The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 19, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Warm Weather; '
We M
darks' Building, Main
Dmtrable vacant lots and number of pool
Aousp and lota In Bloomsburg, l'a Tlie best
feaalntwa i and In Bloorusburg. A very desira
ble property containing lit aeres and first class
buildings with good will In a buMtu'ss wuiiu
lisoo to $1 WO per rear at Willow lirove.
DweUlnKS In Kspy. Oranuovllle and Beaeli
Haven. A large nuuibor of larms In loluniiila
County, one In Luzerne County, one in Virginia.
Two Country Store Stands In Columbia county
and one In Luzerne County, A water power
planing mill, dry dork and lumber yard and
ineda In Israeli llaven, l'a. Also 10 acres of
food farm land at same place, by M. r. LUTZ
HON, Insurance and Keal Latate Agents.
BLOO.wsbl KG. FA. tf.
J condition, price reasonable, terms easy.
Inquire at mis oflioe or uddrvss Lock Hex .,
Uloouisburg, l'.u t !
and coKHTABLKs at tue Cuidhhv ot
frioe. ' '
An active. IntoUlpent cliurcb m'!:.'rr. ns '
or female, wanted to represent i:a fi r sv.rclul
work- Splendid lndueeinent to riyhi p..i ; .
No capital needed. Heferenee pvpi il. ( . ,1
pay. Stateaceand previous occupation. m!sc
name ot c'ninvli and I .Vi lr
Ololv Bible Publishing Co., VP, nut .
l'luladclplila, l'a. ti-H- ;'.
And furnished rooms to rent on Main
street. Steam, gas, hot and cold wa
ter and bath. Apply to Mrs. M. M.
Phillips, at rhillips Cafe. tf
House to Bent.
On East Reck street, Eloomsburg.
Inquire at this office.
A Wilkes-Barre correspondent says :
On the nation's birthday the season
opened for the killing of the most de
licious of our game birds, the wood
cock. This bird, whose erratic flight
is best described by the farmer, who,
when asked if he had seen any wood
cock about, replied that he hadn't seen
any woodcock, but that he had seen
any amount of birds down along the
creek yonder with long bills that get
up and " fly like a bumblebee " and
"whistle," is found in nearly all parts
of Pennsylvania. All sportsmen love
to hunt the woodcock, first, for qual
ities so much prized by the epicure ;
second, for the reason that he is the
first game bird that the laws permit to
be shot ; third, for the practice afford
ed for b'Jth dog and gunner ; and
fourth, because of his short flight,
which enables the hunter to "get him
up" again and again until he finally i
bags his game.
Q lff3ir" tVin flt., lit -if I
woodcock thai no pretentions to any-'
thing but the snappiest kind of snap
shooting is possible. Any good and
well broken dog, either setter or
pointer, will work on woodcock, and
the cocker spaniel will also hunt them,
though he won't stand " them ; but
owing to the peculiar flavor of the
bird comparatively few dogs will readi
ly retrieve them, although the same
dog may be an excellent retriever of
quails, pheasants or grouse.
A Uog thoroughly broken on wood
cock knows as much, or even more,
about the favorite grounds for the
birds than most gunners, and it is,
therefore, ordinarily the safer pian to
to follow the dog when once arrived
at a likely place for woodcock than to
make the cog follow you.
The favorite breeding places for
woodcock in Pennsylvania are along
creeks or rivers whose banks are a
sandy loam or spring run marshes. In
dry times they are rarely found any
where else, but during the wet season
in July and August they are frequently
found inside-hill cornfields cf sandy
loam soil. Any place whete nellies
crow is a good place to find wood
cock. Such soil is alwa)s niuist .md
mellow, permitting the bird to bu.e
deep for its food. Indications of wo.i
cock are small holes m racial suii ;u
open patches among nettles or low
grass ; such a hole as would bu made
by the angle worm.
The banks and islands of the
Susquehanna River atiord e;.culi-ul
woodcock shooting, as Uo also the
banks of the Lehigh River froai iu
source down as far as StoddaiUillij,
in Monroe County. Good shooting
can be had along the Mii.uJ.:i:-.i.a
River in Northumberland, Coiuiubia,
Children Crfor
Pitcher's Castorla.
at prices to suit all.)
Luzerne, Wyoming or Bradford Coun
ties. In Wyoming County is Bow
man's Creek, with the finest kind of
woodcock ground for miles on both
sides of the creek and lots of birds.
Bags of from fifteen to twenty birds
for a day's shooting are frequently
made in these covers, which are the
natural breeding grounds for this
much sought for and highest priced
game bird.
Lippiucott's Magazine for August, 1895.
The complete novel in the August
issue of I.ippincott's, "Little Lady"by Mrs. II. Lovett Cameron,
narrates the vicissitudes of a faithful
heart which found its true mate after
its ovrer. obeying the customs of
Knjiii: h l.i-h life and match-making
fathers, had lost her freedom.
"A I'licnd to the Devil," by Maur
icv Thompson, in an amusing story of
Goo:;.). Superstitions. The "Applied
I Art" of wh;ch William T. Nichols
' treats nr.s :-.l::n to that of the late M
1 'A'o::'; oi rajis, bi.t it did not prevent
i liic ..nisi iioin winning his lady-love
Prof. Charles 1. Roberts relates
" r-.i V. .;iance of an Ox-team" in the
land of the Blue Noses. "Two Prav
crs,'' by Kathleen Gray Nelson, is a
condensed and pointed tale .of love
and hate.
In "The Bicycling Era," John Gil
mer Speed gives something of the his
tory and much of the ethics of a mode
of exercise in which he thoroughly be
lieves a belief shared by a large and
steadily increasing number of Ameri
cans of boih sexes and all conditions.
William Trobridge Larned, an auth
ority on western topics, points out
"The Passing of the Cowpuncher."
Dr. Charles C. Abbott describes a
summer ramble "Up Pearson's Lane."
Annia Steger Winston has a second
brief paper on "The Pleasures of Bad
Taste." Nellie B. McCune tells a
good deal about "Caricature," and
Will M. Clemens writes on "The
Mystery of Sound."
The verse of the number is by Nel
lie Francis Milburn and Madison
A few weeks ago, while Peter
Mosser, a farmer residing between
Siegersville and Schnecksville, Lehigh
county, was engaged in mowing grass
with a machine, he cut off both legs
of a partridge, which was sitting on a
nest. The latter contained twenty
eggs. Mr. Mosser took the eggs and
submitted them to the tender care of
a motherly hen, which took them under
her wing and a few days ago hatched
out nineteen partridges. The hen
was considerably surprised at first and
cackled at a great rate, says the Allen
town Chronicle-News, but her mater
nal instinct came to the rescue and
she is all care and devotion. The
partridges are doing first rate.
Is not nrcsnrj- to the enjoyment of per
fect health, yet strong, healthy organs
and faculties give rise to the most de
lightful sensations of existence.
Exercise, common sense and ordinary
precaution and you need never be very
sick. When you find your stomach
troublesome, your bowels inactive, your
nerves sensitive look out ! hen your
weight is decreasing, when your energy
is waniiiL'. when exertion seems impossi
ble and sleen does not srive rest look
nut !
Serious illness lias its becinning in
mglecte.l little things. Even dread con
sumption comes on by degrees, and may
begin with a very- slight derangement.
Taken in time, 9S per cent, of all cases
of consumption ran be cured. Taken in
time, no disease need be really serious.
Tl-.o best sufecu.'.rd amintst disease is an
uetive, healthy liver. That mean good
bl.xid and good blood means good solid
h.althy fU-sn.
The of disee seek out the weak
(.pots in the body. Don't have any weak
tjk.'.s. H y cu have ll.c t:i now, clear them
out, tone them up, muke them strong.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
will do it. It searches out nil poisonous
matter and disease-germs of whatever
character. It regulates the action of the
organs of the whole body. It forces out
iuiuuiv u:;.tter. makes the blood rich and
rut new life into even- fiber. It makes
T'wvl. firn, healthy flesh doesn't make
fat. It irives you Uesh that you can work
with Uie liesn that iii.-.iiii health, hut
tea.sonab'ie iiluinr iK V is essential to the
Kv.t b. lilv condition
Pr. IMerce's Gulden Medical Discovery
is pleasant to take and you don't have
I . . a 11
10 raae an ocean 01 11 iu g wcii ciuicr,
Call and see
at this office.
typewriter paper
Waterproof collars and cuffs that yon
can clean yourself by simply wiping
off with a wet sponge. Tht genuine
look exactly like linen and every piece
is marked this way :
They are marie by coTcring a linen
collar or cuff with " celluloid," and nre
the only waterproof goods made with
an interlining, and the only goods that
can stand the wear and give perfect
satisfaction. Never wilt and not effect
ed by moisture. Try them and you
will never regret it. Ask for those
with above trade mark and refuse any
imitations. If yonr dealer docs not
have them wc will mail you a sample
direct on receipt of prLc. Collars 25c.
each. Cuffs 50c. pair. State whether
stand-up or tunicd-dowa collar is
The Celluloid Company,
42M29 Broadway, Hew York.
Better Than a Lawn Mower.
"Speaking about tornadoes," obr.erv
ed a traveling man, "I'll tell vou of
the strange antics of one I ran against
while I lived in Kansas."
"i OKin t Know you were ever in
that state," replied a nun from Wil
"Oh, yes, I was. At the time I
speak of I had a house in Wyandotte
with quite a wide lawn in front. I
watched the grass grow with painful
misgivings, for I was opposed to work
ing the lawn mower. ou know how
that is yourself," he said to the man
from Wilkinsburg.
With a silent nod the latter ac
knowledged that he did.
"Well, the grass kept getting taller
and taller, and every day my wife
would make some remark about how
our lawn looked compared with the
neighbors'. One day the neighbors
who lived opposite me asked me what
I'd take for my crop, and then I con
cluded that something had to be done.
I sat on the front porch trying to work
up enough courage to tackle that
grass, when along came that tornado.
We all rushed for the cyclone cellar.
When we ventured forth, we expected
to find the house gone into the next
county, but it was there a'l right.
But the grass! ou wont believe
me, but the grass was trimmed as
a brand new mower could have taken
it off, and the cyclone had even car
ried away the cuttings. I suppose the
reason the house wasn't touched was
that the edge of the twister just reach
ed to the end of the lawn. But tor
nadoes are queer critters. You can
never tell how they're going to strike.
I'ltttsburg lelcgraph.
Successful Kuptura Cure.
Since it became generally known
that Dr. O'Ma'.ley, one of Wilkes
Barre's leading practicioners, had dis
covered a new method for the cure of
rupture, wherein the patient is not
subjected to a surgical operation, is
not detained from business and is
completely cured in from four to eight
weekly visits to the Doctor's office at
80 S. ashington street, these large
and handsome rooms are crowded
dai'y. The Doctor's reputation and
standing are such that the people
have confidence m him, and the fact
that he has absolutely cured almost
every case that has come to him is
overcoming the incredulity of the
public in the statement that rupture
can be cured without the use of the
knife and long confinement. Dr. O'
Malleys cures are absolute. It is
not necessary to wear a truss after
ward. His confidence in the treat
ment is such that he gives a guarantee
to cure every curable case accepted.
If the patient is too poor to pay he is
treated free, thus showing that the
Doctor has a real interest in the wel
fare of his fellow men. His advertise
ment appears in another column of
this paper.
Must Give Numbered Receipts-
A recent act of Assembly makes it
obligatory for the county tax collectors
to keep a book of numbered receipts
and the same must be filled out in
ink. A numbered stub must also be
kept, from which a report is made to
the county commissioners. The latter
are required to furnish the collectors
with the necessary books.
Stock Certificates,
Corporations desiring stock certi
ficates, are invited to call and see
samples of lithograph work at The
Columbian office. Workmanship and
pi ices are guaranteed to compare fav
orably with city printing. tf.
Hoax Have you read "TrUDyf
Joax No; I am not equal to the feat
miiRdeiphia Kecora.
HiBhlngton Do you photograph la
colors? Photographer Yes; but
can chalk your nose, sir. Plck-Me-TJp.
He Have you ordered a trousseau,
darling? She Yes; six pairs of bloom
ers and three bathing suits. Boston
This hpllpf tn ttl InvArnrltv nf annu
lers Is singularly universal. It may bo
sma mat it extends iroin polo to pole.
i nnaueipnia rimes.
He French enables one to express
sucn aencate shades or meaning, yorj
know. "Yes, I know. And such ln
delicate ones, too." Life.
'Can I borrow your umbrella
awhile?" "Certainly." "Thanks."
" Don't mention It" " I won't to th
owner. Chicago Tribune.
" You ought to see that fellow strike
n oaiance. 1 suppose he's a book
keeper? "No; he's a professional
juggier. Detroit Free PreBs.
Wife (in Indignant surprise) Ara
you drunk, Joseph? Joseph (HIc) If
I ain't (hie) It s the best Imitation ot
one 1 ever experienced. Judge.
Phlladelphian I am readv to die At
any moment. Brooklynlte Don't they
run me troueys on a regular schedule
in your town ? Detroit Tribune.
"What are you painting there on
your lawn mower?" "A motto.1'
vnat is it?" "it's a good thing.
Push It along." Boston Courier.
Nell Why did you marry that drled
up old millionaire? I wouldn't have
him with all his money! Belle But he
said he would die for me. Philadel
phia Record.
"You saw a great deal of her In town
last winter at dancing parties, I be
lieve?" "Yes, but I expect to see more
of her at the beach this summer "
Eoston Courier.
He How many hearts are vou colng
to break this summer? She Hearts
don't break In the summer; It's too
warm. They merely bend. Harper's
"Talk about daylight robbery being
the height of Imposition," said the maa
aa he shook his flat at the gas meter.
''It Is not in it with gaslight robbery.
No." Indianapolis Journal.
First Cyler (nearing a road-house)
Do you suppose we can get anything
to drink there? Second Cycler Just
look at the enormous aggregation of
wheels in the carriage-shed. Life.
A Lively Time. She "I was play
lng whist also last night. It was tbj
first meeting of our Young Ladles?
Whist Club." He "I wondered wnai
made you so hoarse." Harlem Life.
Willie "What does alimony meaa,
pa? Does It mean all the money?'
Pa (bitterly) "Yes, all the money 3
man can scrape together, and more,
too. sometimes." New York World.
"Youne man sniri th
passenger, "would you mind getting uft
o"'"5 mm uiu gentleman a seat?
"Sir!" exclaimed the h Inst mat o-t 1 nn,a
the bearded lady simultaneously.
v.usuv A 1 1UUUC,
"Well, is there anything I pan An tnai
you?" asked the,,,
- f . uv, nvuQu
who had come to the kitchen door in
response to the knock. "There is,
ma'am." responded th
1st. "You can give me a good meal of
victuals, with nla anil
- - hum ivai
cream in the coffee, but I am something
of a mind-reader and n nhninnii..
and I can see you ain't going to do it
Afternoon, ma'am." Chicago Tribune.
ITeadache, foul lireuth, tour stomach, heart
burn, pain in chest, dyspepsia, const iputlon.
Poor Digestion,
Plstrcm after eat i tip, puln and bloating in the
stouiaeh, BnortiiuBB ot lireuth, pttin lu the heart.
Loss oi' Appetite,
A splendid feclitiK to-duy and depressed one
to-morrow, uothitiK seems to taste good, tired,
sleepless and all uuetrung, weakness, debility,
few ump-Koot builds up qulekly srunduwo
constitution and mukes the weak strong.
C , tee Vpn oontenu of On Bottle, if out benefited,
DtuacImU ul refund to jou Uie price paid.
41 DrugcWts, 5 Or, Size, fl.00 Size,
"Iurslidi' Guide o HwUth" free- ConiulUUon free.
Da. KlLVJKH & Cu., IllNOUAMTO. N. Y.
on Irani Derr's land, near A. J. Deri's
store, Jackson township, Pa.
Hitiglss, Mm k
b!::': ::i Pins cut t; tills.
We have saw mills on this tract
running daily, and have there on hand
and can cut timber &c. at any time
SUlneles.Nol.al1B and ft In. selected. I1.MM
iu it an nuu u 1 Lit ucai iiiun -'i
rinsterlnglatU. 4 ft. long, (i.MM
" 8 ft. long, fl.sM
Hemlock, common sizes, 18.0J M
.4 V!.i ullldr, On twin n f.l Ijt II
For special orders and for Terms
&c , write or call at office of
Bloomsbure. Fa.
r mr wm w wv w r rrs?
for Infants
Castorla Ian well adapted (ochDdrnn that
I recommend It as su perlor to any prescription
known to me." IX A. AncmR, JL D.,
IU 80. Oxford SU, Brooklyn, N. T.
"Ul use of 'Cofftorla Is lu unlvprml and
It nu-rita so well known tlmt It seems a work
cf snpereropntlon to endotne It, Few are the
Intelligent families who do Dot keep Caatoria
wiUiln easy reach."
CA&Loa ttumc, T. D.,
Kew York City.
Th CiwTAra
ii 11 11 rnrrrrtrB iMLflsV
County. Prices the Lowest.
4 IniM
Main Street,
2nd Door above Court House.
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
They are here in all the newest and dressiest shapes select
ed from the best shoemakers in the land. The very liberal
patronage of my friends has enabled me to put my shoe stock
in the front rank which makes your shoe buying a pleasure.
" Spring and Summer weight
Hosiery, corsets, etc. of the best makes and the best assort
ment at the lowest prices.
Co-vircs Irdx and Main- Sts.
All Kinds of Meat.
Beef, Veal, Lamb. Mutton, j
Pork, Hams, Bacon, Tongues,
Bclogna, &c. Free Deliyery
to all parts of the town.
tSTTelephone connection.
and Children.
Castorla euros Colic, Constipation,
Pour Btomaeh, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, glvos slucp, and promote dl
Kent Ion,
WlUKnit Injurious medication.
"For surerdl years I hare reoornrnnd4
your 'Castorla,' and slml! always continue ta,
do so as It ha Invariably produced boneflda)
Knww F. FARnKit, M. I).,
126th Street and 7th Ave., New York City,
Conrivr, 71 81 curat SraiJrr, Kw Yorc CiTT.
Stock in the
W. H. floore.
0 TiESs
This year. In fact the demand for boofc. keepers and stenographers
was greater than the supply and many students were given positions
before they graduated. Every student has proven competent. The
attendance was much larger than we had dreamed possible, anJ thu
outlook for the fall term Is even brighter.
Write for the new College Journal. It is free.
HICK, WHITMOHi; St CO., Principal),
Ralph O. Phillips,
Wouuii Kloor liallery, opumille I'enlrai Hot. U
tHT I.I.I I'M sells Ctie KOW"l
tiliT YOUK
-JSggir Ptit! 13-80.