The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 01, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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tt oIttmWait.
Sfte (ColumMa gcmorrnt,
at Blooms)urg, the County seat of Columbia
County, Pennsylvania.
OKO. E. F.LWKLL Editob.
I. J. JAMISON, Assistant Editor.
trx-. inside the county. 11.00 a ycarln ad
vnnnn- ti.M if not nald In advance outside
me county, $ a year, strictly In advance.
All communications should be addressed to
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Ex-Governor Pattison for Mayor of
This is still an open question, not
onlv with Fhiladelnhians. but. be-
y 1 ' .
cause of the gravity of ihe occasion
for reform there and the national
reputation of the reformer, it is a case
the outcome of which is Deing watch
ed in many places besides Philadel
phia and places which are perhaps in
a murh rftA nf rn!ilirl nnrifiratinn.
If Democratic New York ciiy needed
an exposure through the Lexow m-
Vesriirntin(T rnmmilte PpiMihlirn
Philadelphia is not a whit better, and
she no doubt can reveal political cor
ruption enough to nause.ite the
Quaker stomach that is if her " truc-
inwanlness " and hell-bent corruption
is fully revealed and properly dis
The effort to defeat reformation in
advance of the election, by setting up
the claim that the reformer is inelirr!.
ble on the ground of his being a non
resident, seems to be somewhat like
the Quesn Lane Reservoir, inasmuch
as it would not hold water or stand
the test of legal decision or constitu
tional law, when brought fairly and
squarely to bear upon the case in
It is said bv impartial writers frnm
abroad, who have no finger or thumb
in the reservoir pie, that ex-Governor
Pattison's letter of acceptance of this
nomination contains in itself a fair
declaration of manly principle and
purpose, well calculated to lift the
pending campaign in that politically
rouen city lar aDove party lines.
It has taken Philadelphia manv
years ot costly experience to realize
mc mil wisaom 01 rotation of office
as the founders saw it : a Ioitt time
to recognize the senselessness of con
ducting municipal campaigns on
strictly partisan issues and within
strict party lines for the spoils the
various offices can be made to shell
out by hook and crook.
Already the unbiased and those
seeking only good government are led
to hope for and Droohesv reformat
success through the general uprising
ot inc independent voters of the city.
This will be the more gratifying be
cause all independence of action has
been so conspicuously wanting in the
By express terms of the law gov.
erning or supposed to govern Phila
delphia, the officers and members of
every municipal department are for
bidden to participate in political con
ventions or to impose or submit to
the levy of a tax for political purposes.
Heretofore there has been no pre
tence to live up to this law, and polit
ical assessments have been levied and
collected right along much to the
detriment of the minority and whole
some government for the majority.
In fact Mr. Pattison holds that the
utter disregard for this law has been
largely responsible for the prevalent
corruption in the municipal govern
ment. He promises, furthermore,
that in the event of his election he
will at least make an effort to enforce
this purifying statute. That's why the
rounders love him less and hate him
more. Hitherto independent Demo
crats and Republicans have been run
by machine Democrats and Republi
cans. A combination of forces alone
can now affect relief, and the better
element of Democrats and Republi
cans have combined on Pattison in
the hope of that relief. In his letter
of acceptance the Governor says ;
I' I will not only not permit the par
ticipation of the officers and employes
of the city government in politics,
but I will absolutely prohibit and
prevent it. I will require of the
members of the fire, the police and
every other department abstention
from all display of party feeling or
interest and from every manner of
interference in political affairs." We
have no doubt the promise will be
kept in case the ex-Governor is elect
ed. - He deserves to be elected, be
cause his success at the polls affords
the only hope of the redemption of
Philadelphia from the ring rule which
has blighted it for so many years.
Concerning this election the Centre
ville Record, of Maryland, says :
" Ex-Governor Pattison, bv fidelity
and integrity, has become a fixture in
the confidence and esteem of his
fellow citizens in Pennsylvania. He
has served them for two full terms as
Governor of the State and twice in
the position of Controller of Philadel
phia. He has just laid aside the res
ponsibilities of the Gubernatorial of
fice, and doubtless anticipated enjoy
ing a Beason of freedom from political
and official care. But the Democrats
of Philadelphia have nominated him
for the Mayoralty of the city. Their
choice is a splendid tribute to the
public and private character of the
man whom they have tested by four
terms of public service.
And the Delaware Pilot also re
marks :
"The Democrats of Philadelphia on
Wednesday nominated ex-Governor
Pattison for Mayor, and he has since
been indorsed by the Independent
Republicans. If the citizens of this
boss-ridden, " Combine"-ruled com
munity give him the support he de
serves his election is more than proba
ble. Philadelphia has for years been
controlled by men who are in politics
for what they get out of it, and the
interests of the city have been neglect
ed to such an extent that much of
the trade which properly belongs to
Philadelphia has been driven to other
ports. With Pattison for Mayor the
rodents that have undermined the
city will be driven out, reforms will
be inaugurated, their affairs will be
economically and honestly administer
ed, and we may expect in the near
future to see an extended and new
Newspaper Detective Work.
One of the most important functions
of the modern newspapers is the
detection and exposure ot crime and
crookedness among public officials and
it ariords me broadest held lor the
newspaper as a detective agent. The
vigorous and fearless exercise of this
function by the press is the strongest
safeguard against maladministration in
puunc anairs, says the Omaha Jiee.
The searchlight of the press, more than
any other agency, has been the terror
01 evildoers in an vocations, and
especially among public officials and
in public institutions. The Tamnianv
ring was b'oken up by the New York
j. imes and its start of reporters acting
in the capacity of detectives and Boss
Tweed and his accomplices were not
only driven from power and place, but
made to suffer the penalties of the law
bv the irresistible force of the nuhlic
opinion formulated through the papers
in me great metropolis that were not
owned or controlled by Tweed and his
The breaking ud of the new Tarn
many ring, the forced retirement of
doss urocKer and tne exposures of
rottenness in the New York police are
all due to the fearless exercise of
detective functions bv the Dress. It
was a reporter acting as a detective
uiai urougnt to ngnt tne horrors ot the
Bloomingdale Asylum, and every
metropolitan paper of any pretension
is always prepared to embark in any
inquisition that would lead to the
detection and exposure of wromrdcine
and crimininal practices in public
Only three weeks ago the Chicago
Herald detailed one of its staff to
play detective upon boodle councilmen
and created a sensation by pinning
down a member who offeteJ to deliver
a majority of the Chicago council for
A Hew Judicial Distnot.
Senator Quay has introduced a bill
to create the Northern Judicial Hktiirr
of the State of Pennsylvania and to
nx me time and places for holding
courts therein. The bill provides thai
the counties of Wayne, Pike and
Monroe shall be detached from the
Eastern district and the counties nf
Susquehanna, Lackawanna, Luzerne,
Columbia, Northumberland, Montour,
Lycoming, Clinton, Union, Snyder,
Centre and Cameron shall be detach
ed from the Western district and that
these counties shall constitute an ad
ditional district, to be known as th
Northern Judicial district. The hill
also provides that the new district
snail De separated into two divisions
and two regular terms of th
and district courts shall be held an
nually in each division.
Legal Liht Wanted.
The proposition to eliminate i,-
ance by publishing in at least one
county paper all future legislative
enactments is verv frond ko (cr
goes j but it don't go quite far enough
in our opinion, we give as a reason
that there are several parties in each
county needing legal light badly, and
if you only thus enlighten th Rb.m.k.
licans what are we ignorant Demo
crats going to do for want of the
light our legislative statesmen are
industriously shedding forth from time
to time. We move to amend by
squelching the Zeriufative Record as
a thoroughly useless and unappreciat
ed expense, and in lieu thereof lets
have published in at least two politi
cally opposing papers ( never mind
about the Prohibitionists ) at each
county seat all laws in their perfected
form that pass the Legislature. This
would be extending the greatest good
where it is most needed.
On the 19th of next month the sov.
ereign power will again have the op.
portunity to try its power on the other
influential powers by electing some
more so called servants of the people.
Let's not forget to exert the right kind
of power on this occasion. This is
our only hope for good government.
The Week In Trade Circles.
Business during the past week has
been unfavorably affected by the em
barrassment of the Federal Treasury.
About $u,ooo,ooo of gold has been
withdrawn, chiefly for export, and the
gold reserve has fallen to approxima
tely $58,000,000, which is less than
$6,000,000 above the minimum re
serve on record. The gold shipments
in four weeks of January have aggre
gated $20,000,000, but even this
large total was exceeded in four weeks
of May last year, when $aa,ooo,ooo
gold was exported. It is not the fact
of gold shipments, but rather the
conditions which have caused them
which creates uneasiness. The dis
trust engendered by the failure of
CongTess to provide a measure of re
lief for the Treasury has been a dis
turbing factor in the markets, and has
caused hesitancy and caution in the
operations of business men. Mer
chandise exports are increasing, and
from New York alone in three weeks
of January is shown a comparative
gain of $1,525,024. A relative in
crease of $6, 1 08,006 in imports dur
ing the same period aflords encour
agement to the expectation of a rising
tide of Government revenue from
customs under the operation of the
new Tariff law. Improvement is
noted in the demand for wool and
woolen manfactures, and the distri
bution of other products has not been
sensibly checked ; but the growth of
demand as a rule has not kept pace
with the expansion of industrial out
put, and the general price tendency
has continued downward. Business
failures in the United States and
Canada during the last week number
ed 422, against 485 for the corres
ponding week last year. According
to R. G. Dun & Co. the liabilities in
volved in failures during seventeen
days of January were $7,501,209,
against $13,668,990 in eighteen days
last year. Ttia. Record.
Without perhaps fully contempla
ting the difficulty of the work to be
done in this country the pope calls
upon the bishops to turn aside the
workingmen's associations from law
breaking and violence. He urges
them to teach newspaper men to re
spect religion and truth and to re
prove those journals which pass judg
ment upon his episcopal or Catholic
acts i finally to turn Protestants to
Catholicism by charity, by instruction
in the doctrine of the Catholic church
and by leading exemplary lives.
in conclusion his holiness recom
mends the sending of missionaries to
the Indians.
Among the many things doubtful
as to who will assist Governor Hast
ings to administer the affairs of state
it is said the newspaper fraternity will
get there as aide de camp in the per
son of Henry Hall, the versatile cor
respondent for the Pittsburg Times.
Considering the heart burnings from
disappointments elsewhere that's glory
enough for one revolution.
IlUa Katie Hosengrant
Ulster, renn.
The Worst Case the Doc
tors Ever saw
Hood's 8arsaparllla Perfectly Cured
U Ian
v. 1. nooa a uo., Lowell, Mass. :
"Dear Sirs: I wish to taatifv tn th.
value of Hood's Sanaparllla. For some tlras I
bad been troubled with inrnfnu shi-h ..-1.
last winter assumed a very bad lorm.
Sores Appeared on Mv Face
and hands and araduallv InereuAri in
until they reached to my shoulder. The doctors
am 11 was me worst case ot scrofula they ever
---- . . yiiiunoiiba uu outer remedies
but to no avail. A fritsiid recommnmiod Uootl'J
Hood ss; Cures
Barsapartlla, and although I was completely dls-
OOUmaeri. &. ft Inst nli.n.. T 1 i i.
- . ...... VI. ...... a icbuitvu w K1YO 11 m
trial. A iter taking one bottle I notloeil the sores
had commenced to heal. After the sixth bottle
They Were AU Healed.
I continued to take It, however, until I had used
nine bottles, and now I am perfectly welL"
Miss Katik Robbnuhamt, Ulster, 1'enii.
Hood's Pllla are Dromnt anil efflnlnnt vat
asy lo action. Sold by all druggist. 36a
X nl 1 PA la htt-nhv Hun . U .. . B - 1 .,
will be made to the Governor of the State nf
Pennsylvania. Monday, the aith duv of Febru
ary, A I)., '.HUB. bv W. B. Cllllinilnira.,. IV
lfXayl i?.?a.h urr.hlll, nry C Churchill,
Act of Assembly rf the Commomve Hh .f
Pennttvlvanln. Antuiuri nin a,..
vldo for the Incoriioratlon Un(1 A'fflllntlnn
of certain corporations nnproved April ifDt.h,
A. D , 1H74," and t he several supplements then-,
to, for the Charter of an Intended corporation
tp be called the fuinmlinfs Vcrdv Company,
the character and object of which Is "the nuinu
ftteturlnifor cliewlnKKum and other confections
and marketlnifthe products. " And for theae pur-
nORen t.O lmvn. n.iuuuaa mwl ..In. nn .1... .....v.-
benefits and privileges of the sulil Act. nf AjLml
bly and Us a':pplcmenls.
C. W. All LI. Kit,
Mt Solicitors.
Merchant jSTV
FROM S18.00.
Rubber Boots nnH
Overshoes for Men.
Women. Children and
everybody. Now is the
season for them. Buy
them of
Main Street.
Blooiiisburg-y Pa.
-) OF (-
847 ncrr St., between 8d and 8d Sts..
Where ho can be seen five dnys In the week,
viz: Thursday, Kilday, Saturday, (Sunday
from 1 to 4 f. M) and Mondays,
Crrici nouBs Office hours win be from 8:30
to 11:10 In the morning. Froiu t o'clock to 4 in
the afternoon, and from 7 to 9 In the eveulnir.
excepting suudiiy. "
Many years experience has tauirht him that
neurly all ullmeiils can bo cured or im-ully
helped, i be diseases he treats are Consump
tion, ull UronclUal Affections, Loss of Muuhood
crooked Limbs. Wry Necks. IlarrenneMH. Scro.
ruia fait Kiieuni, 8 jilillls. Kve and Kar IW
seases, bkln Dlneuses, Neurulylu, Hi lirhl's HI
seuse, fleers and Old fores of every descrip
tion, HlieuiimtlHin, either acute or chronic.
Hick Heudiclie, Kplleps.v, (JasuitKcoiiKesllon.
t anker, 'lonlllilB, nearness, Kt Vitus' Dance.
Impediment of speech, Loss of Voice, Stutter
ing, Cancer ot the Stomach, riles, Jaundice.
Constipation, llllloiisness, Dysentery, Uironlo
Diarrhoea, t hills and Fever, Fistula, villous
Colic, inrnlysls, Heart Disease, Intestinal
Worms and Liver Complululs.
However, It must be remembered that ho will
not undertake to treat all eases Imt only Hume
which he Is nnultlve enn he i'iiril nr irruuiiv
lieved, and will tell you at once which, if
elthei; cau lie accomplished
DR. Mm TA (1(1 A HT Is t he only specialist this
Bide of New York, Philadelphia and ItiitTiUo,
who makes an exclusive specialty of treating
Chronic i ns-s and the lilseas s of Women.
Thoe who have been ButTerliitf for jearssiiouhl
call at once and learn whether their Hllinent
cau be cured or not. No cases received unless
they can be cured or greatly helped.
What Dr. MacTaggart
The Doctor wishes the mitilln to nnilnrstnnii
that he Is not BoUt'ltlng thu ordinary run of
cases, but desires Just such diseases to treat
that other phyblcluns cannot succeed with or
at least full to cure. W hen you sufTer from
such mimuli him (consultation Is free), have
hlin thoroughly dluKiiose your case, and then
what he tells vou can 1ia reiii'il uiinn u tunt
bejond refutation. Some muy Bay, "Why iro to
i)r. Mac I aificart when we have as good doctors
here as any wheret" Yes, so you have In their
line of practice, but nut in lliose mw run i-u
that Dr. MacTagifart Is schooled and 'pracllued
u. in Dui'puii, in mm uniiuuiiiica assertion
read hlu testimonials not. onlv tiw.m. hut
Investigate the truthfulness if them. Where
are the pliyslcliuiB who can remove cancers
milium pain ami cure li ueyoua pcrailveiitureT
He does It. Where can vou tlnil mini In. r i.nv.
slelan In r ennsylvaula who cun remove tumors
of even 6) pounds weight without the use of
the knife, without pain, and without leaving a
scarT Dr. MacTaggart does It. What lihysl.
clan can cure Bstulas without cutting or caus
ing Ihe least pain or soreness during treatment?
Dr. MacTaggart does It suaceHsfiillv. Iimha
are golden trut hs outtlrn becuuse It proves be.
yonddlipute that the science of medk'lue lit
specialties particularly. Is advancing with
rapid strides tar In the lead ot the regular
pracllouer. l-IS-.y.
winth e.wgLJL-ov 1 R)
nnnro w ;
nun i n
A Clean Sweep.
A revolution in a winter stock is even more neceeeary than
a change in politics. There never yap, and never vvill be,
more need for heavy raimeut than exists at present, and never
was, nor can be more of a disposition on our part to draw it
....NOW FOR IT....
We have advertised bargains so much of late that it seems
an old story, but you know old stories that arc told good never
get old. We do not want so many goods, we want the money,
and when wc offer you such bargains why don't you embrace
the opportunity. Gills, just buy one of those dress patterns
that we are selling for $2.D", get it made into a dress
and see how soon some young man will try to embrace you
sooner than you have embraced this opportunity. Underwear:
men's, boy's, ladies' misses and children's go along in this sale.
Everything goes at reduced prices.
Coats and Capes, what ;3 left ot them, go at cost now,
so it we have the size it will pay you to see them.
Rubbers of all kinds, broad, pointed toes, to suit the shoes.
We offer you now Johnson Bros., semi-porcelain ware, guar
anteed not to craze, 1(0 pieces for $12.00. Can match your
set up for you at any time you wish. Larger and smaller seta
to suit the buyer. China dinner sets reduced from $22 to $18,
to close out. 130 piece set Vienna China dinner set $28.00.
roeery eparlmciit zz
Here they go I Elegant California fruits, peas, peaches,
apricots and plums at pretty nearly half, SO cents and 35 cts.
the can; now they go for 18 cents. Our window Is full of them
and they are the finest in the market. Asparagus tips at 35
cents, used to be 50 cents last year. All Iresh goods. Un
cleaned currants at G lbs. 4 25 cents. Hemlock flour, full
roller ground at $2.85 the barrel.
WWATCH FOR SMALL BILLS-From now on until May 1st, 189s, any
person purchasing from T25 to if 50 ot goods at our store for cash, we will present
with a handsome piece of furniture. Liberal prices to select from. Call and tee
them. We issue cards for the use of yourself and family. P. & II.
We are in receint almost
daily of new patterns of Wall
Paper. In a few weeks our
stock will be complete and
ready for your inspection. If
you intend papering in the
spring, or even if you have not
yet decided to do so, call and
see for how small an amount
you cau make your home bright
and cheerful. Don't bo deceiv
ed by circulars or advertise
ments offering you paper at
ridiculously low prices, it will
prove expensive in the end.
We have some old stock that
we will sell at verv low prices.
Our stock of Room Moulding
cannot bo surpassed by any
one in town.
William H. Slate,
Exchange Block.
on Iram Derr's land, near A. J. Derr's
store, Jackson townt hip, Pa.
Angles, Plastering Lath,
EemlGck li li cut to
We have saw-mills on Ihis tract
runnine dailv. and have there rn hand
and can cut timber &c. at any time.
6Ulngle8,No1,all5 and 6 In. Belected,t1.N)M
Plaaterlni latuTi tu lonBr V"" iCSl M
" " 8 ft Ioiik, $1.85 M
Hemlock, common alzeg, 8.ou M
For SDecial Ordes and fnr Tnmi
ic , writ or call at office of
8-st.iy Bloomsburg.- Fa.
. Do you want to borrow money on equitable
I terms?
' Do yon dcBlro to pay off a mortgage and re-bor-
row ihe money at 0 per ceut. lutureBt nnual-
wouici you care to be no situated that yrtU
could reduce the morl(fa(fe aalustyour noma
dj paying off a mnall amount monthly and
at llio end of eac h year receive credit for all
paid? vuin lntervst Delug charged only on
remaining portion of loan.
Wull'iu. i1 "? buy your ,aml'y a bmeT It
I represent a Company that has embodied In
H8 plan ail the features enumerated above and
many more. Can you see any reason why you
Rlinuld pay a lurmj Interest for money when yon
have good security t Can you present any good
reason why It Is not as well to receive prollta
yearly as to wait from 7 to 10 years as one doea
In many of the Asuoiiatlons t Is not the re
ducilon of Interest yearly better than waiting
many yeais for iirutllsT Borrowers under the
lan represented by me assume absolutely no
risk us each $1.00 paid on the loan Is credited
on the mortgage, thereby reducing It In pro
portion to the amount paid.
lliilkllng Associations have benefitted hun
dreds of thousands, so did the old cars that,
were propelled by horses. Our plan Is as lax
superior to liullillng Associations as the trolley
ears, are to the old antliuuled horse car system.
ly time Is too much occupied to answer ques
tions for the curious, but those seeking Infor
mation for the betterment of their condition
will receive full lnfora allon promptly, weof
rur an Investment to those who buve a small
amount to save monthly that has no superior
as to safety and seldom equaled tor proms.
Call or write.
su iioor. llox M.
Stimulates the appetite and pro
duces refreshing Bleep.
Checks wasting diseases, stops
night sweats, cuius iaoipient
Inoreases strength and flesh.
Promotes healthy long tissue.
Will give the pale and puny the
rosy oheeks ot' youth.
Uakes strong man and women of
Cart all Wasting Diseases and
tbelr sequences,
TheyareneitherBtyptlonoroaustio. I
r Z sumnnK eneot on tne uonienn
or the 1 utomuoh or its lining: consequently
ao not hurt the teeth or oauss constipation
pr diarrhcea, as do the usual forms of Iron.
10 days treatment 6O0, pamnhlot tree. It
not kept by your druggist, address
For su'.e In.Bloomsburg, Pa., by HOT BR BROS.,
Druggists. l--i