THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG. PA. olnmbhn. S&f Columbia prnofrat, IWTABot-tHED COy-OLIDATID Ft' BUSHED VEST FKIDAT X0K5I at Ml jiwa.-.- t'-fia-f seat cf Coi'taSt S. K.WEX.I. Err:a- GEO. C. RO.lS. foals. Tiki- l3M la eoia'.y. I"..fl0 yr If sJ iukt: tf a", pji ta ama' orr. th cr.aatf. I. l! a yar. s-.rt-:'ly la adv.?. A J cxaaia: :"on jlold 6 a.lired to THI COLrBIA. B; fms-i,-. Pa. I RIDAY, FLEKL AKV S, Rprer.:a;-.e Je?rey. it if 1 introduce a retot at'.oa in the leg, laiure looking to the establishment and caa:-.tennce of Ktz.ey cure for the betsed: of chron;c inebriate. And why not. a well ai uther aijlams, hames of refjge, A::. The Mntovr Amtrvyii is led to tij there are 6.ozc wostn employe! in the Treas-jry Department at With ing:on. The Treasury buii.rg corerj cor,$ieribIe gounJ space, it u ru?. bat not oear enough to accoamo-ia-e that naar.y worn; a. To take off ore cipher frora the r.urcb-;r n',I tv.'.l leave qu-.te a crowd of worsen, and there taut be some al'owiice mae for men. vaults, a.-.J rnor.ey makirg raa chirery. Taere beicg a limit t3 the lergth cf the short siii.on of Congrew and th?re being aboat a cnoota left in ar'aich the present Cong'e can tti!! raake laws for us, in tne parlance cf the hoodiarn ojr su.:aien wnt to "ret a move on." or e i the time for adjournment will thera befon they are ready for r. The corrupt est kind of corrupt legislation is fre quently passe i in the burly barly ar.i coa fusion of a dying srssion . We Ieara that the Committee on Printing of the House of Representa tives has agreed to recommend the publication of a small edition of the report upon the Chicago Dairy Tests prepared by the testing committee. As there will doubtiess be a great demand for this report, we suggest that such of our readers as desire to possess aa authentic record of the greatest dairy test ever conducted in this or any other country make ear!y application to their representatives in Congress for a copy of this report. ClerIaad (ht for th 2ilid of tie Trstnrj. i M'- Cleveland has made an earnest appeal to congress to do something in the way of relieving the embarrass ment of the government. It is doubt ful, however, if anything will be done at the present session. There is a probability that relief legislation can pass in the house ia the face of fierce opposition, but the rules of the senate or rather the lack of rules, forbid the hope that anything can be done there. If it should happen that there would be a financial enactment before the 4& of March, it will be much of a surprise to those who understand the state of the present situation. Al toona Times. CoL ItcCkre E-Iciie Got. Cartia. Ia the life and services of the la mented Andrew G. Curtin is inter woven so much of national and state history that the student who reflects t read the eloquent tribute of praise re cectly offered him by CoL A. K. Mc Clure, before the assembled State Leg islature, will be wanting ia respect of the true histoty of this statesman aad patriot, CoL McCure, perhaps the ablest editor ia America to-day, (he is certainly the most popular) was the one of all oihers to pronounce the eulogy aad recite the history and bio graphy of Andrew G. Curtin the schol ar, the statesman, the patriot, and the supremely beloved war governor of Pennsylvania This eulogy can no doubt be gotten in pamphlet torm through Representatives in the Legis lature. It is worthy a place in any library. Emuae in Sight, Bat Hot Yrt Collected Now that it is fairly estimated that about $50,000,000 is within sight for the government as quite possible to be collected as income tax from those having a superabundance of this world's goods, there is a little disposition to breathe freer on the part of the Presi dent and the Secretanr of the But just think of the superfluity of wciin in mis country when a two per cent taxation half gotten will realize $50,000,000 1 But O the lies that will be told to evade this tax ! Hell will need an annex or another dormitory, we fear, for ottererj of false , oaths araonz the richer of thi who want more, more, more, now ncoceiorta ana forever; and they k watt it too, without the least regard for the rest of mankind. Some prefer it, of coarse, through legal enactment, and some even obiect to a fal nih. from this class the revenue will be collected. From the other class it will not be. Gool Beads Good roads, the main arteries cf continental trafr.e, are sure!y q ute as deservirg of appropiat.on for miin ttirier.ce (r;ra public fjnds as are me tenths of the miriy ins:;: ut.o-.s and objects thus provide! for. To the wr.'er it seems a burning share that no voice is raised in our hails cf legislation in b-eha'.i of tne rural d's tacts in general and the continental highways in particular. While all navigable water-coarse and rivers and harbors (some ia fact that the Atraighry never intenle ! shouUl be navigable by anything larger thai a skirl) are ampiv provid ed for year in and year out, from the funds in the treasuries not appropriated, the countryman of America. (England maintains good roads ) have to make a'J the.r own public roads at their own expense, besides payirg whatever damage may befall man or beast who in any way gets hurt in traveling over them. This, Hike giving nothing whatever to coun try acalemies from the millions appro priated for school purpoesi is unfair and inequitable. Who disputes it ? While watercourses and railroads have been the recipients of public funds and favors from time to time until ia some cases they feel that they are mooarchs of al they survey, ha v. i'g rights and special favors that none presume to dispute, yet the over tax ed countryman of America still eas to bai'id at his own expense and Labor every foot of the roads which are traveled free of charge by evetjbody. He builds all roads except where the exclusive privilege is given some cor poration to fix up a turn pike, so called on him, aad then t o sock it to him at the toil gate. Here, ia far too many cases, tr.e countryrnaa has the privilege cf taking to the woods or traveling over a mad turnpike which is so perfectly devoid of stones as to huLs. ia many places, in the sprirg and fall c4 each year. This is an exact fact- Thoagh dclberately skinned at every turn aad woeful y neglected aad forgotten ia all manner of he'pful legislation, the carmir.g legislators, (wao are friendly eaoagh just before election, of course.) find it far more profitable to look after the interests of corporate wealth, while carefully nars ing the popular opinion that the American farmer of to day is way above his business in his extravagant notion that he aad bis children may still presume to live as well through honest toil as those who despise work and greatly prefer to live by their wits. Cozzrtasisaal Hnor. Tber seem to be indalin in cm. . , , . u c sideraUe alteration in Congress. Ever since the three " Rs" were sprunz on Blaine so successfully the disnoa- tion of the frantic statesman is to huat down the enemy with alliterative denouncement Tne "Brains, belly and brass" charged against the present administration by Mr. Sibley is alliter ative enough, and perhaps true enough; but we caat well see how aa adminis tration would get along in these pecu liar ttmes shou d it find itself deicient in either of tnese restiects. Let's illustrate a little. To have the shio of State adrift without brains enough to guide it safely would certainly be caiimtious. a ncn to navc tree lunches innumerable and no roomy place to put them wwiM be productive of dis- pepsia ana b'.gsiy vexatious. And to lack brass enouzh to deal stern'v with Congressmen whose lips lequire a little more sealing wax after they have been Crettv well sealed alrtadv. wnnM be unfair to the more honorable aad honest aad modest It is quite possi. b!e that Mr. Siblev's recent exoositian of the suscepiibi ity of Cocgressmen to onoery is entirely correct; but to denounce the administration because it recreates oa Hog Island or fishes in Buzzard's Bar is 7Totsniilv ri.-tim. lous ; for if anybody has to deal with uuimiui in m uaiiy routine iu the President of the United States. Coajdsory Education- Evidently, our law makers are bent upon looking after the improvement of our school system as bills of various kinds are already seeking passage through the legislature. There are two, at least, providing for compulsory education, the one having been intro duced by Mr. Farr, of Lackawaona, and the other by Mr. Seybert, of Lancaster. One of these bills pro vides for the arrest of truant scholars and all others who for any simpie choice of preference do not attend schooL Another bill aims to have a school census taken bi annually, so that we may know the number of children of school age who do not attend school and enlarge our jails to accommodate the truants. This seems rather rough on the boys and girls ; but evidently our modern states men are convinced that "in know, ledge there is power." Still when all are highly educated and living on their wits, who'll do the work that the little truants now have to do ? This is a long and broad question that the statesman, feeling his own weight of ignorance, ought to pause and reflect upon before he has the jails fixed op for little truants who won t go to school. A lfI;rs Lacretia Bcrgia. Madame Mrie Joniaux. cf E! giam, has recently proved herself to be a modem rival cf LucreM Borz a ia act of poisonir.g. She was, .n Saturday, ser.teaced to for life for r.avirg rcisor.ei her tl-: husla-d, her s.ster Leonis Allay, an a;ed and wealthy uncle. Jacques Vander Kerchore, aad her brother AlfreJ Abiay. I a each case the vc tims carried more or less life insur ance, and herein r.o doubt Laid her prime incentive. While it is thought she hoped t be benefited ty the insurance money, either directly or indectly, yet we fear tnat she, like Lucreti Borgia of old, may have been possessed with a mania for this terrible species of devilment just as some cherwise very fine ladies are kleptomaniacs, and without the least need of their stealing Madame Jooiaux is a woraan cf 53 years, and is possessed of remark able ability, as her pro'-rac-.e! trial amply disclose I The story of her cruel with morph-r.e an 1 atropine was Laid bare ia Court, but she took the witness stand herselt and. to her own satisfaction, with a; parent frankness etpla:nei away every point made against her. Airo't behanor oa her own part and shrewd ness and eloquence oa the part of her Lawyers were futue, however, aad she was convict!. The life imprisonment to which Mae. Toniaux is doomed will be ot tne most hideous form. She will be locked ia a dungeon where no ray of light caa ever penetrate. She will never see a haraaa beiag or hear a human voice. Her food w21 te push ed tarou;a a s.:t in the wai ot her cell She must e::her die or go mad :a a few months. Two years has been the maximum cf Life and sjr.'ty cf prisoners thus doomed. It ViU Tais TTirn aai fly, T A fjll treasury w left at Harris barg by the outgoing Democratic ad ministration. With a number of such jobs as $ for a bird bock," now before the Legislatnre, it will net be Ijcg before the state treasury will be in about the same cond-tzoa that Harrison and the EiHion Dollar Coo gress left the national finances. Wttt moreland Democrat. Senator Vest holds that the finances of the Go-emment sre not so straight ened and alarming as the gold men claim. We hoi.e the Seuator is riht about this matter, for there are a great many people labonng under the op posite delusion. Almost Blind Inflamed Eyes and Run nlng Sores The Success of Hood's Causes Creat Rejoicing A Perfect Curs-. " C. L Hood Co., Loven. Mas. : " I feci U a duty to iuu what Hood's Sana. pvtSa baa 6oa for m. I iu aliaoct blind, belfit eomMilad to till in m. ilirkiuH nua aooost of Isfiaicmatioa of tb I at to caerea wiu running ton oa By body. I waa u m conaiBoa. jiy Botbr tnd rrery tblsf sbakstw about aad 1 was attended by twodoetori bnt vlthoat he!picc ta. FlraHy bad aot teo to bottla bofore I btaa to ft I Becams Stronger, and waa restored to perfect health, at that tlnve I waa only tlT yean old; bow I aai Biaetoea aod I barefoot Hncn ba troabUd HoodsCures wtia my ty or noaeed any !ja of a return of the aorea oa ay body. I eaa recommend Hood'a BaraapvUia aa aa exeeUoat blood pwlfyina medlelne." Miaa Coaa Zbebt. BaraotriUa, ra Hood's Pills Bet oaaUy, yet proaptiy and minrmmij, woo UTf BBq BOWelB. SM. CHARTER NOTICE. TTottoeta h-br pB that aa aprltratlon will b m-V to (hfvrttnr of lh (tan of fOMTlnlv Voo1t. th V dr of Vcbrn. ary. a D . -ss, br w. B. Conasirrv Owt w. Vrdy, naa L- Chorrhlll Henri C. C'hnrtbUI. Kotwrt Elitoti and Ckarlra w Fnatz, OKier Aft of AjmmUy t tne Crmmonw lih tf Pnnylan!a, m'Vn. "An Act to prr. tii for tbo tn'-orporMrm and uta'ton or renal a trportioii ipprvM 4prtl tsw.n, A. r , , and the Ti-r.ii aqpieavnu there to, tor tb Charter of aa toen-1l eorrywmtloa to be ealied ibe Cummlinf a rdr ( nmpaoy, the character and ot)- of wblob taihemano fanann;of rheviB? ua andobereonfe(ti.o and markettnc the produc.a, And for taee our. pooea to hare, nneaeea and eny, all the rlhw, beaenu aad pflrUv-a of the atld act of Aaaeov bly and It aappiemrnia. C. O. BAHKIBY, C. W. ailU-ER . Solicitor. t-I-tt ffDMOi for BreaktaM pteMred hue WI jIViM nr from California nea(. iH-nctoua, K-onomlcai. orocen arlt 1'- The John T. Cauina- lo isa Duaae m NT- -.d. WASTED-. A FEW MORE BOOK AGENT? in mn ana aaiotninr CoaoMea for OUR JOURNEY AROUBD THE WORLD, IT- ci i. ciiai, JrWI o th VmUHX Sue. o Chrisiuut BUnaur. The beat chance to mke money erer offriS to all who want profitable work. A rood aRt la thla Tlclnliy eaa earn liuo a moiita. ta: tiwo ln4.-aaw. for rrrtgto, r , n,,, rremtum Coplea, rree OuiDi. aijd Etttmtttt Vmr. For panlculara. wrtta to A. D. Wortrtlngten Co., Irttet Cam. s-tb-d. KiM Cor B. Zbtrt B4rnc9Ttn, Pa. JOHN Merchant SUITS FROM S18.00. AND SHOES. Rubber Boots and Overshoes for Men. Women. Children and everybody. Now is the season for them. Buy them of J. A. HESS, Main Street, nioomsbargr, P. II I 111 - I -till! THE NOTED Specialist or prxxsYLVAXU, tx ZOXG STAXD1XG CHROXIC CASES AXD DISEASES OP W02IEX, -0F(- HARRISBURG, - PA., JT Eerr betveea Sd sad i Sta wriere fc can be a jr 4ir la th wet. ni: ThrlAf. KrVlty. eatiuay, iSaaday from 1 to 1 1. Xj and JlottU. wia visit BLOOMSBURG, AT THE EXCHANCE HOTEL, 05 TTESDAT OF EACH WEEK. f-TFtci Hor ot bonra win brrms t--V to U-J la the m mln. Vrwn I o'clock to 4 la the afemooa. and from 7 to I la tne eTenlair, eierpunf Sunday. CONSULTATION FREE. Jlioy yarV expenrac has UujM him that nearly all llm-tts ran be rard or grvulj b-lp-d ThedMa he treat are Coaauaip tlon. all hpjn. iul Aff-ctlooo. Ltm of M anhojd Crooked Uniba. Wry N'M-ks. Eanreaoeat. sicro. fula. pit khram. 8pbUla. Eye and tar Dl aases. ttn liiviw, Neuralgia. bnghCB Dt aea. Vi-r asd uld Mva ia trtrj d--np-tlML, kseaxiuCB, elcner arute or chronic, Mck Hed-:C. EpUpey. Gastrll. ontrl.n. tanker, Trjuiatfct. bealnem. M- vitu' Inne. Imprdunaiof .tro. Lj of Vok-e. ikii'M. let. i aneer of the etofcach. Pliee. Jauadlre, CbnatiptKia. BlUownesa. Uyseatery, Lhronic ItaMhifa. . bllla arid Ferer, Ustul. KUlous CoUc. Karalyaia. Urart Dltaae, Inuaunl H wttis and Uer npli!r.ia. HoweTer.U mast be rocjhered that he will not nndenx to treat all t-aaea tmt v; tKum which be Is ffleirire can 4 curtd or g r-tly re liered, and will tell jna at one anion, t tuhrr, raa be acrotaDlUbd bit. X-TJWAkt be 05lr Bpectallit tnu atdeof New Vorx, fniUb-lphla and ituTuo, ho mAkea aa CAclusJTe apevuliy of treailLf Chroeieiasea ard the btsea a of Women. Tbore who hae U-rn tal-rlnt fur ear. saould call at once aad learn whether their ailment caa be turwl or not. No ca recelTed a&icaa they caa be cared or greaUy alpL What Dr. HacTaggait HAS DSNE AR9 IS DOIUQ. Tb Doctorwiabea Th. pabtle to anderatand that he ta not aoUcttinr the ordinary ran of caaea, but deatrta )uat anch dtoeaara to treat that other phydana cannot aueoced with or atjeaat faB to care. When yon suffer from such aiunu am tcoosnltaOoa la trw, bar him thoroahly dlan-wa yor eaae, and thea what he lelia yoa caa be relied apoa aa a fact beyond retuia'ioa. aocae oaiy say. w by ro ta Dr. XacTattrart when w ba aa food doctors here aa any here? ' Yea. so yoa hare la their line of practi,-, bat tmi in the apectaluea that Dr. MacTaiTTart la schooled and pracuced la. la sapport of tau atHaallild aaaentoa read hki teatlmonlala not only rewl theta. bat InTeatarate the trwEhrulnma of theea. Waere ar. tne phyatclans who caa recnoTe eaaoers without pain and care It beyond peradrenturet Where caa you nnd anotner pay. slctaa In rennayltaau who eaa reotore taskors of ereaS-t pounds wesjhl withoui the a of th knlle, without pain, aad wttaout leannf a a-art Dr. MacTawart da lu W hat pLjat. rtaa raa cure rutaua wttaout catting or oaaa k( the kea pala or aorencaa danof ireatawatt Dr. MacTag-art does It stuveaaAlly. inee are tol.V-B inuaa oosm becaoae M prove be yooddi'puu that tne actenc ot mk-u-um la apecl.lilea panlci-arlr. u advancing with rapid strdt ui It iu lead ot tn regular practlonor. 1-la.iy. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE Priii7BRi!i VjruTLaVrrNrO'-'- o4 'tinnTO 5 FT nu i UTl P.P. IDT R. TQWHSEHD BWwSSweWWeW'''' CCEliTP. HAIN & II AEKET S t& BLOOMSBURG, PA. A Clean Sweep. A revolution in a winter stock is even more necessary than a change in politics. There never wa?, and never will be, more need for heavy raiment than exists at present, and never was, nor can be more of a disposition on our part to draw it OCL ....NOW FOR IT.... We have advertised bargains so much of late that it seems an old storv, but you know old stories that are told good never get old. We do not want so many goods, we want tte money, and when we offer you such bargains why don't you embrace the opportunity. Girls, just buy one of those dress patterns that we are "selling for $2.95, get it made into a dress and see how soon some voung man will try to embrace you sooner than you have embraced this opportunity. Underwear men's, boy's, ladies' misses and children's go along in this sale. Everything goes at reduced prices. Coats and Capes, hat is left of them, go at coat now, so it we have the size it will pay you to ee them. Rubbers of all kinds, broad, pointed toes, to suit the shoes. CHINA DEPARTMENT. m We offer you now Johnson Bros., semi-porcelain ware, guar anteed not to craze, 1(0 pieces for $12 00. Can match your set up for you at any time jou wish. Larger and smaller sets to snit the buyer. China dinner set3 reduced from $22 to $18, to close out. 130 piece set Vienna Cnina dinner set $28.00. brooery iDepartmeiix Here they go ! Elegant California fruits, peas, peaches, apricots and plums at pretty nearly half, 30 cents ana 35 cts. the can: uot they go for 13 cents. Our window Is full of them and they are the finest in the market. Asparagus tips at 35 cents, nsed to be 50 cents last year. All fresh goods. Un ci eaned currants at G lbs. 4 25 cents. Hemlock flour, full roller ground at $2 $5 the barrel. -WATCH FOR SMALL BILLS-Froamowoo antil May 1st, iSos. any proa utBasw; from fix to 150 ai gooes at oar store for cah. we will present wt:a a Lasaiiome pieve of fvaitare. Liberal price to select from. Call and see tita. Wt ium caris for tae ase of yourself and family. P. & II. PURSEL & HARiWAfo BLOOMSBURG, We are in receipt almost daily of new patterns of Wall Paper. In a few weeks our stock will be complete and ready for your inspection. If you intend papering in the spr ng, or even if you have not yet decided to do so, call and see for how small an amount you can make your home bright and cheerful. Don't be deceiv ed by circulars or advertise ments offering you paper at ridiculously low prices, it will prove expensive in the end. We have some old stock that we will sell at very low prices. Our stock of Room Moulding cannot be surpassed by any one in town. William & Slats, BOOKS, STA TJOXER V AXD WALL PAPER. F.xchange Block. on Intra LVrr 1 Und, near A. J. Dot's wore, Jaxktoa town hip, p, Ed::i ni fa ttl I: We hive saw-mil!i, oa this tract running daily, and hate there on hand and can cut timber &c at any time. BMBCk,Xol.alts M ta. selected. $ijo M - No 1. alls aad i la. Beat plae, ILSO X PUsterl&g- lata, 4 ft. lot, iso M T, " tn lKM-' Oetblock, rnmmoa alias. b.u M For special oriWrs and for Terms &c, write or call at office of 1 CREASY i WELLS, Bloomstarg. F. s-tvir HATTER. TROUSERS FROM S5.00. 9 9 99 PA. MONEY LOANED Do too want to borrow moaer oa equitable terms t ' Do you dealrv to payoffs mortgage and rr-bor. row 1 be moaer at i per cent. Interest annual Ut Would j-oo care to be so situated that yoa could reduce I be mortgage airslnat your home by payini on a small amount monthly and at the end of each year rwelve credit for all paid? with Internet being chanred only oa remaining win ion of loan. Would you like to buy your family a home t 1' so, read the following : I represent a Company that has embodied In Its plan al the features enumerated a bore and many more, t an you see any reason why you should pay a Urge interest for money when you have good security t Can you preaeut anr good reason why It Is not as well to recelre profits yearly as to wait from T to 10 years aa one dees In many of the Association T Is not the re duction ot lutereat yearly better than watting many yeata for proflta f borrowers under the plaa represented br me assume absolutely no ruksea.'h$l.DDpaldon the loan Is credited oa the mortgage, tberebr reducing It In pro portion to the amount paid. Building Associations hare benefitted hun dreds u thousands, so did the old cars that were propelled by boniea. Our plat la as Isr superior to huililtng Associations ss the trolley cars sre to the old antiquated horse car system. My time Is too niui'h ocvupled to answer que, lions for the curious, but thewe seeking tutor ma' ion for the betterment ot their condition will receive full tutor auon promptly. eof fer an Investment to those who have a small amount to save monthly thai has bo superior aa to silety and seldom equaled tor protlU. tail or wrtww S. D. NEYHARD, Office OoLCMSiaM Bldg., BLOl'MSHl Btl, FA. --3oi. ad floor. 01 4U. WHAT IRON WILL DO. IS KATL'RE'S OWN TOSia Bttmulatea the appatita and pror duces raXraabxaa alaap. filVES VITAL STsEKTN T4 kUUIKa MOTHEfiS. Cheeks -rastlnc d'ssasss. stop DJ(ht swaata, ourea u.oipiaJ.1 oonsomption. Zaaraaaes straagth aad flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promote healthy lung tiaau. Will gira tha pala aad puny tha ruay chaaks ot youth. CTUS ALL rSJULI COhtPLaCITS, Make strong men and woman of weak iings. I R O IT GILMORE'S IRON TONIC PIUS Cars al Wastiag Diseases aad tttlr aeqaencas, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, 4c. They ara aaithar styptlo nor eaustlo. -i nara oo eoagulauajt effect oa th oontenU or tnastowaoh or Its liuing. eonsequentiy do not hurl tha tth or oausa oonaupatioa ?' djairhaaa. aa do th usual forms of Iron 10 days treatment 6O0, painphlal fra. U not kept br your druggist addrsas GILMORE Sc CO.. CINCINNATI Ow For aale U Bloomtlxirg. MOT I BftOA, SssW DrugglBU. l-SS-ljr 1