, ESTAIIUSIIKniSRS. Zlt tfolumlita grmorrat, ESTAlU-ISuKI) 1S17. CONSOLIDATED Wt. PUBLISHED VKKY FUIDAY SIOKN1NU at Hlooru&'mry, tlio county sent of Columbia County, Pennsylvania. GEO. K. Kt.WKI.f. KniTOR. I. ! Jamison, ashiktant Editor. GEO. c. Kuan, Fohkman. tbx; Insldo the county, $1.00 a year In O'l vnncp; $1.50 It not pnld In ndvaneo Outside the county, f 1.93 a year, Btrletly In advnnee. All communications should be rulilressoil to 'I'll K COLUMBIAN, llluoinbui'K, Pa FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1S94. j Coupon for &ny Fortfclio ts Vo. including back numbers. Coi.u.MniAX Historical Art Series of the World's Fair and Midway Plaisance, .ENTITLED. The Mngic Cit .V CaTCut out tliis Counon and j mail it, or bring it in person to the office of The I.'olummam. with tem 5 cents for each Number of the GETTING! A QUORUM. Already it is urged, as might have been anticipated, that to dock the proud statesman who deliberately ab sents himself when his vote u needed, will place the Sergeant at-Arm3 in an embarrassing position. This official wants never to oiTend but always to oblige the recalcitrant statesmen upon whom he relics for his own position. He can't afford to quarrel with them about their dockage, and there fore don't want to be used as the lev erage by which truant statesmen are brought to school and kept there in order that the wheels of legislation may continue to grind out needed laws. ADVANCEMENT OF DEMOUKACT. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND WRITES A LETTER TO CHAUNCEY F. BUCK Washington, April 22. President Cleveland has forwarded the following letter to Chauncey F. Black, president of the National Association of Demo cratic Clubs, dated " Executive Man sion, Washington, April 18, 1894 : " My Dear Sir : I have carefully read the communication you lately placed ir my hands, setting forth the future purposes and present needs of the National Association of Demo cratic Clubs. "The achievements of the organiza tion should be familiar to all who are interested in the continuation of Dem ocratic supremacy and should enlist the encouragement of those who ap preciate the importance of an effective dissemination of Democratic doctrine. " Your association has done much by way of educating our people touch ing the particular subjects which are recognized as belonging to the Demo cratic faith ; but it seems to me that its best service has been an enforce ment and demonstration of the truth that our party is best organized and most powerful when it strives for prin ciples instead of spoils, and that it quickly responds to the stimulus sup plied by an enlistment in the people's cause. "This acknowledgment of the im portant services rendered to the ad vancement of true Democracy suggests that the National Association of Demo cratic Clubs and every other Demo cratic agency should labor unceasingly and earnestly to save our party, in this time of its power and responsibility, from the degredation and disgrace ol a failure to redeem the pledges upon which our fellow country-men entrust ed us with the control of their govern ment. " All who are charged, on behalf of the Democratic party, with the redemp tion of these pledges should now be impressively reminded that, as we won our way to victoiy under the banner of tariff reform, so our insistance upon that principle is the condition of our return of the people's trust ; and that fealty to party organization demands the subordination of individual advan tages and wishes, and the putting aside of petty and ignoble jealousies and bickerings, when party principles and party integrity and party existence are at stake. "I cheerfully enclose a contribution to the funds necessary to carry on the good work of your organization, with a hearty wish for its continued success and usefulness. Yours, very truly. "Crover Cleveland." There are Sarsaparillas and Sarsapa rillas j but if you are not careful in your purchase, the disease you wish to cure will only be intensified. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. It is compounded from the Honduras root and other highly con centrated alteratives. coxe roa governor. The Democratic State Convention will nu-et in Jure. A re 1 ,t dispatch frMii Washington to the ildrrhburij I'ulrid savs : "It is stated here that tiie n line of Eckloy B. Cox-, tne coal magnate and millionaire, will be ire senUd as a canid.ito for governor to the rennsyhania Democratic state Lonvenium." Now we regard Mr. Coxe as a very likely man. He is popular with the laboring classes, because he has shown himself in full sympathy with them. A rich man can do much worse with his money than to give his employes an occasional Christmas turkey and be among the last rather than the first to reduce their pay. Considering the conditions likely to confront the candi dates next fall, with the laboring classes more or less disheartened and distrustfu , the most likely men to win at the polls are those (without re gard to party affiliations) who have in their business relations thovn them selves capable of sympathy in the hour of business depression. We be licve Mi. Coxe to stand out the more conspicuous as a genuine friend of the laboring classes because of his being very lonely in this respect. We are among those who believe that labor will do well to mark those who for political effect have deliberately closed ir business plants from Maine to California. Those, . we mean, who regard rot the sufferings of the ;:oor when the extraordinary dividends of the rich are in jeopardy. Those we mean, who hold that high tariff and high wagc3 are synonymous, when they know i:i their deceptive hearts that high dividends are the synonyms they are after while wages depend entirely upon the supply and demand which they themselves can frequently make or break through foreign importation of the raw mater ial upon which there is no protective duty. Until we have high protection upon the importation of foreign labor (which never will happen) such men as Ecklc-y B. Coxe wil be appreciated by "wage-earners" proper. Don't let it escape you between thi3 and next fall. CIVIL SERVICE AGAIN. The new civil service pv.imim'nrr ----- "6 rules are worrying their workers They oe.ieve mar, uiey would stand a better chance were their naners pvuninH Uu the local board instead cf by the Com missioners. In fart vp think tVii riull service that gives a life tenure of office to the official and remember they are not subject to removal for nVinVnl reasons if the law is complied with will never fully satisfy under our rota tive system of Government. Were i. not for the relief that permanence in office irives Congressman and Senators who are not willing to assume the responsibility for disappointing consti luenis wno migni return the compli ment at the noils, we w.mlil inu SUCh thinr as Civil Knr,ir.r rnfurrn 1ml o , the patronage of the various depart ments would be apportioned to the various Senators and Representatives who are in political harmony with the administration, and" then, indeed, " to the victors would belong the spoils," as we verily believe they should in harmony with what the fathers con templated in appointive as well as in elective officers If it is important that an elective office should helnmr to the victor, is it not also just as im portant that an appointive official should be in political harmony with uic winning party r in spite Ot all ClVll Service rules to the rnnfraru nnrl the life tenure of office they necessarily provuie lor, we mink a discordant ap pointive official as repugnant to our rotative system, (which is based upon the rule of the majority) as is an elec tive official who would presume to hold and retain an office in the face of a majority of votes against him. Our Civil Service Reform is a convenience for our Senators and Representatives who want all the emoluments of pub lic office and none of the trouble and responsibility that they can by any means evade. The civil service is a means of evading constituents in search of office ; that's" about the sum of it. McLaurin's First Bpeech in the Senate a Good One. Discussing the all-absorbing tariff and income-tax question, which con tinued by mutual consent till Tuesday at five o' clock, Senator McLaurin made his first speech in the Senate chamber on the iythinstant. He gave the tariff bill his unhesitating support, saying it commended itsell especially to him because it was a step in the right direction j that an income tax is a step in the direction of apportioning the expense of the Government in proportion to wealth. lie said, further more, that it represented the doctrine of revenue as against the doctrine of extortion. He denied the assertion that an income-tax was undemocratic. He held that Democracy meant that the people should rule. And as sure as the people ruled an income tax would be levied. We wish the honor able Senator could also have said that, when levied, the income tax would be collected. The Senator's reliance was upon the voice of the people whom he said would be heard from the polls. For really nice neckwear you must go to Townsend, the gent's furnisher. Ex Congressman Robert Klotz, of Mauch Chunk, has decided to be a candidate for the Democratic nomin ation fur Congress in Mr. Mmchlcr's district. His consent has been given on tli; petition f several hundied leading Demuciats of the county. The hostility to Mr. Muichler in Carbon shows no tig:i of diminution. Sirs. A. if. C. Vllworth Uamorton, Pa. That Tired Feeling All Run Down Blood Poison Feared Kood'o Sarsaparilla Permanently Cured All Troubles. " C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, M.u. : " I have been taking IIooil'i Sar.mparllla lor snven or mora years as a spring tonic. I was so run down with linrd work and female weakness that I would go to bed thinking that I would not he able to get up in tho morning. I have suffered severely with My Back and Limbs. I have Just finished taking Ave bottles and am toeling well. I do not have that tired feeling and feel better in every way. I have an excel lent appetito and sleep well at nlKlit. I have also given It to my nlncteen-year-old son with good success. Last fall ho cut his limb with a corn slcklo. It healed up in about two weeks. but In a short time after he was Seized With Chills, and the limb swelled to twlco Its natural size. He was not able to move and was obliged to take his bed. The swellings nnd sores wont up Into ids body and I feared that blood poison had set In. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilla ho Hood's S"5SH Hiiro. improved steadily and was soon ablo to be about again. I have recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla to several and shall ulways have words of praise for It" Sins. A. M. C. Dil worth, Humorton, Pa. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and Olciuutly, ou tho liver and bowels. iiic. BI Eii, W You no doubt arc thinking cf allow us to say right here, T7 ts. n jm av ti 1 FINEST, MOST ST LIS II and LATEST DRESS GOODS STOCKS shown and at prices to please and not empty your Purse. 45 inch Henriettas, Black and 40 inch Serge 4oc. 40 inch Poplins 35c. 38 inch Melanges 31c. 36 inch Novelties 50c. 80 inch Cashmeres 25c. And any amount of other DRESS MATERIALS. WASH DRESS GOODS. We can show vou a verv fine line of all the Newest Stvlea and Materials. Our line of Printed Broche in exclusive styles are moving freely. The Handsome Dress Ginghams please all. Silk Ginghams a full Hue. Satteens, all crrade3. Pongees. Zephyrs. Laines. Irish lawns. Percales. Printed Diniitv. Printed Swisses, etc. Call and see them. SILKS. A full line of Dresa Silks in China Dress Silks, India Dress rii ft vatin toiiKs tor waists. LACES. LACES. The largest 1 ine of lacM of nil Point DeVenise. Irish I'oints. Brussels. Point Bursress. Bonrhnn tC-c, all at prices which defv If you want LACES you can do no better. We are clos- Pflllfjlfl ..J PJ)P? Lancaster Ginghams 5c. yd. ingoutour WfiiB iM liWMi Hill Muslins 7c-yard. Outins? Flannels Ge. vd. '20 vds. rrmd Mnalin for 00 o - ' j O -. ir -" v' 3 Spools Best Cotton for 10c Pins lc. paper. Best Barbour's Black Patent thread 6c. spool. (200 yds.) Best 5-4 Table Oil Cloth 15c. yard. aw heady turn wm. tss es, Capes, Kuit Sacques, Coats, etc. GINGHAM Dresses for Girls from 4 to 14 years old. See them Eotrtitts ul White Mirr8!!&I,Tffi goods sold for CASH. mum PL TOVWMSEMD, S, (Ife HATTER. SU ITS I FROM S18.00.B TIIK- PELEY INSTITUTE . -llll FOR THE CURE OF THE- Liqucr, Opium and Tobacco III HABITS. Ill THE ONLY SATISFACTORY TREATMENT. Send for reading matter. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, 728 MADISON AVE.. SCE ANTON, PA. Wo rcfor by permission to; ,1 J J. I). io(lliip, t-i-n mo. 11. Hinuril,) ralawissa. TRIAL LIST FOR MAY TERM. Annie E.Holp vs Mark I). Ilowmnn ft, al. I.ufayi'tlo Ketlerman vs. William Thomas, Administratrix. v. niimn iliiKl"3 vs. 1.1 jd Alberlson ft. al. Saiieniary Al. 12. church vs, James Slagee et al. Isaac Tiyer vs. the Township of Locust. .lohn KnleiiH vs. Town nf Hloomsbiirg. 1) 11. lvttcrolf vs. Miniuohauiiu .Mutual Fire Insuinncf I'n. w. II. Illngrose vs. Town of llloomsburg. Asli & Ii o., vs. iiiTwlrk Wat it 10. I'cnJ. Lore vs. Hoinuli of MlllvillR. (feoige Au'-aud .V Sou vs John L Kline, Treas urer. Slnjrnr Mf&f "o. James Dyke et inc. Wm. Neiil ot nl vs, Klooinsbuig licit K. 11. Co. Win. Neal et nl vs import Si llloomsburg It. 11. ( o. I.. T. Hldor vs. Charles Hughes. J A. Schreck's use vs. .1. K. Rchwrpponhelscr. Civile Cluinilmrltiln vs Joseph M. l.llley. Andrew llunslnger el ux vs. tHinbury, Hazlo ton k Wllkcp-fiinc II. It. Co. Kllznbeth hoadnrmi'l vs. John V. Kress. Uiissi'l 1'. Koree vs 11. 1'. Kedllne. ic. s. Hon -k vs. county oM'nluuitMa. . L. sands Co, vs (1. II Lctll. r & llro. (ieo. Hellls vs. SI, L. Slelicnry. Slahrtla Craig vs. U. C. Evans. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. hstate of U-orge Farrrll, lnt of CtmraUa Bor., deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of (leorge Kavrell, late of (vnt ralla llorouifli, de-cciisi-d, having been granted by the Register ot u Ills of Columbia county to the undersigned, ull t ei-sons indebted to said estate urn request, ed to make payment, and tlinse having claims I'Z'ilnst the same to present, them to C.U. vt ii I'll Y, Fukd Iksi.kh, Administrator. Atty. 4-JT-tlt. a JfE IF DRESS- Well, that we have oue of the Colors 50 cents yard. PRIESTLY'3 BLACK DRESS GOODS. FULL LINE BEST MADE Riaf.k. Snms Rnpplnl volnoc Silks, Fancy Silks, Wash Ila- kinil shown 111 tho niinli-w competition. Call and see thfm CORNER MAI1T & MARKET Sts. BLOOMSBURG, PA. ft a little -to talk SUMMER DRESS GOODS J3ut now the time to buy tliera, before (he hot weather cornea, so as you can get them made and ready to wear for the warm weather when it does come. Wo still have CAPES AND COATS for Spring, nnd you will want one yet during thi'3 cool weath er. For Summer Dresses, have you seen our lines of Madras Cloths we are selling at l"e. goods that we never aold at less than 25c. Irish Lawns, Gingham3, White and Figured Duck, Figured Swiss, Swivel Ginghams, Mull, PonetM, and Challie. All of these goods are the latest patterns, and prices within reach of all. It don't cost much to dress Stylish now days, even if the times are n little hard. Our linos 111 the.c and all other goods are complete. We are still selling those Dress Pat terns 7 yds., 2.2o, good that are worth 5(o. per yard. Our lines of laces and insertions are complete in black and colors, and with prices that will meet your approval when the quality is considered. GROCERIES. You need them every day, and when you use them you want the best. Suine goods are dear at any price, no matter how cheap they arc iu price. We do not keep that kind. All our goods are good, and prices are reasonable. We have all kinds of fancy Cheese, Xeufehatei nt 5c. a cake, best w e can buy. Koguefort. Imported Swiss, Edam and Pineapple, '.vith Holmes & Coute crackers to eat with it. Our Ulue Cell 50 oz. Tvmato..-s, String Beans and Corn, arc the best in the market. Former prices 15, 1 jJ and 18 cts., now 12, 10 and ijjcts. Can't be equalled for quality or price in town. We carry a lull line of Cereal foods, such as Rolled 0.tt"-, loose or in l'ackiges, Farina, Hominy, Pett John's Break, fast Gem, etc. We still sell our Hemlock Flour at $3.00 per barrel. 4 P ursel & Haraian BLOOMSBURG, PA. ! Snyder FOR CASH ONLY! ft don isots, fo lireaj&riaMe Groodj, Everything Fresh and- New. Commencing Monday 19ih ami continuing 10 Jays, we will make rebate of from 10 to 20 per cent on every article in our House Furnishing Dep't. If you want anything in Furniture for any room, Carpets, Urtains, Shades, Lamps, Mirrors, Dishes, Toilet Sets, tc.; BABY CARRIAGES. You can t afford to buy any where else than from us. Our Prices were low before, but when we take off in many instances 20 per cent, it places our Competitors not In it. All vou have tn dr ?u tn ivi i i - , i'ip iuio uy cuiuiusr unci exam ining Goods. J n Don't fnrcrat niir- D4-4. 1 1 - L ori T i r . mucins are xne newest onk, h2Ssi?e fr2shest;, any of them having only been opened up this week. buy from us tW'le a"d WiU b f yUr ac3vantiiSe to DON'T FORfiPT TiiXAir bee our Circulars for full Particulars. We ve got the Goods, we want your Money. SNYDER & ME CO. LIE OUKTII AND MARKET STREETS, BLOOMSBURG, - PA. TROUSERS FROM S5.00. Cool yet m niuchof- 1. --2k MageeCo.Limited. SAL CASH SALE