The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 05, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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-BMBBBBBa pjg -jPBMBBBaeBaBaews
Appointed by Ciov. Morton Health Of
flour or w York.
The whole country Is Interested In
tho health of Its great commercial
port. Gov. Morton has appointed as
Health Officer of New lork Ir
II. Doty, of New York city.
Slpnorlna Roslna Teneo. thr Rieat
sinpor, for whom Verdi write "II Tro
vatore," .died at Porretta, a bathing
place near UolonKa, Italy. She ?m
seventy-one years old.
The Samoans, It Is reported, will
erect an obelisk over the grave of
Robert Louis Stevenson, which from
Its great height on the Vaea MountAln.
will be a conspicuous landmark from
the sea.
It is estimated that the number of
Jews In London Is between 100,000 and
120.000. There are 13,964 Jewish
children attending the London Board
and Jewish Voluntary Bchools of the
lower grades, so that the total number
Is probably not far from 20,000.
The only woman chemist In Farls Is a
Vassar girl, Mtsa Ida Welt. She has
distinguished herself at the University
of Geneva and at the University of
Paris. The Academy of Science has
just published her 'Researches on
Dissymmetrical Hydrocarbons."
wiiford Woodruff, president of th
Mormon Church, has for years culti
vated a farm of forty acres with no
other labor than that of his own hands
and those of his family. His wife and
daughters raise chickens, preserve
fn,U and run ft rlalrv. while his sons
.inert to become a physician and ralge nogg anj ,j0 general farm work.
Sixty-three years ago Daniel Web
ster had Isaac Bassett appointed a
page in the Senate. Fifty-two years
ago the special position of doorkeeper
was created for him, and he has held
It since. He now has the distinction
of having been in the service of this
Government longer than any man llv-
Pr. Alva II. Doty.
v' candidacy was endorsed
incut members of the medical pro
on Irrespective of party.
!.r. Doty Is about thirty-five years
i. and a native or Albany.
He de-
Bellevue Hospl-
t .1 Medical College, being graduated
.. . ), high honors in 1878. since which,
t e he has been constantly connected
v ' the Health Department of New
rr',i City.
he was appointed an inspector by
!:;. Vandcrpoel, then Health Officer of
Board of Health. After two years
1 ,i was appointed diagnostician to the
i nard. Two years ago, upon the re
;. rement of Dr. Roberts, he was made
t "lief of the Bureau of Contagious
!-cases. He Is a widower and has a
: lighter, his wife having died only a
t v.v months ago.
"Sin guru 1M 34.000 Yours Old.
For more than a hundred years the
vpientlsts of the Old and New World
li.'.ve been figuring out the age of the
sreat Falls. Elliot in 1790 fixed the
use at 55,000 years; Lyell in 1840
claimed the Falls could not be over
3.V00d years; Woodward In 18S6 even
reduced the figure to 12,000 years, and
still more recently Gilbert after learn
ed .irguments about the matter, es
th, uted their age at sixty-seven years.
Now Prof. Spencer comes forward and
says that all calculations so far had
been based upon the retrogressive
movement of the soil through the ac
tion of water. While this recession
is nearly regular, he adds a new ele
ment of valuation, that Is the different
phases of the formation of the river
itrelf and its greater or lesser force
of erosion exerted both on river bed
and banks. Spencer argues that the
river exists for about 32,000 years,
nurine 1.000 years or more It had
drained the Erie basin without hay
ing formed a cascade. The waters of
Lake Ontario getting lower and lower,
the Falls resulted, but were formed
slowly and gradually until they reach
ed their present height
The Niagara Falls as we know them,
or nearly so, will last at least 6,000
years longer. La Nature.
A Reform Fdltor.
E. Lawrence Godkln, editor of the
Evening Post, New York, is one of tho
best known editors in the country. He
la known not only on account of his
Wlv It Was a l.lBlithons Krrper Did
Not (Jrt Ilewtored.
When flio iMvskli'iit. S.vrotnr.v Onr
llsle. Secretary Uivslmni and Cnpt.
Kviins were tin one of their trips down
t'.ie N.flst they happened to Ix? near by
where tho Cedar Point Hifhtliouso
liuriioil ilowu owing to tine dereliction
of tho kpepi-r who was absent from
Ids nost of duty. In due course of
time lie was removed, and also In duo
cjurse of time the tllsmlwiM ktter
v.-it'll a congressional friend vlsittxl tho
secretary of the lighthouse board to
secure a reinstatement.
"1 want to know who wrote the let-
tor recoiuniomlliw Oils man's dismis
sal," tvaUl the ttrn'sman.
The polite secretary Invited the mem
ber ii ml frleiNl to l)o seated autl rouon-
txl hi boll. "1 will send for n copy of
the h'tter. and you shall see It for your
self." said lie.
"1 sutixse." prcjeeoded the Congress
man, taking a seat, "that t!ho dismis
sal was made on the report of some
d cl liiKpevtor who d.dn't know half
the fact. I am coins to see uapr.
i:v:ir about it and have the mattox
By this time the letter-book waj
hrmnrlit, nihl, placing It before tfhe
member, the secretary said: "You
see, the letter is signod by Capt
"Oh. Bob Evanfl signed It. did be?"
Tlu n reading the letter, he added. "It
is Just as I thought; he has based li'.s)
recommendation on the report of an
In'iwtor. Give me a copy of that
letter; 1 am going to see Gapt, Lvans
about it."
"ertaLn!r." replied the Aland secre
tary. "I will have a copy prepared at
oncv: but or I Ixdievo that Oapt,
Kvans Is personally advised of the
1 facts in this case.
"Personally ndvlsoi! What docs he
know about the matter except irom
Dr. Edward S. Holden, director of
the Lick Observatory, has Just receiv
ed, through the Secretary of State of
Saxe-Meiningen, the diploma and cross
rf commander of the Saxe-Ernestine
Order. This order was founded In i Cl jns.HVtor report?"
1690 and reorganized In 1833, ana us , ..Well, y, t (happened that
honors are conferred in recognition of r t Kvn"11H w-as at Cedar Point when
.. . .. . i l LI.U offlnlnl i 1 ...
distinguisnea services m ius umv.n tll,s jiphtlioiLsc was MirroM.
;sitions, either military or civil. "F.vans was rhei-e himself?"
The large majority of contemporary "Yes; he was there at the time, on
author nf international fame are one of the lighthouse vesso.s, and, I
small men physically. Kipling, Bar- , rlilnk. he made somo Inquiry Into tho
rio .Tpromn Howells. Stockton, Stead- matter."
nan Mark Twain, Bret Harte, Boye- ' "Oil. well, if the captain was there,
.-en. Saltus none of them Is above
medium height and several of them are
actually diminutive. Marion Craw
ford and Conan Doyle are tall, atii-letlc-looklng
men, but they are the ex
ceptions that prove the rule.
After all. It Isn't so astonishing that
the model for Aritist Gibson's typical
American girl should be Irish. Ada
ttehan, the Juno of the American stage,
is Irish, too, and she was chosen be
fore all others as the model for the
famous Colorado statue. Nor Is Mr.
Gibson the only artist who has per-
I A . V Al-flll Vl on n t V of hlS
telv.. ltf r w.i.. tVihiita I have to go to
mooei. reroapi "i6"' ; I tlx It for me. Let me have tho copy
pulU IU lift tumiua v. j.. "
when Daniel C. French chose her as
the model for his noble statue of the
Republic, which occupied the post of
honor at the World's Fair in Chicago.
Boston Herald.
Phllo Norton McGiffln, who is com
mander of the Chen-Yuen, the largest
warship of the Chinese navy, is a na
tive of Washington, Pa. He was a stu
dent In Washington and Jefferson col
lege in his native town for two years,
r.nd then entered the Naval Academy
nt Annapolis. His father, Norton Mc
Giffln. was a classmate of Mr. Blaine
in Washington college. After his
Graduation from Annapolis he continu
ed two years in the United States
navy, and then went to China to serve)
In the war against France, having
command of a gunboat. He afterward
superintended the building or iron
clads In England for China, one of
which he now commands.
iLook fifl i e
Do you want a
fiSKo ?
Do you want nit
Do you vaut a
Xfo you want any kind
Do you want SHEET
If eo, do not send your mon
ey away from home, but deal
with a reliable dealer right
here, who will make things
right, if there is anything
For anything in this line
F.F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco the place to go is to
"Fbi Years
I Scott's Kmulsion has been cnilorsod hy physicians of llio
wholo worM. Tlicro io no secret about its ingredients.
Physicians prescribe
Scott's Emulsion
becftiiflo tliry know what great nourishing nnd curativo prop
erties it cont iins. They know it in what it in represented
to bo ; namely, a perfect emulsion of tho best Norway Cod
liver Oil with tho hypophopphitcs of linio nnd soda.
Tor Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, "Weak Lnngs, Consump
tion, Scrofula, Anamia, Weak Eabica, Thin Children, Rickets, Mar
asmus, Loss of riesh, Ocacral Dolility, and all conditions of Wasting.
Tho only genuine Scott's Kmulsion is put in salmon
colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes I
Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion, FREE.
Scott Sl Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents ond SI.
Cigars, Tobacco. Candies, Fruits and Nuts
Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
HFiE-tr- Goods a. Specialty.
Sole agents for the following brands of t'lgnrs-
Horny Clay, Loniros, Normal, Indian Frincass, Samson, Silver Asb
Bloomsburg Pa.
nnJ has s!jmil this lottpr. I 8uppoo
tluT? Is no mo of ni.v soeinif htm. Oive
nu the copy, though, ana I will go ana
"(Vrtalnly; of course the copy will
roaJy In a moment; but. I th.nk.
llio secretary. tix, knows alxut the
matter, as he was also at the light
house at the time
"Carlisle was at Cedar Tolnt when
the lighthouse was burned up?
"Yen: he nnd Capt. Evans were
there together."
"The devil thy were. Well, then.
there's no use of my seeing him. I'll
You will realize that "they live
well who live cleanly,"
if you use
I Ware-rooms, Main Street be
low Market.
All Kinds of Meat.
B. F. Sharpless, Pres.
N. U. Funk, Sec.
London haa 5,636,000 population and
16,093 police.
The valuation of Maine haa Increas
ed 110,000,000 Blnce 1S92.
The earliest snow ever known In
Great Britain waa on October 7, 1820.
f Ha Kanrnnrt. a French BDortB-
E. I. Godkin. ' d f having killed 600
efforts In behalf of "Mugwump" poll- j tigers.
tics, but on account of the enemies he ; BllrmeBe children of both sexes be
tas made among his brethren of the . t gmoke aim08t ag 80Oa ag they
press who do not agree with his poll- ! an 8Deak
tieal Ideas. Nobody, however, will j '
dispute Mr. Godkln's ability a a In twenty years there ve been only
ri.r in pnnahi Arat inn rf his mln. , nine Christmases In New York witn
ent services to the cause of political I freezing weather,
all the same.
"Yes; to Ik sure; bute r general
the fact Is er that Secretary tires'
ham was there also.
"IK) wo mean to pay that Carlisle
nnd (Jmfliani and Rob Evans were all
nt Cedar Point when the lighthouse
burned lit)?"
"Yes; It Just lappened ttiat they
were a'.l there
"Well. I'll lv d d. This Is very
strange. I'll have to see the old man
liim-H'lf: I'll g) to the Tresldent U
that cepy ready?"
"Yes; It has Just come; here it is;
but wrtiftivi 1 on glit to ewiy you
ought to know that Is to say, that
the President irobably knows almt
the case, as he was likewise at Cedar
The President was there? Good
iroo: ) e.i, rMiiun. luruiux w "ia i ,f
man. "I guess vour goose 1 cooked. I plication.
Capital Stock, $30,000.
Beef, Veal, Lamb. Mutton,
C. II. Campbell, Treas. pork, Hams, Bacon, Tongues,
Bclogna, &c Free Delivery
to all parts of the town.
Bring Ths Babies.
iuKtnntaiieon rrocest l'el
Plotteil property is in the coming business centre of the
town. It includes also part ot the iactory district, and has no
equal in desirability for residence purposes.
CHOICE lAUs are ottered at values that will be doubled
in a short time.
No such opportunity can be had elsewhere to make money.
Lots secured on SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTrf-
Maps of the town and of plotted property furnished en ap- curing gteater beauty of finish
reform in New Y'ork city, three hun
dred reformers recently gave him a
dinner and afterward presented him
with a sliver loving cup.
Fligtit of Model Flyiiifj Machine.
The solution of the problem of air
ravlgation is not only possible, Bays
Prof. Boltzmann, the eminent Vienna
physicist, but very likely in the near
future. A small model of a dynamic
flying machine, constructed by Herr
Kress, the inventor, waa recently set
in motion in the hall of the German
Naturalists' Society, and is reported
Fifty-five years ago the trip from St.
Louis to New York consumed eight
days and five hours.
An Antractic Iceberg has been seen
that was twenty miles wide, forty,
miles in length and 400 feet in height.
February is the month in which the
greatest number of births occur; June
the month in which occur the fewest.
The bed ot the North Atlantic cori-
slsts of two valleys, separated by a.
mountain range that runs from the
Azores to Iceland.
The cars received and sent out from
the Chicago stock yards in 1894 were
We'll have to give it up." Washing
ton Star.
A Mean Revenge.
The man knocked at the door of a
hoarding house ou Cass avenue ond
the landlady opened It.
1 pnsume you are the landlady r'
he said, after saying "good morning.
Why do you prume that she
nski-d with a snap, for the visitor look
ed a if he might be some Kind of us
"A friend of mine, Mr. Smith, wiho
used to board here, to'.d me I'd reeog-
u'ze vou as a lady of about fifty.
She fairly gasped at rhls.
Did his tell you that?' she inquired
with suppressed emotion.
He did, madam.
"And you recognized me by that de
scription ?"
The visitor kn?w sometiuag atxut
discretion being the better part of
valor, uavjig uecn an agent tor a ioug
"1 did not, madam," he responded.
"It's a good thing you didn't," she
.i!d. "When I bounced that fellow
Smith for not paylixg hl bill for three,
months, he tvild me he would get even
with me, and this is how he is doing
Then she bounced the visitor. De
troit Free Tress.
Call upon or write to the Secretary, or J. S. "Woods, b'iOep
Agent, or any member of the Board of Directors.
Strictly first class guaranteed photo
graphs, cra)ons and ccp:es at reason
able prices. We use exclusively the
Collodion Aristotype papers, thus se
curing gteater beauty of finish and of results. CAPWELL,
Over Ilartmau's store.
B. F. Sharpless; J. L Dillon.
C. W. Neal, A. G. Bkiggs, Dr. I. V. Willits,
Dr. H. W. McReynolds, N. I). Vusk.
Spring Curry Comb
to the gallery. The result achieved ! mun !n excess of the number used la
by .Mr. lliram Maxim, Prof. Wellner,
of Vienna, and Herr Otto Lilenthal,
of Berlin, must, Prof. Boltzmann con
siders, finally lead to a complete solu
tion of thia interesting problem. In
his opinion the air-screw apparatus
has most chance ot success.
Another ill Telroeope.
The optical department of Dr.
Shoti's works at Jena, Germany, Is 0t
present occupied with the casting ot
an objective for an astronomical tl
Bcope, which Is to be, when finished,
the largest lens in the world. Accord
ing to the American Manufacturer, its
diameter will be about 43 1-3 inches
or five inches more than the one at
the Lick Observatory. The lens weighs
about 2.000 pounds, rough cast, s.nd
will cost, when finished, about $45,000.
Sttrl HlllUrd IlnlU.
Borne cast-steel billiard balls bava
been made by Mr. Peter Ostberg, of
K( j-kliolm, Sweden. They are of tho
:tme weight as ordinary Ivory balls,
of the same Blze and cost about eight
nbiiilnsa each, or about one-quarter
cost of ivory balls. The castings
xa mado with a core, the holes being
if:?"ward plugged and the castings
fliUUed in a lathe. The thickness of
1893, despite the great strike.
The total amount of gold in circula
tion at the present time is estimated
at about 1,070 millions of pounds ster
ling, weighing altogether 865 tons.
A decapitated snail, kept in a moist
Dlace. will in a few weeks grow a
new head, quite as serviceable and
pood-looking as that which was taken
It is calculated that If the children
under the care of the London School
Hoard were to Join hands, they would
reach from London to Carlisle, a dis
tance of 300 miles.
Recent Insurance statistics show that
if the wife dies first, the husband on
an average survives nine years; while
if the husband dies first, the wife sur
vives eleven years.
Five million dollars' worth ot cat
tle were shipped to Eastern markets
from the Black Hills, S. D., during the
fall. They were fattened on the nu-
.rittous grass of the 100 square miles
which form the Hills.
So far as the number of students is
ncerned, the Medical Times says that
Philadelphia Is the medical centre of
ne United States. There are 2,400
tudents, of which 875 are in the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, 700 In Jeffer-
Ao I'ntlmaly Blow.
I may as well tell you," said ttia
brave swimmer, as he rwiehed the side
of the strustfl'.nK plrl. who was Just
Bolus dawn for the third time, "tliat
I 'have a wife and you cannot marry
me as reward for savin your life.
With a dtspalHm; cry the maiden
rlirew up lier bands aud sank from
view. Brixklyn Eagle.
For ThoM Wlio Think of Marrying.
A tlioutrhtiful waiter said to a young
tvoiuuii who was encased to bo mar
ried: "If you are colus to marry a
man for to! a looks, you mustn't be sur
prised wlien be gives you black ones;"
amd to the youiw man lie said: lr
vou are of the opinion that marriage
makes man and -wife one, and tlhat
you are to bo that one, H-nd in youi"
regrets at once."
Butter per lb $
R(TTt ner dozen
Lard per lb ."t
Ham per pound I
Pork, whole, per pound 07 to .08
Beef, quarter, per pound, ... 06 to .08
Clock Spring Blade. Soft as a Brush. Pits every Curve. The I Wheat per bushel 7
Only Perfect Comb. Used by U. K. Army and by Bnrmmi and I Oats " ' -4S
Rye " " 5
Wheat flour per bbl SS
Hay per ton 14 00 10 16 00
Potatoes per bushel, 7S
I'orcpautrh Circuses, nnd Lending Horsemen cf the World,
Ask your Dealer for It. Sample mailed post paid 2? cents.
Pec nur ininic on the hnnilto, bl'UINU t'l'BEI C03IB CO., lOlLlftJctto bL, South Iti-od, IndltB.
ll-tl-iMA & S
miOTUERS. CS Wirrcn SU Hew Tork. Prlrs 60 rf. rt' C1- S3el
on Iram Derr's land, near A. J. Derr's
store, Jackson town-hip, Pa.
SMes, Mm Lath,
It YVai Mntunl.
Pater (entering suddimly) Pliur-r-rt
t"hat do you mean, sir, by thus em
Draclne my daughter? Ethel, I ant
Kchel (bravely) Ro are we, lopua,
iear, so are we. Truth.
the castlna in its finished state Is said i0n 362 ,n Hahnemann, 300 Medico-
la bo oue-slxteenth ot an Inch. : I Chiruglcal, 200 women.
A Oooit Imtleatlon.
Friend Well, Dock, Ihow's business?
Doctor Pine. Uot two new cases ln
the next room.
Friend AVhat, mallpox?
Doctor No, champaifno. TruUi.
Mm anl Pia. cul I lills,
We have saw mills on this tract
running daily, and have there on hand
and can cut timber 6:c. at any time.
Shingles, Not, alls nnd 6 In. seliM-uid, ft.nOM
ino i.ttiin anus id. wsi piue. i
Platitciiiitf luiU. f(. hn. ti-M M
" 8 ft lonir. t'.
llemlock, common alien, $8.uo M
For special orders and for Terms
vc , write or call at oilice of
romiit anawar and an bonwt opinion, write to I
MINNA- CO., who bava bad DaarlyflttT year' I Chon
I Calf Skin 40to.S
Sheep pelts. , , ,
Shelled corn per bus
Corn meal, cwt.
Rran "
Tallow per lb
Shoulder " "
Side meat " "
I Vinegar, per qt
Dried apples per lb. . .
Dried cherries, pitted.
Raspberries ,
Cow Hides per lb. . . .
.vMriMiMlnlh. ntfAnt huainoMa.
uona airictif oonnnanoai. a iinniin..w in
formation eonrorniua falanta and bow to ob.
talu Ibem aent free. AUo a oatalogus ot mechan
ical and nclentlno booka ient Irea.
Patents takeo tbrouah Muun s Co. noelr
apecial notloatntba ptrleatino Araeriran. and
tbo are brouuht wtaeif ovioraibe pudiic wnt,.
oat ooat to tin Inreutor. Tim auleudid PApvr,
world. a rear. Sample onpiva aent tree.
iuumi weiklT. elea-antlv Illustrated, baa uv I
lamest circulation of an scieutmo work In Uia
Chickens per lb new ....
" " " old.. . ,
Turkeys " "
Geese " "
Ducks " "
Handing Edition, monthly. f-'iAl a year. Single
piea, oeuia. Kwvrr nuoiiwr contains oeuu
ul nlates. In eolora. and phoUwranhs of new
bouses, who plans, enabliuit builders to show Uia
ffiffl i ILLS,
Bloomstag. Ta.
eon I
luj.,1 riMluni .nd mcui iMjntractiL. Atldrui
In this and adtolnlnx countti-a tor
A hrun' new bvik b kkv. fsavcis k. ci.ahic,
t'i'rn'1 t.f tht I'hitt-il Sim: of Chrtnttuii Nmirttvttr.
TIim best cliiitu'" to mxktf money ever nnYiv t to
nil who wunl pri ntable work. A hoimI iiv'iit In
HiU vli'lnliy run turn f-l-o a inoniii t'".l-
t:sc L9 bisrasc. for H liu Fimli', irlvo . nvlti,
1' milium I'opti'H, Kreo (Hi tll nnd KtvUmirr
yvrrMom- Kor p in lrul;ii-. writs to
A. D. Worth! ngton &. Co.. -i cn.
' n-s.ii.-d.
1. 10
No. 6. delivered
" 4 and 5 " 3 5;
' 6 at yard "s
" 4 and 5 at yard i '
fa aT m-t A I C A fM
U n. ,uiiji,lWbU.TylIntli(itltWl J'U.ktlwl fttfflj