THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA.' HOME-MAOg PIUTEB. now a Vary CkMf On Can n OTiWlt From a llarreL WTii rfiln water la used for drink Iu and housvbuld purpuHca, it Hhouli bt fllfrrod. Very Rood niter Tor the purpoHo oau be obtained In almost evwy town. TIhwo who ptvror toiwve tli eiwt by maWnur thirown fllur will 11ml the nooonipanyluK wktoh and d MTiptfon uegtlvo. A barrel or luiJf Jxiwl may be tiacd, nrdlw,'ly an lurpo or mnallw quantitta of water are required. It nmd not lx now, only water tight and clean. On Iwad In rwnovod aud In it Is w a wedired shaped box, as auow-n In the wttloual view herewith. The top of the tlltwf Jr-r r?, it teas 7T:y.vv. box projoots four lnohea nbovo th Wtvl. Four iuehc from the bottom of the filter box la a doaely-fltted bot tom of wood or slue perforated with small holes. Above this perforated bot tom are placed four luolie of i-haio Nil, a layer of the oourawt pkvoa nt the bot tom. If gravel Is obtainable a layer or two or three Inrhua deep may Ihi put iu over the charcoal. Pour in the water, and If the charcoal hu boon wll pressed ia pVnce the water will filtor slowly throtih. A faucet is placed near the bottom of ttM barrel ts Hhowu. Two of the lowor t-dites of the fflterbox ore deeply notched to al low the frets escape of the altered water as It oonis through the p f orated bottom. Aurhor ot Amerlrnn Sharp llunhamlrr- As sure as one and one am two I he nheep for the farmers Is one coin MiiIuk In a liltrh dejrreo a kohI mature oart'ass at two years old uud a floeo; of clean, strong. Mvely wool that will wel'h ten pound or more. Men with such ahep Lave not beeu eoiuplululug of hard times during the kiM.five yoars. Nor are such sheep hard to find by auy uieuri.s. tjood hm'p, pxnl pastures, good breertVntr. iphmI man njromont in tfood bands have less com petition than tt) opjKwite kind of slMiep and care given. The or dinary wool grower wants to heed tlrla. He haa need of Kotttn oirtalde, above tlw claw lie wmplalna of. It la better beyond where the best products are offered in tho markets. Mutton-sheep raisers want all tbey oan ir't for their wool aa well as mutton, but mutton-raisers say least. There has been a rainbow In sljrbt all toe time for them. Accuracy aud Mrimnrlnif. Many farmer work too mnon by ttHtwiuR. Tliey do not know tho num ber of acres iu ctich Hold, or bow large a piece of laud has bta plowed in a day. I3y knowing the bivadth of a lot, one may know the width of each acre, the quautity of seed required, nnd the product per acre of each crop. The implements to Us used, may be a two-rod surveyor's chain or a pocket tape line, a pole eleveu feet long, three lotigths of which make tvo rods, yard sticks graduated, aud a small pocket rule for measuring the s!ze of fruit and roots and for other purposes. A frequent use of tueae measures en ables the owner to Judge with much accuracy of the distance measured by parlug or band measuring. Lower California. Lower California, an Immense ror rltory of 20.12 square milca, contains only 21,000 Inhabitant, of which per liaps 1,000 are foreign. As yet it has no telegraphs or cables, aud sometimes it is aq entire month without receiv ing news from the outside world. This territory has long been noted for the variety of dyes which It produces, such as orehilla woed, etc., but the tovote tree bark, recently discovered, huj? come into great damand, and soveral large shiploads have boon exixrted to Europe. As yet there seems to le but little demand for the article in the United States, although It ifi cheap er than orehilla and other dyes, pro ducing in its natural state a dark red color, which Is quite indelible. It 1 now collected aud sold in the market of La Paa at $1 to $1.50 per 100 pounds and the supply seems to be enormous. Slutl-Hemp. Slsal-hemp culture Is making marvel Mir progrens In' tho Kahamns. Capl talLhts from (tis-at Krltiilii. Canada, and Newfoundland Ixiiighf 120.000 acres of goverument lanil last year, nd are putting it into sisal, but the government has declined to kcII more land at present. I'nlmproved -private lands can be bought for from jS to ?12 ier acre. It is believed tiiat in a short time the exports, which now average about JOOO.(XH), will run up into the lnllllouti. Sisal plants are In great demand, uud the price 1ms ad vanced from six to thlrty-ix cents .per doaen. A plantation once started neoU no replanting for several years. Quantities of old plants have Intcly een discovered on some of the Flori da keys, which suggests a trial of tho ticmp industry iu Southern Florida. Blaok Walnut. To raise black wulnut trees, gatlHr the uuts when fully ripe this foil and plant them in rows, dropping 11 Tery trlx Inches, covering two or three Inches deep. If the soil is light aud Try rich, the seortHngs will produce a larger number of fibrous roots than If 'lamed on a navy clay or loam. TVhen the seedlings are one year old llg up and cut awny about one-half the length of the tap-root and then lUmt in nursery row, placing the plants alxmt two feet uptut In the wws, and the rowa should be ot least four foet apart to admit of cultivating the trees wjtb plow and cultivator. VVhcHi the trees have reached a he ight f from four to six ft dig up and CIant thera where wanted urouud your 4 t : i Legal Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALE. tiy vlrtuoot sundry writs of Fl. Fa. IwniPd out of the court of Common Pleat of Columbia County, I'onriBylvatila, and tome directed, will De expowd to public suIr tt tUe Court llotw, uioomsburg, on MONT) A V, SEPTEMBER s4, 189.4, at t o'clock p. m.( tho following : All that d'l-tiiln IneBsutfre, teneiaout nnd tract, of land, nltriate In the Townililp of Miull son, County of Columbia and (Mate of I'euimyt vanla, bouiidnd as follows, to-wlt: BcKlnnlng at a walnut (formerly t Sptulsb oak) thonuo by lands now belloved to be of Abrahum Brondfs UBlrs, formorly John Allen, nortli Hlxty-elglit and t half dpgne west nineteen and tlirco trutlis perclics to a post, lueuce by land now believed to be ot HtiKh MiCollum (In old deed John A. FiiDMton) south thirty-eight and a half degrees west forty perches to a post, thonee south slxty-clxht and a half degrees east nine teen and three-tenths perches to a post, at the Dig rona, thence along said rood and land be lleved to be of the heirs of Abraham Broadt (In old deed John Allen) north thirty-nine degrees east forty perches to the place of beginning, containing FIVE ACRES OF LAND. Tract No. 4. Beginning at a post, In the above mentioned lot at the said big road, thence by said road south thirty-nine degree west twelve perches to n post, thence by land believed to bo ot Hugh Mt'Collum (In old deed John A. r uns ton) north slxty-throe degrees west, thirteen and four-tenths perches to a ost, tliem:e by the snuio nurth thirty-nine degrees east twelve perches to a post, thence by the aforesaid lot south sixty-three degrees east thirteen and tour-tenths perches to the place of beginning, continuing ONE ACRE OF LAN P. Tract No. 3. Beginning at a post a corner l lleved to be of Wllllurn iBntber's helm (in old deed land or Jacob Mei'ollnin) thence by said land noi th thli ty-elght and a half degn-es east twenty niches to a post, thencu noi tu fifty. oue d -trees west one perch to a post, thence by said Und nnd laud believed to be of Conrad Kramer (In old deed land of Caleb Thomas) noun thlrty-clght and a half degrees east Be v. enty and one-third perches to a post, thence by laid lund north forty-nine and a half degrees west lorly-hvo and a half perches to a post, thence by the road leading from J. Allen's to Smith's &c, south thlity-elght and a half de grees west eighty-two and one-third perches to a post, thence by land believed to be of Katie A. Welllver and Hurst stout (In old deed land of John Allen and James stout) south liny tie grees east, nine and nine-tenths perches tot post, thenee by lot ot the said Stout south thirty-eight, and a half degrees west tlghty eluht perches to a post at the side of the state Koad lending from C'atawlssa to Muacy, thence by said road south fifty degrees east six perches to a post, thence across said road and by land of wisher south forty-four and a half degree! west twenty-onu poiches to a post, thence by lands believed to be of Daulel Weill ver's heirs (In old deed land of H 1 park) south fifty degrees east seven and a half perches to a post, thence by the same south forty-four and a half degrees west sixty-seven uud three tenths percties to a post, thence by land be lieved to be of Samuel Johnson (In old deed l'h. welllver) south mty degrees east sixteen and six-tenths perches to a post, thence north forty, nluedegrees east three aud seven-tenths perches to a post, thence siuth tltty-oue degrees east thirty perches to a post, thence by land bellev ed to be of Hurst Stout, Uuvld Phillips aud others (lu old deed land of Adam Welllver) north forty nine degrees east seventeen perches to a post, thence by tho same north forty-three degrees west twenty-ulue and six-tent lis perches to a post, thence north fort y-nlne degrees east sixty two perches to a post at the aforesaid State Hoad, thence by tho same south fifty degrees west one arid seven-tenths perches to the plucc of beginning, containing 40 ACRES AND 54 PERCHES of land, more or leas. Tract, No. t. All that certain real estate sit uate In the Township of Madison, aforesaid, bounded by lands of Amanda Watson, deceased, other lands of John Swisher, lauds of Abraham Brondt's heirs, from which It Is separated by a public road and other containing FOUR ACRES, being the same tract of land which, under pro oeedlngs In the orphans' Court ot Columbia county, were sold to John Swisher by D. A Watson, guardian, dec, and conveyed to him by Indenture dated March 16, 18H1, and subsequent ly vested In Mary M. Phillips by deed dated January 30, if si. Also, all that certain mess uage, teueiut-nt and tract ot land situate In Hsdlson township aforesaid, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a cor nor of a public road and lands ot Mrs. A, Phil Hps, thence by said land south forty-Dine de grees east two hundred and nine perches to a corner of lands herein before described thenteby said lauds south forty-eight and a half degrees west forty-five and two-tenths porches to a cor ner on lands of Samuel Johnson, thence by the same north forty-eight degrees west sixteen and six-tenths perches to said public road, thence along said road to the place of beginning, containing 5 ACRES AND 35 PERCHES of land, formerly the property of Daulel Welllver, deeeased, and conveyed to Henry O, Phillips by the heirs of said Daniel Welllver, deceased, by their Indenture dated the autli day of July, is), and by Henry O. Phillips and Sarah A. his wife, conveyed to Mary M. Phillips by deed dated the .1Uth day of January, 18S6. The said tracts above described constituting one entire tract upon which is erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, barn and other outbuildings. ALSO : All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Madison township. County ot Columbia, aud state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : On the north and east by lands of Henry Kramer, on the south by Sam unl Johnson, on tho west by Mrs. Jane Old, containing 6 j ACRES OF LAND, more or leos, whereon Is erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, frame bara and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ol Mary M. Phillips vs. Henry ( Ort, and to be sold as the property of Henry O. Ort. JOHN MOl'UKV, Sheriff. Wintikbtiin, Attorney, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Kutateqf Jltvtiael nderolf, oVixiucd. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' court of Columbia County to make dlstrlbu'lnn of money lu the bunds of 1). B. FeUerolt, administrator, aa shown by bis Hist and snunud account, will tit at his olllee in mnnirmimrir. on Monday. Seotember IT, 1KU4, at 9 o'clock a. 111., to perform the duties of his ap pointment, when and whore all persons having claims against said estate must appear and pruve the same, or be debarred from coming In on s. Id fund. lit U itUUt --'' 8-81-tU Auditor. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ, of Alias Kl. Fa. Issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, will be exposed to public sain at the court House, lsioomsburg, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1894 at 3 o'clock p. m the following. A lot of land situate In the township of Jack son, In said county, being the late residence of Matthew Mcllenry, deceased, being lot No. 3 In the division of his property by the slid Mat thew, and containing 84 ACRES AND 137 PERCHES, more or less. Being the same lan 1 devised to said Miles A. Mcllenry br said Matthew, by will dated September 8H, 1HS7. Seized, taken Into execution at. the suit of Mary K. Covanbovan vs. Miles A. Mcllenry, and to be sold at the property ol Miles A. Mcllenry, JOHN MOI KKV, SherllT., Attorney. SHERTSSM By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court ot Common rieas of Columbia County Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, will be ex posed to public sale at the Court House, Blooms burg, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 34, 1894 . at o'clock p. in., the following : All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In Madison township, county of Columbia, nnd state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Silas Weill ver, Mercy Johnson and Cyrus Dcmot t, on the east by P. A. Kvnns, on the south by P. A Kviins and on the weal by Krastus Uendershot. 8. B. Johnson ami Maiiah E. Smith, containing SIXTY ACRES, more or less, whereon Is erected a FRAME HOUSE, barn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution nt, the suit of William lilugles vs. ValeiiHne Welllver and Daniel Welllver, and to be sold as the property of Valentine Welllver anil Daniel Welllver. JOHN MorUEY, SherllT, Ikri.rr, Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Faelas Issued out of the Court of Common Pluus of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and to luedlrected, will be exposed to public sale at tho Court House Bloomsburg. on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1894, at i o'clock p. m the following : All that certain tract ot land situate In the township of Mount Pleasant, In the County ot Columbia, State or Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone In line of land of heirs of Samuel Selbert, deceased, and running thence by the same south five degrees east forty-two and elglit tenths ptrches to a stone, thence south twenty- three degreos west thirty perches to a stone, thence by land ot John Hoffman, south two degrees east fifty-four perches to a stone, thence by lands ot Howard o rimes, John K. Mordan and William Oman north forty-two degrees west one hundred forty-eight and two-tenths perches to a stone, thence by land of Thomas C. Oman, north seventy-two nnd one-half de grees east forty perches to a stone, tlience south forty-six and a ipiarter degrees east sevonteen and three-tenths perches to a stone, thence north slxty-slx and three-quarter de grees cast thirty-one and two-tenths perches to a stone, and thence north elght.y-slx und three-nuarter degrees east twenty-two and eight-tenths perches to the place ol beginning, containing 40 ACRES AND 90 PERCHES, strict measure, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Henry K. Oman, Executor ot the last will and testament of George Oman, deceased, now to the use of Henry F. Oman and A. II. White vs. David Oman, aud to be sold as tho property of David Oman. JOHN MOl'ltEY. Sheriff Evkkt, Attorney. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale at the Court House, Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1894, at 4 o'clock p. in., the following: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Benton, lu the town, ship of Benton, fu the County ot Columbia, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded nud described as follows, viz: Beginning at a corner by tho public road up Flshlngcreek, a corner of lot No, 87, thence by said road north tweuty-eigiit and a quarter degrees east three rods to a corner by an alley, thonce by said alley south slxty-ono and three-quarters degrees east thirteen and tour-tenths rods to a comer at an alloy, thence by said alley south twenty-eight and one-quur tir degiees west three perches to a corner ot the northeast corner of lot No. 87, thenee by t ild lot north slxty-ono and three-quarters de. g-ees west thirteen and tour-tenth rods to the place of beginning, coutalnlug FORTY SQUARE PERCHES of land, strict raoasure, (it being lot number thirty-eight (8S) In the north part of Benton, laid out by Iilchard stiles In 1H70) on which Is erected a two-3tory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, stable and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of A. P. Kester vs. George w. Ulrlemau. aud to be sold as the property of George W. lllrleman. JOUN MOl ltKY, bherlff, WfNTKRSTEBK, Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Float of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale at the Court Uouse, to Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1894, at i o'clock p. m., the following 1 All that certain piece or tract ot laud situate In Orange township, oa the public road leadlag trow bloomsburg to Benton and a fourth mile above Light street, whereon It erected a tine DWELLING HOUSE, barn, stable aud hoy pen sud oilier outbulldlugt with a good variety of One fruit; being bound ed on the north by lands ot II. W. Vasdersllce and Harry Seesholti, east by Wra. Brake, Mrs. H. Uartman and late I. W. MoKelv), south by A. Custer, and west by B. A 8. u. M. and H. W. Vandersllce, containing 70 ACRES, more or less, ALSO-at the tame time and place 160 ACRES, more or less, unseated lund, situate In centre and Fishing- creek townships, bounded by landi ot Widow Barrett on the north, Isaao Helchart on the east, C, Wagner et. al. on the south, and CI. M. Lockard on the west. seued, taken into execution at the suit of Win. Krlckbaum vs. John W. Hoffman, and to be told at the property of John W. Hoffman. JOHN MOl KEY, Sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE -OF VALUABLE-- Real Estate. In pursuance of an order ot the orphans' Court of Columbia county, Penna., the under signed, one of the administrators ot the estate of Sylvester Pursel. late of the township ot Hemlock, In said county, deceased, will exposo to public sale at the homestead ot said deceas ed on tract below-ment lonert as number one, In said township of Hemlock, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER iS, '94, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of laid day, the following described real estate, to-w It : , No. 1. A tract of land, homestead of said de ceased, situate In said Hemlock township, bounded by lands of Isaac (. Pursel, estate of Mrs. Mnry t'nangst, deceased, other lands of said deceased and Iteuben n. Guild, containing about, 1-JII ACItKS, nndrlghty perches, moro or less. I'pon this tract there are a largo STONK DWKI.L1NU HOpMK, with kitchen, etc., a wooden tenant or farmer's house, a large frame bank band with straw shed, wagon shed, nnd other out buildings. It Is largely under cultivation, has apple orchard and other fruit trees, and Is well watered situ ated about two nnd one-hulf miles from Blooms burg. A grant or loase of Iron ore etc., therein held by William Neal and sons or ot hers. No. 'J. A tract or piece of land adjoining the abive mentioned tract No. 1 on the. eastward, and bounded by the same, nnd lands of Peter A. Evans and others, containing about W AC'KEH, all, or nearly all under cultivation. A irrant, lease, or reservation of Iron ore, etc. therein, held by tho BloomHburg Iron company or others. No. . A tract of unseated land. In said Hem lock township, bounded by lands of Isaac tt. Pursel, Keuben U. Guild and others, containing S3 ACHES and fifty-four perches, more or less. A grant, lease, or reservation of Iron ore, etc. therein, held by William Neal and sons, or others. No. 4. A certain piece. lot, or parcel of ground, situate lu Wedgeiown, said township of Hemlock, continuing on' -fourth ot uo Here, more or less, bounded on tho north by un alley, south and east by road, and west by public road leading from Bloomsburg to Jerseytown, upon which there are a one and a half story DWELLING HOUSE, frame stable and well of water with fruit trees, etc. No. 5. A tract of unseated land In said Hem lock township, bounded by lands of Hugh D..Mc Briile, I. G. Pursel and others, containing :S8 ACKES and sixty-nine perches, more or less. In which the decedent owned the undivided one-hair of the surface and the undivided one-fourth of the Iron ore. Grants or leases, or reservations of Iron ore, etc. therein, held by William Neal and sons, U. D. McBrlde, 01 others. Tract No. 1 Is a desirable and valuable farm property, located conveniently to market. No, a Is a valuable and conveniently located t rnct or farm land. No. 4 Is a village dwelling properl y. Nos. 8 and II are wood tracts. All the right, title and Interest ot the said deceased, In aud to the aforesaid lands will be exposed to sale as aforesaid. Tksmb op Sali : Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the strik ing down of the property ; the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the confirmation or sale; and the remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with interest from confirmation nisi. All crops In t he ground reserved. Purchaser to pay for deed. F. D. DENTLEU, it. Administrator. P. O. Bloomsburg, Pa AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Hntat 0 .Samuel Adam, deceased. Notice la hereby irlven that the imderslcrnert Auditor appointed by the Orphans' court or Columbia county to distribute the fund In the handset Jeremiah Snyder, Administrator cum testamento annexo of the estate of Samtul Adams, deceased, will sit at the ortlee of V. . Hhawn, Esq., lu the Town of C'atawlssa, In said County 011 the loth day of September, iwn, at teu o'clock A. M.. to oerform t lie duties of I. Is said appointment s when and where nil parties Interested may appear and present their claims or be forever debarred from coulag lu 011 said fund. 8-17-tt, It. RI SH ZAHH, Auditor. CHARTER NOTICE, Notice Is herebv irlven that an nrDlleatlon will be made to the Governor of i'enusMvanla on the 18th day of epteinber 18UI, by Joliu K. Lockard, ueorge M. Loekarn, nieliard w. Os wald, Grant Herring and William 1. Mek-s, un der the Act of Assembly, approved April -.tith, 1871, entitled "An act to provide for the Incor poration and regulation of oerlulu corpora tors," and the supplements thereto, for the charter or an Intended corporation to tie called "The Bloomsburg Cur Manufacturing Com pany," the character and object of w hich are a corporation for the purpose of manufacturing Iron or steel, or both, or of any other metal, or of any article of commerce from metal or wood, or both, as provld' d by Paragraph IV. clause 17, Section 1 of the Act of Will of April. 171, and for these nurnoses to have, oosschs. and en joy all the rights, benefits nnd privileges of said Act of Assembly and supplements thereto. mt A. vr ubiiKi.x., 8-34-lt. Solicitor. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice Is hereby irlven that an apr llcatlou will be made to the court ot Common riead of Columbia county, on Wednesday, the Ciiib day of September, A. !., IStfl, al, ten o'clock In the forenoon, under Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorooratton and regu lation of certain corporations," approved April M, 1874, and tho supplements thereto, by A. '.. Schoeh, J. C. Brown, Paul E. Wirt, P. S. Ilar- mnn, Frank ikeier, c. w. runaton, .losepti Haul. W. s. Mover, and others, for the runner of an Intended corporation to be called " The Bloomsburg Club, the character and object of which Is of a social nature, and for these pur poses to have, possess, aud enjoy all the lights and benetlts nnd privileges conferred by the Act of Assembly aforesaid, and Its supplements. iin.ii. r.i.vt iu.!,, FKED IKKLKlt, 8-81-lt. Solicitors. NOTICE. To James Boone and allwhom It may concert). Take notice that a petition has been present ed to the Court of Common I'leas of Columbia County, sotting forth the execution by Joshua Hause. of a mortiraire ou a traot of land la the Township of Bloom, County of Columbia, retina., uounaea oy me nusquensiina river, oy lands late of Beujamln Boouu I lauds of Samuel Boone, and lands of Thomas Mulone, contain ing 10b acres, and allowances ; payable to James Boone : to secure payment of junto in six suc cessive annual payments of ri00 each, begin nlug A. 1)., lsai. Said mortgage being ree.iril"d In the office for recording deeds, &c, at Blooms burg. In Mortgage Book No. U, page 86, c, and that by reason of lapse of time the legal pre sumption of its payment exists, and no salts factloi appears on the record thereof: and praying tne Court to decree satisfaction ot Bald mortgage 10 oe eutereuoi recoru, iu me event, of linii-mmearanco of anv nerson to answer the said petition at the next term of said Court to wn: ine nrsi return uay 01 rtepwmner 1 erui. 1891. JOUN MOl ltKY. Shkkikh Orrics, snerlT Bloomsburg, Pa., August, SS W4. 8-'.M-4t, NOTICK stiller ii un ci'j u'cii ,1111, , 110 iimi.'ti ink lie- count has been tiled In the court of ( imiiiion U( . ... . l . .1 ..,.,,,,' ..nH will In, .... l-lis ui 1 uiiiinuin tuutnj mm 1,1,1 m- j,i ,-.-v-u i,'U the said Court on the last Monday of Scptem- VVl Jt 1'., ic-a,, 1,11,1 i.wmii u.rii in.-,, nun iiiii,':9 exceptions are tiled within four days tliereailer will hu ...Mill riimil iilwnllit. A. 11., is). nnn connrmeu i.isi, ami unless The llrst and partial account of A. P. Young, Trustee of Amanda Cox. I'Him nntee. G. M. OTICK. -PROFESSIONAL CARDSJs N. U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, fcfrt. Ent't Building, Court Ilousa Alley, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNBV-AT-LAW, Fast OfTk-e Building, and floor, BLOOMSBUKG, FA C. W. MILLER, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Wirt's Building, tnd flow, BIAJOMSBURG, PA. John ii. khrik. JOHN O. HAKMAN FREEZE & HARM AN, ATTOHNEYS AND COUNSELLOK8 AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Centre St., llrst door below Opera Uouse GEO. E. ELWELL, ATTORNEY-A TLAW, CotuintiUo Building, 2nd floot; BLOOMSBURG, P.s. VM. H. MAGILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, p. Office in M. E. Ent's building. W. II. SNYDER, ATTORNEY- T-LAW, Office 2nd floor Columbian building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Columbian Building, 2nd flooi BLOOMSBURG, PA. THOMAS B. IIANLY, ATTO RNEY-A T-LAW, Mrs. Ents' Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. M. V. WHITS. A. N. TOST, WHITE & YOST ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Wirt Building, Court House Square. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, and Floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRED IKELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office back of Farmers' National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. R. RUSH ZARR, Attorn f.y-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office in Clark's Block, corner of and and Centre Streets, l-I3-'94 V. A. EVERT, Attorney-At-Law. BLOOMSBURG, PA. ,unice over Farmers' Natlonul Bank, In Mrs. hut's Building.) l-lS-'lM. JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICX Of THE PEACE, Moyer Bros. Building, 2nd floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. IL MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INSURAXOI AJTD REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office in Lockard's Building. BLOOMSBURG. PA. B. FRANK ZARR, , ATTORMIY-AT-LAW, Clark't Building, cor. Main aiui Oatxa Stfc, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. t"Caa be consulted in German. W. II. RHAWN, ATTORNXY-AT-UtW, OfSot, corner of Third an4 Man 6txaiat CATAWISSA, PA, J. a McKELVY, M. D.t SURGEON AND rHYSICXAM, Ofc, North aid U4a St, below hUrkrt, BLOOMSBURG, PA. D. J. C R UTTER, THYSiCXAK AND SUXOXOV, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. SrtciAL Attention to Diskaskb orCBii.pttx H. 'MERMAN, M. D. nOMCEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN AND SUMOBON orrtci nocKS: Oflloe & Residence, SUj V. td. BU Until a.m., BLOOMSBUBO, PA. 1 to 4 and r to S r. u. S. B. ARMENT, M. D. Office and Residence No.. I A. West Fifth DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND NOSB SPECIAL!. 8 to 10 A.M. B LOOMSBUHG, orrtcR no t 110 1 r.jn. to 9 Y. M. PA. DR. ANDREW GRAYDON, physician and suroeok, Bloomsburo, Pa. Office and rerldtrce In Piof. Wtller't Dooae MARKET STREET TELEPHONE. DR. J. R. EVANS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Treatment of Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Office corner Third and Jefferson street. BLOOMSBURG, PA. IIONORA A. ROBBINS, M. D, Office, West First Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. WSecial attention given to the eye and the fitting of glasses. J. J. BROWN, M. I)., Market Street. Eloomsburo, Pa. THE EVE A SPECIALTY. Eyes treated, tested, fitted with glasses and Artificial Eyes supplied. Hours 10 to 4. Telephone Connection. DR. M. J. HESS, Graduate of the Philtdelpb: Dental Col lege. Office and floor front, I.ockard't Build ing, corner of Main and Centre Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Dentistry in all its branches, Work jrtmr ailteed as renrexmtrA V1, -nt -ji ministered or electric vibrator and Local Anxstnetict used for the painless extraction of teeth free of chirpe ) are inserted' Lockard's Building, and floor, Comer Main and Centre. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, SL UG EON DENTIST, Office, Barton's Building, Main below Market Bloomsburg, Pa. All styles of work done in a tuperior manner, and all work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAUI, by the use of Gas, and free of charge bi initial teem are inserted. b"To he open all hours during the day. DR. C. S. VAN HORN, DENTIST. Office corner of East and Main streets, op. turn, uuil. Oltlce hours 8::to to iu a. m ; S to 5 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C, WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. P. Uartman Itenrpsentu twoiva i,r ti, . les In the world, among which are : """P" CASH TOTAL BrBPMja w , ,, ...... vtriTAl.. IHHEIV, CTII All. Franklin of Phlla.. fioo,ouo RiWf Sl,oeS,so Penn'a. 1'hlla 400,neo 8,825,180 Vtse Queen. of N. Y. 500,000 a.&,15 1 rSiS N. America, Phlla. 3,000,000 ,Vso,88 STO OFFICB IN I. W. MOKKLTT S STOBI. WLosses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS TO FHEAS BHOWH) INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND BROKERS. ' O N. W. Corner Main and Centre.. Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. o , Represent Seventeen as good Compan ies as uierc are in tne world and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. CHRISTIAN. F. KNAPP,'"" FIRE INSURANCE, ." BLOOMSBURG, PA. ' Home, of N. Y.; Merchants of NewtA, N. J. ; Clinton, N. V. ; Peoples', N.Y.jRetd ing, Pa ; German American Int. Co., New York; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York; Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well w toned by age and fire tested, and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in solid securities, and liable to the hazard of fire only. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted and paid as soon at determined, by Christian F. Knapp, Special Agent and Adjuster, B looms, burg, Pa. ' The people of Columbia county should DattOnie ttlR ncrsni-u u.k... I 11 . . h J ii WIT. -,v UHU pttm ,y one ol their citizens. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Jamks McCloskey Proprietor, (Opposite the Court House) lll.OOMSBURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms, hot nnd cold water, aid all modern rnm-eniiMicps. ST. ELMO HOTEL MAIN STREET NEAR IRON, Havine purchased this hotel from J. L. Gixton, I respectfully ask a fair share of public patronage. The house is proviHeu with all modern conven iences, the table is supplied in first class style, and the bar is stocked with tine wines, liquors and cigars.' ' H. F. Lietterich, ' PROPRIETOR Eec , S yr Aug. 1,181)4. Proihy.