ESTABLISHED 18W. SUc Columbia gmorrat, KSTAnLISIIKD 1837. CONSOLIDATED 18.W. VVBLItMlED SVEHY FHIDAY MOKXINU at llloomsnurjr, tlc County scat ot Columbia County, Pennsylvania. (iEO. E. Kt.WEI.L Kihtob. 1. J- Jamison, ashihtant Editor. UKO. C. KOAN, FOHKIIAN. Timn: Inside the county, $1.00 a year In ad vance; If not paid In adranco outside the county, ft. 85 a year, strictly In advance. All communtcat Ions should bo addressed to TUB COLUMBIAN, llloouiiburg, Pa. FK1DAY, MAY 4, 1894. 1 H t H.iM 1. 1. I including back numbers. Columbian Historical Art Series of the World's Fair and Midway Plaisancs, ....ENTITLED.... The Magic City. JoTCut out this Coupon and mail it, or bring it in person to the office of The Columbian, with ten cents for each Numbei of thL I MAGIC CITY Mr. Benedict, whom President Cleveland appointed Public Printer, seems to hang fire somewhat in the important matter of confirmation by the Senate. Senator Mills, Olosirg Tariff Spaoch. The most remarkable anc we be lieve, the most logical speech that ha been made on the tariff question this session was the masterly closing ad dress of Senator Mills, of Texas, on the 24th u'timo. No doubt the Dem ocratic political committees will utilize his common argument to advan tage among the farmers, to whom Mr. Mills paid a highly deserved compli ment, and with whom he is evidently in hearty sympathy, regarding them no doubt as the one class above all otheisthat have been ruit iously neglec ted in legislation and criminally im posed upon through taxation a half dozen times higher than that put upon corporate wealth or property. All op position to the proposed income tax comes from the quarter of corporate wealth and not from the poor farmer, who has scarcely a single Representa tive who is willing to raise his voice for him in our halls of State or nation al legislation. Scarcely one that is in earnest about helping or relieving the distressed condition of the farmer, we solemnly affirm, can be found in our halls of legislation. And Senator Mills, fully recognizing this fact, declares agriculture to be the stable interest of this country, and that the farmer had certainly derived no benefit from the high protective duty imposed in be half of our manufacturers. He do clared that no other country could compete with us in agriculture and yet this leading industry has no pro tection. The Republican policy- he said, was to provide a home market, but where were the people to be found at home to consume our five billion dollars worth of goods made in this country. In order to carry out this policy we should have to import foreigners to consume our surplus agricultural pro ducts. As to existing business depression he attributed it to the exhaustive McKinley tax and obstructions to agriculture that prostrated the farmers and " as they fell they threw out their arms, as Samson did, and pulled down the whole structure of the temple of national prosperity." He said against the assumption that foreign products would cheapen labor, that owing to its productive power by use of machinery American labor is the cheapest in the world, notwith standing the claims for high rates paid labor in this country. As to the in come tax, so objectionable to the rich, Mr. Mills said, " Why should wealth not be taxed ?" Having struck the popular thought from the opening to the closing of his mast.'rly address Senator Mills receiv ed not only a hearty round of applause from the galleries, but a very different reception on the floor of the Senate from that given the contrary effort of Senator Hill. This speech should be in pamphlet form for general distribu tion. Though we were assured and reas sured that the World's Fair scheme was likely to prove the financial ruin ation of its stock-holders that was when it was necessary to lie in order to steal and get big appropriations the cheering tiuth at last comes out that a nice little 10 per cent dividend has been divided among tbem. Con sidering the times 10 percent, will do, though it don't begin to satisfy Chica- go- Cannibal King." I don't see . why I shouldn't eat you." Missionary" I don't agree with you." Medicine Man "Take a dose of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills after the meal, sire." at MR. BUOKAL-rlW FOU 0083RE33. We are authorized to sttte that Hon. C. K. Duckalew will be a camli d ue fur the congressional nomination in Cclnmbia County, at the coming Democratic delegate election. It U not probable that he will have any opponent in this county, at least ve have hoard of none. Mr. Wolverton has not yet slated his intention to be a candidate in Northumberland coun ty, but it seems to be understood that having had his two terms he will not run ngai.i. The Democracy needs such men ns Mr. Buckalew in Con gress. 1 1 is ability and long experience in legislative bodies would prove valu able in such a time as the present. COXEY AND 00. This no famous and mad nomad recently coni.l cried hit four week's tramp from Massillon, Ohio, to the outskirts or confines of Washington. Here he was permitted to encamp his tattered so called army of several hundred eccentric work-escapers in Bightwood Driving Tatk. And here he haj since been unmolested and permitted to recite and reiterate his stereotyped tale of woe for want of legislation such as he might suggest and formulate. His speech and ad vice are given to all comers alike, whether tliey be representatives ot weal or woe, ra-a muffin or bon ton. From a sense of curiosity, quite char acteristic of Americans, his audience are decidedly cosmopolitan in general make up no doubt. When the framers of our national Constitution carefully reserved the right of petition to all (tl;e crankiest soverign included) it may be it would nave oeen wise to liive said this sacred right should be reserved to all through written pet t ion but nevtr through personal endeavor, or through intimidation by force of numbers (armed or otherwise) at the halls of I legislation. The inference to be drawn from the threatening attitude of the "commonwealers" is that they also reserve to themselves the disastrous right of intimidation at the very doors of our halls of legislation. To follow the example of the foreign bomb thrower is only a step farther under cover of their so called sovereign rights. To thus approach the Capitol of this nation, whether as the hired emisaries of our plutocratic anti tariff reformers, or as the particular friends of the Fopulistic idea of government, we can but deem it as unpatriotic and disastrous and anarchical in all its tendencies. Unless it is stopped, we may fear the worst from those who are wild enthusiasts if not downright cranks whenever political or religious excitement runs high. As Others See Us. If English prophecy about Ameri can stability were worth anything we should certainly beein to feel alarmed over the assertion that our Republic is crumbliner to pieces. History tells us that she endeavored to help the crumblinn process before the foundation of America was fairly finished, and that she was finally ob liged to conclude the material we were building with a little too firm to crumble well. The latest from English sources runs somewhat as follows : "The Coxeyites are, we believe, for the most part well disposed persons who naturally imagine tht legislators should have somethina to offer as remedies for popular grievances. Unless we greatly mistake, a conflict is preparing in America almost as seiiou3 as was their conflict over human slavery. Discontent, fierce and bitter, pervades the whole land." A Sweet Plum. A single Louisiana planter gets $468,900 of the McKin'ey bounty to the sugar growers, another draws $392,200 and several more get bevond the $200,000 maik. This is the compensatory balance in wages an J a specimen of protection those on the plantations fail to under stand, as Mr. McKinley said of his bill that it would increase and maintain the wages of labor. The plain fact is, however, that in the Louisiana sample it taxes the whole people to add to the million aires' millions. There are so many forms to the trusts and combines that consumers can never keep track of them, but the truth is a first class assistant. Phila delphia Timet. Washington News. Now this is the way the news heads from Washington read concerning the woe of the "commonwealers who have got there at last : Army put to flight. Brownie and Jones jailed. Their resistance to pol ice officers lands them in the police station. Christopher Columbus Jone3 blames their failure on the newspapers. A prayer for more paper money. Wouldn't object to a little more of any kind gratis. Congress is too deeply interested in the march of the Coxeyites to attend to business. Even the Sen ate adjourns as a mark of respect for Senator Stockbridge of Michigan who recently died. Being himself an illustrious martyr, Coxey will now let the American people speak for him which they have already done in clar. ion tones that jailed him. AlrnostJBlind Inflamed Eyes and Run ning Sores The Success of Hood's Causes Creat Rejoicing-A Perfect Cure. !7 mm mssm- mm cfcJOHW B. TOWiuSEWD, XSPU.l Mi It blisn Corn js. EUert nitrnesvlllo, Fa. " C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Muss.: " I fool It n duty to tato what Hood's Barsa imrllta lias dons for me. I wai almost blind, being comell(l to stny In a darkened room on account of Inflammation of tho eyoi. I also ufercd witli running gores on my bodyC I was In terrible condition. My mother tried every thing she know about and I was attended by two doctors tint without helping mo. Finally Hood s .S.irsnimrllla was ronoimnendcd nnd I bud not taken two bottles before 1 began to get better. The Inflammation left my eyes and the sores healtHl, and the result was that I Became 8tronger, and was restored to perfect health. At that time I was only twelve years old j now I am nineteen and I have not since been troubled Hood'ssvCures with my eyes or noticed any sign of a return of the sores on my body. I can recommend Hood's Sarsaimrllla as an exccllont blood purifying medlelne." Miss ConA Kiikrt, Harnesville, ra. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly auu ofUoleiitly, on the liver and bowels. 25c. ASSIGNEE'S NO TICE. ASBIOVm rSTATK OP WM. KB!., C. W. NKAT. AND B. C. NKAI., 110IN1 tlUHINHrtS AH WM. NKAI. ti SONH, AND THK BAIO WM. NKAI,. C. W. NKAI. ANU B. C. NKAL INDIVIDUALLY. Notice Is hereby given that, the undeinlirned has been appointed Asali:eeu ortbepvopertvnn t otTeetH of Win. v. ' W. Kml. II. V. doing business u Win. Neal Not,, nnd tho nam w m. Iveal, C. W . Neal nnd II. C. Nei.l Indi vidually. All bills and accounts receivable bv the said parties are now pavnblo to the Assignee, nnd all claims against the rank's should be bent to him to be tiled and audited. JOHN at. CLAItK. May 4-fit- Assignee. SUITS FROM $18.00. MEM HATTER. W SHKMWH CORNER MAIN L MARKET Sts. BLOOMSBURG, PA. TROUSERS I FROM S5.QQ. j Feelby -tiii:- INSTITUTE Ml. -Illl FOR THE CURE OF TI1E- Uqjicv, Opium and Tobacco III HABITS. Ill THE ONLY SATISFACTORY TREATMENT. Send lor reading matter. THE KEELCY INSTITUTE, 7 28 MADISON AVE.. SOU ANTON, PA. We refer by permission to' .1. D. I.oillne.) J. II. ltlimrd, Cntnu Issn. 3 - mn. IIS TIE ipped ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. JcMitfr of George F,irrell, IntK of Centralla Dor., Letters of admlnlsl rat t in on the estate of (eonfo Karrcll, lule of Cenlrnlla borough, de. ceased, having been granted bv tho Kelstornf Wills of Columbia county to the undersigned, nil persons Indebted to said estate nre renuest ed tomal:e pajineiit, nnd those having liulliis axalnsl t lie same to present them to t'.O. Mf WHY, Fhkd Ikki.kii, Administrator. Atty. 4-ST-tlt. SPECULATION. The HoSgen Commission Co., BROKERS, 818 Chestnut, street, Philadelphia, ra., offers special facilities, to traders In stocks, Bonos anpubain, lii lanre or small qualities, or on margins of one per cent, or more. Send for our pamphlet " lloir to .Vjwcttife." 5-l-n d. THK CELEBRATED Philadelphia rr I'll -. Tin , 1 10 own a remenisneu onrni u iiruruie. nner hm 8 Y . I. . I . - f L.- oh uiG lap 01 opi mg. Are you ready to put us to the test ? WE ARE. In looking over your last Spring's Summer Underelollics, you may find you need tome or all new ones. AVc liave them in all sizes and prices. Ladies' Kibbed Vcets from 10o. up. Also a full line of Men's albrigan and (i;ui.o. Our line of Hosiery is complete for children, misses, hulks, bo)s and men. We have them ill black, absolutely fast; and colors. "We nill have a few of those 7 yard patterns ; good. worth SOc. per yd. that wc are gelling at $'2.2o. Our stock of LACE CURTAINS large assMtnunt to chooso from. line and well assorted. Have F and Hew York BCIALIST DR. E. GREWER, Will arrive in niooinsbnrjr on Monday, May 7th, and may be consulted nt the parlors of tho Ex change Hotel, fiom M n. in. to 9 p. in. for in days only ending Wednesduv, May lilih, V p. ui All who call wli bin the first 6 days shall receive, ndvlce, services, examinations uud minor sunrlcul operations for 3 mnnilm. Dally and Sunday consultation Is Free nnd no charge for Examinations. The doctor will not take any Incurable cases, and nfler thorough and caretul examinations will give you bis honest opinion ns to whether you are or are not Incurable. The Doctor Is a graduaiec' thu I'lilversliy of Pennsylvania, formerly Demonstrator of Phy. Biology and surgery la the Medho-thlriirulcal College of Philadelphia. 1'a. lie Is an honorary member of the iledlco-t'lili uitflcul Association, and was l'hvslclau and Mnveon-ln-i lilef of the most noled American and tiernian Hospitals, and comes highly endorsed by the luadlmr I'rofes. 8ors of Philadelphia und New York. ms many years oniospnai expiTlencecnaDles this eminent Vhyslclan and Hutveon to cor rectly dlairnose and treat, nil deformities anil (II sense with tim miat iih..h,, .1. .,.,..... I.I..H .1,1., u.. . .7.7.. . "o'.y.op, aim 1119 "h" omniums 111 una muiu will lull, uil'11, Ullll l"l UlTcepL uuy lUCUniDie CaSCS. 110 W jwu uxMiiiai MpeiiiuiiK money lor unnecccHsary treatment. is still well kept up, ami a, Uur stock ot Uress uootl.s are you seen those Madras Clothes at loe., worth L'oc. ? They are a genuine oargain. (S ro c ery lDBpmvh.n en t. Tn this department we carry a full line of Dishes, white and decorated, in sets or by the piece. Wc will sell you a decorated set and you can replace a piece if you break one, aa we have them in stock. Also Woods Willow ware, Tubs, Buckets and 5utter Bowls. Knives and Forks by the set or singly. Have you ever examined our Tumblers at $1.00 per .i tr: i ht i ii v , uu.t-u i i ilium in iuwij. ti uavu couiinuawy ou juihu FLOUR, CHOP, OATS, CORN AND WHEAT, Com Meal and Potatoes. Pursel & Harnian, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Snyder& MageeCo.Limited. SNYDER Si HGEE CO. LI. vlll also caution v hlle all forms of diseases are treated the followlm? are the riu,virn nr wi,i,.h ho a specialty i " ALL DISEASES OF THE EYE A SPECIALTY. CROSS EYES STRAIGHTENED WITHOUT PAIN. CATARACT CURED WITHOUT USE OF KNIFE OR PAIN. FVF? FYflMiwrn rorr CHRONIC, NERVOUS. SKIN, HEART. WOMB AND BLOOD DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. women rkTi rttSSTn" weakness m men and n7.Tto mind on" o Kt."H AWS, .VL : mind, which unllts them for performing- the aetual duties of life, making happiness T Impossible rilstreslii(r the action of the iieart, causing Hush 01 heat, depression ot spirits, evil I&K inL fear, dreams, melancholy, tiro easy of company, feeling as tired In the morning awhen rlrlu lack of eneivy, nervousness, trending, confusion of thought, depression, ciinstlnatlon w!' ness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult ,.olm.'oHi....,Vi ."n'n. wt,ttl- fect health. " " " " Pr- Hysteria, fits acJ Epulis tehiccs Permanently M. All Female Diseases and Weaknesses a Specialty. Sexual Weakness and Lost Manhood Restored. With Its terror, Is a thin? of the past. Long experience has demonstrated that the disease can Tl MOIW of every description can be cured without naln. ai the use of a imi, t. application of the ifieat French treatment, J1ULMXA. "uul CATARRHAL DEAFNESS POSITIVELY CURED EY THE INHALATION CF THIS GAS, CANCER, BLOOD POISONING AND SKIN DISEASES In all staires, Eruptions, Pimples, Illotehos, Dono Palna, Ulcerations of Tonirue. Throat anil Month, Old Sores, v. tak back uud Gluudular Swellings, me eradicated for lite and no traces re. Doctor Grower recognizes the great principle that pei.lus, or talent, or exceptional skill In any profession, and especially In the medical profession, Is a great public trust, to be executed for the greatest good to I lie ifreutest number. Hence he culls your attention In the community and to what yuu may expect from his treatment. He has devoted years to the study ot ' CHRONIC AND COMPLICATED DISEASES Which other physicians have failed to treat successfully. Those deltcato functions of the hu man frame, whime arrangements have for centuries defied human skill, have In many cases yielded to tho patleut Investigation and uutlrlnif perseverance ot Dr. Urewnr, and thousands ot sufferers from diseases heretofore pronounced Incurable have consulted him aud bceu by hlui restored to HEALTH, USEFULNESS AND HAPPINESS. Consultation In English and German free, which Bhall be considered sacred and strictly confidential. okficK KorKH From 9 a. m., until 9 p. m. Pl.inauent Olllue Address, DR. E. GREWER, TEMPLE COURT BUILDING, ROOM 0, FOURTH AND MARKET STREKTS. CARPETS. CARPETS. CARPETS. Having bought a good slice of the bankrupt fctock of Abner Keiser, Pottsville, we are able to offer you special in ducements on Carpets, lings and Mats for the balance of the season. ."What is the use of your paying 10 per cent, more for goods than you can get from us. Newest and freshest stock in central Pennsylvania. No prices so low aa ours, quality con sidered. All our Carpets are lined free of charge. Fraraiiture, IFrarnitaie. Solid Oak Bed Room Suit, 6 pieces. $18.00 Solid Oak Bed Room Suit, 6 pieces, $25.00 Solid Oak Bed Room Suit, 6 pieces, $40.00 Full Spring Lounge, easy & comfortable, $6.50 Shades, Curtains, Mat, &c, in great variety. Oil Cloths aLd Linoleums from one yard wide up to two and a half. All prices. DRY GOODS, Full line of seasonable goods for dresses. Iu HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR we have a new fresh line. Special drives in Table Linens and Towellings. We have a large stock of these goods, and they must be moved. ZBTTO-GKEIEIS- Full line of Baby Buggies from $12.00 up to $40.00. G ROC ER 1 ES.Ef jFas?133 Snyder & Magee Co. Lim. Snyder & Magee Co. Lim. o-CLXtli and. noxlot Stroots, BLOOMSBURG, - PA.