The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 04, 1894, Image 9

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Desirable vacant lots and 1 number of eond
hon nl lom In mwmiHburg, l'a Tlw bent
bamnoaagiHiul In HlonmsiHirg. A very doNlru
ble property continuing ID aorcs and Hint class
kQlldlntcs wlin K"l will In a business wortu
flaw to IS0U pi r year lit Willow drove.
Dwelling In Kspy, Orangcvlllo and Beach
Haven. Alare number of farms In Columbia
Oounty, onn In Utzcnin County, one In Virginia,
Two Country HinruMlnmls In Columbia County
ftod ono In Luwrno County, A water power
pinning mill, dry doolt and lumber yard and
ItMl lu littacli ll.iveu, l'a. Also 10 aores of
good farm bind at same plaeo, by M. 1'. M'TZ
HON, Insuranen and Heal Estate Agents,
RLUOMSUl U,1'A. tf.
lirANTKl). ti,nno ON 1ST MOIITOAOE.
I'piperty worth la.ow. For Informa
tion address Lock liox A., llloomsburg, l'a. Kt,
JV formiitlnn address D. K. Wiiitkniuht,
Tamaqua, Schuylkill Co., l'a. 5-5-ly.
has very deslrublo furnished rooms for
tlx young men. Haiti room adjoining, for use
otoccuuanla of the rooms. Call and examine.
and co.nktaki.ks at tho Columbian ot
Poe. tf.
samples of metal, celluloid, woven and
ribbon budges for all kinds of orders and so
oletles, andean .nive them made to order on
short not Ice. Hee wimples and get prices.
Address Tim coi.I'uuian, Uloomsburg, Pa.
JLJ established Lire Insurance Company for
UilsCountv. cmitract new, altractlve and at
a cost to suit tho times. Address, ORNkkal
Manaork, Q-il-Wi lletz llldg., Philadelphia.
IN has been printed, and Is for Bale at this
onice. Covers uutj thing. Scents each or 40
cents a dozen. tf.
Just Ices and constables can procure copies
ot fee bill under the act of is:i, at. Tiir C'Ji.rM
lANOfllec. It 1m printed In pumphlet form,
and Is very convenient for reference. It. also
contains the act of 1WW concerning the desl ruc
tion of wolves, wildcats, foxes mm minks. They
will be sent by mull to any address on receipt
of 20 cent s lu si amps. tf.
To t ake Orders. No
delivering or col
lecting, bxpernco
not necessary, steady employment. Best terms.
Wrlteat one, am. fcure cncnce ui iciiiiui.,.
A1.I.I!N NlltSKKV CO.,
S-IMlll. OClCHltT, J. A .
Interesting Items From Various Points in
the County, Reported by Our Stall of
East Benton.
Mrs. William Wilson of this place
is in a critical condition.
Danirl Mess lias hired with Judge
The fruit prospect hereabouts is
very flattering.
Bruce Hess, son-in-law of William
Ipher, w as thrown off a horse and con
siderably hurt.
There is a lull just now in matrimo
nial activity.
At this date, April 30, there is still a
great deal of oats unsown.
The Junior Trof. Killgore attended
church at St. James last Sunday, after
which he and his best girl took dinner
with Frank Pealcr.
S. P. Krickbaum is not gaining in
health as rapidly as is desirable'.
The small-pox scare is the cause of
many sore arms by reason of vaccinat
ion. There was a case of small pox re
ported from Tinecreek. There were
also two cases reported from Benton.
But the small pox are not so thick yet
At last the Democrats breathe a lit
tle easier as Tariff reform has taken
a new start. Dilly-dallying seems to
have dilly-dallied out. Such a dilly
dallying Senate ought to be d illy dall
ied to " Limbo."
There will be an entertainment Sat
urday evening of May 5th, at the
closing of the Cambra public school.
Prof. Casterline is a very successful
teacher. He will also open a select
s chool after the close of the public
TAs Old-fashioned Style
gives you
a feeling
?Tof hor
ror when
you see it
and when you
feel it. Like the
"blunderbuss" of
a former decade it
is big and clumsy,
but not effective. In
this century of en
lightenment you have
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets,
frhich cure all liver troubles in
the most effective way.
They're not easily seen for
they're small as grains of
' mustard seed, but the effect is
lasting and the cure complete.
For Indigestion, Constipation,
Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bil
ious Headache, nothing has
been found to equal these pills
of Dr. Pierce's invention. They
give such complete relief that
their makers promise that
they'll give you satisfaction or
your money will be returned.
Smallest, cheapest, easiest
to take. One a. dose. 25 cts.
a vial. A vest-pocket remedy.
Miss Martha Abbott has improved
the appearance of her house by a new
coat ot paint.
Messrs. Chas. Hess and Wm. Heck
man took a drive to Berwick on Sun
trcas Ringrose, who has ueen
working in the telegraph office at
Bennett's for a short time, is home
Prosnects for the boat yard are be
coinint; brighter. Nine new men have
been added this week, and work
annears to be on the Increase.
Our landlord, Mr. Purman, takes
daily outings with his team ot ponies.
They are r. fine little pair of animals.
Messrs. Tohn K. Miller and Tohn
Fiddler have purchased bicycles of
Dr. Ketlcker.
Suctions From Fish Laws of Pennsyl
vania. 1 st. It is made illegal to catch
speckled trout save only by rod and
line, at any time, or to place any set
lines or set nets across any streamin
habited by them, under penalty of
$25 00.
ad. No person shall kill, sell, or
have in possession after being killed,
any speckled trout, save only from the
15th day of April to the 15th day of
July, under penalty of $10.00 for each
fish. No person shall take, for sale,
any trout less than five inches long, or
fish in any waters, for three years, in
which brook trout have been planted
by the fish commissioners, when pub
lic notice of said planting has been
given under penalty of $20.00.
J he above extracts fioin the fish
laws of Pennsylvania about cover the
ground as far as trout are concerned.
In the last section the words " No
person shall take, for sale, any trout
less than five inches long," etc., show
that one may catch and eat trout five
inches long, but that none of that
length or under dare be bought or sold.
lie cautious, you sports who buy
trout and then swear you caught them;
be cautious. Walton.
Smiling Tlirongh Tears
Telling his wife he was weary of life,
Isaac Sparr, a wealthy farmer near Al
toona, shot himself to death.
It is wrong to suppose that the most
miserable in this life, and therefore
about the only suicide:, are those who
are poverty-stricken.
With more than enough of this
world's goods either the mind or stom
ach may be so deranged as to make
life not worth living.
While with nothing but a firm re
liance upon God's promises happiness
and cheerfulness unknown to the afflu
ent is quite characteristic of those
whom God's love and guidance causes
to smile through their tears, and they
really enjoy life-
This happy peculiarity of smiling
through tears may be classed among
the mysteries of God's kind providence,
and yet it is a tangible fact that is
easily verified.
The Gist of It.
Had there been no income-tax ad
hering to the tariff bill it would no
doubt have passed long ago. It is this
proposition to tax the rich that has
clogged the wheels of legislation and
thrown labor out of employment from
Maine to California quite as much as
the proposition to reform or revise the
tariff which the rich had fixed up to
suit themselves under Republican ad
ministrations. Had Repnblican adjust
ment of the tariff been what the sover
eign power of this country wants then
we should have had no change, no
discontent because of distress under
the Republican regime, and certainly
no ousting of Republicans in order
that Democrats might reform the tariff
and place an equitable tax upon fabu
ous wealth as a means of raising revenue.
The public Eerant, whether he be
a Senator or a Representative, who
fails and deliberately fails to be at his
post of duty when duty calls is nothing
more nor less than a shirk who don't
begin to earn the $5,000 salary he
receives, to say nothing about his
perquisites which he may multiply by
simply staying from his post of duty
in order to avoid voting and acting as"
his constituents would have him vote
and act. Since reduction of pay is in
older these days, why not commence
with our derelict statesmen who once
managed to live on one-half their
present pay ?
In devising ways and means to get
a quorum in Congress hereafter, the
tellers will count members not res
ponding when their names are called.
The tellers will be chosen by the
Speaker, one from each side of the
llousq. When put to the test the
plan was found to be popular. All
but 47 of the Democrats voted font,
and all the Republicans. The Popu
lists, however, did not record their
votes either way.
A Spring Salad.
An appetizing Spring salad is made
fiom cucumbeis, white onions and
green pepper. Chop the cucumbers,
and to each one of medium size add a
toaspoonful of chopped onion and a
half table-spoonful of chopped green
pepper with the seeds removed. Dress
with French ('.rooming. Serve with fish
or broiled beefsteak.
Mrs. J. II. IIonsNYnicn, ir2 Pacific
Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal., writes:
" When a plrl nt school, In Renitlnff,
Ohio, I lintl a sorcra attack of Virnln
fever. On my recovery, I found myself
perfectly bald, nnd, for a long time, I
feared I should ho permanently no.
Friends urged mo to tiso Aycr's Hulr
Vigor, and, on doing go, my hair
Began to Grow,
nnd I now hnvo n fine a liend of hnlr ns
one could wIhIi for, helng changed, how
ever, from hhmdo to dark brown."
"After a fit of niekncs4, my hair enme
out in comhfulU. I used two bottles ol
Ayer's Hair Vigor
and now my hair is over a yard long
and very full and heavy. I have recom
mended this preparation to others with
liko good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr,
14i'0 Ucgina St., Ilarrlsburg, Pa.
"I have used Ayer's Ilair Vigor for
several years and always obtained satis
factory results. I know It is tho best
preparation for tho hair thnt is made."
C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mow
It seems that Jack Best, of the
Coxey brigade, is somewhat of a
misnomer, from the fact that he
reached jail for stealing, not chickens,
but patent medicine. Had our wealthy
anti-tariff reform boomers given Best
security for the requisite $200 bail,
the foul stench of a jail would never
have permeated the wardrobe of Mr.
Best- perhaps. We siy perhaps with
. more or less emphasis in this case,
! because we can't tell for certain, about
. it. Mr. Best, (Coxey's best man for
all we know) gives about the following
version to the sad mishap : From a
! feeling of fellow-kindness he took an
' other young gentleman to sleep with
; mm one nignt, who perhaps would
have been obliged to sleep out under the
broad canopy of heaven. And unforl-
unatcly his bed room was in the im
mediate neighborhood of some of Dr.
Huber's liniment which was stored in
the bath room. No doubt their strict
sense of cleanliness led them into the
bath-room, where the temptation to
steal the liniment got the better of
Best's distressed friend. Somewhat
lika other more important cases re
corded in history, the distressed young
gentleman not only stole the liniment
from the doctor, but out of his kind
ness of heart and full appreciation of
Mr. Best's favor actually gave him a
number of bottles to sell. Mr. Best
then proceeded to cut rates on the
doctor's prices it seems actually selling
the goods as low as five cts. a bottle,
and making money at that. It was
not until Mr. Best discovered that the
liniment was stolen by his bunk mate,
and the iron arm of the law had em
braced him, that he made his humble
confession, which we must admit re
flects somewhat upon the character
and integrity of the bunk mate of Mr.
In arriving at a verdict of $15,000
for Miss l'ollard it seems the jury took
the usual method of allowing each
juryman to maik down whatever he
thought best. Then by adding the
amounts and dividing by twelve the
result was the amount determined
upon as the jury's verdict.
In commenting upon this mode of
concentrating twelve different conclu
sions into one conclusion or award,
the friends of Mr. Breckinridge are
disposed to criticise it severely from a
legal standpoint, holding that the ver
dict or amount should represent the
views of all the jurors and not be the
result of an accommodation of their
combined views or judgment, which
they hold is thus reached without the
exercise of judgment. Holding that
such a verdict is unfairly gained, they
even claim that a competent nidge
would have dismissed the whole case
on its appearance as an impossible
action, ine veraicc seems to give
pretty general satisfaction to every
body but Breckinridge and his
T. F. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of
Promise City, Iowa, says : '-I bought
one bottle of 'Mystic Cure,' for Rheu
matism and two doses of it did nie
more good than any medicine I ever
took." Sold by C. A. Kleim, Drug
gist, Bloomsburg. 11-10-8111.
It is not riven to manv men to ac.
j hieve the distinction of political infamy
: so suddenly as David B. Hill. At-
lama journal.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to -i
days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cts. Sold
by C. A. Kleim, Druggist, Blooms
burg. n-io-8m.
Dissolves Gravel,
Gall stone, brick dust in urine, jiain In urethra.
I BblUUllllK lUlur U11IIUL1UII, IUU11I1 Hie UUUK UI1U
nips, suucien smppniro or water wltti pressure.
Hri gist's Disease.
Tube coals in urine, scanty urlno. Su-amp-Uoot
cures urinary troubles and kidney dlltlcultles.
Liver CosHilaint9
Torpid or enlarged liver, foul breath, bilious
ness, bilious headache, poor digestion, gout.
Catarrh ofthelSladdcr,
Inflammation, irritation, ulceration, dribbling,
frequent calls, pass blood, mucus or pus.
Cuarantce-CM couteuta of One Dottle, If out benefited.
DrdKftlxta will refund to you the price paid.
A t DrueelMK, 50c. Size, If 1 .00 Size.
"InTklldY Uulde to HnalUi" free- Conroltation fro.
Diu Kilmer & Co., Binqhauton, N. Y.
Are you paying less for your
Clothes than last year? You
should be. We sell Single Suits
at the prices they cost most
Stores by the hundreds.
We can recommend the $12.
and $15. Suits as uncommonly
good for style and wear-and
having manufactured them we
know whereof we speak.
Do you know it ?
We Pay Railroad Fare
We Pay Railroad Fare
We Pay Railroad Fare
We pay it, on quite reasonable purchases.
lawmaker & Brown
Sixth and fJarket Philadelphia
for Infants and Children.
( n 11
" Cm atorl it Is 00 well ndnpt ed to children that
I recommend it ns superior t nny prescription
known to me." It A. Ancnicn, M. P.,
Ill So. Oxford 8U, Brooklyn, N. T.
"TL use of 'CVwtnrla la so universal and
Ita merits so well known Ihut It seems a work
cf supererofrntlon to endorse It, Few Are tho
Intelligent families who do nut kecpCastoria
within easy reach."
Cablos Martto, T), P.,
Jfcw York City.
Caatnrta cures Colic, Constipation,
Pour tilomaeli, Plarrhroa, Eructation,
Kills Worms, giree sloep, and promotes dt
Rest Ion,
Without injurious medication.
Tor several years I have recommend,
your 'Castorla,' and shall always oontlm,c ti
do so as it has Invariably produced beneOcld
Enwro F. TAnnKR, Jf . P.,
126th Street and 7th Avo., New York City
Thb Ckhtacb Compakt, 77 Mihiut Btuskt, Nkw Yom Crrr
B. F. SnARrLESs, Trcs. N. U. Funk, Sec. C. H. Campbell, Tre.vs
Capital Stock $30,0O0.
Plotted property is in the comiufr business centre of flip
town. It includes also part of the factory district, and has no
equal in desirability for residence purposes.
CHOICE LOTS are offered at values that will be doublet!
in a short time. "
No such opportunity can be had elsewhere to make money
Maps of the town and of plotted property funmhed on ap
Call upon or write to the Secretary, or J. S. Woods, Sales
Agent, or any member of the Board of Directors.
B. F.; J. L. Dili.ox.
C. W. Neal A. O. Briggs, Dr. I. V. Wili.its,
Dr. H. W. McReynolds, N. D. Fuxk.
' . 1 1-19 tf
fecial Jkfteuiloa
J". Gk "WELLS.
Eyes examined free of charge.
-ZjK V
Dtin t Get Yourself in a Box
T T - mm a w -x p a. w a w T
It's a risk you can't afford to run can't
afford any way when we can supply you with
an article that is beyond question.
We handle the best makes of
Shoes for Children- BOYS need
no longer wear girls' shoes aa we
nave a line matte especially for
the small Boys. Ladies who'
wear Spring Heeled Shoes will
nna a good assortment at tho
sforeof W. C. McKINNEY.
H.J. Clark's Building, Main street.
No. 87. Burror IiaruOM.
He. Tod It'ii'arv.
Have sold to conum.. rnw si
jiiv iik tlium tuo doaliir'. point. W are tho
(iiucat uikI I.uricrat in.nufuoturer. In Amor
lea aulllntc Vulili-lr. and ilBinfm till, way t-liln
wunurlvllCKoiooirniiiliiu liuforo hut mnnpy Id
paid. Wo imy froluht Loth not 8atl. fr.'-:,"Z-yvrr!mtJr"ra
Jours. WUj pay anHi-oiitll)
to t'A to onlur tor you! Wrlto your own orilor.
lliixlnB f ra. Wo tuao all risk ut iluuiai;o in
Spring Wagons. $31 to S90. Uuarantcpd
name a ,u iui j)Uj(i6. Surreys. $85 to 4100
am. a ia.ll for (100 to tiM. Top BukbIop,
.37.80, aa flue aa .old for Hi. Pheotona,S.6o
1, $'?.? Form Wagons, Wagonettes,
Milk Wagons, Delivery Wagonsami Road
Carta. uitviLu n 11 uts, voxtx a uiauiiL.i.
0 tu 30
.1 It I i i I L
l.'s. C', IVa; Wo:;oa.
it p''1'
f.'o. 1, I' ami Uull.Lxr
fcixtt and 1 ly rarr
U 11T f..r c ,.! v.ll'i rnl
I II lu
No. 781, Burroy
No. 727, UOttd Wanuu.
M111 (l Av. Ill
t 3 Oil 1 a.ii.i,(o fj.Utluu'Uu.
-r -aflik WWtt S
Elkhart liloyrlo.Wn.whf'J I .'V....i.