The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 21, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Highest of all in Leavening rowcr. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
rutin V, UECEMHEK at, 1894
Entered at the Post Ofllce nt, Klnnnmburg, Pa
M second clans manor. March 1, Itm.
Every subscribe r, new or old, who
pays one full year in advance, will re
ceive free for one year 7'he Aiicri
can Farm News.
The CoLumman and the J'hiladl.
yhia Weekly ''imts for one year
for $1.40.
The Columbian and the Xeio York
World twice a week, for $1 75. This
is a great combination, one of the
best we ever offered. The twice a
week World contains twelve pages of
the news of the world. It is the best
value ever oflered (or the money. Try
it. tf.
Diaries for 1895 at Mercer's.
All holiday goods at rock bottom
prices at Mercer's Drue and liook
store. :t.
Oxford aud J!.;n-tcr Bibles, from
$1.50 to ? 7, at Slate's Book store.
Diaries for '95 at Slate's.
If you want the best candies, at the
lowest prices, call at the Exchange
Bakery, before pint basing elsewhere.
Coloso Columbus makes all kind of
nice, pure candies, and also handles
banana at wholesale and retail. His
store is on Maiket squaie. tf.
We are requested to return thanks
to the many symi athetic friends who
cave substantial evidence of their
heartfelt sympathy during the sickness
and after the death of Mrs. Wm
See our 25 and 50c. books.
at. J. II. Mercer.
You will find headquarters for
Christmas goods, such as toys, baskets,
canes, and in fact candies of all kinds,
at the C. M. Hess Domestic Bakery
on Main street. He carries a fine
stock of goods.
Whatever you do, do not neglect to
tee Rishton s noveltKS before you de
cide on what to eb-e our friends for
Christmas. He can please you.
The drama, "The Last Loaf," will
be presented by a competent company
of ladies and gentlemen in the hspy
Hall, this Friday evening. Plenty of
fun and music will characterize the
evening's entertainment. Everybody
Books, in endlecs variety, at Wana
maker prices, at Slate's Book-store.
Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran
and Reformed hymnals at Mercer's
Drug and Book store.
Comb and brush sets, collar and
cuff boxes, hankerthief boxes, jewel
cases, cigar cases, smokei's sets, trav
eling cases, pet fume stands, necktie
boxes and a large line of novelties at
Mercer's Drug and Book store. 2t.
C. S. I'urman, the popular harness
maker and saddler, won d say to all
in search of substantial Christmas
presents that he still carries a fine line
of robes, b ankets, trunks, valises, har
ness, whips, &c.
A very large line of Juvenile books
at a low price at Mercer's. 2t.
C. B. Chrisman is doing business at
the old stand. While he still deals in
lruits and vegetables, he is now driving
quite a trade in oysters served as
desired. He krows a good article
when he sets it, and by serving that
kind to bis patrons his business is grow
ing nice'y. tf.
Books in sets at Metcer's.
For the holidays, best
photographs and cray
ons at M'Killip Bros.
All work finished in
time for Xmas.
Diaries for '95 at Slate's.
jan. 5. I he executor of G. Van
Viangen, c-eceascd, will sell valuable
.! tsiait: in weaver lownsnip at 10
m. See advertisement.
ay lar the largest line of all kinds
01 lamps in Bloomsburg, at Mercer's
Urug and Book store. at.
i o Christmas present buyers C. E.
savage, the jeweler, exhibits a fine
line of ladies and gentlemen's gold
waicues. in lact this is his specialty
mis )car.
uuLuuiinu iciouueis iotes on
the International Sunday School Les
sons for 1S95, at Slate's Book store.
1 1-14 2t.
Louis Bernhardt specialty this year
is nis lountain pen. hat more ac
ceptable present could be desired ?
Harness, bridles and saddles, robes
blankets and whips. That's what C
S. Eurman told us to tell you about,
t r.. .. :ii ....... 1 . .1 . ' .
nc win uuenu 10 me rest wnen you
Art, beauty, utility and low
prices in the holiday goods at
lownscnd, the gent's furnisher,
P.M . ....
wotu pens ana noiuers irotn $1 up,
at mate s liook store. at,
In the finer line of groceries L. T.
Sharpless now deals extensively, be
sides handling a good supply of for
tign and domestic fruits and nuts well
suited for holiday feasts.
In the Normal foot race on Monday
morning, covering a distance 01 aoout
two miles in 2c minutes the winners
came in as follows : 1st, Riley j 2nd,
Norman ; 3d, Nagle ; 4th, Sheivelhood;
5th, Lewis; 6th, Worthington ; 7th,
Detwiler : 8th, Williams : nth, Bobb.
This is healthful exercise, and in every
way much safer and better than foot
y. S. Rishton requests the pleasure
of your company at a sale of Christ
mas novelties which will take place at
his drug store every day until Christ
mas. Beautiful goods at starvation
A very pretty pair of windows, in
deed, are those of H. W. Sloan. There
is taste displayed in the arrangement
of gifts for the holidays, comprising
fine handkerchiefs etc. innumerable;
but there is also exhibited silverware,
silk umbrellas, finger rings, fine hosiery
and underware for the little and big
and the slim and stout, and all at cur
rent competitive prices.
You will find headquarters for
Christmas goods, such as toys, baskets,
canes, and in fact candies of all kinds,
at the C. M. Hess Domestic Bakery
on .Main street, tie carries a tine
stock of goods.
If you want the best candies, at the
lowest prices, call at the Exchange
Bakery before purchasing elsewhere.
Episcopal and Catholic prayer books
and hymnals at Mercer's. 2t.
- -
"I want a substantial Christmas
present, did you say? Well, how
would one of C. S. Furman's whips
strike you ? Or if you prefer them he
has robes, blankets, trunks, harness,
valises, &c. Try one of them on your
loving husband instead of the whip.
Fancy goods in
Slate's Book store.
variety at
both large and
If vou want to see the latest
styles in hats call and look at
the holiday stock just received
at Townsend, the gent's furnisher.
We have made arrangements by
t 1 l ' 1. '.,' n .1
wnicn we can iurntsu nus uu
the twice a-week New York World
all for only $1.75 a year. Here is the
opportunity to get your own local pa
per and The New York World twice
week at extraoruinarny tow
Sjveifybody I ShyjJ l'hat
Display of Holiday Novelties
the finest he has ever oflered. If you wish
to see something new you had better come at
once as they are going fast.
A report has been circulated that
Rishton has a very fine display this
year. The report is true. He has.
Diaries for '95 at Slate's.
If you want the best candies, at the
lowest prices, call at the Exchange
Bakery, before purchasing elsewhere.
Johnson & Co., paper dealers of
Harrisburg, Pa. have favored us with a
useful and attractive calendar for
1895. We mention the fact because
the calendar is a fine one, and be
cause it is well to practice a little on
the new figures in advance.
The ladies of the Buckhorn Luther
an Church will gre a Chicken and
Waffle Supper on New Year, between
the hours of 4 and 8 P. M , in Hart
man's Hall, Buckhorn. Price of Bup
per, 25 cts. Proceeds for the benefit
of the parsonage. All are cordially
invited to attend.
In talking about hard times else
where wc cannot help but mark the
contrast, when Bloomsburg advertises
occasionally for help, offering perman
ent positions to the right kind of
workmen. We believe it to be a
positive fact that some towns deliber
ately manufacture dull times, and
they verily have their reward.
The Atlantic Refining Oil Com
pany, of Bloomsburg, sold last month
890 barrels of oil, making 43,000 gal
lons. They have facilities tor doing
all their own repairing, gluing, &c,
to the barrels they use. This com
pany evidently sheds forth consider
able light.
Invitations were recently printed at
this office for a Christmas wedding,
the contracting parties being Miss
Ella M. McHenry and Mr. Ezra O.
Hess, of Waller, Pa. The marriage
will take place at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon, on Tuesday, December
25th, at the home of the bride.
Bloomsburgers, without regard to
religious denomination, made a gener
ous response to the call for aid for the
sufferers in Nebraska. Under the
care and direction of Rev. P. A.
Heilman two large wagon loads of
edibles and clothing, &c, were taken
tothe Penn. Depot for shipment, first
to bunbury and from there to Lincoln,
Nebraska, where the State Relief
Society will see to their proper dis
bursement among the really institute
sufferers from drouth, &c.
In the large windows of Hess Broth
crs, the jewelers, we noticed a special
ly fine assortment of toilet articles
comprising fine combs, brushes, &c
put up in plush and velvet boxes,
They have also a fine line of
diamonds, cut glass, silverware, ladies'
and gent's watches, rings of all makes
and patterns, vest and neck chains of
all designs and patterns, and any of
wnich would be an acceptable gift
for old or young or rich or poor.
When the school boys now running
tor silver cups, bareheaded and in
shirt sleeves, succeed in graduating in
their studies, they may find a run for
office makes it necessary to be stripped
to the hide if a hope of success is en
tertained. This may seem like a cool
proposition : but it is backed by the
experience of old runners.
On the premises of Peter Harman,
on Iron street we found George B
Kitchen industriously engaged cutting
and piling sod, for next year s use, on
the 18th day of December. The
novelty of the industry in this latitude
attracted our reporter, who mentions
the fact for this reason and as an in
dication of fair prospects for a green
Amonj other things not the most
desirable they have now got the small
pox again in Washington.
Handsome satin and silk sus
penders for 50c. at Townsend,
the gent s furnisher.
J II. Kingrose, of Espy, will start
in the dairy business the first of the
year. He has Jersey and Ho'stein
stock, and will furnish his customers
with a pure article. His route will
include Bloomsburg.
There is no doubt that the more ex
tensive advertisers in the Bloomsburg
papers are attracting buyers from
neighboring towns and from far and
near. We daily see shoppers from
abroad and we are convinced that the
inducements held out in advertise
ments brings them. It is a positive
fact that Bloomsburg merchants are
right abreast of the times, not only in
prices and quantity cf stock caried,
but also in neatness and in attractive
arrangement and display of the goods
they oiler for sale.
We're bound to turn our immense stock of suita
and overcoats into cash, and have made such re
ductions as are bound to move them quickly.
W hen the bicycle stops the skatino-
bepins, and both are conducive of
health hence wealth. For what is
wealth without health to enjoy it?
Now let us here remark, dear reader,
that J. R. Schuyler sells bicycles in
Summer and skates. &c. in Winter.
Wc merely mention this fact in view
of the close proximity of the time
when the fond mother or the pruff
father is looking about for a gift ap- Think of men's wool, blue and Mark 410 T-Tppv rnat.
propriate to the season and acceptable " " " " 11
to a bad boy or a good cirl. At this t.
i ((
Lots of $15.00 suits to close at
it a
" " $10.00 " " " "
same establishment may also be found
a nice line of silver plated ware and
in fact general house-furnishing goods,
about anything and everything to be
found in a first-class hardware store.
Again permit us to remind the fond
parent of skates as an appropriate
present and of the other important
tact that j. K. bchuylcr sells them.
At the Thursday evening Musicale,
to be given in the Lutheran church,
the tollowing home talent will assist
the accomplished Miss Grace Wall, of
Winchester, Va., in making the oc
casion highly edifying and enjoyable
to all lovers of music : Prof. C. P.
Elwell, Miss Vida Miller, Mr. Frank
Colley, Miss Maude Runyon, and Miss
Bessie Kunn.
See those children's euits
( i (
Piles of children's overcoats, regular price,
1.75, 2.48 and 3.00
1.75, 2.4Sand 3.00
i, G, $7, now 3.50
All our HOLIDAY GOODS to be closed out
at reductions to get them off our hands.
it J. M. GIDDING & CO,
A very large line of holiday goods
at Mercer s Drug and Book store. 2t
Common sense Xmas gifts
A nice silk hat ; a seal skin cap;
a night robe : a silk muffler ; a
fine neck tie. Any of which
can be bought in the newest
styles and lowest prices at
Townsend, the gent's furnisher.
Toys and games,
at Slate's
Useful and elegant Xmas
gifts. Kid gloves (dressed and
undressed) driving gloves in
buck and kip mochas, unhned
and lined. Gloves for little
boys at Townsend, the gent's
Xmas. Xmas. Xmas. Xmas.
Silk suspenders, satin suspen
ders, silk handkerchiefs, ihe
atest and newest, shades and
tyles at Townsend, the gent s
Albums from 75c.
cer s.
to $6.00 at Mer-at.
Whatever you skip, don't skip
this. The place to get your
Xmas presents is at Townsend's
the gent's furnisher. 2t
For the holidays, best
photographs and cray
ons at M'Killip Bros.
All work finished in
Diaries for '95 at Slate's.
A -
s usuai at mis time ot year, one
of the chief centres of attraction in
the town for the little folks, is Gil-
more s Toy Bazaar. The show win
dows, the large store room down
stairs, four large rooms and the hall
up stairs are filled with all kinds of
articles suitable for Christmas presents
for children. There is not so large an
assortment elsewhere in this part of
tne state. Here may be found dolls,
hre engines, nose-carnages, patrols,
railroad trains, horses and wagons,
wheelbarrows, menageries, doll house,
doll furniture, pianos, stoves, banks,
puzzles, games, Christmas tree orna
ments, and thousands of other things
in enaiess variety. Don t fail to visit
uumore s Delore making holiday pur-
cnases. at.
Candles. Nuts and Fruits.
We are now ready to manufacture
our own candy which you can purchase
at our store at wholesale and retail.
Next week we will work for Christmas,
at the lowest prices for first class
candy. After the holidays we will
manufacture for the wholesale trade.
Come and examine our goods, and do
not torget to call for Christmas candy.
we also carry a full line of all kinds
of dry nuts, foreign and domestic fruit
at the lowest prices for the holidays.
we continue to occupy the same
store, but have our manufactory in
the Opera-House building.
Ihu company is determined to
keen abreast of the times in their line
of trade, and accordingly have en
gaged a New York candy-maker of
large experience in all branches of the
Bush & Malfaier.
This week ire close our eyes and ears to evtry thing that is not OhriaSmas
If you will call and tee our stock you will he convinced that our mind, eves and iands
have been open for at ltast two months in preparation for holiday sales. We are ready for
all. trom over the river, from up the river, from down the river, from up the creek and ail
over the country. How easy now to come by the free bridges, hw often to ome by rail
road or by wacon road. Our stock is such a vast variety of ornamental and useful poods
for presents, that if we were to begin the naming of them, it would require a paper the
length of a farm. The town people will corn witliout this invitation, as already many of
them have seen and purchased, seven clerks to wait on vou.
Lamps and
chinaware at
TWO ROOMS FULL OF GOODS, such as dolls and children's Christraai. trinkits, E.
press wagons, wheelbarrows, rocking horses, children's rocking chain, fcc
QUEENSWARE, chinaware, tinware and household goods of all kinds.
JEWELRY oCevary description very cheap.
NOTIONS and HARDWARE of nil kinds at low prices.
OVERALLS at bottom prices. White laundried and unlaundried shirts from 2jctaif I.oo.
Suspenders and neckwear for gents a lull line. Laaias and gent'v t'es cheaper than
any other place in the county.
UNDERWEAR and wool shirts for men and boys at prices that will ajtcmish yeui It will
pay uny one to can anu examine tnese tous.
Handkerchiefs I HandkcrcMofc f
For ladies and misses, one cent up. The biggest stock ver broughS to Bloorneourg.
Almost a New York Daily.
That Democratic wonder, The New
York Weekly World, has just chang
ed its weekly into a twice a week pa
per, and you can now get the two
papers a week for the same old price
$1.00 a year, with The Columbian
$1.75. Think of it I i he news from
New York right at your door fresh
every three days 104 papers a year.
Bolls from one cent to $3.15.
Largest stock; in the conty.
Bananas, wholesale and
Columbus, Market Square.
Diaries for '95 at Slate's.
A nice line of cold pens, gold pen
cils, gold tooth picks und Wirt foun
tain pens at Mercer's. 2t.
For the holidays, best
photographs and cray-
ons at m Kiuip Bros.
All work finished in
VALISES, all sizes and prices, and thousands of ether articles, such as lilies.' and gent's
purses from 5 cts. to fr.oo.
KNIVES, FORKS and Sl'OONS. In this line we surpass all others ia prices. Now is
the tune to call and examine gtod&
Have been extended and restacked with an endless variety of novelties the biggest
stock in the county.
WOOLEN HOSE for ladies, iSto j0c.; heavy knit and murino undczvests for 30c, and up..
Lamps by the hundred at low priues. , ,
of tvery description, and at bottom Drices.
CUrS AND SAUCERS, such as mustache cups, children's cups and tea sets. A special
bargain will be given in this line. The largest ock in the county to select from.
CSTRemember this is tho largest and best selected slock of novelties ever brought to' thi
section. An endless number of comforts to be closed out within 30 days.
Nov is the time to sdect your Christmas presents while the stock ia
Main St., below Irou.
ime for Xmas. .
ime for Xmas.