"ME COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, 3 Adjournment on June 6 Now Out of tho Question, THE WORK 01 THE CURRENT WEES. Cprolitl Ordon Grunted on a I.nrge Num ber or Willi of NoUrnxral Interest Which Will CntiKiiina Hi Time of tlie' lloun. M7 Reooimltter Apportionment 1)111. (Special Correspondence.) IiAMHshukh, Mrty S7. The lopUlntoM will hardly jrotawny boforo Juno Thin It now conceded by thoso who have nil along contended for n short session. The time of fln'nl adjournment will bo fixed nt this evening's session of tho house Mr. Ftewart, of l'hllndelphln, ban nerved no tlce that ho will cull up nt that time the ennte resolution to adjourn Juncft. Many of the inemlier nro nnxlous to ftvt away and will rota to concur In tho senate's ac tion. Those who huvo not yet gotten through all their pet scheme aro opposed to tho tlmo fixed by tho senators, and It li bcllovod they can control enough votes to prolong tho session until June 13. If the sonnto resolution prevails no bills can bo messaged to cither body after Fri day. Chairman Marshall, of tho appro priations committee, whose opinion at this tlmo Is entitled to more consideration than that of any other member of the houso, says It Is absolutely Impossible to adjourn at tho time fixed by tho senate unless tho appropriation bills are slilo tracked. Tho general appropriation bill will require tlireo days' consideration In tho senate and house. It will bo reported Thursday, and rushed through so that It may reach the sonato by tho following Monday. Tho program Is to hold tho general ap propriation bill until all other appropria tion measures aro out of tho way. Tho committee- may bo forced to clmngo Its plans, and bring tho bill out earlier than expected. There will bo a fierce fight by tho rural members of the houso to amend the bill so as to gtvo tho schools til, (MX),. 000 for tho next two years, instead of 110, OOO.OfX), as proposed by tho committee. Tho fight over this proposition will delay tho consideration of other important busi ness. Increasing the llnuae Sessions. Tho houso will hold two sessions today, from 8::iJ to (i In tho afternoon and from H to 10 In tho evening. Tho order of busi ness will be first reading bills, resolutions, revenue bills on second reading, local ami special bills on third rending and final passage, and appropriation bills on third reading. Under tho order of orlglnul reso lutions, Mr. Smith, of Jefferson, will offer a concurrent resolution that tho leg islature do not adjourn until a new ap portionment Is made of tho state. Tho friends of tho measures have until to morrow In which to move a reconsidera tion of tho votes by which tho bills were knocked out, but whether anything In that lino will lio attempted or not will depend largely upon the result of General Xlleg' visit to Senator Quay at Beaver. If ho can Induce Senator Quay to Interpose, the bills will be reconsidered, but If Colonel Quay pcrslts In holding off and lotting tho mem bers fight It out among themselves, It Is extremely doubtful whether any attompt st reconsideration will be made. Mr. Smith will call tho yeas and nays on the resolution, to show how each mem ber stands on this question. It Is prob able that an effort will also bo mado at one of these sessions by Chairman Cul bortson, of tho legislative apportionment committee, to secure a reconsideration of the throe apportionment bills defeated last Tuesday. Those bills will take up at least several hours, and should tho Intermedi ate court bill bo culled up It would be good for several hours more. Tho time of tho houso tomorrow and Wednesday will be taken up In consider ing the Fritz and Smith bills for tho dis tribution of tho school funds and the other ten bills for which special orders bavo been made for those days. Tho Smith bill dis tributes tho appropriation by giving loO to each school and tho balance on tho basis of the number of taxables. Mr. Fritz's plan Is to divide tho fund on tho basis of tho number of school children In tho re pectivo districts between the ages of 0 and 30 years. Thuro has boon much tlmo wasted In discussing those two proposi tions, and the chances are that neither Will pass this legislature. ( Will Adjourn on Memorial Dny. Thursday will bo Memorial Day, and the old soldiers In the senato and houso will want to go home to help docorato the gravo of their departed comrades. Tho houso will probably dispense with tho afternoon and evoning sessions on that day. The order of business will be appro priation bills on third reading. It re quires I'M votes to pass these measures finally, and It Is hardly likely that thoro will bo that many members in attendance. The appeallate court bill and the meas ure oroating tho county of Quay out of portions of Luzorno and Schuylkill coun ties will bo called up In tho house on Wed nesday for final consideration. Tho oppo sition to both Is so Intenso that much timo will probably bo wasted In trying to pro Tent their passage. There aro Indications that the Quay couuty bill may get through by a narrow majority, not, however, with out a stiff fight by tho Schuylkill and Lu zerne delegations. The religious garb bill will be taken up on a special order in the senate tomorrow for final passage. Tho senate has its calen dar protty well cleared, and from now unlll the olose of the sosslon will act upon bouse bills. Governor Hastings has a batch of bills, unacted upon, which will be considered tomorrow at the cabinet meeting. Tho governor Is taking his time In disposing of the bills which reach him. Many are so full of typographical and other errors that it is necessary that they be very carefully perusod bofore being acted upon. Speaker Walton and some of tho more prominent Republicans on tho floor are ' making ovory exertion to got the calendar In shape for final adjournment, but the "mob" is continually spoiling tholr plans, and this week will be a oonsplouous ex ample of it. With almost every minute required for nocossary work, the bouse has practically already used up half of the week with a lot of special orders on bills Mf no use to tho people at largo. A num ber of bills which havo been tho subjects of warm dobato all through tho session will also come up to waste more time. If Kepresoutatlvo Kunkul calls up the lntormodlato court bill ho will also pro olpltato a fight which Is likely to take up the groator portlou of at loast ono session, whllo a big fight may also bo mads on thn Macrell liquor bill to freeze out tho largo grocers for tha benefit of the saloon keep ers. This will loiwo very little tlmo for the consideration of tlm appropriation bills and other rngnlar orders. A Lively rrin; In t.'io Rrnnte. Thrro m it lively llttlo scrap In th? on ate last Thursday between Senators Fllnn and Kennedy over what tho bitter olmnreS was a breach of fnlth. S -nator Kennedy had fought tho greater I'lttsburg scheme, until ho compelled Messrs. Magen and Fllnn to grant him n scpnrnto volo for Al legheny City. The bill under considera tion last Thursday was to change tho ratio of population of tho cities of tho various classes, Intended to prevent tho greater l'lttsburg from hrromlng aclty of tho first class by raising tho population for that grado to 1,000,000. Whrn the bill was nn second reading Senator Vaughan had thfl population for second class cities raised from 100,000 to 200,000, so as to prevent Seranton from becoming a second class city, It was this amendment, however, which caused the trouble, for It would re duce Allegheny City to a city of the third class, and under tho greater Pittsburg bill only cities of the sccoud class can vote sep arately. Senator Kennedy charged that this was a scheme to deprive Allegheny City of Its right to a separate voto, and after a lively passagc-ut-arms between him and Fllnn tho matter was postponed until next Wed nesday at noon, in order to allow tlmo for fixing the matter. It Is now merely a question whether Allegheny shall lio re duced to a third class city or Seranton compelled to bo advanced to tho second rank. If Fllnn and Vaughan Insist on tho amendment being retained Senntor Ken nedy may succeed In defeating tho cntito bilk "Worklne" Chris M it gee. Chris I,. Mugee, who was ono of the originators of the plan, had a practical Illustration the other day of tho good de rived by Pittsburg from tho generous ad vertising which she has secured through tho annexation movement. Whllo coming down In tho elevator at tho Commonwealth hotel tho young man who wns running It asked him to get him a ticket to Pitts burg. "What do you want to do In Pittsburg?" asked Mr. M.igoo with Interest. "Well," explained tho young man earn estly, "running an elevator does not pay much money, and I have road so much about this 'greater l'lttsburg' In the news papers that I think I could make money there It I could only get there." Tho spirit of tho young man caught the Pittsburg magnate, and he went down into his pocket, bought a ticket for l'ltts burg, and tho ex-elevator man U now out in the metropolis of western Pennsylvania. Tho Porter school bill to abolish the sec tional school boards In Philadelphia Is still languishing In tho sub-commlttco of tho houso committee on municipal corpor ations. Tho committee Is generally known among tho members as tho "municipal corpse," aud tho Porter bill is practically a corpse by this time. Tho twelvo Phila dolphlans on tho committee, with ono or two exceptions, aro against tho bill, and If it over sees daylight it will be either with a negative recommendation or so al tered that Its sponsors In the Civic club would never recognize It. Lack of Republican Leadership. Tho great lack of Republican leadership in the present houso was tho topic under discussion tho other evoning among a number of old legislators, and they com pared It with tho houso of 18SII, which ex State Chairman Andrews had undor such perfect control that ho could pass or de feat a bill by the mere waving of a hand kerchief. An Interesting story was told as to how be compelled the senato to pass his bill for tho government of cities of the third class. Tho bill had passed first read ing In tho sonato, and was then recom mitted with no apparent Intention of ever reporting It. Andrews calmly waltod until near tho end of the session, and as there was still no sign of tho bill being taken up he bo gan operations whllo sonato bills were be ing considered on third reading. Tho bills wore defeated ono aftor the other un til word was carried over to tho senato that Andrews was killing all their bills. Senator Uelamater was ono of tho first to call on Andrews and demand what was tho matter. "Nothing," was the apparently uncon cerned answer, "but Bonn, here," point ing to a lawyer mombor sitting next to him, "says It's a bad bill." Several moro bills were defeated and other senators came, but the answer was tho samo, "H3an says they're bad bills." 'What will mako you stop?" asked Del amatcr finally. "Tako up my third class city bill and pass It," was tho answer. "Wo won't do it." "All right," and tho slaughter went on. But after sovoral moro bills had boon de feated tho senators agreed to come to terms. The bill was quickly passed about from senator to senator, roported and passod on second reading. That stopped tho slaughter of senate bills. Tho next day Andrews' bill passed finally, and tho dofoatod sonato bills were all reconsidered and passed. W. M. It. LOTIMOW. Fiat tie with Hungry Itats. WOMEL8DOHF, Pa., May B7. A hard bat tle with rats was fought here by Frank Mandorback. Hoarlng a commotion In his collar he wont down with a lamp to Investigate As soon as be roached the foot of the stairs he was attackod by a largo number of rats. They were big, hungry follows, and they fought furiously. Mandorback seized a cleaver unu battled with all his might, killing twenty-seven of tho rodents. The struggle was desperate and the rats ran all over his body, biting him in a number of places before he con quered tkom. A nig Colliery Resumes. Shknanooah, Pa,, May 87. Shenan doah City oolliory, which has boon idlo for the past three months, resumed opera tions this morning, giving employment to 803 men and boys. Tho colliery Is the oldest in tho Mahauoy -ralloy. During the time It has been Idle a massive now breaker for tho preparation of coal has been built. Tho colllory Is owned by tho Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron oompany. A Foor Miner's Great Fortune. SllAMOKiN, Pa., May 87. A lotter was received Saturday by August Peters from France, informing him that ho bad fallen bolr to (100,000. Ho Is a poor minor with a large family. Whon he beard of tho good nows ho almost became crazed with joy. The monoy ho Inherited was amassed by bis mother, who operated boats across a neutral Island during the Franco-Russian wur. ' A Fatul Onme of ".lull. Pll amokin, Pa., May 27. During a gamo of ball John Kurzle, whllo running to first baso, jumped upon Michael Hozorulbklo's brottet, causing Injuries from which tho boy Is In a dying condition, WASHINGTON. From our lingular correspondent. Washing ion, May 27, 1895. President Cleveland is authority for ; the posi litre statement thai so far ai lean be seen at this time neither an extra session of Congress nor an issue of bonds will b m.fle necessary by : the decision of the Supreme Court against the constitutionality of the in ; tome tax. The numerous sensational statements to the contrary sent out of Washington last week had no firmer foundation than a desire to embarrass the administration by creating the im pression that the government would be unable to meet its obligations with out issuing bonds or getting additional legislation from Congress. This is a very unpatriotic as well as a danger ous misrepresentation to make, but everything is disregarded by those who are engaged in the task of making political ammunition to be used next year against the democratic party. It was a long line of similar misrepresen tations which made it possible for that foreign syndicate to drive such a hard bargain in the exchange of gold for the last issue of bonds ; yet those who had been the busiest in circulating them were the loudest in abusing the President and Secretary Carlisle for having accepted the terms of the syndicate. Members of the administration have accepted without comment the income tax decision. Other officials have not been so reticent. For instance, Sena tor Palmer, of Illinois, at present in Washington, sail! : "The country will accept the decision, but if the emer gency should arise for the enactment of another income tax law Congress will pass it and the Supreme Court then sitting will uphold the taxing authority of Congress in ihe premise?. The people of the country understand their power. A rather interesting story is being told concerning the payment of the deferred sugar bounty, authorized at the last session of Congress, and the proposed establishment of a republi can daily newspaper at New Orle.ns with a capital of $1,000,000. It seems that ex Gov. Warmouth, of La , was the originator of the scheme. The Louisiana sugar planters pledging themselves to invest in the stock of the proposed paper a certain per cent tage of the amount received, if the bill authorizing the payment passed Congress and became a law. Presi dent Cleveland and the democrats in Congress were asked to endorse the bill for the payment of the deferred sugar bounty as a matter of justice to the sugar planters, and the republicans in Congress were asked to support it because a good portion of the money paid would go towards the establish ment and maintenance cf a republican daily at New Orleans. The result is history. The payment was authorized and $5,000,000 was appropriated by Congress, but Secretary Carlisle has not paid out the money yet, and that republican daily has consequently not been established. One of the reasons the money has not been paid out is that the appropriation was not large enough to piy all the claims, but there may be other reasons which will prevent payment for some time. A republican Senator speaking of the matter said : " Certainly a demo cratic administration ought not to furnish money to people who propose to use it to establish an organ with which to antagonize it. True, the debt will have to be paid some time, but if I were at the head of the Treas ury I would let those hot headed fel Vows in Louisiana whistle for their money. I would not pay them until compelled to do so." Somebody with nothing better to do started a rumor that the decision of the Supreme Court against the in come tax made the government liable to the heirs of those who paid the income tax under the law enacted as a war measure for all the money col lected under the law. Nothing could be more absurd. While the law un der which the old income tax was col lected was practically the same that has been declared unconstitutional by the present Supreme Court it was passed upon and declared constitu tional by the then Supreme Court, and those who paid money under it can have no valid claim on the govern ment for its return. Secretary Herbert has accepted an invitation to be the orator of the day at the Memorial Day ceremonies at St. Elizabeth's cemetery. President Cleveland has been invited to Arling ton, but it is not certain that he will be in Washington, as he is quite anxi ous to accompany Mrs. Cleveland and the children to Gray Gables, and they may go before next Thursday. There is a special reason why Mrs. Cleveland's departure cannot be post poned much longer. Shs would have gone before now, but for the pre valence of disagreeable weather. Are you all tired out, do you have that tired feeling or sick headache ? You can be relieved of all these by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Call and see the typewriter paper at this office. tf. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Oastorla. . Ki mm. A VIS FICUTvC. ITnny 'Werci TVfU Kccojnlzo If. C'nnri ti enr lau-- -v-nnis J "Oil, Inm R5 nervous I Xo onn ever itiffcrr-il r-.s I dol 'i'hero isn't a well Inch la my whole body I I houcitly think my limps nro diseased, my chest pains mo so; bul I've no cou;;li. I'm so weals at my Moniach, nnd hove In- digestion horribly. Thru 1 bavo palpita tion, nrt.l my heart hurts nic. How I am losing flesh! nnd this hendncliH near ly kills me; nnd the backache Heavens! I had hysterics vc.'terd.iy. There is n wol:;lit In the low 1 r part of my bowels, bearing down all thn time: and there nro pains in my prolns and thighs. I can't sleep, walk, or sit. I'm diseased all over. The doctor? Oh I ho tells 1110 to keep quiet. ISuch mockery I Inflammatory and ulcerative conditions tt the neck of the womb can procure all tlin above, symptoms In tho same person. In fact, thero Is hardly a part of tho body that can cscapo those sympathetic pains and arhc:i. No woman should allow horolf to renrh such a perfection of misery when there is positively 110 need of it. J.yilit A", 'in Weill's Vegetable Com pound .vii promptly and thoroughly In such cases; slrenplhens tlio muscles c ilii! womb, heals .ill inflammation, and r.'.'tor.M that uiirulv nr;:uii to lis normal ro:i'.!iiion. l)nTi'' arc selling carloads of it. Mr.i. rinkli u!), at I.ynn, Mass., wi'.l pladly and frcciy answer all letters 6:.k:;i' for a.lvlcc. Mrs. E. Ulf-hop, 737 Ilnlpcy Street.. Tir.)o!:lyn, N.V., suffered nil tlio nbovo describe! lmrron. Now f!ie Is well. I.ylia K. l'inkliam's Vogetablo Com tioti'.id cured iior. Write her about It. Grown Acmo, The best burning oil that can be made from petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimneys. It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It Is pre-eminently a family safety oil. We Challenge Comparison with any other illuminating oil made. We stake our Reputation, as Refiners upon the statement that it is The Best 0.0 IN THE WORLD, ASK YOUR DEALER FOR. Crown - Acme Tlfl AT ANT f. M iu niLi.uuiu uuiumiu uvii BLOOMSBURG STATION, BLOOMSBURG, PA w Cleanse tlio Bowels nnd Purify the rilood! Cure Diarrhoea, Eyfen'ery and Dyspepsia, asd give healthy action to the entire system. . 7-liMf.-N. & C STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (Saeendorph's Potent.) Lightning, Fire and Storm Proof Send for I TUe Penn Iron ltoofln nnd form, catitlnioie callus to. (Ltd.), 1'liilu., Pa., ot prices. Hole Alfrs i. n ltS Diamond BnuA. EmWCiUVAl PILLS Mrljrfmil ml Only Genuine. Art, rt-liftbl. laoicb uk , 1) runout for (ii-nMtiH-i kStuliMk IHa.A mond Hrand In Had kD1 Gold nif Ultlo toiM, Mftlml with blue ribbon. Titko nuothen HtfMtt dimacruua miuitw fioni and imitation. At l)r ukkimi. or tend 4c lu !wp for pullouUri, tt-aituumUU an! ' Relief for T.ttdlf, in Utter, hj rrtur r nulL iv.uww ii-atuiuniiaw. jrunic luprr rklrliMtitDklMl(Jik.HiilMn Mii uuW 8-17-4 W WE HAVE NO AGENTS but ship rrom our ractory AC wholutuile prlct-a. Htup any where for rxunitnntlnn ; my frelgul both wuya if not tatlrt- luciory. iuu aiyit or tRrrluKee. OOatylvHof llnrneMH. 'nd4ctn. for 112 pitit catalogue. KMtlUKT I'AKHUUK AM) IUUMSH Ml-(4. 10.. W. ti. Walt, bM'jr, Ukfaarl, r81-4t-(L K.lioH $38. THE COLUMBIA KITCHEN SPOON for dipping loo Cream, Puddings, Bitf ter, Mash, ed l'oUHii'H, nnd anything tliut slicks to the bowl. No extra knife or spoon needed to clean It, Every housekeeper will be delighted with li. Agents wanted. Sample by mall, Tinned, Hoc; Nlekle Hated, We. 4, N. 10th 8THKKT, i ruii.AUJSi.rniA, ta 6-H-U Patented Novelties. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE 11 llacTAGGAIl! I Pennsylvania Eailrcad. Time Tnble in effect foy t, 'j. THE NOTED &PQG1 Fornntenf I IttMou : E)'v OK PENNSYLVANIA, LONG STANDING Gil 110 NIC CASES AND DISEASES OF WOMEN, -) OF (- HARRISDURG, - PA. 227 llerr St., between 8d and ad Kin.. Where he enn be seen five days In the week, viz: Thin-winy, Kiklny. Niiimlay, (Sunday from 1 to 4 P. .M.,) and .Mondays, WILL VISIT BLOOMSBURG, AT THE EXCHANCE HOTEL, ON Tt ESDAY Of EACH WEKK. Offtck Hocrs Ofllee linnrs will be from 8:80 to ll::te In the morning. Kmm l oVIoek to 4 In the nftermmn, and from? to lu tho evening, n v.... 11, 1 nt. Mnn.l'iv CONSULTATION FREE. Many years' experlenee h.istnnght him thnt nearly all ailments enn be eur-d or greatly helped. The dlneasi's he treats are t'onsiimp. i iuu, hii nmiiiTinm t urn mim, i.mnh w .viannood, Creoki'd l.lmlm. Wry Neeks. Hnrrennoss. fccrn. fula, fait. Hhi'iun, HvpliIlK K.ve nml Knr I). senses, Nkln DlHcimes, Neuralgia, Hilght's Dl- ni use, i n ' is it 1 1 1 1 ,m ivires or every ui'smp I Ion, Hheum itlsin, either aeute or ehrnnle, Sick Head irhe, Kpllepsy, (Jnslrlt Is, Congest Inn, Canki'r, Tonslllil.s, nearness, St.. Vitus' Dance, Impediment of Speech, Loss nf Voice, Ntu'tcr Ing, cancer of the Htoninch, Piles, Jaundice, i oust i pat iim, iiiiioiisncss, nysentery, Chronic Dlaiihu::!, t hills nnd Fever, Fistula, Hlllous Colic, 1'iiriilysls, Heart IMseaso, Intestinal Worms and I.Ivor Complaints. However, It must, be remembered that hp will not undertake to Heat all cases. Imt only ( which he Is positive can be cured or irrentlv re- liced. nnd will tell you at once which. If eirnrr, ran ne aeeompiisneii. lilt. Mm TAiiilA HI Is the only specialist this hiiiooi ."o liiiK, riin.iici)Mi:i anil iiiiu:iio, no mimes nn exi insivo KpecMity or treetlng Chronic i uses and the Discus s of Women. Thoye who have been sulTerl'iir forveaissiioiild call at, once ami lenrn whether their ailment, can be enroll or not. M) cases received unless they can be cured or greatly helped. What .Dr. KacTaggart HAS DCfJE AMD IS DOING. The Doctorwlslics tho nubile to understand that he Is not, soliciting the ordinary run ot eases, but desires lust such diseases to treat. that other phvnlcliins cannot succeed with or at least, rail to cure, when you sutler from such rtmsiilt him (consultation Is free), havo him thoroughly d'agnose your ease, and then what be tells you can be relied upon ns a fact bejond refutation. Some may say, "Why go to Dr. .MacTnggart, when we have as good doctors nere as anywhere.'" es, so you have in their llneot practice, but not In those sneelnlties that Dr. MneTngg'irf Is schooled and practiced In. In support of this umiuallllcd assertion rend his testlmnnlals-not only read them, but Investigate the truthfulness of them. Where are the physicians who enn remove enncers without pain and cure It beyond perndventtire? He does tt. W here can you find another nhv- Hlelnn In I ennsylvanlu w ho enn remove tumors of even tH pounds weight without, the use ot the knife, without, pain, and without leaving a scar? Dr. MacTaggait does It. What physl elan can cure tlstulas without, cutting or caus ing the least pain orsoreness during t reatment? Dr. MacTatfirart does It successfully. These are golden truths iniil en because It, proves be. yond dispute that the science of medicine In specialties particularly. Is advancing with rapid strides tar la the lead of the regular praciloner. 1-18-ly. W llkepbnrre... v I'D ni'lh Ferry " anll ol e " Mooai iq a . .." Wfipwahopen. " Ntuopt'k ... or rottsville. ... llHZK'Inn 'I onilili ken., fern Olen..., Kovk (.ion ... Nehcopeck ... A. M i 1 u: f 7 301 7 40 H III 8 II 8 13 A. .l r. M.. P. M. w'i as e lOjCtsPf no mil a uoi o w . V ill) J." II) rl 10 80 10 Ml II 00 11 11 A. M . M.I P. M .lv, II 00:8 9 I'M! 1 Ml Nescoprck .lr i icnfjr Kpr Kerry... . " K. llloon.fcburg" ralnwlsn ..... hi Cat HWIssa 1 I Iverside........ Futibuiy ' 7 1 . 7 8-1 7 44 8 0.1 11 K, 11 II 84 11 40 P. M. P. H i h i;,i it in iiaiim 8 X.i il 47 8 57 4 IB, A. M. A. M. 8 I'.Vlll 1) 8 SH via f 1.1 Hock 8 41' ilen I P. M. H W li IS 8 Ml 1 181 111 li 37 9 8 1 CO 8 04 8 Ui 8 IS f 4 08 ur.burtr l.ew ihburg ... lHllton .. M HllHiiipport, Ini Haven.. Iteno'O Kane A. M. P. l, .IV'I 9 M i l : an 10 2H! it us. ." I in t4 ii hi 12 10 P. M.j am a. in.:pm p.m. 7.10 11. tO 0.811 7.us 11.8& . v a 1M iM .n v. ta ts w SM CM 11.23 6.11! 2 VO .60 11.2m IMIV 2JA 0.411 U.IO H.5I! 2.CI) 6 2U 11.0. 6.4S 1.8'. .' 111.58 5.44 1.80 i0.6 5.87 1.25 8 On .0.43 5.27 1.10 8.04 10 4 6 22 12.85 tUia 0 8t 5.( 12.3" ft.HH 1'J.tS 5. .8 .2.5 8.63 la.Hi 5.18 IV. VII 5.49 10.28 5.03 12.0i 5.4H 10.20 V0U 11.50 RAILROAD SYSTEM In effect May, 12, 1S95. TRAINS LB WE BLOOMHBCKO For New York, Philadelphia, Reading PottB vllle, Tamnqua, weekdays 11.55 a. ra. tor w uuumsport, weeaaays, i.ao a. m b.23 p. m. For Danville ana Milton, weekdays, 7.35 a. m., IB. For Catawtssa weekdays 7.35, 11.55 a. m.. 13.20, .on a.3t, p. a. For Kupert weekdays 7.35, 11.55a, m., 12.20, 8.25 S.on, 6.83, p. m. f or uaitunore, vt asuingion ana tno west, via Ii, a. i. it- . ,ui iugj u , a, no ,i a , u ik.uiu5 . . . mlnal.rhlladelphln, 8.20, 7.M, ll.2a. m., 30 .27, p. in. B.itei'ivs 3.i, 7,nn 11.1:0 a. m., 1.4. 7 27, p. m. Additional trains from 24 and 'bestnut street station, weekdays, 1.85, 641, 8 23 p. m. Sundays, 1.8), 823 p. 111. TH.VINS FOK BLOOMSUUHQ Leave New York via Philadelphia 8.00 a m., and via Gaston v.10 a. m. Leave Philadelphia lO.Oe a. m. Leave Heading 11. 50 a. m. Leave Potisville 12.80 p. m. Leave Tamnqua 1.30 a, n?., Leave willlamsport weekdays 10.10 a m, 4.80 p. m. Leave Catawlsea weekdays. 7.00, 8.80 a. m. 1.80, 8.27, 8.15. Leave Kupert, weeKaays, 7. us, s.27, a. m., 12.00 1.87,1.36, a.23. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, leave Philadelphia. Chestnut street, wharf and south ftreet. wharf for Atlantic, city Wkki-o.vs Kxprofvi, d.OO, a. m., 2.(X), (Sat. urdays only 8.01);, 4.00, 6.00 p. m. Aocounuoda tlon, 8.110 a. 111., 5 45, p. m. sunuat Express, u hi, io.iki a. m. Accomuio- datlou, 8 (X) a. ui. aim 4.30 p. 111. Hot 1 rnli.tr. leave Atlantic City, dopot, corner Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. WKtK-iiAVd-i.xpiu.is, 7.35 u oj a. m. ana 4. 00 and 5.30 p. m. Accommodation, 8.15 a. in. and D2 p. m. (Sundays Express. 4.00, 5.15. 8.00 p. m. AO cominodatlon, 7.15 a. in. and 4.1) p. m. Parlor Cars on an bxpresa trains. I. A. NWKIUAKII. O.O. HANCOCK, Uon'l Superintendent. Geu l Pass. Agt 80UT1L- II. & H. R, II, am a m LIAVI p m p ni STATIONS. Bloomabu'g. I'. A K. Main at... Llrondale... Patier Mill. Liirnc bt . oraugevL'e. .. . torus ... ...iSaner's... fctiliwater. ..beoton.... . . Hrtsou'B... .coie's cr'k. Bugarloat., .Laubacn.. ..Central... Jam. City., -NOB.TH LIAVI am pm pm am V 4t' O 4U 0.1U 2.42 6.44 0.13 2.4V6.17 8 4 6.60 8.25 2.54 b.5s.87 8.O11 7.12 18.50 8.10 7.10 7.10 a so 1 20 1.H5 IV. etliS.25 7.24 7.41 8.13 3.30 7.20 8.00 H.'J3'8.40 7.80 8-40 9.268 4 7.44 8.50 V. 2813.47 7.4S K.53 2.3II.H.V0 7.52 H.U0 U 35 M.57 1 57 1(1 11.45 4.07 8.07 80 V.6U.ll 8.10 .40 am p 111 p mam AKK1VB 18.80 (..33 8.l 8 44 8.47 9.08 Plttston(SS)ar ncranHiu ' 8 03 8 (x 4 111 8 15j 15 P. M. t 4 0- 4 17 f 4 27 4 82 4 8 4 as 4 5. M), P. M 5 40 6 15 7 00 d (ml 9 (0l A. V. P. M.I P. M Punbury..... lv, 9 4s 8 1 5" li 5 te liarrifUurg.... .ur 111 80 9 8 20 j 7 10 p. M. r. .l P. M, 1 nnadeiphia .ar, s 00 1 s 13 rn n Baltimore .! 8 in, I 8 15i!10 40 vNasuington 4 3 ,1 7 311, a. m.i P. M Sunbmy lv HO 05 t 2 25 p. M. Ie Istown Jc ar !12 on ! 4 Jft I lttuburg' " ! 8 10 511 8u Harriet uig lv Pittsburg ar' p. M. p. M. I 8 50,1 7 8" I A. M. IH1 SOU 2 Oil1 Dully, except. Min iay. II Dally, f Flhg .station. Pittsburg lv Harrl&burg ar Pllttiburg lv lew Istown Jc." sunbuiy ar. Wnphln(rion....lv 11 itimore Phlladeli hla..." P. M. P. M. I 7 0,rl! 8 in ... A. M. A. M. ii 2 i0,l 3 Jul.. p. 11. ( 8 10 A. M. ,i 3 lu t 3 30 A. M.I .: 8 cu j P. M A. .: 7 3.!. t 9 2S , P. Jt. II) 40 11 fill ! 4 45 11 20 II 4 3D A. M. A. M. ITarrlRburg !v! s 80 i 8 15 , Hunhury... ar,l r ox 11 11 M , A. M.I t 8 Oi P. M. t 8 W) , t 5 0v.ii . M. A. M. Ill 811 11 40 1 n 12 2 . ' 10 lv Hrle Kane Keuova .' Lock Haven...." Wllllamsport.." Milton " U'Wlsnurir ." Hunbury ar. Stinbury lv mvorslde " CatawlHsa " K. HloeiiiKburir" Ksny Ferry. " Creasy " Nescopeck ... ar M. A. M.I 05i 5' , 25 t 7 IS , M S PI 9 10 9 00 9 88 12 i'sc A. M.I A. M t ft yvrio to 6 4. 8 081 Via Bock (ilen. 8 04 A. M Nesooneck lv Bock Olon ar t 2 Fern Olen ' 8 69 Toiublcken......" I 7 10 Hnzleton ... I'oitsville . NescoDeck 1 Wapwallooen.ar .MocaDaqua. Naatlcoke Plym'th Ferry " Wilkes barre...." 7 84 8 45 A. M. t 8 04 8 HI 8 SH 8 48 8 54 9 00 10 V2 10 4u 10 4 flO C2 11 01 11 1 M. f 3 5'. t 6 35 A. M. t 15 9 . a., r. .. I. -'i I 8P 7 I 27, ID 2l; 11 M.l A. I 00; 8 t 10 u P. . 4 4 4 6 25 4 ,'tt tH, 4 47t.. A. M 11 11 fll 8' 11 43 11 54 P. M 12 15 1 2t A. M t 9 86 10 05 A, M. Ill 1 11 22 11 32 11 F4 P. M 12 02 18 10 P. M t I (8 4 21 4 32 4 13 5 01 6 10 P. M P. M. tlS 4H,t 5 41 ll 6 0 M. A. 43 II 1 G 07 10 i 10 83 in 38 110 48 11 58 11 P. M.l t 6 54 . 7 22 . 7 S7 7 t4 . 1 7 56 , 9 05 , P, M. A. M t 6 68 til 11 7 10 11 2 7 22 T 44 7 f8' 8 00, P. M.l, t 8 82 , 9 03 , 11 8 11 54 P. M. 12 04 12 10 Dally, except Sunday. 11 Dally, t Flag btatlun. Pullman Parlor and Sloenlnir Cars run on through trains between Hunbury, Wllllatiipport and Krle, between Hunbury and Philadelphia and Washington and between Uarrlsburg, Pitts burg and the wet. For further Information apply to Ticket Agents. . Jn. I'KKVOST. J. K. WOOD, tien'L Manager. Gen. Pass, Agt. RAILROAD TIME TABLE DELAVVARE.LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. A.M. 625 8 40 Northumberland... Cameron Cbulapky Dauvllle . -.. 6 53 Catawlssa ....... ....... 7 10 Kupert 717 nioombuurg..... . . tin Ekdv 7 33 Llmeltldge 7 40 willow urovo 7 44 BrlarcreeK 7 48 Berwick 7 58 Beach Haven... tu Hick's Ferry. 8 10 Shlckshlnuy . 8 20 liuniock's. n ui Namlcoke..... . 8 87 Avondale 8 41 Plymouth 8 45 Plymouth Junction 8 49 Klugs'.ou....... SM Bennett 5j Fort y Fort n ed Wyoming 9 05 West Plttston 9 10 Susquehanna Ave 9 14 niiHton v 1 1 Duryea .. 9 20 P.M. 1.50 EAST. A.M. P.M. 10 05 5 CO Lackawanna.. Taylor lleiievue HCUANTOH STATIONS. 9 2 9 32 9 37 94! A.M. 2 12 2 211 2 81 2 88 2 43 2 50 i 54 36 8 10 8 17 3 29 3 til 8 4 3 61 3 50 4 te 4 05 4 08 4 11 4 17 4 22 4 25 4 30 4 34 4 87 4 45 4 50 4 55 r. m. low 10 89 10 44 10 49 11 12 11 18 11 83 11 49 l'i'56 1205 12 16 12 13 12 2(1 19 40 6 08 07 6 13 28 H 88 8 89 8 45 H 62 6 Ixi 7 CO 7 0 7 12 7 19 7 85 7 47 7 54 7 IH 8 03 8 07 8 12 8 18 8 19 9 2". S 30 88 8 89 S 44 8 48 8 67 9 9 07 . M. 6 00 6 05 6 10 8CRANTON. Bellevue. ... Taylor. Lackawtnna IS Duryea 6 22 Plltston 6 28 Susquehanna Ave 6 82 west, rn 1 sum s as Wyomlmr..., Forty Fort.., Bennett... Klmtstou . piymouiu junotion. Plymouth. Avondale Namlcoke liuniock's Khlckshlnny Hick's Ferry ,... Beach Haven., 640 6 45 6 48 664 6 69 704 7 09 714 7 20 7 81 7 44 7 49 18 48 P.M. P. M. WEST. A.M. r. M.P. V. 9 65 1 80 6 07 ii)04 T40ki"u 1111 1 48 6 24 10 14 161C6 2S 1018 1 58 6 32 2 i ll g 03 218 U'.'l 10 24 10 29 6 35 6 88 6 43 10 81I 10 89 10 43 10 47 1054 11 un 11 10 11 23 11 32 1140 5 16 t 22 9 27 Si 2 3-. 2 42 2 50 8 01 8 17 8 25 8 83 8 40 8 44 851 8 58 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 88 40 4.1 6 15 6 M 865 7"b3 707 7 12 I so T85 7 47 753 8 00 8 11 8 16 8 23 8 80 SHIi 8 41 858 Berwick 7 58 Brlarereek ... .... 8 08 Widow urove 8 10 1150 Lime Kldice 8 14 11 50 Kspy 8 21 12 04 Bloomsburg 8 24 U 12 Kupert 8 P4 12 18 Catawlssa 840 18-.3 Danville 815 12 37 Cuulasky. Cklncrull ........ a 15 12 4(1 4.1 nil. NOIITUUMUKULANU 9.0 1 00 6 1 5 9 25 ... P M. P.M. Connections at Itunert with Phlladolnhln Beading Kallroad lor Tamaiitnd, Tamnq.ua llhamsporl, tsunbury, l'ottsvlll, etc. A Northumberland with P. & E. Dlv. p. h. K. fn Hani-bury, Ick Haven, Lmuoiium, WrMj forty and Kile. v. i uai,l1.u, lien, mud., r-crnnton, Pa. l"riESS & HEAD NOISES CVMu, fj kv Tubalwi'Udhlua U4n n-i., '. all uafflS U. fail. a-U.-. hli . Win. J. or h?:inl, Nuprin. Imi.it.l. -', IIIncux, C3il ll'way w Vurk, Mle deput. bcuilfor Uook ual pnaiU FRfcka