The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 10, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Bocome of the Ships That Sinks In
Storm and Battle.
In looking at the ocean, the mind
almost instinctively turns to the fate
of the ships which have found their
resting place therein. If the reader
were appointed to inspect the bottom
of the drained sea, he would be sure
to look at once for some remnants of
this kind, overwhelmed by storm and
Fancy has depicted these vessels
as thickly strewn over the bottom of
the ocean, and at times suspended in
the depths, unable on account of the
density of the water to find their way
down. But all we know of the con
ditions of the deep leads U9, says the
Boston "Traveler," to believe that
the vessel sinks to the bottom right
away. In a few hours at most it
reaches its everlasting grave, ' and is
ready for the swift destruction which
awaits it.
When it reaches the bed of the sea
it must in part sink into the ooze,
which everywhere is deep. Quickly
the creatures of the sea, who, bv long
existence in fields where food is scanty,
have learned to avail themselves of
every chance of subsistence, seize upon
all the organic matter which fortune
has sent to them. Even the masts
and the woodwork will shortly be
honeycombed and weighted down by
encrusting forms.
Ships of European peoples have
been for centuries finding their way to
the floor of the ocean. Probably
over 100,000 vessels have met this
fate since the time when our race
first began to spread throughout the
world. Yet by far the greatest part
of these have fallen upon the shallows
near the shore, where the swift cur
rents and rapidly moving debris are
likely to aid in their destruction and
How swiftly they disappear in these
conditions may be judged by the ex
perience of the diver who has sought
for sunken treasures. Almost invari
ably, after a hundred years or so has
gassed, they find that the craft is
quite lost sight of. Curiously enough,
the most permanent records of man's
empire of the seas is being written in
the ashes from the coal fed fires of
the steamships. This waste is in its
nature indestructible, and the mass of
material constributed in any one year
to the ocean bed is to be reckoned by
the million tons. In time all the
great ship routes will be paved with
this debris, which will be built into
the rocks, to remain as the most en
during monument of man's sway upon
this sphere.
How's This !
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.,
Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known
F.J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinnajj & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Ha.dly any class of animals suffers
so much from ignorance, carelessness
and cruelty on the part of diivers as
the livery horse. Many of the people
who hire horses know nothing about
driving or caring for them ; many
others, since they do not own the
horse, care nothing about any injury
to him provided they do not have to
cay for it, and still another class takes
pleasure in driving him at the top of
his speed as long as he can go, re
gardless of his distress. Then there
are the drunken drivers, reckless of
everything, the drivers who want to
race with everybody who comes along,
and the people out for a " good time,"
and whose idea is to " let 'er go.
There are the people who overdrive,
who do not water, who water when
the horse is overheated, who do not
blanket, and others Mho commit all
remaining kinds of offences against
horse-flesh the one idea being that
since the horse is not their own it don't
make much difference.
The only remedy is to educate pub
lic opinion up to the point where pro
ple will treat horses well for the
horses' sakes, and see to it that others
- do so also. No class of animals needs
the Humane Society more than livery
horses, and no class of people ought
to back up the Society more vigorous
ly than liverymen. Ex.
A lliuictor'a
Experience With
Rev. L. W. Showers, Elderton, Pa.:
"ror many years my greatest enemy
has been organic heart disease. From
uneasiness aDout the heart, with pal
pitation, it had developed into thump,
ing, fluttering, and choking sensations
iji. Aijnews ure ior me Heart gave
instant relief. A few bottles have ml
me of almost every symptom of hcai
disease. It is a ponder worker." Sold
by Wm. b. Rishton. C-15 iy,
How tho Precious Document Is Kept Scalod
Under Clan.
The original Constitution of the
United States was written upon a
long roll, that was afterward cut up
and put under glass in five oak frames
two inches deep, and fourteen by
nineteen inches -in size. In four of
these frames are parchment sheets
easily filling the space, on which are
written the Constitution of the United
States. In the fifth frame are the
signatures and the resolution submit
ting the document to the States for
ratification. This is the original of
our national Constitution the only
Constitution our republic ever had.
Most States of the Union have had
from two to half a dozen Constitutions,
and the Empire State has recently
changed its Constitution again.
The lines of this original Constitu
tion ot the United States run across
the sheet, and the penmanship is very
coarse. The preamble, which so many
of you can repeat, is separated from
the text by a narrow space, and there
is on attempt at fancy lettering in the
opening words, as there is in the
Articles of Confederation. Many of
the signatures are the same as are
found at the bottom of the Declara
tion of Independence. The amend
ments, even the very first one, do not
form part of this original, but are
written upon separate rolls of parch
ment, and preserved in tin tubes that
stand in the corner of a closet. The
number of these tubes is greatly in
creased by those that contain the
official ratifications by the States.
The earlier of these ratifications in
cludes approval of the Constitution
and of the earlier amendments. Later
amendments, such as the celebrated
Fourteenth and Fifteenth, adopted at
later dates, required separate ratifica
tions and separate tubes. Harper's
Young People,
Suffered from Heart Trouble, Liver Com
plaint and Rheumatism, and was cured.
From Syracuse (N. Y.j Uornld,
The efficacy of Dr. Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy was substantially
proven in the case of Mrs. C. S.
Abell, of this city.
Mrs. Abell, lives at No. 114
Roberts avenue, where she was seen
by a reporter. She talked freely of
her case and said : " For a number
of vears I have been troubled with
liver complaint and rheumatism that
made me almost helpless. I became
so ill I could scarcely walk the floor.
One of our home physicians informed
me that I had heart trouble and be
gan treating me for that. His treat
ment did no good. One day I read
of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
which I purchased, and began taking,
and improved greatly. I have now
taken six bottles, and was never so
well in my life. I can say nothing
but kind words for Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy, to which I
owe so much. I know of another
case in which Favorite Remedy restor
ed to healtha friend, who was thought
Mrs. Abell also said she would be
glad to describe her case to any suf
ferer. 1 r.e family are quite as pro
fuse in their praise of Favorite Reme
dy as Mrs. Abell herself.
Dr. David Kennedys favorite
Remedy is a never failing specific in
diseases of the skin and blood. It
restores the disordered liver to a
healthy condition and corrects consti
pation. It is a certain cure for the
diseases peculiar to women. It cures
scrofula, salt rheum, eiysipelas, nerv
ousness, loss of sleep, or that worn
out feeling. In cases of rheumatism,
dyspepsia, Bright's disease, gravel,
diabetes and bladder troubles, it has
cured where all else failed. Dr.
David Kennedy's Favoiite Remedy
is sold bv all dealers in medicine at
$i bottle, or six bottles for $5. at.
Reduced Rates to Denver, Col., via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the accommodation of persons
who desire to visit Colorado on the
occasion of the meeting of the
National Educational Association, at
Denver, Col., July 5 to 12, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets on July 3, 4, and 5,
to Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou,
Pueblo, at the extremely 1010 rate
$i-75 from New York, $49 25 from
Philadelphia, $47.50 from Baltimore
and Washington, $47 25 from Harris
burg i proportionate rates from other
These tickets will be good for return
passage from Colorado points on July
12, 13, 14, and 15, with an extension
until September 1, if desired.
A special train of Pullman Buffet
Sleeping cars will be run, leaving New
York at 10:10 A. M., July 4, stopping
at prominent intermediate points, ar
riving at Denver on the afternoon of
July 6.
This affords a grand opportunity for
a' trip to the world renowned Rocky
Mountain resort? in Colorado at a
comparatively small cost.
Call and see
at this office.
typewriter paper
Children Gryfor
Pitcher's Caetorio.
Madame la Mode showers so many
artistic novel designs and shades of
colors on the new cotton fabrics that
it will not be the fault .of her toilette
if the summer girl is not a picture
this season.
The new cottons are not only ex
quisite in ornament and elegant in
effect, but they are, what is most de
sirable of all, inexpensive, and when
made up according to the latest ca
price of la Mode, they are dreams of
beauty and daintiness. Lovely creped
challies come in a variety of Dresden
effects. Someiimes the whole eown
is scattered with exquisite blossoms or
ornamented with a charming Dresden
One cannot imagine the fascinating
and fairylike effect of the new flower
ed lawns trimmed with gauze Pompa
dour ribbons combined with embroid
ery or lace. One beautiful imported
gown of green organdie is so exactly
the shade of June grass that with the
perfectly colored wild flowers scatter
ed over it, the effect brought to the
mind is a vision of fresh country fields
with bright blossoms. The very full
paysanne skirt is made over a founda
tion slip of pale violet silk. A b ack
gauze ribbon painted with butter-cups
Mind tied in knots at intervals borders
the bottom of the dress. I he corsage
is trimmed in fichu effect with delicate
mull embroidery and the same butter
cup ribbon.
As for points of information con
cerning street gowns, the drooping
waists, large sleeves and full tkirts in
crease in popularity.
Modistes from Paris bring skiits
very wide, but less stiffened tiian for
merly. The average width is five or
six yards at the foot and close fitting
about the hips. 1 hose like the design
on first page of ' La Mode de Paris "
for June are specially popular.
An exquisite little summer gown is
illustrated in the Paris Fashion Letter
of the " Paris Album of Fashion."
The most charming and picturesque
group of children's summer costumes
and dainty little bonnets are seen in
' La Mode. The very toilette on the
cover of the " French Diessmaker "
is a poem in itself. All the above
mentioned journals are published by
the well-known house of A. McDowell
& Co., 4 West 14th Street.
" La Mode de Paris" and Paris
Album of Fashion " $3.50 each for a
year's subscription or 35 cents a copy;
" The French Dressmaker 'J is $3.00
per annum, or 30 cts. a copy; and
" La Mode is $1.50 a year, or 15
cts. a copy. If you are unable to
procure either of ihese journals from
your newsdealer do not take any sub
stitute, but apply by mail to Messrs.
McDowell & Co., 4 West 14th Street,
New York.
You've No Idea.
How nicely Hood's Sarsaparilla h ts
the needs of the people who feel all
tired out or run down from any cause.
It seems to oil up the whole mechan
ism of the body so that all moves
smoothly and work becomes delight.
If you are weak, tired and nervous,
Hood's Sarsaparilla is just what you
need. Try it.
Hood's Pi'Is cure liver ills, consti
pation, biliousness, jaundice, sick
headache, indigestion.
A new book, bearing the above title,
by Edwin Gordon Lawrence, teacher
of elocution and director of the
Lawrence School of Acting, has just
been issued. Simplified Elocution is
a comprehensive sy stem of vocal and
physical gymnastics ; it contains ex
plicit instructions for the cultivation
of the speaking voice and gesture :
directions for the production of breath,
sound and speech, and a thorough
explanation of the muscles and oigans
employ ed : rules for articulation, mod
ulation, emphasis and delivery : post
ures and movements of the feet, body,
arms, head, eyes, etc.
To the treatise is added a Complete
Speaker, consisting of selections in
poetry and prose suitable for recita
tion, which, as the author says in his
introduction, " are not chosen on ac
count of their newness, but from their
intrinsic merit and their adaptability
as exercises."
The work is designed for the special
use of teachers, actors, students, col
leges, schools, and all those who wish
to perfect themselves in the noble art
of expression.
The book, which contains 232 pages,
is handsomely bound in cloth and
gold, and will be sent postage free on
receipt of $1.00 fNew York: pub
lished by the author, 106 West 42d
Use it in Time.
Catarrh starts .in the nasal passages,
affecting eves, ears and throat, and is
in fact, the great enemy of the tnuc
ous mimbrane. Neglected colds in
the head almost invariably precede
catarrh, causing an excessive flow of
mucus, and if the mucous discharge
becomes-interrupted the disajreeabl
results of catarrh will follow, such a3
bad breath, severe pain across ore-
head and about the eyes, a roariug
and buzzing sound in the ear9 and
oftentimes a veiv offensive discharge.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for these troubles.
Division of a Traction,
Editor Columbian.
Dear Atr :
A. B. seems to thirk X. Y. Z is
wrong, and takes some space to prove
his point.
Now X. Y. Z. takes this position,
that the assertion that a greater num
ber can be contained in a smaller
number is false in theory, false in
practice and false in diet.
We have yet to learn that of a
dollar divided by of a dollar will
eqml 'eight ninths of a dollar ; that is
to say 66-j-7s88 and eight ninths.
If this is a fact then I know of no
easier way of making money and I
will agree to furnish the dividend if
A. B. wi 1 find the divisor, and I will
take the quotient. We will go a
little further. The ground work of
division is to make a thing smaller,
and in all questions of this kind value
is not taken into consideration. We
say jj is contained in $ one time so is
2 contained in 2 one time ; J in J one
time 3 in 3 one time, no question as
to value.
A five gallon cask will not contain
a sixty four gallon hogshead without
a dangerous strain on the hoops.
X. Y. Z.
Reduced Rates to Philadelphia via
Pennsylvania Railroad
On 1 he occasion of the dedication
of the Odd Fellows' Temple at Phila
delphia, May 21, 1895, the Pennsyl
vania Railtoad Company will sell, on
May 20 and 21, excursion tickets to
Philadelphia and return from all
points on its system east of Pittsburg
and Erie, north of Quantico and
south of Canandaigua, inclusive, at a
single tare for the round trip, with
minimum rate of fifty cents. Tickets
will be good for return passage until
May 23 inclusive.
This rate is open to the public, and
offers an excellent opportunity for a
visit to Philadelphia at a very small
Fast and frequent express trains
run from Philadelphia to all principal
New Jersey seashore resorts.
Odd Fellow's Dedication Parade at Philadel
phia. Special Low Rato Tickets via
Reading Railroad.
One of the events of the year will
be the dedication of the mammoth
and magnificent temple of the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows, just
completed, at Philadelphia. Ihe
dedicatory ceremonies, which will be
of a highly impressive character, will
take place in the new building on
Tuesday, May 21, and will be supple
mented by a great parade of the Order
in the afternoon of the same day. The
procession will be one of the largest
and most imposing civic pageants
ever witnessed in this country, and it
is predicted that more than 100.000
visitors will pour into Philadelphia
from points more or less distant in
this and other states.
To enable the public at large, as
well as Odd Fellows and their families,
to enjoy the great spectacle at a mod
erate expense, the Reading Railroad
will sell special excursion tickets from
all stations on its lines to Philadelphia
at the rate of a single one way fare
for the round trip, no tickets, however,
to be sold for less than 50 cents.
Children between five and twelve wi l
be carried at one-half the special
rates. These excursion tickets will
be good on all trains going to Phila
delphia on May 20th and 21st, and
for the return trip until and including
May 23d.
A Piece of Her Mind.
A lady correspondent has this to say i
"I want to eive a piece of my mind to a
certain class who object to advertising, when
it costs them any:hing this won t cost them
a cent.
I suffered a living death for nearly two
years wan Headaches, uackaciie, .11 pain
standing Or walking, was being literally
drugged out of existence, my misery increas
ed liy drugging.
At last, in despair, 1 committed the sin ot
trying an advertised medicine, Dr. Tierce's
favorite l'rescription, and it restored me to
the blessedness of sound health. I honor
the physician who when he knows he can
cure, has the moral courage to advertise the
The medicine mentioned cures nil the
delicate diseases peculiar to females, as
"Female Weakness," periodical pains,
irregularities, nervous prostration, spasms,
chorea or St. Vitus's Dance, sleeplessness,
threatened insanity.
To permanently "cure" constipation,
biliousness, indigestion or dyspepsia, use Dr.
Tierce's Tleasant Pellets.
Reduced Rates to Reading, Pa., via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
On' May 28 the main festivities in
connection with the Annual Conclave
of the Knight's Templar at Reading,
Pa., will be held, and on that day the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets to Reading and
return from all points on their Schuyl
kill Division, Williamsport, Wilkes
Barre, Sunbury, and intermediate
stations, at a single fare for the
round trip, with minimum rate of
twenty-five cents. These tickets will
be good on that day only.
A special train will leave Reading
at midnight for Philadelphia, topping
at principal intermediate stations.
Children Cry far
Pitcher's Castorla.
Cut In the Tongue Whllo Licking It a Business
Man Died.
S. Fechheimer ot Chicago died on
the 2nd from blood poisoning as a re
sult of cutting his tongue while licking
an envtlope. Mr. Fechheimer' death
was a singular instance of the dangers
of blood poisoning, and "his case is al
most unparalleled in medical science.
Saturday night he was writing to nis
family, telling ot successuu con
elusion of some business negotiations
He made ready to seal the envelope
and passed the mucilage portion of it
across his tongue. The edge of the
envelope was shup and cut Mr. Fech
heimer's tongue so that it bled a little.
He thought nothing of it, however,
until the next day, when his tongue
began to swell and pain him. The
symptoms of a serious case ci dioou
poisoning were manliest to the doctor
who wan called to Mr. Fechheimer's
hotel Sunday. The latter grew worse
lanidlv. The Poison in the mucilage
got into his blood and soon permeated
his entire system. He was reported a
little better Wednesday, but yesterday
his condition sank and he breathed
his last in the afternoon. Barely a drop
of mucilage caused his death.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Eogs,
000 Page Book on Treatment f Animal
mod Chart beni Free.
CtTntit Frvrra. ('unseat lona.Inflnmmiit Ion
A.A.I Spinal iMmlusltla, Milk fever.
li.H.FMralna, LimenrM, KurnmaMam.
!.!. Ilaleinper, Nasal lllnrliargca.
.!. Hots or (.ruba, Wornia.
K.K.('ougha, lira Yea, I'neumonla
K.K. ( olio or (irlpea. licllracbe.
.. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages.
II. II. Urinary and Kidney Dlaeaaes.
1.1. --Eruptive Illwenaea. Mange.
.K.Diat'usea of Digestion, I'aralyala
Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - '- .Qj
Stable Case, with Bpeclflea, Manual.
Veterinary Cure Oil and Mudlcutor, $7.00
Jar Veterinary Care Oil, . . x.00
Bold ay DramrkiM ar yrapila aarwaaraaaa' la any
vaaalltj aa rvrrlpt af srka.
Bl'IPBRIf IS' BED. CO., 1 1 1 a lltWllltaai St., law lark.
In usai ' mrn Th abIv amenMftftil Mmtuiv for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from ovar-work or other cauei.
1 par vial, or A vial and Urge vial powder, for 95.
Hold fay UruiKliti, or MM itueiptttd on receipt of price.
IIVHPIimtVtttai.U.CO.lllllWUllHi8t.. New Yet.
Stimulates tho ippetlte and pro
duces rofreihiuft sleep.
Checks wasttrj? fi'spctrn. ntopi
niRht eweius, cures incipient
Increases otronc'.h and 3och.
i-romores neaimj lur.g tisauo.
Will wve tho pnlq and puny tho
ruuy uuue&.s 01 you to.
link en strontr mcnuad women of
Core all Wasting Diseases and
their sequences,
have no cotiKuliiting; eHect on tho oontenti.
or the Btomuoh or its lining; consequently
do not hurt the teoth or cause conatipution
pr diarrhoea, as do the usual forms of Iron.
10 days treatment 60o, pamphlet tree. If
Tnft7HP.nA lh.1i.fvnH.nni.N.H.l,. - 1
uuu .epii uy yuur uruKiitu, auareba
For buIo In lUnoiiiBlnircr, Ph., by MOV Kit linos.
uruutfims. i-sj ly
unw.ilW Os Vlf.a. UU Aa HUJ HI,,, IN,
fir rtlpplntf lee Cieum, I'uildlntfs. Hotter, Masli
ra ruiuiui'3, i,iiu 111111; lllur, Slicks to til
bowl. No extru knlte or hiiooii tiecdiMt to el
II, f.veiy noiiMikrpi-r will lie aVNuliteil with
11.. jvjeniH w;iiiu.i. fSiinnui) uy mull, Tlnueil
i ii'.; .Mt ivie ilil.iii. rvjf.
Datr.ntnil MnnntHw 47N. UHli HTHKKT.
.uifciiUU miwuw, rilll.ADKl.1'111 A, PA
- - (
f fO r y
McKillip Bros.,
The best are
he cheapest.
J. R. Smith & Co.
By tho following well-known makers 1
JTallct & Davis.
Can also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufact
urers' prices. Do not buy a
piano before getting our prices.
Catalcgus and Price Lists
On application.
and is prepared to fill all kinds of
planing null orders, and foundry and
machine work. Ihe plant is well
equipped, and all orders will be filled
promptly. Shops on Sixth Street,
West of Woolen Mill, io-a6 iy.
i fust tkt thing for bmittest and pro
fftiional men who have m few Utters
to write and want tko$e tettert to
took xi rlt. Doctors and lawyers, f
pec tally t find it very kandjr. Chil
dren easily and quiekljf learn to
write on it.
Will do just as food work as
the 00.00 machines. Of (ours
it is not ouite as fast. It is simply
constructed, easily learned easily
We'll send yon m letter written
on it along with m special circular
if you'll send us your address.
Best In the World I
Get the Genuine !
Sold Everywhere!
10 llMy.
i"a(f. V"M1. "Wt. J? "MY"
1. nuts powerfully and quickly. Cures when 4 11
Ottiurs full. Vuumk meo rcnuiu lost uiauluiuC; ulii
men reoovor uulnful vlnr. Abuttly Ounr
tnteetl to cure KrrTouinfUi ljovt 1 llulltr
lniiMitncyt Itfhlly I'mUtlonii lant lv i'r
eltht'r iCKi Falling Memury, WwatliiH aht)
CHir, and all effect of elf alnis$ or efcese$ an 4
iwtiicrct ioti; Ward on lnnanUy um. connumptrnu.
Don't IdtclrUKK.Mta tmKftu t worth lens Buhiit it 11)004
you horiuiHe tt yield greater profit, limtston fcov
Intf I'KKFKlt'H S Kit V IliO II, or bimkI for H.
Can b earned tn Tout pitrket. I'reimld, plrvln wrrnp
por. Ml per box or il fur With A IukU1v
V I'll ten fWt!triii.tee to t tire ir lCefiimt thf
IMoni'v. I'nniphlet free. Hold by (IruifKlNtH. Aildre
rtH'IK MEDICAL AHH'S, lliluatfo, U
Sold by G. P. HINGLEK.
Caveats and Trade Marks obuunl'd, and aV
I'm ''hi buuuicaa conducted tor MODKUAI S
ENT ol'l' lt K. We liave no gub-atfcneltM, all
liuslwsx direct, lience can transact patent bunl
ncs In Irss t lino and at Less Cost tliun ttioao ra
inolo tiom Washington. (
Send model, drawing or photo, with, desert
tlun. Ws udvlao If patent uuIh or nut, II'"? 0
olianfe. our tee not due till patent Is secured
A book, "How to obtain l'atentH," wltli rerer
enees to actual clients in your Suto.C'ouuty, or
town, scut rioo. Addrebs
C. A. HX0W & C0 WasMiiKton, U. J
(Opposite U. S Patent OMuu.)