The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 13, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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It Considers the lieu th mml Danger
ous Anltnnl to Handle.
7h"frn hii kimrttrro for Ettropff, I
fm-uiiM quite wtH nctjiiulntttl with
Willintu rhil.'ult'U'hla. awl found It I in
a clxHTy, lUrlit-lusirtcd Uttlo man, a
unpretentious as pmudblu, arxl yot
W! to vxptn'.u tho tnystorkw of hi
t nioro Kiirly than nuy trarncr I
tmxts mot. And, imlcod, ho ought to
lv mime sihvIqI kiiowhiljTP of tlKorw
wl lloru, f.r be wns boru thlrty-nliio
ywirs aco hi u omo.ll nHtuwrk owimkI
hy hl frtt.lM-r. ftml hna beta tratulntt
vrfM lwn.ts nil hltt life. Not only wnf
hb father a tOiowmnTi before hlni, but
both his grand mother www allow
wonn, tho nie rrmklna much monoy
Iry pxlilliltiuK through KnroiH a black
mm brouvht from Afrlon. ami the
rthT dolus equally well with a trnlu
ed walrus in Uusslu.
rhlladelphln's (mittf-io-anx! father was
resident it rhllndelphln, wIuto lit
HtwI until wltMle life. Hta name wag
Jacob M-vr, tuij lie wo a Jew. ILiv
liw etnlrrii:ed to res-many, to estab
lish himself in business, he found H
prudent to r-hangp hits name ou ao
cotmt of the jre)ullce nvnhist hUmec
and he called himself Herr Philadel
phia In memory of the city which had
bu IUk homo. So it comes that er
many' most Aaxivg lion-tamer hna a
strain of American blood In his rctais,
although he eak but llttlo Kmrllsh.
rhllad'lilila'8 body Is covervd with
win, Kreot find small, made by the
rtaws and teeth of numberless wild
hBts. He met with bin nrt virions
MxHdent In (KWsa at the ne of
twenty, when a Russian lenr bit hiui
twice on the left U'g, the flrt time
miKlntr out a bljj plow from the
Jkwliy part of the thltfi. and the sec
ond nearly biting away hltt kthv. The
em-da and it '.( were so Injured as
to mine n j-'-vmainTit stiffness lu the
Jflnt and r- ciiitIhjj twlng of pain
t certain c'.npes In the weather.
ririladclphia was three months In
the hospital after this oxperhnee. and
then was throe months on crutches.
At another 11 'tie, when he was ivnly
evontoen. a. Kuselnn bear held hi in
by the for Ave minute, while
anotlier lxir fastened his fang in his
forearm. Although he has lieen bit
ten and sr-mt'-hed by almost every
pocle of wild animal, he considers
the bear much the most dangerous
bmast to trnin. and this Ihimusc of its
Hopea-Ior Intelligence.
"Why," he said, "If you whip a le.-ir
bo will lviiR'iiilior It forever and g-t
square with you some day." Cleve
land Moffett in' MeOlure's Magazine.
Her Flrxt Dinner.
Tilwrlie," tr'd the young wife ton
rtcrly, as sIm- kWwed him K'xxl-by, pi-e-pnratory
to his polnx downtown, "the
cook is takine a holiday to-day and
the dinner you will jret when yon come
hoax? will be entirely of my own oxik
lag. It will be ray first, Charlie, iiud
mui't It be lovey?"
Slw tw1tteid softly at the thought,
ftnd Charles turnM his raw away so
he conld not fm the lines uxn It, for
ho kjred this wife of his, ami would
not for worlds do or say aught to
wound her feel lugs.
"Dettghtful." he renponded. stroking
her mmht hair: "and I'll bring thoe
rood friends of onrs, tho pastor and
the physician, along to be with us."
"Oh, Oharlie." s?ie exclaimed, "don't
Tiring thein; bring some of the vounu"
"I'd rather hare them," he said.
"Now, dear," she pouted, "why not
do as I want you to do? Why do you
want them?"
Charles hesitated a moment, and
then took her hands In his own cares
fdiurly. "Because, sweetheart," he explained,
"this ts your first effort, and I'd feel so
much easier In my mind If they were
both bwe."-IVtroit Free PrHs.
' The Thirteen Kupitrntitlnti.
Tho lnevitnM tlrirtoen superstition
came up In a company of which I
was one The other day. In my own
xneriouce that foolish superstition
has been knxked out so often that I
rather enjoy sitting down to dinnef
with thirteen. Once I sat at tablu
with Sir Arthur Sullivan, the com
poMor, as host. There were thirteen
covors. It was the 13th of May and
the occasion was the thirteenth per
formance of Sullivan ad Gilbert's
"lolanthe." Of course nothing cam
of rt. Another time I dined with the
Thursday Cluh, of Philadelphia, at a
roadside Inn on thrt Wlsjahickou. It
was discovered that there were thir
teen at tablf. ah J. one of the iwirty
being tiperstltious, the landlord was unie In and make the four
teenth. He did so. and the result was
that lve and not one of the thirteen
died before the year wa out. This U
the nearest I ever came to having a.
Terifleation of the superstltlou within
my otiservatioti. Major Handy In
'Ulcago Inter Oeean.
An Odd Cruude.
5Irs. Annie Bewant's elixiuenee and
wlni-ority havu produced aouiethlug
like a revival of Hind-xrism whore
ever sho has gone in India a revival
npon tlie ancient Imsls rather than on
the modern principles now geuernlly
adopted by Hindoo wformers them
selves. The 'hrlstln niisslouaries
are girding 0:1 their armor against this
lierfervld proust in favor of Kastern
as against Western forms of faith.
"I plead to you for your, old faith."
runs otio of the quotations from her
prtvaclilng. "Be not ashamed of the
Jiueient worship, ne not recreant to
fle ancient faith." It is by such ap
peals to the national sentiment that
nxwt great movements have been in
itiated. Hy her eloquent use of them
Mrs. ItoNiint has sncceehHl In stirring
the hearts of her audiences to depths
never reached by a Western propa
gandlst in India. -London Times.
An (irt.1 Ilfffflmrnt.
Tn the Russian army there iv
jmrtVular ret I men t of Infantry of Jhe
EiisiK fonniil by IhnjK'rnr Paul, the
nieji of which nre recruited not u
iinifh with r. iriinl to their. lyelcht or
tlie color of tVir 1m!r oinl coiiiplexloa
nu to the Klmpe of their nose. iCu;.
iteror Paul ha i a typical Kulunik imx,.
f the most exirmlntingly upf'lliil
pattern, uiul .ne then, out of e,.inp!i
ineiii to him. ull tht officers ai:J iu-A
nf tW ptirtwiilur reglmeu t hnve none
of tlie same haie, the 8iht wlihli
they present on parIo bvlug wmio
wlwt tiuirtllua.
Ahvoys cut otrKnw, turnips and crtr
rots across tho fllire.
To paper a wall that 1ms Ix-en white
washed, rub t3io wulla down first with
11 cloth wet In strong vinegar or sal
aratus. The sievsda of dates may tie irnwvwl
and replaced by freshly misted pea
nuts, sheUl and skinned. The date
should then l dtmted with imlvcrlr-txl
To cut fresh bread so that It may be
presentable when serveil, lx?at C10
blade of tho bread kiVlfe by lartivg
first one side and than the otlwsr acrous
the hot stova
In hund (vwing. If the work Is stiff
and hard, rubbing soap on one's
needles and fingers wttl lie found help
ful. A th1n-odged piece of white aonp
is much better timn chunk foT ni.'Uilns
lino lines on cloth to cot by.
In putting aiw&y wox1hns for the
sea.m, thtTO shouhl olwiys b kept
out n.11 txtra bkvuket for each Ixl, and
some tUuinel for eac'h person lu oaso
of cxild, rainy wither or lllucmv
lino lac', If It 19 torn, 4ionM be
memh'd before sioudtog to tx cloonexl;
if .von do ni know the laoe stitch
simply darn with very line thread iu
in. shes a)Kut tlie same as thone In Gin
A few drops of atnmonln added to
l". ro,h of hydrogen is what gives tho
golden color to tlie hair. Without fllm
amiiuMvlrt one or two applloatlous o(
tlie bhvich. to brown hair Imports a
reddish biMn tint to it
If you wnut to txst yonr w;iter pipes
to see if there, is any trace of lead In
the water you are ustmg, pnt a few)
drops or the tincture of cochineal lu
a dish of the water. If there Is a mice
of lnid the water will turn bine. j
Wlieti e!irt1n pthhllng and pi,
disf'.i-s g-t Invwii atxl unsightly fmm
the Juices and of many bakings
scour them with ashes fnmi the grate,
mixed with a little gixl neap. They
will come out an fresh ea new,
l;uk st.ilns may bo removed from
silver by ruling them with a soft
liinn cx-th dippcsl in sulphuric odd,
llion lirlghteaiiug vrttn some gfxid sil
ver powder. The use of a lunwh should
le avoided m much as possible iu
cleaning silver, only soft doth and
chamois sLVn lxrng employe.1, as thvse
do n-n wenr tho silver as a tmish does.
With cake or bread lu the oven
don't slam tlie oven door or walk heav
ily aliout the kitchen while 1t Is bak
ing. A tlae cake will lx Irretrievably
ruincil tiy a slight Jar at a certain
state of its baking, n-ud one of tiio
i:i.: pr-jlltlc sources of bod bread Is
an uttor Ignomuce of hw to handle
it when It Is In the ovvn.
Ink sxts on marble may bo re
movil ith a paste made by dissolv
ing an ounce of oxalic cicld and a half
a.11 ounce of butter of antimony in a
pint of rain water, and adding suf
ficient flour to form a thin pnst. Ap
ply to the stain with a brush, allow
It t nun-tun three or four days and
then wash it off. Make a second ap
plication, if necessary.
If any housewife discovers thai tho
milk has "turned" a little, and there
Is u.) opportunity to obtain more be
fore the meal, stir a tluy bit of soda
In it, and it will answer every pur Now don't go trying to sweien
"clabber" that way and think r-hnt it
ran ho made to serve as cream for the
eoiTiv, for you can't make it do any
such rhlng.
A etopiKT for a Ixjttlo of ncld or nny
substance that will naturally call for
a glass stopper, because of tlie danger
that tho cork one would be eatcu up
by the contents of the bottle, can be
made by steeping rt in vaseline. It
will then be impervious to adds of
any and no action of chemicals
will decay It. It will. In fact be as
good for all purposes 0 a glass stop-
oil In a lamp should not be allowed
to get down to less than, one-half the
d op tli of the rewervolr. The wick
should Ik' sift and completely till the
fpaee for It, but without crowding. A
lamp should be neither suddenly cool
ed nor expod to tlx? draught. In
( xtingu'.Rliing the flame the wick
should 11m be turned far dwn and
then a sharp, quick puff blown across
and not straight down upon the flame.
For black kid gloves that !k shab
by anfl white wliere the coloring has
worn off. mh them with a little liquid
i-hoo judisih. It will not rub off 011
your clothing after it Is dry, and may
be renewed as often as you like. If
lnTftvtly new black gloves pull at the
..uns, touch the spots wiph a tiny
hit. of black paint such us conn in the
litle t!iio. Tart of the out tit of a
gl-.ivo counter, Is case of ussorted
colors of oil paint tube for that pur-
If you have had your 'Ivamds for a
l..:g rime iu the "suds." or have been
K.'-ruliblng and seotiring until 1t sHnis
as ihough your skin Is on Urn from
th" Irritation of soap and water, rintse
y-fi'.r hands iu clear water and then
wa-h them in gixxl vlmvar or squeeze
lemon Juice on them uud work it well
Into the ftsh. This treatment often
does woiKhrs, but it Is well to reineni-l-r
that it Is often the cuse that a
remedy that will work well ou soino
skins Is an irritant to others.
A hammock will often prove a txxm
to a sick pitsu who has gtvu w"ary
1 of the bed. It cam be strung across a
j i;x)iii from a door frame to the win
dow casing, and may le even hung
right over the lied where the patient
ciu slip Into It at will. There are
i light cotton hammocks that are very
pretty, and they are soft as silk to
the touch. A hammock adjusts itself
so perfivtly to every inch of the body
that It Is a wonder that tired women
do not try their reetlng properties
R.-i'll'hs poow-sB rahiahle ineilicl-nal
IHiipertii. They aro demulcent, stlin
uhtMiij; anil diuretic and nho'ul.l Im)
eiti'ii fn.'i'ly whn fresh onil crisp.
Tin;.v fire usually cateu with mit only,
iiu:' if sllttsl thin oro very ulet with
a P:-ineh dixilutr. In this country
t'.i! iiidUhefi themselves are rarely
ci.".i!:eil, t.houph the tops of yoiini;
radlfhcK tire often bolhMt The ral!sh
U u n-atlve of Asla, where it has Ikid
culiivahxi from th nioMt ancient
times Xetirly an itKh of the (free:)
tip iili'-ulil be left on t'he radices
vrlien rhey fire iuKirel few tlw taihle,
;md l lKtt liltli pirliol) of tlie top should
tie e-aten, n rht teoull'ar jitMpn'tleu
they lieges holp to dijT'tit the radlsli
itself. '
Every trade In China has Its patron
Oas pfpoa are made of tnanllla paper
coated with asphalt.
Tho Sultan of Turkey's kitchen
costs the empire 40,(R annually.
Alxnit 1,200.000 article are pledged
with Iyoudou pawnbrokers each week.
Insects Inhabiting Islands have
either very short wings of very little
use In flying or no wings at all.
Gen. Booth, of Salvation Army
fame, will visit Canada next fall and
conduct a Jubilee thtvught tho Domin
ion. A Chinese medical studimt, Lu
Hong, in the 1'nlverslty of Michigan,
Is said to be a descendant of Con
fucius. In' an old Indian burying ground In
St. Simon, Ga., the remains of a war
rior over eight feet king were exca
vated recently.
A youth popularly known as "Itahy
Hllss." of Hhxnniugton, III., weighs
4,"2 ixunds, wear a llvi collar, a 7
hat and No. 12 shx, Aud yet he Is
a gixxl foot racer and graceful waltzer.
A gourd. Which was used to keep
parched coffee in. Is owned by a Mrs.
Stephens, of El U jay. Gn. It Is an
heirloom, having lioon in the posses
sion of her family for over a century.
- Mr. Gladstone's uew library at Ha
warden consists of more than 24.OO0
volumes, many of which are marked
and annotated by him. and Is placed
In an iron building esieclully erected
tor it.
It Is popularly supixiwil that when
St. lV.trick win preaching the doc
trine of the Trinity to tlie Irish ho
used the shamrock wltli Its thriK!
leaves on one stem as a symbol of tho
A petrifaction, consisting of a lxar's
tusk, alxmt eighteen inchs long and
two inches Iu diameter, was recently
unearthed at a depth of forty feet on
a plantation near ltrenham, Texas.
A prehistoric Indian hnrvtmr i-r.uin.l
has b.Hu located uear Lylton. H. C !
Many relics have been unearthed. In
cluding, In addition to renmlus, crock-
sry. carved stone bowls, and countless '
a row heads. ' I
On cutting through a teak loir in the
sawmill or a dockyard ot Khumess,
England, recently, a bird's next con
taining four eggs was found in a hol
low spot. The log had been shlpMd
some months previous from India.
The Apache chief, Geronimo. for
some years past at Mount Vernon,
Ala., is eiaid to have grown old rapid
ly, so far as physical iipHaninv is
concerned, his hair being as white as
snow, but ho is still robust aud
Among Sioux Indians, when one
family borrows a kettle from another.
It is expected, when the kettle Is re
turned, a small portion of the food
cooked In it will lie left In the bottom.
Disregardof this custom ends the Inir
rowlug business.
The town of Rockport, Mass., has
had but two town clerks in fifty-four
years. Col. William INxd was chosen
when the town was Incorporated in
IH40, and served twenty-nine years,
being succeeded by his son, Calvin
W., who has tilled the office ever
The strongest natural salt baths In
the Tutted States are at Warsaw. N.
Y. Here nature's vast deposits have
long been the source of supply for tho
greater portion of this country for the
various kinds of stilt used in domestic
consumption. Tho salt swimming pool
Is a chief attraction.
He "They met at the seaside. Then
commenced an acquaintance that
would soon have rltK-iKMl into love.
15ut " She "But what?" He
"They marrUnd. Vogue.
Hard T'p "I got a hill from my
tailor only twice 11 year." Slow Pay
"I'll have to patronize him." Hard
I'p "But my bill is the tnone.v he
lHirrows from me." New York Morn
iiik' Journal.
"Wlieu Mr. infills nsked you to
marry him did you tell him that he
must ok your mother?" "I did, but
he said she'd refused hlni long before
he ever thought of askiuj; me." Chi
cago IntiY-Oceum.
Mr. Hulwter "I 8upMe j-ou say,
like the rest of tke weMtern girls: "See
Chicago aud die?" Mlsa Onullard
"ludivd. I don't use such Kuglish as
that! I say: "See Chicago and me."
Chicago Tribune.
"Hello!" exelaluiod the telesraph
editor, "here's a ftrst-clasa article
from Kentucky." "You don't say no."
rcKiMiudod the absent-uiiudtHl city
editor. "Who's got a corkscrew?"
Washington Star.
"My huslmnd has all the virtues
but one, remarked the wife of a
struggling young doctor. "What la
that?" -asked her syuiimthetlc friend.
"Patients," replied the young wife.
Philadelphia Keeord.
Iix-tor "Dihs your cough seem
rather tight?" Pat 1 1 nit "G rem t Scott!
No. 110, uo; I've had nothing but hot
lemonade for a week. How could a
cough or anything else get tight on
that V" Chicago Inter-Orean.
"Mis'er," said the jonall ly to tlie
grocer, "uiothiv told me to ask you If
they' any such thing as a sugar
trust." "Why, of course there is."
"W-well, mother wants to get trust
ed for two imhiihJs." Washington
Mr. ttruniptis "What earthly good
would it do If women should Ih al
lowed to take a hand lu politics?"
Mrs. (irumpps "Well, for one thing,
we'd dean house n good dml oftener
than you men- voter do." New Vix-k
"There's new ground for a strike,"
said the agltutor. "Where?" asked a
workman. "In the clock factory. A
young fellow Just told mo that some
of the baud worked twenty-four
hours a day." American Industries.
Mrs. 1 iAer "There, I begin to loso
all coutidciico In patent iiiodlciin-n.
I I've tried five lKttk of rho Inevltalilj
! Ueiiewer. and I'm not one bit lietter
I than when I began." Mr. Iisir
j "Possibly the patent, my love, has nr.i
I out." &iou Transcript.
I It takes a long apprenticeship to
' 4-ti, -i 1-I1.I11 l,uir,l. . ltflilhl.r 11, 1,1
writing. Or. Holme.
Xo one Is useless in thi world wlio
Huhieu tho burden of It for auoUiur.
Years of experience and Spot Cash put my goods in the
Store at moderate cost. Small expenses and modern margin
of profits gives you low prices for "Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions
of all kinds, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Groceries, Ac. Re
member we are headquarters for Shoes, and he have every
thing in the Shoe line from the cheapest to the best. Come
and see us and we will save you money.
Corner Main and Iron Sts.
No. 1 6. Buckeye Cultivator - Broken i Biding ii Walking.
No. 17. Buckeye Cultivator-Spring Tooth "
No. 3, One-half Buckeye Cultivator - Walking.
There is a combination hard to beat
We sell the best binder twine this season at the best prices.
Don't buy your twine until you see our prices.
3D. "W
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And Ills associated stall of English and German
1'li.VhK laus, will be ut i lie
Excliango Hotel, Bloomsbnrg, Pa.,
FRIDAY, JULY 20, '94,
Whore tliev may bp consulted. Th Doctor Is s
trradUHte ot tlu; Vnlverslts of Pennsylvania,
formerly di-monstnitor of physiology aDd sur
irery at. the Mwlleo-Chlruriflcal Colleire, of
Phllarti-lplila. He Is also an Uonorary nu-inber
of the MedU-o-t'hlrurt'lcal Association, and was
physician and siirticon-ln-chlet of the most
n'ltcd American and (icrmaii hospltnls, comes
highly liidoi-st-d by the leading professors of
1'l.iludclplilu und New York.
Ilm inauy years of hospital experience en
ables this eminent, physician ana surgeon lo
correctly diagnose and treat all deformities and
diseases u-lin the most flalterlutt success, and
his high standing lu the Male will not allow
nun 10 accept, any incurauie case.
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
if yon have been (,'lven up by your physician,
call upon the doctor and be examined. He
cures tlie worst canes of Nervous ppblllty,
Srroiulii, Did hoick, catarrh. Files, Female
WeakhfKX, AlTecllmiK of the Kar, Kye.Noseand
Tlimui, Asthma. Hearness, Tumors, Cancms,
and t rkipies (.-i every description. Consultation
hi Knttllsli and liennaii fiee, which shall be
oon.iiiiei ed sacred and sirlctly conlldeutlal.
Non-runs.- Hosif OKfici:
311 Sppiw Street. SCSAKTCIT, PA.
Okkicr Boiks: a. m. to 9 p. m. dally
Huniliiy, ti a. m. to i p. m. lv-18-ly.
finM n-'trtoht tin runt rn rovnllT. AdttritMl
U 'Hj, Viliuf.B or Country. Nwu:wl in awry
hoiti. i)op, tor una ornra. (.triMiMi ouuthu
iftic-M nitd trnt Mllr fnrth.
Aicrtim ninKf from I loAO pr ttnr,
i Ait in b rnftt-lenre mtumt a oaln to all ih
nciiitibur., i iTit inttrmiint. no toj-w, work-
inolmr. Any ilitAiiri. lui)lii. rendy for
tiMi w lie u ttliii'i t'd i'au f'H ui' by ny on,
nvr out nf urdfT, no rinnrintf, lantn a liftt
iini. Witrnmiwl. A money maker. Writ
Vrf. P. Harason & Co., Clem Q, Columbus, 0.
The Ko5g3n Commissbri Co.,
ais chPMtimf Mreet, Plilladolphla, Pa., offers
special faculties to traders lu stucks, hokos
and iih kts, 111 lar;;n hi- small ipnullcs, for Ci.sli
or on luai k'tiiH of ni.e cent, or more. Send
for uui pamphlcl 'liuwti Sjwcuict;." b-Hl- d.
Plans and Estimates on all
kinds of buildings. Repairing
and carpenter work promptly
attended to.
hler is Builder's Supjliss.
Inside Hrrdwood finishes a
Persons oflirnited means who
desire to build can pay part and
secure balance by mortgage.
Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and al
Patent business conducted for MODEHATR
ENT OKKI0B. We have no sub-agencies, all
business direct, hence can transact patent bust
ness In less time aud at, Less Cost than those re
mote from Washington.
bend model, drawing- or photo, with dcscrlu
tlon. We advise II patentable or not, free o
charge. Our fee not aue till patent Is secured
A book, '-How to Obtain Patents," with refer,
enoes to actual clients In your Btate.t'ounty, or
town, sent free. Address
C. A. KNOW A CO,, Washington, I). (5
(Opposite U. 8 Patent OOlee.)
Cleans tne tMAM BfV Passages, MteSgjj
All..,. T),; -.l FttfnTf7 .
Cleans the
Allays Tain and
Heals the Sores, t
Restores the
Sense of Taste
and smell.
A particle Is applied Into each nostril and Is
agreeable. Price 50 cents at Iirmrclsts; by mall
registered, 60 els. iLV DKUTll liltb, w Woiicn
Ht., N ,Y.
tiHi Ln I U. I HAUL IVlMnKN ,
fiX t (nr AIM A r,
RrtftVJTfr tDi S? ''"I", opinion, wrlto to
111" III., who have bad neurly Hfty jenn'
expennmw Id the patent bualncsa. Oomniunlra.
tlom strlctl? aiutlrtuutlal. A II aiidbaok of In.
formation ooncernina PnteiitM uid bow to olw
folii tbm aunt fre. Alto a oatalouua ot meohim.
toil aud .c'lt-utlllo biHiki aeut I rue. "
1'uteun tukeu tlirouKb Muuu ft Co. reoelva
snuoial notice In the Hrlemiiic Amerli-iiiirand
liiot are tiruiwht wlilely belors Ilia publiu witn.
put wt to tba .Inventor. Thi plcuilid raiier
sued wtfekly. elesautljr lllutrteU, Inu Oy f.u i he
laruejt olreuldHoo of any aoieutihc work la tho
riirlt?,Jer' Bniul ceciH eut free.
Iliillduu: Kditiua. moiithlT, ilfUa yimr. sinela
enpiM, -2S couu. Lvory nuiulor oontanu beau,
tiful plato. Id colors, and uliotonraiJi of iiw
hnuDca. wad pluan, onublma liutldcra to ihnw tba
WtitN CO, NaW V011U, 361 JBUuAUWAT.
ycAV E Al 5, 1 HADE MARKst
fti Uccuhrj Steam Ijg
on West St. between 2nd and 3rd, art
now prepared to do all kinds of
Mens Suits, Ladies'
Dresses and Coats,
Shawls, and every description
of wearing apparel. Al.-o, we
do scouring, cleaning and prts.-i
ing of goods that do not need
dyeing, and make them clean
and sweet as new.
Goods sent hy express should
be addressed
llrnkj Stsara Cyg Works.
J. R. Smith & Co,
By tne following well-known makers :
Ilallct & Dav5.
Can also furnish sny of the
cheaper makes at manufact
urers' prices. Do not buy
piano before getting our prices.
Catalogue and Price Lists
On application.
The Eost Burning Oil That Can te
Made From Fetroloux.
It gives n brilliant light. It ' not
imoke the chimneys. It will not char the
wick. It has a high fire test. It will '
explode. It is jire-eminently a family -l'c1)'
oil. -
We Challenge Comparison with any
other illuminating oil made.
We stake our Reputation, as Refiners
upon the statement that it is
The Best Oil
IN Till-: WOII.I-
Crown - Acme
h ullaElit"kii8f!i'