THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOIl Powder my PURE THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, FA. FRIDAY, JUNE 21. 1894. Knli'frt m tli" Post offlee at. niootnuburg, Va ts criMii'l cinn nmt ti-r. March 1, lstm. l.pgal advertisements are printed on the seventh page. tf. This is commencement week at Lafayette College. Danville is again free' from small pox, and business is moving on as usual. Creates health, creates strength, creates vigor; De Witt's Sarsaparilla. It recommends itself. W. S. Rishton, Druggist. tf. Look out for stinging locusts ! A swarm of them are reported as having attacked a farmer's horse at the foot f Blue Mountain and 3tinging him until he died. Mrs. Wm. Beers had home grown potatoes about full size the middle of Juno, proving that they may he easily propaeated in the house and trans planted successfully for early potatoes. In the faculty examination it ti.e Normal Sr'noo', 112 of the Sen'or students pas-oil sn -c essfrlly, ): so-:i j of the Juniors ilid not. Though our weather prophets fail- mi to apprise us of it, last Sunday was the hottest day cf the esson. 'he thermometer piavin along in tin? neighborhood cf 96 in the shade It cures blood and skin disorders. It do '-3 '.his quickly end ernmuentiy. is there any gooi reason hv vou should not use Do Witt's Srsapariila? It recommends itself. . S. Kishton, 1'riiiSt. tf. There is a valuable little verse that we used to nave to recite in our school days, which we commend to the (ailing Juniors at the Normal. It runs something like this : "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." ! - it not about time for the candi '.itcs to get around and interview the M,i-rein power? They should re member that somebody is going to uret left in all cases where there are :no:e plugs than holes to fill. If fifteen million dollars is the ap proximate amount of blackmail levied annually in N'ew York city by the po lice upon houses of prostitution and suloon-keepers, how would it do to abolish both and thus give the indus trious police a rest. The Chewing-gum Manufacturing and Tobbinc Establishment of Cum. mines & Verdy, having out frown their facilities for still conducting their retail business, they have disposed of their bakery and retail confectionery business to I less Brothers, of iilooms burs; Mr. Rea. Davenport of Berwick, a hook keeper in the Company Store, recently surprised his townsmen by showing evidence of having caught the Mna'.l-pox from somewhere. As usual u is credited to poor Danville, as Mr. D claimed to have recently gotten samples of goods from this point, and which he presumed must have been '"ntnmin.ved with the disease. Mr. Davenport bavins; been vaccinated, his case is one of varioloid and not 'mall-pox proper, we are told. DeWin's Sars ivariila i prepared, or cleunsin-; t'i: blood from impuri ties and disease. It does this and more. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impuirjd liy d.seusc. It recommends itself. W. S. Rishton Druggist. tf J. R. Townsend 15 the leading Mer chant Tailor of Columbia county. See his advertisement on fourth page. tf. Collector's tax receipts and tax no tices are for sale at this ofhee. tf It will cost only fifty cents to aa to Benton and back on the 4th, on the 15. at. b. railroad. We would call the reader's atten tion to Schuyler's new advertisement in this issue. Something wrong when you tire too easily. Something wrong when the skin is not clear and smooth. Some thing wrong when the Blood is impure. Kve rytinng right when you take De Witt s Sarsaparilla. It recommends itself. A. S. Rishton, Druggist, tf. The sale of the livery stock of Gir ton &. Hidlay last Saturday was large ly attended, and brought big prices. Most of the property was bought in by A. C. Hidlay, who will continue the business at the same place. He is well supplied with good, safe horses, and everything belonging to a first class livery. The following letters are advertised June 19, J894. Mr. Robert Cornelison Miss Annev Cocks. Miss Mira Con ne, 'Mr. Franklin Hartman, Mrs. Mary Ann Johnson, Master C. Laurie ii7RockSt., Clinton Scott H. C Vandradtes, Jennie Walt. Will be sent to the dead letter office July 3 1894. Instead of oleomargarine "I'll take my butter from the brindle cow,' says Col. James Young, of Dauphin, when called upon for expression of his opinion and preference. Some little effort has been made by manufactur ers of "oleo" to repeal about the only protective law the farmer has that which says spurious butter shall not be made in Pennsylvania. Edward Oyster, of Sunbury, like Public Printer Benedict, has secured a re-appointment to a position he held before in the Government Print ing Office. Edward will again be foreman in the Specification Room He was at one time also foreman of the Congressional Hecord, and at another time a likely aspirant for the office of Public Printer. THE STKANDED COLUMBIA. The Columbia got caught in a storm and for a time was stranded on the Susquehanna, near Espy, on Monday evening. The chances to swim or drown looked very ominous for awhile to the frightened lady passengers but the good sailing qualities of the manly crew allayed all fear and in due course of time landed the lac'ies in their longed for haven of rest at home. The principal participants in this outing were Messrs. Oswald Lockard, Sherwood and Williams, who were accompanied by their fami lies and a few intimate friends. Larger boats may venture more, but little skiffs should beware of shore. LA8T CHANCE FOB MAGIC CITY. All those who have been taking the "Magic City" portfolios, are de lighted w: tli tin in, and well they may be, for they are beautiful pictures of the Worlds Fair, and the price extremely low. Hundreds of them have been sold by us, and the oppor tunity to eet them will soon end. We shall not handle them after July and all who want them must order at once. Orders will be received only for full sets, 18 numbers, at $1.80, or for single numbers only to complete sets, at 10 cents each. We have ar ranged to l ave them bound for 85 rents to $1.50. Don't wait another minute, but send in your order. No coupons will be required. 3L Notice ! After July 1st the-club price of The Columbian and New ork Weekly WW, will be $1.65. Until then it will be $1.50. 6-jj at Hazteton vs. Bloomsburg, at Ath letic I'aik on Saturday afternoon. Rescue Hook St Ladder Co. will ave a dance at Oak Grove on Satur day evening. The Lime Ridce M. E. Church will . a hold a Strawberry and Ice Cream Fes tival Saturday night, June 23. C. W. Brown has sold his meat market to John Kniess, manager, who has taken posession. Julius Lindeeren. the piano tuner, has left Bloomsburg. but will return the latter rart of Tone. Orders for tuning may be left at the store of When Baby tu alek, we gave her Cuatoria. . Whnn she was a Child, the cried fur Canto ria. V hen the became Jlias, she clung to Caatorlo. When the had Children, the gava them QutorU. DO YOU WANT BICYCLE SUNDRIES? "Wo liciTr 'em. Lanterns, bells, luggage carriers, stands, mud guards, trouser-guards, repair-kits, cement, enamel, oil, chain-lubricant, etc. DO YOU WANT A BICYCLE? We can furnish them. Cleveland, Rochester, Lovell and Binghamton. From $15 to $150. W. S. RISHTON J A,1KNTP0Ht''Ark ,.. J. D. McHenry of Benton caught a trout a few days ago that weighed two pounds seven and half ounces. It was 17 inches long. He has long born: the reputation of a famous fisherman. Fruit culture is more profitable to the farmer now than his other crop'. Brown. Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery house in the U. S., have a va cancy in this section. Write them at Rochester, N. ., for their terms. Two patent medicine men have been giving entertainments on Mark et Square this week, assisted by a negro minstrel. They gathered the crowd by songs and jokes, and then gathered in the dollars by selling their wares. Ladies and gentlemen, why do you suffer with Corns or Bunions on your feet when you can be relieved by using the world renouned Corn Ease? It contains no poison and gives on pain. For sale by J. B. Russell at Glasco Cameron's tonsorial Parlors. If not satisfied with the result, money refund ed. 6-15-2111. Danville District Epworth Convention, District President W. R. Owen, of Shamokin, l as arranged a strong and attractive program for the fourth an nual convention of the Danville dis trict Epworth League, which will be held at St. Paul's Church, Hazleton, June u-24. Prof. J. M. Black, of Williamsport, will conduct the music. Mrs. Rose S. Ladd died at the home of her son, Dr. C. K. Ladd, in Towanda, last Sunday afternoon, sud denly. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. She was a most devoted mother, and a christian woman, in whose character there were many charming qualities that made her beloved by a very large circle of friends. She had many acquaintances in Bloomsburg, having been a guest at Judge Elwell's a number of times. BfCEMAL SCHOOL NEWS. Big Classes Pass Succosilul Examinations. The result of the examinations which began last Saturday by the Ex amining Committee at the Normal, were made known on Tuesday. One hundred and twelve Seniois, one hun dred and sixty one regular Juniors and fifty seven preparatory were recom mended to the Committee by the Faculty. The entire senior class was passed by the Committee without a dissenting vote. All the juniors were passed but two. Co. Supt. B. R. Johnston, Supt. of Union Co., and Prof. Sterner, Prin. of our Bloomsburg schools, were granted State Normal Diplomas. Prin. Mark Creasy, ot the schools of Hawley, Wayne Co., was examined in several branches and these were added to his diploma of '92. There were fifty-seven Sub-Juniors recommended to the committee. These are examined in but six branch es with a view of lightening their Junior year. A failure in this 'however does not debar any one from being a full Junior next year. Of the fifty-seven, thirty tiht were passed by the State Board. This gives a grand total of three hundred and nine students passed by the State Board, and is believed to be the larg est number ever sent out by any Normal School, in a single year. The program for the coming week is as follows: Sunday, 3 P. M. Bacca laureate service ; Monday, examina tion of under graduates, 8 P. M , Junior Exhibition ; Tuesday, exami nation.continued; 8 P. M., address be fore Literary Societies : Wednesday, 3 P. M. Class Day exercises; 3 P. M., Reunion, Class of '93 ; Thursday, 10 A. M., Commencement s 1 P. M., Alumni meeting and banquet. Heart Disease Believed in 30 Minutes. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Or ganic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Pal pitation, Shortness of Breath, Smoth ering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by W. S. Rish ton. 6-is-iy. MEN'S Summer weight COATS, light or dark stripe, 48 Cts. 011 ran Too Much Stock. BOY'S SUMMER Washable Coats,' wo1ToHct., 25 CTS. Washable knee . pants. J5 Cts. " Too near the close of the season to suit us with such an amount of goods on hand. Sure enough, we've soldloada of it, but we don t want to carry over a single suit. We'll not wait until it gets too lato in the season, but we'll give you the bene- fit of it NOW. and we'll make the greatest effort of our lives to put them from our store onto your backs. You Kqow Bow We o Bu$ire$ What we advertise in this paper you'll find in our store Now to business. . We've on our tables about 200 men's suits that sold for eight, nine and ten dollars each. Do you want one at tKsr" The patterns are all new and we guarantee them all wool and fast colors. We've about one hundred and fifty men's suits not one ever sold for less than $10.00, and even as high as $12,00 to $15.00. Will you take one at this price ?GSr THESE ARE JUST TWO ITEMS but they're enough to give you an idea. The sizes as yet are unbroken, but can't tell how long they'll stay that way, so we'd advise a visit at once. J. M GIBBIIG fc CO THE CLOTHIERS, hatters 18HER8 OF BLOOMSBURG. Two Doors below Post Office. -THK- Nerve Tonic. Meredith's Celery with Pepsin Bitters, is Non-Alcoholic. It is a true Nerve Tonic, an ac tive Alterative, a reliable Lax ative and Diuretic. It restores Strength, renews Vitality, Pur ifies the Blood, Regulates the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. Price $1.00 per bottle at all druggists and groceries. If they don't have it, write to G. W. Meredith & Co., Pittsburg, Pa., and they will see that you get it. S?pt. H, 1 yr. I. HARTMAN & SON. MARKET SQUARE DRY COODS HOUSE. WE CLOSE SHARP AT 8 0'CLOCKi M., EXCEPT SATURDAY. Is thirteen hours not enough for clerks, when mechanics anil others wtmi only 8 and 10 f New lot of that l"o Chow pongee at cut prices this week. Wt are adding to . the list of warm weather dress goods. Now have twelve different kinds with about 40 styles. Just in, a big assortment of narrow silk velvet ribbons for trimmings. Babies' long and short coats, all colors. Babies' silk and Lux; caps loc. to $s.oo. Our chenille table covers sell as well in warm weather as in cold. L ace curtains are in use all the year, 50c, 75c, $1.00 ip to $4.00 pair. Have you heard of Dutch table linen ? We have it, 25c. to $1.00 yd. B ig line of linen towels and napkins at low prices. ChemiscUs at sic ; sum nicr corsets, 45c ; fans, ic. to $2.50, gloria umbrellas, 95:.. White Goods, India linens, victoria lawns, wainsook, check and stripe. New mitts, new gloves, this week. Watch for our 3c. lawns. I. W. HARTMAN & SON. IIS I WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED, E8tlinittp given on Application. SHAW & DONAHUE, Fourth Street. - Bloomsburg, WANTED MEN! Honest tempera to, enowtlc to Huli. H oi.l.'ra tor kruii AND OHKAMKNTAI. NUKHKKV htock. PHriniincnt employ ment uud llberul Inducement No previous experience wtcefMary. Varieties aclupted to PecnHyivunlu. Write at once for terms and territory. AddrogH, THE Ul'AHANTBR Nl'KHKHY X., 18tn uud Client mil Hiutlou, Philadelphia. M-8t. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN lliOD PIECES Haberman's Steel Enameled Ware Less Than Tinware Prices. This is the finest lot of enameled ware we have ever bought, consisting of dish pans, tea kettles, tea and coffee pots, drinking cups, soap dishes, fry pans, pudding pans, preserving kettles, sauce pans, cooking pots, wash basins, cuspidores, water pails, etc. We bought for cash at a big auction sale and will retail these goods at prices worth driving miles to secure. Many of our customers who were too late at our previous sale to secure some of the bar gains, we trust will profit by their experience. Come early where the assort- ' ment is complete, but , DON'T GET LEFT AT THIS SALE AT SCHUYLER'S HABDWABE STOEE. 1