6 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WASHINGTON. Prom our Modular Correspondent. WAbiuNcroN, June 21, 1895. Secretary Carlisle is probably tlie best pleased man in Washington. His friends and enemies alike agree in 'giving him the credit for the adminis tration victory which has been won in the election of delegates to the Ken tucky st.ite democratic convention which meets next week, and he is being overwhelmed with congratula tions, in person and by mail and wire. His friends declare that it means his certain return to the Senate and makes him a promising candidate for the Presidential nomination of the party. This has been an anxious week for the republican brethren. Although every conceivable expedient had been resorted to to prevent the precipitation ef a fight over the silver question in the convention of the republican league at Cleveland, Ohio, they have been in a state of dread every hour that the convention was in session lest their pluns should miscarry and the fight be started which would spread like wildhie through the entire party. The republican enemies of Mr. Benjamin Harrison evidently regard him as a formidable candidate for the Presidential nomination, and are beginning to line up to accomplish his defeat. Kx-Fension Commissioner Dudley, of Ind., whose efforts towards carrying that state for Mr. Harrison in 1888 by means of the notorious "blocks ol five'' system, which after wards caused him to find Washington a safer place of residence than Indi ana, and who became a bitter enemy of Mr. Harrison because that gentle man although willing to accept the benefit of his trickery, declined to associate with him or even to recog nize him after he became President, is again posing as a republican leader. And it )s no secret in Washington that Dudley's object in again entering politics in to work against Harrison's norninatiiiu. President Cleveland went to Gray Gables on Monday, to remain for the summer ; Secretary Lamont has gone on a trip to the northwest ; Atty. Gen. Harmon is in Cincinnati straightening up his private business, but the rest of the cabinet are on duty, although it is probable that Secretary Olney and one or two of his colleagues will go away on their vacations in a tew days if nothing occurrs to prevent. State department officials regard the story that Great Britain is preparing to forcibly obtain control of the Nicar agua canal as belonging to the class which always become more or less frequent during mid summer, which is also known as the "silly season." Such a course on the part of Great Britain would be equivalent to a de claration of war against the United States, and few men of common sense could be made to believe that Great Brittain desires a war with the United States. Secretary Carlisle has completed the regulations under which the $5, 000,000 appropriated by the last Con gress to pay deferred sugar bounties will be disbursed. Copies of these regulations will be forwarded to the sugar planters and as soon as all re quirements have been complied with the monny will be paid. It is proba ble that there will not be enough to pay the full amount intended by Con gress. Should that be the case when all the claims are in and tabulated the claims will be scaled down. It will take some months to arrange all these details and Treasury officials do not think they will be completed and the payments made before about the last of the year. Commissioner Lochren says he has nothing to conceal in connection with the dismissal of one hundred employes of the Pension Bureau, which are to go into effect July 1, and which have created ;i stit among the friends of those dis.inssed, because several ex Union soldiers and Miss Key, a grand daughter of the writer of "The Star Spangled Banner," were on the list. Judge Lochren says of the matter : "In making these selections we took to whom dismissal would not be so great a hardship as it would have been to others in the office, who perhaps did not in some cases stand so high as clerks. In making up the list of those who were to go out we were governed by the desire to keep our best clerks in the office. As to publishing the' list, it was on my judgment that it was not given out. And my reason for not doing so was that we did not wish to cast a stigma on any who were thus legislated out of office. It is not against many of these clerks that they were not as efficient as other clerks, and it should not prevent their getting employment elsewhere." Nervous Exhaustion and Byspepsia. " I have been using Hood's Sarsapa rilla for some time for nervous ex haustion and dyspepsia, and I find it the greatest medicine that I have ever tried. I believe a few more bottles will effect a complete cure." Charles V. Monk, 15 10 French St., Philadel phia, Pa. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. John Wanamaker carries an insur ance of $2,000,000 on his life. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Indications of a Big Corn Crop. The area planted in corn last year was 76,000,000 acres, although the acreage from which the harvest was finally computed was only 62,581,269 acres. The difference represented the area abandoned or diverted to other crops. The average yield per acre last season was enly 19.4 bush els j but in the big crop years 1889 and 1 89 1 it was 27 bushels per acre. There is little doubt that the acreage this year will be fully as large as in 1891, when it was over 76,000,000 acres, and produced a crop of 2,060, 154,000 bushels; and in view of the increased corn planting in the South, and the probable additions to the acreage by the utilization of area abandoned by other crops, it may equal or surpass that of 1 889, when from an area of 78,319,657 acres a harvest of 2,112,892,000 bushels, the largest on record, was secured. The country would have cause to rejoice in the event of a duplication of that banner year yield. Plentiful ness of corn would be an experience that the consumers of the United States have not enjoyed since 1891. It would mean cheaper beef and hog products, and a consequent expansion of the export trade in meats and lard ; and it would afford an opportunity which has been lacking during the last year to make a practical test of the effect of the missionary work that has been done in educating European consumers in the use of corn for human food, as it is extensively used nowhere else than in the United States. Fortunately, all the conditions are now favorable for the realization of the hope of a big yield of corn, although the critical period in the de velopment and maturing of the plant has yet to come. Jiecord. Deafness cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed ' you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deaf ness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cause by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for r.ir cultirs free F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. BtaS-Sold by Druggists, 75c. im. A Great Offer. The "Twice-a-Week" edition of the New York World (formerly the Week ly) has proved a phenomenal success. It is a Semi-Weekly of six pages, mailed Tuesdays and Fridays ; eight columns to the page ; torty-eight col umns each'. 'issue. It gives the news fully half a week ahead of any weekly paper, and, at the same time, retains all the literary, agricultural, miscellany and other features which made the Weekly World so popular. Yet the price is only $1.00 a year. For sam ple copies address The World, N. Y. Arrangements have been made by which we can furnish this paper and the Twice-a-Week New York World all for $1.75 a year. Take advantage of this offer and get your own local paper and the Twice-a-Week World at this special rate. tf. Waiter ! Beefsteak, Bam and Eggs, for One, " God cave us meat, but the devil sent us cooks," is a trite saying. From bad cook ing, last eating an,l overeating, comes a wliule train o diseases indigestion, dyspep. sia, biliousness, catarrh of the stomach, headache, dizziness, and the like. God also gave us a brainy man, who compounded the " Cinlden Medical liistoverv." a corrective of all the ills resulting trom overeating and bad blood. l)r. fierce of Huffalo, has furnished in the "Discovery" a grent de sideratum in America, w here everybody are in sucn a hurry to mane money, they have no time to eat, and scarcely any time to live. It invigorates the liver, cleanses the blood and tones up the system. Delicate diseases of either sex, how.'ver induced, speedily and permanently cured. Hook of particulars 10 cents in stamps, mailed scaled in plain envelope. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, C63 Main St , Uulfalo, N. Y., A Minister's Experience With Heart Di8eae, Rev. L. W. Showers, Elderton, Ta.: "For many years my greatest enemy has been organic heart disease. From uneasiness about the heart, with pal pitation, it had developed into thump- ing, iiuiienng, ana cnoKing sensations. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gave instant relief. A few bottles have rid me of almost every symptom of heart disease. It is a wonder-worker. Sold by Wm. S. Kishton. 615-iy. A lot of new judgment exemption notes, with attorney's commission, and waiving everything, just printed at this office. Sold single, or in books of 25 and 50. tf. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetorla. Harper's Weokly. Chancellor Canfield, of the Uni versity of Nebraska (President elect of the University of Ohio), has wtitten for Harper's Weekly an article on University Life in the Northwest, which will be published in June. Other important educational articles published in the Weekly during the month that brings to institutions of learning a great share of public atten tion are : The Centennial Anniver- sary of the University of North Car olina, Dy rrestuent Winston; ine Cen tennial Anniversary of Union College, by President Raymond j The College for the Deaf at Washington, by N. U. Maury; and A Shipbuilder's Dual Monument (The Wedd Home and School. TEDIOUS SUFFERING USDS RELIEF. Haverhill, N. II. Many phy sicians have pronounced as incurable, diseases of the skin and blood. Mrs. Hodsdon of this place abandoned the old method, used Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and was cured. In October, 1890, Mrs. Hodsdon suffered from a diseased ankle bone. She had always been troubled with Salt Rheum which aggravated the diseased limb. Prescriptions of all sorts were used, but with no benefit. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy was tried and it drove the noison out nf her blood, healed the ulcerous sores, ana restored airs. Hodsdon to health and strength. Favorite Remedy cleanses the blood, and strengthens the nerves. In cases of scrofula and salt rheum, it never fails. 2t. Earper's Bazar. Out of Town is the tide of a beauti fully illustrated scries of papers to be published in Harper's Fanar, beginn ing in June. Cold Dishes in Hot Weather is another and a more strictly practical series which will soon begin in the Jiazar. It is from the nen of a gifted Spanish-American woman, Madame t,. De La Torre Bueno. Among the Fashion features for the first and second weeks of Tune will be out-door costumes, bicycle and moun tain, and beach toilettes in variety ; also summer silks and pretty gowns for evening. Printing in Colors. The prices of colored printing inks have gone down with everything else, and it costs no more to do printing in colors than it joes in black. The Columbian office is prepared to print in any of the following colors : Black. orange, deep cherry, brown lake, light Dlue, ultra marine blue, bronze red, violet, dark red, green, jacqueminot, purple, garnet, peacock blue. Print ing in more than one color is done at a slight advance for the additional press work. tf. Harper's Magazine. One of the noteworthy features of Harper's Manazine for Tune is the story of A Frontier Fight, by Gen. G. A. Forsyth, U. S. A., with illustrations by R. F. Zogbaum a story to arouse enthusiasm in even the most blase of magazine readers. House-Boating in China and Rome in Africa are articles of uncommon interest, and, for that matter, so are The New Czar and The Grand Prix and Other Prizes. Add to these the chapters of two serials, Per sonal Recollections of Joan of Arc and Hearts Insurgent, and poems and short stories of the highest rank, and still the literary treasures ot this Num ber of the old "new"' Magazine are in adequately suggested. A Word to the Wise is Sufficient, I suffered terribly from roaring in my head during an attack of catarrh, and became very deaf, used Ely's Cream Balm and in three weeks could hear as well as ever. A. E. Newman, Garling, Mich. One of my children had a very bad discharge from the nose. Physicians prescribed without benefit After us ing Ely's Cream Balm a short time the disease was cured. O. A. Cray, Corn ing, N. Y. Price of Cream Balm is fifty cents. Etock Certificates. Corporations desiiing' stock certi ficates, are invited to call and see samples of lithograph work at The Columbian office. Workmanship and pi ices are guaranteed to compare fav orably with city printing. tf. Drug envelopes, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 manilla, white or colored, coin envel opes, and shipping tags, with or with out strings, always in stock at this office. tf. , Did Thoy Bit Cp Lata NitfhUT "Can I aee your father for a few mo menta before I fro, Miss Hendricks?" he asked '"I want to upefik to him upon a matter of importance." 1 "Certululy, Mr. Sampson," ropliod the girl, with a blimh. After Mr. Sainpaon hwl taken hla de parture, with a happy smile on his face, Miss Hendricks found her way to her father's shoulder, and,Bt'bliri(r one arm about his nuok, wliiperad' "What did he want, pupa?'1 "lie is agent for a jmtent pits bum r," said the old man, "aud I've inprut'd to irlve it a trJttl.iL :Daain.GJibq. . UKJw 1 l-n I UK I tL). A TH inTA with the handle pivoted to it In Mich a manner that no stoop Injr In iviiircl la twing the article. A compact combination tool, com prising a monkey-wrench, a pulr of plk'rs and a pair of short-blaucd sheers. An apparatus for cleaning and peel ing potatoes, consisting of a roller within a drum, both covered with roughened steel plutcs and revolved in .opposite directions. A hand support or rest rlnp for a I 'iiinan, having a concave exterior sui-fiieo for the little finger to curve nrouudnnda projecting curved piece to carry tho finger. A think and wardrobe combined, the wardrobe being fitted with hinre doors, the whole collapsing by tele scopic sections into a couipuct square trunk when desired. A ri.VTttAP composed of two sus pended boards, hinged at the upper ends and held apart by a spring with a cord attached for quickly pulling the boards together. A I'Hoct.sb for water-proofing leather and leather goods by immersing in a solution of yellow wax dissolved in turpentine or benzine and afterward beating to render supple. Ax improvement in the method of steam distribution in multiple-expansion engines, whereby the expansion in all the cylinders is coincidently and automatically varied. A faste.vi.no for tool-handles, spokes, etc., in the form of a headless wedge, having its entering and tilde edging sharp and provided on the sides with burrs, which catch in tho wood. An apparatus for measuring the quantity of combustible gas or vopor in air, consisting of a miner's safety lamp provided with a hydrogen burner and , gauge wire closo to tho oil wick and a reservoir of compressed hydro- For Alllndr'a Fair Face. There are few women who havo not had at some time or another use for a face powder, even though as a rule they eschew anything on that order. A violet powder which can bo com mended Is composed of wheat starch, three pounds; powdered orris, half pound. Mix together and add attar of lemon, one-eighth of an ounce; attars of bcrgamot and cloves, each, one-half drachm. For those troublesome black heads that so disfigure tho face that is blessed with the most classical fea tures the following compound works wonders: Take kaolin, four drachms; glycerine, three drachms; acetic ocid, two drachms, and oil of lemon, five drops. Apply this every night and after a few days the black specks can be easily pressed out, or most of them will even come out by washing with pumicestone soap. Carved Leather millions. Embossed and carved leather cush ions decorated In colors are laced to gether with narrow thongs of leather without a stitch being taken In themj these are liked for hall seaU, for libraries and for men's rooms. Nrw l)elj;n. In Tea Tallica, Tea tables continue to grow in favor and to multiply in design. The two latest shown are admirable in every sense and provide for the convenience of the hostess as well as for the beauty of her room. One, the larger of the two, is a combination of bamboo framo and fine porcelain shelves, and the other unites a handsome kettle with a stand and portable tray. They are ex cellent both in form and general style, and despite their moderate cost a great improvement upon tho over-dainty trilles that look too frail to support the weight of cups. Hospitality is the virtue supposed to prompt the exist ence of a table that is ever ready to offer refreshment to a guest, and it can hardly be saying too much to urgo the wisdom of sufficient substantiality to suggest security and sufficient size to allow a fencrous number of cups. How to make T.gg t'utleta. A good way to make egg cutlets is to boil three or four eggs for ten minutes, dip them In cold water for a minute or two and strip off the shell; cut oiT the ends of each egg and divide into four Bliccs, dip euch piece in the well-beaten yolk of an egg, then in bread crumbs rather highly seasoned with pepper, salt and a teaspoonful of very finely minced parsley; fry in boiling butter until brown, servo with potatoes sliced thin and fried to a light brown; gar cibh with parsley. How to Frworve the Tattle Cloth. The custom of brushing a tablecloth Inbteod of shaking it as formerly has two good points. It does not scatter the crumbs abroad, but collects thera tidily. And it does not crumple the cloth, which was sadly mussed at the old turn, method of clearing the table. Are OlrU ltraUy So AuxIour? "I have just gainod your mothcr'i consent, Clara, dear." "l!ut, Mr. Swift, I am so young, I really" "I don't think It will make any dif ference, as I am to be your step fulhur." Knmnrlpated. llowo Skeeper You have given u your bouse, I understand, and gone boarding. How do you like the change? H. O. Tell I like it immensely. Why I feel that I am now the equal of ever; mrvant girl I meet Life. That Wm OlfTorrnt. A 6tory Is told of a startling depend ence of Lady Emiikjline Stuart Wortley , in Oorlmmbury. This English lady was driving along a country road, when a gate was opened for her by a small country lad. She gave him a small coin Mid a pleasant smile, and saldt "I'm sure you are not a Hertfordshire boy, because you are so polite." "Tbee'rt a liar, 'cause I be," was tho cgnylxielngr roplyL A Kew Flea. Moneybags But you haven't enoupfc to support my daughter. Impee.une If bho is as extravagant as that, sir, you should be thankful to havo me take her ol? your huuds. Judjfe. ... . .. . s rs B a 5 3 i K If HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey.' Pprrlflrt nre self nttflcally and ccrcfully prepared Remediii, oed for yan In private practice and for over thirty year by the people with entire aucccM. Every (Ingle Speclflu a apeclal cure for the dlnrrue named. o. Bmriric roB much. 1-Fevrr, Cowailwug, Inflammation.. 'J-Wormn, Worm Fever, Worm Colic 'JH 3- Teeihlnff Colic, Crying, Wakefulness ,'2. 4 Dlarrhen, ot Children or Adult ,U3 7-Coaghs, Coliln, Uronehltl US H Neuralgia, Toothache, Faeenehe 9-IIeadnchea, Stck Headncho, Vertigo.. .3.1 10- I)yeepin, ItllloiMncsn, Constipation. .US 1 1 Supnreed or Pnliiful Periods... .35 Whiten, Too rrofuao I'erlods US 13 ( roup, Iinryngltla, nonmencm US 14- Hnlt Kheiini, Kryaliielas, Eruption.. .US l.J-It heilmntlani, Kheumntlo Pnlna US le-nialnrlnt ClilIU, Fever and Airuo .US 19-Cntarrh, Influent, Cold In the nend. .US 20-Vhoopliit Cough .US 37-Kldni y lnenc .3.1 3H-Nt-rvoua KeMllty 1.00 30- I'rlnnry Wenkneaa US 3 1- Hore Tbront , o,ulncy. Ulcerated Throat .US 77 II DR. HUMPHREYS' rCIQ OCC SPECIFIC FOR UlHl aD t Put up In email bottlea of plennut pcllcta, Just lit your vet picket. Bold by PrniciHBtfl, or rnt rild on rtcftlpl if prir. Dr. HimrnaiiTi' MAtTAMKnlrKeft k Hevtiwl,) mailkd ntr.K III JirilllK'TS' UKII.ro., 1 1 1 1 1 nuilin St., MW TOIIK. SPECIFICS. WHAT IS NATURE'S OWN TOXIC. BtimulntCB the Dppetite and pro duces leireniiinK Bleep. dVFS VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSIK3 MOTHERS. CUocks wnstirtr rltscnsei. stops mht Rwcuta, cured iucipieut conaumption. Increases strength and flesh. HAKES RED, KICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will Rive tho palo and puny the rosy cheeks ol' youth. C0R23 ALL FEMALE C0KPLAIHT5. Hake3 strong men and women ot R N weajtuufje. GILMORE'S IRON TONIG PILLS Core all Wa3ting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, die. mi ... . ., Alley uro uouiier srypiio uor oaustlo. 71 have no coagulating effeot ou the coutontc of the stomach or its lining; consequently pr diarrhoea, as do the usual forms of Iron. 10 days treatment 50o, pamphlet free. If not kept by your druggist, address GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI O. For sale In Ulooinstniiy. Pa., by UOVfR Rltns., Druggists. 1--J5 ly PARKER'S m HAIR BALSAM Cleaniri md beautirici the hair. Promote! a luxuriant pro1h. Never Fulls to Restore Gray Hair to lta Youthful ColorT Curt'i ftculp ti'i'iuoc Itair falling. '''."""ji 'hm jiruiini l no 1'nrker'B Uinyor Tor.io. It i-urr. the wor.t Ctnijili, Weak I.utii!., IMtility, lmtiguitton, i'ain.T.kttlntluie.iOcU. HINDERCORNS. The onlv .hit ciw for Comf fcupa aupiuu. be tt IwuMa. or ilisCUX Co.. N. f 6-M-4t. ELY'S CREAM EALM is quickly absorbed Cleans the Nasal Passages, Allays Tain and Inflammation, Heals tlic Sores. Restores the Sense of Taste and smell. minihHFAn IT WILL CURE. ' A part lcle Is applied into each nostril and Is BRroenble, Trice 60 ocnls ul Druggists; by mill reglsterpd, m ou. jxy UKOTUEKss, 6 Warren bt., N .1. In your vicinity, to soil- ult orders for our Choice Nurserv Steele We will pay u Biliary . or commission, and fur- VAT A tT'TT?Ti nlshan outnt free. We 1 IJjJj i'"'6 assigning territory """"now for Kail of '95. Write at once for terms and particulars to T11JJ UUANANTKK KUKHKKY CO., 4.12-Stv-d UENJSVA, N. V. The LeadlngConjeniator, of America- Zrf Carl Fakltbn, Oirwtur. 01fl rounded in 168 by r-COXPiX 4 n.Btu'- . (or Profpecttn r wld-'ii- Kirg full iiilc r--rANK W. Mali. Gen lNt" giving full information. Frank W. Halr. General Manager. lUl'-lt.d A famous tchool. 4?r....AU e 1 a teauliM citv, OUIUMlCr 3tnO(j. a dtlieklul seaaon. Special work for school teachers. Rusmci or khorthand. The atten lion ol amtmom yotnftoflt respectfully aolic. ited. New circulars rtudy. Pottal arrf tuh,-. Kocbcster, N. Y. (Mention tuia iupcr.1 MM-iiOt. jlfuk tea jfki :atarrf Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at McKillip Bros., Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. KABO No. 112 We recommend them, as they fit like a glove. Price $1.00 THE LEADER CO. There la one DRESS STAY that Won't melt apart, Can't cut through the dress, Don't stay bent. It is BALL'S PEERLESS. All lengths; all colors. THE LEADER CO. (Wl-'lm-d. IS NOW IN COMPLETE WORKING SHAPE, and is prepared to fill all kinds of planing mill orders, and foundry and machine work. The plant is well equipped, and all orders will be filled promptly. Shops on Sixth Street, West of Woolen Mill. 10-26 ly. ECONOMICAL . INK Barbour' t Tablet Ink postriitl manr mdvantafft over the belt liquid inlr, mud is sold ml tower price. Dis solve a t.iblet in water and you frt m dead Hark, permanent ink, that flows freely, does not gum, leaves mo stirkr, mull sediment in the ink well, does mot corro.te the pen. You make it as you want it. If you buy it ami don' like it, send it tack and Wt'll return your money. For fifteen cents, we will send tuourk tablets to make kalfa pint of combined writinf and copying ink. For fifty cents, we will send enoufk tablets to make a gallon f Ike best "scknot" ink you ever saw. Sckool ink won t copy. FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK Andrews School Furnishing Company FRAZER Best in the World! 6ct the Genuine ! Sold Every where I 10-19-ly. wkat mvtw t&mm im. Huoti powerfully and quickly. Curf" when nil Otliuro rail. Youne men rKuin lost n-inliu oui moil recover youtM ul vlKr. AbanlnlrlyCimr. nntoed to cureArmiutnm, l.o.t Vltiuv, Imitolency, Mainly t'ralulani, IVmvr. either sex, Vulllnv Memory, Wunnnij Ul.. " ami aU cfcett tit telf ahvsf of eic.etstt ami intKrctum. Wants off lusnnlty unit ctiimumriUoii. llori iletdruiTKlBUIiupoBO aworllilosBouUiltiisooii you hociuwa it yliWl a vrciitor proilk l"isl on hav W I'HU'.li'N AiKKVIOOKporiT,! for It Can he carried In eet pocket. I'ropni '. plain ri. per.W J per lioi. or for US, wltb A I'o.ittvu Written Jiiiirii.it.-e tot uro or Hc-Onnt lh PKFI.It Mklilc'AL -1MH, t.tB.., ilk Sold byG. r. KINCILEK. PATENTS Caveat ana Trade Marks obrtnurd, and al' FJCKS lm,lue'i!' unJwiu lur iiuDMtATB PV,IJ-l.KI?..0PJ,0SITETHB V- 8- PAT. bUHlnesH direct, hence can trimsm-t patent r'.wi Se.h,sJ? 1,'a,'"'p at U-Sb Cost Ukn ibueo it) tloH. we aih.se it inble or' , 'd obartre. Our Ite not, due till patent, i3 secured A book, "How tooululu 1'iUHiiiM," win. AVer ences to actual cuonuiu J(JU1 suu-.L'ouuty. or town, bent i(je, Addma for mm Hi W liEYSTONE FOUNDRY i6S 1 AXLE GREASE C. A. 8N0W 4 CO., Washlni"on, I f. (opposite U. b PftttLiu'lite.)