The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 03, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Dralrable Tacni; lntnand number of good
Hon and lot n Plooinxnurg. 1" The lies I
feulnpfm stand In H.-nusburg. A vory deslnt
Me property coir. '' rii lit acres ami tlrst cIuhs
nuWiTB with K'toU will In a business woilu
nwo to tiBOO per your ut Willow uroTe.
DwelUwc In Hspy. Orannovllle and Beach
Raven. A large number of tarnis In Columbia
Oounty, one in I. . n County, one In Virginia.
Two Country mre Nlands In Columbia County
Ml one in Luzerne County. A water power
nianlns mill, dr- rtwU and lumber yard and
hnla In Beach Uaven, Pa. Alao 10 acres ot
tood tarm land nt, auine place, by M. 1. LUTZ
BON, insurance and Heal Estate Agents,
baa Tery desirable furnished rooms for
young men. Hiuh room adjoining, for use
Of oocupauu of the rooms. Call aud examine.
and constables at tne w
aamplesof metal, eellulold. woven and
ribbon badges lor all kinds ot orders anil so
cieties, aiidcan . them made to order on
abort notice, fce samples and get prices.
Address Th Coi.I'1iian. bloomsburg. Pa.
has been printed, and Is for sain at t his
office, covers evcrj llilug. 5 cents eacli or 40
cent a dozen. If.
J ust lees and constables can procure copies
or fee bill under t n act of lsi, at Thk Coi.i m
BiAHOflice. It Is printed In pamphlet form,
and Is very convenient, for reference. It also
contains the act it !W concerning Hie destruc
tion of wolves, wildcats, foxes ami minks. They
will be sent by mnll to any address on receipt
of cenla In statuns. if.
, , lectins. Ex per'nee
rtot necessary. M ' inly employment. Uetd terms.
Write at once aud secure choice of territory.
S44m Kocbesler, IN. Y.
Interesting Items From Various Points in
the County. Reported by Our Staff of
East Benton.
the vuahto cektenxiai.
Last Friday a large audience as
sembled at the grove belonging to E.
M. Laubach, ol Forks, pursuant to a
call for a reunion of the membership
of the Reformed people of the Orange
ville charge in honor of the twenty-fifth
anniversary of Rev. Houtz's pastorate
of said charge. Of the ministers pres
ent of the Wyoming classis we noticed
Rev. Schoedler, of Turbottville ,; Rev.
neiffenbachcr, of Strawberry Ridge ;
Rev. Brandt, of Eloorasburg ; Rev.
Sorber, of Watsontown ; Rev. Noll,
President of Wyoming classis, with
several others whom we cannot men
tion, and Rev. Goodrich, of 'Clear
spring, Md., and Dr. J. C. Bowman,
Prof, of Lancaster Theological Semi
nary. In the several addresses the
union was characterised as the "silver
wedding " of the ptstor and his peo
ple, and of the mutual relations exist
ing between them as of the most cor
dial and agreeable, and from all pres
ent appearances as enduring as the
marriage relation between man and
wife. The sacred songs and poems
prepared for the occasion, addresses
and toasts were reministic, historic,
appropriate, and highly eulogistic. A
purse of twenty-five dollars was pre-
sented to the pastor. Rev. Houtz, in
the name of the charge by Rev. Noll.
The presentation address and response
were impressive and effecting. This
gift was in appreciation of the valu
able and acceptable services rendered
by the pastor. The program was not
yet fully carried out when the sudden
and unexpected benediction in the
form of sharp thunder claps dispersed
the audience pell mell without further
ceremony or the usual formalities of
good-by hand shaking and " come see
us soon," &c.
The severity cf the drought is con-
only 25 cents to
buy a glass vial of
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets but then
you get a lasting
benefit and a perma
nent cure of your
Bilious or Sick Head
ache, Constipation or
Indigestion, loss of
appetite, and all those
irouoies winch- follow
a disordered liver.
The time to treat an
inactive liver is before it
becomes a disease. If
those tiny Pellets were in
every day use people
would be germ - proof.
The germs of disease
make their entrance to
the system through the
liver vour health and
well-being depends on the liver.
If you suffer from wind and pain
In the stomach, giddiness, costivc
ness, disturbed sleep, you get imme
diate relief from the use of " Pleas
ant Pellets." '
They're guaranteed to give satis
faction, or money returned.
I .1111 SRS
r i
sidered as extreme and the weather as
the hottest ever experienced for so
long a time in this locality.
Many hard and refreshing showers
have passed to the north and south,
east and west of us, while we have
here a section of territory of extremely
dry weather, livery thing seems to
be drying up.
Last Friday afternoon a small cloud,
insignificantly small, comparatively
speaking, presented the most astonish
ing phenomenon of cloud burst, or
down pour of rain and wind almost
ever witnessed in our life, at Stillwater
and vicinity. The cloud spread over
about two miles square and there hung
and exhausted its fury with Stillwater
village as the storm center. After it
quit raining there was no trace of the
passing storm. The wind was terrific,
bordering to the fury of a cyclone.
We again happened in close proximity
of the storm centre. The remarkable
feature of this storm was that the
wind blew from the storm center in
every direction outward. Every lo
cality heard from outside of the storm
visitation expected the rain from the
course of the strong wind blowing
from the storm.
Several heavy showers passed a little
north and south last Saturday after
noon, still leaving our locality high
and d.iy.
A "ootr in- the mtAii" is quickly
ci:rpd liu Tie S
Catarrh Remedy. So
is Catarrhal Headache,
r.iid every trouble that
is caused by Catarrh.
So i.-i Catarrh itself.
TLo proprietors offer
?"00 in (iiiiih for .inv
ease which they cannot cure. Sold
by all dealers in medicines.
Commercial Summary,
It seems that wheat and the Treas
ury balances are not only low, and
lower, but lowest. During the past
week wheat ranged from 55 cents to
5OJ per bushel, while considerable im
provement appears in the price of
whiskey, it having reached $1.22 per
gallon. Of wheat Dun's Review says:
" Every effort to stop the downward
tendency cf prices proved unavailing,
and the week opened with a quotation
far below the previous low water mark
here, and September options sold
down to 53 at Chicago. When the
last hopeful rumor failed to stem the
tide there was a big break and forced
liquidation with few purchasers. Every
influence this week has been with the
bear traders. An estimate from Canada
places the yield per acre much larger
than last year. The news from Great
Btitain contradicted the earlier reports
of decrease in some localities, promis
ing an increase of about 20 per cent,
in the yield, ai,d even the heavy rains
in western Europe were considered
helpful to the growing crop. The re
ceipts at the West have been enor
mous, and with the smaller exports
mean a big increase in visible sup
ply for the week."
There is an admitted increase in
business during the past week. We
notice the commercial reviews like to
attribute it to the belief and hope that
nothing will be done with the tariff
bill this session. They admit, how
ever, that some improvement was to
be expected after the effects of the
strikes had passed.
What surprises the northern iron
manufacturers is the threat of the
southern plants to resume business.
This we suppose is deemed not in ac
cordance with policy, political, finan
cial or commercial. It may be, how-1
ever, that the Birmingham, Alabama,
iron plant is not in political sympathy
with northern manufacturers whose
only hope seems to lie in Republican
ascendency. On the whole manufac
tured products are without life it is
said. Anticipating favorable legisla
tion or rather no legislation lead is
said to bo looking up.
The boot and shoe business is also
said to be looking up, the figures show
ing greater steadiness in the traffic
than in any other industry. Makers
of cheap split boots are full of orders
for the whole season it is reported.
In the textiles also a more active
movement is noticeable. Here also
expectations regarding the tariff have
exerted an influence. ..
As to dry goods, the demand through
the mail has far exceeded the average
orders of this kind, and there is evi
dence of decided imnrovement all
along this line of trade."
In railroad stocks fluctuations are
reported as wider and business con
tinues small. '
Sugar has fluctuated violently during
the past week, but sold freely, the
manipulators having advanced the
price early.
The railroad earnings of the United
states snow a decrease ot 20 5 per
cent, as compared with corresponding
period ot last year.
There is a, total of 249 failures in
business as against 2S8 the week be
fore and 409 for the corresponding
week last year.
Three bank failures are also record
ed during the past week, namely the
Sherman .Bank of New York, the
Forks Deposit Eank of Beattyville,
Kentucky, and the First National
Bi'Mc of Grant. Nebraska.
Of commercial failures there is quite
a few, so to speak. Four failed for
amounts exceeding $100,000, and 213
failed for less than $5,000 each.
Married. '
On the 19th inst. at ths Reformed
p.irvmnrc in Orangcville, by IV-v. A.
ir.nnz, Mr. G U Knorr and Miss
Mr. v.l W. Trowbridge, both of Cenfc
A; t!;A Iicvse of the bride's parents
r.enr MilLiHe, by 'the Rev. C. IT.
Ilr.U'.d;, Mr. Geo. V. Maust, of jVi'
seytown, and Miss Jennie Kitchen.
i Use
and do it too in a way that he will like.
Every man that wears collars and cuffs
should know about the "CELLULOID "
Interlined. A linen collar or cuff coy
rred with waterproof " CELLULOID."
They are the only Interlined Collar
and Cuffs made.
They are the top notch of comfort,
neatness and economy. They will go
through the day with you in good
shape, no matter how hot or how busy
you get. You can clean one yourself
in a minute, without dependence on
busy wives, unskillful hired girls or un
certain and distant laundries. Simply
wipe them off.
livery piece is marked as follows :
You must Insist npon goods so marked
and take nothing else if you expect
If your dealer should not have them,
we will sonil you a sample postpaid on
receipt of price. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs
50c. pair. Give size, and specify stand
up or turned-down collar as wanted.
4'JT-39 Broadway. HEW YORK.
The China and Jarjan 'War,
gaging our government as mediator,
the prejudice is thought now to be too
deep for anything like peaceful abitra-
tion. It looks now as though compro
mise is completely out of the question
and that war to the knife (and from
knife to hilt) in all heathendom is in
evitable. Such a war, too, will most
likely seriously involve, through sym
pathy, policy, and prejudice other na
tions. It will also be apt to more or
less affect every nation on earth com
mercially and financially, politically
and morally. So far-reaching, indeed,
will be apt to be a prolonged war in
Being remote from the seat of war,
the United States should, as we woul
naturally suppose, be least injured and
most benefitted by an eastern war. It
it said to be " an ill wind that blows no
good," and it is quite possible that the
American Granger, even, may notice
its benficial effects. He will b2 very
apt to if one-half of the available sol
diers of China and Japan are called
into action against each other for any
length of time.
The latest from the seat of war, up
to time of this writing, is that
the Japanese have sunk a transport
carrying about 1700 soldiers and more
recently a Chinese battle-ship, one of
her best war vessels, besides capturing
two big cmiscrs. The Chinese boats
carried about a thousand men. In
each instance but few Chinese escap
ed with their lives after the Japanese
torpedoes struck their boats. Two
German officers who were in com
mand of the battle ship met death
with the rest of the crew and soldieis.
Thus the conflict has madly opened,
the news of which now speedily reach
es all Christendom by telegram across
the ocean.
Hostilities having actually begun,
and somewhat too suddenly to suit
China, and before we are fully aware
of the cause, we have gathered the
following information upon the mat
ter for the edification of our readers
and which we believe to be the gist of
the trouble.
The seat of the present conflict is
the Kingdom of Corea, a peninsular
province of China. It has teen so
badly governed as to incite rebellion
not unlike that of our own struggle
for independence against tyrannical
and intollerably oppressive rulers. The
causes are quite similar, though actu
ated from dissimilar religious and po
litical motives no doubt. God only
knows the weight of religious senti
ment and influence that may be a fac
tor in the matter, since the most no
ble and worthy evolutions have thus
far been wrought out in God's provi
dence through the terrible medium of
Whatever the ultimate effect may
be is, of course, only to be conjec
tured according to individual proph
ecy based upon what we may know of
past evolutions for man's common
betterment through war. But this fact
is quite apparent, namely, the Coreans
were stripped so clean of everything
by their tyrannical rulers called nobles
(no doubt gentlemen of leisure pos
sessed of a superabundance of wives,
wine and opium) that not even enough
to eat was left the poor serfs. As for
rats, rice and tallow, there is no infor
mation from the seat of war to show
that even they are within reach of the
hungry Coreans. And as to religious
innovations looking towards a more
merciful condition for these subjects,
they too, have met with disfavor, and
Christian missionaries are in immi
nent danger.
The lower classes in Corea have for
years untold been but littie more than
slaves to the so-called nobility. But
the exactions of the government of
late years have been particularly mean,
stripping everything they could scratch
out of tlm eaith away from them, and
so closely as to leave them actually
distressed with hunger for the little
and simple food they require to sus
tain life.
If the God who gave the cruelly
oppressed Children of Israel their lib
erty, and all other enslaved nations
from that clay to this, has for pity sake
come to the rescue "ven in heathen
lands, then all hell and heathendom
combined cannot successfully resist
the inevitable.
The present outbreak was therefore
the result of internal strife between
China and her subjects on the penin
sula of Corea, and because of oppres
sion. No less than 4,000 incendiary
Koreans took up arms against the gov
eminent and its officials; and they
succeed ;. in twice defeating the
ivins so '.1 lie rs ana in massacreing
many of the officials. The Coreans
in tain wtre also overpowered and
most cruel'- treated as rebels on sev
end occasions.
liut t'-iii Coreans have been so com
pletely -ro'jbed of everything edible
that the King's troops sent there soon
lind themselves hungry also.
The rebels are said to have the
fyrnpr.thv of the vast majority of
heathens cud Christians alike in Corea
as we'll as the fighting sympathy of
Japan. Japan carries an old teud
dau.ig bad; many years. And the
Formonan troubles of the past has left
1; ma'-c r.
Lost Her Arm Petting a Bear.
Mrs. Annie Fries, of Philadelphia,
had her right forearm amputated re
cently, as the result of petting one of
the bears belonging to the Zoological
Mrs. Fries, in company with
mother and sister in-law, drove to
Zoological Garden and passed
afternoon in viewing with interest
various forms of animal life there
After feeding the monkeys and jest
ing with the seals, their steps unfor
tunately strayed towards the bear pits.
At first the party threw peanuts to the
members of the ursine family from the
elevation above the pits, but eventual
ly determined to look at the bears
from a nearer point of view. Acting
upon this determination they descend
ed the steps that led to the lower
ground and found themselves direct
ly back of the bear pits, separated from
the animals only by a few iron bars
and a semi-circular guard rail. Even
this near distance did not satisfy Mrs.
tries desire to become better ac
quainted with the animals and she ac
cordingly climbed over the railing and
began to pat one of the brown bears
upon the head.
The animal seemed to relish the
operation and Mrs. Fries, turning
around to her sister-in-law. said :
" Come over here and see how soft he
is. I he animal evidently resented
this slur upon his character, for no
sooner had the remark been made
than he shut his jaws upon the caress
ing arm and held on like grim death.
1 he agonizing cries of Mrs I nes and
the alarmed shrieks of her frighten
ed companions speedily brought two
ot the keepers to the spot, but try as
they would they were unable to pry
open the beast's jaws, and were forced
to drag out the arm by main force,
badly lacerating it in consequence.
Mrs. tries, half fainting from fright
and loss of blood, was carried to her
carriage and driven as quickly as pos.
sible to the Jefferson Medical Hospi
tal, where it was deemed necessary to
amputate the arm at the elbow.
Iron Street,
F'irst-class accommodations for reg
ular and transient boarders. Good
stable attached.
If 1
Iff V
ur m m
for Infants and Children.
" Cattorta In no well iulptl to children that'
1 recommend It M (uperlor to any prescription
knows to me.' H. A. Archer, M. D.,
Ill 6a Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.JT.
"Til na of 'Caforl fa no nnlvcrml and
It meiita M well known that It Mvmii a work
of mipereroiratlon to endorne It. Few are the
Intelligent famlllea who do not keep Caotorla
within eaqr reach."
CiJUiOa Maattn. T). P.,
New York City.
Cantoris cure Colic, Cooirtlpatlon,
Row Ptomach, plarrhcea, Eructation,
Kill Worms, gtrea sleep, and promote A
Without Injurious medication,
'Tor Mrernt year I hare recommend
your 'CoKtorla,' and shiill always continue t
do so as It has lnrartably produced benefciif
results." '
Enwni T. TAnncs, M. P.,
ISSth Street and Tlh Avu., New York City
Tnie darrAm OontPAirr, 77 Mpkrat Rtrkst, View York Crrr.
Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, Fruits and Nuts
Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Fi esli Every Week.
F.F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Sole agents for the following brands of Cigars-
Hoary Clay, Londrcs, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silvsr Ash
Bloomsburg Pa.
We begin Special Sale for Ausrust. The last of dress goods prices put up
and are hanging around the store for your inspection. We have about one
dozen to look at, from 8 to 14 yards. 1 pongee, 1 sateen, 2 black, stripe
ginghams, 2 lawns, 1 percale, 2 zephyr lane, 1 dimity, 1 creponctt, 1 crop
moire ; others to follow. The chenille table covers are selling at our prices.
The summer corsets please and comfort the ladies at 45c. Our black, white
and tan mitts and gloves are good wearers. The laces and embroideries are
handy to be seen on the tables. Our yarns are beginning to sell. We have
new cotton flannels. Gloria umbrellas, 95c. Lace curtains, 50c, 75c
$1.00 up to $4.00 pair. 39c, 49c, 59c. and 69c. shirt waists, 25c. now.
Boys' shirt waists 5 to 13 years.
Kew Features, New Departments, A large Faculty, Positions for Competent Graduates-
&enaior luusmtea wauuogue. t . - wuujj, jtblsiwawi.
Corner Penn and Lackawanna Ares., SC3AH7Q2T, PA,
j ..f.c-s in heathenucm ; prej
in fret, go deep and l.srirg ns
'.cUiaS'.re, villi a,i its
U-rr-.,!s f. om
.1 r v
'1 1. -!;
bOiil n::;':
mane seuknicut of thu trouble by en-
the Chrirtim'a point of
'"...'t'ul gratification.
s j-rie ivmirrnt cuVt has
i.i 'jvh,; of peace and hu-
tht KIDNEY LIVER jss Bciu.?!.R
Headache, foul breath, tour stouiHch, heart
burn, pain Inchest, dysjx'pslu, constipation.
Poor Digestion.
nintiess after sating, paiu and bloating In th
stomach, gbortnuas of breath, pain tu the heart.
Loss of Appetite,
A splendid feeling to-day and :i depressed one
tn-ruoirow, nothing oeeuu to tustu good, ft red,
fleeces nnd uU uiiHtrunir, weakness, debility,
bwuiUltot bull. l. up quickly a run down
constitution and mukca the wciik stroitr.
anrimt!MTM) conbmU of One rtottle, If out beuuflted,
PruifUl will rt.fuud to yuu Uiv ju1c mid.
41 nruyclwtH, SOc. Clue, (1.00 Sire,
"InvalMt' CuJrio to llcajib" free. CVuvuttAtlun Am
Hit. KlUt&H & CO., ClNOUAJIIOS, N. Y.
Great Fire in Wisconsin.
Think, if you can, of a fire covering
an area of woodland a hundred miles
square and you will have some idea of
the destructive flames that recently
swept over a portion of Wisconsin and
entirely burned out the town of Phil
lips. So earnest and deep was the
sympathetic feeling in consequence
that three trains of provision, etc., was
sent to Phillips in charge of Governor
Peck and his staff. Many persons are
reported to have perished and conser.
vative estimates put the loss at $1,500,.
000. beveral other small places and
stations are reported as more or less
burned by the fierce flames that swept
through the Wisconsin pines.
The Mosquito Strip.
We should not wonder if it were so
that is the report about trouble in
the Mosquito territory and Bluefields
of Nicaragua. It is said, furthermore,
that the Mosquito chief is expecting a
renewal 01 the attack ; anticipating
it, the women and children have al
ready left. We learn from the same
source that the subjects of Corn
Island, having chartered a schooner,
are on their wav to Bluefields. Of
course matters are looking towards a
Dioociy encounter there soon.
hu 1 a
" Eschew other chews, and choose
to chew the chew that others choose
to chew," says a Mail Pouch tobacco
advertisement. Now, we don't like to
cruelly criticise astounding alliteration
when its free from insinuation and in
ferential prevarication. But if we in
terpret this copious and complex
language aright,' its wrong. Its wrong
in point of premises and its premises
are wrong in point, inasmuch as it is
apt to establish a base conclusion in
the . mind and mouth of innocent
"Pig Tail" and "Sunfish chawers" that
their sweet-scented chaws have already
been chawed by some body . ,
' . i .
. J he world no uoubt. owes a grett
many people a living ; but the rec
ords do not show that it ' ever has as
signed for the benefit of its creditors.
Opposite Opera Houss, Centra St..
Jamison City, J. P. Kennedy, Ilarber Shop.
Espy. . D. E. Miller. Barber Shop.
Catawissa, Dorr's Shce ll;iiisc.
H. P. Chambsrlin, Proprietor,
oners the bt-Ht business
education of any Institu
tion or ltd klud I'l t
count ry nt nuuiiimm w'
The nropileiora ai 1";
struclors with years or
experience and know tun
necessities ol the business
world. luntructlon s
thorough and praerlciil.
Collctfo biillUlllK 1 a t'11"
tliul st niotuie, well vent -lated
and possessed ol at
modem conveniences, uuii
Is located on Court llniHe
wiuaro. Will open alK'W
Kept. 4tli. our Journal
tells all about It. us a""
our inetliodit. Ccud "
your namo and you win
get It by mail.
Si Hi
Bsven fnnnm In Art, Phllnnnntiv ami R-trncc,
Civil, AliulHK, Kledrii-ul KuKiuccIlia
Mail Chemistry.
'all Twrm heiflns Wept. 13iii.
For Catalogue addreaa
TIII2 UKUHTIiAU, I'.u.loo. IVunu.