THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG. PA. 3 IN CONGRESS. TSo TariTT Bill Pasa Ihs Scnalo at Last. It Will Not be Law Jmt Yet, Howovor. The Campaign Commltteo Busy. StralgM Facts Sought Prom tho Croofcod. Adjournment About August tt. The Administration and tha Mails. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, July 9, 1894. The small attendance in both House and Senate shows that lots of Senators and Representatives are dis posed to extend their holiday over the rest of the week. For the ten days previous to the passage of the tariff bill the Senate certainly had .1 hard time with daily sessions from 10 to 6 o'clock or later, and the thermometer constantly in touching' proximity to ninety degrees. It is not surprising that the passage of the bill, a few min utes before the beginning of Indepen dance Day, by a vote of 39 to 34, should have been followed by an exo dus to the mountains and seashore, and that the wilted Senators should be a little slow in returning to their duties, ilowever, no time is really being lost fln account of their absence, as the work of preparing the appropriation bills for action is going right along in the Senate Appropriation Committee, and the conferees on the part of the Senate . on the tariff bill Senators Voorhees, Harris, Vest, Jones, Sher man, Allison and Aldrich will be on hand as soon as wanted by the con ferees on the part of the House. No surprises were connected with the final vote on the tariff bill, unless the vote of Senator Hill against it can be so considered. The Populists divided, Allen and Kyle voting for the bill and J'effer and Stewart against it. Everybody is speculating on what the result of the conference on the bill will be, and everybody is agreed that many changes will be made, but there is no agreement as to the nature of the changes, further than that tiiey are likely to be mostly towards the origi nal Wilson bill. Representative Hoi man says on the subject : " It is an almost invariable rule that if there is an overwhelming sentiment in the House for a particular line of action it finds expression and overcomes all de lays and obstacles of parliamentary procedure. I feel certain that in the issue between the Senate and House the latter will carry the day." Mr. Holman also says that his Congress ional experience has taught him to ex pect considerable delay in tariff con ferences between the Senate and the House. Let impatient folks make a note ot that. Representative Bynum, of Indiana, is at the head of the sub committee of ihe Democratic Congressional Cam paign Committee that is charged with compiling a text-book to be used by Democratic speakers in the Congres sional Campaign. The work is pro gressing, but cannot be completed un til the tariff bill has finally been dis posed of by Congress. The choice of Mr. Bynum to direct this work was a happy one. He will be certain to in clude in the book everything that can help the stump-speaker in his argu ments, as he believes that the stump speaker is away ahead of the literary , bureau as a vote getter ; because the average man will listen to a clever speech while he will not read pamph lets, however cleverly they may be pre pared Representative Springer, chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, says he considers it ex tremely doubtful whether the sub-committee recently instructed to prepare and report to' the full committee a currency reiorm bill will complete its work at this session of Congress. One reason for the delay is that Representa tive Culbertson, of Texas, a member of the sub-committee, has been detain ed at home by the serious illness of Mrs. Culbertson. The Grand Jury this week indicted the two newspaper correspondents who declined to give the Senate in vestigating committee the sources of their information concerning the al leged sugar trust scandal, and, like the two stock broker's previously indicted, they gave bail for their appearance when wanted for trial. The Grand Jury has yet to set upon the cases of Havemeyer and Searles, of the sugar trust, who were also certified for re fusing to answer questions. It is expected that the Constitutionality of the law under which these indictments were found will be argued some time in August, and if the law is upheld by the local court the case will be appeal ed to the U. S. Supreme Court, as it is of the utmost importance that the question should be passed upon by our highest court. Representative Cachings, of Miss., who is a member of the House Com mittee on Rules, and therefore in a position to know, says he does not consider it possible for Congress to adjourn as early as the first of August, but is certain that it will do so very shortly alter that date. President Cleveland is commended on all sides for the promptness with which he decided and ordered that Federal troops should be used to Children Cry for fitc!icr'o Caaioria. prevent the mail service of the country being interfered with by railroad strikers and to back up the authority of TJ. S. t 'onrt officials. The President is kept thoroughly posted, through Attorney General Olr.ey, Postmaster General ftissell and Secretary I.amont, upon every phrase of the strike, they being in constant telegraphic communi cation with their subordinates. There i more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other di seases put togethe'r, and until the last few years was supposed to be incur able. For a great many ycar3 doctors pronounced it a local disease, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. BaT Sold by Druggists, 75c. im. Ar. Attrio1:i78 Mag-uiau. " What Constitutes a Good Hus band " is discussed by a lot of clever women among whom are Mary Hal lock Foote, Elizabeth Stuart Tlielps Ward. " The Duches3," " Grace Green wood " and Amelia F. Barr, in the July Ladle' llovte Journal. " The Thirty and One " is the clever title of a delightful short story by Charles D. Lanier. Will N. Harben contributes "The Heresy of Abncr Calihan," a strong study of life in the Tennessee mountains, which Alice Barber Step hens has illustrated most successfully. The biography of the number consists of sketches, with portraits, of Mrs. Wayland Hoyt and Mary Ilartwell Catherwood. Frank R. Stockton gives two more of " Pomona's " charac teristic letters to her old " Rudder Grange " mistress, and Mr. Howells' literary reminiscences, under the title " My Literary Passions," grow in in terest and charm. Robert J. Birrdette is particularly happy in his " Making a Suburban Home," the editor gives a most interesting review of a new and unique Southern story and the Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage writes of " When Things are Against Us." Miss Scovil's paper on " Feeding a Baby in Sum mer " will be found especially valuable to mothers. Women everywhere will be charmed with Miss Parloa's "House Furnishing in Paris," Cora Scott Waring's " Graceful Lunch Set," Mrs. Mallon's " The Art of Dressing in White," Eliza R. Parker's receipts for " The Apple, the Peach, and the Pear," Miss Hooper's " Styles in Household Linen," the page of " Dainty Luncheons, Tea and Din ner," " Little Summer Belongings," " Up-Stairs and Down-Stairs," " Use ful Things Worth Knowing," and Harriet Ogden Morison's exquisite page of " Ecclesiastical Embroidery." Altogether this July issue, with its at trac tive cover specially designed by W. T Smedjey, and its admirable table of contents, is an ideal woman's magazine and worth many times Its price of ten cents. Published by The Curtis Pub lishing Company, of Philadelphia, for ten cents per number and one dollar per year. Headache is the direct result of In digestion and Stomach Disorders. Remedy these by using DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers and your Headache dis appears. The favorite Little Pill every where. W. S. Rishton, Druggist, tf. Debs is a Common Enemy. President Debs, of the American Railway Union, is a common enemy. He is the enemy of labor ; he is the enemy of capital ; he is the enemy of industry, of commerce, of finance and of trade ; he is the enemy of everything that improves the condition of work ingmen and that tends to the general prosperity of the country. He has wantonly and arbitrarily de. prived scores of thousands of his fol lowers of their daily labor and their daily bread when they had no dispute whatever with their employers. By the interruption of trade and traffic he has increased the cost of nearly all the necessaries of life to the workingmen when they are deprived of all sources of income by the strike he has ordered. He has deprived labor of millions of dollars that would have been paid in wages during the present year by the construction of new railways, which will be halted now by the great uncertainty of the cost of operating them. He has stopped foreign investment in our railway securities for the time, and probably precipitated the return of many millions of such investments to be paid from our already scant sup ply of gold, thereby ciippling the whole business and industry, of the country. He lias halted American investment in industrial enterprises which would give employment to workmen. AH Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. such investments are readily hindered by uncertainty, and the disturbance in labor circles is one of the surest meth. ods of stopping investments which wouia give employment to labor. He has opened the door for the re duction of wages throughout our en tire railway system. The railways have been struggling against most adverse tides during the last rear, and many have been compelled to yield to the possession of receivers ; but thus far they have almost invariably maintain ed the wages of their workmen. With a losj of a million dollars a day impos ed upon the railways and those inter ested in their traffic, by a strike that is as costly as it is wicked and revolu tionary, the railways will be compelled in the uear future to reduce the wages of their employes. Such is the entertainment to which President Debs, of the American Rail way Union, is invitiug his deluded workingmen, and if they shall not soon understand that he is a common enemy of labor and of everything that promotes the interest of labor, they must be strangely indifferent to their own interests as well as to the interests of the whole county. I'imes. Above Everything Else Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery purifies the blood. By this mean it reaches, builds up, anil invigorates every part of the system. For every blood taint and disorder, and for every disease that comes from an inactive liver or impure blood, it is the only remedy so sure ana eliectivc thit it can be guaranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. These diseases are many. They're different in form, but they're like in treatment. Rouse up the torpid liver into healthful action, thoroughly puri fy and enrich the blood, and there's a positive cure. The " Discovery " docs this, as nothing else can. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness ; all Bronchial, Throat, and Lung Affections ; every form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages j and the most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases are completely cured by it. Mild, gentle, soothing and healing is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Only 50 cents ; by druggists. Small in size, great in results : De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best pill for Constipation, best for Sick Headache, best for Sour Stomach. W. S. Rish ton, Druggist. tf. The Thompsonville Press claims that these epitaphs are " curious," in which, no doubt, the reader will agree, but we are not told where they origina ted : He(fardlenii ot coat and regardless of pain?. This stone Is emeteU to mark the remains Ot wife No. 1 ot T. I'atrlck M alone, Aud wife No. i helped to pay for the stone. It, was a little burro that, Peter used to drive : There were six little children, but now there's onlv five; For Peter teased the burro while playing on a hummock. And the horrid critter kicked him In the pit of his stomach. There was a man called Klon, Who once lived hereabouts. But he Is dead and burled hero That fact nobody doubts. He lived a long and checkered lire And left a short, aud tri ckled wife Thla Is the grave of orsemus Tate, Who died on good torms with the ctmreli and the state. They attribute his death to something he ate, From which he demised at a subsqueut date. Of his virtues his frlendR dfllvhted to prate, Rut. his vices his enemies ehosti to debato. When Orsemus arrives at. the beautiful eat lie will tlnd his name, with the elect, ou the slate, He died at the age ot seventy-elght. Beneath this prreen (Truss Sleeps Annabel Glider. She was a fair lans, But kerosene killed her. The kindling she soaked And the oil she Ignited. It. was the last tire Annabel ever lighted. tie was a tailor by trade. And his habits were loose, And at forty-two minimum He gave up the goose. Here lies Jacob Sinuuslns, some thought him a knave ; lie lied when alive, Now he lies In his grave. A WOMAN'S BACK. tuk MAixsrmxu of her life. 81'IW1I. TO WE I.AOV KKADEOS- 1 Few peoplu realize- this. What cau she do, where ran she go, so long as that dreadful back arlio saps both strength ' and ambition? Sho cannot walk or stand, her duties are heavy burdens, and she is utter ly miserable. The, cause is some derangement of the uterus or womb. Backache- h the sura symptom. For years Sarah Ilolstein, who lives at 7 Ferry Street, In Lowell, Mass., suffered with falling of Ihe womb. The best doe tors failed to relieve, her, and as a last resort she purchased nix bottles of Lydia K. I'lukham,n Vepetable. Compound. Now she Is a well woman. The. dreadful pain In her back stopped after taking the. second bollle. She wishes she had taken It sooner, and saved both money and yenri of suffering. This Vegetable, Compound la the one unfailing remedy for such troubles. X womau discovered it ami gave it to woman.' Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at McKillip Bros., Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. NOW !!! THE IS TIME TO BUY - CHEAPS - AT 1 1 SLATE'S BOOK "STATIONER! STC RE. Man Sslsl Mki Bloomsburg, - - Pa. Don't Cost anything to look. FOR CLOTHES. THs. PROOTEH 1 CAMLLE CO., OIN'Tf. "FLY-FIEND," v.111 positively protect horses and eaflle from any umioyaiiee from Hies, gnats and Insects of even" kind. Improves appearance of the coat, dispensing with tly-n"t.i. Rnmnmei'la by thinmividf. Try It and be convlni'iil. Price of " Ply-llt ud," Including urtinli, quart cans, $1.00 j hnlf-gnllon,$l.7S: one gallon, no gallon will last a head of horses or cuttle an entire season, tieivare or linlt 'ii tons. Address t'KKSKNT Mt U. CO., tflOli INDIANA AVE., 0-iitt-lt. d. I'll I LA. IF AtHCTKD kTo" CANCER OK THKATMKNT To 1K. .Ml OU TU110HS, WKtTK BOOK AND MO UK illCIIAKL, TS W. Tl'PPKK TV BUFFALO. N. V H-8Mt. d. $1000 In money; also other valu able premiums to goon gu"ss ers. 11A8K IIAM.eiitbiLstusts, this Is yournpporf unity, fee offer RCKI AS3 C0Ul"TKT KASACISS. Price av. All Newsdealers : or M JJasl. Into si.., New York. n--atMt. d. FEMALE PILLS, A uuvr, reliable turn 'Kit relief for anf Bfrctiuu. Nov unv-d by over tW,out Indie monthly. Inrlfforfttea tltrM vftitid, Hewitre of tnil i Attn da, Vnavt paper, f prr bor, or bos 81, ik-ut iialeJ lu ti alti v. ier. inmt lc it Hold by C. A. KM'.IM nnl MOVER HHO STATEMENT OV THE HI.ooWyiU'HU SCHOOL T)lhTltlt'T KOU THE VKAK ENDl.Nti JL'SU 1st, USUI. Tax rate 3)tf mills tor school purposes and i mills for building purposes. M. V. WO(JPWAltl), Collector Dr. To balance ol duplicate iwi'j. liijH mi Cr. By Exoneration duplicate WM t w By amount paid Treus bum () Balance on duplicate 1S9A. r,ai a i llllU Ml M. C. WOoriWAKl), Collector 1U. To amount duplicate lMi. Cr. By S per eent, discount on -J0;in 1 paid In in.Uys My 1 pet" cent, lumuilsslon amount ptlU Treus By Hiimuiit jiiild Tr'us l(i.l !:. ".II so vm oil lillS M By atn't. paid Treas. In il months -W0 00 By !s net' cent., com mission am't paid Tieas. UK) 00 .IPO oc By ain't, paid Treas. urier ci iieiiiihs By sundry porions exonerated ism By balance due on Udjillcatu iiw. VXD INI 84 HI i ri hi lira (til JOHN It. TOWNSKXU, Tica.-i. Dr. To t)nl-incekfroin former Trctm. To am i. Stale appropriation.. " proceeds order June 'I'l 'IM " ain't, onrtiiplfnte Ittif.'rrom M.c. Woodward, collector To am I. uiiUii.i,; mIc is'.t. r.-oii. M. C. Woodward, cullei'tor . To it oni'iii. in-iier :ik) Ih'H, ISO days To am i. receiuHt l ull Ion var ious persons To ain't, received tcxL books, io f !!1 4-s-rr m jt im leu) no (Mi (h Ml 81 87 l!3 ii 11 Wall Paper 1 1.1 IjfiVORYlllF HA. To net. proceeds commence ment exercises Tonm't. received for supple mentary reading... . To sm't.. received from Co. 'I ivas. '1 ax m.. liM .W r.s oo in n It'ftlU si Cr. By nm't pulrt coupons and In terest. HW OT By ain't, orders redeemed lxatt 51 by nutslainllnr orders re- deemed wph Intcrst lam wi 11 V Bond HI redeemed . J"0 no By order .Iiine lmri redeemed... -'too oo By nm't. Tress. "m Bv balance in bauds of treas. Too an loaa b Ul'ILDIXfi FIND ACCOUNT. Or. Balance on duplicate 18H4 03 .Vt To amount of duplicate 1H!.. 3i4 (W t" 4J18 t'.l Cr. By coupons and lnterct paid $ "M 11 ' exonerations rtup. IK'fJ 14 4o " exonerations dnp W" W " 5 per cent, discount on nm't. collected In ml days V M By u percent,, commission to collector In mi tiny 14 W By collector's commission on ain't, collected In tl months -lu R" By balance on duplicate It;. lid 4W " Treasurer's commission... so 'i " bond redeemed 0U l ' order for Interest, paid on extended b mls sitoo By nm't. paid School Furni ture Co., (furniture) .Vh Street Hu 80 By Bin t, paid Mover INhle mnn, snow brakes and re pairs ill n By am't. paid Creasy Si Wells lumber Mi W By nm't. pnld School Furni ture. Co., furniture, High School 1 to By ain't, pnld V. S. Mover, work anil mnterlnl SI o By ani l, paid W. M. K easier, nwns, High School ... . IS M By ain't, paid liicliaid Ivey, posts. a HO By nm't. paid school Fnrnl- lur" couipnny, erasers ... UO By ain't, paid John Lewis. sinilug 1 50 L'J" ai.i t. paid .VI. Heroine. Hel ling blackboards. 4 10 By ain't, paid Kes'y .v Drlliel- heis, repairs S 75 By u nit, paid A. c, DeSheji- pard, repairs l 40 By nm't. paid Eshlcman Wolf, repairs II :r By am't, paid P. S. Moyer, re pairs H is By unit, paid H. F. llart- nian, repairs 5 :i! By nm't. paid W. O. Holmes, repairs si 49 By outstanding orders re deemed 1.1 la I' By balance on duplicate. 6' " balance an sir. I'v'lS 4'.i SCHOOL FI'NI) ACCOUNT. l)r. To balance on'dupllcate 1W& $ 1 o, i " am't. duplicate ls'.ll i'.!i(0 1:1 ' SI ate npprepi lilt Ions lM:t.. 4)W7 M " tuition, various persons .. S7 ffii " proceeds $.wo.nO order, art days, INK s (Ml To am't, received for books and supplies as 1! To balance from former treasurer iplt at To proceeds (.100,00 order 10 days, lsHi sis, ho To proceeds IliJOU order 31) days, 1NH If.ll m To am't roe'd supplementary reading SS no To tax troiu county treas 7i K" i mvj oo Cr. Bv nm't, paid '-'1 teachers sioo 0O " Bin t . paid 1.1 teecliers at tending Institute............ , 148 7." By am i. paid a Jnnitois......... SA no I" am't. auditor's hill 4 00 lleo. E. Elwell, for printing 2! 75 By am't. N . 1L Bruwer, car pet and mats - al 'l By ain't. W. 11 Brewer, car pet and mats 4 W By am't Montour school dis trict for tuition - art 08 By nm't. M. P. Lutz. & Son, bal. of-lnsuranco al CO By am't, Mt. Pleasant School District tuition 40 Bvam't. Kvan Jones, work... in la " " Frank laylor, ' ta 50 " U. s. school Furnish ing Co., slate hlacklmards ao tt; By amu Frank Taylor, clean lng 5th St. building M ) By amt. Kvan ('. Jones clcan- 8rd St. building 15 7.1 By amt. Ilenrv Shlpton work 8V(i months 100 C By amt. John Kelfer hauling 1 Oo " " Jeremiah oi- gan ) W By ninr, Meara Ma'f'g. Co. Bik cases 45 0J By amt. Bloom Water Co SV " " L'. 8. School Fur. Co. slate 18 IX) By unit. Davie ii co. 1 bid. Disinfectant ao DO By unit. C. F. Knupp, Insur ance b i) By Hint.. N. W. Burton un- diles ar Ho amt, c. W. Kunyon, sun dries tl 40 By amt. Evan Jones, washing towels vo HI By unit, servp es 3 Janitors Institute week 15 Oil By amt. .las C. Brown aim. pd. lor hauling 1 at By amt. W. 11. Lemon haul ing 1 oo By unit,. Wm. J. Corrcll Co. chulrsdic HBO Byauit. Deinocrailc bentlncl teachers notice t 0t By amt. Republican printing and cult lug pnjier art lu htractlou 15 OU By am't. A. '.. Henoch, assig nee, coul oil Pi j. By ain't. Bloom Water Co .... 11 H " " Cleveland Printing and Pub. Co H i5 By am't. W. 11. slate supplies w 01 " ' James C. Brow u, pa per, cerUllcales.Ac 7 7" By nm't. L. P. sterner, rll) bon. practice paper and oak lag Si WO By am t. Ail, Pleasant, Low children 1M K o.l By am't. s. H. Arincni, visit ing and examining pupils 5lli Street - Oi By am't, Christopher Sower A co. text 1 woks lau OS By am't. Farmers Produce Kxchange, coal 4 III U; By ain't. James II. Mercor, text books, tablets, to... lh K By am't. Hess Bros, supplies, slnles, si: lia Pi By nm't. W. II. Brooke i" Co. text books, tablets, Ha . a.i7 an By nm't. J. . Moyer, text books, labletH, fed 1!4 41 By am i, liloDinsburg :as Co. la 7 " " J. C. Brown, printing annual slaiemcut aud register books Hi a." Bv ain't S. F. Peacock &. Co. supplies 18 si By am i. John H. Towuse nd, heights and hauling. .. a5 as By anil. l.eo. Ii Klwell, prlnllng 5'Kio book labels 30.0 book rules la 75 Bv amt. Moyer Bros, supplies 54 tit by nun. Wm. K. Kinker, ex. pressage and freight. la 41 By amt. J. It. Schuyler & Co. sundries j t By anil, (ilnu it Co., text books 5 00 By amt. W. lievei ly Harrison text books 15 oa By mm. Heath n Co. text books 15 OJ By amt. bheldon a Co. text books 4il M By amt, I'lionogrnplilc Inst. short hand Uioks mm By una. H. F. 1 a lor Ai'd e. i 4. " W. II. tillniorelila!s- es By amt. Secretary's Kilury . . . 1,5 0t ' 1. W. .McKelvy buu- drleS ia M By aim, William A Ho0"crn U'xi books 17 10 By Him. John Ii. Townseml. amt. pod for programs... 4 50 By unit, various puiillsliers for supplementary read lug to. 00 By nmt. exoneration, dupli cate, 'iw By nmt. exoneration. lSHJ . By nint. ft ikt cent, discount on nmt. paid within wi days By stut. 3 per cent, commis sion on nmu paid wlihiu NO days By ami. Collectors Commis sion on Hiuount pnld with in fl months By nmt, hnlnncedue on dupll cin is:ia By nmt,. Treasurers commis sion By amt. bal. on duplicate lsa By Hint, order Juno JO, '.), redeemed By amt. Balanco 54 05 i ao M 15 an 11 him ia V45 7 mi 1 tiv am mi 1 13514 0 LIBHAKY FIND. JOHN It. TOWNsEND, Treas. Dr. To net, proceeds cotnmeuce. mont Exercises f laa M illONDED INDEBTEDNESS. Bonds duo Jnny. 1, 1M' " wm " istm " lHr,- " lKtH " 1Mp " imo " 1H01 lima Pies " 1D04 .$.0(1 00 . anno on . anon 011 . anno m . '.IN 10 00 . anon 00 . vni-o 00 . aaon 00 . t'ann no . joon to . lino no saari 00 OTIIEIt INDEBTEDNESS. 2 orders discounted m bank 1100 00 Bills outstanding for text books ijioj s-i saai Hi asiai ib ASSETS. Balance on duplicate "!a $ ao ao :: " " '( iw til " ' Treas. hands 70 )M " " tultlou and books 7 oo ..) n Mnblllttes orerasftot Kstlmated vnlue of bulldlti. s aud fimilturo aavw is iijoro 00 WM. E. KINK EM. Secretary. JOS. (.AHKIHON, President. Bloomsburg June 1:1. Jsiu We the un.lerslghned auditors, having exam ined the nboie accounts, statements and vouchers ns presonted by the Treasurer and smulilry "n tliem ,,oriott aml ftl'l"ov8 the .T. M. STAVEK. i F. M. EVEHETT. S- Auditors. ANDKBW FKITZ, ) FOE OVER FORTY YEARS have enjoyed a high reputation. Bril liant and musical ; tone of rare sym pathetic quality; beautiful for vocal accompaniment. Durably constructed of finest materials by mobt skillful workmen. Exceptional in retaining original richness and fullness of tone. Require tuning less often than any other piano. Prices Moderate. Reasonable Terms. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. MADE AND IN USK. 116 Boylston St., BOSTON MAGS. Branch J 92 51h Ave. New York. Stores (218 Wabash Ave. , Chicago i-ai wmi. A YEAR i.' FOH THE ICI'STRICOS. If vou want work timt i filuf ant urid rroHtoble dfii(iui youratidiv-s imuu'iiiuu-ly. W'v u acti tut n uim! wuiin'ii lnw to tarn Iniui b5.(u ikt duv to 3,i)Oi pur yur without hnviu' hul )ireviouM txHri( iistu.hiuI turui-lt the i'iiil tuciit t.t which they cuu tv.akv t hut umotmt. Aotdinir (lithctili hi lufn or tiiut retiuirvd mucli time The Murk U vuMy, hulthy,Hiid hoiionilA', unit can tiruonedur iitj; Uavtiine or ivpninpi, riptit in yon r own IochI itv, wfitTvr vou Jive. Tho rttlt of a f'w hour' work off1! eqtmlf u trckV mucci. Vt-havf taught 1 lioiisaiHin of hoth t xcp nud nil ns, tint! inftiiv l:aw lniil fouinlnttons tiiut! fturelv brir tlwrn rU'li-'n Some ot tli Fiuartent nit'ii In tliift country owe ttu lr cvt - in life to the ittfirt given them while ir wit employ yciirn a.ffo. You, reader, may do w-ll; try it. Ynu (Viiinftt fail. Nocapilal neet-Hfirv We fit you out Willi something that in ttcw. Molid. uor t un. A l-rok hriinfnl 'f a lvie i tree to ttil l! li vour fetf bv writiuj; for it to-day not to-morrow. iJelays are coitly. E. C. ALSt.EaV3 & CO.s Box 420, AUCUSTA. rAEHS. 01 9"DV in'"l.V Jr7"-uV fiEr.v:::ri ess. 1. nr nnnrnrfnllv fLtul nilirklv. Ctiren when till other fad. Yonntfmen r'Kuiii lost nianhuud; old UJt'n r!civOT youthful vlu-ir. . lttoliuej Oncr u titled to cure Kervoimnetift, loC HulUy I iuiMteneyt Nlirlilty DmlMnonn, l,oi in, either Pulllnir Memory, V.tlnif 1U- ae and alt tlfectJt rtf W at-u9 or t.rcf anil iTitt-retivn.t Ward! off Inannlty and connuiuptkoii. on't lutdruiTKlKtti tinpnu a wi rthle HiiliUtu:e om you iHT'iune it vields a greater pmitt, lnniHt on hRV Ina lK.Kfr i'ftfc'H F. It V K . Or sid lor It. run h curried in vosl pocket, t'repmtl, pliln wr n.T, il par hox. or O lor with A I'oltuo AVrlltfii Omtranteo toCitru nr Uvlunu tku llunitv. I'mfitihlct rroe. Hold hv tit li-rml AiMre.a sold hyv. A. KLRIM and MOYKK HKOH Rochester. N. V.i j Bunines Unlvdrulty. Summef School. 4 i j tiusincbs ana snnrinana Jroursi-a. Knter anv time. ftAry." Circhtiirs free to anyflnr. u-au-aiit. t m i ?MflS a i to h m h ffl f Ft p if a m a W B u w , WORKMANSHIP CUARASTEtO, --Estimates given on Application. S51AV & DONAHUE, Fourth Street. - Bloonwburg, l'a