A. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOM3BURG. PA. Jt Columbian. tlfcr (Tolcmtia 3facrr5t, PtBi.:.niI E' EfcT FklAY XOKNSN'j -, m joi.Vi-y. tt cr.-.-y " ' CciicM co-is-.y. I:.j'.v i.-.;a. G-. B. ELWELL Entree. L J. JA;.'N. AU7r EWTj. OE'J. C. ROA". roaisas. Iiitt -!;: . c:-i;-y. I'.-T yearlD luar !'.- II t'A pall !a alvan: O-rsCi is rcii'.j. I' yar. -r.:-.:y la a.l-s. All (ui!ia"ou sioull b ail-owl to THE C'OLCJf BIAN. Bi x-cr iTi. Pa. Cor grss a-ijourr..' cn Monday at roon. Tie Utj-TLIH (kzpa. It woulJ t- .-xt; is unfair to ji 'o the Democratic piny by the acts of the Congress whxh exp rei by limita tion ywt-rjav as it would be to juge the c;ty of PhiLaie'.phia by the ar.t.cs of its Councilrnea. The parry is res p:nsib!e for the acts of Cong-ess, aii the c.ty is respor.s;i.e Cor the or !i naacrt ofCounnls; but in neither case has the w.;i of either the ra--:y or the city been tfjctal or pi-i-s ur.:. What the Democratic rnaprity in teoJed to bring abojt when it elected its President an J Cor.rress in iSi has rot been accomplish 1 Trie work of the unwieldy majority in the House was bi5-i belittled or brought to naught by th; S:nae. Wh:le there was an ostensible Demo cratic majority in that body, there was no tnajor.ty in fact. On t.ne qjev.: on of trie repeal of the Silver pjrchaie act the Democratic Administration was only able to carry its point by the aid of the opposition The scandalous reccsancy of Dtraxrar.c Senators in dtaiing with tar;rT lerisiation effectu ally prererted the passage of such a measure as was d:rai'.e in the inter est of revenue reform or such a man ure as had heen advocated before the people. That the McKinley act did not remain unrepealed on the statute book was no fault of certain Derr.o cratic Senators. Having aided the Republicans ia loading down the bill with amendments intended to make it obnoxious, they were only prevent ed by an unexpected legislative strata gem from inflicting final defeat. Rather than take the rLk cf further Senatorial butchery, the House saved so much of the original wotk as possi ble by sending the bill to the Presi dent in a wangled and imperfect form. The malignant temper of the Deau cratic deserters and ingrates in the Senate has been more recently con ipicuoiisly manifestel in the refusal to pass the House bill to repeal the differentia! duties on sugar imported from bounty paying countries, and in the ret i-sal to save $ i6,sod ooo, and protect the public cred.t by authorizing the issue af 3 per cer;t. gold bonds. The train is that while the Presi dent and the House of Representa tives would have been responsive to the desire of the people a indicated in 1 891, the Senate has at no time been Democratic The Republicans or the Populists have always been able to command the votes of a surfi dent number of so-called Democratic Senators to defeat Democratic meas ures or to accomplish legislation against Democratic protest. The vie tory of 1892 was, therefore, incom plete. The CO'JMrv hi not had tV,- benefit of intended reforms and ecor.o m:n. For the past two years of almx-t un exampled business distress the af fairs of the nation have drifted along without a determinate and resolute gn lance, the revenues eaten up by vast fixed expenditures and the fininces disordered by perilous float ing indebtedness left as a heritage of Republican mala Ministration. For the next two years the situation from a Democratic standpoint will be im proved. A Republ car. Congress will have to deal with the financial situa tion under the curling hand of a Democratic President. The Demo crats have made themselves responsi ble for revenue measures; but the people have shifted to the shoulders of their opponents the task of regulat ing expenditure. The fight for posi tion in 1896 is not so hopeless for the Democratic party as it would have been if it still had ap?a-cnt but unreal legislative power. t'hils. Record. THE JUDICIAL AP?0aiI0SME3T. A bill has been introduced in the House redisricting the state into judicial districts. It proposes to change this district by putting Moo tour county with Northumberland, and Columbia with Wyoming and Sullivan. This is a return to the ar rangement that existed prior to the apportionment of 1871. A President Judge of Wyoming and Sullivan was elected last fall whose term of office will expire in 1905. Who that Judge is, has not yet been finally decided. E. M. Dunham of Laporte was re turned as elected by a majority of twenty nine over John A. Sittser, the incumbent of the office for the past ten years, and Judge Sittser is contest ing the election. Saould the proposed appo'tio-.mrit be mi !e. Judge Ikeler wculd co.-.tinue in office until 1 So 7. hen bis term expires, an d be ar.d either Dunham or S ttser would ap portion the wo-k beteen them. At the end of i'z: Ikeler s term. .t . woull rttre. r, t'-.e other J-!.;i wld b: the Pfcs.fe.-.t Jud.ce tf tr,? 1.51'ici v.iA 15:5. J- ;e i.Mr.-.j.Tj lives at Laporte ar.d orr.e rrirriy there, and Judge Sittser is Ixatei il Tunkhanr xk, and which ever is de clared to be the Judge, it :s quite in proballe that either of them woull remove to Ploomsb-u-g. and t.is county would then be without a resi dent lade for th f.rt tin in mi- v years. That this would be a serious inconvenience 10 lawyers as wei as to Liigants, car, not be doubted. The bill is a republican measure in a strong ly repubi.can legislature, and it is l.ke!y to go through unless some reasons to tr.e contrary are hon. If there are no objections to the bill, of course there is nothing to be den, but if t.-ere be ob-'ecuons some stets should be taken to pres.nt the mutter before the apportionment committee before it is too late. We Sazd Ccrrscled- Un der the impression that the Baker ballot boxes were of uniform pattern tsroagnout the State we must admit we were in error in our article of last eek in which we feated upon thr insecurity of these boxes in Blooms burg. We referred to their insecurity after beirg locked, sead and deliver ed for safe keeping. The style of box to which we referred were those sent into t.ne rural districts of Luzerne county, when tre law first took effect Those boxes were insecure, as we have already described them, and their in security was demonstrated to our satistaction by the inspectors of the board while tne writer was actir.e as judge of election. After making our return we published cur observations on the matter in either the Eho or Dirnocrai of Shickshinny. And as no denial of the fact as published was made at that lime, we naturally pre sumed that the same style of box was in vogue throughout the State. We are cred.biy informed, however, by a gentleman who took the trouble to examine the Bloomsburg boxes that they are perfectly secure ; that a hasn on the lid of your boxes passes over a staple fastened on the box blow the lid, and then a padlock safely secures it on one side ; while on trie other side, the lid is secure ly hinged and riveted. It is possible that tr.e Luzerne contractor could not get his hinges on in time ; but ihey certainly ought to be there. iCarrlei On Thursday, February 28th, at the parsonage of Trinity Reformed Church, by the Rev. C. II. Brandt, Mr. Claud E. Greenman. and Miss Mary E. Bookmiller, both of Danville. if V u y u DOS Because upon the purity of the Blood depends the health cf every organ and tissue of the Body. If the Blood is thin and impure there is weakness, Nervousness, That Tired Feel food's Makes Pure Blocd That ia why the Cures by Hood's Saraparilla are permanent. They do not rt-st upon the insecure support of temporary stimulant, opiate or nerve a compound, but upon the solid founda tion of vitalized, enricLed and purified blood. rtaulthiV. The cure of OUve Carl by Hood s .araparila ha few equal in medical history. The testimonial waa first published two years aro, and a late letter from her mothf-r says Olive con tinue in good health and We are satisfied her remarkable cure by Hood's Saraparilla was permanent.'" Brkfly stated the. cam waa this : When EVflakes Olive was 8 years old she had the whoop- cougo ina measles, followed by in tense pains in every Joint la her body, like rheumatism. Physicians were puz zled, but after a consultation, pronounced the disease some form of Constitutional Scrofula. " When we began to use Hood's Sarsapa rilla, ahe could not be moved without trying oat with pain, and we were com- piLL7iAB J iTxLaLC'kt f ' DfinTG S ' i DU.U 0 AND SHOES. Rubber Boots and Overshoes for Men, Women, Children and everybody. Now is the season for them. Buy them of J. A. HESS, Main Street Bloomsburg Pa. RUPTURE CURED. QUICKLY. SAFELY. PitMlKiNUT. Atootatc mr f urard of ruT'sr "it i'hr i oi-a or yoj&,-. mtxtrr kw lor KAadiiii. wto-jt tfc uo of e:; Tb u ny-ta-.l of trEBi u cirralt:T A" f."n kli iiCk--r. "o riTtite. 10 rio. to oprMM T.t-s tt foar to u;a w-ji wra ns otx . to enr ts .B!-!T. o ttt;oc. froo ta:bsa. Fyrsr.-c out of twu -i r.T t:-ci-st aM rr ;ra t-.- .ai it. COSSCLTAT10S A Sl t.XAMIiATlO.S FhtR. Dr. A. P. O'MALLEY, HrPTia r. specialist. So S. Wiiiinon St. TQes.rrrt, la. SO xir cohusdooj practice la WUk-R4rr. The Humane Driving Bit. TREAT THE FAMILY PET TO 0lE. Korr. Bnii xr it yoo 'T It you w-.il use to othr bit. 'or uU knnU of h"rs-. Ir wi J nyrA tfc m')' tmvis hunt nxiyyn f tititiimeat Extra tae fcajpl. so'.'d ft!tt H4-(fA1 or T1 rnrtri.K T- "i a ,-i w-ia:i v-st v 11 fry. HIMAHE BIT CO., DEPT. P.. NEMARK. N. J. Of all 1 rue Trouble Is Found in ing, and you are in the condi tion which invites disease. If the Blood is pure and healthy, you have sweet sleep, nerve strength, mental vigor, a good appetite, and perfect digestion. F2ed to cat her hair, aa she cotUd not btr the. weight of iu At I rat the chacja for tfct better iu raj gradual; the pains turned to ba lesa frequent and the swell ing in some of the joints subsided after using about one bottle. Then improve ment waa more rapid and one night the urpriaed os greatly by telling na that we need not prop her cp in bed a we had one for several months, and next night she surprised us etUl more by rolling orer across the bed. From that time on Improvement waa Very Rapid and the soon tegan to creep about the house and then to walk on crotches. Jfow he generally use but one crutch, the dis ease hailng left one leg crooked, and I fear it will remain so. We feel that to Hood s tsarsaparllla we owe our child's life. Pure I enclose the photograph of my daugh ter and I think it is a picture of perfect health. When I think how near she was to death's door I cannot feel thankful enough for her recovery." Mrs. J. A. Cabl, Beynoldsrille, Pennsylvania. The greater Include the less. Such a ear a the above must convince you that Hood's Sarsaparilla is a wonderful blood purifier. Give It trial this spring. JOHN Merchant t SUITS FROM S18.00. SHERIFFS SALE. Br nrCi c n&lrr rv. of n r. l&.4 out cf tt Cort -f Ccaaao rv of OWttf. Pa., al to iu dirtcteil, t6r will be TpnaeiJ t rmbdc at t v tcsrt now la tWxci.borf . oa SATURDAY. MARCH 30, i?95, tt J a bl, ail tilt ferraia or rrrl rt Ual. i::ia: la ta towi.hlp of Ca:awtA. trnzir t Crtiam. e4 Vat of rVoW.Tio'.i. ac4 rr!od aj f:i!ow. tomt : Kaoi as th nvonatala HiJ tract. t:-an-i-fl oa ti -r.fc It Uvii ef 5:pr.a B. U a.tia. W. 1 Mania uA &t aaa Xartio. on t& jt tr Ut-1 of Eot-1 R Ttt. a ta KHjta bT tooaat:a latl. aal oa ti wst tr la&ls of Jarlaa G. Jtaitr, ct-0'.AliJi.j 100 ACRES O? LAND. ALSO-. All tit cerula pr or prcI cf la&l !a' la ti toraaalp or cc-tty of rc!-UEMa.aiittecf PesasylTu. traoo-d al 4-r:txl at f-tlows, tvwjt; Boal oa ta ftrrtt ty caa-: frk. 03 ta by Utds cf J ota T cnucaa aod S. B Mart it. 00 ta touta by laili of 'a J. Hani a. aM oa ta vest by U&U of t--3 m Mania, coctaxa- 23 ACRES OF LAND. Strl tai'a lata xcatoa at th ait at Mau aa Walter M Kat B Sctailck t-a Wm t. Mar-la. ail to be oM aataiTOperty of Wmi i- Mania. J. B. If CHI5ET. a f a.LL, Attoraeya. Sberi;. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Ta Mr,Tl a-3J:t-T appointed by ta OrptiM .on of loltiNt ocattr to mi fliv.nba'K.a of tials to tie ban-li of the eaecu. tor. aa4 tj pa os tt except- to ttve ac eoaat. w:u w at ta o3".-e of Grant Erre; El . la tb T't of blVAuO.irg. oa Saturlay. Karrh at !0 oWx la tt (jmo, wbea Dl wbere all penv.&s bannK claim ay.last a;3 estate Ci -t aprr aul prove it n. or be forTr 4rbrrd rrcan at 7 eaare of vuU ruad. KOBKKT BrCKtXGHAM. A alitor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Emu of tnrti KrriKher, deauaed. Tae TyV-r'sTTM alitor appointed by the Orp&aaa' Cotirt of Colombia county. Pa., to Ban&aJ Ueo. fix oos'i aa-l ex peti aad cbarze aavwnt of t-H t-r pnrpart N" x U to and azoo : ta pant enTltled tberetn. will n-t th pa. I ! lotertl at bla oXo la tae Town t ' Bl -c-irj. Pa-, oa K'nrrja.T. Mrctt l:a. :-r, I at to o'clock a ta-. hj a&d waere all pnir ' lnrM.tMl 1n.11 .it.ka u v . . . . ) - j t y.r i j r -r urixurea trja tXACu&i ia oa rc rL EOBEhT BrCKI"GH -'vt- Auditor. SUESCRIEE FOR THE COLUMBIAN "I can't eat, I have to appetite," is the complaint of many people just now. This is because the blood is in a sluggish and impure condition. Vitalize and enrich it by taking Hood's Saraaparilla, and you will toon be hungry all the time because your blood will demand proper suste nance from good food. Nervous Dyspepsia. "I suffered with what the doctors called nervous dyspepsia. I could hardly walk and could hardly keep anything on my stomach. I doctored for six or seven years but the different medicines did not do me any good and I grew steadily worse. I would hare sick headache for three days and nights causing me such agony that it seemed as though I would rather die than live. I waa told to try Hood's SerseparUls IBfloodl and did so. When I had finished the third bottle I was so much better that I could eat things that I had not dared to eat be fore for years. I hav taken six bottle and feel like a different person." Mas. Bimost Deck kb, Buggies, Pennsylvania. " Befreahlng sleep ha been given me by Hood' Bars par ill and I bow rest well and do not feel tired in the morning as I used to. Joan Ouaa. BomerriUs, R. TQWHSEHD CORKER 1IAI2T & II ARKET Sts. BLOOMSBURG, PA. 'MMOO 30ISdf -i ' .-H''',' Mwi-i.,',, m 1 ' 1 O l: il 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 , i , 1 1 i t That is the way we are turning our stock this month. It? onlr the 15th day of February, when a whole car load of -,',-NEW GOODSv.s U clamoring for admission. Spring cleaning must begin early. Before the vernal equinox draws the line over which prim winter dare not step, our store shall bud and blossom with a strange beauty. In the meantime This May Interest Ton. Look over your muslin stock, see what you need and then look over this: Pillow cases in almost endless variety cheaper than ever. D. A: L. muslin cases in size from 41 x 36 to 50 x 36, 1 jjc to 16c Anchor muslin cases, size from 45 x 36 to 50 x 36, 17c and 10c F. F. V. muslin cases, htm $titcht l, s;ze 45 x 38, only 15c. D. A: L. mashn 8t x 90 50c " " go x 90 3 6cc Anchor " 81 x 90 65c " 90 X 93 (5 7C H. A: H. " 90 x 90 Q 90c. These are hemstitched. When you the quality rf thet good, and consider the time andjx t&lroulU sared from making them, the prices are txtremibj Ijv.om Fruit of the loom muslin, bleached ar.d very good, at 7c. the yard. If you want unbleached muslin, we have it from 20 yds. fr.oo, upwards. Calicoes, extra values, from 4 to 6c ....GROCERY DEPARTMENT.... We try to keep this department up to the highest stand ard, and if vou need anvttinr in this line nlwava trv n . j 0 w j w .y accomodate you. Sweet Potatoes ; these are extra nice and not woody, at 3.3c. the peck. Canned asparagus at 15c., and the tips at 3oc. Hemlock flour $2.So the bbl. PUBSEL & EAEiyiAK, Lloomsbur, Pa. SATISFACTION ofa MORTGAGE j In ths Cora? or ronaox Plus or roLrasia KUlT1. o ir lit Ia th matter of tie petttua ol J. L. Dillon ror sa-1'.'aotlc.E rt a u.r,-e fita br j.-.ta kt-lt-.n to Hiram Lr.simati. William Chrit Biiii. Miarles ..lln. aod Marls Ms wife. tu- 1 ai.4 .ai!irla, his wlff, Lanila C'bnsTmiD. ho rare l"ur-l ai.1 villus Purcl. aid Uary Carts'. man. widjw or tarr CUrtsi cn Con X Hi CorTT. To liiriQ Clifis'sit. Wm Ctrlstcan. Ct.ar!-s ixxlise a&d iUrta. bis if, Wta. al aril ca-.banue. fcu wire. Lavilla ctns'man, iiormoe 1-ursrl aol Willits t url. aid turir t-l or legal rvpn-seti'i'.lTes. acd all persi'-ns claimm to be lie o arr or owners ol ti& morf ,ra-e. wurrras It rpir br the records. In the psoe ol the KurvW ot PeeOs, t?.. at Blocm. targ, that a certain mor?j,v, Ut-d the tit,l aT of January. rr.-o.Tl.l m M.-re-ace Ik-A-. o.t pg Uu, a-c. ui-.d Und in Bi-iu towLslp ady.'.Mr 1jl, of l.-u:iLt Kre-sW, Adtjvw K'-us, Vilentiiie K-vlr and othrrs, CuLtainln Si acrv. at4 116 fm-ixtr ot UdJ, gMfenby J-ha Kcbij- a to Hiram 1 insiiui,, Wtn. thri-lCiD. fharK-s hodlne atd ana, his wife, V, m. i and t athiflD.-, hi wf-, Lavill Chn-r'niao, llcra.re lurv-l and U'Uiir turwl, atid Jlary i hn'u.an. (kmr of i a-r Lnt- miD, o secure tne piym-Lt ol S3 ) afcr tne I Ora'h of said widow, recialus jile.i. And wbrrtas the aald widow ban:, died f a.ui the year l'.i. and wbrrra. It H aUrk-l that all the mny dur on &a:d momg was paid, and a Uyal prvsumptl'.B now rau:sof tne p) Uint of s.iid U)'r'fc-J(;e r..m Upy ol tim- ; ! and wtt-reas J. L. Dll.ou. prv-r. nt ;urr ol it,e j m-"rra;'ed prvmiss tia- ajilio to th (curt of iomm n Hts of Hold cuniy. wnere a.id I prtUile-i are situated pryi.', Ktld court to urt ree and dlri? t t:ut stif. iion be enterx-j ' utn the foo d of sjij oirtpiire on paTruent of the cctt due on the aie. and the aa'l-ta. ti jo so enierUBaji r.rvvrr divhiive and r-1 lr-i- the li-a cf ttortk-iiie from me said ! premises, t j Tin-ivlre all r-rsr,c loteregtej as 0wnr8 or h''il-r of ud tuoraj--. are nt-juir-l. by an ord-r of Mid Cwun. t appear at the neit term ' of aald Court, to be held at Bloomsburir on the ! r.rst tor.dy of way. A. o , ! lo answer the I i-tl!lon aloreiild. and to anow cause, u any i -r. pu; j uwnk-j." saau nut be aiUa CeU as prayed for in said periti.-o. . 3.U. ilcHENRV, w CHauaax. Atty. therlff. ?-'- t. CHARTER NOTICE. ' i u' 1.1 tur oiai or i rtUa3rlrtiUe Monday lh tw-DtT-nfrJi 1at of i Mn.h A. D., I, by Paul K. S in, L maI ltr. P K 1 1 r-rr. a r, U 1 a.l..-,4 . n i cock. Creasy a Wells, K H Harman and C. w. j ; . . l""a"ol""w me common. I wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled An ct to Drovltle forth Iniwi.-ir.tinn . . ....i.... . . . t - r - muM ik ujai lou ol i-enain corporations, approved April ath, A. J'.4- f0'1 ""e Trl supplements thereto for the charter ol an Intended corio atlon to be called the Penn Elevator touipany. the character and object of which Is tne manufa.i. Ll.0,.,'1'T,Sl, "Dd r1al machinery ln WOOL Irbn aiwt nrlwr i . - ' ot them eouiblned. And fur these Dunw tk nave. rxv-s and enjoy all the rleb'e. buent and prtvilrti ol the aald Act ol Aasembiraud It supplements. C. W. MILLEK. -,-,t ijollcitor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Etalt oa. r. BmUK. lair of Jf jdiaon foiruMn, tecljl. SMsdiaon toWahli TO, w demands wiU make known the s-.neVb0 K-BrcIIKCBaii. AduilnUlratAr. "r' w m ia ii t j., Attomey. Montandoa, Pa. HATTER. TROUSERS FROM S5.00. MONEY LOANED Dj Toy want to torrow moner on equiuhle tenn ? D) you d!re to pay off a moninc and r-rjnr n.w i be m.ney at S per cent. luterest annual ly Wuuld you care to be so situated that roe cLld reduce the mortpace aiiint vmr home by paylrtiroSa small amount monthly and at the end of earb year receive credit tor all pstd! with Interest bemg chargrd OLly on rvuialnlne portion of loan. Would you like to bur your famllr a h'me? If so. read the follow ing-: 1 represent a Company that haj embodied In Its pUn all the features enumerated above aiid many more. Can you see any reason why jou fchould pay a larye Interest for money whn yoa hse goul security t tan vou present anr fxd reas-.n why It Is not as well to receive profits yearly as to wait from T to 10 rears as one dw In many of the Associations? Is not the re duction of Interest vearly better than waiting many years for profits ? Borrower under the plan represented by me assume absolutely no risk as ettih Sl-iO paid on the loan is rrvdltfd on the mortiraj-e. thereby reducing It in iro pom ..n to the amount paid. BuildlD? Assoi-lauons hare benefitted hun dreds of thousands, so did the rid cars that were propeilrj by horees. Our flan is far ui-rior iq rtuiiuing Aviciations as tne mm ears are to the old antiquated horscarsTstein. My time is too much occupied to answer ques tions for the curious, but those srr-k'.Dir tiifor nia'ion for the betterment of thrlr condition will receive mil lniorn ailon prc-mptl.''- e of fer an investment to those wbo Lave a small amount to sve monthly that has no superior aj to sfety and seldom equaled tor prUlt. Call or write. S. D. NEYHARD, OaeCOLrasiait BUp., BLOOM. "Ml RU, PA. 1 ad ooor. Box vu. WHAT IRON WILL DO. IS KATURE'S 0L'X T0.MC Stimulate th appetite and pro duce refrcaLiJi a.eep GIVES V1TSL STIE-tGTH TJ SlRSlW MOTHUS. Check waa tine; diseases, stop night a -rea la. cures incipient consumption. Increase trength aci flesh. MAKES P-ED, RICH BLOOD, Promote healthy lung tissue. Will air th pale and puny th rosy cheek of youth. CUBES Alt FEKAU COMPLAIHTS. Uakea strong man and women of I R O weaJuinga. GILMORE'S IRON TONIC PILLS Cirt afl Waating Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &6 . They are neither atvptie nor causti. hae no coarulaticat effect on the contenu. of the stomach or its lioiaa consequently do not hurt th teeth or cu comupub or diarrhoea, as do the usual forms oriru", 10 day treatment 6O0. pmphlet tree not kept by our druaxist, aadre GILMORE & CO.. CINCINNATI O. For sale in Bloomsbur;. Pa., by MOI MX KHO Dru'-uu. "