The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 11, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Deslrstilc vurnnt lotsanrl i number of pond
Houmhi nnil lc tu HlKiuMniirir, in 'inn w.
knilnm hi jiihI 111 HloiimHlMlltf . A VOTV tlUHlni'
tie propnrl v coin iilnlni? IK acios mill ilrsl Hum
nulldlnirs w'li li it'iixl will III a bustlings worm
to siMti nor your aO Willow oruve.
iwiii nia Iii Ksnv. Oruuirevlllo and Hcaon
Haven, A lurtfrt iniiubir ol farms In fjnluuilila
Wuiity, omc in I.ii'Tiio County, one In Virginia.
Two couiiiiy siore stutuls In Columbia futility
and one In Lii.i'rne county. A water power
Dianlng mill, dry flock and lumber yard and
abrda In Heueli Haven, I'a. Also 10 acres of
nod fann IihhI at same place, by M. 1. LUTZ
BUN, Insurance aud Heal Kstate Aifeiils,
biahjMmiii'i:!, i'a. y.
arANTKi).-.noit ON 1ST MOKTIIAfiK.
W Proneriy worth lia.lKH'. For Inlorwa.
Uon addrcus Lock Box A., Bloomsburg, ra. at,
iV formation address 1). K. Wiiitknioiit,
Tamaqua, sobuylklll Co., I'a. 6-5-1 y.
ROOMS FOH YOUNO MKN.-M. M. HIIII.UI'S very deslrablo furnlslied rooms for
six young men. Hatli room adjoining, for tiso
of oocupauts of tlio rooms, t all aud examine.
and toNSTABLKs at the coi.t'MniAN of-
samples of metal, celluloid, woven and
ribbon badges for all kinds of orders and so
Metles, and can ,iave them made to order on
abort not Ice. Sec samples and get prices.
Address Tun Columbian, bloomsbuig, I'a.
II rstabllshed Life Insurance Company for
UilH County. Contract new, attractive aud at
a cost to suit the limes. Address, Gsnkkal
MAKAOKK, IMl-'J'JJ UCU WUtf-i l'llllUJclplllH.
IN has been printed, and Is for sale nt this
office, lovers everything. Scents each or 40
conta a dozen. tL
Just lees and constables can procure copies
of fee bill under i lie act of WW, at ''"
bian ontce. It Is printed In pamphlet form,
nd Is very convenient for reference. It also
nt,.ino iiie net nf last! coneernlnir Iho destnic-
wliucnis, loxes aim iiiiiik. i m-j
tlon of w olv
will be sent by mall to any
of 20 cents In stamps.
address on receipt
Totake Orders. No
delivering or col
lecting, t.vper'nco
nt tieoessarv. si eady employment. Best terms.
Write at once and secure choice of territory.
S-o-tm MuvlieMUsr, . .
Interesting Items From Various Points in
tho County. Reported by Our Staff of
Jersey Town.
Wm. Johnston and wife, from Rup
ert, Fa., spent Sunday with his bro
ther E. 1 Johnston.
Robeit Lee visiled friends at
Bloomsburg on Sunday last.
B. F. Fiuit is having his barn roof
painted. V, T. Leathers & Son, of
Center Co. Pa., has the contract,
Among the rest of tlie improvements
in our plarc we notice that Robt.
Butler is remodeling his house. Uriah
Welliver has torn away the old shop
and in its place will be a new sadler
jft,J". ', .a!so C'reen'y Bro's are niittg
a new yard fe'aCfi " aroun J their place
lit tKe giist mill, and O. P. Shultz is
re-roofing his house,
H. W. Torwiliger pr,. 8. S. Ande
Staited on Monday UiOVning for Wash
ington 1). C.
D. W Giiton and sister, from Buck
horn, paid Jno. J. Kreamer a visit on
Sunday last.
The farmer's in and around our
place are all busy with their corn.
Some commenced while others are
done planting.
Our town was quite lively on Mon
day night. The great all-feature show
if Wheeler Bros, they had a full house.
Harvey Gingles, from Bloomsburg,
paid our town a visit on Sunday last.
Jack Mitchell and four of his wheel
companions of Millville gave our town
a short call on Sunday last.
John Welliver, of Buckhorn, (known
as Spates) drove up on Tuesday for a
load of shingles. He says the storm on
Sunday unroofed some of his buildings.
Quite a number of our people took
trips down the river to Bloomsburg
on the steamer Columbia, on Sunday.
Boyd Patterson lias moved back
from Bloomsburg, and is working in
the boat yard.
Wm. Pettit, who has been living at
lYiifllinville for some time, is back to
Espy again.
The store building being erected by
John Hidlay, is neanng completion.
Ellis Merrtll of Bloomsburg, visited
his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Merrell, on Sunday,
Earl Hess is among the owners of
new bicycles.
East Benton.
The people of Cambra and vicinity
enjoyed a rare treat last Saturday
night in the exhibition closing the pub
lic school term. The Christian Chapel
was filled witli delighted listners. Ap
plause burst forth at the close ot every
exercise. A " Drama of Three Acts "
was exhibited to such perfection that
the scene represented almost real ex
perience. A motto, "Rowing not Drift
ing," was a song engaged in by the
school children that reflects great credit
10 the shool. But the crowning extr-
cise was " Calisthenics," which set the
audience almost wild with applause. A
new piano was placed in this cnapei
on trial, rrom the sweetness of tone
that flowed from that instrument, at
the skillful hands of Prof. Stanley Mc-
Iienry and Hattie Pealer, one would
suppose that the instrument was one
of the best. At the close of the recita
tion, " The Black Horse," which de
picted the part taken by Benedict
Arnold at the battle of Saratoga, Mrs.
Hat Coss remarked that her grandfa
ther Fellows was in the battle that was
fought at Saratoga. Now that the
Cambra public school attained such a
degree of proficiency in every part of
drill exhibited last Saturday night is
as complimentary an advertisement
for the youthful or boy teacher, who
does not seem to be yet out of his
teens, as could be given by all the
newspapers of two counties. Prof.
Walter Casterline is a Normal graduate.
Judae Krickbaum and wife called
upon Isaac Drum, of Jonestown, last
Sunday. Mrs. Krickbaum and Mr.
Drum are cousins. 1 he latter is be
coming aged and feeble.
Samuel T. Krickbaum of this place
who has been unwell for a long time
is not improving in health. His con
dition however is not critical.
Quite a few have planted their corn.
We have abandoned the advantages,
or lather disadvantages, of early plant-
A Little Daughter
Of a Church of England minister
cured of a distressing rash, by
Ayer's Sarsapnrilla. Mr. Richard
Dirks, tho well-known Druggist, 207
McGill St., Montreal, P. Q., says:
I have sold Ayer's Family Moitlclncs
for 40 years, and have heard nothing but
good said ot them. I kuow ot many
..Wonderful Cures
performod by Ayer's Snrsapnrllla, one
In particular being that of a little
daughter of a Church of England minis
ter. Tho child was literally covered
from head to foot with a red and ex-
A Widow Surprises Mourners.
Plymouth, Pa., May 5. A sensa
tion wa9 created here to-day in a most
unexpected manner. Yesterday David
Edwards, a citizen of the town, was
run over by the cars and killed. Ed
wards' wife died about eight months
Ago. He has grown-up children, and
they were about making arrangements
(or the funeral when Mrs. John
Thomas, a widow, ami the owner of
ihe Plymouth Hotel, stepped in and
said she would take charge of the re
mains of her husband. Consternation
followed, and the children demanded
an explanation. The widow then pro
duced her marriaue certificate. She
find Edwards were married in Bing
Itamton, N. Y., last February. The
pffair was kept secret from both fami-
and the two were never seen to
gether in public.
Of course some ladies of large
waists will distort their bodies witn
tight laced corsets for sake of style, so
called, actually suffering in many
ways from it. Thtre is no legal
remedy in such cases, where a sensible
mothers advice fails. Hut we are
glad to see that law is coming to the
relief of that noble animal, the horse,
forbidding the use of check-reins
which 500 veterinary surgeons have
lately condemned for pity sake and
ccedingly troublesome rash, from which declaring them to be the cause of dis
. ...... ... .. a .tj: : ..J-.!
she had Suffered for two or three years,
in spite ot the best medical treatment
available. Iler father wns in great
distress about tho rnse, and, at my
recommendation, nt last began to ad
minister Ayer's Snranrinrilla, two bot
tles of which effected a complete euro,
much to her relief and her father's
delight. I am sure, were he hero to-day,
he would testify in tho strongest terms
as to the morlta ot
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared byDr.J.C. Aycr It Co., Lowell, Mass.
Cures others, will cure you
Sharon, Ta., May 5. A human
needle cushion is Melinda Morford, a
1 6-year old girl, of this town. Melin
da's home is on Madison avenue, and
up to date the doctors have removed
from her body about 700 needles and
pieces of needles. How or when they
got into her flesh is a mystery. It is
believed, however, that the girl, while
hysterical or laboring under delusions,
has stuck the needles in her arms and
legs. They have traversed her body,
and when near the surface cause great
pain. Then they are removed by the
doctors. As many as 50, it is said,
nave been taken out at one time.
Melinda. denies, that she put the
needles in her body.
Christopher Columbus Jones is the
ave yet seen
among the worlccscapcrs wno are
training with Coxey. Christopher
wears a slove pipe hat and a be
nignant smile that puts him head and
shoulders above Coxey, who looks as
though he had been struck at and hit
by somebody.
' r-c--rt 1 liiilll Ell
of a run-down system
can be accomplished
by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery.
A long procession
of diseases start from
a torpid liver and
impure blood. Take
it, as you ought,
when you feel the
first symptoms ( lan
guor, loss ol appe
tite, dullness
and you 11
save your
self fromWp
having something serious.
As an appetizing, restorative
tonic, to repel disease and
build up the needed flesh and
strength, there's nothing to
equal it. It rouses every or
gan into healthful action, puri
nes and enriches the blood,
braces up the whole system,
and restores health and vigor.
For every disease caused by
a disordered liver or impure
blood, it is the only guaranteed
If it doesn't benefit or cure,
in every case, you have your
money back.
The gospei ministry are always J happiest jolliest looking "
eager and rez.iv lo " Tie Knots:' I er," so called, that we hav
But I have never known a case where
one of them helped, or even offered
to help to untie a " knot " they bound.
TI.ey " tie the knot," so tight that it
seems to take the court of quarter
sessions to untie them.
The holy communion ot the Lord's
Supper was administered at Hamline
last Sunday forenoon. Kev. King, ot
Benton, preached an interesting ser
mon on the occasion.
On Sunday evening and Monday
morning the Presiding Llder, Rev.
Yocum, preached at the same place,
after which Quarterly Conference was
The eccentricities of men are mark
ed by characteristics that distinguish
them from all the rest of mankind
every turn of which shows a result
that stamps them in the image of
A series of showers gave vegetation
a new start. The shower on Sunday
afternoon, as it was coming up, was
torted windpipe, impeded respiration,
paralysis of muscles, megrims, apo
plexy, coma, and other diseases, be
sides being a great annoyance to a
faithful and patient servant of man.
It is a burning shame with what in
difference some folks will walk right
along and trample down the very sign
" Keep off the Grass." You may
print it in double extra black 20-line
nonpareil and still they fail to see it.
That's what got Coxey into trouble,
the first he met with at Washington,
where getting on forbidden ground is
an offense somewhat akin to horse
stealing in Texas. Coxey should have
kept off the grass
By Guy Jacoby, Esq., May 5, 1894,
William Yocum to Hattie Whitmer,
both of Bloomsburg.
Our readers should look over Gid
dmg & Co's. new adv. on 1st page.
marked by features indicating greater
severity than it brought. A few small
hail fell.
William Lowstutter, of Coal Centre,
oc Villus in a mnsurou at DrrtiunciMlli
UkO nillU 111 . U 1. M 11 Vt j . . 1. a. w n l.M , ...w
ihia ollprnnnn. H and Knlnh Charl.
ton Were driving on the National road
when a lurch threw both out. Charl-
ton fell clear and escaped injurus.
Lowstutter's foot caught over the
axle, and he could not free it. The
horse dashed away over the flinty pike,
dragging him head downwards for
more than a mile before the horse was
caught. Lowstutter was lifted out dead
his head being literally ground off to
the ears and his brains scattered along
the highway. He was 26 years o'd.
and leaves a wife and four children.
J'hila. Times.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately disappears, ihe
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cts. Sold
by C. A. Kleim, Druggist, Blooms
burg. n-io-8m.
ITeadacbo, foul lircath, (our stomach, heart
burn, pain in chest, uyniieiitia, constipation.
Poor Digestion.
Ulstrew after cutlng, pain and bloating in the
stomach, shortness ot breath, pain in thu heart.
Loss of Appetite,
A splonilld fccllnH to-dny and depressed ono
to-morrow, nothing sneius to tosto good, tired,
sleepless and all unstrung, weakness, debility.
Swamp-Hoot builds up quickly a run down
constitution and makes the weak stroug.
Caarautco-VK eontenta of One DotUp, if Dot benefited.
DniKicuUi wui refund to you Uu pnc paid.
At DriiKgUtK, 50c. Size, $1.00 Size.
"Jnmlldi' Quids to Health" frve- ConaultaUon fret.
Dr, Kilmer St Co., Hinobamton. N. T.
The Thiladelphia Record suggest
in connection with our large contribu
tion to the World's Fair at Antwerp,
what it chooses to call a contingent of
handsome American girls, in order to
heighten the attractions of the United
States exhibit. That's tight, send the
girls to Antwerp, and throw in a few
of our homely old maids as a fair
sample of the other kind, just to show
Antiverpians that we can takj the
cake either way.
T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of
Promise City, Iowa, says : ' I bought
one bottle of 'Mystic Cure,' for Rheu
matism and two doses of it did me
more good than any medicine I ever
took." Sold by C. A. Kleim, Drug
gist, Bloomsburg. u io-8m. ,
Are you paying less for your
Clothes than last year? You
should be. We sell Single Suits
at the prices they cost most
Stores by the hundreds.
We can recommend the $12.
and $15. Suits as uncommonly
good for style and wear-and
having manufactured them we
know whereof we speak.
Do you know it?
We Pay Railroad Fare
We Pay Railroad Fare
We Pay Railroad Fare
We pay it, on quite reasonable purchases.
Wanamaker & Brown
Sixth and Jlarket Philadelphia
for Infants and Children.
" Castor I a Is so Troll adrift i to children that
I recommend It as superior toanjr rrescrliillon
known to me." II. A. AnrritB, M. D.,
Ill Bo. Oxford St,, Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Tt.4 wo of ' Cafftnrla it to unlvcnvit and
Ita merits to well known that 11 Fivnig a work
of miixreroprntlon to endorac It. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Caetoria
within Wf reach."
New York City.
Cantori. cures Oollo, Connt'pntlon,
Sour Stomach, Dlarrhcna, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes H
pout Ion,
Without Injurious medication,
"For (Kweml years I havo recommend,
your 'CaHtorlo,' aud Khali always continue tt
do so as It has Invariably produced bencOclol
Erwrt P. rMnmeii, M. n
lath Street and 7th Avo., New York City
Tns CicxTAra CoKPAinr, 77 M curat Strkkt, New York Cttt.
B. F. Sharpless, Trcs. N. U. Funk, Sec. C. II. Cammell, Treas
Capital Stock $30,0O0.
Plotted property is in the coming business centre of the
town. It includes also part of the factory district, and lias uo
equal in desirability for residence purposes.
CHOICE LOTS are offered at values that will bo doubled
in a short time.
No such opportunity can be had elsewhere to make money.
Maps of the town and of plotted property furnished on an
Call upon or write to the Secretary, or J. S. AVoods, Sales
Agent, or any member of the Board of Directors.
B. F. Sharpless; J. L. Dillox.
C. W. Neal A. G. Briggs, Dk. I. W. Willits.
Dr. II. W. McReynolds, N. Li. Fuxk.
Eyes examined free of charge.
Dun't Get Yourself
in a
A TTTiT?rnn a tit t t a t tTtf
It's a risk you can't afford to run can't
afford any way when we can supply you with
an article that is beyond question.
We handle the oest makes ot
Shoes, for Children- BOYS need
no longer wear girls shoes as we
have a line made especially for
the small Boys. Ladies who'
wear Spring Heeled Shoes will
hnd a good assortment at the
sforeofW, C. McKIMEY.
H. J. Clark's Building, Main street.
No. 87. Surrey LIuru6b.
j.y mold it
tJo.tlb!, Top Buggy. Muuufue.
$43.03 5,, , K
Have sold to coniumerf for 91 years.
F'lvlntf tlicnt tlio duultT'. profit. Y'e urn tlio
Old., umt Lurivitt nmnufaoturora In Amur
Ica BttlUuii Volilcli'ii anil lltirntiriH lUia way Phlp
uu privm'KU oxuniina umore liny mum'y IB
ald. WO Ilfiv 1 rultzht tmth whvr t r nnt. wu
tiiry. Vsrrunt fur. yearn. Wliy my nn mionif li)
in wnicr jur yum vrini your own rnr.
Uoxing f res. We tuko u!l tat vC Uuiautfu 111
Spring Wagons, S3I to SSO. Uuarantw!
Hume Mil ful'iauu ms. Surrey a, $CS toSlOO
iune m wll for tioo to ll.rt Yop Buggies,
$37. BO, an fine u old fur US. PhBBtona,$60
to $100. Farm Wagons, Wagonettes.
Milk Wagons, Deli very Wagons -ml Road
Carta, uiciclu t uu hl, iiojui uiiuiiax.
fJiSftLj I Double
1 ;ll
16 ta
ho. 1, Farm IlameHH,
HIKING 8 VODl.tH aud 1 LV RET.
II pcrtvnt. off fur r.!i with ordvr. Henif 4c. Ill
blu:uy. 1 j ity (.Mla.TJ oa li4.p-go I'-uuotfua.
No. 727, B0a j
Ke.ll.F-rm Wgon. 14arc ym Q. PRATT, BeC'y.
Rlkhsrt Blorclo.