4 THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG. PA. I ;' f ' I - f f ; t i, t i . ( 1 i t u- 1.1 I t 1 . fr c I I; 0 ".!J'U:' '."Tin IT-taT K 1 . "tJ;w.:y. jtwr"i.r Ir-i. ,'.. C- 0.tX ft'lLK. t rttr :t,a tii irr r - t yu ;t !- lu wnai:; . S k." -u'. r.-vxj- u fcCaii-x. A.'. vJiuiLti.. u.3 node lo ta-w l K V.T f. ill J v i Vj li nxnin: ran nrm U r..VlIJ0. WILLIAM !L ilNGERLY, r. y t ' r i v: ;:'N S KILLING, vf Lr t a : -: t - u l i. LAVIL F. KAGEE. V.. ' V. GREENLAND. of C O V i- 7 -1. i :-K HOMA COLLINS. of Ct-.tre. iiLNKV MEYER, vf AI ! rtv. fry f.N7:tv. CHARLES K fcUCHALEV.'. of Kyotrsbtrg. J. HENRY COCHRAN, Vxynr'.vtikT.vis. AN UK?, "A" L FRITZ. V. T. CREASY. Fo Skis:it. J. BOYD M.HENRY. F'-i J'.ir Cox tiitivyifc, ALBERT HEKEINE. For Gootiu ANLKE'.V T. LENIKAN. Bcka'.ew fir Conrrttr. Cre. frt cut ti r-tt, i.-- the If j if fttrt- oUcj for o-r pro- i"1 the RtTz-lliofj jj.tr i LtaooTir. oien;rg thij fct, irou:d taas reric?r the ho!er Lovileu. Ai to the b-slti demorillration visit tve soci ithe fo in ortr thw it m.jht be a.tthb;tti to Dtxo- criLx stuon in rcdicir.g the Uri2, toxer-ow io't veta to be zs 5.s it ojght to be ;ist before election. Ar.4 we kt vir o4 r.o certiin wit to help the cs.se w'.thout 2isniii:cg em- iiicr c.ect; --r.. am to Co ts opera p u.? pot:o;i:ty thti orders tciv be at e'.seir.-.eTc, tatri cci'trig tv.e cke cost raore t.-.an it come? to. i the u-'i dilemma that orce f.n-J theraseiret in dunr.g folks these Grtij i ne u?mocrit:c c:ui nich met a.t Ait&ona list eek. araotg other ex cellett r-.ir.-s ver.t the follow.r.z worda 01 greeting to Senator HU1 arji Coo- gievsaiaa uvja : Ji'A'Awl. '-TLat the Democratic f--or.tties of Peri r.sl van ia, in xaasi reetirg assenlled, send greeting and er.rnr.-e,. to lJavi!j Hill, in r.: oiin y, patriotic and gloriwji itrag gie for JjTOiocratic prircip'e and Demo'Tj.t.c tuccetses in the State oi New Yo.-k irA that we cail on the DernocTi's to unite in hii lopport, and 2 l:ke rr.esss?e to William L. Wilson, c.-.e of the :'v.tr.iost cfrr.pior.s and advocates of tar;ff rcforra in his Strug z'k for the j-ccess of h;s par.y princi ; le and r,:t own course as a candidate iziT Cor.reis.'' B the v. ayhow 0j'.d Hili and 'iiin i j ir i TBI BU1L3 XifJl; LEMjCKAC f . SSrtnana arf Bjckil, 8hiT.oi,!i mm Meeting. al a Shamok::, Pa., Oct 9. A biz ljeraocrai.c miss rneetn 6 w nci'j ia ..t uyesa. nouse at urn place to right. State Chairman Stranahan and Cnirles Bjcka'.ew were the principal tpeakers. Rev. Charles T. Steck pre sided. During the coarse of Mr. Stranahan's speech he braised Cover. nor Pattison and Mr. Singerly for their I true Democracy, and criticised Gener-1 ai Hastings, en account of the speech ts the latter is making in his four as being misleading. Mr. Backalew delt on the benefits of the income tax ami the Wilson bill. He also upheM and applauded the Cleveland Administration. D-momtit Hryar ct tit i.iOf -jJ i ;tK et-k -.tr.iwi a terr-s-t-.t toora. cerr Cor rrtttos a.! Atloor.a ii tbe f; i li n-.r.n i'.- -in v. c "t io ti-te art c.' I'm cri-wSk Erc-T phase of the aifcetb'j- U pr' cf toe ffcet thkt tLe tti.-e Ltti.ocrs.ti a.e toj eticr. erea tftoae is ue c:rei e x.x. a.r.J v-rrrs frw :t tb a rim tr c fce couctiei tber tre reil frbtif-f a.ii Tbui it 5 we to tie Hastir-p urjf hish fcu cm tbe L?- to tttsr pirn wfcie Iriripr crct tbe F.7tbiic.T. to bear tie Mjr-e o.l t'jq oa fryecijoa ad taiiti at.rnKtr into prorperry V7 tbe KcJLuJrr ctrri Tbe LeToctijc &a.titet baj bees eirr-ett tzri rigarooa in tpreJ ir: Lteratsre m.j w.-jrj it. co6te? arj toent to tie Hst-i!. ca. An.it; r;iti tie rrs-t tin ;a bit series of roeetrrir --oe rrs; -.u ;a rery coaty a bi aerei ct roeerrirt are o-.- n.rtur aid tbe farsers are as awaxe u tie ntii-tijcs aid xoi-orc.erk lr. Sra-t.ii.ix is nor e tvA3 b. : ixe rirtiaa Ci he riiies r.o c-aa, b.: is f v, o-: aser-ioa to tbe Car.-gressiyal ds tr.cts a-,d 1 tie doi-hefii temtcrr tbe a;ctrar to 1 t)-fcmr tie to lie Kf pkbl-cait. J-'. iitriiara t iis bept cars pt-t- asE-staxt ia tie znzriL ia rrnii. tia cat-iot be det:e-l Errrjhere tbe zli, Iv?.-xta aid fi-nc-fes are rucccrg aid tie rt-ii.ii a.-e pfch; 10 ther i.OK in owL- e-'gL it reurt-ni.o.a araxi are k doxg a bjiiess bej oid that a tie cet.teir.-i; yrtr, tie d ruck P"'L aid tt-e Kea.d-rr mtta is crowded izrjzt end to eii. Foiiu tiit te" atiist the -jesolauor bo: cf the Kastxp it-r.eri.-T trist :r. tie f--eu cac loops it Altooca, c( tie Per-iijiTiiia riy.rr. aod tie car shops r.ts.Lg. oi tr-e Cea.ir.-g. rttutr-tjOD is cor,e-.e aid wiere wort ier.tr. Tie coal ard i:ber reriorj are rorj:ir g itid tie rr.u-a per a a cxrd iea-den are piijt It a cow cli: tiit tie Leotrttc rjg ritht cr: tt-p. ti that the Deroo cri-ts rSl carry the Hr'tth, X;r.th. Twelfti, Tr-ir.tenth. "Nirteecth, Twtt tilth aid Twettjhth Ls t"cts. w.ti fair ch-arxies 1 the Eerertb Sixteet!b aid Twenty fo.th- ia th-e S-V.t T-rre is a o.t aJso os the Sert-ti djtrkt. where Lw. Tohn i nac r g a strorg tht cz War. fee. Tr. s is not Joe Scraitors year in the Eitie-.th, ar.d Edward Merriieid is tirr.:r.g overgro.cd ia La:kawi.nna cot:r;ty ix a nar.t,er that ca;st-s cr-r.er-atioa to the Rtj jbHcan forces. Sc?ar.tor.'s truant record ia Cor.pess is in the har-ds cf everr rr-ir.er aid Scractoo Lirise'ifiij to ertla;--. Packer's friends ii the S'r-r.'V district hare the trJre o-t l Vr kk C Leotard, the Potter kiber dra I - J . r. :r--g the story of h:s free trade record and tie protts he is caking from Lj txber tracts witt haber 00 -i.e f? list. Bet son's roaiSE.ar'.on tr - Deroccrau is esiecia'Ir ioh.-lar Pa.ter ard Ci-ton, aid he is oooceded a rii-or.ty ia his Loce county ty the Couitrioort J'juriuil. Vote the wbo'.e ticket and aoth' but the ticket, PI5EI953. We call a'.tentica to an irt in another put of tin p-, rjri of the Pension oSce. It sho-s that ur.cg tr.e Ust year 30085 rnvi rTt. sioters were idded to the ros aad 2.30? restored : and thai more thm tiglUj tfusuvirvl certificates were us-ied during the year. The number on the ro"s wis larger Jcte 30, 154 than f4 was June 30, j85j. Many other ntereiting facts appear ia the article, showir.e democratic work in favor of the soldiers and widows of soldiers. The fact is, the democratic t,artr gave pens)or;s to soldiers before the republican party was born as to revo lutionary soldiers, soldiers of iV -r of 1 i a, and of the war with Mexico. No soldiers has any charee to make against Co! Lochren, cchsralisiohtr of rensions. Mr. Eackalew has been spitkinz to melius jd 7on.iuraoeriand County, at ten or twelve different coints and has been met by large assemblages of m win: ixr.nis Mr. nawart competitor for nomination ha been ;th bim, and at other ones Rev. Mr. Steck, tlso a candidate for nomination presided and spoke. Thus it wil; be seen the canvass is going on in harmony and success, ar.d the Democracy are getting m their war paint and filling up the ranks. Promises to get out the vote are received from all quarters Senator Herring is on the stump for Mr. Buckalcw and the wh-.u ticket. The battle is Leinir along the whole line, the voters are coming out to the meetings, and are t work for a full vote, on the 6tb of November. Leaveho roan at home. The stay-at home vote can save the State if it is cast Speak to your friend and neighbor and then make your speech effective in seeini; that he votes. Tilt CiXKBk. 71 iVtatitrVje S.ue cx-iidti tie t)t- ';;; if iL-i J;r a tbunmfV. t.ri ct'irte ct t t-a i f tv ?-... , . 1 ie 1 L-ir-jT . - tier re- ; crtr t It CiA..m.s.t J tris .'j3j a.K.eJ Get. era: G.rt- 1 j, w;:t ; str-jrg as e- as wrik ;o.t 3 t-ttc atii Cjt'-riKe ;o.;t)CUT tti. cotra-rrc'Ty cotisulered. S arins at Fb-wde'ba tie Lt. week's Ion m-Z exteid to aod c:rrr the tt-r-t betwera tbrre ar.d 2r. T&e IoL:-w-irif pVes ace the riore jrroitiext po:tts otj tl jroj-tra to It -r;se: I? tie r;eixen : Trrre. Paphba-p Ciearfieii Rjdf war. Fails Creek, B-w'c-;'e, Cicwr. jtihisotbirrj. ILart, Warrea, Cotry, Erie. Titt C-aroon w-j of tve rpeakrrs w- jiroceei to Fco.bT; T.turile aid otter po.tts ros luiberto rji.ted. wi-rf tbe crier larrr w.T Jesre Erie or October ta a&i rekhn C:rr y at 9 A. L Mtrt--ig Cu-ioci ;rty at Tss- -i.t they whil --r irri ts O: C-rr. Fratkii 5ei.fvw. p.5.vr j for- ward for P.tttbirr cc Oct '.'be? Fr ota here thj party w -ocrrd i& "t.h.ffctoi. Wtrresbr-f. a,rjd eise whrre. A.ot:.er : t tot-wa js rje . r.j:-n 'riortowr ;-icr w. r.L" ron or. cto:ier jttt atd rroceed to r'.rts-bi-rg. wbrt ttee wIU be a cxb.r s tcci of fxres aid a grar d raiy ad cesoistratiOi. Fr:o this po.r.t tie eitce -a.tr -r.Z trotted to Grt-er- b"? a.tid arr :r tt J-jhtsstfwa r. M, atid tr..ere rexa a :x r.irrc. tr-x- Tt.t otoer x: protsit-er: pti-ts to be ctiiasshtf by : of tie var.ous Titr-tf t-t T -:oe- ititftT.t. L'tk Hartr Wir;f:ort. 5rhbr. Da:--ii. Siaz.-'tr Lsc.icar.tr. Coi ttb-a. CariXe. Gettixb-jU I.taiif -Alehtowt Btthitht- EaFt:T.Sr-oois tmrg, Mtuch Chtrk. HisV.or- rteathtr.T, irte aie-. i-Sts- with riatT other poitts oot rhehoied- T te catvass w.-. o t w;th a r:-s-h Vote .tr Dtsjocrarlc ticket Tm ILtr.r t-f Li rr.tr itiu.: With al her vast aid ta: pop.lace Ch:aa Ihds herself a cnere when dnrcn to coafrott at: ern tarp.ttr e-.ts of dor modtThirtd a dierycf Tapaa. warfare sad tie h-2 e; seated soj- Fa: steras to have decrttd an tTo.atioa j pr opri a '.t'.r sttai cril:r- . Oira. and. c":te ap-lizt-.. bei-g herse'f or..'y d a--d chrs.tiar.iied, is the :cr, c the litt'e Dand cr.osea a-h v ho has bee Chiae Go ra se : rp to s-ay tie a. Wtho;t waifr or potitiTe erects ct the preset t u strJesoit 'otcs tots tr.rotirh what -ay t-e termed prothttic risioa. Chiaa has tot ot'.y fr.e ouTeT er.eaiy to tirht, bet if rrto-.s correct, her .teraal strife is alter! demorabi'.ag, -e -icori trer.rr"ie very palace u the ta-ftrtr. it- tarxoav -w:t5- ir: ar.d war wrih ihe ai'iiht pOirih!y yct to r.aa;.e r.tr r.ahborn l.ttle er.eaiT zs t'j raike ttace a--on her oaii terras, if art iadeed w.hio oat Japaa : Lat the case serais very difereat ia v:e of her yresht in terna: st.Me ar.d tr.e fotriii.rr of her .r.tr deraoraliiati-o tad the daaeer of ct'ter raaois r;sh:r.r aron her for spou as they caa gat: .rom ::t. Eiectioa diy, NoTtraber Cth. The gefcera" charge of " he taiks too I rcuca o"ont t: cp as dose to the ci rrertat .eve:ar.d as $orae I'cs wou-d l.ke in Yo-k State. On the contrary they charge that betas pljed his te!tphor.e and gone a fish.rg with rcalice aforetr.ought. Havi'.g already given expression that the regular norair.ee should be LeartJy supported, this woa'.d seem to be a!! that should be reca'red under the Vote the Democratic ticket All That's Claimed ; "Itovlrjoorarlv!.tirttir lSj.tat4 M na town, tut H i Smifjia tt C .--t at a erei in, Pi I tTt a bev.r i ax.d do la itl tji. I can rta vcsi4 Bood Sxr Sanaa u as arrst tyr.i or tail Eiea.cii to kttp tb blood m ordw. Mrwll an! Ohm daofMeri ti, J uaeavrerau buui ai4 It baa tfoti t 1 V L - ... civia wg. ti bot bow Lt to can W "l 'J'JV u If merlT. la ttx Alfcera KlMcf U. aad I m aaf Uu4 . Aotum, S-a. Huod'i Btf utnlU t aU that la elaooed (or H. I ny Learuljr ro eoiarr4 tt, aU atiafl alat ktp U la cj tKi ML" AtfeCKT El.VHT, AOt-OTO, fa. Hooas Sarsa parilla V.?X r'.ures rV Hood's Pills art purely Tejeubl. and fco ptif f . cr jTf. 8M t7 ail drot;te SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN KK&Zs ft 7s l S8-VlA JOHN Merchant SUITS FROM S18.Q0. audxtcts not: en rn't t tit :-nu. e '.-uiuniiii rmaf u nuo:f LV-VU-t V Ult mmif U pfc-i tw.r u"u rii mi i L-t nrii- a wrH 11 Ui I i-" iiutB Ii mt hi; ;iu litUf rriwin WTilL- KiC rvb-r n u n tut )r-r iui- tr in b-'WTvCh-ja. auaaiif a ui tuC runt C- X. ua:ne EXLC"w-TCXS NOTICE. n.i.r n-nnr. mt if (. Cl i.'. i;. 7 "V fc-i.-t.T- liinnr.tr. ADMLVISTJTOI'S NTTICZ. t-- xt tofmiT--ii't't TTI -j tM 'li ' i.im; v.uim r fiTunua wit Ti.i.tf? -iVr y 11 SK" t.frni i. PUBLIC ;ALE Real Estate :f iir.au fi" J7.-n.u Viwrwi'K. Z t. jT.Ti-ao;: v. u f'j 'X hii -'tii.-h r.'TO": V. C;i.uaj'j '.riiLHV, Tx. 'rrr? viz. ! !u k.' j'lVii: su ia Ui jrn-;!-. a. Tiiiif r-i ii-c-ttw. C-iCua.ua rtna'r- ?t ."aiiitr..!'-i. THURSDAY, NOVEMIIH !5-'ci-nr:. ut or r.nii wjv. t . vv wr. : A IT. '.ircrwjj Kick.U Ui raf a u:3 cciLity tfctiuiu. r- : v.aii ta ir.ir.i t vx. a: w. s. E-; . ti ili i-r r'.iuli rnfci ti Kirtl f w. ?c. e-j. ler. kill :i tV- wets tr t pitae roi.1. li A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, l-trj r.t ul wlvt ooUiuIiiiin. tun or fcLt .- Its ir i- t cait-lciiTLi yrt.J:;'t'vi.is.va!-Tt5iw jit.3 n u. a-u-ti c tt jir?;fTy ; lb oi-f irvrt ) jj i wt'-n.iuc'a or stl : -. . y svtttCv.-r. wi'.i. li -.-- L-.c i;iiiaraa.iiL ' a: lit kb3 rLjerfi -r-X Lk'. jy.a lit ! U9wilj ;?--!i-..tk; j-r.i;ny u St-S lh'vj.i Tl--i,vii!. 3- t-.tl : tr.Tiitr t-U'ti-jk-i. l wei curt-sen,! ct-iiirs. lr-l tf.l. lri till lil-jr. kii4 o:iy-r fc. IkiyE Z.JHih ti.-ti:or. C'Jll'lA STEAM L.ICM'SL St BLOOMSBURC, PA. rjascH cntcts XiTLA-j? Ci-r. J p. K-r ritcr, Ei.-ber Shop. Li.;y, IJ. . MJ'.er. ' ttrtr b'. Ca-iwliit, I'i ttae Houe. teetoa, O. L. JJ ae, Jte:ry s:&re SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. H. P. Chaal:;rlia, .Wetsr A POINT TO ARGUE SUCH AS THIS is aft to convince even the man doubtful, just as one trial of J.A.HESlVSHOES will convince the best judges that Le sella the best made. J. A. HESS, BOOTS AND SHOES. H. TQWHSEHD BLOOMSBURG, PA. ARE YOI READY To I:-k tt lie nesr styles cf dn3 goods coats, cap i si'5 of fall and winltr wear? We are prepared :o rlcw jca the most desirable goods in these line?, til tt p -rices that are eitreinelr popular. Investia tira on joar part will convince jou that this i? true. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT zztkt nore fullj slocel with patterns than this j-r ; iri S3 when vou bav them you have - that ex-d-;:Te r.jle all to yours el t. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT. If jn war; anything in the lice of shoes for your 't or cii'. lren. ley's or girl's school shoes, we would De you to IxJc at our etock. We carry as large a iit S3 &zj cue iu town. COATS AND CAPES. " We have these in abundance, more than we want ; sd n you waa: say oju:e PURS BLOOMSBURG, PA. TIME m when every good house keeper will think of cleaning aau u.i in very many cass a new parlor suit, a chamber something new in this line, pear we ak you to bear nave ine Best Goods for Permit u? to give you an idea as to what we can do fcr you in this line. Note a few of the prices: KLEGA ST PARLOR SCIT.S. Sb, rrom $20 00 tin OUU $j.aS SILA'J'Ll'SJIJiOCA'EnSare Jm $12 SIDEBOARDS ASTONISH THE NATIVES. Ingrain carpet from 20c. r yard up. and 53c. buys the very beit EXTRA UPER AfiL WOOL. 62c buys an excellent quality of tapestry, while So Uoc.buys the best velvets and body brussels re actively. Furthermore we have full lines in centre and extension tables, hall racks, book cases, ciuna closets, wardrobes, combination book cases and writing desk and everything that goes to make op a first class furniture store. While cleaning bouse you will doubtless want to bright en up the furniture, give it new lustre and make it look tTTT? V T TTT T? SJtc Vr" 80(1 et a Uk of Our I URMTURE POLISH which will do the work for you and you will be happy. Remember we have also full lines of dry goods, notions, groceries, to., &c., at correspond ingly low prices. Kindly favor us with a call and be convinced that the above are but a few of the many bargains we oner. F0DBTH.1ID IIBIEI STS. HATTER TROUSERS FROM S5.00. before all the different styles EL & BARMAN EE BE house, makes an opening for ferh a re suit, a new carrt or t nr and when these openin us in mind as thereon A v. ap- people who .vn the Least Mo ney, Co., iirM BLOOMSBURG, PA. 1