THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Highest of all in Leavening rower Latest U. S. Gov't Report THE BLOOMSBURG CARPET WORKS. Snyilef & Magee Co., Limited. A FINE STORE AND RIG BUSINESS. ASSOUTEU? PURE fi u m THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, FA. FRIDAY, JUNK jy, 1S.14. Rtii thiI ' t lie Post office at lUonmsburg, Ps ij. second ciuss mm tor. .Vnrru 1, Itws. I.t j-'al advertisements are printed on ,: M.vtrrtii page. tf. Clearing prices on men's wool suits Saturday, Gidding &r Co. Russet shoes Kinney's. and Oxfords at Mc- In behalf of the United States Pres ident Cleveland expresses sympathy with France in her sad affliction through the assassination of President Ounot. ?0. ;o fur all woo! men's suits Satur day, it Chiding & Co., the clothiers. I'lie Lu! es of Si. Colutnbab Church will hold an Ice Cream Festival in Wintersteen's Hall next Friday and Saturday evenings, June 29 and 30th. All are cordially invited. The County Commissioners au thorize us to say that they may be li,und at their room in the Court Iluuse on every Saturday for the transaction of any business coming within their jurisdiction. 70. 50 for all wool men's nnits Satur d ay, at Gidding & Co., the clothiers. Frtut culture Is more profitable to the farmer now than his other crop3. Brown, Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery house in the U. S., have a va ;nry in this sectior. Write them at Rochester, N. Y., for their terms. pecial sale on men s wool ... SUlld. Saturday, at Gidding &. Co. Now Pope Leo issues an encyclical letter in which he appeals to all men and all creeds for " unity of faith," the chnrch of Rome being of course the unit. He expresses sorrow for the animosities (?) which have torn great civilized nations irom the church of 'von.c, and he even Intimates a hope that th'.-y may yet return to the one true laith. Of protest jnts be says there remains to them no certain rule of faith or authority. He cites the cast;s of some enlightened protestants whom solicitude for salvation has brought back to Catholicism, and he exhorts all to return, in order that ail may have one faith, hope and charity based on the same gospel. Special Sale on men's wool suits, Saturday, at Gidding &. Co. A Great Religious Work. The Columbia County Sunday School Association has set apart Fri day, June 29th for a Religious Canvass for the whole county. Each family in the county will be visited with a view uf ascertaining who attend Church and Sunday School and who docs not. The objert to secure the co-operation 'f all the people in building up such a union Christian Jsentiment in this county as will tell for good to every in dividual. It is hoped that every one will give ihe canvassers the nn forma tion desired and all the encourage ment possible m this great undertak "g. The results will be published as suon as returns are made. Ladies and gentlemen, why do you suffer with Corns or Bunions on your feet when you can be relieved by using the world renouned Com Ease? It contains niTpoison and gives on pain. For sale by J. B. Russell at Glasco Cameron's tonsorial Parlors. If not satisfied with the result, money refund ed. 6-15 m. J. R. Townsend i3 the leading Mer chant Tailor of Columbia county. See his advertisement on fourth I'age. tf. N'o Griping, no Mausoa, no 1'ain, when De Win's Little Karlv Riiern are taken. Small Pill. Sale Pill. Best Pill. W. S. Rishton, Drujrgist. tf. DO YOU WANT BICYCLE SUNDRIES? "VsTg liarv-o 'cm. Lanterns, lm!ls, luggage carriers, stands, mud guards, t rouser-guards, repair-kits, cement, enamel, oil, chain-lubricant, etc, UO YOU WANT A BICYCLE ? We can furnish them. Cleveland, Rochester, Lovell and Binghamton. From $15 to $130. WC T-J mllTnkl I AG8NT F OK COLUMBIA COUNTY, . S. RISHTON, I . oppm omce, Collector's tax receipts and tax no are for sale at this office. tf THE BOUNTIES OF NATUBE. Whatever ravages upon the bounties of nature other sections may be suffer ing, from locusts.grasshoppers, weevil, blight, &x., this section certainly has great reason to be thankful for the bounties of nature in profusion this season. Who can remember ever seeing the grain stand higher or more promising ; or who would care lo see more fruit laden upon the trees, or berries upon the bushes ? With reas onable care of the inevitable potato bug there is no reason to doubt that we shall have a most prolific crop of potatoes. And even corn, so greatly retarded by unfavorable weather at the time of planting, is now making rapid strides in gi owth toward perfec tion. Well may the good, bad and indifferent of this blessed land, individ ually, collectively, and without regard to religious creed or denomination, raise their hands heavenward to praise the God of all these bounties of nature lest in our indifference we should be made to cry to Him because of His witholding them from us. Whether we deserve them or not, they are here in profusion, and let us at least express some little word of thanks for the bounties of nature. $6.50 for all wool men'ssuits Satur day, r.t Gidding & Co., the clothiers. LA8T CHANCE FOR MAGIC CITY. All those who have been taking the " Magic City " portfolios, are de lighted with them, and well they ma be, for they are beautiful pictures of the World's Fair, and the price is extremely low. Hundreds of them have been sold by us, and the oppor tunity to get them will soon end. We shall not handle them after July 1, and all who want them must order at once. Orders will be received only for full sets, 18 numbers, at $1.80, or, for single numbers only to complete sets, at 10 cents each, we have ar ranged to have them bound for 85 cents to $1.50. Don't wait another minute, but send in your order. No coupons will be required. 3L Timely Items. In the language of insects that plague of locusts may be understood as saying to New Jersey farmers : " Is this swarm enough for you ?" The Wilson bill may have had some of its features slightly battered, but it will still pass on its good looks. Ballot-seeking women like a chast ening rod is hanging in terrorera over New York's Constitutional Conven tion. Couldn't a compromise be effect ed by kissing the rod ? Now is the time to keep an eye and a shingle on the boy who is plugging up an old piece of gas pipe with pow der for the Fourth. A very inr.ooent-looking young man with a tiny box under his arm, the other day thought that a Philadelphia policeman had been a little rude to a lady, and attempting to reprove him asked his number. This excited the policeman's ire until the innocent looking young man gave his box a twist and proceeded to take a snap shot picture. Then the policeman gave in. When Baby 111 lick, w gave her Castorla. When aha was a Child, (he cried fur Caxtoria. When aha beoame Miss, ahe clung to Castorta.' W l eu she had Children, aha gave them Cuntoria. Notice I After July 1st the club price of The Columbian and New York Weekly World will be $1.65. Until then it will be $1.50. 6-2a-2t U&r3.-xt'rAt Oil WiWaS The gentlemen connected with the two establishments named in the head ing of this article are hustlers, and while pushing their own business, they believe in presenting to the outside world the merits of the town. They have recently had printed some en velopes with a lithograph of the Car pet Works on the front, and on the back is the above cut of the store of Snyder & Magee Co. Limited, corner of Fourth and Market streets, with the following reading matter : FiLOOMSF't'Rf?. The most enterprising city of Penn'a. Every facility for manufac turing goods at a profit. Abundance of labor, cheap coal and ample ship ping facilities by means of the P. & R. R. R., D. L. & W. R. R. and Penn'a. R. R. systems and on the line of the proposed Air Line R. R. from New York to Chicago. BI.OOMSHURG as a place of residence is unsurpassed. Rapidly growing in wealth and popu lation. P. O. receipts doubled in 3 years. State Normal School of over 500 students. Fine primary schools. Churches of every denomination. Pure air. Pure water. Broad streets. Fine residences. Sanitary drainage no high water ever stops Bloomsbuig's progress. Room for a million inhabi tants. BLOOMSBURP, manufactures more carpets (Phila. alone accepted) than any other town in Penna. Its silk goods, woolen goods, school furniture, household furniture, brass and copper tubing, brass and copper utensils, machinery, elevators and fountain pens, are used from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and irom vanaoa to Mexico, i nere is room for hundreds more. BI.00.MS11UR0 is surrounded by good farming country and is the natural jobbing centre for fifty miles around. Improvements are all solid and substantial. If you manufacture anything that has a good market and you want to change location, write to any of the Blootirsburg hustlers and we'll reason together. Room for a million ! One word describes it "perfec tion." We refer to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve: cures obstinate sores, burns, skin diseases and is a well known cure for piles. W. S. Rishton, Druggist. tf. The Fourth-of-July 11 amber of the New York Ledger. The Fourth-of-July special holiday number of the New York Ledger is a publication of unrivaled beauty and interest The cover has a beautiful girl waving an American flag from a window as a decoration. The contents of this number of the Ledger make a strong appeal to patriotic Americans. " Our National Birthday and " Hun kerllill" are the subjects of special editorial articles. "Johnnys fourth of July " is an amusing poetical effus- ion, dedicated to the spirit of Young America intent on celebrating the holiday. This number of the Ledger contains the first chapters of Mrs. . D. E. N. Southworth's famous novel, " The Widows of Widowville," which will be read with delight by old and young readers. Mr. Fay S. Rathbun's new story, entitled " Suspected," and Mr. Seward W. Hopkins' story, " The Two Gentlemen of Hawaii," are con tinued from previous numbers, and are both strong original American novels. The Ledger is now an illus trated paper of the first class, and with its various departments of Science Correspondence, Woman's World, miscellany and children s stories forms the best and cheapest illustrated family paper published in America. If it be true that our port naval officers do nothing much but draw their salaries, why not give them some thing to do or else dismiss them. Pensioners of this class are the most undeserving of all. We should say bounce them by all means as a matter of right and true economy. Among other right pert qualifica tions, it is said that senator (juay is good at playing the drum fish. Some body has put it in print that he re cently caught a sixty pounder. And, as if to verify the fish-story, the re porter mentions as creditable witnesses Samuel Losch and W. F. Wright. Orders for binding the "Magic City " can be left at the Columbian Office, at prices ranging from 65 cents to $1.50. aw. JUST THINK OF IT The multitudes of custo tomers whom we have sold the suits to since last week were en thusiastic to say the least. And they had a right to be such values were neve? offered in this vicinity and if you doubt our word, just mighty quick that we're as good its our word. THE MEN'S ALL e Regular $10, $12 and $11.00 kinds are marvels of cheap ness come to this store and look them over. JUST RECEIVED 3EIVED NEW IN KNEE PANTS Q1 Every SUITS AND THEY GO QUICK 01. 0 worth at Don't think we've neglected our $1.48, $1.90 and $1.98 BOY'S SUITS. We have lots of 'era here, but cim't say how long they will be. 4 An FcrUlls JWb. tm kit DO YOU WONDER why we do the clothing you ever seen nuch values? J H THE CLOTHIERS, HATTERSFW Two Doors below Post Office. Heart Disease Believed in 30 Minutes, Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Or ganic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Pal pitation, Shortness of Breath, Smoth ering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One do&e convinces. Sold by W. S. Rish ton. ' Trichinous pork is again complained of in Saxony. Over 100 Bischofsword anians are thus complaining. Several it is said have died. That's a pretty hard name for the American hog to be responsible for. It is possible that Bischofswarda raises dirtier hoes than we do. -thi: Nerve Tonic. Meredith's Celery with Pepsin Bitters, is Nou-Alcoholic. It is a true .Nerve Ionic, an ac tive Alterative, a reliable Lax ative and Diuretic. It restores Strength, renews Vitality, Pur ifies the Blood, Regulates the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. ince $1.00 per bottle at all druggists and groceries. If they don t have it, write to G. W. Meredith & Co., Pittsburg, Pa., and they will see that you get it. sopt. 8, t:yr. step into our WOOL SUITS HERE AT oily QAn au, Fcr Mi M km Mum. "WE DOUBT IT. OF BLOOMSBURG. I. W. HARTMAN & SON. MARKET SQUARE DRY COODS HOUSE. We always close on the th of July, and at we do not sell fire-crackers, we are not of t he noisy kind, but we are running like a mill race six days in a week on all our goods. It won't pay us to talk much on 3c. lawns, 5c. ginghams, or 2 o yds. of good muslin for $1.00. We have them and are ready to sell. We have 6c. gingham, 3c. gingham, 10c. gingham, ujc. zephyr gmgha m, izjc. 20c. and 25c. sateens; 15c. crepe moire; plain black, striped bla k and figured black lawns, i2Jc. and 15c. for old foks. Fancy thin lawns for young people. (These warm days are selling the thin dress goods). Don 't forget we keep high-priced goods along with all the bargains; have high-pri ted laces, fans, umbrellas, India linens, dotted swiss, etc. High-priced t rimmings for good dresses, high-priced mitts, gloves, hosiery, etc. Our un derwear is leaving us fast. The lace curtains and chenille table cover.? hang ail over our store, at half price. We corer umbrellas. I. W. HARTMAN & SON. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF AISai: T, MATT I IVO, or Oil, CJLOTII, YOU WILL FIND A NICE LINE AT 2nd Door aoove Court House. A large lot of Window Curtains in stock. IF Ar't'lCTKD WITH CANCER OH TITMOKH, WKITB KOK BOOK iNll XOIIK OK TKKATUKNT TO l)K. .HHMIAHL, 1 J W. TUITKH HT Bl'f KAl.O, N. V. tW.Mt. d. $1000 In MnnA. ... u."... J - IllOM m 111 t.ij. able prmrilumH to (food jruem. irtt.BAHH HAI.I.6DtUuH'aat4i, also other valu. orrer HOMI ACT COOMTBT WAOAaiH. ITIee Oo. All NrwbilctiloM ; or 63 Knsi lutb Bt New York. tmci lH vnilrnnnniriinttv fcu. o-w-n, a, WOOL( store you'll convince yourself That's all we ask of you. Do justice to yourself. We know what we're talking about, and we again emphasise this statement: No such values have ever becen offered in this vicinity. one of them least $2.00. s. All Siin. business of these counties ? Hare FURNISHERS, it FLY-FIEND," will poHltlvPly protect, horacs and catua from any annoyance rroiu nltB, gnats and Inaecta of every kind, Improves appuuramw of tun ooat, dispensing with My-nota, Heoontnumitod 6y tliMfuitan. Try It. and be convinced. Trice of " Fly-tli'iid," Including brush, ipmrt cans, 11.00; half-gallon, f 1.75; one gulloD, i.V). One galloa will lust 8 bead ot homes or cattle an eutlm season. Beware of Imitations. Address CKKSHNT MKU. HO., S10 INDIANA AVB., -ttMt. U. I'llltA. 49c CO