The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 28, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Warm Weather
mm weak
darks' Building, Main
Dfwlratle vacant lots and number of Rood
bora and lota In Moomsburg, l'a The Vt
kturtnRS staud In Moomsburg. A very dest ra
ws property containing 111 seres snd nrst class
knlldlnKS wlln good will In a business worth
iaO0 tc f : W P' r yenr at Willow (irove.
IrweUUiKS in Kspy, Oraugevllle and Bftu'li
Haven. A large number of farms In Columbia
County, one In Luzerne County, one In Virginia.
Two Country Store Stands In Columbia County
nd one In Luzerne County, A water power
Mailing mill, dry doctf and lumber yard and
beds In BeaeU Uaven, l'a. Also 10 acres of
r)d farm land at same place, by M. P. 1. 1 1
BON, Insurance and Kcal fcstate Agents,
-tfllCKK.HINU 1'IANO FOK SALB.-In fine
j lo i'liilun, titice reasonaDie, terms easy
Bloomtirg, l'a.
inmim nr. iiiiH iiitk h or auuruna Liuiik w. n
and constables at, me uolubbian vi
An act '.vo, intelligent church member, m ile
or female, wanted to represeut ub for special
work. Splendid Inducement to right part.
No capl Uil needed. Heiereuce required, lioud
pay. BUtle nge and previous occupation, also
namo o rlwh and denomination. Address
UlobeMMe i'ubllshlng Co., Wl Chestnut t.,
Philadelphia, l'a. n-14-at.
Come Bargains.
The slock of goods of Jerry Saltcr,
lately told at Sheriff's s;ile, and pur
chased by Estey & Bruce of Philadel
phia, including Organs, Violins, Ac
cordiors, Banjos, Mouth Organs.
Violin, 3-trjo & Guitar strings, Sheet
music, ;vc, is now offered at greatly
reduced rates to close, at the old stand,
iooo sheets of popular music at 3cts
per copy.
Estev & Bruce.
6-28 at.
Shad and all kind of fresh fish at
!. B. Ch isman's daily.
3 29-tf-
And furnished rooms to rent on Main
street. Steam, gas, hot and cold wa
ter and bath. Apply to Mrs. M. M.
Phillips, at Phillips' Cafe. tf
House to Bent.
On East Reck street, Bloomsburg.
Inquire at this office.
Interesting Items From Various Points In
the County, Reported by Our Staff of
East Benton.
The "Glorious Fourth" will be
elaborate' celebrated at Cambra.
Harvest is rapidly approaching with
promising prospects of a heavy crop.
Refreshing and drenching rains have
been viu'r.y this locality of late.
Jame- Kr.efer and wife of Catawissa,
visited u'. .."ds in our neighborhood
week Ixi' last.
The f ; u at present in a thrifty
and gro.i'.; ; condition and promises a
heavy ct
Child Day was observed with
appropti 'i. exeicises at Hamiline last
Saturdi, . zV.t.
Sever-i cddings among prominent
people took .lace in the suburbs of
the community the past week or two.
"Look a i:aie oud" for more to follow
The extreme hot weather has caus
ed much prostration bordering on
sun strol f lately.
Emaiwi Bender of Van Camp, was
overcome with heat week ago last
.Boys, ivhwii so extremely hot, better
keep a little shady.
We are often admonished to keep
cool. But how can one keep cool
when so extremely hot ?
The silver issue develops more sil
ver tongucd orators that we ever
dreamed could be in the country.
Judge Krickbaum and wife took a
trip to Butler Valley last Wednesday.
On Ihursilay they attended the wed
ding of their nephew Hiram F. Hill
man to a lady who is a Bloomsburg
Normal graduate. As Hiram is an
editor, Mrs. Hillman no doubt, will
become an editress. Well, editors
know how to "puff weddings, but
wedding serenaders generally pufi
F.xtensive preparations are in prog
ress for an old fashioned camp-meeting
at Patterson Grove this coming
Rheumatic gout is quite prevalent
and seems everywhere about.
"Pan cakes" don't blossom yet, but
from information received an im
mense amount of buckwheat will be
own this year.
at prices to suit all.1
A young man by name of Goss,
living on D. T. Lutes' farm informed
me that he rode eight miles recently
in twenty two minutes on his bicycle.
As a summer resort for our city
counsins we recommend Cambra, a
place of exhilarating atmosphere and
salubrious water, also an out of the
way town that sets high and dry. No
telephone nor railroad connection.
Free from collision except on the sil
ver issue.
J. B. McHenry and wife of Blooms
burg, were visiting friends and rela
tives in this section last week.
Miss Dot Crossley who has been at
Wilkes-Barre for the past two months
returned home last week.
Silas McHenry, Thos. Brittain and
Will Davidson of Cambra transacted
business in Benton last Saturday.
There was a large attendance at
the festival held here Saturday even
ing by the base ball club.
Will Masteller of Jamison City
visited Benton Saturday evening.
H. O. Harvey made a business
drive to Berwick last week and return
ed home accompanied by Adam
Shallas and II. O. Kline.
Harry Housel of Bloomsburg, has a
large banana and orange trade in this
place and sells at a reasonable price.
Ed. Hartman made a business trip
to Bloomsburg last Thursday on his
Editor Smith and wife returned
home Saturday night from a visit to
Atlantic City, where he arranged
things for the next excursion which
will take place the latter part of Aug
ust. By the present indications more
will go from here than last year.
Mr. Creasy of Bloomsburg, spent
Sunday here visiting his wife's parents.
The ball team of this place has new
suits now, which gives them a beauti
ful appearance in the field. They
played their first game with them on
Saturday, and were wiped out again
by the Millville boys. Guess they
can do better with overalls.
Floyd Vansickle of J. City, was
visiting this place Saturday.
Howard Crossley is doing a good
business in his meat market. He has
a wagon .on the road every day which
presents a clean appearance, and
Howard says times are certainly good
in his line.
Myron Edwards of the Bloomsburg
Normal spent Sunday at home.
O. E. Sutton is doing a good busi
ness in his ice cream parlor, and
handles the celebrated Millville cream.
C Kreamer made a business trip
to Williamsport on Saturday last.
There were quite a number of sales
and horse trading made during the
past week. Evan Kreamer exchanged
his pacing mare for a Kentucky horse.
While Dr. Shuraan sold his sorrel
horse to a party in Mainville, and
Healthy, happy children are those whose
mothers have been, and are. healthy. The
teat intentioned woman in the world will
fall short of her duty to her children if she
is worried and wearied with weakness and
sickuess. Most all irritable women are
sick women. Most all melancholy, listless,
languid women are Hick women. Every
woman who will take the trouble to notice.
will Hud that at certain fixed periods she it
nervous, cross, irritable and despondent.
Any irregularity makes the conditions
worse. Even a well woman is less amiable
than usual at these times. What can be
exnected from a sick woman?
When every movement is a dreary drag,
wnen me nerves are an on euge in sym
cathv with the carticular ones afiected-
when it seems that death were very much
preferable to living what can a woman do
for her children then ?
It is every woman's duty to be well and
healthy. There ia no reason why she
should be otherwise if only she will take
proper care of herself and take Dr. Pierce's
Faroiite Prescription when she needs it
This celebrated remedy has been used In
tuft- Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute
at liuflalo, N. Y., of which Dr. Pierce is
f-bl.f Pnnaultlnor Phvsieinn and specialist.
for over jo years. Thousands of women
have rjt;eu cured by it and hundreds have
written jnaieiui leuers.
Soma cX these lette rs are embodied in
- . .- l.k V 1, . 11 .. ' JL', h ,1
tier Dibe. lf s," wbirh will be sent sealed
in a plain Btwelope on receipt of ten cents
(stamoslsny woklo's dispensary medi
cal Xs:eiATton, No. 663 Maiu Street,
Buffalo. W. V
" " Collars and Ccff9
are made by covering a linen collar or
cuff with "celluloid," thus making
them strong, durable anrl waterproof.
When soiled they can be cleaned by
Imply wiping off with a wet cloth.
No other waterproof goods are made
with this Interlining, consequently 110
other goods can possibly give satisfac
tion. Do not forget that every piece
of the genuine is stamped as follows
Insist upon goods so marked and re
fuse anything else if offered. If your
dealer doc9 not keep them yon can
procure a sample from tis direct by
enclosing amount and stating size and
whether stand-up or turned-down col
lar is wanted. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs
50c pair.
The Celluloid Company,
427-429 Broadway, Kcw York.
Charles Carey traded his roan to a
party from Milton, on Saturday even
ing by some means his horse was ex
changed for. It is the best to have
them locked.
Master Wilbur and Miss Martha
Kreamer who had been visiting their
Grandparents for the past two weeks,
have returned home.
Quite a number of our young peo
ple attended children's service at
Dutch Hill on Sunday evening.
Mr. D. A. Shultz was seen wending
his way toward White Hall on Satur
day evening. What does it mean.
Mrs. Augustus Hartline is visiting
her daughter at Pittston this week.
Mr. James Ritler drove into town
with a lot of new buggies; he says
while on his way he sold two. Jim is
a hustler.
J. R. Converse and wife spent Sun
day with Pine Summit friends.
Elmer Laidacker and James Mor
dan started on their wheels on Sunday
morning for Eaglesmere but changed
their minds, and went to Jamison City,
and reported having a fine time.
Dr. J. E. Shuman drove to Light
Street Tuesday to bring home his new
buggy which he purchased of Benny
From Harper't Round Table.
I. A good bicyclist is careful of his
roads, therefore when taking a header
be careful not to hit the road too
hard with your forehead. You might
make a dent in the pavement.
2. In falling off your wheel do not
fall on both sides at once. Failure to
observe this rule will result in dividing
you against yourself.
3. Always be courteous. If the
trolley-car has the right of way over
the track do not dispute with it. A
boy in Massachusetts who broke this
rule broke his right arm and his cy
clometer at the same time.
4. Be cautious. In riding from
New York to Brooklyn keep to the
driveway. Don't try to wheel over
the suspension cable. ou might
slip and fall into the smoke-stack of a
passing ferry-boat.
5. Keep your lamp lit when ncing
at night. The boy who thouaht he
was safe because he had a parlor
match in his pocket came home with
a spoke in his wheel that didn't be
long there.
6. Do not be rough with ice-carts
and furniture trucks. If you must
run into one of them do it as gently
and tenderly as if it were a baby-carriage.
7. A merciful rider is merciful to
his wheel, so do not force a bicycle
beyond the point of its endurance,
unless you want to walk back with
your wheel on your shoulders. .
8. Keep cool. It in the course ot
a ride you find yourself in a tight
place, with a skittish horse to the left
and a steep ravine to the right, and
bulldog directly to the fore, take
ravine. You'll go into it, anyhow,
and if you take it alone without drag
ging the dog or the horse after you
your chances will be improved.
9. Never use spurs on the pneu
matic tires of your wheel. I he use
of spurs ia this manner is likely to
leave your bicycle in a winded con
dition. Spurs are not comfortable,
either, m case of a throw.
10. Do not be stubborn with
balky wheel. If the front wheel gets
into a rut going east, and the hind
wheel in another going west, dismount
and argue the matter standing, unless
you are tired, and want to lie down
bv.the roadside without making the
effort to do so unassisted.
Call and see
at this office.
the typewriter
' tf.
Useful Hints,
A hammock hung according to rule
should be six and a quarter feet from
the ground at the head and three and
three-quarters above the ground at the
foot end. The rope that secures the
head end should be less than i a inch
es and that at the foot should measure
four and a half feet. Arranged in
this way the lower part will swing
freely and the head be kept comforta
bly by being nearly stationary.
To make a closet door novel and
attractive hang on it a good motto in
brass or carved wood. A silk or satin
banner screen will do if the words em
broidered thereon are appropriate.
Lamps are no longer always placed
upon the reading table. If wrought
iron they can be placed on brackets
to the wall. By the aid of a large
hook they supply light for a corner
over a cozy resting-place.
Rugs to be thoroughly cleansed
from dirt should be beaten with that
useful little article known as a whip
per, which forces from them ail par
ticles of dust.
For hands that perspire excessively
bathing the hands several times a day
with hot infusions of white oak bark is
The very best way to wash mirrors
01 window glass is to sponge the sur
face with alcohol and dust it with
whiting, and finally polish it off with a
chamois skin or soft cotton cloth.
Paint is best removed by alcohol and
the friction of a penny, the edge of
which is never sharp enough to scratch.
To make a sand bag to use in the
place of a hot-water bag: Make a
square bag of heavy linen or firm cot
ton, and fill it with silver sand. A
bag of sand retains the heat much
longer than water or a brick, and is
preferred by some persons. Like a
hot-water bag, a sand bag may be fit
ted into place, so that it is more com
fortable than a brick or soapstone. It
requires several hours to heat a bag of
sand in an oven.
Eggs covered when frying will cook
much more evenly.
If you heat your knife you can cut
hot bread as smoothly as cold.
Camphor menthol is an excellent
inhalant if one is suffering from ca
tarrh. A little flour dredged over the top
of a cake will keep the icing from
The white of an egg, with a little
sugar apd water, is good for a child
with an irritable stomach.
Clear, black coffee, diluted with
water and containing a little ammonia,
will cleanse and restore black clothes.
A large slice of raw potato in the
fat when frying doughnuts will pre
vent the black specks from appearing
on their surface.
Daily Excursion Bates.
The Bloomsburg & Sullivan Rail
road Company has adopted a new
rate for travel over its road, which
ent into effect last Tuesday. The
egular rate one way has been slightly
reduced, and the excursion rate has
been increased, but excursion tickets
are issued daily, instead of only on
Saturday as heretofore, and are good
for two days. The excursion rates
are as follows between Bloomsburg
and the points named :
Light street 25, Orangeville si
Forks 70, Zaner's 75, Stillwater 85,
Benton 1.00, Coles Creek 1.1s, Sugar-
loaf 1.20, Laubach's i.2, Central
45, Jamison City Tickets sold
on Saturday are good to return on
Among the royal visitors to the
ands & Astley shows, when in Europe,
was the impress ot Austria ana tr.e
Emperor William.
L:i Grippe,
Cures the bad after effects of this trying ept
deuilo and restores lost vigor and vitality.
Excessive quantity and blg-h colored urine,
iBBiliure Blood,
Eczonia, scrofula, malaria, pimples, blotebea.
General Weakness,
Constitution all run down, loss of ambition.
Snd a disinclination to all sorts of labor. -Guaruntee-t'M
oontonta of Ooe Dottle. If not LeneQI4
liruKifinu wli rumuu to you inu pric piuo.
At DruKKlstM, 50c. fiUe, f 1.00 Sir.
lovidld' Uuldo to Health" art- Consultation tra
Dh. Kilmer & Co., Iiinoiiamton, N.
Dust and Lakokut Practical Aht Maoazink
t i ne only Art tvnoaicai awarded a Medal a
me worm rttir.)
iHval'iahte to all who teui to mnlct llwir living
ov an or o maxe itttir oe neautifui.
FAR flf we will send lo any one mentioning
rUft 1VL this publication, a speel- - aH
men copy, wltli superb color plates (fur I I U
eopyliiK or frumliitf) and supplenieu- III
tni-y imires of designs ireuular urlee. vy
CAD ORa nri. Or
1 vn uub. we will send also "Palming lor
MONTAGUE L'AREC, 23 Union Sauare. N.Y, lw.ta.
j&agm w w w vw v 1
VI r If r
for Infants
Castor! st Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." It A. Ancnu, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T.
"Tit xtm of ' Cantoris U so Universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of snpererofratlon to endorse It, Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Contort
within ff reach."
Cauxm Uabttn. T). D.,
New York City.
County. Prices the Lowest.
Jones &
Main Street,
Astley's Benownoi European Shows.
Organitei in London, England, in
This Marvelous and Altogether Unprecedented Alliance
win Exhibit at
The Most Traveled, Popular and Famous and Altogether the Greatest Tent
ed Combination
Two complete Troupes.
Oollossal Menagerie of Kara Wild
Asia, Europe, Africa
The Most . Mugiiltlcent Illppodroine-AU New
r . . ... v .;
Monster Museum of Marvelous, Carious Creation, Animate and Inanimate Wonders.
A Wonderland Sumptuous Carnival. A Hare hlcband Instructive Entertainment rnnamlleled,
I'l-esfUtiiiB Innumerable fpeelal Features never b-tora Kvlill lied n Auier ca To
bee sillier of widen wnnntiw uwtn . im i .. . Ameru-tt "
Grand Free Balloon Ascension and Parachute Leap Daily.
Make up your parties and consult your Station Atfent for Excursion Hates on SANDS
C AbTLEY'tt duy.
ffiSSSee the Free Spectacular Street Pageant.
One Ticket, for the Usual Price, Admits to tho
Two Grand Exhibitions and Performances Dailv, Rjin or Shine,
lioors open at i and 7 p. ni, "
and Children
Can tori a cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, DlarrlHvn, F.ruetatlon, ,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes
Without Injurious medication,
"For Severn! years I hava recommends!
your 'CAKtorio,' and shalt always continue tt
do so as It has Invariably produced beneflcls
Enwnt F. TARncs, M. Tn
126th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Tint CiNTAm Cokpakv, 77 Mi-hrat 8ntnrr, Jfsw Yobc Crrr.
Stock in the
for a CmtipiioiiJ Tour f tbc Globe.
' 1."i-lS.-.3 . .
of the Universe.
A Klve Continent Aranlc Assembly.
Boasts and Ocean's Doe? Sea Surprises.
and America In Combination
Feals - TUe OraudCHt Exhibitions! Features-Tin-
iso n.vujj udic vuuuuum mm Knows