it was not usuul for ono to ilo so in tno presouco oi a may, Lady's l'lctorlul. Men trust rnthor to their eyos thuu to tholr ears. Tho effect of precepts is thoro- fore slow und tortious, while that of ex amples is suniniury nud offoctual. Soiioou Tl,, u,n., liuithni- nnnuallv worn out bv thu people uf th United States Is said to dost 1180,000,000. Eiplrltu Santo bay, in Texas, U "the ray of the noly Spirit." GRANT A3 A P0KEF1 PLAYER. fie tlml Nrrve mil Kelt reliin and Wm Always Cool. An n'my oPlcr 1ms recently boon relat ing some reminiscences of Ms (.unreport cr, among which U tho following: "Tho difficulty wo nil experienced 111 playing poker with (iruut," remarked this otflecr, "wns his extreme reticence and Wonderful iinpiisslvonoss, which riono could penetrnto. Ninety nlno men out of n hniulriMl, under the excitement of high f)lny, will betray emotion to a greater or esser extent, but Urntit was n sphinx that never spoke. Ho was always cool and self possessed, even when the wine (lowed too freely and wowero nil somewhat the woiso for wear. No ono could measure tho strength or weakness of Grant's 'hnnd' by any otttwnrd sign or tho circumstances of his play. Apparently lu wns oblivions to all surroundings, but close Inspection ro- Tonled the fact that ho watched his adver saries narrowly and could detect n'blulT' with unerring certainty. Ho would call n man with au inconsiderable 'pulr when it cost a good round sum to 'soo tho bet. "It was undoubtedly tho outcome, of military genius which enabled Grant to detect either tho strength or tho weakness of his ndversury nt cards. We did not thou comprehend that his piny was strategic, nnd his met hods of gaming really conduct ed upon military principles. (Subsequent events developed that his passion for gam ing wns not hedged upon winning money nearly as much us it alTorded him oppor tunity to engage in strlfo nnd conquer. General Itufus lngnlls, who, in 1841, wns a captain nnd assistant qunrteruinster, nnd subsequently attained tho rank of quarter master general, was ono of tho i'aclllo ooast party which played dally with Grant, but nit hough recognized as a post master of the game, Iugallswas no match for tho little, close mouthed infantry enptuin. Bon Ilolliday, tho pioneer mull contractor of that section, wns Ukewlso on tho poker tapis with Grant, and so were Joo Lane nnd Jim Nnsmlth, both senators subse quently from Oregon, tho former tho can didate for tho vice presidency on tho ticket with John U. IJreoklnrldgo lu 1800. Hon Holliday wns an inveterate poker player, but Grant, lngnlls, Lnno, Kesmlth and Holliday nro all dead, and but few are now alive of tho old coterie which gathered to gether at tho card tubles of that epoch on tho shores of tho I'aclllo." fc'ushlngton rost. SHAKESPEARE INCOMPLETE. II Had Not Foreseen the American Typo of Human Nature. "It is not true," remarked tho learned day actor, "that Shakespeare created all kinds of characters, for I do not 11 ml In his dramas any characters that bear any resemblance to tho great Americans who have llgured in our country's history. Thero is not in all of them even the shad ow of a personality llko Abraham Lincoln, than whom thero is not a lluer theme f.rr some future American dramatist, ablo to illustrate tho scenes in his career, from tho Kentucky log cabin to the thenter lu which ho was assassinated. Shakespeare has no Goorgo Washington, no Andrew Jackson, none of our heroes or sages, none of our many unlquo notables, and nono of our wondersomo women. His creations belong to many countries, but ho never gives a forecast of the peculiar American product which came into cxlstonco centuries after his death. "Few of Shnkespearo's characters would ever havo been tolerated in this country. wo could not havo ralstnfl among us, or Macbeth, or Lear, or Caliban, or tho ghost of Hamlet's father, or Ophelia, much less any of his royal or classical chnrncters. "Wo havo had plenty of Americans worthy of dramatic honors, fitted for tho tragedy, tho comedy or tho historical play, totally different I u their traits and deeds from tho Minkcsponroan people, nnd tho like of whom were novor supovstod or foro- shndowed by Shakespeare. Tho oft repeat ed statement that tho p'.aywrltor of Strat ford conceived nnd drew nil types of humnn nature and all varieties of human life Is n fiction. Should a man of his genius ever ho horn in tho United States, bo would ilnd hero an ahundanco of material for dramas ns grand as ever were written." New York Sun. An Insuperable Obstacle. Together with the question of bloomers for women, somo of the souls which Im agine themselves t.) be lll'.cd with lesthetio longings nro making a despernto effort at another revival of tho long desired knee breeches or knickerbockers. They ullo;?i that trousers are baggy at tho kneo und liable to becoiu'i dlrtv at. the ankle. They also hold up the knee breeches as things of beauty and call upon i.mseuliuo fashion to 'idopt them. Wo do not thli.k it w ill bo done. Wo need not dispute with tho 'esthetes us to tho beauty of breeches t hemselves, as tho fatal deficiency Is in tho men. It is a sad fact that the majority of masculine hu inanity Is subject to Indictment us being spimllo shanked. It is bad enough to havo tho suspicion borno in upon our souls without having It paraded before our eyes unnn the street. Tho stockings and kneo breeches of tho past centuries, idealized by art, look very imposing, but when a realistic picture of shrunk shanks is presented tho lesthetio quality disappears. Trousers huvo served tho nineteenth century well. They ur the custom of tho ngo of steam, electricity, ironclads and newspapers. It is not to be expected that the twentieth century will go backward on tho dial of progress nnd produce a generation that is enslaved by knoo brooches, garters and shoe uucuics, Pittsburg Dispatch. Napoleon's Ideal Wouiau. In response to a question asked by a lady tho greut jNupoieon repnoa. "My Ideal woman is not tho beautiful f..fn.ii hello, whoso nhvslelan tries In vain to'keep her in repair, nor tho fragile butterlly of fashion, who gilds the tortures or dlseaso with a rurceu siiiue. v,.t Mv ideal is a woman who tins ao coptod her being as a sacred trust, and Who obeys tho lawB or nature ror tno pros i,i.i-itttiii ,if tini IuhIv and soul. "IJo you know, my knee Involuntarily bends In homago w hen 1 meet ine matron who readies middle ugu in compium yrc .......ti..nV miituwui "That woman Is rendered beautiful by perfect lieulth, und the stalwart children by her side nro her reward. That's my Ideal woman." London Advertiser. Crotkutt's Revenge. Thero is a storv of Crockett, of "Stlcklt Minister" fame, to tho offoct that when hu offered his (Irst volume to a Scotoli linn thev returned it with a polite nolo assur ing him that there wns no market for that sort of thing. Tho letter wusmumoa "j.o, miob." In later years when the sum publishers nskod him for one of his manu scripts ho politely requested thorn to refer to their previous uorrospondeuoo with him marked "U'Job." . CASABICRANKA. Th Klrl snt on thn 1jmbnll stand All hut ber henu had fled, And hu, poor clinp, could not demand Hellef from what sho snld. "Why does tho pitcher throw it sof" Hho murmured in disomy. "Hneh actions violent, you know, His awkward moves display. Why does be so expectorate Upon tho snow whltn ball? Wns he not tuunht until too lato Tlint that's not nice nt all? Why dues that felluwdnn a onge And let his volcn resound In cries of 'Htrikcl' awnk'ning rage In those upon the sxoundf Why do the runners alwnyi fall And slide upon their face. Or else they do not oaro at all Upon some other placer Why do thn people murmur 'Rank?' He has no rank, 'tis plain. Why duos that player, lean and lank, Hnem In such awful pain? Why dees tho catcher wear that pad Close to his bosom pressed! And why has not thn other had Ult olothns out llko the restf Why dues that player swing the wood In suob a reckless way And question, as do good mnn should. What those behind him sayt Why do the mun such colors woar" But here sho turned her head, And then at last became aware llor escort had dropped dead. Nebraska Btato Journal. Hypnotised. "Now, Wully," said Edgar, with a friendly smile, "I just want to make an experiment. If you offer no resistance, I think I can hypnotize you. What you have to do is to maintain a passlvo mental attitude. Try to think of nothing what ever no, not even of mo. Come, try to bo serious. Thero, lean back and make yourself comfortable. So; that will do. Now turn your eye to this light and dou't forgot that your mind is to be kept entirely Inactive. I will count 00 seconds by my watch." Tho young lady scrupulously obeyed those Instructions. In SO s-nils her eyes twinkled; after 40 they closed completely. "Ah! I knew I should do the trick!" Edgar triumphantly exclaimed. "Now, Wally, I command you to rovoal to mo tho secrets of your heart. Whom do you love? Tell me, I say ! Au expression of reluctanco flitted for a moment over tho maiden's face; then she began in a monotonous drawl: "I love Kdgar 1, and "Yes I Yos!" exclaimed tho onrnpturcd Edgar. "Go on. Toll mo all tho secrets of your heart!" "I love Kdgar P., sho went on in the sumo tone, "and I would lovo him still moro were ho not so stingy. I should llko to go to tho theater twice a week, but he only takes mo thero onco in three months. I wunted diamond rings, and he gives me rings with cheap stones. I should llko to havo gono for a drlvoonce ortwlco a week, but ho never invites mo. When I walk out with hliu and feel hungry, he never thinks of treating mo to oysters. W hen I 'Enough I tho young man cried. "Wakoup! I oonunand you!" And so saying ho made a rapid oxlt, Without awaiting tho result of, his com mand. Das Neuu Blutt. Complimented. The Prlnco do Jolnvlllo tells in his Memoirs" u story that Is rather hard on tho Americans he found during his visit to this country in war times: "One of tho chief members of society ut tho time was tho British minister, Mr. Fox, a diploma tist of tho old school. I was told that ono day as he was leaning against a chimney- piece in a drawing room, where dancing was going on, in deep conversation, an American came and stood just in front of Mm In n country dance. Sisin the young man began to show signs of anxiety; his voice grew thick, his cheeks swelled alter nately, and he cast anxious glances at tho ohlmncypieoo. At last ho could bold on no longer, and with tho most admirable precision he shot ull tho juice of his quid into the fireplace just between Mr. Fox and his Interlocutor. 'Flno shot, sir,' tho old diplomat contented himself with say lug, with a bow." Argonaut. The Lucky Ono. Ho Look, quick! Jack Hashing Is kissing your sister. She (sighing) She always was luckier thuu I. Truth. ' Iturul Occupation. Neighbor Stumps Whar's Jimf Fiirmor Stoans Flshin. Neighbor Stumps An Tomf Farmer Stoans Keudln. Neighbor Stumps Hillr Farmer Stoans Blslcklln. Neighbor Stumps John! Farmer Stoans Flddlln. Nuighbor Stumps Whar's the olo wom an V Farmer Stoans Hocln. Boston Cou rier. No Need of Wasting Kffort. "I havo been requested," snld tho good pastor, beaming over tho pulpit, "to oiler prayers for rain, but the superintendent Informs me that the Sunday school picnic is urrunged for Tuesday." Which, of course, would fetch a down pour. Now York Kooorder. Obeying tl.o Doctor. Family I'hysiclun See hero I I ordered an Immediate und complete cessation of all mental labor, and hero I find you writ ing. Literary Man It's nothing uothlng at ull. Only a society novel. New York Weekly. Up to Data Ballroom Attire. Maude I'm in a horrible dilemma. Mario What's the mutterf Maude I'm going to tho ball tomorrow night and I can't make up my mind whether to woar n cutaway coat or a sweat er. -Chicago Hcoord. A Sucoessfu.1 Season. "That's a very blurred picture you carry In your watch." "Yes, it's a composite photograph of my summer engagements. " Llfo. Lost on Ulm. Nuruiuer What makes that Italian grin o while grinding his organ? Hoorgood IIo's deaf. Boston Courier. rrr-T-i 1.4 J. Mothers. " One good mother is worth a hundred 1 hoolinnsters," said (Icorge Herbert. Men arc what their mothers make them. Ihit if the mothers are peevish nnd irritable, through irregularities, " female weakness," and kimhed ailments, they find no pleasure, no beauty in the tare of their babes. All effort is torture. Let nil such, who feel weighed to the earth with "weaknesses" peculiar to their sex, try I r. I'iercc's Favor ite Prescription. They will find the little ones a delight instead of a torment. To those about to become mothers it is a priceless boon. It lessens the pnins and perils of childbirth, shortens labor nnd pro motes the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child, A man and wife were formerly one. The new idea is to make them two men. Atchison Globe. When the devil don't know just what to do in a church, he generally raises a distuibance in the choir. Hum's Horn. The sight of a garden patch and a hoe has been known to give a boy a severe case of rheumatism. Cleve land J'lain Dealer. Drug envelopes, Nos. i, 2 and 3 ruinilla, white or colored, coin envel opes, and shipping tags, with or with out strings, always in stock at this office. tf. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate. In pursuance of an order of tho Orphans Court nf Columbia county, Pennsylvania, Issued on the r,th day of July, A. D., 1S5, and to me directed, will be sold at public vndue on the premises In the town of llloomsburg, county and state aforesaid, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1895, AT I O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, all the right, title, Interest, property, claim and demand of the estate and heirs of William Wright, deceased, and of tho estate and heirs and legatees of Mary Clayton, deceased, both lato of Moomsburg In the said county and state, In all the following mentioned real estate situ ated In Bloomsburir, and bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : No. 1. situate on East now Iron street and an alley, and running thence along 8 aid alley northeastwardly SI 1.8 feet to an alley, thence along said lost mentioned alley northwest wardly 40 feot to a post, thence southwest Tart ly St l.O feet to Iron street aforesaid, and th nee along said Iron street 40 feot to fhe plact of beginning, containing 3iJ PERCHES OF LAND, more or less, whereon are erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, frame stable and outbuildings. ALSO, A piece of vacant land lying on First street In said town, beginning on the oast side of a twenty foot alley and said First street, and running along said street northeastwardly about 11W feet, thence southeastwardly about lso feet to the hnydcr property line, thence along a twelve feet alley as plotted southeast wardly about Wj feet to the said twenty feet, alley, and thence northwestwardly along said alley about ltM feet to First street, the pluco of b-.'glnDlng. Notk : This piece of ground will bo offered In town lots of 4H feet front on First street and running to the said twelvo feet alley, as per pint of tho SAine, and will also be otTered as above described, in ono piece, and sold In such parcels as shall seem best for the estate. ALSO, a three cornered lot lying along tho said twelvo feet alley 171 feet, and ulong the fnydc.- property Hue 191 feet to a point, and at the west end In w idt h SI feot. TEUMS OK SALE : One-third of the pur chase money sliull be paid at the striking down of the property, and the remaining two-thirds In one year after continuation nisi, with inter est from that date. The purchase money must be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, and tho build ings must, lu- Insured to the amount of one t hotisand for t U" so.turlly of the estate. po ;.' or i be vacant lots will he given oil payei"!it of tho one-t.iurd of the purchase money nr;d t he delivery of the mortgage secur ity for Clio remainder thereof. 1'os.ysslon of tho house and lot will be given eil)ect to a b'usn cxplrliv,' April 1st, l'.'ii, on payment of one-third r.f tho purchase money, with ni'.)rtg:igi anil Insurance on the premises. Deeds w 111 b.3 made and delivered on compli ance with the above terms. Tho purchaser shall pay for tho conveyancing and securities IV(iUlrei1. FltANIv 1'1'HSKL, Trustee. .ItiitN ;. Fhkre, Atty for heirs of Win. Wright. Little ltomsos, Atty Tor children of Mary Clayton. John .M. Ci.ahk. Atty for trustee making sale July li-ts. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Kftiitf of Cyrus J. Heller, dcccunei. Tim i.n.l.ill.nml ..n mi. lit.. . V... tlm Orphans' court of Columbia county, to make,..i ..I tl... fini.U In Mm l.nti.tu rt t l.u administrators of the estate of Cyrus .f. Heller, him eas"o, us snow 11 uy lait'ir oiiiii ueuuunii ill said estate, will sit to perforin the duties of his llloouisbuix. upon Saturday, August -'I, lsiij, at H o'eloi k a. 111. of said da , w hen and where all persons havinir claims against sain esiiue inuso C resent tho same or be forever thereafter do nrred from a share of said fund. WM.CU1USMAN, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Court nf Common rienn of Columbia Co. In l e-A.ixivned estate uf I. W. HeKelvy. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by tho Court to make distribution of the balance In the hiimU of A. .. Hchocli, Assignee, as per first account, will meet the parties lu Interest for the purposes of his appointment ou Thursday, August Pit h, A. U., ihh.", ut, in o'clock a. 111. In the Court House In !!lonmsbur, l'u., when and where all parties interested are required to present and provo their claims, or be debarred from couilut; lu on said fund. 7-lU-ta. C. W. M1I.I.EH, Auditor. TOWN TAXES. Notice Is hereby K'ven that tho Town Treas urer of llioomsburtc will receive Town taxes tor thu year lh'.ir ut his cilice In Lockiird's bulld I11K from July 1 IS115 to August, is, isws, after which time rive per cent, w ill be added to all taxes unpaid ut expiration of said period. J. 11. MA1ZK, Town T11 usurer. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE -PROFESSIONAL CARDS.K- N. U. FUNK, ATTORN EY- AT-LA W, Mrs. Ents Building, Court llcnvt Alley, BLOOM SliURG, TA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY AT-LA W, Post Offic Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBUKG, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Wilt's Building, and floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOIIH O. MIKZS. .'Ontt O. HARMAK FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTOKNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBUKG, PA. Offices: Centre St., nrst door below Opera House GEO. E. EL WELL, ATTORJ.E Y-A TLA W, Columbian Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBUKG, F,. WM. Ii MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in M. E. Ent's building. W. H. SNYDER, ATTORNEY- VT-t AW, Office 2nd floor Mrs. Knts building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Budding, 2nd floot BLOOMSBURG. PA. THOMAS B. HANLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. Ents' Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. T. WHITI. A. N. TOST. WHITE & YOST ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. II. A. McKILLIP. ATTORN EY AT LAW. Columbian Building, 2nd Floor. BLOOMSBUKG, PA. IKELER & IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBUKG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, Attorney-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, TA. Oilke in Clark's Block, corner of 2nd and Centre JUreeis, l-I2-'o4 W. A. EVERT, Attorney- At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. (Ofllco over Alexander & Co. Wirt building. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, CENTKALIA, PA. F-tmeo Llddlcot building, Locust avenue. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUSTE Of THE PEACE, Moyer Bros. Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBUKG, PA. J. IL MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOMSBURG, PA. B. FRANK ZARR, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Clark's Building, cor. Main and Centra St,, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. CCan be consulted in German. W. II. RHAWN, ATTO Rn EY-AT-LAW, Office, corner of Third and Main Street, CATAWISSA, PA. J. B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, North side Main St., below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Dr. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, .. BLOOMSBURG, PA, , H rsciAL Attention to Diskasks Of Cdiimin II. BIERMAN, M. D. UOMCEOl'ATUIC I'll VSIC1AN AND SUKOBOS orrit'K nottRS: Office ft Kcsldcnco, 4th St., Until 9 a. m., 1 to S and 7 to 8 p. u. BLOOMSiioltU, PA. S. B. ARMENT, M. D. O ffice and Residence No. 18. West Fifth DISEASES OF THE TUHOAT AND KOSl SPECIALTY, (8 to Itto It to 8 to 1(1 A.M. BLOOMSBUKG orrtca norm 4 P. M. DP. M. FA. DR. ANDREW GRAY DON, physician and surgeon, Bloomsburo, Pa. Ofllce end residence In Prof. Waller's BtnM MARKET STREET TELEPHONE. DR. J. R. EVANS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Treatment of Chronic Diseases a Specialty Office corner Third and Jefferson streets. BLOOMSBURG, PA. HONORA A. P.OBBINS, M. D., Office, West First Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. SsTSpecial attention given to the eye and the fitting of glasses. Dr. F. W. REDEKER, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, O nice and Residence, Centre St., between 4lo and stb Sis. Diseases of tno car, nose and throat a speclaltr BLOOMSBURG. PA. is to 10 a. m. OFFICE uocks:-1 to 8 p. ni. (7 to 9 p. m. J. J. BROWN, M. D., Market Street. Bloomsburo, Pa, THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glassei and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Connection. DR. M. J. HESS, Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Col" lege. Office 2nd floor front, Lockard's Build ing, corner of Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA Dentistry in all its branches, Work gw anteed as represented. Ether and Gaa ad ministered or electric vibrator and Local Anesthetics used for the painless extractiaa of teeth free of charge when artificial teeth are inserted Lockard's Building, and floor, Corner Main and Centre. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, SUliGEON DENTIST, Ofllce, Barton's Xiulldlne, Main below Market BLOOMSBURG, Pa. All siyles of work done in a superior manner, and all work warranted as represented, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use of Gas, and free of charge whia artificial teeth are inserted. HTTo he open all hours during the day. DR. C. S. VAN HORN, DENTIST. Office comer of East and Main streets, op. posite Town Hall. OPlce liours S:S0 to 13 a. m ; i to p. in. BLOOMSBURO, PA. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Hartman liepresents twelve of the stronKOist Compan ies lu the world, unions which are : CASH TOTAL PCKrt.CS , ,, .... CAPITAL. ASSKTS, OVBR ALL Franklin or Plilla.. flMi.oou r!,ms,5?.i 1: 000 sos J'eiiii'a. Pima 4ihi,txo 8,sa,wi iWew Oueen.or N. Y. 5110.OH0 8,!WB,'.!5 1021 M est Chester, N. Y. sop.nnu l,7M,w T'&tm N. America, I'UUa. 8,OUO,ix)0 ,780,iiS9 8,36t,n Offick in I. w. McKblvt's Stosm. CiTLosses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSOltS TO FREAS BROWN) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKEKS. O N. W. Corner Main nnd Centre. Street, Bloovsburo, Pa. Represent Seventeen as good Compan. ics as there are in the World and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN F. KNAI'P, FIRK INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Home, of N. Y.j Merchants of Newark. N. J.j Clinton, N. Y.j Peoples', N.Y.jRead. inf;, Pa j German American Ins. Co., New York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well Masoned hy aye and fire tested, nnd have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in solid securities, and liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted and paid as soon as determined, by Christian T, Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, Bloonv burg, Pa. The people of Columbia county thomld ptviumic me ui-uiy wiierc losses, it anv. ... .buiku juiu vy uuc 01 meir citizens. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Jambs McCloskey Proprietor, (Opposite the Court House) BLOOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Balk rooms, hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences.